Great warships

Chapter 499 Breaking the Barrier Cable

Chapter 499 Breaking the Barrier Cable
This is an old warship. Since it underwent a modernization in 91, its appearance is relatively new at this time, but its interior is already dilapidated. , when Qin Tao and others walked up, the naked eye could see that a steel plate at the bottom of the island had been corroded and penetrated.

The area of ​​the deck is not very large, and it is empty at this time, without a single carrier-based aircraft.

Thick black smoke rose from the chimney, and in a cloud of dust it left the pier.

The seagulls were flying, the sea breeze was blowing, it was a nice day.

At the airport on land, K-8J is also ready to take off.

The accompanying personnel installed the wings of the aircraft, and then carried out careful inspections to ensure that they were in good condition.

A burly pilot walked towards the plane. He was wearing a full flight suit and a flight helmet. He deliberately put down the goggles so that most of his face could be covered, but the part of his mouth that was exposed, It still makes him look a bit unique: the skin is so fair, not like what oriental people can have.

He strode towards the plane, and after getting on, he let out a long breath: "Damn it, I hope no one will recognize it."

This person, of course, is Draenor.

There are many people who can fly and teach eight, but there is no one who can operate this kind of aircraft to land on an aircraft carrier!

So, when he came out to promote the K-8J this time, Qin Tao put his idea on Delano and asked him if he could help. Hearing that there was a mission to fly a plane to land on an aircraft carrier, Delano hardly hesitated. Immediately nodded in agreement.

As a Naval Airman, he couldn't resist the temptation.

However, he still has some worries about whether he will be recognized by others. If the United States finds out, he may be in trouble.

Now, sitting in the cockpit, he breathed a sigh of relief, flipped the switches skillfully, and started the engine with the help of the ground power vehicle.

"K-8J calls tower and requests takeoff."

The voice on the radio was transmitted to the control tower, and the dispatcher inside was a little surprised and sighed: This pilot from the east can speak English too fluently.

"Can take off, runway three."

This kind of small aircraft doesn't need to occupy the main runway, and it can take off calmly with a section of the auxiliary runway!

The light K-8J taxied skilfully, took off, and flew straight towards the sea.

The island of the aircraft carrier Minas Gerais seemed a little crowded because of the number of people. The radar officer focused on the radar screen and soon found a bright spot flying over from land.

"The Minas Gerais is calling K-8J. It has found your track on the radar screen. The distance is [-] kilometers. Continue to fly on the current heading."

"K-8J received, I have seen you with my own eyes."

The people on the ship island were a little embarrassed.

The carrier-based aircraft was only discovered [-] kilometers away. Their radar performance is indeed quite backward. Moreover, the opponent actually saw their own aircraft carrier visually from this distance!If it is an enemy plane flying over, I am afraid that it can fly at an ultra-low altitude and drop bombs.

There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys dominate. Their second-hand and old aircraft carriers are just showing their existence in Latin America.

"You may need one or two brand new air defense frigates." Qin Tao said, "Do you want to know more about the 054 foreign trade frigates manufactured by our Mingzhou Group?"

Now that we have this good opportunity, of course we have to take advantage of it. Anyway, it will take some time for the plane to come over. Therefore, Qin Tao gave all these vertically launched anti-aircraft missiles, roof radars, and modifications to increase the range to [-] kilometers. introduced.

Before the introduction was over, there was a roar in the sky, and K-8J had already flown over.

"Are we sailing at full speed now?" Qin Tao asked in surprise.

Whether it is to fly the carrier-based aircraft or recover it, the aircraft carrier needs to sail at full speed, but now, the speed of this warship seems to be only about [-] knots, right?

"Yes, we are already sailing at full speed, with a speed of 22 knots." The captain said embarrassingly at the side.

When it was first built, the giant-class aircraft carrier only had a maximum speed of 25 knots, which is the level of an escort aircraft carrier. After 50 years, it is not easy to still run at a speed of 22 knots. It has tried its best hard work.

"Fortunately, our wind is not bad today." Sagas Tres said: "There is a full four-knot wind speed, which makes the deck wind when the plane lands at 26 knots. Your K-8J should be able to fly here. Landing correctly at this speed?"

"Of course no problem." Qin Tao said, "I have confidence in our plane."

At this moment, a sailor hurriedly shouted: "Report, the power system is faulty, and the rear Fresnel landing aid cannot be activated!"

This made Qin Tao frowned involuntarily. He strode towards the radio station and picked up the radio.

"K-8J, I'm Qin, the optical landing aid system at the tail of the aircraft carrier can't be activated, can it land? If not, return."

The speed of the aircraft carrier is not a big problem, but without an optical landing aid system, it will be a big problem.

The deck of the aircraft carrier is too narrow, so the pilot cannot make any mistakes. He must follow a certain glide line to accurately land on the aircraft carrier.

The Fresnel landing assist mirror was invented by the pioneers who explored the landing of carrier-based aircraft in the early years. Only with this thing can there be a standard, and it is not completely relying on feeling like before.

And now?

This thing doesn't work anymore.

Unfamiliar aircraft carrier, no landing training for a long time, unfamiliar environment, even if Delano is a first-class pilot, he cannot guarantee flight safety.

"I can try." Delano's calm voice came over the radio.

Without anyone commanding, Draenor relied entirely on his own experience. At this time, looking down from his position, the aircraft carrier was like a fallen leaf floating on the sea.

What if there is no landing aid mirror?When he was flying the Tomcat fighter jet, Delano tried not to look at the light box, but didn't the result fall exactly?
Not to mention the K-8J I'm flying now, which is a very nimble little aircraft, and it's easier to adjust the attitude.

Countless people raised their heads and looked at the sky.

The outline of that small plane is getting bigger and bigger.

"So far, his flight is very stable, and his landing course is perfect." The captain said: "How did he do it?"

Since it already has decades of aircraft carrier operation history, the captain of the aircraft carrier in the football country is also selected from among the pilots of the carrier-based aircraft. The current captain was once a pilot of the S-2 aircraft. I have a deep understanding of the difficulty of getting on an aircraft carrier, and I am even more curious about this pilot from the east.

There is no aircraft carrier in the East, how did you train such well-trained pilots?
The plane continued to land, and after landing, the details of the fuselage could already be seen clearly. Seeing the landing hook at the tail, everyone held their breath, waiting, waiting.

Finally, the main landing gear hit the deck hard, and everyone cheered: Beautiful!
This landing action is so beautiful!
This is the first jet to land on the deck of Minas Ginas!
The aircraft continued to taxi forward, the front landing gear also dropped to the deck, and then the rear landing hook caught the second arresting wire.

"This landing maneuver is perfect!" The captain said excitedly: "If we purchase this carrier-based aircraft, I hope we can invite him to be our flight instructor!"

At this time, K-8J pulled the arresting cable and pulled out a triangle shape. At the same time, the aircraft was also rapidly decelerating under the reaction force of the arresting cable.

It looked like a slingshot, the arresting cable was getting longer and longer, and the speed of the plane was getting slower and slower.

Suddenly, boom!
A discordant sound sounded, and several operators on the deck saw in horror that the arresting cable was swimming rapidly like a snake. It deviated from its original track and turned into a whip that swept across. !

The blocking cable is broken?
"Oh, damn it, get out of the way!"

The operator exclaimed, and then watched the blocking cable coming towards him. The broken part had become a broom. Comminuted fracture!
He took a step back subconsciously, feeling the burning pain on his face, he had already dodged it, but still, a broken steel wire swept across his face, drawing a bloody gash, and his face instantly became shell of the gills.

However, he is still alive!

Everyone on the ship island was stunned. The captain quickly picked up the microphone and shouted loudly: "Quick, go around, go around!"

In fact, it was over when he reminded, and at the same time that the arresting cable broke, Delano had already reacted, and he quickly pushed the accelerator to the full, looking at the scene on both sides.

Can it go around?

K-8J, also known as T-45, belongs to the trainer aircraft series, and it is still a subsonic trainer aircraft. It uses straight wings, so its take-off speed is very low, and it only needs [-] to [-] kilometers per hour to fly. pull up.

Therefore, even if the engine does not have afterburner, it is enough.

At this time, the engine at the rear was whistling, the scene on both sides was retreating rapidly, and the deck in front was rolling in. Delano's heartbeat was surprisingly steady.

He has already made all kinds of preparations. Even if it is an American aircraft carrier, if it is carefully maintained, it will occasionally pull the blocking cable. This kind of old football aircraft carrier has a higher chance of pulling the blocking cable. .

Therefore, he chose to go around in an instant, without delaying even a tenth of a second.

K-8J flew over the island, flew forward under the gaze of everyone, and then calmly pulled up from the end of the angled deck.

That's right, before reaching the end, the front wheel has already been raised, and when the landing gear leaves the end of the inclined deck, it has actually separated from the deck!

A successful landing followed by a successful go-around is a testament to the skill of the pilot and how well the aircraft is handled.

Everyone present was shocked.

"Report, only one person on deck was slightly injured."

The captain breathed a sigh of relief. The aircraft carrier is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be injured. Now, only one person is slightly injured, which is a relatively good situation.

"Thank God." Sagas Tres also said with emotion: "The performance of this aircraft is very good, we are very satisfied!"

Although it was an unsuccessful landing, the performance of the aircraft was brought into full play, and they were very satisfied!
"K-8J calls, please replace the arresting wire immediately, I will hover in the sky and wait."

Replace the arresting wire?
The captain had a wry smile on his face: "Minas Gerais called K-8J, there is no spare arresting wire on the aircraft carrier, please return."

Their aircraft carrier mainly operates helicopters, and the S-2 is not often on board, so they don't have extra backup cables. If they break, they have to go to the West to order, which usually takes half a year.

Now, there is no other way but to return, but this is a good result. If it lands, how will it take off later?

The catapult may not be intact, maybe it will go on strike.

The K-8J trainer roared away, like a superficial touch, and left as soon as it came. Everyone on the island was a little embarrassed.

"Let's go up to the deck and have a look?" Qin Tao suggested.

So everyone went to the deck.

The deck still retains the scene just now. After all, it will return to the port soon, and it will not be too late to deal with it when it arrives at the port. The broken blocking cables are scattered on the deck in a crooked manner.Looking at the rusty arresting cable, it makes people a little speechless, and it's going to be hell, it's not properly maintained at all.

"The strength of the arresting cable is not enough. We have a suitable steel cable replacement in our country. Do you want to buy a batch? The price is only one-third of that in the West."

"Do you have a blocking wire?"

"That's right, this thing is not difficult, it's the same as the steel cable used by the crane." Qin Tao said: "We are in China, and we use our own blocking cable to practice, and it has never been broken."

The quality is top-notch and the price is cheap, Sagas Tres nodded: "Okay, then we will buy a batch."

There is not much money to block the cable, and the navy's own funds are enough.

A smile appeared on Qin Tao's face.

After returning to the port, it was already noon. Many people talked about this experiment, especially those on the deck, how they avoided the arresting wire, and how the plane took off again.

Dongfang's K-8J trainer aircraft became famous in this way!
After the news spread, many people were full of doubts.

"What are the Easterners going to do?" Swift asked the crowd, smoking a cigar.

No one can answer this question, and everyone is full of doubts.

"They built a simulated aircraft carrier base in Huangdi Village, and now they have built carrier-based trainers. Do they want to have aircraft carrier power?"

"No, no, they don't have this capability. The huge consumption of the aircraft carrier is not something they can afford. They may be for export." Finally, someone analyzed it and came to a conclusion.

"This Mingzhou Group is currently promoting their aircraft carrier program in the football country. In order to sell the aircraft carrier better, they also need to have corresponding carrier aircraft, just like their J-31A. This carrier-based trainer machine, also as part of their package sale."

"This Mingzhou Group is very good at doing business. However, this also gives Dongfang the ability to build aircraft carriers. Once their economy develops in the future, they will be able to immediately obtain such weapons and equipment as aircraft carriers."

Swift frowned: "Yeah, we have to find a way to stop them."

It should be stopped, but how to stop it?
"Should we donate a decommissioned aircraft carrier to the football country? In this way, Mingzhou Group will not be able to sell the aircraft carrier."

"Gift? How is it possible, all of us are super aircraft carriers!"

"So, what about the amphibious assault ship?"

"Those belong to the Marine Corps, not ours." Swift shook his head: "Besides, that kind of amphibious assault ship has to be modified before it can be used. I think they are definitely unwilling to spend money on the modification fee."

Preventing the East from gaining valuable aircraft carrier construction experience by building an aircraft carrier with a standard displacement of 2.8 tons has become a goal of many people. However, it is not easy to achieve this goal, and they are still thinking hard.

As for Qin Tao, the cloud is calm now. This afternoon, he came to the football field with the people around him.

After a few days of rest and jet lag, the players finally regained their strength, and the friendly match kicked off.

"Now we can see that the team wearing the blue jersey is our Mingzhou Group football team. Although they are fighting against a strong team this time, they have no fear at all. Their bodies embody the spirit of newborn calves not afraid of tigers. "Huang Jianxiang, as the commentator, has also entered the state. His commentary will be directly sent back to the country, so that the fans can see the grand occasion of the game as soon as possible.

Qin Tao sat there, watching with a smile on his face. In fact, of course he didn't have any hope for the game, but it was also a good opportunity to communicate.

Beside him, Irgues introduced it enthusiastically.

"See? The striker is our national footballer. Our team spent a lot of money to invite him."

"The midfielder over there has quite good physical strength and can run back and forth throughout the game."

Qin Tao nodded, and chatted with Irgues with a smile.

"Okay, the game has officially started. Our players will serve the ball, and it will pass halftime. Okay, the striker will catch it!"

"Not good, the opponent's central defender, Jeromel with the No. 3 jersey, blocked the football with a header!"

"Quick, defend, defend!"

"The football has been passed to the opposition striker, Maicon in the number 8 jersey! Maicon is dribbling the ball, bypassing our last defender, and the shot has been shot!"

"Go in, just go in like this? Less than 5 minutes into the game, the Mingzhou Group football team has already been shot, and the score is now zero to one!"

"Your players are too good." Qin Tao said with emotion.

Ilgues replied with a smile: "It's all luck."

However, the head coach of Gremio on the side was merciless: "No, it's because the people from the East are too weak!"

10 minutes later, the second goal scored again!

I don't know how many fans in front of the TV were so angry after watching the game that they even wanted to smash the TV.

"Now, our striker is dribbling the ball quickly. Okay, yes, finally, the Mingzhou Group football team charged towards the Gremio team's goal for the first time!"

"Oh, not good! I saw a simple fake move by the opponent's No. 4 defender, and our forward lost the football. Now, the football has reached the feet of the opponent's No. 4 defender!"

"Quick, defend quickly!"

"The door behind us opened, and the scene was very bad. No, we were scored again. Now the score on the field is zero to eight!"

After halftime, the score has been kicked into such a score, just as guessed in advance, this is definitely looking for abuse!
Qin Tao was still talking and laughing happily.

"In the second half, there is no need to play at all. Our players are simply wasting time." The coach of the Gremio team continued to complain: "Oriental football, there will be no hope, never will."

This sentence is a bit too much.

Ilguez's face was a bit ugly, even if it was true, there was no need to say it in front of others, right?You have to give our guests some face.

Qin Tao's face was slightly embarrassed. In fact, he also wanted to say that there was really no hope. Judging from his history before traveling, it was impossible to break out of Asia, let alone go to the world, but he couldn't either. talk.

"Convey the words of the head coach of the Gremio team to our players." Qin Tao said to Xu Zhengyang.

Let's see if these people have self-esteem. When they got on the plane, they disliked the broken plane and felt that they were superior. Now, they have shown their real skills.

In the second half, perhaps stimulated by these words, the players played more bravely, and, anyway, they couldn't defend from the back, so they simply stopped defending. The whole team attacked and wanted to achieve zero breakthroughs.

However, it was useless. In the second half, although they approached Gremio's goal several times, they never broke the defense.

"Our No. 8 striker again dribbles, charges, shoots, shoots!"

"Well, the ball is flying! Come on, let's see if we can score a goal, oh, unfortunately, the ball hit the post!"

The only hope of scoring a goal was lost in this way.

However, this energy of daring to fight and rush made the coach of the Gremio team change his view: "If they can have this kind of momentum from the beginning, I wouldn't despise them. Now, I take back the last game what was said."

"No, it was your words that made them full of strength." Qin Tao said: "They just need stimulation."

At this moment, Xu Zhengyang received the news and whispered something in Qin Tao's ear.

Qin Tao's complexion changed slightly, but immediately returned to normal. He nodded slightly, but didn't say anything.

Ilges looked at Qin Tao curiously, not knowing what news he got.

"After the football match, how about we eat barbecue?" Qin Tao suggested with a smile.

Everyone nodded happily.

Football Chinese like to eat barbecue, especially the football team. When they go out to play, in order to eat barbecue, they may even give up the five-star hotel and choose to live in an ordinary hotel.

After a hearty game, it is also a kind of enjoyment to be able to sit together and eat barbecue.

 PS: The hero of East China really doesn't understand football, so I checked some information in advance and wrote it.And I made it clear earlier that the group organized by Mingzhou Group is not our national football team, but third-rate players.The bonus of 100 million that I promised was just casually said. I couldn’t win the game originally, so that’s all I wrote about football, and there will be no more. If you feel bad, you can complain as much as you want, and the hero of East China will listen to you.

(End of this chapter)

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