Great warships

Chapter 485

Chapter 485
Yemelyanov's face turned completely pale.

How could this be?
Flying is originally a high-risk job. It is normal to have accidents during the flight. During the test flight of the Su-27, several planes crashed. Wait, cause the plane to crash.

As long as the personnel are ejected safely, the crash of the plane is nothing.

However, that was all in the era of the Red Empire. After the collapse of the Red Empire, the country’s economy plummeted, and the army had long since had no funds to equip more aircraft. Those aircraft that are in service are one less if one falls state.

As for the Su-30 this time, it does not belong to the aviation unit, but the property of their Sukhoi Design Bureau. They are all improved by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and plan to sell them to make money.Even, due to insufficient funds, this aircraft is actually a repainted and simply modified Su-27UB.

It has participated in air shows several times and performed wonderful performances, but it has never received an order. Now, come to the east for an ordinary flight display, who is actually its farewell?
The plane crashed into the sea!
How did it fall into the sea?The pilot in the front seat is the best test pilot of their Sukhoi technology.

The base was bustling, with helicopters roaring to take off to rescue the pilot who fell into the water, but Yemelyanov's face was extremely gloomy, he was thinking about the whole incident carefully, and at the same time he was thinking about the excuse of throwing the blame .

The sun slowly fell to the west, the last ray of sunlight finally disappeared, and the earth became dark.

"Thank God, our helicopter finally rescued the pilot." Wu Shengli said with emotion: "The two pilots are our most precious wealth. If one of them dies, the loss is beyond our ability."

"Yes, especially Wu Song. He just went up to feel it. If he lost his life in a daze, it would be really wronged." Qin Tao said from the side, and then glanced at Yemelyanov again: " After the two pilots come back, we have to investigate the truth of the accident. Just now I heard the call on the radio, the pilot in front ejected first, and Wu Song in the back seat is still in place, and the plane is still flying. What is it? what happened?"

"What about that plane?" Yemelyanov asked worriedly, "How about that plane?"

He was relieved that the pilot was fine. Next, he had to worry about the plane!
"Airplane? One of our warships at sea once captured its trace for a short time, and it is still flying on the sea. Your old man's aircraft is really good at autopilot! There was a MiG-23 back then. After the pilot was ejected, he continued to fly for 38 kilometers, and even flew over five western countries. By the way, there is also a Yak-[-], which actively ejected the pilot and circled in the air. Your big hairy plane has always had this tradition. .”

These words left Yemelyanov speechless.

The MiG-23 was an accident back then. After the pilot could not save the plane, he pointed the nose of the plane at the Baltic Sea and ejected it. Who would have thought that after the pilot came out, the plane recovered and continued to fly forward, scaring the West a lot. Jump, I thought the third war was about to start.When the plane was sent up, and a closer look, it turned out to be unmanned!
As for the Yak-38, it is even more interesting, because the operation of this kind of aircraft is too complicated. In many cases, the pilot may not have time to parachute, so a set of procedures has been prefabricated. Once the conditions are met, the pilot can be ejected automatically.

This time the pilot was passive, and the blacksmith wanted to play by himself, flying hundreds of kilometers in an unmanned state, circled a big circle, and finally crashed in a farm.

now what?Now this Su-30 has also turned on the automatic flight mode?
Yemelyanov was completely speechless: "Where did it fly to? Can we find its crash point?"

"We have dispatched the Yunba X plane, hoping to monitor the sea area where it crashed. However, our plane's monitoring range is limited after all, and we may not be able to find it."

This really isn't the Navy's prevarication.

At present, the navy and air force do not have special air early warning aircraft that can detect hundreds of kilometers, and the ground radar station cannot detect the Su-30 flying close to the sea from a long distance. It will take time. After flying over, there may be no trace of the plane in the vast sea. Who knows whether the Su-30 will choose to continue flying in a straight line or turn midway without the pilot?
This is Brownian motion!

"I hope it doesn't fall to the ground." Qin Tao continued: "Otherwise, it will cause casualties to innocent people on the ground. This is completely a man-made disaster."

Yemelyanov remained silent with a dark face.

In fact, everything is under control. The Su-30 has a large internal fuel load factor. Therefore, during the second take-off performance, no air refueling was carried out at all. According to the analysis of its accident location, unless the aircraft Turn around and come back, otherwise, you will definitely fall into the sea.

In fact, the Yun-30 X in the air has already taken off, and has been monitoring the unmanned Su-[-]. Things that are given for nothing should not be lost.

The two wet pilots finally came back. When he saw Branov, Yemelyanov immediately shouted: "Damn it, what's going on?"

"At that time, we were practicing low-altitude penetration tactics according to the original plan." Branoff explained: "But the waves on the sea are a bit big, so..."

"The waves are a bit big, so what's your business?" Yemelyanov said, "You guys are not sea-skimming missiles. Wait, how high are you flying?"

Branoff fell silent.

"Brannov's flying skills are still excellent. It is similar to the flying height of my Tomcat fighter jet. The maximum height is no more than two meters, and it may even be about one meter." Delano gave a wonderful assist.

"Two meters, one meter? Why are you flying so low? Do you think you are the Warriors Air Show Team? Even the Warriors Air Show Team dares to do this only at land airports. You are at sea, sea, damn it, one The waves are coming... wait, no, that plane is still flying!"

Yemelyanov finally found the biggest problem: if the plane was really smashed by the waves, then the pilot parachute is understandable, but now, the pilot came out and the plane is still flying, which shows that the plane is fine at all. !
This is definitely a pilot problem!

"At that time, I saw the waves rushing towards my face, and then heard a bang under the belly of the aircraft. I thought the waves had blown up the missile, so I had no other choice but to catapult and parachute." Branoff Sophistry up.

Branov is a test pilot of the Sukhoi Design Bureau and has rich experience. How could he make such a mistake?He could hear it very clearly!

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Wu Song, Wu Song, did you hear the explosion?"

Delano shook his head: "No, I didn't hear anything, I just saw a wave coming in front of me, and then, there was a flame in front of my eyes, and it was chilly above my head, the canopy flew, and you flew too, how could you If you do this, even if you want to eject, you should wait for me to eject first!"

In a two-seater aircraft, the rear seat must be ejected first, because the pilot in the front seat can still find a way to control the aircraft, but the radar officer in the rear seat cannot do anything.

As a result, Branoff ejected first, which was the biggest stain in his life.

Branoff was annoyed: "How can you not hear the sound, it's so loud! There shouldn't be any problem with your ears, right?"

"Obviously there is a problem with your ears. Have you experienced auditory hallucinations? If there were really waves hitting the bomb, the bomb would definitely explode, and the plane would also be blown to pieces. However, our plane is still the same. Well, how do you explain?"

Even if Branoff relied on his prestige as a test pilot and persisted in hearing the explosion, the plane that was still flying forward was solid evidence!

"Now, the cause of the accident is clear. Your test pilot experienced auditory hallucinations, abandoned our pilot, and ejected to escape alone. Our pilot was unable to operate the aircraft, let alone climb to the front cabin. Therefore, our pilot I can only parachute, but fortunately, the pilot returned safely." Qin Tao said: "As for the mental damage fee, we don't want it, but our sun-burning anti-ship missile sank into the water together. Huge loss, you have to pay!"

Qin Tao's words made Yemelyanov's jaw drop in shock: "We also lost a plane!"

Compared to the Su-30, what is a 3M80 missile!
"So we have to investigate the truth." Qin Tao said: "If it was our responsibility, we will compensate your aircraft. Now, it is your responsibility, of course we must compensate our missiles!"

"We bought two modern-class ships, and we bought fifty missiles in total. Fortunately, one of them was ruined by you. This is a huge loss for our navy!" Qin Tao said: "Emelyanov Sir, how do you plan to pay, is it a missile, or the corresponding funds?"

No, no, absolutely not!Yemelyanov was a little silly in his head. He had been thinking about how to explain the loss of the plane just now, but he didn't expect to pay for the loss!

"Qin, we have lost a lot, you have to sympathize with me!" Yemelyanov almost choked up.

"Your loss is yours, and our loss is ours. These are two accounts." Qin Tao said: "Just now, we believed you because you were patting your chest to ensure safety. Do you know? ? Because of the loss of this missile, I don’t know how many people in our navy will be punished!”

Seeing Yemelyanov's aggrieved expression, Elder Lin couldn't help it anymore, and said, "No one wants to see this accident, should we discuss it and find a suitable solution? For example, the plane The engine was purchased by Sukhoi as an agent, or let them negotiate the price again, and make up for it in this way? Yemelyanov can also explain it!"

The Sukhoi Design Bureau is the general agent of the entire transaction, so even if the engine is from the Rurika-Saturn Consortium, it has to be traded through the Sukhoi Design Bureau. Now, seeing such a thing happen, It is impossible to compensate for the loss of missiles, and Sukhoi has no surplus food!However, if the price of the engine is slightly lowered, it will be fine.

"The price of the batch of AL-31F3 engines you want can be slightly lower, and each can be reduced by [-] US dollars." Yemelyanov said, and this is the only thing he can decide.

"We ordered 20 units in the first batch, which is [-] US dollars cheaper. The price of this missile is over a million!" Qin Tao said, "Have you graduated from elementary school yet?"

Why is the price in the millions?At the beginning, it was purchased in a package, and the total cost was only 50 million U.S. dollars. When it was divided into missiles, the price of each missile was only [-] at most!Yemelyanov was a little speechless, but he couldn't speak yet.

"Then reduce each unit by [-] US dollars, and your navy will also suffer a bit. Don't embarrass our good friends." Lin Lao continued to talk to each other.

Twenty thousand?How about [-]?Sukhoi doesn't take much of it from it!Yemelyanov didn't want to agree, but Qin Tao had already stated his position there: "Leader Wu, each set is [-] yuan cheaper, is it acceptable? If it is acceptable, let's consider the issue of helping to salvage it later, if it is not acceptable ,let it go."

"We're all friends, so why make such a fuss, [-] is only [-], our navy suffers a bit, don't hurt your peace."

Can Yemelyanov still have a say in this?Not at all!He could only pinch his nose to recognize it, but if the plane could be salvaged, this amount of money would be nothing.

So, he could only nod: "Okay, we can agree."

"Old Wu, everyone agreed, don't hold back, find a few more ships, and search the sea!"


And so the search began.

Since it is already late at night, the search work has not made any progress. The only good news is that the plane did not land in a residential area, so it must have landed in the sea!
During the daytime of the next day, a larger-scale search began, and even a professional search and rescue ship was dispatched.

The old man's expectation gradually turned into disappointment.

"Mr. Yemelyanov, today we dispatched 200 search ships and spent about [-] million yuan. For this cost, you..."

Yemelyanov frowned: "We are friendly countries, and we have also cooperated in Su-27 technology. Now, how can you keep asking for money like this?"

"We have cooperated, but when we cooperated, you are also so preoccupied. For a certain subsystem, you will argue for a long time and bargain, which makes us very uncomfortable. It is the same as when we introduced the MiG The situation is completely different.” Qin Tao is very natural: “Since it is a market economy, it means that friends are friends and business is business. We have dispatched so many boats to search, don’t we need to spend money?”

"You can't say that." Elder Lin talked again: "I think you should bear the search expenses yourself as a testimony of our friendship, but if you continue to search later, it will be up to our friends Here you go, Mr. Yemelyanov, what do you think?"

Yemelyanov looked at Elder Lin gratefully: "Yes, that's it, we decided to stop the search!"

If you search further, you still don't know how much it will cost!Maybe even the salvaged wreckage cannot be sold for the money spent on the search, so the gain outweighs the loss.

So, just stop.

"Oh, what a pity, such a good fighter plane, since you requested to stop the search, we will obey your wishes." Qin Tao said.

The matter ended like this. Lao Maozi came excitedly and returned disappointed, full of aggrieved stomachs. After seeing Lao Maozi away, Qin Tao and others came to a closely guarded warehouse in the base. The Su that fell into the water -30, already standing there.

"We've been messing around for a long time, but we only got one plane back, so it's not a good deal." Elder Lin sighed.

At present, there is already a two-seat Su-27 trainer aircraft in China. It is not impossible to develop a fighter-bomber on the basis of this aircraft. Playing with the old man like this, and being known by the old man in the future, will definitely let the old man know. Maozi is angry.

Qin Tao rolled his eyes at Mr. Lin: "It was you who suggested at the beginning, can you get more benefits, but now you have got the benefits back, and you are making sarcastic remarks again! Your air force also has benefits. Wait until the 601 has the existing ones. After the project is completed, it will definitely be surveyed and mapped to imitate this aircraft."

Originally, a large number of Su-30s were purchased in China, and then the domestic J-[-] was slowly developed. Now, it doesn’t have to be so troublesome, just use this prototype to survey and map and imitate it, which can save a lot of money, especially The navy has no money!
With the J-[-] imitation experience, it is not very difficult to build this kind of aircraft, and the fire control can be completely replaced with domestic ones, and various domestic weapon systems can be launched by then.

"Of course, this matter is not over. Compared with this plane, I think the last move is more important. If you can fool Ah San into giving up the Su-30, that would be great."

At the beginning, Qin Tao fooled around with a smile and asked the Sukhoi Design Bureau to find a way to sell the plane to Ah San. The appearance of a good friend was all disguised. Now, when something like this happened, Qin Tao would of course want to Take it out to make a fuss, to discredit the Su-30 all over the world, so that this kind of aircraft cannot be sold, and Ah San resents this kind of aircraft!

In Asan's weaponry, the short-legged MiG-29 is nothing to fear, and the self-developed LCA is a joke. The legal Rafale is expensive. Only this Su-30 has a long range and a large ammunition load. It is definitely not good news for Ah San to have this kind of aircraft.

Therefore, the next smearing work is very important.

"Let Zhang Zhong do this?" Wu Shengli asked, speaking of fooling the outside world, Zhang Zhong is absolutely top-notch.

As long as Zhang Zhong opens a new program called Zhang Zhong Talking about Fighter-Bombers, the Su-30 can be demoted to nothing.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course not, the old man will be dissatisfied. We have to let someone who has nothing to do with us do this. In my opinion, we only need to use the name of a former US Navy pilot to publish a statement about this matter." That’s enough for the opinion of the Su-30 fighter jet crashing into the sea.”

Both Wu Shengli and Lin Lao laughed. Qin Tao is very familiar with this kind of trick.

and many more!Elder Lin thought of something again: "Our navy also needs this kind of fighter-bomber!"

Qin Tao rolled his eyes: "Then I think the navy and the air force can make a deal."

A few days later.

Yemelyanov was exhausted physically and mentally after completing a day of reporting work in Moscow, and he was regretting it. Wouldn't it be good to be his technical director in the East?Why do you have to toss about the arms sales of the Su-30?
Now that something happened, he has to be implicated too!
Although most of the blame was given to the test pilots, Yemelyanov still had a leadership dereliction of duty. I don't know what punishment he will face next.

Yemelyanov returned to the office, picked up a newspaper, and then his face changed drastically.

Title: Su-30, the worst Sukhoi fighter ever!

Since the Su-27 was sold internationally, the Sukhoi Design Bureau has always wanted to expand their product line. The result of this effort is their Su-30 fighter-bomber. Although on the surface, this fighter-bomber has both Su -27's air combat capability, Tu-22's ammunition load, and a long range, but it is still an immature fighter!Because the technology is immature, when Sukhoi's designer took it to the East for an air show, it crashed on the spot!

"Damn it, who leaked this secret?" Yemelyanov became annoyed: "Orientals, what are these damned Orientals doing?"

"It wasn't a secret leaked by the Orientals. It was done by the Americans." A voice came from outside.

Simonov, who also looked tired, came in.


"That's right, it's an American." Simonov said, "This newspaper reposted an article from the Los Angeles Daily. Look at the photos above, which were taken from space."

The relationship between Simonov and Yemelyanov is still very good in private, Tongsuo, as the person in charge of Sukhoi, he also needs to control the overall situation. After getting the news of this report, he immediately carried out investigation.

Filmed from space?Yemelyanov was a little curious: "What's going on?"

"The wasteland village base where you went to perform is an area that the Americans focus on. Every day, many reconnaissance satellites pass by and take some photos. Of course, our Su-30 appeared in that base, although they did not take pictures. The scene where the plane lost control and the pilot ejected later, but after your large-scale search at sea, they still figured it out."

"Damn it, and then they smear us? There is no technical problem with our plane, it's all the pilot's error!"

His eyes were fixed on the newspaper, which described in too much detail. During low-altitude flight, due to aerodynamic layout defects, the aircraft would vibrate. Therefore, this type of aircraft could not conduct ultra-low-altitude penetration, and could not be used as a combat weapon at all. Bombers exist, forcing this kind of flight will only cause the plane to lose control and crash!
"They're not just smearing, but many of the details in the reports are factual. I suspect that they bought our people." Simonov said: "Next, we will conduct a thorough investigation!"

(End of this chapter)

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