Great warships

Chapter 364

Chapter 364
At this time, the bearded captain has absolutely no idea that this kind of nightmare will continue to appear in the future. As long as he comes to the eastern waters to do bad things, there will be countless fishing boats coming. He will salvage something. In short, it is absolutely impossible for him to do what he wants to do unscrupulously!
Experiment No. [-] marine scientific research vessel.

"Boss Qin, your idea is really great!" Cao Yong said with emotion: "We are all worried, and we don't know how to deal with it best. You can solve the problem so easily."

"Yes, it is said that Mr. Qin is very capable. We only heard about it before, but this time we finally saw it with our own eyes." Chen Rong also said with emotion.

"Stop praising me. I'm just here to join in the fun. Now, we are heading towards Shuangsha Island, right?"

"That's right, we're going to focus on inspecting this island and reef this time to prepare for the next operation."

Hearing Chen Rong's words, Qin Tao glanced at him dissatisfied: "Chen Gong, do you want to expose our target?"

If it circles around the reefs of Shuangsha Island, then the fishermen fishing nearby will find that the purpose of this boat is not pure. Then, how will they carry out the next action?

"President Qin, what do you think we should do?"

"Of course I pretended to be passing by." Qin Tao said, "Let's go near that island, that's all."

"However, if this is the case, it is impossible for us to thoroughly check the nearby hydrological conditions. Aren't we going to carry out reclamation and island construction in the future? If we are not familiar with the surrounding environment, how can we build it?"

"That's for the future. Let's hold Shuangsha Island in our hands and investigate in circles as we want. The specific investigation is waiting for the next work. This time it's just a formality."

Qin Tao's concerns about the navy are understandable. The Shuangsha Island looks really good, but it's not clear whether it can be filled into an island. It must be investigated clearly before it can be targeted.

However, if you investigate here for a long time, you will startle the snake. Therefore, Qin Tao came here to participate in the inspection operation, just to urge these people, just go through the motions, don't take it seriously.

"But, we have to write a report!"

"Write the report and say that it is completely suitable for reclamation and island construction." Qin Tao said: "I will also sign on it. At that time, if it really can't be built, the responsibility is our Mingzhou Group and has nothing to do with you."

As the chief scientist of this mission, Chen Rong was somewhat disapproving, thinking that Qin Tao's plan was fooling people, but from a rational point of view, he also knew that Qin Tao's arrangement was reasonable.

They can't startle the snake!
Now, if they investigate too carefully, they will definitely attract attention. If they want to complete the task quietly, they must pretend that they don't pay attention to this place, just passing by.

"We need to make this plan more detailed, and simply write down the next action plan for the reference of the superior." Qin Tao said: "For example, for the reef outpost on Shuangsha Island, we have to complete it in a short time. Just cover it up, do you guys have any ideas?"

"Yes, it must be built in a short time, otherwise the night will be long and dreamy, so we plan to conduct a detailed inspection here to provide the foundation for the next building." Chen Rong began to worry again, because the next Construction is indeed too complicated.

Without knowledge of hydrological and meteorological data, rapid construction cannot be carried out.

"We can find the most suitable place to build an outpost based on the shape of the reef, shouldn't it be a problem?" Qin Tao can only be persuasive.

"That's right, even if we just pass by, we can survey the specific shape of the reef and find a suitable location. It should be no problem, but it is not easy to build quickly." Chen Rong said.

"Then let's divide the work separately. You are responsible for the survey, and our Mingzhou Group is responsible for the construction. In an hour, we will build the outpost. How about it?"

"One hour, that's impossible, you can't even make a stilt house made of bamboo!" Chen Rong was in a hurry, and Mr. Qin said that, it was absolutely irresponsible!
"Have you ever heard of prefabricated houses?" Qin Tao said with a smile.

"Is it Khrushchev's room?"

When it comes to prefabricated houses, many construction engineers are full of expectations, thinking that this is the future development direction. The prefabricated panels of the buildings are produced in the factory and assembled directly at the construction site, which can also avoid dust and other pollution.

However, this is definitely not an innovation of later generations. After the end of World War II, Lao Maozi needed a large number of houses to live in. At that time, this kind of prefabricated house was built, and the construction speed was amazing.Of course, the sound insulation is much worse.

Now, when Qin Tao talks about prefabricated houses, everyone can think of Khrushchev's house, after all, it came from that era.

"But how will the house be transported?"

"Besides, if you build a house on the reef, you have to drive piles underneath!"

Everyone has doubts about Qin Tao's plan.

This is building a house on a reef. When the tide is high, there is nothing on the sea, and when the tide is ebbing, the reef will be exposed on the sea. It is too difficult to build an outpost on this.

"Everyone is responsible for the survey, and the rest is left to us."

"Boss Qin, don't be a fool and tell us guys." Chen Rong was itchy.

"In our shipyard, a scrapped oil tanker is currently being refitted. After the refitting is completed, this tanker will be delivered to Zhenhua Heavy Industry. As Zhenhua Heavy Industry's gantry crane transport ship, this is a special ship. space, and a special crane.”

Hearing what Qin Tao said, everyone's eyes lit up.

What a huge ship that is dedicated to transporting gantry cranes!On this kind of ship, prefabricated buildings several stories high can be easily carried, that is to say, the corresponding reef outpost can be built directly on land, and then sent over by this ship!
It is rare to use boats to transport buildings, but there are still some. In later generations, on the vast Yangtze River, there will be special boats for transportation, moving around four or five-storey buildings, which amazes the people who see them. , This kind of vehicle and vessel use tax is not in vain.

Now, they can ship the built outpost, which is much more convenient than transporting building materials to build it on site.

"I seem to see a house in front of me?" At this moment, Qin Tao looked into the distance, a little curious.

"Subi Reef." Xu Zhengyang said.

"President Qin, your secretary really knows a lot." Chen Rong said with emotion: "Let's go to Shuangsha Island, we need to pass by Subi Reef. There is already our second-generation stilt house, you You can see those wooden stakes next to them, they are all bamboo poles, and they are the relics of our first generation stilt houses."

"Yes, the first-generation stilt houses are our sea cat ear holes." Xu Zhengyang said: "Without a firm will, I really can't keep it."

At this moment, Xu Zhengyang was looking at the bamboo poles in the distance, his chest was heaving, showing the excitement in his heart.

I've been wanting to come back for a while, and now, I'm finally back!
On February 1988, 2, the first stilt house in Nansha was built on Yongshu Reef.This is a simple bamboo shed stilt house based on steel brazing, bamboo poles as columns, bamboo mats as walls, and asphalt roofing. The area is only 5 square meters.

Think about a room of ten square meters, alone on the sea, with wind leaking everywhere, sunny in summer, cold in winter, and lack of supplies, you know how hard life must be.

Now, only those lonely pillars are left, still telling the past.

Looking at the bamboo poles approaching gradually, Qin Tao was filled with emotion. How many border guards silently sacrificed to protect the motherland!

Not only do they have to face loneliness and the sea, they even have to face military threats that may arise at any time.

A place where dogs would be driven crazy, but people have to stick to it, what do they rely on?It is infinite loyalty to the motherland!In peacetime, they are the cutest people of our time!

"In comparison, the second generation is much better." Xu Zhengyang looked at the approaching stilt house, and said with emotion: "From the cat's ear hole on the sea, it has been upgraded to a yurt on the sea."

The first-generation stilt houses were made of simple bamboo and straw mats, while the second-generation stilt houses upgraded the building materials.

The bottom is still made of steel brazing and wooden piles, and the top is replaced by a house made of iron sheets with a larger area. At the same time, for the convenience of observation, the side walls are all polyhedral, so that, from the outside, it looks similar to a yurt.

The reef in front of me is composed of three yurts. The living area has expanded a lot, but it is still very simple.

"Look, the warriors are gathering there!"

Cao Yong pointed to the stilt house.

Outside the three yurts, there was a circle of open space. At this time, a famous soldier came out of the yurt, and they stood in a row along the open space outside.

Then, someone shouted.


So, everyone raised their right hands and saluted to this side.

Standing on the boat bridge, Xu Zhengyang also stood at attention, solemnly raised his right hand, and saluted the soldiers on the reef.

"Captain Cao, I want to go and have a look." Qin Tao said.

Although this step was not included in their mission, Qin Tao was moved by the soldiers on the opposite side. These people are the cutest people in the present age!
"Well, yes, our big boat can't pass, let's put the small boat." Cao Yong said.

As a specialized scientific research ship, it has a small boat. When necessary, the small boat can be put down for investigation. The small boat of this ship is located at the top of the rear of the ship, and its position is quite special.

"Captain Cao, please let our ship circle the reef here a few times and map out the terrain here. When we make prefabricated parts for the reef post, we will also make one for this place."

The gantry crane transport ship built for Zhenhua Heavy Industry has a huge hull and a strong ability to load cargo. If it is only used to lift the prefabricated parts of the outpost on Shuangsha Island, it would be a bit wasteful. Simply put one on each reef!
Qin Tao has already made up his mind. Even if the navy doesn't have the budget and he gives it away for free, he must do it well. Without these soldiers guarding the border, how can there be peace and tranquility in the motherland!

In this case, the nearby seabed must be surveyed clearly. After all, the ship is relatively large. If it chooses a wrong channel and hits the bottom on a reef, it will be troublesome.

It will take a long time to reclaim the sea and build islands in the future. Now they can only make do with prefabricated houses for this year. This yurt on the sea is still very primitive.

After the small boat was lowered, Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang jumped on it, and then carried some fresh water and food from the boat until the small boat couldn't fit, then headed towards the yurt on the sea.

At this time, the soldiers in the outpost had dispersed and planned to go back. They were very curious when they saw the boat approaching.

"Zhengyang, why did they salute our ship just now?" Qin Tao asked Xu Zhengyang.

"Because our ships are scientific research ships, and our national flag is flying on the mast, they are saluting our national flag." Xu Zhengyang said.

Where there is a national flag, that is the motherland!


At this time, Qin Tao has always been disgusted that the power of the rear motor is too small, and the speed of the boat is too slow. He wished he could drive over immediately.

Below the outpost, there are still many pillars. Now it is high tide, so the reef under the pillars cannot be revealed, and the small boat can also be driven under the pillars.

However, Qin Tao was surprised to see that the soldiers on the reef came down wearing orange life jackets!
The lower half of their bodies have been submerged in the sea water, only the upper half of their bodies are exposed, and they are walking on the reef like this!
"Hey, comrades, don't come over, don't!" Qin Tao couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted loudly: "We can drive over."

However, the person on the opposite side is still coming.

The sound of the motor disappeared.

"How can this work? How can you..."

Qin Tao saw these soldiers coming, and actually pushed their small boat with his hands!
It should be because they are afraid that the propeller of the small boat will collide with the reef, so if a small boat approaches, they need to use human power to push it?

Xu Zhengyang jumped into the sea water and pushed along with him.

Qin Tao didn't hesitate, and jumped down together.

In May, the temperature in the southern sea area was just right, and the sea water was warm. Qin Tao felt his feet stepping on something hard, and felt his body dangling in the sea water.

"President Qin, why did you come down?" Xu Zhengyang was anxious.

"Why, I can't come down?" Qin Tao looked at Xu Zhengyang: "I just sit on it and let the big guy push it? What's the difference between this and the sedan chair carried by the old man up the mountain?"

"President Qin, which President Qin is it?" asked the squad leader among the soldiers who came down to push the boat together.

"President Qin of Mingzhou Group, who else do you know?"

"Of course I know. The last time a 022 missile boat came over, we were all shocked. I didn't expect this kind of missile boat to exist. Later, I heard that this kind of missile boat was made by Mingzhou Group and invented by Mr. Qin. , everyone is wondering what kind of person this President Qin is, and I finally met him today!"

The squad leader helped push the boat, and couldn't free his hand to shake hands with Qin Tao, but just looked at Qin Tao with eyes full of admiration.

It turned out to be because of the 022 missile boat!When this kind of missile boat was designed, it was only to meet the needs of fighting in offshore places. Unexpectedly, they also conducted long-distance voyage training and came here.

Qin Tao smiled: "I'm just an ordinary person. This time I came here with the experimental ship No. [-] to see the territorial waters of the motherland. I saw you sticking to the stilt houses here, and I was very touched. You are the cutest in this era. The greatest man."

When Qin Tao said this, the monitor actually blushed.

While talking, the boat has been pushed under the stilt house. The height of the bamboo poles and wooden piles is about four or five meters, and there is a wooden gangway to go up and down.

At this time, ropes hung down from below, and the equipment in the boat was tied up, and they were pulled up, one piece after another.

Qin Tao finally stepped onto the guard post.

Under the feet are wooden boards, which have been exposed to the sun and wind all year round, and the paint on the boards has peeled off, leaving only smooth traces of being stepped on. The soldiers do not know how many times they have to walk here every day.

In addition to the three yurt-like rooms, there is also an open space where the soldiers usually conduct various trainings. The space is indeed much more spacious than the stilt house in the distance.

"Wow, woof!" At this moment, a dog ran over from the other end of the reef and barked wildly.

Dogs, there are dogs here!
Qin Tao was surprised to see the dog soaring all the way, even ignoring the sharp teeth in the dog's mouth and its aggressive attitude.

Are dogs allowed here?

"Dahei, stop, they are guests!" The squad leader shouted quickly.

Dahei obediently stopped.

"Why are there dogs here?" Qin Tao asked.

"This dog has been brought here since it was born." The squad leader said, "I haven't seen the outside world. In its eyes, the world may look like this."

"Yes, only dogs that have grown up here can adapt to the environment here." Xu Zhengyang said with emotion: "However, if it stays on the reef all the time, it will be too pitiful."

"Yes, we plan to take this dog away after these reef guards leave the army. Let it go to land and see the bigger world."

Can we take it away?Qin Tao's words stopped when he reached his lips. After all, for these fighters, this big black is the most important part of their lives, and Qin Tao has to be considerate.


"Peach, it's so good, we haven't eaten it for three months!"

“Pineapple is also good!”

All the things were hoisted up, and the soldiers opened the box, and when they saw the things inside, they all made excited sounds.

Their scientific research ship just set off from Huating a few days ago, and it also brought a lot of food and fruits before departure. This time Qin Tao came here, mainly bringing fresh fruits and fresh water, because he knew that the islands and reefs This is what these fighters lack the most.

On the islands and reefs, it is difficult to supply. It is estimated that the supply ship comes only once in a long time. Therefore, the food they store must be mainly canned food. The soldiers are already tired of eating, and fresh fruits are what the soldiers need most.

"President Qin, on behalf of all the soldiers on our reef, thank you for your gift."

Of course they knew that Experiment No. [-] was not obliged to provide them with supplies, and the food was specially given to them by President Qin.

"It's not a gift, our soldiers have worked too hard." Qin Tao said: "Let everyone eat fresh fruit, it's a small gesture of mine. In the future, as long as there is a chance, I will come again. "

"Welcome President Qin."

"By the way, what do you think if we harden this place with cement, build a two-story building, install generators, connect satellite phones, and install air-conditioning equipment?"

"Boss Qin, it would be great if we could have such conditions." The monitor's face was full of expectation: "However, it is too difficult. In recent years, it should not be possible."

"No, within half a year, this place will definitely change a lot." Qin Tao said.

"Half a year? Then our group of soldiers can still catch up." The squad leader also became excited.

"The life of our reef guards will get better and better." Xu Zhengyang said: "These two-story buildings are only temporary. In the future, there will be more space for activities."

"We?" The squad leader heard the meaning of Xu Zhengyang's words.

"That's right, we, I am the first generation of reef guard officers and soldiers, and I lived in Maoerdong on the sea back then."

"Everyone, assemble!" The squad leader shouted.

The soldiers put down the fruits in their hands and stood in two rows.

"To our predecessors, salute!"

(I don't know why, the hero of East China moved himself to tears.)
Xu Zhengyang also solemnly raised his right arm to salute the officers and soldiers in front of him.

"I am a glorious Nansha guard. In order to fulfill the sacred mission entrusted by the party and the people, I swear: obey the order, obey the command,..., and resolutely do it: people are on the reef, the flag is on, and I swear to live and die with the island and reef !"

Coming down from the reef, Qin Tao felt a little heavy in his heart.

"President Qin, President Qin?"

"Oh." Qin Tao came back to his senses: "What's wrong?"

"President Qin, the situation around the entire reef has been mapped."

Qin Tao nodded: "Let me see."

In fact, I have touched almost the same before, this time it is more detailed.

"There are six places suitable for building larger permanent buildings. Considering the convenience of our large ships, there are only two." Chen Rong introduced the chart to Qin Tao.

"Which one is the biggest?"

"The one on the east side is about the size of a football field."

"Okay, then the one on the east side."

"However, if such a large building is built, it will probably weigh thousands of tons!"

"We can do it separately. Isn't the Khrushchev Building also built separately?" Qin Tao said: "The entire base must be integrated. This base can be up to [-] tons. The maximum lifting capacity on our ship is [-] tons, the structural parts can be hoisted up at one time."

"Then, the front is a small two-story building, sitting north to south, guarding the gate of the country, and the two-story small building can be divided into two parts and hoisted."

"On the east and west sides, there is a row of bungalows. As various functional rooms, a library, computer room, etc. can also be built. Soldiers can learn modern knowledge while guarding the motherland."

"The remaining open space can be used as a basketball court, and the soldiers will have more space to move around."

After some arrangements, Qin Tao planned out the overall structure.

 PS: I just learned that from the 28th to the 7th of the next month, there are double monthly tickets, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!Although it is a holiday, it is still guaranteed to be updated twice a day, with [-] words per chapter!

  As for Gagen, it is expected to explode again on the 12th, and it is scheduled to be the plot of buying Varyag, which will definitely make everyone happy.

  Finally, I would like to thank book friends l599xl, book friends 20220918060118590, Tong Wen Guan, 007 of 009 and other friends for their rewards, and thank you for your subscription and voting support!
(End of this chapter)

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