Great warships

Chapter 486 Progress No. 138

Chapter 486 Progress No. 138
In order to prevent Ah San from falling in love with the Su-30, Qin Tao ghostwritten the news report transferred from Delano to the Los Angeles Daily, and the writing was very detailed.

In addition to the flaws in the aerodynamic layout, the more important thing is the problem of avionics!
At the air show, the Su-30 has appeared frequently, showing its powerful loading capability. When we see various precision-guided weapons under its wing pylons, we will be impressed by the powerfulness of this aircraft. And shocked.However, please note that these are all for show. So far, Da Mao has no ability to complete this kind of system integration work!

The Su-30 that appeared at the air show is just a repainted Su-27UB, which has no ability to guide these weapons at all!
Although Da Mao claimed that this aircraft has a variety of radars that can be selected, which are more advanced than the Su-27's avionics system, in fact, these radars are immature, especially, it was originally planned to be used as the Su-30 fighter radar System snow leopard radar, they claim that this radar can effectively guide R77, R73, R27, KH31 and other missiles to attack targets.It can track 15 targets at the same time and launch an attack on four targets. It can detect surface ships 150 kilometers away. It generally exceeds the performance of the F-15 radar. It can even be compared with the most advanced AN/APG-22 radar used by the F77A. One high and one low.

However, these are all false, this is just a radar that is still in the test state, and it is far away from maturity, and its air search distance will not exceed [-] kilometers!

"That's right, someone must have leaked the secret, otherwise, no one would know the detailed parameters of our avionics, and we haven't introduced our Snow Leopard radar to the Easterners!" Yemelyanov finally did. A definite guess was made.

He continued to look down, and then came the vector nozzle.

Lao Maozi has been researching thrust vectoring technology, trying to create all kinds of dazzling maneuvers. In this era when beyond-visual-range combat is gradually becoming the mainstream and stealth capabilities are becoming more and more important, blind pursuit of maneuverability is meaningless at all. , Moreover, this is based on the fact that the vector nozzle only has ten hours!
If you want to use this function, you need to replace the vector nozzle every few days!Even the rich and powerful United States will definitely not be able to withstand this kind of consumption.

In short, Su-30 has a lot of problems, whoever buys it will be fooled!Buyers must keep their eyes open!

"Damn it. This article smearing our Su-30 is clearly trying to block the export channel of our Su-30!" Yemelyanov became angry.

In the international practice of exporting fighter jets, the export of air superiority fighter jets is not very restricted. After all, planes that can only fight in the air are not threatening, and fighter jets with powerful ground attack capabilities are difficult to obtain.

Lao Maozi didn't export fighter-bombers very much before, and other countries didn't export much either.However, with the collapse of the Red Empire, Lao Maozi can sell everything in order to make money, even for domestic use, he is not advanced in exporting.

They want to export the Su-30, they can sell it for more money, they can sell it for more.But now, after being discredited in this way, it is difficult for their aircraft to be sold again.

Some can be refuted, such as the aerodynamic problem of ultra-low-altitude flight, which is completely nonsense, and some they cannot refute, such as the avionics problem, they do not have that advanced avionics, the ones announced to the public, It's all bragging.

They all have a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

Qin Tao has returned to Mingzhou.

I have been out for such a long time, and I have been so busy, I have not paid attention to the development of the shipyard.

When he came back, the first thing he went to see was the Fortress on the Eastern Sea.

After several months of derusting work, the exterior of the entire warship has finally been polished. At this time, the workers are spraying paint. When the modification is carried out to a certain extent, it will be sprayed again.

There was a smell of paint floating in the air. Standing outside the dock, Qin Tao was also moved with emotion when he saw the scene of painting being carried out inside.

"I'm so happy to see it look brand new!" A voice came from behind Qin Tao.

"Old Ma, you look very good." Qin Tao said to Makarov with a smile.

"That's right, I feel like I'm alive again with this warship." Makarov said: "The power system has been installed, and yesterday, we re-welded the upper opening of the power cabin. It's a pity that the sea test is not possible, otherwise, you can ignite it and test it."

Qin Tao smiled: "Before the sea trial, you welded the opening. If something goes wrong, don't you have to take it apart?"

"No, I've seen it. The quality of the boiler you make is quite good, even better than the original boiler. There will be no problems!" Speaking of these, Makarov was extremely excited: "The auxiliary engine It has also been installed in place, and our focus for the next period of time is the modification of the internal cabin."

Painting, installing the engine, these seem like a huge project, but in fact, they are all small things. The next work will be more cumbersome. Every cabin needs to be refitted. Even if it is a cabin that was installed before, many things inside are lost. up.

The wiring needs to be reinstalled, the ventilation pipes need to be repaired, and every detail must be paid attention to. When the paint is finished, there will be a large number of workers working inside, day after day, year after year.

Makarov will also resume his previous working methods, walking back and forth on the warship every day.

"Well, you must be careful when you are working, and you must pay attention to safety." Qin Tao ordered.

During the refitting of warships, accidental fires that lead to the death of workers often occur, and even serious ones can lead to the scrapping of the entire warship.

Needless to say, the old man who has always been nervous, even the Americans have done this kind of thing. At the beginning, the American amphibious assault ship "Goodman Richard" returned to the shipyard for modification in order to be able to carry the F-35 carrier-based aircraft. , As a result, on a certain day, a fire suddenly ignited from the vehicle storage area on the lower deck, and the raging flames burned upwards, not only burning down the multiple decks inside the amphibious assault ship, but also damaging facilities such as the island, mast and flight deck .

The Yankee made an assessment and thought it would be too troublesome to repair it again, so he scrapped it.

We can't have such an accident. If a fire burns the ship, it will definitely be a crime!

"We will pay attention to safety." Babiqi said aside: "We will not let this ship have any accidents. For us, it means a lot!"

This ship is also Babbage's painstaking effort. Babbage came to the East for a few years just for this ship. It was a surprise.

"Moreover, compared with the original design, it has improved a lot. For example, its power supply system, we believe that the solution proposed by Magong is the most suitable. This is simply a revolution in the power supply of warships." Ma Karov said.

Qin Tao smiled, of course there is no problem with Ma Gong's route, otherwise, he would not support Ma Gong, but the refitting cycle of a warship is very long, and the tests to be done will also be very long. It will take some time to demonstrate the power of the medium-voltage DC power supply system.

"That's right, the power supply system of the 1164 cruiser has also undergone the same improvement. The steam turbine driving the generator remains the same, but a multi-phase generator is replaced, and the power generation capacity is increased by 20.00%, which is really advanced. Already!"

In addition to this aircraft carrier, the transformation of the Glory class is also continuing. Although the completion rate of this warship exceeds 90.00%, when it was on the outfitting dock, many parts were lost, including the entire ship's power supply system. Many cables have been sold for money.

When I came back, the cables were connected directly from the power cabin. No one dared to switch on the switch and power on the whole ship. There must be electric leakage everywhere.

In order to make the modification of this warship more complete, the power system of the whole ship also needs to be replaced.Since it needs to be replaced, simply replace the generator as well.

This item was not included in the refitting plan of the warship, and it was decided by Yang Dawei during the refitting process.

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, I'm going to have a look."

Anyway, the aircraft carrier is still spraying paint, even if it smells the smell of the paint, it is as intoxicating as smelling the engine exhaust when I was a child. It is not good to smell too much, let alone go in to see it while it is being painted, so here we can only take a look at it .

The 138-ton destroyer with the hull number of [-] can be seen more carefully.

The things that should be dismantled have been removed, and the things that should be cut have also been cut off. This warship looks a bit messy, but if it is not broken, it cannot stand. Only this drastic improvement can bring this warship back to life.

"Mr. Qin, you are here." Seeing Qin Tao approaching, Mutisin ran over first: "At present, the dismantling of this warship has been almost completed, and the modification of the power system is also continuing, but there are some things It’s a pity to tear it down.”

"What a pity?" Qin Tao looked at Mutisin curiously.

"Yeah, let's take the naval gun as an example. The AK630 naval gun was also removed. I remember that you have also imitated this naval gun in China. Is your imitation more advanced than our original?"

Qin Tao smiled: "Yes, the warships we produced before used the imitation version of the AK630 naval gun, but we already have a brand-new close-in defense gun, so this device has been eliminated."

In dealing with sea-skimming anti-ship missiles, the last line of defense is close-in defense guns. The mainstream in the West uses Phalanx, and the old man uses AK630.
China has long paid attention to this project. In the mid-80s, the Navy conducted a demonstration of close-in defense guns. After a comprehensive evaluation, it was decided to choose the 730 naval gun solution, which was called the 857 project.

However, this kind of advanced close-in defense gun using external energy cannot be developed overnight, and there is also an urgent demand for close-in defense guns in China. Therefore, when Qin Tao got Lao Maozi's second-hand warship back, The domestic 713 Institute, which failed in the bidding, took over the above AK630 naval gun and quickly imitated it.

Therefore, the warships manufactured by Mingzhou Group, whether it is a catamaran 022 missile boat, a 051C air defense destroyer, or a 054 frigate, all use this imitation naval gun.

Therefore, in the eyes of Mutisin, there is no need to pick and choose this warship, and the original naval guns can be used directly.

However, they dismantled all those naval guns!
He was very curious, even a little puzzled.

"Eliminated?" Hearing Qin Tao's words, Mutisin became even more curious: "Do you have better close-in defense weapons than the AK630 naval gun in your country?"

"That's right, we have developed an advanced close-in defense gun in China. The firepower density of this weapon system is much higher than that of the AK630, and its shooting accuracy is three times that of the AK630."

"The accuracy is three times that of ours? How is it possible?" Mutisin was a little disbelieving.

Qin Tao smiled: "That's right, it's an external energy source, and you'll know about it when the sea trials are in the future."

For shipborne weapons, close-in defense guns are insignificant, so Yang Dawei, who has been busy revising the design drawings, did not introduce these to Mutisin, and Mutisin has only recently directed the workers to dismantle them according to Yang Dawei's instructions. As for the parts on the warship, although I don't understand some of the work, I have reservations.

The imitation of the old Maozi naval gun used in the past few years was just a temporary alternative. After the domestically produced 730 close-in anti-missile gun, that is, the code-named PJ-12 short-range anti-missile naval gun weapon system, was successfully developed, almost All warships are equipped with this system, making it the second only close-in defense weapon in the world after Phalanx.

Now, since Yang Dawei has made this design arrangement, it means that the 730 gun has been successfully developed and the test has been finalized.

"President Qin, is accuracy so important for a close-in defense gun? It is precisely because the accuracy is not high and the projectile spreads over a large area that it can achieve surface damage." Mutisin was still a little curious.

This is also the point of view of many people: the accuracy is not enough to make up the number, and even, the spread area is larger, and it is easier to intercept the target.

"That's right, you're right, but that's a waste of ammunition!" Qin Tao said: "After the accuracy is improved, we will use fewer shells to intercept the same target, so that our continuous interception ability will be better. powerful."

The rate of fire of the near-anti-cannon is thousands of rounds per minute, which sounds awesome, but in fact, the ammunition is only a few hundred rounds.

The higher the accuracy, the fewer projectiles the interception consumes, which has great practical significance.

Mutisin nodded, full of curiosity about this brand new near-defense gun.

"In the past, our weapon system was very advanced, but now, I always feel that we are still standing still, and you are already making great strides to surpass us. This No. 138 ship should be the last warship you purchase. , in the future, maybe it will be our turn to purchase from you." Mutisin said with some emotion.

However, his emotion made Qin Tao a little dissatisfied: "Mr. Mutisin, what about you and us, don't we all belong to the same group?"

Mutisin said dumbly: "That's right, I was wrong just now, we are all from the Mingzhou Group, and we are all from the same camp. Alas, I always live in the past, and I can't pull it out."

Qin Tao smiled: "You are not wrong. For a person, of course, one cannot forget one's roots. However, it is impossible to always live in the past world. You must constantly look forward."

Look forward!
Qin Tao's words made Mutisin nod in praise: "Yes, we have to look forward! This warship is just the beginning, and there will definitely be more and more advanced warships in the future!"

"Let's go, let's go down and have a look." Qin Tao said, walking into the dock.

The warship in the process of refitting looks very messy, with dense scaffolding tied up outside the warship, even extending to the top of the bridge.

The cranes on the side of the dock are busy moving various parts.

At the tail of the warship, the sparks of the arc splashed, where the flight deck had already begun to be enlarged, and related welding work was carried out.

Time is tight and the task is heavy. According to Qin Tao, it is best to be completed by the end of this year or early next year. Therefore, the dismantling and refitting of the warship are almost carried out simultaneously.

Yang Dawei stood on the back of the mast frame, commanding the long-range early warning radar with the meter wave antenna. They had long been used to Qin Tao's coming and going without a trace. Even after hearing that President Qin had arrived, Yang Dawei did not run over. Welcome, but continue to be busy here.

It wasn't until Qin Tao came over that he turned around and looked at Qin Tao.

"President Qin, we encountered a lot of technical problems during the modification." Yang Dawei said: "The modification is much more difficult than expected."

"Really?" Qin Tao asked curiously, "What's the problem?"

"The main issue is compatibility. It is not easy for us to match the weapons produced by ourselves with the weapons produced by Lao Maozi and work together." Yang Dawei said: "Fortunately, we have come into contact with a lot of Lao Maozi's weapons before. , otherwise, not to mention the end of this year, even by the end of next year, I am afraid it will not be completed."

If all of them are our own weapons, there is no problem with compatibility, which has been taken into consideration during the design, but this kind of modified warship is different.

Even if they have already built two 051Cs and another 054 with some domestic weapons and some imitation weapons installed on them, the complexity is not as great as it is now.After all, there is only one type of anti-aircraft missile for those two weapon systems, but now, the number of anti-aircraft missiles on this warship is huge, and they are divided into two types: long-range and medium-range.

When introducing foreign technology and manufacturing 052, similar problems also occurred, which led to the completion of the commissioning of this destroyer for a long time.

"We use this meter wave radar as a long-range warning radar. After it finds the target, it can transmit the data to our Hongqi-16 system, but it cannot be transmitted to the S-300 system. When carrying out layer-by-layer defense, The two systems are also unable to coordinate and target assignment is not possible."

Qin Tao frowned: "Back then, how did Lao Maozi's system work?"

Mutisin's face was embarrassing: "In the past, air defense tasks were divided into two types, one was long-range air defense, using the S-300 system, and the other was self-defense air defense, using short-range air defense missiles. According to different needs To switch between different air defense modes."

This explanation surprised Qin Tao: "Can't they be used together?"

Mutisin nodded.

Now I understand how the Moskva was sunk at that time. This [-]-ton cruiser sailing in the Black Sea was said to be performing a long-range air defense mission at the time, aiming at the drones at high altitudes. The sea-skimming anti-ship missile didn't take any precautions, and it was stunned by one shot.

What a shame!
Talking about the three-layer defense system in the distance, the middle and the near, is actually tasteless!

"Have you found a solution?" Qin Tao asked.

"Currently we are concentrating on tackling key problems, but it is very difficult. After all, the Reeve-M air defense system is old-fashioned, and we lack engineers in this area."

Although Mingzhou Group has a lot of old-fashioned technicians, most of them are shipbuilders. For them, they are only responsible for the installation of the supporting ship-to-air missiles, and the debugging work is also completed by supporting technicians.

Moreover, Lao Maozi did not complete the integration, so he directly developed two different models, which are simple and rude.

"So we still have to have our own system. When our regional air defense missile system matures in the future, it will be easy to integrate." Qin Tao also said with emotion.

Even if Lao Maozi provided the anti-aircraft missile, he would never provide the core secrets inside.

"That's right." Yang Dawei said: "We will definitely not use this kind of weak system in the future, but now, don't we have to minimize the cost of renovation."

If Yang Dawei's original plan had been followed, it would be fine to replace them with all red flag nines, since they were all his own, so there would be no such trouble.

"This kind of integration is difficult to complete, after all, it comes from the flaws in the upper command system." Mutisin said.

This sentence reminded the people present.

Flaws in the upper chain of command?This is easy to handle!
"In my opinion, we simply use our own combat command system to completely replace the original combat command system of the entire warship." Qin Tao immediately provided an idea: "Let's invite relevant technical personnel to find a way to complete the Rif-M system." integration, or simply feed the target data into the system.”

Those domestic technicians who study the Red Flag IX missile have studied Lao Maozi's S-300 a lot. Even if the versions of the navy and the army are different, they can still study it.

There is a problem with Lao Maozi's command system, so he simply replaced it. In this way, this long-range air defense system is at the lower level of the system. It is enough as long as it can receive the target data of the combat command system and then intercept it.

Yang Dawei's eyes also brightened: This method is good!

Our side already has two mature air defense ships, 051C and 054, all of which use domestic command systems, as long as they are transplanted. Although it is necessary to dismantle Lao Maozi's system, it is a bit wasteful, but in this way, the integration work It can be done better!

"President Qin, then we will follow this plan! Finish the design within one month!"

The refitting of the warship has to continue, and various missile launchers will be installed as soon as they are needed. This kind of command system can only be cramped temporarily, but they are confident!
(End of this chapter)

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