Great warships

Chapter 352 Which one is better at learning technology, Mingzhou, China is looking for Lan Yang!

Chapter 352 Which one is better at learning technology, Mingzhou, China is looking for Lan Yang!

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the hands of the technicians were frozen. When they were thirsty, they grabbed the snow on the side. When they were hungry, they took a bite of the frozen steamed buns. They overcame countless difficulties and finally conquered The technology of this natural gas ship.

What Qin Tao said was moving to tears, but the host hesitated.

"President Qin, is your technology developed in the north?"

Huh?Did I get the wrong script?Qin Tao was eager to gain wisdom: "That's not true, but our natural gas ships have to withstand the test of low temperature, and of course technicians have to do experiments in the cold season."

Even if eight horses cannot be pulled back, Qin Tao can also be pulled back. Such an explanation immediately makes sense.

"Cough, cough, for the specific technical difficulties, you can interview Cong Gong. She is in our shipyard and is mainly in charge of natural gas ships. After you finish the interview, you need to show me the edited ones. There may be some Some things will involve our technical secrets, so it is inconvenient to release them.”

The host nodded: "Okay, then President Qin, let's interview you first, and then interview this mysterious Cong Gong after the interview is over."

Qin Tao still couldn't get rid of it, so he could only continue to accept the interview with the host.

A few days later.

"President Francois, nice to meet you." Qin Tao stretched out his hand, so that this old friend's hand was held together.

"President Qin, I just heard that your company can build a brand new membrane-type natural gas ship with larger capacity, higher operating efficiency, and lower procurement cost, so I came here on purpose and want to order five ships from here. Should you give us a discount?"

"Of course, you ordered the first MOSS tank natural gas ship from us back then. We Orientals value friendship, and we will definitely give you the lowest price!" Qin Tao was very generous to Francois.

What I just heard is obviously nonsense, because the Mingzhou Group even took the initiative to call Francois to introduce a brand new natural gas ship.

Brand new membrane type natural gas ship, who knows if there are any technical defects?Francois doesn't want to take risks. After all, he has already passed the period of taking risks at the beginning, and now he needs to seek stability.

However, there is no need to worry now, because GT Company has already declared to the outside world that it recognizes Dongfang's technology and has introduced related patents. In this way, the doubts are dispelled. What else can I say, order now!
It is not acceptable to pick up the phone and rush to buy, you must come to the door in person.

Five ships at once, the other party is definitely a big deal!

"However, you have to know that our current production capacity is not high, so don't have too much hope for the delivery date of these five ships." Qin Tao said: "It is not bad to be able to deliver within three years."

"Three years?" Francois clicked his tongue a little.

In fact, according to the progress of the Mingzhou Group, two years is almost the same, but Qin Tao has to make more allowances, because this is a brand-new technology after all, not afraid of [-], just in case, and they will have enough time at that time Time modification.

"That's right, three years, if you don't agree, then we can only say sorry."

Francois gritted his teeth: "Of course not."

He has already seen that in Europe, the call for environmental protection is getting stronger and stronger. To protect the environment, we must do practical things. They need to relocate their industries to the third world. They also need a lot of clean fuels, so in the future, natural gas The demand will be higher and higher. After all, there are not many energy-rich countries in Europe, and many of them rely on transportation.

It is still outdated to engage in those oil tankers now. The future era will belong to natural gas, and he will become a winner in this respect.

Three years is three years, he can afford to wait.

Therefore, the contract for five natural gas ships was signed in this way. This is a large order of billions of dollars. After the news spread, all the shipyards were jealous.

For other ships, the competition is very fierce, and the shipyard needs to send a special team to bid with the customer. More than a dozen shipyards compete for an order for a ship, and some shipyards even miscalculated and quoted a super low price. , and finally made it, and found that it was still at a loss!

What about Mingzhou Group?There has never been a team like this because they don't need to, they are customers coming in!

If we want to build ships, we must build high value-added ships, natural gas ships, which have development prospects!
A few days later.

"President Qin, why haven't you been to Huating recently? Everyone misses you so much!" As soon as Director Wang of Huating Shipyard saw Qin Tao, he immediately approached Qin Tao enthusiastically.

"I'm busy. Recently, I'm a reporter and a ship owner. I'm very busy."

"Hey, this sounds to me, why does it sound like showing off?"

"You think so, right? By the way, you came to see me, what's the matter?"

"We had a meeting a few years ago, didn't you say so? Our shipyard sent a group of people here to learn welding technology." Director Wang said: "Now, I brought them here, I hope you can arrange it quickly. "

Qin Tao looked out the window. Director Wang came in his Santana, but behind the Santana, there was a Yellow Sea bus. It looks like, there are probably NO.40 people.

"It's not a big deal, only about forty people?" Qin Tao said, "If you want to weld a large natural gas ship, there are not enough welders."

"Yes, it's not enough. However, we have only raised more than 1000 million yuan so far, and we can only send so many people." Factory Manager Wang didn't hide it from Qin Tao. No money means no money.

One person costs 30 yuan for training, and these 40 people cost more than 1000 million yuan. Their shipyard carefully selected this group and sent them to study.

As for the follow-up training of more personnel, of course, it can be transferred after these people go back.

Qin Tao nodded: "Then you have to be mentally prepared. After these people go back, they will help train other welders. The price may be higher."

"What, higher?" Director Wang was shocked.

Qin Tao smiled: "Do you think I'm lying? I, Qin Tao, have a lot of skills. I earn money from foreigners. I don't like the little money from our own people. When you train your own second batch of welders in the future understood."

This is really not a lie, just talking about the price of the wasted Invar steel is more than 30, not to mention other costs.

Mingzhou Group will help with the training, as long as 30, they can let these people practice with their own invar steel scraps first, and the invar steel is produced by itself, and the price is guaranteed.

"Boss Qin, let's train this group first, can you ask Cong Gong to train them?"

"Of course not. We have just accepted the contract for five natural gas ships. Sister Cong Ju is very busy and has no time to do this kind of thing. I will let Sister Cong Ju's apprentice come to train. Don't worry, we will invite foreigners to take the test during the final assessment. They will definitely meet the standards. .Zhengyang, call an apprentice of Sister Cong Ju over here!"

Soon, a young man came over.

"Come on, Xiao Zhao, let me introduce you. This is the director of our Huating Shipyard." Qin Tao said, "Director Wang, this is Sister Cong Ju's apprentice, Zhao Qiushan."

Director Wang frowned a little. The apprentice in front of him looked to be in his early twenties, and the beard on his lips hadn't grown yet.


Before Director Wang questioned him, Zhao Qiushan said, "Boss Qin, our welding task is very tense. If you have anything to say, please say it quickly, and I'll get on with it after I've finished speaking!"

In this factory, how dare a fledgling worker talk to the boss like that?
Director Wang was shocked again.

Qin Tao was not angry either: "Qiushan, you don't have to be in charge of the work over there temporarily. I will arrange new tasks for you."

"Boss Qin, I just want to follow Cong Gong and not go anywhere."

"No, this is the group's appointment!" Qin Tao's face became gloomy, and he started to be tough. This is Zhao Qiushan's compromise: "Okay, President Qin, you can arrange tasks for me."

"Have you been in our factory for two or three years?"


"The factory is very satisfied with your performance, so our factory decided to set up a technical school, and you will be the person in charge of the technical school. This is the group's test for you, and you must not disappoint the group's expectations."

It was still a factory in the front, but Qin Tao decided to speak louder later, directly talking about the group, and using these names to suppress it, this Zhao Qiushan had to obey.

"Well, I will try my best."

"The school building of the technical school is temporarily selected to be at the NO.16 warehouse that we have vacated. The first batch of students in the technical school are from a brother unit. There are more than 40 people in total. You have to be responsible for their training."

"Well, Mr. Qin, I can only train and practice welding at most. This theory has to be taught by other people."

"No one else is free. Let me tell you that you are the only one in this technical school, whether it is theory or practice, principal or teacher." Qin Tao said, "You give them theoretical lessons in the morning and welding training in the afternoon."

Zhao Qiushan had a mournful face, it seemed that he was extremely reluctant.

"Why, are there any difficulties? Think about how Conggong educates you!" Qin Tao said: "We Mingzhou shipbuilders have never been afraid of difficulties! Difficulties are like welding slag, we can use a hammer to remove them all Knock it off!"

"Okay, Mr. Qin, I'll try."

"Tell you, if the passing rate cannot exceed 50.00%, I will ask Cong Gong to educate you."

"No, no, I will try my best." Zhao Qiushan said, "Then how long is our semester?"

"There is no need to ask, isn't a semester half a year? Those people are just below, now, go over and take over them!"

"Oh." Zhao Qiushan went down.

"Mr. Qin, you are really resolute." Director Wang said with emotion: "Your Mingzhou Group Technical School was established like this!"

"Of course." Qin Tao was complacent.

Just now, he was just trying to get Zhao Qiushan to agree to teach apprentices. He taught more than 40 people at once. Of course, he had to set up a technical school, but now, thinking about his arrangement, it is still very reasonable.

Their Mingzhou Group has always been developing, and has always been in a shortage of talents.

They started to poach people from other brother units, and later poach people from Lao Maozi, but this can only solve the temporary problem. In the future, if they want to continue to expand and develop, then it is very important to cultivate talents by themselves.

A technical school affiliated to the group can train the technical talents that the group urgently needs. Moreover, after recruiting students from the society, it is equivalent to direct contracting and distribution, so that enough people can be attracted.

Of course, there must be an elimination mechanism, and those who fail to pass the assessment cannot enter the Mingzhou Group, and their place cannot become a place where everyone can eat together.

Now that it's started, it can't be anticlimactic!

That night.

"Mr. Qin, did you send my apprentice Zhao Qiushan to open a technical school?" Cong Ju ran into Qin Tao when she was off work for a day, and immediately chatted with Qin Tao.

"Yes, our Mingzhou Group must have fresh blood, so we need to open a technical school. In the future, the scale of the technical school will continue to expand, and it will even be able to operate independently. Not only car workers and welders, but also excavators will be able to operate in the future. .”

"That's not what I'm talking about. I've seen the list of welders. I know many of them. Their skills are top-notch. They can master welder skills in three months." Cong Ju said: "You set a six-month schedule for them. The study period, isn't this a bit too long?"

"What are their advantages?" Qin Tao said: "Even if they have finished their studies, can they take the lead? They have to practice. When their skills reach a certain level, then let them enter the welding workshop and be supervised by you personally. "

Cong Ju finally understood.

Mr. Qin has found a group of free laborers!If you don't have any technical ability, after half a year of study in a technical school, you can be a junior welder at most. If you want to weld Invar steel, you have to go through several years of practice.

Apprentices like Zhao Qiushan are definitely rare.

This group of old welders from Huating Shipyard is different. Many of them have welding skills, not inferior to Cong Ju. They can weld Invar steel proficiently in two or three months. Transfer them to the production line.

It is said to the outside world that these welders are being further trained. In fact, they are being used as free labor. No, they still pay for it!

Boss Qin's trick is amazing!
"In the future, other shipyards will definitely send people to come. In this way, our technical school can continuously receive master welders as apprentices, and the profit of our natural gas ships can increase by one percentage point." Qin Tao said: "However, these are trivial matters. Let's talk about the future development of the technical school."

"Well, the technical school is indeed very important to the future development of our group." Cong Ju also withdrew her thoughts and began to think about these things: "Our shipyard has always been in a state of shortage of manpower. The order has been scheduled for several years, and we The infrastructure needs to be further developed.”

"Sister Cong Ju, when the technical school develops in the future, our technical school will also have to advertise." Qin Tao said: "I have already thought about the advertising language. Which one is better at learning technology? Mingzhou, China is looking for Lan Yang! Our technical school is called Lan Foreign technical school!"

Cong Ju's eyes are a little strange, Mr. Qin, are you serious?

Of course, Qin Tao is serious. Although Lanxiang Technical School appeared in 84 and continued to expand its scale after cooperating with the army in 88, it has not yet reached the point where it is famous all over the country, and there will be no such opportunity in the future. up.

Qin Tao's Lanyang Technical School is not an imitation of Lanxiang Technical School. He is a shipyard here, facing the blue ocean. Therefore, Lanyang Technical School pins the hopes of the entire group.

By the way, the signboard of this technical school has to be put up tomorrow!
"Well, whatever you want."

Many things Qin Tao did seemed absurd at first, but they were all proven to be correct. That's why Cong Ju didn't question anything in this regard. Whatever Qin Tao wanted to do, he could do it.

"Boss Qin, the preliminary design has been completed at the design department, please go over and have a look." At this moment, Xu Zhengyang walked over.

"Which design office?"


Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, go and have a look!"

Although the Mingzhou Group does not yet have the ability to build submarines, they have to wait to fool the old Maozi, but they must bring the model of the submarine to this defense exhibition, which is also an important way to demonstrate the capabilities of the Mingzhou Group. means.

Special personnel are responsible for the design of the submarine. Since it is only a general design, it will come out soon.

"Mr. Kwasha, you have worked hard." After entering the design office, Qin Tao was very polite when he saw Lao Maozi.

"It's not hard, we have nothing hard to do, and the life here is so good. I don't even want to leave." Kwasha said.

"You can stay here as long as you want." Qin Tao said, "We Mingzhou Group is not exclusive. In our shipyard, there are many workers from abroad."

In the shipyard, the berths where warships are built are highly confidential and idlers are not allowed to approach them, but this is not the case for other berths.Kwasha and the others usually walked around the shipyard, and they had already seen people from the same country as them.

"Yes." Kwasha nodded: "We have indeed seen many compatriots. You Mingzhou Group has provided them with jobs so that they can work here happily. It is really good. By the way, let's look at the design first. Figure it out."

Qin Tao nodded, this kind of thing should not be rushed.

"Although it is an ordinary design drawing, we have seen the various power systems currently available in your country, and think that it should be the most suitable for your submarine to limit the underwater displacement to 396 tons. Kwasha said: "Although you only need one design drawing, we also need to consider it practically. It is the [-] diesel engine that you use on the missile boat. Using three propulsion is a more appropriate solution."

Hearing Qin Tao's eyes widen, what is this called?Different routes lead to the same goal?The design indicators proposed by these old Maozi experts are very similar to the 039 submarines being built by domestic brothers!

With a displacement of 396 tons and three MTU[-] diesel engines, these data are almost the same.

"If the displacement is enlarged to [-] tons, four diesel engines will not be enough. Such a design will definitely be suspected." Krasnopolsky continued. Although he is engaged in nuclear submarine reactors, he is now Can put forward a lot of opinions on the power system.

Generally speaking, it is most suitable for a submarine to accommodate two diesel engines, and three diesel engines are already a bit too much, and no more will work.


Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, this plan is feasible."

"As for the speed, due to the limitation of power, the maximum underwater speed of this submarine should be around 20 knots, not too high." Krasnopolski continued.

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, when it is released to the public, we can mark it on the 23rd section."

"That's not good?"

"There is already an advanced [-]-phase power generation system in China. Although the power system has not been upgraded, after the application of this system, the power generation efficiency will be greatly increased."

The diesel engine does not directly drive the submarine, but generates electricity first, which saves the reduction gear and lowers the noise. But at the same time, the efficiency of this power system has a lot to do with the generator and the electric motor.

Hearing Qin Tao say twelve-phase motor, the old men were very surprised.

"When we launch the product introduction, we will also mark this technology. This is the most advanced technology in our country." Qin Tao said.

In fact, when I went to Europe to purchase related technologies, it was for the manufacture of domestic submarines. This kind of motor is dedicated, and it is mainly used for submarines.

On the first generation of 039 submarines in China, a large number of outsourced technologies were used, but soon, these outsourced technologies could be digested and absorbed and transformed into their own technologies.

"If there is such a technology, then data such as charging time can be reduced." Krasnopolski continued: "It would be great if our submarines can also have this system!"

This technology also belongs to Batumi's restricted export to Lao Maozi. For Lao Maozi, the low efficiency is not terrible, just get a high-power diesel engine.They don't care, but it's just because they don't have one. If there is one, they would definitely be willing to use it!
Qin Tao had nothing to say about other designs, but after reading it, he thought of something: "You said, if our submarine can add an AIP cabin, wouldn't it be more attractive?"

"AIP section? It's not easy, is it?"

"Yes, what technology are you going to use?"

"For now, let's use four Stirling V4-275R engines as the basis, which can guarantee a month's underwater voyage."

Both old men expressed their dissatisfaction with Qin Tao's behavior of adding extra design work.

"In this case, the displacement will have to increase to about [-] tons!"

"Yeah, and the speed will be reduced to 20 knots again. With one of those Stirling engines, five knots underwater would be nice."

"That's right, five knots is enough, everyone, please come on! Since we want to take it out, it must be a product that can scare people to death."

This is the advantage of being a boss, you can increase the workload of your subordinates at any time.As long as you are on a whim, your subordinates have to be busy.

(End of this chapter)

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