Great warships

Chapter 501 Amphibious Assault Ship

Chapter 501 Amphibious Assault Ship

The displacement of the latest Wasp class has been increased to 35 tons, and the sea harrier's carrying capacity was taken into consideration when it was designed. Later, it can be carried out in one step, and the F-[-] vertical take-off and landing fighter can be carried on it. Possesses excellent land attack capabilities.

What about the Iwo Jima class?
As the first specialized amphibious assault ship, its displacement is less than [-] tons, and when it was designed, it was mainly equipped with helicopters.

As an amphibious assault ship, it is qualified. After all, it can use its large number of helicopters to attack the enemy's beachhead. However, if it is used as an aircraft carrier, it is very tasteless.

This kind of amphibious assault ship does not have a beveled deck. If you want it to carry fixed-wing aircraft, the deck must be greatly modified. For a [-]-ton warship, major modifications are not so easy.

Moreover, even if the deck is made into an angled deck, carrier-based aircraft can take off and land, other places are not suitable, and its elevator is not big enough, because in the original design, the elevator only needs to transport helicopters. Its hangar is also designed according to the helicopter, and it can only carry helicopters, and carrier-based aircraft may not necessarily be able to fit in it.

Therefore, as long as the football country keeps its eyes open, it should not choose this tasteless thing, otherwise, it will cost a lot of money to change it. After the change is completed, there is no suitable carrier-based aircraft to use it, especially, it It is always a second-hand warship. After buying it, how many years can it serve?

Hearing Qin Tao's analysis, Xu Zhengyang nodded. They have come all the way, of course they have to gain something, and selling ships internationally is not so difficult, and there will be peers who will come to dismantle them. They have a long way to go!
The two were chatting, and Delano walked over from the bathroom, trying to get back to his own seat.

Qin Tao looked at him with a smile: "Draenor, is this trip enjoyable?"

"It's quite a pleasure. At least one landing on an aircraft carrier has been completed, which shows that I have not forgotten my skills. However, the maintenance of that warship is too poor. Their arresting wires can't even catch a small aircraft like ours."

The greater the mass of the aircraft, the greater the pulling force of the arresting cable is required. It is only a small aircraft of four or five tons that actually breaks the arresting cable. If it is a Tomcat fighter of twenty or thirty tons, it is even less likely It landed safely.


Seeing Qin Tao nodding, Delano's face was full of regret: "I don't know when I will have the opportunity to continue this kind of flight."

"You can do it at any time in the future. After you go back, you and a pilot from Huangdi Village base will directly fly the trainer plane to the base, and use this trainer plane to carry out flight training in the future."

"Really?" Delano was overjoyed.

He has long been tired of the paper theory of flight simulators, and now, if he has the opportunity to conduct this kind of real training, of course it would be great.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, really. By the way, what do you think of the amphibious assault ships of the Marine Corps?"

"Marines? Their amphibious assault ship is a disabled product. Without the protection of our naval aviation, they can't do anything."

In the United States, the Navy and the Marine Corps are two different services. For the Navy, every second of every second counts, and even the Air Force looks down on it, and of course the Marine Corps is even less looked down upon.

I can only fly Sea Harrier fighter jets, the chicken ribs in the chicken ribs.

"Are there any shortcomings of this amphibious assault ship?" Qin Tao asked.

"There are too many shortcomings..." Draenor turned on the mocking mode.

The tape recorder was recording Delano's analysis and introduction, and Qin Tao sighed in his heart. It's a pity that Delano can't show up, otherwise Delano can be a guest on Zhang Zhong's show, and the amphibious assault ship can be sprayed. not worth.

Now, we can only record Delano's analysis, and then give it to Zhang Zhong, let Zhang Zhong find a way to enrich this program, and publicize the tastelessness of amphibious assault ships all over the world.


The An-225 transport plane slowly slid to its dedicated apron. Every time it took off and landed, it would attract countless eyes. come over.

"Dad?" Qin Tao looked at the old man with a spiritual role in the head, and was a little surprised: "Did you come here to greet me in person?"

"Of course not. Our navy has held several exercises recently. After observing the exercises and inspecting the troops, I came here to wait for the plane to return to the capital. The plane will take off in two hours, so I heard that you are back. Come here have a look."

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, what do you want to see?"

"How did you get out this time?"

"There is nothing to gain, and no one has any regrets after losing the game. In my opinion, some people say that calling death row prisoners out to play football is really a good suggestion."

Wu Shengli smiled: "Boy, since when have you ever cared about football? You don't care about winning or losing. By the way, is it okay for this K-8J to land?"

"No problem. If it weren't for the poor quality of the arresting cable of the aircraft carrier in the football country, it would probably have landed on it smoothly. However, we can go around and fly directly, so as to save the catapult from being weak when we take off. If a plane is thrown into the sea, it will be troublesome."

"Yeah, this Draenor's technology is really top-notch, and then, the task of training our carrier-based aviation is handed over to him."

"Well, after returning this time, this K-8J has its wings installed, and it can fly directly to the wasteland village base for training."

It's been more than half a year of talking on paper, and it's time to start practicing with real knives and guns.

"I've heard that the Americans sell amphibious assault ships to football countries?" Wu Shengli continued.

"Yeah, I don't know if the Football Congress will be fooled. However, doing this kind of business is not something that can be done at once. We are just asking for directions this time. If we can get to know the officials over there, it will be considered a success."

"What do you think of the amphibious assault ship?" Wu Shengli continued to ask.

Could it be that the old man came here to discuss the amphibious assault ship with himself?

"Well, it's a long story, hey, so-and-so, put the boxes you moved here!"

Qin Tao found a seat for Wu Shengli and asked him to sit on the box. After all, the next thing to say would be very long.

"The combat missions of amphibious assault ships and aircraft carriers are completely different. The latter is used to compete for maritime supremacy, while the former is used to land across the sea." Qin Tao continued to explain: "I think our navy needs amphibious assaults. After all, our motherland has not yet achieved reunification, and we have an urgent need to land across the sea."

Wu Shengli's eyes also widened.

"For us, the most suitable choice is to build a 25-ton amphibious assault ship like the Wasp class. The larger the displacement, the more flexible its use and stronger attack power." Qin Tao said his thinking It came out: "Because it's not an aircraft carrier, it doesn't need too much power. We can use diesel engines or gas turbines. The maximum speed can reach 20 knots. If it can't reach it, [-] knots is fine. We don't need it anyway. The ability to catapult carrier-based aircraft."

"Speaking of this, let's just talk about it from the carrier-based aircraft. Although we don't need to catapult the carrier-based aircraft, if possible, we still need to reserve a position for the electromagnetic catapult, so that we can operate it when needed in the future. Catapult carrier-based aircraft, of course, are more useful for ejecting drones."

In later generations, some countries have aircraft carriers or amphibious assault ships, but they do not have corresponding carrier-based aircraft. They resort to the next best thing and start operating drones. Anyway, the take-off and landing of this thing is much simpler than manned ones.

Of course, don't think that they don't need high-end carrier-based aircraft because of this. That's what they can't do. Without suitable carrier-based aircraft, this is the only way to go.

The same is true in China. Although there is an advanced 075, there is no qualified carrier-based aircraft, and only helicopters can be carried. Ask them if they need it?want it?It is estimated that no one will shake their heads, but they are not available in China, and they cannot be bought in the United States, and there is no other choice.

It's different now!

"Even with catapult takeoff, landing is still a problem. Amphibious assault ships do not have angled decks, so the most suitable landing is vertical landing. The J-31A we are developing is the perfect shipboard for amphibious assault ships." Machine." Speaking of these, Qin Tao was a little proud.

As a shipbuilder, he abruptly promoted the development of an advanced fighter jet, and it was done entirely through commercial operation without any state funding.

This fighter is still one aircraft with three types. It will not only reserve carrier-based aircraft for future aircraft carriers, but also reserve carrier-based aircraft for future amphibious assault ships!
"The vertical take-off and landing version of the J-31A?" Wu Shengli asked.

"That's right, although it can take off and land vertically, we still mainly use its vertical landing capability. When taking off, if there is an electromagnetic catapult, we can use the electromagnetic catapult to take off, which can greatly increase its endurance time. "

The outside world always criticizes the Yak-38 as a mast defender. In fact, all vertical take-off and landing models are like this. The take-off process of uprooting onions on dry land consumes a lot of fuel, and the Sea Harrier is no exception. Flying deck, use the ski jump to take off to effectively expand the range and combat radius of the Sea Harrier.

The same is true for our own J-31A. If it takes off and lands vertically, the range will be shortened rapidly. Therefore, if you add a catapult to the 075, it will definitely greatly increase the range of this aircraft.

"This has become an aircraft carrier." Wu Shengli said.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course not. The combat missions of an amphibious assault ship and an aircraft carrier are different, so their internal structures are also very different. Take the one I mentioned as an example. Its direct deck is for takeoff and landing. For helicopters and vertical take-off and landing fighters, there is a hangar below the deck, and a huge dock is set up under the hangar, which can carry amphibious vehicles and hovercraft, and carry more than 1000 landing combat personnel. Our 63 Type amphibious tanks, which can carry dozens of vehicles, as well as wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, etc., and even special air-cushion landing craft in the future, all of which can be used.”

This is also the biggest difference between an amphibious assault ship and an aircraft carrier. An aircraft carrier is only a take-off and landing platform for carrier-based aircraft, and its combat effectiveness is entirely realized by carrier-based aircraft. The main equipment of an amphibious assault ship, in addition to aircraft, also has a lot of amphibious equipment!

Over the years, in order to achieve the reunification of the motherland, many amphibious vehicles have been developed in China. The famous one is the amphibious 63 tank, which is gradually evolving into the 63A tank. It has an overwhelming advantage against the second-generation tanks on the opposite side.

However, if you want to drive the amphibious tank directly, it is a bit far away. It is most suitable to transport the tank by boat, and let the tank drive directly into the water when it is close to the shore.

"Same as our 072?" Wu Shengli asked.

Before the 075 was in service, there was a domestic warship specialized in transporting amphibious equipment. This is the famous 072 tank landing ship. Its bow and stern can be opened at sea, and the amphibious tank can go up and down directly. Strong warship.

"That's right, similar to these, install amphibious equipment on the bottom, and planes on the top. When it's time for combat, the planes cover and the amphibious equipment lands quickly, forming a joint combat method." Qin Tao said: "It's just that our 072 displacement is too small. The delivery ability is too poor."

Small displacement?

The 072 used to be the largest main ship of the navy!
The displacement of the initial model was more than 3000 tons, and it was gradually upgraded to a displacement of nearly [-] tons.

However, in Qin Tao's mouth, compared with the displacement of an amphibious assault ship of more than 4 tons, this kind of ship with a displacement of [-] tons is indeed a child's play.

"You guys still think our 072 has a small displacement. Do you know how expensive the amphibious assault ship you are talking about is?"

Qin Tao smiled: "[-] million, about the same as the aircraft carrier we sell to football countries."

Five hundred million dollars!Even if it is [-] million yuan, it is too expensive for the navy, where can I get it!
Wu Shengli was amused by Qin Tao's words. It's like two poor people holding a lottery ticket and looking forward to what will happen after winning the big prize. It sounds too funny.

"Dad, what are you laughing at? We are talking about very serious things. Although we don't have much money now, we will definitely have the ability to do so as the country's economic strength grows in the future." Qin Tao said: "We The navy has important needs, so this kind of amphibious assault ship must be built. We must complete the lofty mission that history has entrusted to us."

Speaking of the mission entrusted by history, Wu Shengli's face also became serious. Yes, if there is such a [-]-ton amphibious assault ship, if there are a large number of vertical fighters, then there is no need to worry about the goal not being achieved. ?
"Well, when our country has money, the navy must raise funds to build amphibious assault ships, especially for the recent exercises. It would be great if there were such weapons." Wu Shengli thought for a while and continued: "Amphibious assault ships And aircraft carrier, which one do you think should be built first?"

Back to this question again.

In this era, aircraft carriers are still relatively popular. Some countries with a weak economy also want to build a light aircraft carrier or a second-hand aircraft carrier to show the strength of the navy. However, after that, the trend has become an amphibious assault ship.

Various countries have begun to work hard to obtain amphibious assault ships, and some have specially installed a ski jump deck after obtaining them, turning the amphibious assault ships into quasi-aircraft carriers.Specifically used to take off and land the F-35.
So, which of these two warships is more suitable?
Countless people are arguing and arguing, each with their own reasons, and the national conditions of each country are different, so you have to find a path that suits you.

"For us, the order of equipment for warships must be that first there are aircraft carriers, destroyers, and nuclear submarines to form a powerful naval formation. Only on this premise can it be meaningful to equip amphibious assault ships. If there is no sea power, then the amphibious assault ships It's a living target."

The mission of the amphibious assault ship is to land across the sea, while the mission of the aircraft carrier formation is to seize air supremacy. Without air supremacy, everything is useless. It is okay to deal with weak countries. If you want to face the armed intervention of strong countries, then the aircraft carrier formation is the first .

"We must have strong air defense, anti-submarine and anti-ship capabilities. On this basis, we can have amphibious assault ships. If we concentrate resources to build amphibious assault ships, then if we really come to war, we will face the weeping cruiser That kind of ending can easily be sent into the sea by the power of the enemy."

The cruiser with the largest displacement in the Weeping Country was sunk by a torpedo from a British nuclear submarine during its normal voyage!In later generations, there is also the example of the Moskva being sunk by anti-ship missiles. Without strong air defense and anti-submarine capabilities, the danger of warships going to sea is very high, and self-protection is a problem. How can they fight?

Even if it can get the air defense support of land-based fighter jets, the weakness of anti-submarine must be made up for.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, without a strong maritime formation, this kind of amphibious assault ship has poor survivability. So, can an amphibious assault ship be converted into an aircraft carrier?"

They are all poor people. If they have money, they can get whatever they want. If they don’t have money, they can only think about these crooked ways.

"The missions of an aircraft carrier and an amphibious assault ship are completely different. Even if it is refitted, it will be nondescript. An amphibious assault ship needs to add a lot of aircraft carrier-specific equipment, strengthen the flight deck, etc., and eventually occupy the space for amphibious equipment." Qin Tao Said: "I don't think it's a good way. In fact, the most important problem for the navy now is lack of money. I have an alternative way to help the navy raise funds."

Another way?
Wu Shengli opened his eyes wide: "Say!"

"Issuing national defense lottery." Qin Tao spat out a few words: "Now, our country has a population of 12 billion. On average, even if each person only buys two lottery tickets worth RMB 24 per year, then we can earn 4 billion, of which 20 Take out [-] million as a bonus, and there will be [-] billion left over!"

Want to get rich and buy lottery tickets?
Of course not, buying lottery tickets is just a matter of luck, and even luck is fake. Only by issuing lottery tickets can you make money without losing money!

There are welfare lotteries and sports lotteries in China, and there are also a large number of non-governmental organizations that draw prizes privately, drive a few trucks, hang banners, and publicize everywhere in a certain county. For only two yuan, Tianjin Dafa will drive home!

If the publicity is in place, there will be a sea of ​​people, and when you see someone really driving Tianjin Dafa away, people will flock to it even more.

As long as the relationship is well managed, no one will come to trouble you.

In this way, it is not too easy to make money, let alone a lottery endorsed by the state.

 PS: It's still 14 o'clock, and ten more chapters will be added.

(End of this chapter)

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