Great warships

Chapter 500 Come to Buy an Aircraft Carrier?Submarines are more suitable for you!

Chapter 500 Come to Buy an Aircraft Carrier?Submarines are more suitable for you!

After eating barbecue, it was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. Qin Tao got into the car and went to enjoy the nightlife.The car circled a few times in the brightly lit city, and then stopped at the entrance of an inconspicuous hotel.

Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang went upstairs and knocked on a door. The people inside had been waiting for a long time.

"President Qin, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Manuel, the representative of the Weeping Country." Manuel extended his hand to Qin Tao.

(Weeping Country, in the south of Football Country, is the eighth largest in the world in terms of land area. It fought against the British in 82. It seems to have a nickname called Jinyiwei.)
"Well, I'm also very happy. I don't know if you came to see me. What's the matter?" Qin Tao asked with a smile.

"We heard that your side and the football country's navy have reached a plan for the construction of an aircraft carrier." Manuel said: "So, we also want to purchase an aircraft carrier."

Qin Tao shook his head.

This made Manuel a little curious: "Why, don't you plan to do business?"

"Sorry, Mr. Manuel, I don't think you have the capability to operate an aircraft carrier."

"How is it possible that our navy currently still has an aircraft carrier, but this aircraft carrier is too old, so we want to purchase a new one, just like the football country, using our minerals in exchange for the aircraft carrier !"

Although the football country and the crying country are not bad on the surface, in fact, there is still a competitive relationship. After all, in Latin America, there are only a few influential countries.

The soccer country is going to update its aircraft carrier power. The crying country sees it in their eyes and is anxious in their hearts. They turned around and found that the construction plan of the East is the most suitable, so they also want to purchase one. In this military competition Among them, it must not be compared.

Football state-owned iron mines, crying country also has a lot of mineral resources!

Who would have thought that the person in front of him shook his head, which surprised Manuel.

"No, obtaining an aircraft carrier is just the beginning. Next, there will be a lot of capital investment, such as purchasing enough carrier-based aircraft for the aircraft carrier, and equipping the aircraft carrier with a large number of warships. With your strength, even if you purchase an aircraft carrier, It is also impossible to purchase advanced carrier-based aircraft and supporting warships, which will not have any combat effectiveness, even if they are launched, they will be living targets at sea."

The aircraft carrier itself has no combat capability, and needs to be equipped with the entire fleet.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Manuel's face was a little ugly. That's right, Mr. Qin on the opposite side was right!The Weeping Country no longer has enough strength to operate an aircraft carrier formation. After their aircraft carrier is decommissioned on May 25, they will completely lose their water carrier power!

"It's a pity, if you won that war back then, it would definitely not be like this." Qin Tao's tone was full of emotion.

Manuel's face became even more ugly, and he clenched his fists: "That's right, it would have been nice if we had won the war back then, damn it, those Westerners, at the most critical moment, all On the side of the British!"

For the Weeping Country, the war more than ten years ago is a scar they will never forget.

Their eastern part, the Malvinas Islands, has always been their territory, but it was occupied by the hateful British colonists. In 82, they seized their own territory by force, and a war broke out Atlantic War.

Originally they thought that the West would stay out of the matter, but who would have thought that the West would all stand by the side of the British, especially the French, who detained a large number of Super Flag fighters and Exocet missiles. If they had sufficient weapons back then, they would never Make war like that.

The defeat of the war made their country unable to recover from a setback, and the once powerful army also began to go downhill.

The Navy is a typical representative of them.

Many senior officials in the army are very worried about this. They want to regroup and restore their former glory.

So, they need a new aircraft carrier.

The country's economic strength keeps declining, and it is no longer possible to equip them with new aircraft carriers. Even the May 25th is about to be decommissioned. They are worried, and they can't do anything.

At this time, the Mingzhou Group suddenly visited the Latin American continent to sell aircraft carriers to football countries, and even exchanged iron ore for aircraft carriers. Therefore, they were also moved and hoped to do the same.Moreover, the plan given by Mingzhou Group is the most suitable for their needs.

However, Qin Tao broke their fantasy.

This plan doesn't work for them.

Xu Zhengyang on the side was a little curious, when did Boss Qin become so kind?

Fudge, it should be a fudge, even if the other party is incapable of operating, they have to buy the aircraft carrier first, and then tighten their belts to buy carrier-based aircraft, buy other warships, until the last drop of blood is drained, Isn't that what arms dealers have to do?

Mr. Qin actually thinks about the other party?

However, I have to say that what Mr. Qin said really won the other party's favor.

Originally, the other party just came here with a tentative mentality. After all, it was the first time the big guys met, and it was impossible to have much trust. However, Qin Tao considered them from the other party's perspective, and immediately made them feel right. Qin Tao's respect.

"President Qin, you are right." Manuel sighed: "With our current strength, it is indeed impossible to maintain a huge aircraft carrier formation, but we also hope that our navy will continue to grow stronger!"

Even if the national strength does not allow it, they are still recalling the glorious past, the 80s, before the Falklands War, their navy was quite powerful!
In the 60s, the Weeping National Navy bought a second-hand aircraft carrier from the Netherlands and Canada respectively, and renamed them "Independence" and "May 25th".Since then, they have become a rare dual-carrier navy in the world. However, the good times did not last long. These giant-class aircraft carriers built by the United Kingdom during World War II were too old. The "Independence" was decommissioned in 1970 and scrapped for dismantling in 1971. The "May 25th" was barely modernized and improved, and participated in the Falklands War. After that, due to a power system failure, it basically never left the port again.

Last year, they planned to improve the aircraft carrier. As a result, they couldn't raise funds, so they could only let the aircraft carrier sit in the sun and wind in the port, and their fate in the future could only be decommissioned.

"I understand your thoughts." Qin Tao said, "Do you still remember the matter of the cruiser Belgrano?"

Why don't you remember!
Manuel's face was serious: "It is the only 82-ton cruiser in our navy, but in [-], it was sunk by a torpedo launched by a British nuclear submarine, which also declared the beginning of that war .”

This is the pain in the hearts of weeping Chinese people. Why does Mr. Qin always expose the scars of the other party?Xu Zhengyang really didn't understand.

However, Manuel reacted: "You mean, our navy should develop a submarine force?"

Qin Tao nodded.

"Actually, we are already developing a submarine force, but our national strength does not allow it." When he said this, Manuel had a helpless face, and he fantasized about buying an aircraft carrier. In fact, they even The power to acquire several submarines is nonexistent.

After World War II, the economy of the Weeping Country has developed greatly, its national strength has become stronger and stronger, and its naval construction has also reached its peak. In the 80s, they started the Santa Cruz-class conventional power submarine project. This The submarine is also known as TR-1700.

This is a submarine project in cooperation with Germany. The first two ships were built at the North Sea shipyard in Germany, and the last four were built at the local shipyard in the Weeping Country. Compared with the 209 submarine, its displacement was enlarged to more than 2000 tons, which was at the time The largest submarine designed by Germany.

The project was launched in the 80s, so it did not catch up with the Falklands War. Otherwise, the history of this naval battle may have been rewritten.

However, the Germans did not make any mistakes. After the war, they delivered the first ship in 84 and the second ship in 85, completely in accordance with the contract.

The remaining four built in the Weeping Country did not have such luck. The last two were directly suspended, and the purchased parts were used to support the two service submarines. Of the first two, the first one was built more than 50.00% , the second ship completed more than 30.00%.

They did not have the financial strength to support the continued construction plan and tried to sell the submarine, but in the end no buyer took over.

Therefore, the Weeping National Navy actually still wants to develop submarine power, but without that strength, two half-baked submarines cannot be completed, let alone purchase brand new submarines?

"Didn't you just say to use minerals to exchange equipment?" Qin Tao said: "This plan still works. You provide minerals, and we help build them, and everyone gets what they need."


That's right, I almost forgot to exchange minerals for equipment!

Manuel became excited: "Yes, minerals can be exchanged for equipment, but you still produce submarines?"

They don't know much about the submarines of the Mingzhou Group, and they haven't paid much attention to them before.

"Of course, we are also producing submarines. Our submarines have more advanced performance, and their displacement is larger than your TR-1700. If the AIP system is installed, it can have an underwater displacement of [-] tons."

Three thousand tons, an absolute large submarine!

Moreover, there is an AIP system!

"Currently, the submarine we built for the Pyramid country has started sea trials, and everything is in good condition. The AIP system used on it can sail silently underwater for 20 days."

20 days of underwater battery life!This even broke the ceiling of diesel-electric submarines!
The latter is good enough to lurk underwater for a week. This AIP system directly doubles the underwater navigation capability, which is almost the same as a nuclear submarine!

Manuel's breathing became short of breath.

At the beginning, I suffered from the losses of the British and was sunk by the opponent's nuclear submarine to sink the [-]-ton cruiser. Now, if my own side has similar submarines, then there is no need to worry about it anymore.

"If you are interested, you can send a special inspection team to Mingzhou to have a look." Qin Tao said: "After seeing it, you will be satisfied with this submarine, and then we will talk about the purchase. "

Manuel nodded: "Yes, we need to organize a delegation to visit Mingzhou!"

This time, it really didn't come in vain. This President Qin, he always considers them and recommends the most suitable products for them. He is a close friend!

Manuel was delighted.

"If we decide to purchase submarines from you, then our own two submarines will not be able to complete the construction, which is a pity." Manuel felt a little distressed when he thought of this project.

It was half built, and all the parts were bought from Germany. Now, everything has to be wasted.

and many more!

Qin Tao suddenly thought of something.

The parts of these four submarines have arrived, but they can't be installed!
If my memory is not wrong, each of these TR-1700 submarines has to use four MTU396 diesel engines, four is sixteen!

Although the displacement of the TR-1700 submarine is not as large as that of the 039B, the Chinese navy requires a high speed. Therefore, when the Germans designed it, they installed four diesel engines, all of which are special models for submarines. Only these engines are worthless. For Fei, it's a pity that the people in Weeping Country don't know how to sell these parts, they just want to complete the installation.

This is also impossible. After all, the 396 diesel engine dedicated to submarines is very different from ordinary diesel engines. For example, it has better quiet performance and less vibration, which makes this diesel engine more expensive.

It can be said that it is dedicated to submarines.

However, submarine construction factories all over the world will never come to buy second-hand goods from the crying country!

There is no way for Crying Country.

Qin Tao's mind was thinking rapidly, how can he buy these junk back at a low price?

"Yeah, those submarines of yours can't be completed. They are all designed in the 80s, which are already outdated." Qin Tao said: "Our Mingzhou Group also operates ship breaking business. If you have needs, you can use suitable ones Sell ​​us the price."

Ship breaking business?sell?
Manuel frowned: "No, no, as long as there is funds, the construction of those two submarines can be completed. We will not sell them as junk. If we want to sell them, we can only purchase submarines." customers, invest in building it, and take it away.”

Qin Tao smiled: "Customers who actually purchase submarines? I'm afraid they won't choose the submarines that you have stopped building for many years. Wouldn't it be better for them to order directly from Germany? It's not like you haven't tried to sell them all these years."

After discovering that the remaining four submarines were unable to complete the construction, the Weeping Country began to look for buyers all over the world.

Just like what Qin Tao said, no one wants the submarine of the Weeping Country!If there is a need, go directly to Germany to order. The quality of the crying country cannot be reassuring.

"If you sell these two submarines and the extra unnecessary parts to Mingzhou Group, we can pay twice the price compared to other shipbreaking yards, and it can also be used as a deposit for new submarines." Qin Tao continued: "This should be their best home."

Manuel still shook his head.

"Okay, then follow your wishes, and if you want to sell in the future, you can come to us at any time." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he thought of something: "You two submarines that are already in service must be handled carefully. "


"Because this submarine has design flaws, forget it, let's not talk about it, this is just our guess." Qin Tao said solemnly: "Let's go back to the topic just now, I promise you, our weapons Exports will not be interfered by third countries. Nobles will never be cut off from the supply of ammunition when using our weapons."

Manuel was impressed.

Those mentioned above are secondary, the last sentence is the most critical!
The war in 82 made the Weeping Country never forget how they were cheated by the West. All of them lined up and went to the UK, especially France, which had paid for the Exocet missiles. Just don't ship it!

If there were a few more Exocet missiles back then, perhaps the outcome of the war would have been rewritten.

What about the East?Dongfang sells weapons and never looks at other people's faces.

Manuel nodded: "I will convey your words back."

When he came out of the hotel, Xu Zhengyang was very curious.

"President Qin, why don't you sell them the aircraft carrier?"

"I want to sell it. Can the British agree?" Qin Tao said, "At that time, they will jump up and down and rack their brains to play tricks on us. Why bother."

It's for this!
In fact, before the war, the relationship between the Weeping Country and the United Kingdom was very good. The main destroyer of the Weeping Country Navy was the British Type 42. They had repeatedly used the Type 42 as a target to practice attacks.

But after fighting a war, it is impossible to go back to the past. After that, no matter which country sells weapons to the Weeping Country, it will be criticized by the United Kingdom.

Submarine transactions can be carried out secretly, unlike aircraft carriers, and there will be much less resistance.

Although Qin Tao was not afraid, he had to avoid it, especially since Crying Country really had no money right now.

Xu Zhengyang was a little dumb, it was because of this reason?
This is of course one of the reasons, but it is definitely the key reason.

Just then, a car phone in the car rang.

"What's the situation?" Xu Zhengyang skillfully pressed the answer button.This car is provided by the embassy, ​​with guaranteed safety and complete communication facilities.

"Someone is following, do you want to kill them?"

"No, just stop them, I'll get rid of them." Xu Zhengyang said, kicking the accelerator to the end.

The car roared.

Behind, a truck suddenly jumped out of the road sideways, completely cutting off the traffic flow.

"Someone is following, maybe it's the person on the other side?" Qin Tao said to himself: "They have always wanted to purchase TR-1700, and now they have their idea on us?"

However, this guess only existed for a moment, and the other party should not be so stupid.

Back at the hotel where I stayed, it was already past one o'clock in the morning, and the next day was the day to leave the football country.

This time he came here, apparently it was just a game of football, no other agreement was reached, and no formal contract was signed, but Qin Tao was not disappointed at all.

Arms deals have never been easy, and it is impossible for the other party to immediately agree to go out of their way to fool around.

Coming here this time is just the first contact, and it’s just a relationship between each other. It’s a foreshadowing. I don’t know how much work will be done in the follow-up to finally reach an agreement. exchange of interests, etc.

How about bringing the football team over for a friendly match?
The international footballers boarded the plane without any frustration. They had already had a premonition about the result of yesterday's football game. Moreover, their psychology is very strong. No matter how many times they lose, they can face all this optimistically.

Same as when he came, Irgues came to see him off in person, and promised to visit the East after a while. However, after boarding the plane, Xu Zhengyang still told Qin Tao the latest information he got.

"The United States is planning to sell half of one of their amphibious assault ships to the football country."

"Amphibious assault ship, half sold and half free?" Qin Tao smiled: "In this way, the football country has to thank us. If we didn't go there, then they would not have this opportunity."

"Boss Qin, are you not worried?"

"What's the use of worrying? The choice is with the football country. We have no reason to interfere with their choice." Qin Tao said: "It depends on whether they can keep their eyes open. We still have something to gain, at least give the French Squeeze away."

Keep your eyes open?

Xu Zhengyang looked at Qin Tao: "President Qin, do you think there is a problem here?"

"The Americans also have an idea. They actually want to give away an amphibious assault ship. However, this thing is not so easy to use." Qin Tao said easily: "Just analyze the amphibious assault ships that the Americans have now. gone."

You can tell by the name that this kind of warship is specially prepared for the Marine Corps, and it comes from the United States.

During World War II, there were many tragic landing operations, such as the bloody Normandy landing, Guadalcanal landing and so on.This kind of amphibious landing operation is very dangerous and the risk is huge.

Traditional tank landing ships have relatively limited cabin volume and carrying capacity, but the enemy can arrange a large number of fortifications and bunkers on the coastline.This brings great disadvantages to amphibious landing operations.

Therefore, in the 50s, the Americans used the Essex-class aircraft carrier built during World War II to transform a special amphibious assault ship.

It can carry a large number of landing vehicles and multiple UH-34J "Seahorse" helicopters or UH-34 helicopters of the Marine Corps, especially the UH-34 helicopters of the Marine Corps are also equipped with hatch machine guns, which initially have a certain Land support capability.However, after all, it was refitted from an aircraft carrier and has many flaws. Therefore, they are also developing a special amphibious assault ship.

In 1958, the first ship of the Iwo Jima-class amphibious assault ship, the USS Iwo Jima, started construction and was launched in August 1961. This professional amphibious assault ship has a displacement of only 8 tons, but it has ushered in a new era.

After this amphibious assault ship, the U.S. Navy continued its efforts and built the Tarawa-class amphibious assault ship and the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship.

However, what the Americans half-sold and half gave to the football country must be the earliest Iwo Jima-class amphibious assault ship. This amphibious assault ship was also an old ship that was successively replaced by the Wasp-class in the 90s. They are qualified as amphibious assault ships. However, as an aircraft carrier, it is definitely tasteless.

(End of this chapter)

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