Great warships

Chapter 498 Mr. Qin is very sincere

Chapter 498 Mr. Qin is very sincere
The next day, the conference room.

The two-meter-long aircraft carrier model was placed right in the center of the oval conference table, and the officers sitting in the outer circle wearing the uniforms of senior navy generals of the United States were looking at the aircraft carrier with expectant eyes.

"It adopts the most popular layout in the world. The bow is the flying deck, and the left side is the angled deck." Qin Tao stood in an open space in front of the conference table, holding a laser pointer in his hand, and the light spot fell on the on the aircraft carrier.

"The flying deck at the bow of the ship allows it to take off many types of carrier-based aircraft, whether it is the French Rafale, the Da Mao MiG-29, or our J-31A, they can all take off successfully. In terms of landing methods, you can choose Vertical landing and arresting cable landing. As long as the engine power is sufficient, a go-around is sufficient, so that this aircraft carrier can have the ability to operate conventional take-off and landing carrier-based aircraft.”

These planes, no matter which one they are, are quite expensive, but just because football countries can't afford them now, doesn't mean they won't be able to afford them in the future either!

"Where's the elevator?" someone asked.

"There are two options for the elevator. If you plan to operate vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, then the elevator can be located at the tail of the warship." Qin Tao continued: "This will not interfere with deck operations, and the size of the elevator can also be large. If you want to If the landing is blocked, in order to avoid affecting the strength of the deck at the tail, it can be moved to the rear of the island and set up a side elevator, but the size there is limited, and the size of the upgrade cannot be made very large.”

Everyone nodded. The two designs have their own strengths. It depends on the choice of carrier-based aircraft.

"Considering that its displacement is [-] tons, the size of the carrier-based fighter jets operating on it should not be too large, otherwise there will be too few available for operation. Therefore, the side lift should be enough." Qin Tao continued introduce.

"The displacement is [-] tons?" Some people are questioning this data.

"That's right, the standard displacement is 2.8 tons, and the full-load displacement is 3.3 tons." Qin Tao introduced: "For you, this should be a compromise between performance and price."

"Then how much does it cost?"

"Let's talk about the price at the end. Let's look at the performance first, how about it?" Qin Tao put it off.

Of course, I can’t say it now. If I say it, these people must find it difficult to accept it. How can I continue to introduce it?

"Yes, let's listen to the performance first." Sagas Tres nodded.

"Let's continue talking about the deck. If we operate our J-31A fighter, it should be able to equip about [-] fighters." Qin Tao said: "This is enough to dominate the entire South America."

Thirty fourth-generation aircraft, all right!
Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Of course, considering various factors, you also need to equip certain helicopters. Therefore, the best combination is twenty fighters plus ten helicopters to complete various tasks."

"It's a pity that we can only take off from the jumping deck of the bow. This kind of deployment is too inefficient." Someone said.

In fact, the [-]-ton aircraft carrier, even if it belongs to the French, only has a steam catapult installed on the bow and the leaping deck, and the dispatch efficiency is not very high.

"Yes, the dispatch efficiency of the jumping deck is not high, but it is reliable. If your navy wants to continue sailing to the high latitudes in the south, the temperature will become lower and lower, and the deck of the steam catapult will freeze. , will bring you a severe test.”

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Not only do they want to wander in the waters near their own, but also in the seas further south!This ability must have!

"Currently, we are developing an electromagnetic catapult, and when this technology matures, we will be able to install an electromagnetic catapult on the inclined deck, so that more aircraft can be launched from the electromagnetic catapult, and the dispatch efficiency will be greatly improved. "

"Electromagnetic catapult? Do you still have this technology?"

"Please believe in our strength." Qin Tao said with a smile on his face: "Our Mingzhou Group has advanced shipbuilding technology. Moreover, such a brand new aircraft carrier can be used for at least 50 years in your hands. There is no such technology now, ten or twenty years later, when your aircraft carrier needs a medium-term life extension, it can be refitted with electromagnetic catapults. Now we have reserved space for future upgrades, what do you think?"

The crowd nodded.

Not only for now, but also for future upgrades, not bad!
"Now, let's introduce its power system again. We equip it with four heavy oil pressurized boilers, which drive two steam turbines, so that its maximum speed exceeds [-] knots."

This is also the biggest difference from the plan for the Turkish Navy.

Originally, the boiler was used for the Tuji country, but the Tuji people were not happy and asked to change the design of the LM2500 gas turbine, which took a longer time to change the design.

The original design has been made a long time ago, and it cannot be wasted. Now it is just right to take it out!

People in football don't dislike boilers. After all, the aircraft carriers they have now also burn boilers, and they are cheaper.

After talking about the boiler, I started to introduce the ship island, etc., especially all kinds of electronic equipment on the ship island. There is no need for any outsourcing, and Dongfang can provide one-stop service.

Qin Tao flickered again, and everyone was very satisfied with the performance of this aircraft carrier.

"Now, can you tell us the price? How much do you plan to sell such an aircraft carrier?" Sagas Tres asked.

"We have two plans." Qin Tao introduced: "One is to adopt the standard for all warships, and the other is to partially adopt the standard for civilian ships to reduce costs."

Qin Tao looked at everyone: "This kind of aircraft carrier that adopts civilian ship standards only costs [-] million US dollars."

Four hundred million!

When these words came out, everyone felt a shock in their hearts, [-] million US dollars!

Do you know how much our national defense expenditure is a year?
Do you know how much the aircraft carrier sold by the French is?
"If it is a warship standard, then it has to rise to [-] million US dollars." Qin Tao continued.

You can tell by looking at the faces of the people, they have no money!
After listening to it for a long time, it was a big cake!It doesn't make any sense at all, let alone [-] million, [-] million, they can't even get [-] million!

It's just a fantasy!
Many people had disappointed expressions on their faces.

"According to yesterday's proposal, we exchanged iron ore for aircraft carriers. The international price of iron ore is about 500 US dollars per ton. According to 500 million US dollars, this requires [-] million tons of iron ore. We don't need One-time delivery, from the construction of the aircraft carrier to the sea trial, it takes about five years. In this way, if calculated in five years, only [-] million tons of iron ore are needed each year. For you, these Iron ore is the drizzle."

In the whole year of 95, the football country exported 13017 million tons of iron ore, and the kangaroo country exported 13707 million tons. The export volume of the two countries was about the same.

On average, more than 1000 million tons of iron ore are exported in a month. Now, Qin Tao requires 500 million tons of iron ore per year, which is only half a month's export volume!

In this way, it is much cheaper.

However, the iron ore does not belong to their navy either!
The iron ore belongs to their domestic companies, such as the main Vale company, etc. It is not their decision!

Qin Tao doesn't care about these, you are the military, don't you have the ability to bring iron ore?

Qin Tao knew what these people were embarrassing, but he just ignored it.

"Everyone, as long as we sign the contract now, we will start construction for you next year. You will provide us with 500 million tons of iron ore every year. After five years, we will be able to hand over the modern aircraft carrier to you," Qin Tao said. : "Besides, we can also give you a benefit."


Hearing what Qin Tao said, everyone opened their eyes wide again: "What's the benefit?"

"As a special care user, you don't need to invest money. After the development of our J-31A fighter is completed, you can have the right to purchase it first, just like other investors. In this way, when the warship comes out, you will also get the most advanced equipment in the world. carrier-based stealth fighter!”

It is also tempting to be able to order the first batch without spending money. After all, according to their experience in operating aircraft carriers over the years, they have aircraft carriers, but they do not have fixed-wing carrier-based fighter jets. They can't perform at all. If they have the most advanced fourth-generation fighter jets in the world, their combat effectiveness will be able to rise to a higher level!

"Of course, if you can't come up with funds at that time, you can continue to exchange ore. Whether it's iron ore or other minerals, we all want it."

All the conditions have been laid out, and it depends on the other party's consideration.

The army has a way to grab the meat from the mouth of Vale. Now, as long as they can grab the meat, they can get a modern aircraft carrier and supporting carrier-based aircraft. As for how to get it, it has nothing to do with Qin Tao , Qin Tao can just accept the iron ore.

Profit will drive them.

"At present, looking around, there is no shipyard in the world that meets your needs." Qin Tao said: "The United States produces the most aircraft carriers, but they produce super aircraft carriers, and they have never built such ships. Light aircraft carrier. The displacement of the British aircraft carrier is too small. The 20-ton Invincible class can only carry sea harriers. France is expensive. The cost of the Charles de Gaulle they built was seriously overrun. The final service is expected to cost [-] billion U.S. dollars. Other small countries Not to mention, only we can produce a carrier to meet your needs."

"Our Mingzhou Group is a world-class shipyard that can build all types of ships in the world."

Qin Tao started to brag, since he was idle anyway.Finally, someone below said: "We don't have to make new ones."

Just waiting for this sentence!

Qin Tao had a smile on his face: "Yes, you don't have to make new ones, you can also choose second-hand ones, but when you choose, you must keep your eyes open. Our Mingzhou Group has purchased large hair I have a deep understanding that the cost of refitting may far exceed expectations. By the way, Ah San’s Chaoriwang, have you heard? The original quotation was very cheap, but when Da Mao was refitting, he kept If you don’t pay for the additional funds, you won’t build it, and there are pitfalls in it!”

This is the second time that Da Mao has raised the price, and each time it costs hundreds of millions. It sounds painful, and now Ah San is already crying.

But there is no way, if you don't give the money, the previous money will be wasted, don't expect Da Mao to give them a refund.

"What about the French?"

Qin Tao rambled about, but he didn't mention the French aircraft carrier. Now, someone finally brought it up.

"French? The year before last, the French went to our country to promote the Clemenceau aircraft carrier to us. They also said that they would give the aircraft carrier away for free, but they just asked us to bear the cost of refitting. Fortunately, we were not fooled at that time, otherwise, It is definitely a sky-high price to modify it!"

"Why didn't you agree then?"

"Because..." Qin Tao smiled when he said this: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, the French don't sell it to us, they have to sell it to others. When we do business in the East, we still have to consider our peers." We can't speak ill of others."

Qin Tao's words completely moved Sagas Tres, look at Mr. Qin, how decent his style is!
Yesterday, the French came and spoke bad things about the Orient Maritime Blockade for a long time, which made Sagas Tres very tired, and they didn't plan to buy that ship. Of course we know that the ship is It was too much, and it was abandoned long ago. The Mingzhou Group is here to promote new ships.

People are the most business ethical, how could they sell such a broken ship to their own side?Orientals are so sincere!Westerners, hum, they are all villains!

The French know that the Mingzhou Group is here, and they want to sell the aircraft carrier, so they add fuel to the story and say bad things. Even if they take advantage of the French, at this time, they have to stand firm!

The Orientals are so sincere, it is the best thing to do business with them!
"President Qin, to tell you the truth, we are also investigating the second-hand French aircraft carrier, so we need to know what is wrong with this aircraft carrier." Sagas Tres said.

"Well, it's not very good. I'm here to speak ill of others... It seems that we deliberately pour dirty water on others in order to make business. It's inappropriate, inappropriate." Qin Tao continued to shake his head.

"Mr. Qin, we are very interested in your proposal. We will report to our superiors, and we may also go to Mingzhou Group for inspection. We choose your proposal as the biggest one, so we even gave up the French second-hand The aircraft carrier is also our choice, and it looks good to you, please tell us what you know."

"Okay, since you are so sincere, let me just talk about it." Qin Tao said: "The outside world knows that this is a poisonous aircraft carrier, and many toxic materials are used on it, but this is not the most serious , after all, toxic materials need to be released when dismantling, and during your normal use, this will not affect you."

Fair and objective!Sagas Tres was very satisfied.

"Then what's the problem with it?" Someone continued to ask.

"The biggest problem is that the French aircraft carrier has been in service for too long." Qin Tao introduced: "You are purchasing the British aircraft carrier, and you should also feel the various problems of operating a second-hand aircraft carrier. After ten years of use, the steam output has dropped seriously, and there is a risk of explosion at any time. Due to the aging of various lines, it may be natural at any time. In many cases, maintenance will take a lot of time. If you bought this second-hand aircraft carrier from France , then, the time it can be dispatched is too short, it has been in service for ten years, and it can be dispatched for less than a month, and the rest of the time is either repairing or on the way to repair.”

"Yeah, that's the case with purchasing second-hand warships. Our aircraft carrier often needs repairs." Sagas Tres said: "We need to purchase a brand new aircraft carrier, even if we need to coordinate a large amount of iron ore export!"

It was his sincerity that finally convinced Qin Tao to move Sagas Tres.

"By the way, when I introduced it just now, I forgot to mention our K-8J trainer aircraft. This aircraft is the latest carrier-based trainer aircraft developed by us, which can meet the dual requirements of training and attack. Moreover, we also have Bring the actual aircraft, and you can perform flight demonstrations."

The East doesn’t have an aircraft carrier yet, so it ends up promoting the aircraft carrier to the outside world. This is the biggest loophole, and it will also become the biggest excuse for the French to attack. However, Qin Tao will use the facts to invalidate the opponent’s attack. We are serious about building an aircraft carrier. Yes, we already have carrier-based trainers for aircraft carriers!
"Really? Can it land on a carrier?" Sagas asked.

"Of course there is no problem." Qin Tao said: "We can demonstrate landing and takeoff on your aircraft carrier."

"Okay, then tomorrow, we will go to the aircraft carrier to see and see!"

Qin Tao nodded, this is what he wanted to see.

The meeting that day went very smoothly, but in the hotel outside, Duquesne became more and more puzzled.

what happened?

If the Mingzhou Group wants to sell the broken aircraft carrier, will it still be welcomed by the navy of the football country?According to his thinking, the other party should be kicked out soon!

"Mr. Duquena, we just got news that they will hold a banquet together tonight."

"What? How is it possible?" Duquesne was extremely surprised: "They used such a broken aircraft carrier to fool the football navy. They should be driven away on the spot. How can there be a dinner party?"

"I heard that they didn't sell the Oriental Maritime Blockade to the football country."


Dikena's complexion changed, and he suddenly thought of something, and became angry from embarrassment: "Damn it, we were fooled, we were fooled by President Qin!" Knowing Qin Tao's ability, he was only going to inquire about the news yesterday, but after he came out, he decided to pour dirty water on him. Now it seems that all this has been expected by the other party, and he was used as a gun by the other party!

"They're going to sell a brand new aircraft carrier to the soccer nation."

They also have their own channels. After all, so much public relations funds are not spent in vain. They quickly figured out the entire transaction process. Now, after hearing these introductions, Diquena clenched his fists.

They are here to sell second-hand aircraft carriers, they are here to sell junk to the French Navy!They are now going home disappointed!
The Clemenceau, it seems, can't be sold!

The whole process was played by Qin Tao!

"Should we build an aircraft carrier for the football country? After all, our navy has been operating aircraft carriers, and they don't have aircraft carriers in the east." The subordinate said a little unwillingly: "We will get the business back."

"We build?" Duquesne had a wry smile on his face: "Our construction cost is much higher than that of the Easterners. They want [-] million, we need [-] billion!"

Charles de Gaulle took 20 billion to build, and the conventionally powered aircraft carrier has to be half the price, a billion dollars is not much.In particular, France currently does not have the boilers needed for tens of thousands of tons of aircraft carriers, and has to be re-developed, and maybe one billion will not be enough.

How else do they build?
Dikena was played like a monkey by Qin Tao once, but he was powerless to recover.

In the evening, Qin Tao and the officials of the football country chatted happily, and arrived at the port the next day.

As the largest navy in South America, the size of the football country's navy is not small. Looking at the warships, Qin Tao also praised them, especially when he saw one of the sail training ships, his eyes widened.

He has been proposing to the navy to build a special sail training ship, and the navy has no money.

Qin Tao also specially recruited a high-achieving sailing student and made a sailing graduation project. Now he is working in the Mingzhou Group to study the project of adding sails to oil tankers. This kind of sail training ship has always been on paper.

"President Qin, do you like our sail training ship very much?" Ilgus asked beside him.

"Yes, can it go to the East?"

East?It's a long way!Does a sailboat with a displacement of less than a thousand tons have this capability?

"Does your navy welcome?" Sagas Tres asked with a smile.

"Of course, I can extend the invitation on behalf of our navy! If you operate this sailboat, you will be welcomed like a hero." Qin Tao said: "Your naval officers can also visit our warship."

"Okay." Sagas Tres nodded.

Anyway, the sail training ship does not burn oil, as long as it is loaded with the things the crew needs to eat, drink and scatter, it is enough to go on an ocean trip, which is also a kind of exercise.

"Let's go, let's get on the aircraft carrier."

The aircraft carrier has arrived.

Minas Ginas is a state in the football country. In history, they once named a battleship with this name, and now, it is the name of an aircraft carrier.

This aircraft carrier has a lot of history. It is the giant-class aircraft carrier HMS Avenger that the United Kingdom started to build in 1942. It was launched in January 1945 and served in the British Navy. At the end of World War II, the empire on which the sun never sets has declined, unable to afford a large navy. The USS Avenger became a training ship and was later leased to the Kangaroo Kingdom.

In 1956, the football country bought this aircraft carrier back, but because it was an aircraft carrier during World War II, it could not be used directly, so it was first driven to the Netherlands for modernization.

It installed an 8.5-degree beveled flight deck, replaced the steam catapult launcher and arresting cable, upgraded the fire control system and radar, equipped with a new elevator, installed the Finnier optical landing aid system, and replaced the fire control system Wait, become a modern aircraft carrier.

Counting from sailing back to Rio de Janeiro in July 1959, more than 7 years have passed, and counting from its launch, it will be 30 years!

 PS: Thanks to book friends 20170116054721911, book friends 20180820080629814, Master Cockroach, l599xl, Wisteria 2010 and other friends for their rewards, thank you for your subscription and voting support!There will be ten updates at noon tomorrow, and I implore all book friends to subscribe and support!

(End of this chapter)

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