Great warships

Chapter 505 Whoever betrays the country deserves to be killed

Chapter 505 Those who betray the country should be killed
Draenor's eyes widened, you can't even afford fuel?
The average monthly flying time of American pilots is not limited by the fuel supply, but by the maintenance time of the aircraft.In the later generations, their flight time dropped severely, not because of lack of money, but after the fourth-generation aircraft were equipped with troops, the maintenance time increased greatly, either in the hangar or on the way to the hangar, how to fly?
Unexpectedly, the East is so poor!No wonder they tried their best to get all kinds of fighters for nothing.

However, this has nothing to do with Draenor, what he wants is to fly, as long as he can fly.

Delano turned his attention to the Su-27UB. This is a two-seater Su-27 aircraft. Compared with the single-seater aircraft, the nose is tilted down more sharply, and the front and rear cockpit have a good view. Flying Su-30s made no difference.

It's just that, when he was on the Su-30, he sat in the rear cabin. Now, if he wants to be a trainee, he can sit in the front cabin.

Well, sit in the front and sit in the front, no one is born to fly.

Delano is very proud, but he also knows that flying is very sacred and serious. When he has not operated a brand new fighter plane, it is not shameful to be taken to fly by the instructor a few times.

"Wu Song, don't worry, you must be the first to fly that J-[-] fighter plane, or you were the first to fly to stop it from landing." Qin Tao made a promise.

This can be regarded as saving some face for Delano, he nodded: "Okay!"

The carrier-based aircraft must let Draenor fly first. After all, Draenor used to fly Tomcat fighter jets and has rich experience. Others in the base only have the landing experience of teaching eight Js, and they cannot come up yet. Just operate this kind of big guy. As for the test pilot, although he has rich experience in flying fighter jets, he is a layman when it comes to aircraft carrier landing.

The old man figured it out entirely by himself. Their MiG-29K and Su-27K were operated by test pilots and landed on the Kuznetsov in the sea trial with a fearless spirit. The Su-27K is the famous Pugachev.

Even if there is an accident, people are not afraid. If the fighter plane is dropped, there will be new ones. It is not good for our own side.

Although Delano is familiar with the take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft, he is not familiar with the Su-27 after all, so he must fly first so that he can master the flight characteristics of the Su-27.

"Then let's fly now." Delano couldn't wait.

"Don't worry, I just flew over today, and these two planes need routine maintenance." Qin Tao said: "Also, you need to show the training results on the simulator during this period in front of the instructors. , Accept the instructor's assessment, and only those who pass the assessment are eligible to be on the trainer plane, Wu Song, you are an ace pilot, you will definitely not have any problems in this regard, right?"

Qin Tao's questioning was very skillful, so he had to use this kind of running method, otherwise Delano would definitely be dissatisfied with the assessment.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Delano immediately puffed up his chest: "Of course it's no problem! How will you assess?"

"The first assessment is to draw the cockpit instruments on the drawing board, as long as it is roughly drawn, but the position of each instrument can not be wrong, it takes 10 minutes, after the drawing is completed, you can answer each instrument at any time according to the instructor's questions The correct indication, how to deal with abnormalities."

Delano frowned again, this assessment method, 50 years ago, right?So original!

Orientals are eccentric enough.

"Wu Song, you are the best ace pilot, drawing cockpit instruments is not a trivial matter?" Qin Tao continued.

Delano nodded: "Of course!"

Everyone was eager to get on the plane for training tomorrow, so they ran to accept the assessment excitedly. Qin Tao didn't join in the fun, anyway, he didn't understand, so he just watched other people operate at the airport.

With the help of a tractor, the Su-27UB was towed to the hangar.

"I'm a little curious, why didn't you just slide into the hangar just now."

Hearing Qin Tao's greeting, an officer said, "Mr. Qin, this is actually very simple. Save the flight life of the engine so that it can be better used in flight training."

save?This is saving to the extreme!Qin Tao was a little speechless. In order to save money, you even saved the time of sliding to the hangar?
"Have we already established Uncle San's overhaul factory?" Qin Tao thought of something: "We can also do life extension work when we are overhauling, the old Maozi's engine only has a lifespan of [-] hours, which is too little. "

"Related domestic factories have introduced some technologies, but Lao Maozi still has some reservations. The current engine can only be repaired briefly, and it still needs to be sent to Lao Maozi for overhaul."

Qin Tao was a little speechless, the old man has always wanted to restrict himself on the engine!

However, this is not a difficult task. If you are in a hurry, if you really change the turbofan [-] directly, there will be nothing wrong with the third uncle. Very enthusiastic, as long as you have money, you can export a full set of maintenance technology, and your own side will improve it!Use your own advanced aviation technology to improve the performance of the third uncle.

In later generations, by using advanced powder metallurgy discs, turbine blades and other manufacturing technologies in China, the overhaul interval of the refurbished AL31F engine was increased from 300 hours to 500 hours, and the total service life was increased from 900 hours to 1500 hours. It also realizes the recycling and reuse of turbine blades after they are scrapped, saving a lot of money and the consumption of precious metals.The third uncle after the overhaul in China is even better than Lao Maozi's original third uncle.

It all takes time.

It seems that I have to find time to go to Ermao's place.

"President Qin, your Mingzhou Group is really powerful. You are not only good at warships, but also good at aircraft, which is admirable." The officer continued.

"It's so-so, by the way, what's your surname, old man?"

With the arrival of Su-27UB and J-[-], there are a lot of people in the base. The person in front of him, Qin Tao has never been in contact with.

"My name is Liu Kun." The other party smiled and stretched out his hand and said: "The Ordnance Bureau has long admired your Mingzhou Group, but I haven't had the chance to get in touch with it before."

Liu Kun, Ordnance Bureau?Qin Tao's heart immediately became vigilant.

There are always some people who will sell their country and soul for the benefit of money, and they will not even be able to enter their ancestors' graves after they die.

When he was in contact with the Aerospace Academy, Qin Tao found out a traitor in the aerospace system, which was considered to have solved a big hidden danger, but Qin Tao could not have done all the anti-espionage work after all. People will hide well.

Like this guy in front of me.

"Where is there, our Mingzhou Group is just lucky." Qin Tao said with a smile: "Brother Liu, you and I hit it off right away, how many drinks shall we have at night?"

Liu Kun was overjoyed: "Okay!"

He doesn't have much information at hand, most of them are equipped by the aviation force, and the main warships of the navy are not something he can intervene in. How can he miss Qin Tao when he meets Qin Tao this time.

As night falls, the base cafeteria.

Although it's time for dinner, many people are busy and don't care about eating.

The Americans in the base like to eat western food, so the cafeteria is divided into two parts. The western restaurant is very lively. In the Chinese restaurant, there are only Qin Tao with Xu Zhengyang, Liu Kun and his subordinate Shao Zheng.

"Come on, President Qin, let's toast you." Shao Zheng raised his glass.

Qin Tao smiled and raised his wine glass: "In terms of military rank, you are not inferior, and in terms of age, you are also older than me. I should respect you."

"No, no, Mr. Qin, we have to talk about contributions. When it comes to contributions to the motherland, you are much bigger than us." Liu Kun said: "We are all idlers, and your contribution to the navy is beyond measure." Unbelievable, the No. 138 warship is almost finished refitting, right?"

"That's right, that's the first ship of our navy!"

Xu Zhengyang's heart immediately became vigilant.

In the army, there are strict rules of secrecy. You must not ask questions that should not be asked. The two people in front of you are officers in the department with the highest level of secrecy in the army. How could they not even have this kind of awareness of secrecy?
Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, in fact, all the modification work can be completed some time ago, but it was delayed for some time because of a certain big killer. However, by the end of this month, it is estimated that it will be officially launched."

Big killer?
Xu Zhengyang is a little anxious, Mr. Qin, don't talk nonsense, if the secret is leaked, you may be in big trouble.

But now, he can't be too obvious, otherwise the person opposite will be stunned.

"What big killer?" Both of them opened their eyes wide.

"You said, what is the most powerful thing in Lao Maozi's honor class?" Qin Tao asked the two of them.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Xu Zhengyang's heart immediately relaxed. He recalled the accidental assassination case he encountered when he was Qin Tao's secretary. Mr. Qin was so calm at that time, and pointed out that some people had The problem, the final investigation, really has a problem.

Mr. Qin's string is tighter than his own.

Now, if the other party really has a problem and wants to catch Mr. Qin's fish, he will definitely be caught by Mr. Qin in the end!

Xu Zhengyang was convinced of this.

"Anti-ship missile?" Shao Zheng asked.

"That's right, the P-500 anti-ship missile in Lao Maozi's hands is amazingly powerful. It is a nemesis specially designed for aircraft carrier formations. Then, do you know why we didn't introduce it?"

"It's because Lao Maozi doesn't sell it. After all, this is the core secret of Lao Maozi's navy." Liu Kun said.

Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "Of course not! This is because our navy already has a similar supersonic anti-ship missile, and its performance is even more advanced than Lao Maozi's. Therefore, we don't need to equip a backward weapon at all."

"Our navy? How is it possible? Our most advanced is Sunburn, the modern class, and our own, isn't it only the Eagle-81 with a range of [-] kilometers?"

Qin Tao showed a meaningful smile on his face: "The C-802 we exported has a range of more than 100 kilometers. The range for personal use is only [-] kilometers. How is it possible? Think with your toes, you should Knowing that these are all to fool foreigners, after all, the intelligence agencies of those foreigners are pervasive."

"Do we have more advanced ones?" Liu Kun's words trembled: "I'm so excited, I'm still worried about the Navy. I'm not in charge of this aspect, I don't understand."

"Of course, the main warships of our navy seem to use YJ-81 launch tubes. In fact, the YJ-83 is stuffed inside. Do you know the range?"

"More than 100 kilometers?" Shao Zheng asked.

"That's the range of the C-802. We use it for our own use. How can it be closer than the range of the foreign trade? You can't guess it, so I'll tell you directly."

"please say."

"The range is 350 kilometers." Qin Tao said: "Not only can we attack warships at sea, but we can also attack on land. We also have a large number of land launch vehicles. At that time, we only need to set them up on the shore and directly attack them." Can blast to the opposite side! This is our battle ax!"

Xu Zhengyang secretly laughed in his heart, Mr. Qin specially asked the person in front of him to give a message to the opposite party!
Our weapons are very advanced and have a long range, specially prepared for the opponent!

In fact, the maximum range of the Eagle-83 is only 250 kilometers, and it still needs to use a shipborne helicopter for relay guidance. If you use a music station imitating Da Mao, you can only use it at a distance of about [-] kilometers. I can't see it anymore.

Qin Tao directly fooled him to 350 kilometers, and [-] kilometers is the limit, which means that he can hit any position on the opposite side, and after [-] kilometers, the position of the missile launch vehicle can be further back and more concealed!
If there is a special situation, as long as the missile launch vehicle is driven out, the opponent can be scared to death.

"So strong? That's great." A smile appeared on Shao Zheng's face: "The equipment on No. 138 must be stronger, right?"

"That's right, No. 138 is equipped with our latest Eagle Strike-12. You should have heard of it, right?"

Liu Kun frowned: "I've heard of it, but I just heard that there is such a model, and I don't know about the others. Mr. Qin, is this more powerful than the Eagle Strike-83?"

"Of course, it is our own P-500." Qin Tao said: "It can fly at supersonic speed in the whole process, with a range of 12 kilometers, and it can accelerate to Mach 138 at the end. Our domestic media has always used Japanese Zhi is called an aircraft carrier killer. This is pure love. Our Eagle-[-] is the real aircraft carrier killer. The air defense circle of the aircraft carrier is only [-] kilometers. When the time comes, if you are really impatient, our No. [-] will go up and put Dozens of missiles are carried, as long as one can break through their defense circle, hum, the aircraft carrier is just a living coffin at sea!"

Both Liu Kun and Shao Zheng showed a trace of panic in their eyes, and they recovered quickly after a while.

Xu Zhengyang secretly laughed in his heart, Mr. Qin is so good at fooling around, the two of them are scared, if it spreads to the opposite side, they don't know what they will be afraid of.

"Come on, I propose, toast to the strength of our navy!" Liu Kun raised his glass.

Everyone drank it.

"President Qin, where is the aircraft carrier?" Liu Kun continued to ask.

"Aircraft carrier? What kind of aircraft carrier?"

"It's the Dongfang Sea Blockade."

"That ship? It's been burnt to scrap iron, damn it." Qin Tao said: "Those damned spies actually turned against the old man in my shipyard. If I catch him, grandma, I will arrest him." Cut to pieces!"

Speaking of this, Qin Tao's eyes showed a fierce look, and the two people present were shocked again.

"That's right, those spies are too hateful." Liu Kun said: "Mr. Qin, although that warship is no longer usable, our navy is still trying to master the take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft. This is because we want to become an aircraft carrier." Is it a strong country?"

"Of course not. We just want to take off and land on certain islands. We researched it ourselves. The higher-ups don't agree to build an aircraft carrier. Where does the navy have money? We have so many islands, and they can all be used as aircraft carriers. .”

Liu Kun nodded: "By the way, it is said that our navy is still bidding for Aegis warships?"

"Oh, don't mention it." Qin Tao said, "Drink, drink!"

Enough secrets have been revealed, and all the words that should be passed on have been passed on, so there is nothing to say next.

Liu Kun and Shao Zheng also stopped. If they inquired too much, it would be bad to arouse the other party's suspicion.

After drinking, Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang walked out. The cold wind was still blowing outside, making people's faces hurt.

"Boss Qin, what's wrong with the two of them?"

"You should know how to do it, don't ask, just deal with it as you want." Qin Tao sighed: "Some departments in our country are too weak!"

"En." Xu Zhengyang nodded: "Where shall we go next?"

"Go back to sleep."

The next day, the sky was clear and even the howling north wind had weakened. On the runway, many people started to make preparations.

Delano was very happy today, he was wearing a brand new flight suit, and even the leather shoes under his feet were polished to a bright shine.

On the tower, a group of people were watching.

"Stroh, the pilot you brought is really good. He was the first to pass all the tests yesterday and became the first to be on the trainer plane." Qin Tao said to Stroh.

"Of course, Dingo is the best thing, but he often does some crazy things, causing the dissatisfaction of his superiors to gradually increase." Strow said.

"A good baby who needs to be obedient, or a capable but rebellious stabbing soldier, has always been a problem for the army." Qin Tao said: "However, I am very grateful to the US Navy for giving us such outstanding talents. .”

Stroh smiled wryly.

When Qin Tao was talking, his eyes were still looking out of the window. At this time, he saw that on the runway outside, Delano, the pilot nicknamed Wild Dog, had already boarded the front cabin.

As if thinking of something, Qin Tao said to the people on the side: "When calling for take-off, you must tell him to follow the flight training subjects in a proper manner. If he dares to go out of line, he will never be able to fly heavy duty again Air fighter."

You have to get a vaccination in advance, otherwise it’s really hard to say that Delano is like this. I don’t know what great things can be done. It’s possible to use this trainer aircraft as a carrier aircraft to play a drop-style landing. .

"President Qin, why don't you come?"

"The wild dog called the tower and asked to take off." At this moment, listening to the roar of the two high-thrust engines behind him, Delano could already feel the blood in his body boiling.

Since leaving the US Navy, he has never flown such a heavy fighter again!When he turned on the afterburner and climbed vertically, he would feel the adrenaline surging wildly. This is the fighter jet that men fly!

"Wild dog, you can take off, please pay attention, fly completely according to the flight test subjects, otherwise I promise, you will never have the opportunity to fly a second time." A voice came from the radio.

The wild dog's face showed helplessness. Sure enough, Mr. Qin is here, blocking everything for him. Well, be a good baby honestly.

"Dingo received." Delano replied.

Taking off without afterburner, which would consume precious fuel, the fighter plane finally lifted its front wheels when it slid forward to the middle of the runway. Delano couldn't feel any stimulation from the stable appearance.

Taking off for the first time was to get familiar with the flight characteristics. Delano made some low-intensity maneuvers. Half an hour later, he returned to the field and landed on the runway easily.

The canopy was opened, the seat belt was unbuckled, and Delano's face was full of disappointment. This is not a fighter jet, it's just like flying to teach [-]J, it doesn't feel like it!
"Wild dog, you performed very well. You will fly again next time. After you have fully mastered the aircraft, I think that you will be able to fly some difficult maneuvers on the third flight. When you fly to the fifth time , I'll take you to fly the Cobra maneuver." Hearing what the instructor in the back seat said, Delano's face immediately became excited.

The tail is forward and the nose is behind, like a cobra. This kind of maneuver was first demonstrated by Pugachev at the Paris Air Show, which caused a sensation all over the world.

Although this kind of maneuver that actively consumes one's own precious energy in actual combat is simply looking for death, this kind of super maneuver still arouses the yearning of countless pilots.

It's a pity that only the Su-27 can fly, and the elevation angle restriction is lifted, so it can only be done when flying stunts.

It can be said that even the first batch of Su-27s in China were able to fly such maneuvers.

Delano didn't expect that he would have such an opportunity!
The dissatisfaction in his heart was swept away, and Delano became excited: "When will it be my turn? Shall we continue to fly for the second time?"

"Probably, one month." Li Mingquan calculated the time: "Of course, you only need to fly three times before you can fly that J-[-]."

Delano is indeed an excellent pilot. After flying a few times, he can fully grasp the performance of the Su-27. In this way, he can also fly J-27. After all, it is too nervous to train students with only one Su-[-]UB Yes, that J-[-] has to be used.

Annihilating Fifteen!
Delano figured it out, as long as he got on that single-seat fighter jet, he could decide how to fly it himself?Be sure to have some fun by then!
On the runway, Liu Kun and Shao Zheng watched from a distance, when someone ran towards them.

"Report, urgent order from superiors."

When the two received the transfer order, their faces were ugly. Why were they transferred to the Northwest?There is nothing there!
However, as soldiers, they must obey orders as their bounden duty.

(End of this chapter)

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