Great warships

Chapter 480 Install Turbofan 5 for J-5

Chapter 480 Install Turbofan Fifteen on J-[-]
Think of another way?
Everyone looked at Qin Tao with expectant eyes.

"President Qin, do you have a way to buy this kind of engine from Lao Maozi?" Everyone admires Qin Tao's ability. Now that Qin Tao said this, the meaning is obvious, and he just wants to help. !

"We can find a way to buy it. As long as we give money, there is nothing we can't buy. At the same time, we can also use our own engine." Qin Tao said.

"President Qin, our own engine, Turbofan [-], is still under development. Considering the technical difficulty of self-developed engines, it may take more than ten years, and we simply can't wait!"

The domestic aviation industry, of course, is aware of the problem of heart disease, and has been working hard to solve this problem. The turbofan [-] is the expectation of the replacement of the J-[-] and J-[-]. It has been under research and development, but there is no such thing. It's so ambitious, and everyone knows that it takes a long way to go.

"Yeah, when our turbofan [-] develops and matures, we won't be controlled by others on the engine. But now, we can't do it yet."

"Who said we can't do it? Don't we have other engines to use?" Qin Tao looked at the crowd: "I heard that Turbofan [-] has already started a bench test run, and it is very stable!"

Turbofan fifteen?

This is another key model of the aviation industry. This engine comes from the R-79 engine technology obtained from Da Mao. At that time, it spent a lot of money to purchase its full set of production technology, including the production process of various materials. and many more.

Therefore, after getting it, the country proposed a three-step strategy. The first step is to completely imitate the R-79 engine. This imitation is called Turbofan 31. It is mainly used for J-[-]A That international cooperation project provides the impetus.

Since the international cooperation project has received a large amount of funds, this first step, the imitation of the R-79, went smoothly. Although the test run on the bench is only the first step, the follow-up needs to be installed on the aircraft for testing, etc., because it is already mature. Therefore, it will be able to reach the state of use soon.

Next, it is time to improve on its basis, such as increasing the front temperature of the turbine, etc., to further increase its thrust.This project has already started. Many people Qin Tao recruited from Rainbow Country are busy with this project. For example, Vanessa is an expert in single crystal turbine blades.

Then, based on its core machine, it is equipped with a brand-new external channel to achieve stronger power output capability.

Qin Tao put forward a new point of view: replace the engine of the J-[-] currently under development, and replace it with a domestic turbofan [-]!

Hearing what he said, Gu Lao had a wry smile on his face: "Boss Qin, this engine allows us to obtain advanced aerodynamic power, but it is not suitable for our J-1.7! Don't use it for now. Speaking of the control system problems caused by different engines, the volume of this engine cannot meet our needs. Its diameter is 31 meters, and the AL-3F1.3 engine we originally planned to assemble has a diameter of only [-] meters, just talking about this diameter, there is no possibility of switching between the two! This technical difficulty is almost the same as re-development!"

We also considered it, but finally gave up because it was not suitable!

"1.7 meters in diameter?" Qin Tao looked at everyone present: "Are you sure?"

"That's right, we've contacted the 624 Institute, and that's all the data they provided." Gu Lao said.

Qin Tao looked at Luo Yang again.

When Mr. Gu was talking just now, Luo Yang kept silent. He is the designer of the J-[-], and it is conceivable how he felt when he came to this meeting together, but without the engine, everything is useless. !
"Luo Gong, please call the 624 institute right now, and confirm with them the diameter, length, weight and other parameters of the turbofan [-], especially, tell them that we don't want to rotate the nozzle, just Want the engine in the front!"

Luo Yang stood up: "Okay, I'll make a call now!"

In the conference room, everyone was a little curious, what does Mr. Qin mean by such a request?
Does this engine work?
Impossible, one is 1.7 meters in diameter and the other is 1.3 meters in diameter, they are totally different, how can they be replaced?

There was a telephone in the meeting room, so after Luo Yang stood up, he walked a dozen steps to the telephone and started making a call.

"Hello, I'm 601 Suo Luoyang, I would like to ask you for the detailed parameters of turbofan [-]. That's right, I want specific parameters!"

While talking on the phone, he took out a pen and paper to prepare for the record.

"What? There are two diameter parameters? Why are there two?" Luo Yang was completely shocked.

The people present were also stunned.

"Oh, when you add the swivel nozzle, it's 1720mm in diameter, and without the swivel nozzle, it's 1370mm."

When they heard the data that Luo Yang said while making a phone call, the people present were even more shocked.

These two data are simply unbelievable. Everyone has heard that it is 1.7 meters. Unexpectedly, there is another data of 1.3 meters!

(After checking a lot of information, I finally found the tabular data of these engines. For R-79, there are obviously two data, which makes people very curious. Later, after studying in the book friend group for a long time, I think that these two data, one is One with nozzle, one without nozzle.)
AL-31F3 is refitted on the basis of the third uncle, its diameter is 1.3 meters, (the exact data is 1280 mm.) If it is replaced by an engine with a diameter of 1.7 meters, it is definitely impossible, but if the diameter is 1370 mm , then it is only 90 mm larger, and it can be used after a little modification!
Now, the third uncle is completely imported. Therefore, this kind of damp-proof engine specially used for carrier-based aircraft can only be imported from old men. It is impossible to disassemble and improve it. However, if the turbofan fifteen If so, since the production technology has been mastered, it will be much more convenient to improve on the basis of it!
In other words, Turbofan Fifteen can be used!
If there is a qualified engine, then there will be no major problems in the research and development of J-[-]!
At this time, Luo Yang had put down the phone and came back. He was holding the paper that recorded the data in his hand, with excitement on his face.

"From the appearance point of view, with a little improvement, it can be completely inserted!"

The diameter has already been mentioned, and the next important dimension is the length. The length of the original engine is 4.92 meters, and the length of the turbofan 4.78 is 5.23 meters. (There is also a data of [-] meters. I don’t know which one is more suitable.) In short , there is no problem with the length.

Luo Yang was very excited: "The biggest problem is not its size, but its weight. Our turbofan 600 is about [-] kilograms heavier than the third uncle, and the two engines are more than [-] kilograms heavier! "

Speaking of the weight of the engine, it is often confused by different numbers. Take the third uncle as an example, the weight data is 1530 kg, combined with its 122.5 kN thrust, a thrust-to-weight ratio of more than 8 has been obtained, reaching the third-generation aircraft. Level.

However, the West is very dissatisfied with this data, because Lao Maozi’s engine is calculated as dry weight, that is, the weight of the engine without any oil, while the West calculates the thrust-to-weight ratio, using wet weight, that is, the engine has Total weight in working condition.

If you use the Western thrust-to-weight ratio to calculate, the thrust-to-weight ratio of the third uncle is only about 6, which is quite ugly.

As for the turbofan fifteen, which is the imitation R-79 engine, the data is still the same.

Its dry weight is 1850 kg, which is 2750 kg more than the third uncle. As for its wet weight, it has reached a terrifying 2.5 kg! (It is also said that it is about [-] tons)
In short, the biggest problem encountered when changing this engine is the weight!
If the weight is too large, the center of gravity of the whole aircraft will change. After the center of gravity changes, the control of the aircraft must also change accordingly. If you have a thorough understanding of the overall design of the aircraft, then of course there is no problem.

But now, for them, this is quite tricky.

"However, we can reduce the weight added to the engine in other places." Luo Yang has an idea: "We use a lot of composite materials on the rear fuselage of this J-10 fighter, so that it should be able to It has a certain weight reduction effect. At the same time, in the process of improvement, the replacement of the landing gear will originally lead to a different weight distribution from the T-[-]K. Therefore, we will inevitably involve the center of gravity of the whole machine in the end. Further calculations, let’s just come together this time! Compared with these workloads, the performance improvement is worth it!”

Although the engine has a few hundred kilograms more, the thrust has increased even more against the sky!
The original engine had a thrust of less than 130 kN, what about now?After replacing the turbofan fifteen, the thrust increased to 152 kN!Compared with the prototype, the thrust has been increased by nearly 20.00%, which will make the take-off performance of this aircraft stronger!Ski jump take-off depends entirely on the thrust of the engine. This solution will take the performance of the aircraft to a higher level.

Thinking of this, Luo Yang was extremely excited.

"Replacing the engine is a big project!" Mr. Gu sighed there: "At present, the construction period of our aircraft carrier is about five years. If we want the aircraft carrier to have combat capabilities, the carrier-based aircraft should be It will be completed within three years, and pilot training will be carried out in the next two years. When the aircraft carrier is transformed, the pilots will be able to board the ship directly. But now, if we change the engine, it will waste even longer time!"

Whether it's J-2 or J-601, they belong to their [-] Institute, so he doesn't favor one over another. Of course, he also hopes that J-[-] can succeed, but time is very tight!
The modification of J-2 is less difficult, and it can get on the aircraft carrier faster and better.

Hearing Gu Lao's words, everyone became nervous again.

This is indeed true, they can't waste time!

How to do?
Qin Tao smiled: "So, we are going to carry out the design of the modification, and at the same time, we use this modification plan to fool the old man!"

It's two-handed!

On the one hand, we need to be self-reliant and use our own engine to make a complete set, and let the old man know that we can do it without your engine.

"We told the old man that we plan to use our own turbofan 31 to fully replace the engine of the J-3. In the future, we won't have to buy the third uncle." Qin Tao said: "If the old man wants to continue to sell Their third uncle, then give us a more suitable price and meet our requirements! We want a special shipboard version of AL-[-]F[-], and they have to provide it to us!"

Although speaking of it, Turbofan 601 has great potential for refitting, but Qin Tao also knows that with the current strength of the [-] Institute, it is not easy to realize the operation of changing the engine, and the time really cannot be delayed.

Therefore, the plan to change the engine should be used as an excuse to threaten the old man!
When Qin Tao first proposed it, it was this plan, a package plan, and it was definitely inappropriate to use turbofan [-] to replace it, because later generations used turbofan [-] to replace it!
When the J-[-] was tested for flight, the turbofan [-] was used. When the turbofan [-] matured, the turbofan [-] was replaced. However, the turbofan [-] at that time and the current turbofan [-] should not be the same. the same.

Everyone has complex expressions.

This is the greatness of Mr. Qin, and only Mr. Qin can think of such a genius idea!

Since there is a problem with the engine, then solve the problem of the engine!Qin Tao hit the point directly, and he really thought of a solution.

When everyone knew that the size of the turbofan [-] was suitable, they all thought that this kind of replacement was the final solution. Who would have thought that the replacement of the engine was actually to fool the old man, so that the old man could let go of the engine export restrictions!
It can be said that if the turbofan [-] is replaced, it will definitely allow the J-[-] to have stronger combat capabilities. However, the technical problems of changing the engine will also trouble everyone for many years and delay the finalized equipment of the J-[-].

Therefore, preparing with both hands is the best solution.

Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao with satisfaction, he knew that Qin Tao would definitely come up with a solution, but he didn't expect that the solution Qin Tao came up with was so ingenious and solved the problem perfectly.

When we were talking about the introduction of the Su-27 production line, the old Maozi kept a hand and refused to export the matching third uncle engine technology. The old Maozi planned to use the engine to contain Dongfang. The engine is the heart of the aircraft. If there is no engine, Then the plane couldn't take off.

Now, if your side uses turbofan fifteen to match, you can completely get rid of the old man and play alone!
Old Maozi will go to hell if he is not in a hurry, so if he uses this as a threat, Lao Maozi will definitely be in a hurry!

"Boss Qin, we are not good at this, why don't you go and negotiate with Lao Maozi?" Gu Lao asked Qin Tao tentatively.

Qin Tao glanced at Gu Lao: "This kind of thing, you still need me to come forward?"

"That's right, if you want to come forward, it will definitely be done properly. This is also for the development of our navy."

"Okay, but I also have a request."

"Say it, we will be satisfied!"

"In our base, there are some Americans, all of whom I invited. One of them, Delano, has always wanted to fly our Su-27. I have spoken to the Air Force several times, but there is no Echo." Qin Tao said: "The aircraft manufactured by your 112 factory all need to undergo factory test flight, so you have to let this Draenor have a good time."

Gu Lao opened his eyes wide.

Your request is too much, right?That is a fighter jet, a fighter jet worth tens of millions of dollars!Converted into RMB, the ex-factory J-[-] is over [-] million!

Such a plane, let the guests you invite have fun and have fun?
Is your face too big?

If you think about it with your ass, you can know that the Air Force will certainly not agree to Qin Tao's request. The dozens of Su-27s that the Air Force currently has on hand are all treasures. How can one of the most elite pilots of the Air Force fly them? Someone of unknown origin flew?

This is because the big guys don't know about the crazy things that Delano has done in the United States. If they knew, they would probably turn against Qin Tao immediately.

Of course, Mr. Gu is unwilling to let outsiders touch it. Besides, even if they built the plane, they have no right to let outsiders fly it directly. The Air Force still has a large number of military representatives stationed in their factory. In the test flight in the aircraft factory, they are all closely watched!
So, the possibility is almost zero.

However, it would not be appropriate to directly reject Qin Tao.

Therefore, Mr. Gu couldn't answer for a while, but was thinking rapidly in his brain.

"He is the best Tomcat fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy. In the future, when we have an aircraft carrier, we will need him to help us explore flight experience for actual aircraft training." Qin Tao said: "So, now it is a Get him acquainted with flying."

Qin Tao's words made Gu Laomao suddenly realize.

"Since this is the case, how about letting him wait until we have developed a carrier-based J-[-] for the navy?" Gu Lao said.

The currently produced J-[-]s are all made by the Air Force. Of course, the Americans can’t touch them. The Navy’s is different. Anyway, the Navy’s carrier-based aircraft also need Americans to train, so let the Americans fly them. up.

"That can't be done, he has to train in advance!" Qin Tao rejected Gu Lao immediately.

"He needs to train in advance and can use a flight simulator."

Wu Shengli bowed his head and drank his tea. He never participated in this kind of discussion.

"No, flight simulators are not interesting, unless it is a special J-[-] flight simulator."

"Yes, we have this dedicated cockpit simulator."

After negotiating for a while, Qin Tao could only be defeated.

"Unfortunately, we are mainly producing single-seater J-[-]s now. If we can produce two-seaters, it would be no problem for him to experience it in the back cockpit." Gu Lao continued to comfort him.

By the time of the J-[-]B, there will be two-seater models, and now they are all single-seaters. This has just started stable production, and it is impossible to modify them as soon as they come up.

"Yes." Qin Tao also felt emotional: "When the two-seater model is available in the future, it can be converted into a powerful fighter-bomber. Our navy needs this weapon the most."

The navy is equipped with all Su-30 series, and has never been equipped with single-seat aircraft, which is also because of different use requirements.

What the navy wants is long-range anti-ship combat. The Su-30 is equipped with powerful anti-ship missiles, which is a powerful combination. The J-[-] is also a two-seater layout.

Of course, these are all things in the future.

This time, Wu Shengli put down his teacup and participated in the discussion.

"The two-seater aircraft is indeed what our navy needs most. We have been paying attention to the Su-30. Since it appeared at the air show, our navy thinks it is our best choice. What a pity!"

At the end, Wu Shengli sighed, and everyone knew this sigh.

It's a pity that there is no money!

The navy has too many projects to support, and it is impossible to raise funds to purchase a large number of fighter jets, especially now that the J-[-] project is still in progress, and there is no money to purchase fighter jets, so for the time being, we will use the Flying Leopard first Make up the numbers, after all, the flying leopard is cheap.

"It's not a pity, the old man's Su-30 is still immature." Qin Tao said: "The so-called Su-30 they said at the air show may be replaced by the Su-27UB. Come on, let them purchase first, and wait until they are ready to fly the Su-30, and it will not be too late for us to buy it. Of course, it may be that by that time, our domestic aviation industry will be able to produce two-seaters by itself. There's a warplane."

This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

Of course, Qin Tao knew that the first export target of the Su-30 was Ah San. The third brother purchased 30 Su-140MKIs with great pride.

It is said that it is still a model with a vector nozzle, and the life of the vector nozzle is only fifteen hours, which greatly satisfies the third brother's self-esteem.

The East can produce Su-27, what is this?We can produce Su-30, and it still has vector capability!

"Yes, we still have to wait until our economy develops better, and we will have a chance." Wu Shengli said: "We have successfully conducted today's meeting and found a solution to the problem. Now, if If you have no other questions, how about we go out and have a look at the aircraft carrier simulation base?"

This is the purpose of setting up the conference room here.

Hearing Wu Shengli's words, everyone nodded immediately. They have long heard that an aircraft carrier simulation base has been established here, and the big guys haven't visited it yet.

People poured out of the conference room and walked towards the interior of the base. In the distance, several J-31A fighter jets painted in black could be seen, which were being dispatched.

This plane looks really atmospheric!

"This J-31A fighter jet is definitely a miracle!" Luo Yang said with emotion: "If it takes another ten years, then our J-[-] project really doesn't need to be carried out. The navy can just purchase this kind of aircraft directly."

"Unfortunately, this kind of aircraft is only a single engine, it is not safe for the navy!"

"If you want to take off and land vertically, you can only arrange it in this way. If you want to take off and land vertically, you can only use one engine. The navy has no choice." Qin Tao is very domineering, without considering the feelings of Wu Shengli and others around him.

(End of this chapter)

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