Great warships

Chapter 393 We Are Not Ah 3

Chapter 393 We Are Not Ah San
Nizhny Novgorod, Red Solmov shipyard.

The two completed submarines were moored directly at the pier. I don't know if Lao Maozi learned about the Chinese people's preferences, and even tied big red flowers on the conning tower of the submarine.

"We've finished the preparations for these two submarines, and you can drive them back now." Raipilov excitedly said to Qin Tao and the others.

"Yes, we also hope to drive it back immediately, but before we drive it back, we need to pass the inspection." Zhao Ping, who came along with the navy and is responsible for receiving equipment, said.

"Acceptance? Of course, I can take you up for acceptance right now." Saipilov said, striding onto the submarine.

"Turn on the monitor!" Rapilov yelled.

So, several shipyard technicians turned on the monitors of several operating equipment on the conning tower.

"Did you see it? These displays are all on, let's start the diesel engine for a test run."

Then, the roar of the engine at the rear sounded.

Everyone stood on the command tower, not knowing what Lao Maozi was planning to do.

"It sounds good, right? Now, turn off the engine!" Saipilov said.

Boom news.

"Okay, after the inspection and acceptance, you can drive it away, and our transaction is considered complete." Lapilov said calmly.

"I'm sorry, I think you may have misunderstood." Zhao Ping held back his emotions and said calmly: "We have our own acceptance criteria, and we have to check every piece of equipment, every device, every All the data and tests are completely filled in a special form, and we will sign after meeting our requirements, formally accepting the two submarines, and paying you the final payment at the same time."

"What? You guys are doing this, isn't it a waste of time? It will take a few months to toss it like this!" Looking at the thick acceptance document that Zhao Ping took out, Caipilov was dumbfounded.

"Our submarines have been exported to many countries. Not to mention the former union republics. Take Ah San as an example. They ordered eight 877-type submarines. Every time they receive a submarine, they just take a turn on the submarine. Rest assured, we can guarantee that it will be of the same quality as the Navy's own model."

"Mr. Rapilov, we are different from Ah San." Qin Tao finally said, "We have formal procedures. If we have not passed these strict acceptance procedures, our navy will not accept these two submarines." Yes. Please understand."

At this time, Qin Tao can only act as a peacemaker.

He can also understand this contradiction.

In the era of Lao Maozi, where did you see export weapons, and let buyers pick and choose?Lao Maozi has always said that one thing is true. We say that the quality has reached the standard, so it is up to the standard. Why, don't you believe it?If you don't believe me, just get out, what else do you want to buy from us?
Lao Maozi's equipment sales have always been a seller's market.

But now, the times have changed. They have to start to take the road of marketization and accept the supervision of the market. This process will be very difficult.

China has also experienced this kind of pain. Even in Mingzhou Shipyard, when it was building ships for foreign shipowners, it had faced difficulties from representatives of foreign shipowners. It was never done before. It was the shipyard itself. To ensure the quality, now the shipowner supervises the quality, these are two different ways.

As for Ah San, can you compare with Ah San?How many shows did Ah San have?Take the most famous submarine "Sindurakshak" as an example. After serving in service, there were frequent accidents. One night, Ah San's submarine crew loaded missiles for "Sindurakshak", but they didn't know what to do. Yes, two missiles actually ignited!
One of them flew out and hit the dock, and the other exploded inside the sub.Eighteen people were killed on the spot, and the submarine sank after flooding.

In this way, the "Sindurakshak" submarine became the first submarine in the world to be sunk by its own anti-ship missile.Created a world record.

Can we learn from the unreliable Ah San?
"The submarine industry in your own country is not as developed as ours. What qualifications do you have to accept our submarines?" At this moment, Qi Silianke, an accompanying Da Mao Navy representative, quit.

On this guy's face, there was a haughty look, as if he was still immersed in the demeanor of the empire that no longer existed.

"If our submarine industry is more developed than yours, then why do we still purchase submarines from here?" Qin Tao began to answer in a non-soft and soft manner: "We come here to purchase because we have taken a fancy to your submarine industry. We are customers, and the customer is God, it seems that you don’t understand, it seems that the next order is fine, we don’t need to cooperate with suppliers who don’t value customers.”

This is not a one-shot deal. It is said that there will be more submarine orders in the future!
What Qi Silianke said is to drive away the customer!
Suddenly, Rapilov's face changed color.

"Mr. Qin, please forgive Qislenko's offense. He was sent by the navy. His words do not represent our attitude."

"Director Rapilov, what are you afraid of?" Chislenko was even more annoyed when he heard that Rapilov was helping the other party: "If it wasn't for the collapse of the Red Empire, they wouldn't be able to buy it at all." Our advanced submarines are now taking advantage of them!"

"Boss Qin, he really doesn't represent our attitude." Lapilov's body was shaking with anger. This guy definitely got the true biography of Grishin, and he ran away after making a fuss here. It has nothing to do with him anyway. , mess up the business, how will they make money in the future?How to ask for final payment now?
Rapilov was annoyed.

"Then what is your attitude? Do you agree to carry out the acceptance according to our acceptance outline?"

For Qin Tao, Qi Silianke is a godly assist!If this guy speaks ironically, his side will make better demands.

Rapilov frowned.

In fact, he has never seen this kind of acceptance requirement. Could it be a kind of making things difficult, and then deliberately finding reasons not to pay the final payment?
At this time, Rapilov was in a dilemma.

"According to the previous procedure, Qislenko and the others have already inspected this submarine." Lapilov's voice was a little low.

Follow previous procedures?I don't know if Lao Maozi also has a system of military representatives stationed in the factory, but the military products manufactured by the factory must be inspected and accepted by the army.

No wonder this guy named Qi Silianke heard that his side was going to check and accept it. He was like a fried cock. After working for a long time, they had already passed the inspection.

"We are very grateful for Mr. Zislenko's help in inspecting the submarine. However, we still need to inspect it. However, in this case, can we take a look at Mr. Qislenko's inspection report first?" Qin Tao also acted accordingly. People, since they have all checked, maybe you can also see how the other party checks first.

So, everyone got off the submarine and came to the reference room of the shipyard, where they saw the neatly prepared inspection report.

The people brought by Zhao Ping inspected it carefully, and then, with emotion on their faces: "I really didn't expect that Lao Maozi is also relatively systematic and perfect in this regard."

The start of domestic submarines is also inseparable from Lao Maozi, but after that, in the past few decades, it has gradually drifted away from Lao Maozi.

The acceptance method of the Lao Maozi I got now is very different from my own acceptance method, but this acceptance method seems to be quite good.

"Inspire us?" Qin Tao asked.

"Yes, very inspiring." After Zhao Ping finished speaking, he glanced at Qin Tao. Mr. Qin is also very good.

Qin Tao just said that he was inspired, that is to say, although Lao Maozi has already passed the inspection and acceptance, his side will definitely have to re-check and accept it. Time to check out these devices.

"If we follow our previous method, it will take about a few months to complete the inspection and acceptance. Now, we can learn from the experience here and design some forms for the old man to fill in. We can also seize the time and conduct the voyage inspection as soon as possible." Zhao Ping said.

"Well, then you should hurry up and do your work. I will build a good relationship with these old men."

Qin Tao came with him, sure enough to coax the old man into submission.

Sure enough, after a few days, even Qislenko, who was very uncooperative at first, began to smile all day long.

A large number of forms were made for the people in the factory to fill out, and these people also readily cooperated.In this way, the functional test and performance test were all completed in less than a week.

"The next step is the navigation experiment." On this day, everyone gathered together again to coordinate the next actions.

"Yes, this sailing experiment cannot be carried out in the outer waters. It needs to be towed to St. Petersburg by a tugboat." Leipilov said: "We have already arranged it. Next, we will go to St. Petersburg together to complete the sailing experiment. After that, we can officially deliver.”

"Actually, you don't have to worry at all. The performance of these two submarines absolutely meets the requirements. During this time, you are all doing useless work." Qi Silianke said from the side.

Facts have proved that there is nothing wrong with their subs, and they passed every item in this week's tests.

The rigor of the Chinese also left a deep impression on Qi Silianke and others.

"Yes, the construction quality here is very good, so we hope to continue to cooperate happily with the next batch of submarine orders, but the project that should be carried out still needs to be carried out."

"Qin, even if you arrive in St. Petersburg, you can only watch from the port, because the space inside the submarine is limited, so it is impossible to carry you aboard and participate in the sailing experiment together."

Although Qin Tao has already fed these people, when it comes to confidential projects, these people still have to consider their interests first.

For them, the so-called overcrowding of the submarine is not a problem at all. On the submarine, extra personnel are often carried. At worst, they go to the torpedo cabin to play hammocks, and the weight of the personnel carried is negligible.

The key issue is that the other party wants to keep the secret of the acceptance of their navigation experiments, and does not want the Chinese to learn it.

In fact, the acceptance method of this line is not a secret at all, and our side has already known it.

"We can sleep in a hammock." Qin Tao said, "Since you don't want to make trouble, we can make it simpler. We only need one voyage, starting from St. Petersburg, sailing outside for about ten days, and then returning to St. Petersburg. During the voyage , We completed the torpedo launch test, went to the ocean to complete the deep-diving experiment, and finally completed the underwater full-speed reversing experiment. We have written down the entire plan of the experiment, please read it.”

After Qin Tao finished speaking, Zhao Ping handed over the plan and opened the cover. On the first page was a large-scale air chart with densely packed standard air routes and the projects to be carried out in each section.

After reading the paper, Chislenko had nothing to say.

"Okay. Since you insist, you can participate, but there should be no more than ten people on each submarine." Zislenko finally agreed.

"President Qin, after the submarine has completed all the test items, can you sign the acceptance document directly in St. Petersburg?" Lapilov said: "Then, you will deposit the remaining balance into our account."

The final payment will be received by their shipyard, and now, they are just waiting eagerly!
"Of course." Qin Tao nodded.

"That's really great. By the way, how do you plan to bring the submarine back? Drive it back, or use a tugboat to tow it back?"

The submarine is built, how to bring it back?
If you already have operating experience, you can directly drive the submarine back in the submerged state.

However, such an operation is still very risky.

After all, this is a conventional submarine, not a nuclear one.

The cruising range of conventional submarines is limited. In the process of driving back, fuel must be replenished at least two or three times. It is difficult for this kind of big guy to get permission to dock in the ports of other countries, so it must be accompanied by a guarantee ship. The cost is not cheap. Moreover, the precious mechanical life of the submarine will be consumed by driving back this way. After all, this is a long voyage of 1.7 kilometers. Driving this way back is equivalent to one or two years of normal service status!
If you don’t drive back, you need a tugboat to tow it back, but towing a boat at sea is much more dangerous than towing a car on land. If you are not careful, the submarine behind will collide with the tugboat in front, and you haven’t returned home yet. , and had to be dragged back for overhaul.

Therefore, whether it is driving back or dragging back, it is not appropriate.

"Then how are you going to get it back?" Lapilov was curious.

"Our own floating dock." Qin Tao said.

The semi-submersible ship is the most suitable for transporting this kind of equipment, but the semi-submersible ship transformed from the oil tanker in the Mingzhou Shipyard has not yet been remodeled, so it will not be used this time. The original Shenzhou floating dock can be used. Came over again.

"Floating dock? Some customers have used semi-submersible boats, but we haven't seen a floating dock yet." Lapilov was curious.

Qin Tao had a smile on his face, what is a semi-submersible boat?Only one submarine can be transported at a time. Our floating dock can transport two or even four submarines at a time without any problem!


"When all the inspection items are completed, we will hold a grand appreciation banquet to thank everyone for their hard work."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Rapilov's eyes were full of anticipation.

A grand thanksgiving!What level and specification should this be?It's been a long time since I had a big meal.

Looking at these guys, Qin Tao felt a kind of sadness. It was just a big meal that attracted these people like this.

St. Petersburg Water Authority.

"No, these two Kilo-class submarines will pose a serious threat to our waterways during the process of being towed." The person in charge Blokhin shook his head again and again: "The matter of the Nizhny Novgorod Shipyard has nothing to do with our It doesn't matter, we have to ensure our own shipping safety."

Hearing his words, Zhao Ping, who came to coordinate, was extremely annoyed.

"Our project was approved by Moscow, you can't do this!"

"Sorry, we haven't received relevant orders from Moscow. If you have connections in Moscow, you can report to Moscow. If you get authorization from Moscow, we will let you go immediately."

When Qin Tao came over, he heard the fierce quarrel inside. At this moment, Qin Tao felt really speechless.

This old man is too shameful!
It was originally just a matter of coordination. After all, all the submarines produced by the Nizhny Novgorod Shipyard before reached the sea through this waterway, but the St. Petersburg Water Bureau actually wanted to rip off!

What kind of waterway safety, this kind of bullshit reason, is just used in Tuji Country, but here is still worried about waterway safety?
Qin Tao looked at the other party with disdain.

"President Qin, I'm really sorry, I have to call you over for such a trivial matter." Zhao Ping was a little embarrassed. Without President Qin, they couldn't do anything!

Qin Tao smiled and looked towards the opposite side: "Sir, how can we get there?"

"Pay a 1000 million deposit to our Water Bureau and come under our supervision." Blokhin said: "If there is any accident, we will deduct the deposit."

There will definitely be accidents, and the 1000 million will also fall into the pockets of the Water Affairs Bureau, and these guys are starting to grab it.

"Do you know the consequences of doing this?" Qin Tao continued to smile.

The other party did not speak.

"We will order eight submarines in the future. Your shipyard in St. Petersburg will also receive a large order. Half of your city of St. Petersburg depends on us to support you. If you insist on doing this, I will cooperate with you." Get in touch with the relevant departments of St. Petersburg and inform them that our subsequent orders will be cancelled!"

A trace of worry appeared on Blokhin's face.

"If they ask the reason, I will tell them, because someone from the Water Affairs Bureau maliciously obstructed us." Qin Tao said: "A high deposit is demanded from us, so we will no longer have any dealings with St. Petersburg. As for the citizens relying on It has nothing to do with us who will feed us."

Blokhin's expression finally changed.

"Now, I give you two options, either, immediately agree to allow us to pass through the waterway, or we will go to the relevant departments to respond."

The other party finally couldn't sit still.

"Since you are for our city of St. Petersburg, we are willing to take risks. However, if something goes wrong, you will be responsible to the end."

"Of course, we can guarantee that nothing will go wrong."

"Thank you, this is a little gift from us, please accept it." Qin picked up a few green coins and handed them to the other party blatantly.

In an instant, the other party smiled.

Coming out of the Water Affairs Bureau, Zhao Ping was filled with emotion.

"Boss Qin, if it weren't for you, we'd really pay them a deposit. The county magistrate might as well take care of it now!"

"It's very difficult for old men now, so they have to find a way to find money to spend. It's normal to stare at us, but we have to spend the money we should spend, and of course we can't spend the money we shouldn't spend. After all, our money didn’t come from the wind. This guy also wants to extort us tolls, hmph, if it really breaks out, I’ll tell him to leave.”

To ask for 1000 million, of course, Qin Tao couldn't get used to this kind of lion's big mouth behavior. Before leaving, he gave the other party a few hundred dollars, and it was almost the same.

"President Qin, you have been mentioning the second batch of orders for eight submarines, but we haven't officially approved them yet." Zhao Ping whispered to Qin Tao.

This is what Zhao Ping is most curious about.

Ever since he came here, Qin Tao has been repeatedly emphasizing that this is only the first batch, and there will be follow-ups. However, even if the navy has made a report, the superior has not yet approved it. Why is President Qin so conclusive?
"If you don't say that, can they cooperate so happily?" Qin Tao said: "The old man is looking forward to the follow-up orders and looking forward to relying on us to support them." Qin Tao said: "However, international cooperation is full of enthusiasm. All kinds of variables, even if we signed a purchase agreement with them, it may not necessarily count, when we pay the deposit, we will be considered to be really engaged, and we will be at the mercy of others in the future."

Zhao Ping felt a chill in his heart, and for a long time, Mr. Qin has been fooling these old men all the time. Seeing their looks full of expectations, if they don't buy in the future, will these old men cry in sadness?
"I won't participate in the next sea test. During the test, we must test the submarine-launched missile. This kind of thing is what we need most." Qin Tao began to arrange the next things.

Although it is interesting to get into the submarine and participate in various tests, Qin Tao does not have this time, he has more important things to do.

This time I'm here, I must get all the plate bending machines and the like.So, he still has to push.

Anyway, these naval personnel who came together are also the most professional.

He didn't care about anything else, but Qin Tao insisted that these 877 submarines should be able to launch submarine-launched missiles. This technology is the most urgently needed in China, and there can be no problems.

Zhao Ping nodded: "Two submarines were tested, one launched torpedoes, and the other launched this type of missile."

 PS: Thanks to book friends Zhai Weilu, book friends 20221002080002821, l599xl and other friends for their rewards, thank you for your subscription and voting support!
(End of this chapter)

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