Great warships

Chapter 506 The Era of Naval Fixed-Wing Carrier Aviation Comes

Chapter 506 The Era of Naval Fixed-Wing Carrier Aviation Comes

"We have followed the vine and found several online people, and this time we can find another group." Xu Zhengyang said to Qin Tao in a low voice: "However, we have not moved for the time being, and plan to continue to play a long-term, in order to avoid Liu Kun With Shao Zheng and the others exposed to more secrets, temporarily transfer them away."

Qin Tao nodded: "How you play is up to you, as long as you don't take it off."

Xu Zhengyang nodded. In fact, even he couldn't guarantee this kind of thing, but he couldn't intervene, and the relevant units had already dealt with it.

"President Qin, are you going back next?"

"Wait a few more days and watch the J-[-] fly before leaving. I guess the navy leaders will come at that time?"

"Well." Xu Zhengyang said: "Recently, the navy is very busy and is formulating some battle plans. They have already thought about coming here, and they can only wait for 1501 to fly."

After saying this, Xu Zhengyang suddenly thought of something: "Mr. Qin, do you have another good suggestion?"

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, the bigger the momentum, the better. I think that aircraft carrier can be used."

Xu Zhengyang's eyes brightened.

The roar of fighter jets is still roaring.

The second person to get on the plane was Wang Wei. When he sat in the front seat, he was also emotional.

This cabin is too spacious!Half of the body is exposed, which is completely different from the feeling of Fei Jianba before.

The Navy will have more and more Su-27 series aircraft in the future. I really hope that era will come sooner.

Wang Wei was full of anticipation. He skillfully prepared for takeoff as he did on the simulator. Soon, the plane took to the sky again.

A few days later.

"The first flight of No. 1501 should be based on ordinary flight, or take off and land from our runway." Li Yan, the person in charge of the base, rarely denied Delano's request.

"We have already flown the trainer plane, and then fly the fighter jet of the same type. There is no problem. We don't need to waste precious flight hours." Delano used Qin Tao's words at the beginning: "The engine of this aircraft , Three hundred hours of overhaul is needed, it is too precious, and at the same time, flying consumes a lot of fuel, fuel saved by other troops, everyone! We can't waste it, in your words, waste is a crime."

When Delano said these words, Li Yan was a little helpless.

"Wu Song, your flying skills are recognized by everyone. However, there are still some subtle differences between the J-27 and the Su-[-]UB. Let's fly a normal flight first to experience the gap, and then follow the carrier-based aircraft. Isn’t it better to fly? As for the fuel consumption and lifespan, we can afford it.”

"Not good, not good!" Delano shook his head again and again: "This is a waste, a waste! Subtle differences are nothing to excellent pilots. We must master the ship landing skills as soon as possible."

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Qin Tao opened the door and came in, looking at everyone.

It's interesting to communicate in mixed Chinese and English, and even get into a fight.

"Qin, the J-[-] fighter jets are so precious, they actually want to waste them." Delano said, "Precious flight hours and engine life should be used for carrier-based aircraft training!"

Qin Tao told the truth: "Wu Song, you also know that it is precious, they are afraid of falling!"

Afraid of falling?
Draenor's face suddenly changed. For him, this is definitely an insult!As a skilled pilot, he was actually worried about crashing the plane!
For an excellent pilot, it takes about half a year to change to fly a brand new fighter jet. In later generations, the J-100 can only change to fly for more than 1000 hours. Of course, the premise is that he has already flown on the third generation aircraft of the Air Force. More than [-] hours.

Delano has more than 2000 hours of flight time on the Tomcat fighter plane, and he has a wealth of experience. After coming to the wasteland village base, he has flown many times on the flight simulator at the base, and even put two thick Su- 27 Principles Volume [-], I read it over and over again, and I know all kinds of emergency measures by heart.

In fact, he has fully mastered this aircraft, which is why he was able to fly on the trainer plane so quickly. Now, he can't wait to fly solo, and he will do it fiercely.

"I'll give you all my savings as a deposit." Delano said, and went to pick out his pockets.

Westerners always spend as much as they earn, and don’t save money at all. However, these people who come to the wasteland village base usually buy a bottle of wine at most, and there is no place to spend money at all. Therefore, Delano’s money , all saved.

Including the money he earned from doing tasks before, his deposit has reached 500 million US dollars. He took out the bank card of the deposit and put it on the table: "There are more than 1000 million in it, all for Your deposit, if the plane breaks down, I will, like your pilots, take protecting the plane as the first priority. If the plane crashes, then I will go to see God, and the money will be used as compensation."

Delano said this, which made Li Yan feel a little helpless, while Strow smoothed things over: "Draano, no one asks you to pay for it. When will we have to spend our own money for flying?"

"Old Li, since Wu Song has expressed his position like this, do you want to agree to his request?" Qin Tao looked at Li Yan.

Li Yan was a little curious: "Boss Qin, do you support him?"

"Yes, our time is very tight." Qin Tao said.

Li Yan thought of something, thought about it carefully, and then said: "Mr. Wu Song, it would be very dangerous to directly fly the carrier-based aircraft to take off and land, because after we produced the J-[-], we did not carry out carrier-based aircraft. We don't know whether the ski jump can take off, what problems will arise in the blocked landing, whether the landing gear can withstand it, whether the arresting wire is qualified, etc. The risk is very high."

"I'm not afraid of danger, carrier-based aircraft pilots are the real pilots in the world." Delano said: "Although I can't experience the overload of catapult takeoff, I can be the first one to take off with a ski jump, and it is also a very honorable thing .”

Li Yan nodded: "Okay, then we allow you to take off and land directly with the carrier-based aircraft. Please note that if you encounter an accident, you should parachute immediately. To us, you are more precious than the aircraft."

Delano looked at Qin Tao with dissatisfaction, didn't you just say that you were afraid that I would crash the plane?You layman, a good pilot is always more valuable than an airplane, especially an experienced carrier-based pilot like me!

Qin Tao smiled, but did not speak.

The matter was settled like this, and the base also fell into a tense atmosphere.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the small Jiaoba J. It has taken off and landed many times, but this big guy with more than 20 tons, is it okay?

The maintenance crew was busy all night in the hangar, checking the plane over and over again, for fear of any accidents, and the staff of the arresting cable simply replaced the second most frequently used arresting cable with a brand new one, fearing that when the time comes accident.

When the eastern sky gradually brightened, more figures appeared in the base.

"We've wanted to come a long time ago, but we're busy with work." Wu Shengli said with emotion: "We don't have much time now. We will stay for a morning at most before we have to go back. Are you all ready?"

"It's ready, please don't worry, the leader." Li Yan replied angrily: "The subject we are doing today is the first ski jump take-off and intercepted landing of J-[-]."

"Come on, take a look at our J-[-]." Wu Shengli said, "This is our navy's first carrier-based fighter."

Although everyone knew that this plane was a refurbished T-10K-7, this still couldn't stop everyone's interest, and everyone walked towards the hangar excitedly.

As a result, the hangar was still arguing.

"I don't require the maximum weight to take off, but the standard weight is fine, right? You only filled me with two tons of fuel, and didn't mount any weapons. What does that mean?"

This J-18 has an empty weight of [-] tons, and with two tons of fuel, it only weighs [-] tons. This is not a heavy-duty aircraft, it is simply at the level of a medium-sized aircraft.

The F-18 can take off at this weight.

Even at the near point, this aircraft theoretically has a take-off weight of 25 tons, and Delano is of course dissatisfied.

"Sorry, this is the first test flight, we came as required."

"Wu Song, this is your fault." Qin Tao walked up quickly and began to criticize: "What's wrong with the two tons? After taking off with afterburner, it's enough to fly in the sky for 10 minutes before landing. You asked for extra boost Fuel, how long do you want to play in the sky? Everything has to follow our plan, besides, there are leaders watching today, so don’t be too willful.”

Leaders to observe?

Delano looked behind, and sure enough, a group of people came, including the leaders they had seen before, all of them were big leaders!
"Okay, then let's follow the plan." Delano said, "We can fly whatever the leader wants to see, two tons is two tons."

"Don't look at anything else, just watch takeoff and landing." Qin Tao said: "You should also know that our country has been equipped with Su-27 for several years, and the leaders have seen all kinds of dazzling maneuvers, but they just haven't seen it. Takeoff and landing of carrier-based aircraft.”

"Okay, I promise to satisfy the leaders." Delano looked at the leaders pitifully: "Please rest assured, although it is the first time to take off and land, I have confidence in this plane."

"Well, Wu Song, today's flight will be recorded in the history of our naval aviation development." Wu Shengli nodded: "You will also become our sea and air hero! You must perform well."

Delano nodded.

"This carrier-based aircraft is not much different from our land-based fighter!" Mr. Lin who came to join in the fun began to study: "It's just that the cone on the butt is a little smaller."

"That's what you can see. There are many places you haven't seen. The wings of this aircraft can be folded, the landing gear is reinforced, the front wheels are still dual wheels, and the flight control is digital fly-by-wire." Qin Tao introduced.

"Well, that's right, this aircraft has gained a lot of weight. Compared with our land-based fighter jets, its performance is worse."

"Increased weight? When we come out with a turbofan [-] aircraft in the future, what is the weight gain?" Qin Tao gave Lin Lao a blank look: "Navy aircraft will definitely not be inferior to land-based aircraft."

Elder Lin smiled. It was a special flavor to argue with Qin Tao this time.

Delano circled the plane, then climbed into the cockpit excitedly, methodically preparing for takeoff.

In order to save precious engine life, Delano also very generously requested that the aircraft be towed by a tractor to the take-off point, and there, with the help of the power vehicle, the two engines were started.

"Different from the take-off of land-based fighter jets, aircraft carrier fighter jets need to have a flame deflector at the tail." Seeing the flame deflector behind J-[-] rising slowly, everyone felt a little fresh, so Qin Tao gave them introduced.

"This thing has to be resistant to high temperatures." Elder Lin said.

"That's right, it's a special high-temperature-resistant material. On the one hand, it is to block the flames and prevent the staff behind from being affected. On the other hand, it is also to increase thrust."

"Increase the thrust?" Elder Lin was a little curious.

"That's right, the wake of the engine sprayed into the baffle provides more reaction force than sprayed into the air."

The engine was roaring, and the plane was trembling slightly, as if it was waiting to take off at any time.

Everyone's eyes were on the plane, and they didn't care about the roar in their ears.

The vests of various colors are still busy, and two yellow vests are squatting on the side of the plane, their backs are facing the crowd of people watching.

"What do these two minions do?" Elder Lin asked the most questions, because these are not available in the Air Force. Air Force pilots take off and just shout on the radio.

"Isn't there a word on the back?" Qin Tao pointed his finger, and the two large black characters "Take Off" on the yellow vest were extremely clear.

"I'm not blind, of course I can see that it's a takeoff, I mean, do you need a command for takeoff?" Elder Lin said angrily.

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "You don't understand that? These two people squatting there are not just for posing. They want to check all the status of the plane before take-off and give instructions at any time. After all, that's it The 105-meter runway, we must be prepared for any accidents."

The little yellow man is not a poser. He has an important task there, and the two of them are together to observe together.

While speaking, the tail engine of the J-25 ejected fiery flames, and the pilot has already turned on the afterburner!The [-] tons of thrust from the two engines is enough to propel the plane to climb directly!

Following the classic movements of the minions, Delano released the brakes, and suddenly, under the strong thrust, he felt his body being pushed against the seat.

Although there is no catapult, the thrust of this engine seems to be very weak!

All eyes were on the yellow-skinned triplane, which was rushing towards the jump deck, faster and faster.

The base has often carried out take-off and landing training of carrier-based aircraft, but it is the first time to use the Jiaoba J, a heavy fighter of this kind.

Can you fly?
Of course no problem!

The three-plane fighter plane rushed to the jump deck steadily along the take-off line, and then left the end of the deck.

If you look at it from the side, this scene will be very spectacular. The beautiful fighter plane is like a bird flying with wings, as quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit!
As soon as he left the jumping deck, Delano pulled up the joystick, so the fighter plane had a greater elevation angle and went straight into the sky.

Take off at a high angle of elevation!
There are three types of ski jump take-off situations. Under light load conditions, the carrier-based aircraft can easily fly up, and can pull up the altitude at any time, relying on abundant power to pierce into the sky.

If the take-off weight reaches a certain level, then it can’t be so easy. After the carrier-based aircraft flies on the ski jump deck, it can only keep flying forward in the original state, accelerate continuously, and only after gaining a certain amount of energy can it do it. other maneuvers.

If it is too heavy, then flying out from the ski jump deck, you may lose altitude. At this time, it is more dangerous. When the old man once flew the limit of 38 tons of take-off weight, the altitude dropped whizzingly. The pilot Even the plane can only go down first, and then pull up after accumulating speed, flying out the unique anti-S-shaped route.

Of course, Lao Maozi only tried it once. When the far point took off normally, it was 32.8 tons, and the near point was limited to more than 20 tons.

Now, the No. 1501 fighter plane took off from the ski jump deck for the first time, and this is also the first time for the Eastern Navy!Everyone looked at the fighter plane taking off, and their hearts were surging.

It represents new hope and new journey for the navy!
"Old Wu, your navy wants to replace the shotgun!" Elder Lin said with a smile.

"Of course, your air force has already started to change guns, and it's our navy's turn. If our navy can have a hundred Su-30s now, there is no need for headaches."

There is something in the words.

Of course Qin Tao knew what was causing the headache, but he didn't ask. If you don't have to ask about this kind of thing, don't ask indiscriminately. It's not too late to ask yourself when you take the initiative to ask yourself.

In the midst of everyone's conversation, the roar of fighter planes roared again, and Huang Pi's No. 1501 carrier-based plane had already started flying to the area where the landing was blocked.

Although it does not look like an aircraft carrier from the outside, this part of the area is completely arranged according to the deck of the aircraft carrier. There is a special Fresnel light box behind the arresting cable, and there is a special landing guide on the side of the arresting cable. Officer (LSO).

The green vests and white vests are busy.

The green vests are in charge of the arresting cable, and they are also the closest to death. These days, they have also become accustomed to the interception and landing of carrier-based aircraft, but the four to five-ton J-[-]J and the twenty-ton J-[-] are obviously not an order of magnitude.

They are nervous.

The white vest is responsible for guiding the ship, and this task is even more important.

In the early days, when the aircraft carrier first appeared, the LSO held a short paddle in each hand like a command card to guide the aircraft to land on the ship, so it was called "short paddle".Later, as the jets came on board, the LSO's role took on greater importance, and the role was typically filled by experienced pilots who watched the landings from the carrier's perspective.

(It seems that the commanding helicopters on the destroyer are yellow vests, but they should not be regarded as a category.)
Although there is a Fresnel lens, it is still very difficult to land the carrier-based aircraft. The Fresnel lens is only a general direction, and the precise flight of the aircraft depends on the help of the landing guide. Not only on-site guidance, but also relying on the high-speed cameras around to record every data of the aircraft landing, including the distance of the entry point, the number of times, the angle of attack, the altitude and other data, and finally form a training quality evaluation report.

Find out the flight shortcomings of each pilot, and remind them during the next landing. Therefore, there is a saying on the aircraft carrier: "LSO is the real master of carrier-based aircraft landing."

You know, if the score fails, the carrier-based aircraft pilot will be re-trained, or even eliminated after repeated failures.

However, those are mature operating procedures. In the East, everything has just begun. Currently, the landing commander is mainly undertaken by two people.

One is Stroh, and the other is Wang Wei.

"Attention wild dog, you only need to fly through the field for the first time, to find out the feeling." Strow shouted on the radio.

The landing route of the carrier-based aircraft has to go through many explorations. In order to find the most appropriate landing route, the later Liaoning has flown more than 1000 or [-] times before finding the most suitable route.

Now, although this is a simulation base, it is also because of the difference of the aircraft that there must be different routes.

Stroh watched the plane gradually approaching, hoping that Delano would not play tricks, but nothing happened!

"The wild dog received it."

The J-[-] came whistling and came along the graceful glide line, but it didn't put the landing gear or the hook. After simulating the whole landing process, it continued to fly forward along the runway, and then pulled it out again. stand up.

"Wild dog, the landing entry point can be set back a little bit." Wang Wei shouted on the radio.

For the first landing, you need to find experience. Draenor flies in the same way as the Tomcat fighter, but the J-[-] and the Tomcat are still somewhat different and need to be adjusted.

The second time I flew through the field again.

Li Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that the wild dog's performance today is quite satisfactory, and it didn't surprise us."

"The landing gear and the landing hook have been lowered!" Someone shouted.

The third flight is finally about to officially land!

The huge three-winged fighter jet roared towards it, like an eagle pouncing on its food, with a high sinking rate, which made those present who had flying experience sweat. It's on the runway.

The silhouette of the fighter plane is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting closer and closer to the landing area. Finally, the plane's wheels hit the runway hard!
At this moment, no one spoke, everyone stopped breathing, and watched with wide eyes that the tires contacted the runway, the fuselage slid forward, the landing hook dragged on the ground, and then, a blocking cable was stretched.

A few seconds later, the roar of J-[-] disappeared.

It worked!
For the first time, J-[-] stopped by blocking the landing!
Countless people rushed over, welcoming Draenor like a hero.

"Wu Song, you tamed a tiger!"

"It's a good plane, better than a Tomcat!" Delano got his conclusion.

The Tomcat was born too early, the engine is not powerful, the thrust-to-weight ratio is too low, and the fuselage is wide, and the distance between the two engines is more than one meter. Therefore, the operation of the Tomcat fighter is actually very complicated.

You can watch the video. When the Tomcat fighter plane lands, it often shakes left and right, and the amplitude is often ten or twenty degrees. There is no way to fine-tune it. The J-[-] is different, and it is easier!

The warm sun shines on the base, and the place is boiling. The era of the Eastern Navy's fixed-wing carrier-based aviation has come!

(End of this chapter)

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