Great warships

Chapter 365 Shuangsha Island Resort Fishing Village

Chapter 365 Shuangsha Island Resort Fishing Village
"No, it's still not right. The scale of this design is too large, and the reliability may not be high." Chen Rong shook his head.

"Afraid of bean curd projects?" Qin Tao smiled: "Then we can use steel to make this base."

"Steel is even worse. It is eroded by seawater and is easily corroded. It will not work for at most ten years."

"Ten years? Five years is enough." Qin Tao said: "After five years, this place will definitely become a larger island. That's it, the steel base and the concrete building. In this way, we will When welding the base, it can be more accurate, and when it is installed, it will be more secure."

"A bigger island? How big?" Chen Rong asked.

"Wait, let me think about it."

What does it mean to think about it?Everyone is puzzled.

After thinking about it, Qin Tao said solemnly: "This Subi Reef will be upgraded to Subi Island in the future, and its area will be expanded to more than 4 square kilometers. There must be a complete airport runway, and it will become the second largest island in the South China Sea."

Several people were shocked.

Now, the largest island in the southern waters is Taiping Island, with an area of ​​only 0.44 square kilometers. President Qin actually said that the small reef that he just passed by will become an island ten times the size of Taiping Island?There is an airport runway on it?
This is too incredible, right?

"It's so big, or is it second?" Xu Zhengyang couldn't help asking.


"What about number one?"

"First, of course it is the destination we are going to. There should not only be a runway, but also large transport aircraft can take off and land." Qin Tao said.

To everyone's astonishment, Experiment No. [-] finally arrived at Shuangsha Island. Because the time was right, it happened to be at night when it arrived.

"The specific shape of Shuangsha Island is a ring. This reef is really good. If it can be expanded into the largest island in the future, it can be used as an outpost for our navy in the southern waters. It is simply an excellent harbor within this reef. , our navy’s 022 missile boats can come in and out in groups.”

After receiving the detailed survey map, Qin Tao was extremely moved.

To describe it specifically, Shuangsha Island resembles the horseshoe of an ancient cavalry mount.It is about 9 kilometers long and only 6 kilometers wide at its widest point. After high tide, most of it is under the sea.

"Yes, this place is indeed a good place, especially on the west side. There is a piece of land that is the same size as Subi Reef. It can be used as an outpost." Chen Rong pointed to the area on the left side of the graph.

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, you can't move over there. The outpost must be built in the north."

"Why?" Chen Rong was a little curious.

"Because the area on the left is used to build the airport runway." Qin Tao said: "If we build the outpost there, it will delay the construction of the airport runway."

airport runway?

President Qin really planned it out?

"Okay." Chen Rong nodded. Now he admires Qin Tao very much. Qin Tao will do whatever he says and will not refuse.

"The runway of this airport can be built to about 600 meters, so that our An-225 transport aircraft can also take off and land on it if necessary."

(It should be no problem to calculate the data, but I don’t know how easy it is to turn around.)
"On both sides of the airport runway, in addition to building various facilities, several rows of green belts should also be built to prevent storms at sea. Our island must be able to withstand storms above level nine."

"Most of the rest of the area, we can divide it into two parts, one part is used as the residence of officers and soldiers, and the other part, we build a special village."


"That's right, we're here to develop this place peacefully. Since it's an island, of course we need a dedicated village."

Xu Zhengyang couldn't bear it anymore, and reminded Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, it's hard to leave the homeland. It's a bit difficult to let the people move here. Unless the state provides high subsidies."

"Zhengyang, you need to use your brain when you do things!" Qin Tao looked at Xu Zhengyang: "If it is a permanent residence, then even the dog will not come."

After finishing speaking, he felt that this sentence was inappropriate. Why didn't the dogs come?In the last reef, Dahei is there.

"However, we can attract tourists to come here for tourism!" Qin Tao said: "The islands we have spent a lot of money to build are not only used for defense fortifications, but also for making money! We can definitely use the islands here Make it a resort!"

Over the next few years, sea tourism will gradually rise, and the popularity of tourism in the Maldives has never diminished.

Now, why go to the Maldives, we have it in our own country!
"We will plant a large number of coconut trees on the island and turn it into a tropical island. After tourists come, they can dive to find corals."

Although the outer circle is going to be expanded into an island, what about the interior of the ring-shaped reef?

The coral inside must be there, and a part of the area is specially designated for tourists to use. As long as it is well operated, it will definitely become a place that everyone yearns for!

"Hey, there seems to be a fishing boat in front?" At this moment, Qin Tao looked outside and found a little light in the distance. There is no lighthouse here, so it can only be a fishing boat.

"Yes, the vicinity of the coral reef is also a place where various marine fish live, and the fishery resources here are very rich."

"This is even better. We can also carry out breeding activities." Qin Tao said: "Even if the tourism industry cannot develop, we must first develop the breeding industry."

Human beings have overfished the sea, resulting in fewer and fewer fish in the sea. Therefore, fishermen will continue to change, from fishing at the beginning to raising fish later, putting fish boxes in the sea and engaging in production activities.

Since the coral reef is suitable for fish farming, it should also be opened to vigorously develop the aquaculture industry.

In this way, the plan will be more perfect.

Experiment No. [-] avoided the fishing boat far away, so as not to be dragged by the fishing boat's fishing net, and continued to sail south, circling the nearby sea area without making a fuss.

A few days later.

Qiongzhou, rainforest base.

This is an important naval base of the Southern Fleet, and it is also the closest to the front.

A large number of naval officers gathered here. They stood at the pier, looking into the distance, where Experiment No. [-] was approaching.

After the boat stopped, Qin Tao looked at the people below and shook his head helplessly: "Your formation is really too big, I dare not come down."

"Boss Qin, is there anything else you dare not do?"

"Of course, I'm very timid."

"Leaders, we have successfully completed the task and returned." Chen Rong walked down and said to the crowd, but he lacked confidence.

"Everyone has worked hard, why don't you rest today and report formally tomorrow?"

"Of course not, isn't this a delay? I'm still in a hurry..." Qin Tao saw the sudden change in the old man's face, and quickly changed his words: "You can't make the leaders wait, we have already formulated a perfect action plan, just wait Report to the leader."

That's about it!Wu Shengli's face softened.

Base conference room.

"The specific situation of Shuangsha Island is very good. We have carried out a complete survey and mapping, and no unrelated personnel were disturbed. After the survey and mapping, Mr. Qin gave us a suggestion to quickly build an outpost. We can start suddenly and use prefabricated parts. Quickly establish our outpost on Shuangsha Island."

"Build quickly?" Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao with great interest: "What's President Qin's proposal this time?"

"Leaders, I'm just here to join in the fun. Let Mr. Chen introduce the specific plan to you."

Sitting on the chair, Qin Tao had already started to close his eyes and rest his mind. Hearing what he said, Wu Shengli frowned again. You kid, you have never been seasick. What are you pretending to do now?

"Specifically, it is to build the third-generation island and reef outposts with prefabricated parts." Chen Rong continued: "We have mapped the location of the islands and reefs where the outposts need to be built. By the way, let us hang up the sea chart first."

Chen Rong was in a hurry, and when he hung the picture on the blackboard in front, he found that it was wrong.

It's not an initial drawing, but a final drawing.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake." Chen Rong wanted to change, but was interrupted by Wu Shengli.

"Tell me about this picture first."

"Well, this reef will expand into an island with an area of ​​about 5.6 square kilometers. The west side is the airport runway, and the east side is divided into two parts. One part is the naval barracks and the other part is the Shuangsha Island Resort and Fishing Village."


Everyone was shocked.

Not only this island with an area of ​​5.6 square kilometers, but also this resort fishing village, I have never heard of it.

Although Qin Tao had mentioned to Wu Shengli about reclamation and island building before, Wu Shengli had never heard of building a village on it!

"Taozi, why did you build this village?"

"This, Mr. Chen please..."

"Tell me!"

"We set up an outpost on Shuangsha Island for the peaceful development of Shuangsha Island. In the future, we will build it into a tourist attraction like the Maldives, and will also build it into an important offshore fishery breeding base. This is also our contribution Contribution to protecting the sea." Qin Tao said: "The construction there is for civilian purposes, and we are messengers of peace."

"Boy, sure enough, there are many evil ideas."

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Wu Shengli understood, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. His son-in-law is definitely a must when it comes to playing various tricks. In this way, many problems can be solved, and he will have more confidence.

"However, we are inexperienced in this kind of tourism development, especially, we need reliable people to do it." Someone raised a question.

After all, this resort fishing village is an auxiliary, that is, a cover. Since there is a village, there must be people. The question is, who will manage it?Who will be the mayor?
You must be capable, and you must be loyal to the motherland!
After Qin Tao finished explaining, he squinted his eyes and dawdled. Anyway, all the plans were prepared, and it was enough for Chen Gong to introduce him. Qin Tao didn't intend to steal Chen Gong's limelight.

Wait, something seems wrong?

Everyone's eyes are on him?

"Taozi, are you interested in Mingzhou Group?"

"What interest?"

"Develop Shuangsha Island."

"We are a shipbuilding group, engaged in heavy industry, not tourism."

"Aren't you diversifying?"

"The company has not yet..."

When he said this, Qin Tao stopped, he already felt the discordant atmosphere, he glanced at his father-in-law, and then changed his words: "Okay, okay, our company has contracted, and from now on, this village will be named under Qiongzhou , but the specific management is up to us.”

Those who can do more work. In fact, if it is developed, it may become a new source of profit for the company.

"Our company is in charge of construction. On that land, we build a three-story homestay and a two-story villa. I happen to have one too. Every summer, I bring my wife and children here for a few days of travel... I was in Overseas, there is also a yacht that just came back and docked at the port here."

Qin Tao talked about the plan endlessly.

"Okay, that's enough. This project will be handed over to your company for contracting. I don't need to talk about how to do it here."

Qin Tao cast a dissatisfied look at his old father-in-law, let me talk about you, and don't let me talk about you!
"President Qin, when will that dredger be built?" the other leaders asked.

"It seems that it has already been launched. After installing equipment and so on, it will definitely be completed by the end of this year."

"Well, after the completion, start to expand the island immediately. Next year, your company will be able to expand its business there. By the way, isn't it a wrong picture? Let's talk about the recent one first."

"The recent picture is here." Chen Rong hung up another picture.

"In the northeast corner, we will first build a reef outpost. This outpost is planned to be the size of a football field, with a two-story barracks and single-story houses on both sides, all made of concrete..."

"Wait, how is this built? Do we have the ability? We must be down-to-earth in doing things." A leader of the local naval fleet immediately began to criticize.

"That's right, the second-generation reef outpost we are building now has wasted a lot of energy. The one you designed is simply to put satellites!"


"This design proposal was proposed by Mr. Qin. It is estimated that the construction work will be completed within an hour, and then it will spread to other reef outposts. They will all be remodeled in this way."

Some people are questioning, while others are curious.

"President Qin proposed? President Qin, how do you make it?"

"Let's invite Chen Gong..." Before Qin Tao finished speaking, he saw Wu Shengli's serious gaze, so he could only change his words: "Okay, let me introduce. Our buildings use prefabricated parts, and Chen Gong clearly I've said it, you don't listen well..."

"We completed the construction of each part on land in advance, and each part weighed no more than [-] tons, including the base, second-story buildings, bungalows, etc. Among them, we used high-strength steel welding for the base, and other parts Use concrete."

"The upper part of the base is flat, which is convenient for building construction. The lower part is an irregular figure, which is mainly made according to the shape of the reef plate measured and mapped. In this way, as long as the base is buckled up, it can be built on the reef plate. Perfectly set up a platform."

"To put it nicely, how are you going to transport the pedestal the size of a football field?"

"We built a gantry crane transportation and installation ship for ZPMC, and that ship will be ready for sea trials next month."

Construction, transportation, all kinds of problems are solved!
The eyes of everyone changed from initial confusion, to belief, and then to surprise.

"Boss Qin wants Yugong to move mountains!"

"That's right, Yugong Yishan, okay, okay!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Just now they thought they were launching satellites and bragging, but now they finally found out that this plan is achievable, which filled them with excitement.

"It's not just Shuangsha Island. Because our ships are relatively large, we can transport several of them at one time. In this way, the bases can be expanded for several major reefs, so that the officers and soldiers have a better living environment." Qin Qin Tao continued.

"That's right, great!"

"President Qin, after the meeting is over, I'll treat you to a drink!"

"Yes, on behalf of the officers and soldiers guarding the reef, thank you Mingzhou Group!"

"What's next to it?" Everyone was surprised, only Wu Shengli remained rational. He looked around the construction camp, as if there was still a layout?
"Beside them are two prepared platforms, both of which are the size of a football field." Qin Tao couldn't continue to squint his eyes and stay out of the matter, so he simply explained to everyone.

"The preparatory platform, the size of a football field?"

"That's right, these two platforms are usually used as training places for soldiers." Qin Tao said: "Once there is a situation, they can play a greater role."

"These two platforms can be used as helicopter take-off and landing platforms!"

Sure enough, someone saw it.

In case of emergency, the helicopter can be deployed there!
"Helicopters are useless!" Another leader said: "Once we encounter a situation, we need fighter jets. Unfortunately, our planes are too far away, and we can't catch them! When the flying leopard is finalized, it can be deployed in our The Lingshui Airport behind the base, but it will take an hour or two for the Flying Leopard fighter-bombers to rush there."

The Flying Leopard is still in the process of a long test flight. This fighter jet, which has completely got rid of copycats, has too many problems to overcome during the test flight. Even if it is to serve in the future, it will be too far to fly from Qiongzhou.

"If there were a vertical take-off and landing fighter..." Someone finally came up with the idea, and everyone else got excited.

That's right, if we have this kind of platform, then we can deploy vertical take-off and landing aircraft there!Although the J-31 is still under development, they still have a modification of the Jacques-31 pretending to be the J-38.

The Siamese navy accepted it with satisfaction, indicating that the combat effectiveness after the modification is still acceptable.

Everyone finally thought of this, and Qin Tao was very satisfied: "On these platforms, we will lay refractory bricks in advance, and at the same time, we will also prepare a few containers and put them next to the platforms. They are usually inconspicuous. When it is critical, the containers will be opened. , we can complete the maintenance and overhaul, and we can temporarily set up a tent as a hangar."

Are vertical take-off and landing fighters useful to the motherland?

Qin Tao's answer is yes.

On the vast sea of ​​the motherland, on these islands, as long as there is a platform, they can take off and land at any time to protect the sea and air of the motherland!

(A reader in the previous section strongly objected, and put forward the theory that vertical take-off and landing fighter jets are useless, and the amphibious assault ship can carry helicopters. However, the hero of East China still intends to develop this kind of aircraft. No matter how good the helicopter is, it cannot compete with fixed-wing fighter jets. Confrontation. Our navy has a small number of aircraft carriers. At critical times, once we need to improve our air superiority combat capabilities, vertical take-off and landing fighter jets can still play a role. Besides, if we need to face some second- and third-rate countries, we don’t need aircraft carriers to dispatch them. Amphibious attacks The ship will be able to shake the field in the past, right? No matter how weak the fat power is, there is still a generation difference advantage in the face of the MiG-29 and the like. On our island, there are several vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, which can definitely play an important role.)
"Air defense is also a problem. What if we are attacked or bombed?"

"If we really want to deploy, then we must bring Hongqi-7 over. If the opponent dares to bomb, we will use missiles to kill them! Of course, Hongqi-16 is better, but I don't think it is necessarily that bad. These are the final killer moves."

Work needs to be done little by little, and food needs to be eaten at one bite.

Qin Tao didn't go into more detail, everyone is experienced.

It would be too hasty to deploy the Yak-38 as soon as it came up, and it would be easy for people to create public opinion.

Just past, it was just an outpost at first, if someone wanted to find fault and sent warships there, then our own side would also send warships over there, if the other party dispatched planes, then our own side would deploy planes, gradually.

"If it's the worst case, then we should transfer our 115 ship there." Qin Tao said, "Be prepared for any eventuality."

With the construction of two air defense destroyers, the navy will have more confidence when performing various tasks.

Wu Shengli nodded.

In fact, the Navy certainly has its own plan, but Qin Tao's plan is obviously more reasonable, and the movement will be smaller.At the beginning, some people thought that it was useless for Qin Tao to go out to investigate, but Wu Shengli insisted on Qin Tao going. Now it seems that this request is very necessary.

This plan, combined with the Navy's original plan, can make a more perfect plan.

"Now, we are ready for everything, we only owe Dongfeng."

"What Dongfeng?"

"When we go, we always need a reason." Qin Tao said: "When did a storm blow over there, we need to announce it to the public. The storm caused heavy losses. A fishing boat capsized on Shuangsha Island. Unfortunately, several fishermen were killed."

Wu Shengli's eyes widened again.

In this way, the plan is completely flawless!There is always a reason for everything, and the reason Qin Tao proposed is absolutely appropriate!
"Boss Qin, your plan is perfect." Someone expressed the same emotion.

Qin Tao looked at Chen Rong with apologetic eyes, I don't want to steal your limelight, I just plan to close my eyes and rest quietly here, there is no way, these people want to listen to me!

Chen Rong smiled. He actually knew this would happen a long time ago. Seeing President Qin's demeanor with his own eyes, Chen Rong was also very moved.

(End of this chapter)

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