Great warships

Chapter 481 Plagiarizing Intellectual Property?no this is our new plane

Chapter 481 Plagiarizing Intellectual Property?no this is our new plane

"In the future, if we use ski jumps to take off, or even catapults, what else will this vertical takeoff and landing fighter be useful for?" Luo Yang asked.

What he is working on is the navy's carrier-based aircraft project. He attaches great importance to this project and has studied it for a long time. He has come to the conclusion that fixed-wing fighters are the most suitable aircraft for the navy. Look how tasteless!
"If you only consider this kind of large aircraft carrier, the vertical take-off and landing aircraft is indeed useless. At most, it is used on our island bases. When the island and reef bases in the southern waters are gradually equipped with large runways, even those areas are useless. "Qin Tao said: "However, we will still need it in the future."


"For example, an amphibious assault ship."

So far, warships such as amphibious assault ships are non-mainstream. The most famous is of course the American "Wasp" class multi-purpose amphibious assault ship. This kind of warship has a direct deck and looks similar to an aircraft carrier during World War II. It is equipped with a Sea Harrier fighter jet as a land attack weapon.

As for the country, this kind of equipment is still zero.

"If we want to solve the problem of the eastern islands, we must have an amphibious landing force. This kind of warship is equipped with amphibious combat vehicles, helicopters and fighter jets, and vertical take-off and landing aircraft, which will play a huge role." Qin Tao said: "Of course Yes, the project needs to be demonstrated by the relevant departments of the Navy, at least, we have this combination, and we can sell it together in the future.”

(Some readers insist that there is no need to use vertical take-off and landing aircraft for amphibious assault ships. The reason is that we do not have such a combination. The hero of East China thinks that the main reason is that we do not have vertical take-off and landing fighter jets! Besides, you have to insist that there is no need for domestic Yes, our aircraft is an international cooperation project and is to be sold all over the world. There is still a market for this type of aircraft. We just want to squeeze out the F-35 market.)
Wu Shengli nodded.

Now the navy doesn't care about these things. The navy's funds are apportioned to the existing projects, which are already stretched, but they don't have the energy to build any amphibious assault ships. The verification technology, after the navy's inspection, thinks it is good, and the way of self-use should be the safest.

Everyone continued to walk forward, and at the take-off point of the jump deck, they saw two yellow vests practicing the command action of taking off.

The right legs of the two people are bent forward, the left leg is bent and close to the ground, the right arm is raised to a horizontal and slightly upward position, and the index finger and middle finger are close together and point to the direction of the leaping deck.

A foreigner is explaining the essentials of this movement to them there.

"Deck work is very dangerous, and so is the take-off position. You not only have to instruct the plane to take off, but also observe the various states of the plane during take-off, and find problems in time. Even if you can't prevent the plane from crashing into the sea, at least you can let the pilot If you have the opportunity to skydive, the life of the pilot is the most precious!"

The two nodded and continued to listen carefully.

"You should pay attention to observe the tires, landing gear, and the jumping deck of the plane without the pervasive steam. It will be more convenient for you to observe!"

The big guys stood here, watching with relish.

"Although there is no shaking deck here, our aircraft can still be tested here after it is built." Luo Yang said: "This base should be the base where our J-[-] fighter jets are released!"

The complex hydraulic device is not arranged, and the entire ground cannot be moved, but it is still no problem to do the initial training simulation.

Qin Tao nodded: "Indeed, if the navy wants to make do with it, it's okay. The flat deck over there can also be equipped with ejection devices for ejection test flights in the future. The arresting wires behind can also be installed at any time for landing training. "

Now that the base has been built, it has to be used. Obviously, it will become the cradle of the navy's carrier-based aircraft force in the future.

"In the future, when we have more aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships, the navy will be able to fully realize the transformation from land-based to ship-based, just like the US Navy, all of which are carrier-based aviation."

In general countries, the naval aviation is also deployed on the shore, whether it is Lao Maozi or European countries, only the Americans are an exception. Although the navy also has land bases, it is used by the aircraft carrier after returning to the voyage. Take off and land on an aircraft carrier.

The navy of the motherland will also have an all-carrier aviation force in the future!
Wu Shengli smiled, kid, just talk big, do you know how many aircraft carriers it takes?
Our naval aviation still has a lot of property. If the entire ship is onboard, what about those who cannot be on the ship?All to the Air Force?Cheaper them?

Everyone visited the base for a day until evening, and they left after having dinner in the base.

As for Qin Tao, he was dragged into the car by Mr. Gu, left the wasteland village base, and went to 601.

To fool the old man, it is enough to be in the 601. After all, with the development of the production work on the 601th, there are a large number of old Maozi consultants in the 112 and [-] factories to guide on the spot.

In space, satellites glide past one after another.

The far side of the ocean.

"Our reconnaissance satellite has captured the latest photos. The base over Huangdi Village is getting more and more lively. They have already carried out various trainings." A person said, "We suspect that they are developing an aircraft carrier. carrying power."

Swift shook his head: "How is it possible! Orientals simply don't have this ability, they must be playing tricks!"

Make a fool of yourself?

Others in the room were curious: "How to confuse?"

"Look, what kind of aircraft they are using! J-31A, the fourth-generation aircraft they boast about! Even our F-22 has not yet been finalized and equipped with troops. It will not take ten years for their navy to use this aircraft. In 20 years, it is simply impossible!"

If there is a J-31 on this base, the people present will definitely be ready to fight, thinking that the East is developing an aircraft carrier force, but J-[-]A, this kind of aircraft is simply impossible!
Orientals like to play tricks!
"In particular, it is a single-engine aircraft, which is not suitable for boarding a ship at all! With the level of the Orientals, if these aircraft are really built, they will all be destroyed within a few years!"

"However, our JSF project is also a single-engine solution." Someone on the side whispered.

"Hmph, I don't know what those people in the white house are thinking! We would rather upgrade the big bug, or even use the invisible cat, than use this kind of shitty JSF project!"

The Navy was extremely dissatisfied with the project.

In fact, for them, the Navy's Advanced Tactical Fighter (N-ATF) plan a few years ago is the best. The sweeping wing technique looks so majestic.

It's a pity that this kind of aircraft has no following, and was cut off in 91. Thinking of the bloated JSF project, they felt a burst of nausea.

Swift sighed, and then said: "Oriental people like to play tricks the most. They put on a show here with great fanfare. It must be for us to see. They must have other secret projects. We must not be fooled by them! "

Swift is wary, having been duped more than once, and he already has experience.

However, if this is a sham, what is the real situation?

"After analyzing our satellite photos, we found that there are still some foreigners in this base."

"Foreigners? I guess they are old men. Hmph, they invested a lot in order to confuse us. They must have a secret project. We need to find it out!"

Swift will never know that this base is not a sham at all, and those foreigners are not the old men he guessed, and by the time he knows it, it will be too late.

Factory 112 is in full swing for the production of J-11. This project, code-named Project [-], is currently the most advanced project in the domestic aviation industry. The Air Force has also invested a lot of money in this project.

In order to allow the East to master the production of the Su-27, Lao Maozi also sent more than 100 technical experts to provide on-site guidance. These experts were headed by Yemelyanov.

Personally speaking, Yemelyanov's job is qualified. He wanders around the production line every day to solve many problems encountered in production. At the same time, when he has time, he will go to the 601 have a look.

On this day, after inspecting the production workshop, Yemelyanov walked out with a few companions with easy steps, and then saw a truck rumbling over and parked on the opposite side. At the door of the workshop, a crane slowly moved over to lift the device above.

It was a large long box, and it could be deduced simply by looking at the outline: there was probably an engine inside!

"Is there a new engine coming?" Yemelyanov asked his companion.

"No, the last batch of engines is enough for production until the end of this year."

"Turbofan Fifteen?" Among the few people, the only old man who knew Chinese read out the Chinese logo on the outside of the box.

"What? Turbofan [-]? What kind of engine is this?" Yemelyanov was just curious at this time.

"It's our R-79."

Yemelyanov frowned when he heard this.

Of course he knew about this engine. When it was purchased that year, there was a lot of noise. Lockheed actually used assassination methods, which made Moscow very angry.

Relying on that opportunity, the Orientals successfully acquired this engine and all the supporting production technologies.

However, what kind of J-31A project is this engine used in? The design unit is in the Land of Abundance. How could this engine be transported here?
"Igor, go over and ask." Yemelyanov asked his men.Igor is the translator they brought, a big-haired man, and he is more at ease to use than the translation provided by the Orientals.

The people under him immediately passed by, but after the exchange, they found nothing.

"They don't know either, they're just in charge of transshipment."

Two R-79 engines, transported here, what are you going to do?The J-[-] here is definitely useless, isn't it?

When thinking of this, Yemelyanov was suddenly shocked: "Let's go, let's go to the 601! We have to ask clearly, what are they going to do!"

An ominous premonition had already filled Yemelyanov's heart, but after he had walked more than a dozen steps, he thought of something and turned his body around: "Come on, let's go to the third workshop."

The third workshop is a special parts production workshop, mainly processing aluminum alloy components used in aircraft, including the structural frame of the engine compartment.

The titanium alloy components are directly provided by Mingzhou Group, but the aluminum alloy components are still produced in local factories.

As Sukhoi experts, they have the right to directly enter these factories to monitor the production status.

Yemelyanov led the people directly to the station where the structural frame of the engine compartment was specially processed. When everyone passed by, they could see the ring-shaped part with just a visual inspection, and the size was wrong!

"There is a problem with the size of this part! How did you process it?" Yemelyanov asked angrily while picking up a box ruler to measure.

No need for special measuring equipment, only a box ruler can be determined.

The original inner diameter of this structural part should be 1290, but now, its inner diameter has become 1380 mm!90 cm bigger!

"We processed it according to the design drawing of Institute 601. A new drawing was sent over there, and this part is not for No.11." The old worker said cautiously: "Why, is there a problem?"

"Oh, damn it, there is a problem, of course there is a problem!" At this time, Yemelyanov was able to completely confirm his speculation, and he was in a bad mood: "Take this part, let's go to the 601, find They confronted, they can't do this!"

This thing looks big, but because it is made of aluminum alloy, it is not heavy and can be picked up with one hand.

Someone picked it up immediately, and then put it around his neck, just like Nezha's Qiankun circle, it was directly straddled across his body, and it was the most convenient to pick it up.

The old man got angry, and the consequences were serious!

With his own men, Yemelyanov got into the car outside and went directly to the 601 office.

In the car, these people were still discussing.

"The inner diameter of 1380 mm just fits the R-79 engine. This workpiece is prepared for the R-79 engine!"

"Are they going to put R-79 on our aircraft? No, we must not let them do that! This is stealing our intellectual property!"

During the period of the Red Empire, Lao Maozi never had this kind of awareness of intellectual property rights, but it is different now, they will never allow this kind of thing to happen!

With such anger, they came to the 601.

When a large amount of data came over, the first step of sorting out work was carried out in 601. Since then, they have been working together and are very familiar with this place.

After entering, he went straight to the NO.11 project engineering office. Along the way, countless people raised their eyes and saluted.

It's common for old men to come here, but they've never seen this kind of person who came here in a circle!
What is the old man doing here?

"Sun Gong, Sun Gong, what are you doing?" Yemelyanov went straight to Sun Cong and shouted to him, "Where is Mr. Li? Where is Mr. Li?"

For the NO.11 project, Li Ming is the chief engineer, and Sun Cong is in charge of helping out. But since Li Ming is not seen now, he can only vent his anger on Sun Conglai.

What are you doing?
"What's the matter?" Sun hurriedly looked at Yemelyanov curiously: "Mr. Li has been a little busy recently, and he is elsewhere."

"What's the matter? You are actually carrying out the Su-27 engine replacement project behind our backs! This is something we absolutely cannot tolerate! Where is Mr. Li? Please come here immediately!"

"Well, do you guys have some misunderstanding?" Sun Cong looked very calm.

"Misunderstanding? What did we misunderstand!" Yemelyanov asked his men to take down the Qiankun circle and put it on the table with a bang: "Look at this structural part, do you know it?"

"What's wrong with the engine bay?"

"That's right, it's the engine compartment, but its inner diameter is 27 millimeters larger! You are planning to change the engine for the Su-[-], this is absolutely intolerable to us!" Yemelyanov said very anger.

"is it?"

Sun hurriedly looked over it curiously, and then looked at the number on it: "This, you must have made a mistake."

"Wrong? How could it be wrong?"

"Each of our parts will have a ten-digit code. The first two digits are 11, the next three digits are the aircraft number, and the last five digits are the specific part number. You should all know this, right?"

"That's right!"

"However, the number of the first two digits of this part is 15, not 11, so these parts are not for our J-[-], and have nothing to do with J-[-]." Sun Cong said.

What, has nothing to do with J-[-]?
Yemelyanov was annoyed: "What are you talking about?"

"What's going on?" Just then a voice sounded from behind, and the chief engineer Li Ming came over!
"Mr. Li, what's the matter with your parts?" Yemelyanov suppressed his anger.

"Oh, this part, this is the part of the brand new J-[-] fighter that we plan to develop." Li Ming glanced at the serial number on it and said, "We have great hopes for this aircraft, it will become our The most advanced fighter jet in the country!"

Brand new J-[-] fighter?

Yemelyanov and others were stunned: "What plane?"

"We plan to develop a heavy fighter by ourselves."

Self-study?Heavy fighter?

"So, can we have a look at the specific design information of this aircraft?"

"Sorry, of course not. This is our self-developed fighter jet, which contains a lot of our secrets. Everyone, we thank you for your support in the NO.11 project, but, sorry, you cannot get our J-[-] Any information on the Five Fighters."

Is it wrong?

Are the parts of their self-developed fighter jets similar to those of their own Su-27?
Yemelyanov was almost convinced by this idea, but soon he realized it.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
It has been a long time since they came here. They also know the strength of the 601 Institute. The level here is at most to build a second-generation machine and let them develop a third-generation machine from scratch?Do not make jokes!
They certainly didn't develop it themselves!

They have already obtained a complete set of Su-27 blueprints, so they must use all their own parts on the basis of this blueprint to transform a new fighter!

According to the original agreement, only the engine technology was not exported. This is also a means used by Lao Maozi to control the East. The engine can be used at any time to contain the output of J-[-].

And what about these people in front of them?
They want to get rid of this control and replace it with other engines. After searching around, they found that the R-79 engine is the most suitable!
Even, the performance is even stronger, the thrust of this engine is 20.00% higher than that of the original third uncle!
Damn it, how could the full set of technology of this engine be exported to the East in the first place!

Yemelyanov scolded those who were involved at the time in his heart, but now, what should he do?
"What J-[-] fighter jets, you must have plagiarized our intellectual property!" Yemelyanov's face was extremely ugly: "You can't do this! It's shameful!"

"Mr. Yemelyanov, you must have misunderstood. This is our newly developed twin-engine heavy fighter. It has nothing to do with your Su-27 fighter!" Li Ming said confidently: "It's a pity, I can't Give you any information, in short, please rest assured that this project has nothing to do with you, and our cooperation will continue."

Li Ming has already said it very euphemistically. In the field of military industry, it is a skill to be able to imitate it. What patent rights are there?

"How do you prove it? I don't believe what you said!"

"Well, I can tell you one thing." Li Ming said: "The brand new J-27 we are developing now is a three-plane fighter. Its aerodynamic layout is very different from that of the Su-[-]. Please rest assured. , this project has nothing to do with you."

These words were taught by Qin Tao. After all, it is inappropriate for Qin Tao to come forward now. Qin Tao is playing a white face.

"A fighter with three wings?"

"That's right, we added a canard to our J-2, making it a three-plane fighter. The new plane now also has a three-plane plane."

Speaking of domestically produced three-wing fighters, everyone can immediately think of the J-2. In fact, there is another fighter with three wings in front of the J-[-]. This is the J-[-]-[-] ACT. In order to change static stability into static instability, a stabilized aircraft of Chuan Technology added a pair of canards to the front.

The three-plane aircraft is different from the Su-27, don't worry!

Li Ming fudged Yemelyanov and the others away.

When I came outside, I was blown by the wind, and suddenly, someone woke up.

Could it be the Su-33 with three wings?

Speaking of Lao Maozi's three-plane fighter, it is easy to think of Ah San's Su-30MKI, or the Su-711 with the number 37 that made a big splash at the air show. In fact, the Su-33 is the Su-27 The first three-wing fighter in the series, a set of wings was added to raise the head as soon as possible when boarding the ship!
Damn, I was fooled!
(End of this chapter)

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