Great warships

Chapter 496 Trip to Latin America

Chapter 496 Trip to Latin America
320 factories.

The sky is clear, without a single white cloud, it is a good weather for flying.

On the tarmac, a plane with a yellow skin was preparing to take off.

A large group of people gathered around the plane, carefully inspecting it, and there were also some people on the outer circle watching.

"This is a miracle." Qin Tao said, "I never thought that your plane would take its first flight in November!"

The 320 factory has a characteristic: no matter what it is doing, it is very fast. It is definitely a miracle that this carrier-based trainer specially built for the navy can make its first flight in such a short period of time.

Of course, this is also because all the technical reserves are ready: the engine is outsourced, and the difficulty of the landing gear has been overcome. For them, it is just assembling these things.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Old Shi nodded: "Thanks to Mr. Qin's help, the development speed of Jiaoba J is indeed not slow, but the next flight test may take a while. If everything goes well, next year we will mass-produced.”

Since it is a carrier-based trainer aircraft produced for the navy, a J is added at the end, because it is similar in appearance to the Jiaoba. In order to confuse the outside world, it is still attributed to the Jiaoba series.

"Well, this is the aircraft most needed by the Navy. By the way, can this aircraft carry bombs?"

"Yes, but if you don't improve the avionics equipment, you can only mount ordinary bombs without guidance capabilities." Shi Lao nodded.

Ordinary trainers can often become bombers, but they need the cooperation of avionics equipment.

Qin Tao nodded. At this time, the pilot had already put on all the attire and came over.

They didn't wear helmets, they just held them in their hands, so they could clearly see their appearance.

One of them is slightly shorter, Ge Shun, a test pilot of the 320 factory. He has flown the Jiaoba many times. For him, the aircraft in front of him is very similar to the Jiaoba, and the driving characteristics are similar, so the test flight is still nothing. pressurized.

The other one is Draenor. When he heard that this plane was imitated, he immediately came over from the wasteland village base and asked to participate in the test flight.

After all, he had flown the T-45 many times, so it was a good choice for him to fly this kind of aircraft.

In this way, the combination and matching of the front and rear cabins are all in order.

"Fly well, I look forward to your success." Shi Lao said.

Delano nodded: "I hope this aircraft will not disappoint us."

Several officers from the Navy were also on site, looking forward to the first flight of the aircraft.

The roar of the engine sounded, and everyone followed the plane, walked onto the runway together, and then waited with bated breath on the edge of the runway.

The sound of the engine was getting louder and deafening, and the small JiaobaJ slid on the runway, and then flew lightly.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky.

The general test flight of a prototype is to circle a few laps in the air and then land. It was the same for the first flight of the Flying Leopard and the first flight of the J-[-]. But the J[-]J is different. It is an imitation of a mature aircraft after all. , So, after going up, the landing gear was retracted, and several maneuvers were made in the sky: rolling, flying upside down, sideways, somersaults, etc., which made people dazzled.

"The wild dog wants to take over the control." Delano's voice came from the radio. The pilots in the front cabin were flying just now. Of course, he had to experience it.


After receiving the answer, the prototype suddenly seemed to have a different personality, and became more irritable. The elevation angle was directly pulled to [-] degrees, and it climbed vertically!
The speed was getting slower and slower, and then it began to fall downwards, and it actually played a classic tail thrust!

The big guys started to sweat a lot, this is the first plane to teach eight Js, nothing unexpected can happen!

Fortunately, the original fuel was not much. After a few classic actions, the fuel was almost consumed.

"The ground called Jiaoba J, and immediately returned to the field and landed."

"The wild dog received it."

The voice is casual, Draenor hasn't had enough fun yet!
The voice sounded from the back of the airport. When they saw the descending slope of the plane, many people exclaimed: "The descending speed is too fast, the sinking rate is too high, what is he going to do?"

"Of course it's a landing of a carrier-based aircraft." Qin Tao understands the madness of the wild dog. Although it is the first flight, as an imitation, it has to be a thrilling and exciting one.

This action will have to be tested in the future to verify whether the landing gear is strong enough.

Therefore, Qin Tao did not stop it, and it was useless for others to stop it. As a trainer aircraft, the position of the rear seat belongs to the instructor, and the instructor can take over the control of the aircraft at any time. The front cockpit belongs to the instructor. Controlling the aircraft has lower priority than the back seat.

Jiao BaJ landed like this, as if he was about to fall, and countless people were shocked. When the landing gear touched the runway, the movement of the landing gear buffer mechanism could be seen with the naked eye. At this moment, the big guy was even worried. The landing gear will snap off.

However, the scene they were afraid of did not appear, Jiao BaJ continued to slide forward, and the landing gear in front also landed, so there was no suspense.

There was no landing hook on the ground, so it took some distance to come to a stop, and then the pilot in the front cabin took over and taxied to the tarmac.

"It looks pretty good." Qin Tao said: "The pilots in Huangdi Village have been waiting for a long time. When the trainer aircraft is produced, they will start training on the landing gear."

Old Shi nodded. Just now his heart was in suspension. Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with this way of landing.

"Tonight, let's celebrate." Qin Tao is very satisfied. Even if the development of J-[-] is overdue, when the aircraft carrier is refitted, he can use the teaching eight J to practice boarding the ship first, which will not delay the training of naval pilots.

"President Qin, we just received some news." Xu Zhengyang walked over and whispered in Qin Tao's ear.

"what news?"

"Last time you said you wanted to bring your business to South America, so we asked about it, and now the first batch of information has been collected." Xu Zhengyang said: "Among those countries in South America, the football country is the best. Yes, they have plans to purchase a second aircraft carrier."

Qin Tao nodded: "Their current aircraft carrier is too old, and it must need to be replaced. Is there any movement from the French?"

"Yes, the French are planning to sell their decommissioned aircraft carrier to a football country."

A smile appeared on Qin Tao's face: "Our colleagues are enemies. We have no other choice. We can't just sit and watch the football country be fooled, right? Let's go out for a while. Business is ruined."

Xu Zhengyang has long been accustomed to Qin Tao's behavior, but he still hesitated: "Are we going directly?"

Qin Tao is always well-prepared when doing things, and it is the most common thing to do what he likes. When he goes to Lao Maozi, he uses good wine and food.What should Qin Tao use?
Qin Tao thought about it for a while: "Find a football team under our Mingzhou Group, and let's go there to play a friendly match."

Since it is called a football country, it is the country that loves football the most, and you can use football to do what you want.

(Soccer country, the one with a large number of stars, such as Pele. This country is also rich in coffee, and it is also called the country of coffee.)
Xu Zhengyang's face was a bit ugly: "Mr. Qin, it seems to be a bit difficult!"

"What's the difficulty?" Qin Tao asked curiously. In his eyes, as long as the group has money, it is not easy to get a team.

"I'm afraid the sports team won't give us people."

Sports team?
Qin Tao's consciousness stays in later generations, when a group of prisoners can play better than the national football team, he doesn't know what football looks like in this era.

The former national football team was also very strong. In 2002, it even played in the World Cup.

This is of course a problem with the system. What is practiced in China is the sports team model under the national system. The coach chooses outstanding young people to join, regardless of whether he is willing or not. After practicing first, after the elimination system of the city and the province, those who enter the national team They are all dragons and phoenixes.The training is free, and he is also responsible for the assignment after retirement.

However, this kind of training is very wasteful. Football, a sport that raises hundreds of people from the youth training team to the adult team and has a low probability of winning cards, is not cost-effective in the eyes of the Sports Bureau. It is not worthwhile to have a separate event. better?

Therefore, domestic football began to take the road of professionalization, and the League A in 94 was the beginning.

Now Qin Tao wants to rely on money to recruit people from the sports team, it is a bit difficult!

"It's not like we want to beat each other." Qin Tao said, "We're playing a friendly match. We randomly find some second-rate and third-rate players to form a temporary team. If we really win against them, don't we come to slap them in the face? "

This is to sell arms in the name of playing football, without attracting anyone's attention.

a week later.

"Isn't the Mingzhou Group a well-known large group? Why do you let us take this kind of broken plane?"

"That's right, we're going out to compete on behalf of the Mingzhou Group! Why don't you get us a special Boeing 707 plane and let us squeeze this kind of broken cargo plane?"

A group of players began to complain.

This is not a broken cargo plane, but the most advanced An-225 in the world. This plane is the pride of Mingzhou Group!For one flight, the fuel costs are astronomical, and these people in front of them still don't buy it.

It's like letting them take a million-dollar bus, they will be very dissatisfied, but a 20 Santana will make them feel high-end and have face.

"Everyone, hurry up and get on the plane. Mr. Qin took off with us this time. Mr. Qin doesn't dislike this plane. Are you better than Mr. Qin?" one person said.

His face was still green, he was a young lad, but his words had an effect. After hearing his dissuasion, these uncle-like players could only put back their complaints.

"Hmph, Huang Jianxiang, you will flatter the leader." Someone gave him a complaining look.

Last year, America's Cup football was very popular. In addition to the veterans Sun Zhengping and Han Qiaosheng, among the commentators of CCTV, there was also a newcomer, Huang Jianxiang in front of him. , The international players don't sell his account at all.

Hearing someone's sarcasm, Huang Jianxiang could only smile wryly, the less capable he is, the more tempered he is.

This time I went to participate in the friendly match, I am the team leader and commentator, I don't know how to explain.

When the players got on the plane, Huang Jianxiang also planned to go up. In the distance, a Mercedes-Benz G drove over. When he saw the car, he knew that it was Mr. Qin.

Behind the Mercedes-Benz big G, there is a bus. Didn't President Qin say he was going to have a friendly match this time?Why bring so many?

When rich people go out, they are probably hugged by others, right?Huang Jianxiang didn't dare to say anything else, so he went up to say hello.

"All here?" Qin Tao asked with a smile.

"Everyone is here, including the substitutes, a total of 15 players, plus the coach, and me, a total of [-] people."

Qin Tao nodded and walked up.

The An-225 transport aircraft is very huge. The lower part is a pear-shaped cargo compartment, and the upper part is behind the cockpit. There is also a passenger compartment, which is convenient for transporting some passengers. However, because it is not a special passenger aircraft, this section of the cabin is not Without opening the porthole, it will make people feel uncomfortable after entering.

At this time, the players had already found their seats and sat down, but obviously, the expressions on their faces were still somewhat dissatisfied. Even before Qin Tao came up, they could still hear the discussions inside.

Qin Tao glanced at them, and these people quickly stood up and greeted Qin Tao.

"Hello, Mr. Qin!"

"Hello, Mr. Qin!"

No matter what they complained about just now, when they saw Qin Tao now, they immediately took back their complaints. No matter how much aura they had on their bodies, they would be overshadowed in front of Qin Tao.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, hello everyone. Go out to play a friendly match this time and show our demeanor." Qin Tao said: "As long as you don't lose, the Mingzhou Group will reward you as a whole with 100 million."

100 million!

In 95, 100 million was still quite high. Take the wages of the players of the Huating Shenhua team in the League A League this year as an example. The monthly salary of the captain of the national team is 2500 yuan.The main player is 2000 yuan for success, 1800 yuan for Shenhua, and 1000 yuan for the lowest level. As the head coach of Shenhua, Xu ** has a monthly salary of only 3000 yuan.

Of course, in this era when the average salary is [-] yuan, this is definitely a high salary.

So, when Qin Tao announced the bonus of 100 million yuan, everyone's eyes widened. Isn't the bonus too high for going out to play a friendly match this time?
"Under the premise of not losing, every goal scored, plus 100 million, is RMB." Qin Tao said.

Goals and money!
"President Qin, don't worry, we will do our best!"

"Yes, even if the kick is disabled, we will do it!"

These people completely put the complaints just now to the back of their minds.I thought I was capable of the national team, at the top level in Asia.

"By the way, who is our opponent?" Captain Fan Yaodong asked excitedly.

"What is it? I don't remember very well, Zhengyang, which team is it?" Qin Tao looked at the secretary behind him.

"It's the Gremio team."

When hearing about the opponent, the hope in everyone's eyes disappeared.

This is one of the most powerful teams in football!Against this kind of team, won't you lose?Don't lose too badly, okay?

Looking at the expressions of these people, Qin Tao knew what they were thinking, hmph, with such a mentality, it would be hell if he could win the game.

Take out the courage to shine your sword, they are all raised by their fathers and mothers, and they both carry a head on their shoulders. What's so scary?

"It doesn't matter what team he is, the big guys just play. Our Mingzhou Group has bought insurance for you, and the insurance amount is 100 million for each of you." Qin Tao said.

This is really going to make them risk their lives!
None of these people spoke.

Qin Tao came to the front, he still has other things to do, after all, what kind of friendly match he ran to, this is because he didn't want to drink!
In North America and Europe, it is not easy to open up the market, that is, wandering around in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Up to now, Latin America is still a virgin land that has not been cultivated.

There are three major powers in the Latin American navy. The Ribbon country was also a maritime power, and it gradually declined. After that, the Weeping country gradually became stronger. It was even the first in Latin America to have an aircraft carrier. But in the war in the 80s, the halo disappeared completely. Then it started to go downhill.

Now, if you want to say that the most powerful sea power in Latin America is football country.

After the Weeping Country purchased the aircraft carrier, the Football Country was not to be outdone, and purchased the "Avenger" of the "Giant" class aircraft carrier from the United Kingdom, and renamed it "Minas Gerais".

However, after all, this is just an old aircraft carrier from World War II. In order to make it function, the football country paid another US$900 million in renovation funds after paying US$2700 million for the purchase.

It also looked very powerful at the time. It was equipped with a BS5 steam catapult and a Finier optical landing aid system, and it could be equipped with more than 10 AF-1A "Skyhawk" carrier-based attack aircraft.

However, although the football country has transformed the aircraft carrier, it does not have enough funds to equip modern carrier-based aircraft. It used to rely on propeller S-2 anti-submarine aircraft and helicopters to make up the numbers.

This World War II aircraft carrier is too old. Although it started modernization in 91, it is still too old and does not have modern combat capabilities. Therefore, football countries have also begun to look for new aircraft carriers around the world. up.

However, with their national strength, they definitely cannot purchase brand new aircraft carriers, and there are not many second-hand aircraft carriers in the world, so they don't have many opportunities to choose.

The person in charge of this project is Sagas Tres, the naval leader of the football country. He has one of his most trusted subordinates, named Ilguez, and this Ilguez is a major shareholder of the Gremio team!

As long as the situation permits, Irgues will go to watch the game. According to the arrangement, the game will happen to be on Sunday. Therefore, Irgues will go to the game in all likelihood. When the time comes, we can meet logically.

We are not going to sell aircraft carriers, we are just going to take the team to participate in the competition. After seeing Irgues, I can't bear to see them being deceived, so I just talk about the shortcomings of the second-hand French aircraft carrier.

You have no other choice?Then take a look at the products of our Mingzhou Group!

This is Qin Tao's reservation process, but he didn't expect that his itinerary would be disrupted as soon as he got off the plane.

When the An-225 landed, the entire airport was emptied, and then it was dragged to the most remote corner to avoid conflicts with other planes. After the plane stopped, Qin Tao listened to The sound of the military band came from below, and the tune played was actually the familiar melody of the motherland.

what happened?

There were no portholes on the plane, so Qin Tao could only walk suspiciously towards the hatch. When he blocked the first ray of sunshine in Latin America with his hand, he saw the military band on the lawn and saw a large group of people welcoming him there.

"President Qin, welcome to our ancient country." A man in military uniform said, "My name is Ilges, and I'm here to welcome you."

Originally, I wanted to create a chance to meet by chance, but I didn't expect that the other party came to the airport to greet me!

"It's a great honor." Qin Tao said, "Our Mingzhou Group's football team wants to come here to learn football skills."

Qin Tao was a little embarrassed at this moment.

"Of course. As one of the owners of the Gremio team, I welcome you to come." Ilguez said: "In addition to learning about football skills, other things can also be exchanged together."

so generous?

Ilguez looked at the An-225 transport plane: "We are all guessing, what kind of treasure is in the belly of this plane."

Qin Tao suddenly realized.

Although they came here under the banner of a friendly match, this plane exposed their purpose of coming here.

If it's just for a competition, then renting an ordinary airliner will do. Even if the An-225 belongs to the Mingzhou Group, the fuel money for a flight over is more expensive than renting other planes.

The reason why this kind of aircraft is used is of course for the convenience of transporting a lot of things!
What is in the huge belly of this plane?
At the beginning, An-225 went to Malaysia to participate in the International Defense Exhibition, but it transported a lot of good things!

It is completely different from when Mingzhou Group just started.

Who knew Mingzhou Group when it first started?If you don't want to find a way to build a relationship, then the customer doesn't know each other at all!

What now?
Not to mention civilian ships such as natural gas ships, in terms of warships, missile speedboats, frigates, destroyers, aircraft carriers, submarines, everything under the Mingzhou Group is complete!
And at the beginning of the year, the purchase of Varyag was full of twists and turns, and later the purchase of glorious surprises, who in the world does not know?Even if you are not in the circle, you all know that the Mingzhou Group is awesome.

This time, Mr. Qin from the Mingzhou Group came here in person, and he came here on the An-225. What is the purpose, need I say it?

There is no need to hide it anymore, just take it out and say it!

The naval equipment produced by Mingzhou Group is cheap and of first-class quality!
"We installed some models in the plane, as well as a real plane." Qin Tao said: "If you want to see it, we will assemble it as soon as possible."

Model, and real machine?
"What is the real machine?" Ilgus asked.

"It is a K-8J produced by ourselves, which is specially designed for aircraft carriers to take off and land. It can not only be used for training, but also carry bombs and carry out attack missions."

It took so much to teach Eight J, of course it can't be used for personal use, if it can be sold, that would be even better!
So far, the aircraft carrier of the football country does not have fixed-wing attack aircraft, so it happened to come to sell them.

As for prototypes?

Although there is only one prototype of the 320 factory, the T-45 has been reassembled!Once the cockpit equipment is replaced, all electronic equipment is replaced, and the paint is repainted, it will be a brand new K-8J!
The repair of the water-soaked vehicle in later generations was also solved by replacing the electronic components. The water-soaked aircraft has been disassembled for a comprehensive survey and mapping. When assembling, replace all the circuits, and there will be no problem.

(Some readers previously questioned the depth of soaking in water. How can the flesh and blood of deep-sea fish withstand the strong pressure of sea water? Of course, the internal and external pressures are the same. Our plane dropped the canopy. After entering, there is no pressure difference between the inside and the outside, and Submarines are different. In fact, we human beings are on the surface of the earth, and the pressure of one atmosphere is already very strong, but the internal and external pressure is the same.)
(End of this chapter)

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