Great warships

Chapter 484 Unmanned version of Su-30 without pilot

Chapter 484 Unmanned version of Su-30 without pilot
After blushing, Yemelyanov continued to argue: "No, no, what I said is true. The aircraft produced in our domestic factory is being equipped with the avionics equipment as I said."

"Well, of course we believe it, but if you want to impress our domestic customers, you have to show your true skills!" Qin Tao said: "For example, if you want to launch live ammunition or something, let's take our navy as an example. , if it can carry KH-31 anti-ship missiles, then the Navy might place an order on the spot, and they will have to buy it, but now this aircraft probably can’t launch anything, right?”

Wu Shengli still stood there with dissatisfaction on his face: "That's right!"

The Hyundai class has been bought back. This kind of warship uses the P-270, that is, the 3M80 anti-ship missile. The shape of this missile is very similar to the KH-31 air-launched missile introduced by Yemelyanov, but the size There is a big difference.

Yemelyanov frowned.

What Qin Tao said was that the Eastern Navy and Air Force had no money, so it is estimated that they will not be able to purchase their Su-30 for the time being. However, since they have sent the aircraft from a long distance, they always want to sell them. What if they succeed?

Orientals say no to it on the surface, what if they feel really fragrant in their hearts?
However, Orientals are not as easy to be fooled as Ah San, and they will not be bought by money. What Orientals want is real weapons, and they must rely on advanced weapon performance to impress each other!
Yemelyanov's mind began to think rapidly.

Wu Shengli continued to speak there: "At present, our navy has been equipped with the Hyundai class. We are very satisfied with the sun-burning anti-ship missiles used on it. If the sun-burning missiles can be modified, they can be launched from the wings of this aircraft." , it will be more convenient for our navy.”

Hearing Wu Shengli's words, Lin Hu shook his head aside: "How is that possible? It is a ship-to-ship missile. How could it be launched by an aircraft? Besides, the weight of that thing is too big. The Su-30 should be There is no ability to mount it!"

"Why is it impossible? I just heard from Mr. Yemelyanov that the KH-31 missile is very similar in shape to our sun-burning missile!" Wu Shengli finished speaking, looking at Ye with expectant eyes. Melyanov: "Mr. Yemelyanov, is the missile you introduced an air-launched version of the Sunburn missile?"

Although the sun-burning missile is the name given by NATO, many people know it, and the domestic media also call it that, and of course the old man knows it too.

"No." Yemelyanov shook his head: "Our air-launched anti-ship missile is KH-31, which was developed by our domestic tactical missile design bureau Xingxing Machinery Manufacturing Design Bureau in 77. This missile officially entered service in 88. Compared with the 3M80 missile, it has huge differences in volume, weight, range, and power. In terms of diameter, one is 360 mm and the other is 760 mm. The length of the two Pretty much the same."

"That is to say, the performance of this KH-31 air-launched missile is very poor?" Wu Shengli asked.

"You can't say that. Our air-launched missiles are for the convenience of carrying the aircraft, and the weight is only a few hundred kilograms." Yemelyanov was a little incoherent.

"Oh, it's just a tasteless product. It's no different from our anti-ship missiles. The range is estimated to be tens of kilometers. It's meaningless. Our Flying Leopard can be mounted."

The meaning of Wu Shengli's words is that he is not satisfied with this kind of missile, and he is also very dissatisfied with the fact that this kind of aircraft can only carry this kind of missile.

In modern warfare, aircraft with missiles with a range of tens of kilometers are clearly destined to die!
Generally speaking, anti-ship missiles used by warships or shores need to add an additional booster to give the missiles an initial speed because they fly from scratch. Even so, the range is not far.

Air-launched anti-ship missiles are different. This anti-ship missile is launched from an aircraft. The altitude and speed of the aircraft itself can provide an initial energy for the air-launched missile, and the range will be greatly expanded.

"If you want to talk about an anti-ship missile similar to the 3M80, we also have it in China, code-named KH-41." Yemelyanov said: "This missile is an air-launched model derived from the 3M80 anti-ship missile. The weight of this missile is 31 times that of the KH-6.6, and the range is also 3.5 times. If launched from high altitude, the range is 250 kilometers, which fully meets your needs."

"250 kilometers? That's about the same. If it is introduced, it will be the air-launched anti-ship missile with the longest range in our country!" Wu Shengli was satisfied at this point, but he thought of something later: "However, your Su Can the -30 be carried?"

Looking at the other party's intentions, it is already obvious that if the Su-30 can mount such a big killer, they may purchase it!

"Of course no problem, we have a maximum loading capacity of eight tons."

"The mounting capacity is fine, but can your single rack bear such a heavy weight?" Elder Lin asked from the side.

An aircraft says how many weapons it can carry externally, but it does not mean that it can certainly carry it. With an external carrying capacity of eight tons, can it carry an eight-ton bomb?
Of course it is impossible.

This is the sum of the loading capacity of all the pylons outside the aircraft. Generally speaking, the closer to the central axis of the aircraft, the stronger the mounting capacity.

"Of course there is no problem. The belly pylon of our fighter plane can mount this kind of missile." Yemelyanov said.

For the Sukhoi series of aircraft, the outer pylon is to mount an air-to-air missile or the like, and the weight should not be too large. The two pylons below the air inlet have a maximum loading capacity of two tons It carries KH-31 series missiles, and the pylon on the central axis of the fuselage has the strongest loading capacity.

Only the Sukhoi series aircraft have this capability, because it uses the engine layout of the nacelle under the belly, and there is a lot of space between the two air inlets, which can be used to mount the final The missiles are directly connected to the fuselage girder, and there is no need to worry about the counterweight problem.

So far, the Su-30 has not tried to mount the KH-41, but its brother, the Su-33 as a carrier-based aircraft, has been mounted in this way. After all, the mission of the carrier-based aircraft is to send the enemy's fleet To launch an attack, of course, it is necessary to mount advanced anti-ship missiles. This large supersonic anti-ship missile is its most powerful weapon.

"Really?" Wu Shengli became excited: "Then can you show it now?"

show now?

Yemelyanov frowned again, could he say no?He needs to find an excuse.

"We don't have relevant missiles either!" Yemelyanov quickly thought of a countermeasure.

"No missiles? You just said that this missile is the same as the sun-burned anti-ship missile we purchased? Our base here has [-] sun-burned missiles in stock... I don't know if it can be changed, so forget it. Even if it can be changed, it will be very troublesome. It's a pity, it would be great if you can verify it."

Hearing what Wu Shengli said, Yemelyanov nodded immediately: "If you have sun-burning anti-ship missiles here, it should not be difficult to mount them. We can make a little change!"

"This isn't very good, is it? What if there is danger?"

"There will be no danger. We are the most experienced engineers. It may take a while to match the fire control system, but if you just fly around with the missile, there is no difficulty."

It is impossible to launch. After all, the fire control system of this aircraft has not been upgraded, so it does not match at all. However, it is easier to prove that the aircraft has this kind of mounting capability if it is just to take off and land with missiles. too much.

What the eastern navy looks forward to most is to acquire this kind of attack capability!

In the navy's equipment sequence, only the H-[-] can carry this kind of missile, but this kind of bomber is too outdated and has no self-defense capability. In modern warfare, flying out is almost fatal.

The Flying Leopard is the most advanced tactical bomber, and it is impossible to hang such a heavy missile on a pylon.The Flying Leopard is just carrying a YJ-81 anti-ship missile.

The Navy needs long-range air-launched anti-ship capabilities!

Wu Shengli said enthusiastically: "It would be great if we could see this kind of aircraft take off with this kind of missile and turn around the sea. Our navy needs this combination of weapons!"

"Okay. Don't worry, we will definitely fulfill your wish. Let's study how to mount it now."

How to mount it is an old man's business, the request is put forward by our own side, but it is okay for the big guys to help.

In the following time, a group of people wandered around the plane and began to study it.

From the appearance point of view, the two-seater version of the Su-30 and the Su-27 is very similar, but its interior has been greatly updated. As a fighter-bomber, it places more emphasis on the mountability, and the trainer Machines are very different.

As for the belly hanger, a lot of people were researching, and soon, the thick sun-burning missile was hung on it.

"If this kind of missile can be hung into the sky, then the combat effectiveness will be greatly enhanced." Wu Shengli is very satisfied with this operation: "I just don't know, whether it is safe or not!"

"It's safe, of course it's safe. Not only can it hang missiles into the sky, but it can also hang missiles and then land. Our aircraft's landing gear has also been strengthened." Yemelyanov said.

"It's getting late today, why don't we fly again tomorrow?"

"No, for us, this kind of flying is trivial." Yemelyanov said.

"So, the pilot in the back seat, do you want to replace it with ours, so that we can feel it?" Qin Tao asked.

This was also what was promised at the beginning, so Yemelyanov nodded after thinking for a while: "Of course, please come over."

"Why don't you just forget about it. I don't know if the newly mounted missile is safe. If there is any problem, it will be held accountable at that time, but I can't tell." Qin Tao said.

"It's okay, it's okay." Yemelyanov said: "We have gone through a comprehensive inspection and confirmed that the flight is absolutely safe."

"Well, that's what you said."

Delano was wearing a full flight suit and a flight helmet, and walked over excitedly. When he came to him, Yemelyanov was stunned: "Why is he a foreigner?"

"Foreigner? No, no, he is our Chinese, Wu Song, come, show him your ID."

Wu Song?

With a smile on his face, Delano took out the certificate.

According to Qin Tao's request, they all needed to give themselves a Chinese name. Delano studied for a while and decided to name himself Wu Song. This name sounds domineering, a tiger-fighting hero!
At this time, looking at Delano's certificate, Yemelyanov was surprised, how could a foreigner come to the East, especially, this person is not their old man, he speaks fluently English!
"He is a full-fledged member of our Naval Air Force. He also has the ability to fly a variety of aircraft. He has flown on the Su-27 simulator for more than 30 hours. Now, he is just feeling it in the back cabin. If you feel uncomfortable If it fits, forget it, so as not to cause any accidents, you still come to trouble our pilots."

"Since it's your pilot, there's no problem." Yemelyanov nodded.

So Delano got on the plane excitedly.

Since the plane flew over the airport, Delano has been watching from the nearby grass. The performance of this plane is amazing!
However, in order to avoid exposure and arouse the vigilance of the old man, all the foreigners in the airport stayed in the dormitory, or went on a trip to a nearby city. There was only one foreigner in Delano.

Delano waited boredly for the other party to hang up the bomb, and finally had the opportunity to get on the plane to experience flying.

For Draenor, this is very important.

In the world, there are very few heavy fighters, and the Su-27 series fighters are one of the few heavy fighters, and he has long been full of yearning.

In the previous era, he also used to fly a Tomcat fighter jet against the Su-27 of the Red Empire. He also heard that the aerial scalpel was beautiful, but he didn't have the opportunity at that time. Now, finally, he can!
After Delano sat on the plane, the ground crew began to help check the condition of the seat, the oxygen mask and the communicator, etc. Finally, the canopy was slowly closed.

In front of him was a sky-blue dashboard. Lao Maozi’s watch shop really lived up to its reputation. There was only one screen in this cabin, which looked too backward.

However, the field of view is quite good.

Looking at the Su-27, you can know that its nose is slightly drooping, allowing the pilot to have a good view, while the two-seater Su-30 has a large height difference between the front and rear seats, and the position of the rear seat pilot's buttocks , which is almost level with the pilot's helmet in front, which allows the pilot in the rear seat to have a pretty good field of vision.

This layout is much better than the Tomcat fighter plane. The radar officer behind the Tomcat fighter plane can hardly see the scene ahead.

"Wu Song, you sit down, and don't mess with the red tab between your legs." The pilot Branoff in the front seat could speak English, so he directly communicated with Delano in English.

"Understood, I'm not as stupid as some people. Back then, when I was driving a Tomcat as an air taxi, the officer at the back moved around and flew out. After getting down, I beat him up hard."

"Tomcat Fighter? It seems that you used to be very powerful." Branoff said: "Okay, now we are going to take off."

The two tail engines of the Su-30 shot out flames and took off roaring on the runway.

This scene is still very spectacular.

Huangdi Village, as a naval aviation base, is of course very close to the sea. After taking off, the plane first circled the airport twice, proudly showing off the missile mounted under the belly of the plane, without any risk to the flight. There was too much impact, and then the plane flew to the distant sea.

"Our aircraft has excellent performance. It can fly at high altitudes or penetrate at low altitudes." At this time, although the aircraft was no longer visible, the people on the airport were still waiting, and Yemelyanov was also there. Continue to explain the excellent performance of this aircraft to everyone.

"By the way, has that missile been tested?" Qin Tao interrupted him.

"Well, of course it has been tested. Don't worry, there is no problem. If you buy it, the aircraft on the production line will be able to easily match this missile, and you will be able to conduct target shooting tests at that time. You are guaranteed to be satisfied. "Emelyanov continued to introduce the performance of this aircraft.

"Oh, all right."

The golden sunlight flooded the cockpit, looking at the undulating sea below, Delano was very excited.

"Finally flew over the sea again." Delano said with emotion: "When I was flying the Tomcat, I often liked to fly close to the sea surface, about one meter above the sea surface, and the engine tail nozzle blows the back The sea water can be jetted to a height of one or two meters, just like driving a speedboat."

Draenor originally just sighed casually, but Branoff took it seriously.

Hmph, what's so great, isn't it just a flying height of one meter?
What the Tomcat can do, of course our Su-30 can do it too!

Branoff pushed the joystick and continued to descend.

Originally, there should be a tactic of simulating low-altitude and high-speed penetration, and now the subject of flying is also in the plan.

Of course, generally speaking, flying to a height of ten meters is already very dangerous, and only anti-ship missiles dare to fly at a height of one meter. However, in the movie "Top Gun", the Tomcat fighter jet Flying against the sea surface, blowing the sea water to the back, and splashing up, it still looks very spectacular.

Of course, Branoff cannot let his American counterparts look down on him. He can certainly do what his colleagues can do.

It got lower and lower, and finally, the plane seemed to be clinging to the surface of the sea, and the sea rushed towards us, which looked incomparably spectacular.

"Wu Song, is there a splash behind you?"

Branoff began to ask questions. After all, even if the cockpit of the Su-30 fighter had a rearview mirror, the pilots in front could not see the tail, which was already blocked by the spine.

"Let me see." Delano said, gesturing to look at the rearview mirror, and then suddenly shouted: "Be careful, there are waves ahead!"

While speaking, Delano pressed a remote control switch in his pocket.

The sound of an explosion suddenly came from the belly of the aircraft, and quickly passed through the aircraft into the cockpit. The moment he heard the sound, Branoff's expression changed drastically. Under such circumstances, he had no time to react at all. Shouted loudly: "Quick, eject!"

Except for the pilots in the East, the pilots of any other country will choose to parachute instead of saving the plane when they are in danger, because the life of the pilot is far more precious than others, and the life of the test pilot is even more precious. More valuable than pilots.

What else is there to say, it must have been flying too low, the waves came over and collided with the plane!As for the explosion sound, it must be because the anti-ship missile was mounted on the belly of the aircraft, and the missile exploded!
If it was a second later, it might have been blown up.

If his partner Maximenkov was in the back seat, then Branov might let his partner skydive first, but now, there is nothing to say, let's jump!
The canopy flew out, and flames rose in the cockpit. During the overload of the ejection, Branov's eyes were dark and he didn't know anything.

(I don't know what the ejection sequence is. Even if the pilot in the front cabin pulls the ejection tab, the pilot in the back seat ejects first.)
A smile appeared on Delano's face. He operated the throw button and threw the missile mounted under the belly of the aircraft into the sea.

With a bang, the anti-ship missile fell into the sea, and the plane was still flying smoothly.

"Wu Song called the base, Wu Song called the base, the pilot in the front cabin ejected, and I was still in the cockpit, what should I do, what should I do?" Delano's voice was full of panic.

"The pilot in the front cabin has already ejected? Then what are you waiting for, eject immediately!"

"Roger that!"

Delano said, bringing his legs together and pulling the ring between them.

Under the buttocks, the flames rose, and Delano finally experienced the legendary D-36 seat.

How many times has this been ejected?Damn it, I don't want to experience this feeling again!

There was dissatisfaction on Delano's face.

In the sky, the first umbrella flower appeared. Branov recovered from the overloaded black vision, looked down, and then his face changed drastically: "Oh, damn it, why didn't the plane explode?"

Just now, he thought the plane was about to explode, so he quickly ejected, and he didn't even care about the life and death of the pilot in the back cabin, but now, the plane that lost the canopy and the pilot is still flying in the sky !

If the plane blows up, it is understandable for him to eject to escape. After all, the life of the test pilot is the most important thing, but now, he ejected and escaped by himself when the plane was intact, without even caring about the life and death of the pilot in the back seat!

At this time, the pilot in the back seat also ejected out. Seeing that guy only came out now, Branoff suddenly had an ominous premonition.

In the wasteland village base, everything is in chaos.

"Damn it, how did this happen?" Qin Tao's face was full of anger: "Your pilot ejected directly, leaving our back seat pilot powerless, if I knew it, let our pilot sit in the front seat , and fly the plane back!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Hurry up and contact the helicopter unit immediately to rescue the pilot. It will be dark soon. If the search and rescue fails, the two of them will be in danger!" Wu Shengli was busy dealing with the accident.

(End of this chapter)

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