Great warships

Chapter 394 Destroyer 21956

Chapter 394 Destroyer 21956
"This sea trial will definitely be successfully completed!"

Standing on the pier in St. Petersburg, Cole Millison said to Qin Tao confidently.

At this time, the two submarines, like big sharks, had already begun to slowly sail towards the outer sea area. Since they were in a buoyant state, the water waves drawn by the propellers at the tail were clearly visible.

"Yes, we also look forward to the successful completion of the sea test." Qin Tao is also very emotional.

"President Qin, do you want to go to our Ruby Design Bureau? We have completed all the designs of the new generation of Type 636 submarines. This type of submarine is more advanced than the Type 877 submarine. It will definitely be a better choice for you."

When I introduced it last time, I only completed the overall design without detailing it. Now, relying on part of the funds that China ordered two 877 submarines, they have finally completed all the designs of the 636 submarine. Can't wait to see it marketed to China.

"Of course, our navy intends to continue to order more submarines. The news I got is to order eight. These are inside stories. I hope you will not spread them."

"Of course."

"If you continue to order eight submarines, I hope they will all be built in our St. Petersburg!" At this time, after hearing the exchange between the two, Vladimir, the director of the Admiralty Shipyard, said.

These two submarines currently in sea trials are still improved Type 877 submarines. These two submarines were originally semi-finished products from the Red Solmovo Shipyard in Nizhny Novgorod, so they cannot take them away, but if If it's brand new, what else is there to say?It must be built from the St. Petersburg Shipyard!

The city leaders of St. Petersburg were also at the scene. After hearing the discussion here, they immediately said: "Yes, Mr. Qin, we in St. Petersburg are looking forward to receiving your order. If you purchase submarines from us, Not only will we save our shipyard, but we will save half of St. Petersburg."

"Eight submarines are enough for us to work until 2020!" Vladimir was very excited.

These people were discussing a lot, and at this moment, Rapilov, who came to see him off together, was full of disappointment in his heart.

In the era of the Red Empire, their Red Solmovo Shipyard was specialized in manufacturing export ships. What about now?The Admiralty Shipyard actually took a fancy to these orders!

However, he also knew in his heart that they couldn't grab the Admiralty Shipyard, because in this era, their Red Solmovo Shipyard has long been marginalized, and there is no relationship network in Moscow. , Moreover, the design drawings of the 636 submarine are still in the Ruby Design Bureau. The Ruby Design Bureau and the Admiralty Shipyard are supporting, and they must not give them the design drawings of the 636 submarine.

In the future, they will not get any submarine orders!

Rapilov's heart was full of unwillingness, but he also knew that this was fate. In the future, the main task of their shipyard would be to manufacture civilian ships.

That night, Leipilov stayed in the guest house in St. Petersburg sullenly, thinking about the future development of the shipyard.

dong dong!

There was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in, the door is open," shouted Lypilov.


With a soft knock on the door, Rapilov saw a familiar figure and stood up quickly.

"President Qin!"

"Well, your Excellency the factory manager, I'm very sorry to bother you so late." Qin Tao said: "I think I should inform you about something. You have the right to know."

"please say."

"The Admiralty Shipyard, and the Severodvinsk Shipyard and the Komsomolsk Shipyard are arguing fiercely, and they all want to get our order for eight submarines. I think you should know this After all, the two submarines we have now came out of your shipyard."

"They quarrel, let them quarrel, we are not interested in participating." Leipilov said: "Our shipyard will definitely be excluded, and it is impossible to continue building submarines in the future."

"Why? If you don't fight for it, how do you know there is no hope?" Qin Tao was happy in his heart, but he still had to show a regretful expression on his face.

"The Ruby Design Bureau will not give us the drawings. They will definitely support the Admiralty Shipyard with all their strength. Moreover, the Red Empire is gone. This country cannot afford so many submarine shipyards. Our factory will go wholeheartedly in the future. The road for inland ships, this is what our inland shipyard should do."

Needless to say, just shipping out the submarines is incomparable with these coastal shipyards. Therefore, you can think with your toes that they will not be able to obtain submarine orders in the future.

"Since this is the case, I wish you good luck. In the future, you will develop into a giant in inland watercraft, and the prospects are very good." Qin Tao said.

Rapilov nodded.

In fact, if there is an order for submarines, why don't they want to build them, but now he knows in his heart that this idea is impossible to realize, and they can only follow their own path honestly.

"Then, the equipment for producing submarines in your factory should be useless, right? Do you want to package them up and sell them to us? In this way, you can also get rid of your burden and travel lightly."

This is the real purpose of Qin Tao coming here!

As long as they have those equipment, Mingzhou Shipyard can start manufacturing submarines, which is one of the few types of ships that Mingzhou Shipyard has not dabbled in.

Now, as long as you obtain the equipment for manufacturing submarines from the Red Solmovo Shipyard, especially the plate rolling machine, you can start manufacturing submarines!It is impossible for the navy to purchase from outside all the time. Kilo-class submarines are too expensive. If you build them yourself, you can build two of them for the same money!
When Qin Tao was talking, he was careless, he couldn't let the other party see his real purpose.

In fact, today's farewell at the pier, and even the order of eight submarines that has been repeatedly emphasized from the beginning, are all Qin Tao's psychological hints, a kind of foreshadowing.

The ultimate goal is to squeeze the people in front of them and let them know that they will have no chance to build submarines in the future, and these equipments are useless.

"Yes." Lapilov nodded!

Rapilov was unwilling in his heart, but he was also a person who could afford it and let it go. Since it was no longer possible to produce submarines, why do we need those equipments?It's better to sell it directly to Mingzhou Group to make a fortune. The money can also be used as a cost to produce new inland watercraft.

"Okay, then please transport all these equipments to St. Petersburg, and transport them away together after our transport ship arrives."

Ship together?
At this time, Rapilov was still a little surprised. He didn't know what Qin Tao meant. What kind of transport ship could transport the two submarines and the equipment for manufacturing them away?

More than ten days later, the mystery was finally revealed. Rapilov's face was full of surprise, even everyone on the pier was surprised.

Even if they have built boats all their lives, they have never seen such a big guy!
"I'm afraid its length is 300 meters?"

"The width is also 80 meters!"

"I really don't know how this big guy floats on the sea!"

Everyone is talking about it.

"I think, even if it's an aircraft carrier, it can hold it up!"

This judgment made Qin Tao feel a little bit emotional, this is his real purpose!Sure enough, there are capable people here!
Next, there is a series of complex operations.

If you want to use the dock to bring the submarine back, you have to pay attention.

Before the Shenzhou floating dock came, a large number of semicircular docks were fixed at the bottom according to the structure of the Kilo-class submarine. In this way, the floating dock only needs to be driven under the submarine, and then the docks Align the Kilo-class submarine, and then float up to complete the docking operation.

However, this position is quite difficult to deal with.

The Shenzhou has the ability to maneuver laterally, but it is not enough. In order to control the movement of the Shenzhou more accurately, there are four tugboats outside, constantly repeatedly and carefully adjusting the position of the Shenzhou.

It would be better if you only carried one submarine, but now, it would be even more troublesome to bring two submarines back at once. If it was loaded horizontally, it would simply be an impossible task.

Fortunately, the Shenzhou is long enough to put two ships vertically, which is more than enough.

At this time, on the pier, the big guys watched the operation process and discussed it at the same time.

"The 877 submarine is equipped with sound-absorbing tiles, so it cannot be placed directly on the steel docks like the previous steel submarines. We designed 60 docks corresponding to the difficult points of the submarine based on the position of the keel of the submarine and other data. , 10 cm wooden boards and 10 cm rubber are laid on the dock pier, which will not cause damage to the sound-absorbing tiles." Qin Tao said.

Every loading and unloading is very complicated. Anyway, this kind of floating dock only accepts one or two transportation tasks a year, and it is tolerable to toss once.

However, it took too long.

Up and down, left and right, tossing and tossing for seven or eight hours, still no success!

Qin Tao frowned, and then said: "Change the shipping strategy, our dock will not move, let the tugboat move the submarine!"

At this time, in the captain's room, Yang Xin was sweating profusely commanding. After hearing Qin Tao's arrangement, he couldn't help feeling that Mr. Qin was too smart.

It is too difficult for them to accurately adjust the floating dock. After all, the Shenzhou is a [-]-ton big guy. If you want to adjust the submarine, you only need to adjust the [-]-ton guy. The two are definitely not on the same order of magnitude!
"Boss Qin, use a tugboat to tow the submarine. Then, you need one for each of the front, rear, left, and right sides. The front one fell into the floating dock. How do you get out?" Lapilov was a little worried.

"If you can't drive it out, then use our crane to lift it out!"

Don't forget, this is a floating dock!

The new plan provided by Qin Tao greatly accelerated the progress of loading and unloading. Two hours later, the first submarine was finally fixed. It was already dark, and the second submarine could only wait for the next day.

Although the ship had not been loaded yet, a grand thank-you banquet was held in St. Petersburg that night.

Fine wines, delicacies, a dazzling array of things, these are all brought over from the floating dock of the Shenzhou.

Holding his wine glass, Qin Tao walked through the crowd.

"Mr. Qin, although there were twists and turns in the middle of our transaction, the final result is still satisfactory." Grishin also came. He raised his glass and said to Qin Tao: "I hope we can have more cooperation in the future." More deals."

"Yes, we are also very satisfied. The two 956 destroyers are also undergoing sea trials. They will be taken over when the sea trials are completed. We are quite satisfied with the warships built by Da Mao. I hope we can have more in the future." More collaborative projects."

Qin Tao didn't care about 956. Anyway, the technology on it has been almost studied by his own side, and the two Kilo-class ships are more important.

"You intend to order eight Type 636 submarines. I wonder if you intend to continue to order Type 956 destroyers? Like submarines, our destroyers will also be further modified."

"Really? Then we can listen to the improvement plan of the Northern Design Bureau."

In St. Petersburg, there are a large number of Lao Maozi's shipbuilding institutions, and various design bureaus are scattered throughout them.

Modern-class destroyers were built by the Northern Design Bureau. The main job of this design bureau is to design various destroyers.

Since it is going to be remodeled, it must be done by the Northern Design Bureau.

Although this banquet is just a meeting to thank the submarine industry, many personnel from other units also came, on the one hand to get acquainted, and on the other hand, of course, to come here for a meal.

At this time, when Grishin heard Qin Tao's statement, he naturally pulled him in front of the head of the Northern Design Bureau.

"President Qin, it's a pleasure to meet you." Shishkin stretched out his hand: "We have seen that you have already served professional air defense ships with a displacement of 956 to [-] tons, but this destroyer is mainly for air defense. And the anti-ship capability is seriously insufficient, you need a more balanced warship with a larger displacement, we have developed a warship with more advanced performance on the [-] hull, and it will definitely be recognized by your side."

"Really? Please give us a brief introduction, and I can bring your idea back to China." Qin Tao said.

"First of all, according to the most popular method in the world, we removed the naval guns at the tail of the warship, and set up a helicopter take-off and landing platform and a fixed hangar there."

This improvement made Qin Tao very satisfied.

In this era, the layout of warships with main guns at the stern is rare. Most warships only have one main gun at the bow, leaving a large space at the rear, which is just right for helicopters to take off and land on the flat field.

What about the modern class?

Because the naval guns are arranged at the back, the helicopter can only go to the second deck. (If you count it, it seems to be the third deck). The take-off and landing requirements of carrier-based aircraft, and there is no fixed hangar.

Now, remove the naval gun, so the problem is solved!
"In this way, the rear anti-ship missile launcher and the helicopter take-off and landing platform are vacant, and we can arrange three sets of 12 vertical launchers in it. Coupled with the improvement of the position of the bow, we This warship will have 72 vertically launched Shikili missiles, and its air defense performance will also be greatly improved."

When he heard this, Qin Tao felt his eyelids start to twitch.

Isn't this the 21956 destroyer plan in the fiction?The old man actually designed it?
"Where did you get the vertical launcher that can launch so many missiles?" Qin Tao was very curious.

"Thanks to you, Mr. Qin, you coordinated with the missile research and development department, and asked them to design a vertical launch device and install it on the air defense frigate you exported. Therefore, we just transplanted this air defense missile over. Compared with the previous The single-arm launcher and the current vertical hair make our warship look more modern. Moreover, the missiles are similar to those on the Hyundai class, so if you purchase them in the past, it will be convenient for logistical supplies."

Qin Tao understood that this is due to his own credit, he helped them get this opportunity!
A 054 with a displacement of less than 32 tons can fit 72 vertical launch missiles. It is only natural that a warship with a displacement of [-] to [-] tons can fit [-] missiles.

In this way, the modern-class air defense capability is stronger.

"What about the power system?" Qin Tao asked.

"In terms of power system, we also found that oil-fired boilers have been eliminated, so we decided to use a combined combustion-fired power unit, including two DA-26.7 acceleration gas turbines with a rated power of 80 megawatts, and two 10000-horsepower M-70 cruisers. With a gas turbine. The total shaft horsepower is as high as 9.2 horsepower. With this combination, the warship can reach a maximum speed of 33 knots."

"By the way, what about anti-ship missiles? Are you planning to launch anti-ship missiles too?"

It would be even better if there is a vertical anti-ship missile that can be loaded with the club.

"In terms of anti-ship missiles, we haven't considered them yet, but there is an extended-range 3M80 anti-ship missile that can be installed for you."

Sure enough, there is still a difference from 21956 in that overhead world. After all, the old man can't stuff the hanging anti-ship missiles into it.

The 3M80 does not have a vertical version, and the P-700 is a big killer for Lao Maozi, and it is impossible to stuff it in.

However, if you do it like this, it seems to look better than the specially modified Dreadnought 3.

"President Qin, a warship like ours will definitely become the most powerful warship in your navy!" Shishkin continued: "We believe that this warship will still become the main force in the 21st century, so we will It's named 21956."

Qin Tao felt a chill in his heart, and sure enough, he still used this name.

21 with the advanced level of the 21956st century?It is estimated that it will always exist on the design drawings, right?
If it is only a simple improvement on the basis of the 956 model, then it is still possible to build it, but this kind of major modification is too difficult.

Not to mention, it’s just the power system. If they want to use gas turbines, they have to import them from Ermao. In this era, Ermao’s place is not peaceful. It is very difficult to get advanced gas turbines. It may not be possible to fix the hull. They are all welded, but the gas turbine is not delivered, and the delivery has to be added.

So, just listen to it.

"Well, yes, after your design in this way, the performance of this kind of warship will be greatly improved." Qin Tao verbally expressed his support.

No matter how much contempt there is in my heart, I can't say it out of my mouth.

At this time, Shishkin was very happy to hear Qin Tao's words: "Mr. Qin, do you want to place an order?"

"Sorry, I'm not from the military. I can help convey your design proposals to the military, but I personally don't have the ability to make decisions."

"So, didn't you decide on eight 636 submarines?"

"Of course not. These submarines are just intentions. We will not place a follow-up order until we drive the two 877 submarines back and are satisfied with the use. I think you misunderstood."


The people in those submarine production plants are all trying to get their heads up for the order, but it's just an intention?Shishkin was very speechless at this time.

However, if you think about it, arms export, how can there be such a simple thing, a few words can make a deal.

"If you are in a hurry, you can also take the design drawings and go directly to our country and report to our navy." Qin Tao gave the other party an idea.

Shishkin's eyes lit up, yes, why can't he take the initiative to come to the door?Now they have to take the initiative to come to the door!
"It's a pity that Ah San chose to manufacture the Derry-class destroyer by himself. Otherwise, our destroyer could have been sold to Ah San." Grishin said on the side.

For Damao, there are not many major customers who come to purchase. China and Ah San are two of the most important customers, especially Ah San.

But now, Ah San is fooling around, because Ah San wants to develop it by himself.

"Yes, for Ah San, this improved 21956 has good performance, but Ah San will not be satisfied. If you have advanced warships with four-sided phased array radar, you can sell them to Ah San."

Although Ah San's industrial foundation is not good, their vision is very high.

Although the Delhi-class destroyer has been manufactured, it is a backward product. Therefore, the construction of the Delhi-class destroyer will stop when there are not a few ships. Great damage, so they can't wait to ask for the construction of advanced warships with four-sided phased array radar!
If the old man came up with something like this, he could still fool Ah San.

But will it work?
Of course not.

So far, the only thing Lao Maozi can use is Sky Sentinel. This kind of passive phased array radar antenna is very bulky and can only be installed on heavy-duty aircraft cruisers. This radar has not really been debugged, it has never been actually run at all, it does not have the actual multi-target monitoring capability, and so on.

Now, hearing Qin Tao's suggestion, Shishkin and the others showed embarrassment.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice!
In this world, what the Americans originally had, the Red Empire could have. However, with the collapse of the Red Empire, Da Mao only had to eat the inheritance. It was too difficult to innovate on the basis of the inheritance.

If this level of equipment can really be produced, then what is there to say, they have already equipped 21956 with it!

(End of this chapter)

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