Great warships

Chapter 495 Hit a punch, lest the punch come

Chapter 495 Hit a punch, lest a hundred punches come
It is not enough to only engage in technology research and development without integrating with the market. The old Maozi’s Caspian Sea monster did not develop in the end. One of the big reasons is that there is no market demand. up.

Now, small ground-effect aircraft can be put into commercial operation after the test flight. Compared with seaplanes, its biggest features are fuel-efficient, long-range, and large cargo capacity. Compared with ships, its speed And fast, so if you find the right market, you can sell it.

At present, it has reached the test flight stage, and it needs to be built and tested for flight.

Qin Tao helped to contact the 320 factory. After all, he has a good relationship with the 320 factory, and when he got in touch, he was even more excited: the imitation of the T-45 trainer has been built and is undergoing test flight , After completing the flight test subjects, they can be sent to the wasteland village base, so that the naval aviation there can be trained.

Those pilots have already simulated flying hundreds of times on the ground, and they are short of the final real flight. After this trainer comes up, it will definitely come in handy. You can’t always talk about it on paper. Practice on the simulator. Time to actually do it.

Good news one after another.

Just in mid-October, SMIC was completed!

On this day, early in the morning, Qin Tao excitedly came to the site of SMIC: a high-tech park.

SMIC and Loongson are almost next to each other, because Loongson is engaged in design, so the project proceeds faster and has already entered the working state, while SMIC took a year. Infrastructure works completed.

The Pudong New Area is undergoing earth-shaking changes, and various high-rise buildings have sprung up. In this high-tech park, only two building complexes have been built so far.

When the car drove to the door, Qin Tao saw the string of firecrackers hanging at the door, with suspicion on his face.

"Why, our such a big factory is completed and put into production, but only a string of thousand-shot firecrackers is hung?"

At this time, there were already a lot of people waiting at the door. Qin Tao got out of the car while talking, and the complaints were of course heard by others.

Zhang Rujin's face was slightly embarrassed: "Boss Qin, the money should be spent wisely!"

In this era, even if a barber shop opens, tens of thousands of firecrackers have to be set off, but SMIC does not. Although Zhang Rujin holds a huge sum of [-] million US dollars in his hands, he is like Grandet. , very stingy.

He was on a business trip and only flew economy class. Once a TV station asked him to record a program, and he took the subway by himself!

Now that the project was completed and put into operation, he was reluctant to spend money, but he just spent ten yuan and bought a thousand firecrackers as a celebration.

These are all false, he wants to spend the money on useful places!

"Zhengyang, buy another [-] firecrackers with my salary." Qin Tao said to Xu Zhengyang who was driving.

Xu Zhengyang nodded and drove away. Zhang Rujin calmed down there: "Thank you, Mr. Qin."

"There is no need to save money. If it is not enough, our group will continue to invest, even if it is a waste of money, we must fully support it." Qin Tao said.

Zhang Rujin nodded.

A person next to him said: "Many people are optimistic about our company. As long as it goes public in the future, there will be no problem with financing."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Tao interrupted: "We are not going public, this is a restricted area for SMIC's commercial operations."

The man said something boring, made a big blush, and didn't dare to say anything anymore.

The [-] firecrackers don't need to be hung on the gate, they can be spread directly on the ground in front of the gate. At this time, all the leaders of Huating City came, including the big leader Xu Di, and Jiang Zhou, who is in charge of economy and industry.

"Leader Xu, please speak to us." Qin Tao said with a smile.

Leader Xu shook his head: "Boss Qin, let's talk about it."

"The guest is up to the host. Here, I am a guest. Leader Xu, you should come."

Leader Xu declined three times before walking up to the microphone with excitement on his face.

"Huating City used to have the shipbuilding industry, the aircraft industry and the automobile industry. Now, these industries are developing very well. However, these are old industries after all. Now, we will have the emerging microelectronics industry! I believe , our SMIC will definitely develop into a global big company, go out of Asia and go to the world!"

There was a burst of applause below.

"Please rest assured that the city will be your strong backing. The conditions offered by the city will not change. SMIC will not be charged any tax within five years. Supporting schools, hospitals, etc. will be established. !"

After saying this, Xu Di smiled and looked at Qin Tao: "Okay, I'm done talking, it's your turn."

SMIC has the background of Mingzhou Group behind it. Will it bring problems to the development of the company?Qin Tao is not sure about this, but it is impossible to get rid of the relationship. From the beginning of the negotiation with the Sanxing Company, it is impossible for the Mingzhou Group to hide, so now, it is being generous.

"Microelectronics technology is developing rapidly, and our motherland is far behind the world's advanced level." Qin Tao's tone was a little low: "A few years ago, in order to catch up with the world's advanced level, our country carried out the 531 project and the 908 project, but, Due to some reasons, these projects have all failed, and even if they are brought in, they are facing the point of being outdated. Therefore, we Mingzhou Group stood up, took advantage of our private enterprises, and invested in the establishment of SMIC. We hope that the motherland The chip industry can develop rapidly! SMIC places our infinite hope on the chip industry!"

"Some of you are energetic college students, some are returned overseas Chinese, please rest assured that Mingzhou Group is your strong backing and will solve all your worries. Your mission is to put this production line into operation as soon as possible to produce related electronic products. product!"

Over the past year, Zhang Rujin has been traveling back and forth, not only to watch the construction of the factory, but also to find talents. Relying on his personal charm, he summoned more than 100 Chinese Americans and became the backbone of SMIC.

These people gave up the generous treatment in the United States and resolutely returned to China. Of course, Qin Tao couldn't let them suffer any grievances. These are the most valuable scientific and technological talents!
"Employees, relatives, with the support of the city and the group, what else can we say? Starting today, we will work hard to build SMIC into the world's largest chip foundry!" The final round When Zhang Rujin spoke, he was very excited, his dream was finally coming true!

Crackling firecrackers sounded.

The smell of gunpowder smoke spread throughout the factory, and the sound of firecrackers echoed over SMIC, over Pudong, over Huating, and over the entire motherland!

The world-renowned chip foundry started from this moment. It has just been established, and it has brought the chip technology of the East to the same level as the world!
A group of people walked into the factory.

If you want to enter the workshop, you need to wear special full-body protective clothing, and you need to go through special dust-free treatment. Therefore, Qin Tao didn't plan to go in. He couldn't understand anyway. He just walked along the road outside the workshop with everyone. Walk on the road.

On both sides of the road, there are trees that have just been planted not long ago, that is, in Huating. If they are in the north, it is impossible to transplant them successfully in this season.

A slightly cold wind blows from the sea, but everyone's heart is hot.

"Mr. Zhang, I will hand over this place to you in the future. I hope it can become a world-class chip foundry." Qin Tao said.

Zhang Rujin nodded: "Of course there is no problem, we will work hard."

"At present, there will be quite a lot of domestic orders. However, we still need to work hard to develop overseas markets. Only by becoming a world-class foundry can we be truly successful."

Although when the production line was first introduced, Sanxing Group was talking about the production of 64MB memory sticks, but after the establishment of the entire production line, not only memory sticks, but also other things can be produced.

For example, now that we have entered the 2G era, Qin Tao has already thrown away his big brother and replaced it with a small Ericsson.Although mobile phones cannot be produced in China, the demand for mobile phone cards is still quite large.

Domestic telecommunications giants can't wait to place an order with SMIC.

There are other orders that come in like snowflakes. It can be said that in the first year or two of its establishment, SMIC did not have to worry about orders at all.

Zhang Rujin continued to nod: "Yes, of course we must work hard to expand the overseas market. I am already mobilizing my old relationship to try to establish a relationship with Qualcomm and provide OEM for Qualcomm."

Qin Tao glanced at Zhang Rujin with satisfaction: "That's right, we're going to get orders from TSMC, and we're going to crush TSMC. I'll serve you a three-day celebration wine!"

After walking around the factory, Qin Tao finished what he needed to say. Anyway, Qin Tao himself didn't understand the specific techniques.

The leaders of Huating City also walked with them. Now, when they walked to the door again, Qin Tao said with a smile: "Our SMIC can work hard without any worries, thanks to the support of all the leaders."

"That's what it should be." Xu Di said, "We used to have a radio component factory in Huating, but now they have been eliminated. Compared with the factories in front of us, they are like handicraft workshops. We are behind Factories can be eliminated, but the industry must continue, and our city has nothing to say, we firmly support it!"

Jiang Zhou didn't speak. He was very excited. He had been watching this project. As a top student in Tsinghua University's Department of Electronics, he even had an idea: leave the government and come here to do business!
"Lao Jiang, do you want to come to SMIC?" Qin Tao asked suddenly.

Jiang Zhou was taken aback for a moment, this President Qin is simply a capable person!How can I understand what I'm thinking?
Xu Di smiled: "Mr. Qin, you are too powerful. You actually want to poach people from our government! Lao Jiang can't leave now, so he has to continue to escort you SMIC. In a few years, when you are in the middle Chip International has developed and grown, and if he wants to go, we will not stay, and we will hold a lively farewell party and send him over."

Amidst laughter, everyone got into the car.

"Xiangyang, since we're here, let's go and have a look at Godson."

It's been a long time since I've been to Godson, and I don't know how the R&D project there is going. Qin Tao is looking forward to it.

SMIC is a foundry, this is its positioning, it is responsible for manufacturing, as for the design, it is other companies.

Loongson Corporation is the one that develops the most critical processor chip, which is also the Mount Everest in the chip industry.

How are they doing, Mr. Ni?

Loongson is also very busy.

When entering the company building, Qin Tao saw a big guy in the front lobby. It was placed in a transparent glass cover, and one after another integrated circuits could be seen, densely packed like spider silk. Qin Tao's scalp was numb.

"Boss Qin, you're here." Elder Ni hurried out from the inside, followed by a young man.

"Well, let me take a look, what is this?" Qin Tao asked, pointing at something like a totem.

"This is my graduation project." The person next to Mr. Ni said: "It is a circuit built with more than 400 74LS series chips and fully hand-soldered to realize the most basic processor functions."

Looking at Qin Tao's suspicious eyes, Mr. Ni smiled: "He is the assistant I found. He resigned from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His name is Hu Wu. He has contributed a lot to our chip design. Our The chip architecture was also created by him with people."

Hu Wu?

Born in 68, he is not yet 30 years old. He is at an age where he can work hard. In 86, he entered the Department of Electronics of the University of Science and Technology of China, and later entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After learning that Mr. Ni was going to design chips, he came out to follow Start a business.

This road is not easy to walk, but they have no hesitation, as long as they are truly ideal, they will never use ism, shouting slogans that technology has no borders, they only know how to make money.

In Loongson, there are still many young people like Hu Wu, but if Hu Wu can stand out from the crowd and become Ni's assistant, he also has his own talents.

"Have you developed a special chip architecture?" Although Qin Tao is not in this major, he can still know something.

"That's right." Mr. Ni said, "Mr. Qin, since you support us in developing Godson and have delegated power to us, we cannot let you down. After our research, we decided to adopt a brand new structure and instruction sets!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Ni smiled: "Originally, we planned to call it the dog left architecture, but after thinking about it, it didn't sound good, so we changed the name to the dragon architecture and the dragon instruction set. We are the descendants of the dragon, and we want to make the dragon core Be the strongest in the world!"

"How did you make up your mind?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

In Qin Tao's original time and space, Godson could not use the X86 instruction set because it was not authorized. Therefore, they used the RISC instruction set, which is called the MIPS instruction system in American textbooks.

However, the development of Loongson was full of twists and turns. At that time, the inside story of Hanxin's fraud was revealed, which also affected Loongson.

Loongson is independently researched and developed. Although the design idea is similar to MIPS R1000, it is not a copy of the latter, nor does it copy the design idea of ​​any other chip products.It is completely different from the kind of Hanxin where migrant workers polish chip numbers to cheat funds.

However, voices of doubt are overwhelming: "Foreign core Chinese shell", "Godson and Hanxin are the same thing", "Godson Hanxin cools the heart of China" and other doubts are overwhelming.

Later, even though MIPS announced that the single-function products in the structure of MIPS32 and MIPS64 were authorized to Godson, and the two parties carried out long-term strategic cooperation with restrictive clauses (no modification, no sublicense of IP, etc.), however, the scolding started again, " The voices of "frauding funds" and "pseudo-independence" are endless. (Who dominates this voice can probably be guessed.)
Later, Godson survived this period and slowly got on the right track. In the United States, this MIPS has long been marginalized and is only used for teaching. Godson has already obtained the ecological dominance of this system.

At this time, foreigners began to find reasons to make all kinds of troubles, why did you not pay enough money, I will audit you, this is a violation, you are out of scope, and so on.

If you use other people's things, you will always be controlled by others.As a result, Godson began to develop its own structure, so that others could not find any faults.

Now, Godson has been using its own architecture since its inception!It takes a lot of determination.

"Since I accepted this task, I have been thinking about how Godson should develop. No matter what instruction set or architecture we use, we will be controlled by others. Maybe no one cares about us at first, but in the future, after impacting the interests of those big manufacturers , They should surround us." Ni Lao said: "After thinking about it for about a week, one day, when I was on the land at work, I suddenly thought of the war after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and thought of a sentence my superiors said. "

When he said this, Elder Ni paused for a moment, and then said in a solemn tone, "Punch with one punch, and avoid a hundred punches."

Although this road is difficult to walk now, it is necessary. Only by punching now can we avoid being punched by others in the future!
Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, ambition! We have to show this kind of courage. Mr. Hu, you are all the country's elite!"

At this time, Qin Tao had already walked into the studio, and saw the busy figures of countless people inside. Among them, the figure of an old man was particularly dazzling.

She is a woman who seems to be in her late [-]s, with white hair, but she is still busy in front of the computer.

"She is my other assistant, Lao Huang." Ni Lao introduced.

At this time, Mr. Huang was looking at the computer screen carefully watching the complicated circuit on it, and it was obvious that he had entered the stage of detailed design.

"Old Huang? You invited her too?"

Hearing everyone's conversation, Mr. Huang turned his head around. After seeing Qin Tao, he just nodded and smiled, and continued to work.

"Old Huang, you are not young anymore. Here, you just need to take care of the young people. You don't need to do this kind of work yourself." Qin Tao said, the person in front of him is a veteran of the domestic electronics industry!

Mr. Huang turned his head to look at Qin Tao again, and then said, "The biggest wish in my life is to crawl on the ground and wipe away the shame of the motherland. I have to do these things now. I enjoy it and can do a good job for us. Our computer career is our greatest pride."

While talking, Mr. Huang clicked on a penguin icon in the lower right corner of the screen, and quickly typed a paragraph in it. Qin Tao stood behind, and he could see that it was written about a problem with a certain circuit.

"You have already used instant messaging tools?" Qin Tao was even more surprised.

"Yes, this ICQ software is very good." Ni Lao said: "At present, all of our technical exchanges are carried out through this chat tool. Of course, in order to avoid leaks, we use the internal LAN , Goose Factory specially set up a LAN server for us.”

Qin Tao pushed it a bit at the time, and stopped paying attention afterwards. Now seeing the progress, he is very emotional: "They have succeeded."

"That's right, this ICQ chat software has achieved great success and has become popular all over the world." Ni Lao said: "Goose Factory has been listed in the United States, and it is said that the stock price soared dozens of times that day. , Our recent research and development funds are all sources of profit from the goose factory."

Qin Tao's original idea was to catch up with the upsurge of the Internet to earn a few dollars, and then use the profits to invest in hardware research and development. Now it seems that this road is considered a success.

"The goose factory has already promised that as long as our Godson is built, they will transplant this ICQ software to our Godson platform, and they will also optimize it according to Godson's instructions to make it run more smoothly. Create an ecology for us." Speaking of this, Ni Lao's face was full of excitement.

Loongson has entered the detailed design stage, and it can be manufactured by SMIC in the future, but what about the future?
Brand-new architecture, brand-new instructions, there is no ecological cooperation at all, and the performance is not as good as Intel, so what can we use to occupy the market?

"We plan to use open source Linux as the system, cooperate with the domestic Jinshan company for office software, and add chat software, and this basic platform will be built." Mr. Ni said: "Although our hardware performance is not as good as that of our peers, But as long as the software is optimized well, there is still hope.”

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, it's still too late. After all, computers are not yet popular in our country. Our price must be appropriate so that more people can afford computers and use our Loongson computers. In this way, the ecology will start. .”

It's not too late now. For ordinary people, computers are still a very high-end thing. Owning a personal computer is a dream. When they first came into contact with computers, they used Linux system and Kingsoft office software. will get used to it.

Even if it does not export at the beginning and only uses the domestic market, it is enough for Godson to develop!
"The goose factory still needs to work harder." Qin Tao already has a more perfect plan.

If you want to say what is the most useful computer for ordinary people, besides office work, it is games!

It is not enough for Goose Factory to invent just one ICQ, but more software is needed, especially game software!
Red Alert, Journey to the West, etc. can all be developed, and some tricks must be done behind the scenes. For example, it runs the smoothest on the Godson, even if Intel's processor frequency far exceeds that of our own, the screen will jump. One jump, in this way, those game players will transfer to the Godson platform and call Intel rubbish!

(Some readers left a big message, don’t fully blossom, only engage in warships, our current general direction is to focus on warships, and develop other projects, whether it is carrier-based aircraft or chips, are all for warships, such as Godson, very It will soon become the processor of our air defense destroyer, we can't use American processors on our own warships, right?)

(End of this chapter)

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