Great warships

Chapter 508 Falcon

Chapter 508 Falcon

The Phalcon early warning aircraft is an early warning aircraft jointly developed by David Guo Aircraft Company and its subsidiary ELLA Company in the late 80s.The aircraft was converted from a Boeing 707 transport aircraft.Phalcon's English name, Phalcon, is an acronym for Phased Array L-band Conformal Radar, the aircraft's radar.

This system was designed in 87. In the development of active phased array radar, Daweiguo is also at the forefront. They directly refitted a Boeing 707. Of course, this work is long. It was not until May of 93 that this advanced airborne early warning aircraft, whose performance far surpassed that of E-5C and E-2A, finally took off for the first time.

The development of such a system will inevitably cost a lot of money. Therefore, after the Kingdom of David is completed, it hopes to sell it as soon as possible and sell it for money. This is also an inevitable choice for military research and development. Only by selling it to make money can we continue to invest funds for research and development.

All over the world, there are many people who have this need, but very few people have the financial resources.

The economy in the East has already developed, so it is still possible to purchase Falcon if you bite your teeth. After all, modern warfare cannot be supported by early warning aircraft.

The cooperation between the two parties is no longer one time. Mr. Wang and the others have been here several times and have seen this Falcon early warning aircraft. Now they mainly accompany Qin Tao.

Qin Tao was in high spirits.

"Actually, it is most suitable to modify it with a passenger plane, but unfortunately we can't. When we have our own large passenger plane in the future, everything will be easier." Qin Tao looked at the portholes on both sides of the Falcon early warning plane, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. said a word.

Retrofitting an early warning aircraft requires a large aircraft as a platform, and Western countries generally choose passenger aircraft for improvement.

As an evergreen tree of international airliners, the Boeing 707 has also undergone a large number of modifications. Whether it is an early warning aircraft, a tanker, or an electronic warfare aircraft, there is a shadow of Boeing.

However, Orient cannot be used.

Dongfang has a large number of passenger aircraft, but they are all for civilian use. There was an agreement when they were introduced, and they must not be used for military purposes. Therefore, the first problem with domestic early warning aircraft is the lack of a suitable modification platform.

"Our Phalcon system uses a Boeing 707 airliner, which is the same as the E-3, but it has an advanced radar system. A total of six L-band phased array radars are installed on it, so that it can not only detect aircraft, It can also detect small targets such as cruise missiles, and for targets the size of fighter jets, the search distance is close to [-] kilometers, and it can also process hundreds of targets at the same time."

Katz introduced to everyone.

In fact, everyone already knows these data, and the main thing is to introduce it to Qin Tao.

Katz didn't know why Qin Tao came here with the investigation team of the Dongfang AWACS, but he knew that Qin Tao had great energy, so he must do a good job in reception.

"Yes, it is indeed good, but this installation method will form a certain blind spot at the tail of the aircraft?" Qin Tao asked.

"This blind spot is very small. Compared with the Swedish balance beam, our blind spot is almost negligible." Katz said.

The country of David is not the only one that develops the active phased array radar early warning aircraft, but the country of David was the first to develop it, and it is still a large-scale strategic early warning aircraft.

Sweden is also a big country in the military industry. The early warning aircraft they make is unique: a "wood" is supported on the top of the medium-sized aircraft. This shape can also reduce the resistance during flight. Among them, the blind spot is reduced by flying the S route. This design is also unique.

"We don't compare with the balance beam, we need to compare with the E-3." Qin Tao said: "The design of this kind of aircraft cannot satisfy us. We need an early warning aircraft with a big plate on the top."

Katz frowned.

The two parties have been in contact several times. The David State Aircraft Company has already told Dongfang the detailed data. This time the Dongfang came here to sign the contract. Who would have thought that such an accident would happen?
"Mr. Lin, what do you think?" Qin Tao looked at Mr. Lin who had not spoken much.

"Is this big plate important?" Elder Lin asked.

"Of course it's very important. Hasn't your Air Force done any research?" The two began to sing a double reed.

"We have done research, but since Falcon has made the layout in front of him, maybe..."

"That's because the national conditions are different." Qin Tao said: "Look at the land area of ​​David's country, how much is our country's land area? During the war, David's early warning aircraft can fly directly over their land, ass Facing a safe place, even flying to the sea, we can monitor the movement of the target, what about us? Our country is so vast, we must have an early warning aircraft that can perfectly cover the entire airspace, and we must not leave any dead spots, otherwise we will end up in war At that time, the opponent flew over from behind our buttocks and attacked us, and our precious early warning aircraft will be destroyed!"

Mr. Lin thought about it carefully, and then nodded seriously: "Yes, we must not make such a mistake, Mr. Katz, we need an early warning aircraft with a large plate!"

Katz's face was ugly.

"It's getting late, let's have a meeting tomorrow to discuss the order." Elder Lin said.


This news made Katz very excited, but the way of asking for a big plate made Katz really embarrassed.

Dongfang Laiguo went to the hotel to rest, and Katz reported to the company leaders and relevant experts in the company's conference room.

"How is this possible?" Radar engineer Omri Afik immediately objected: "We have no relevant development experience at all, only the United States and Da Mao have, and after the collapse of the Red Empire, Da Mao also lost this ability. We can't order radomes from the US for them!"

Why do they have an early warning aircraft with a big nose and big cheeks?Isn't it because they are also afraid of the research and development of that kind of radome, and simply use the characteristics of phased array radar to simplify the design. Now, the Orientals still want a big plate?

They can do the radar antenna inside, but not the radome outside.

Don't underestimate such a radome. After the electromagnetic wave passes through the radome, it must achieve a 360-degree completely uniform scan, and its thickness must change gradually according to different electromagnetic waves.At the same time, the wind resistance, pressure resistance, and loss rate of the entire radome must also be designed according to the highest standards. This thing is not so easy to make, and it is much more difficult than the radome of a fighter jet!

"Even if we can make the radome, it is impossible to solve the matching problem between the airframe and the radome. That big plate will bring huge aerodynamic problems." Another person said.

With the addition of a large plate, the aircraft has to be changed, otherwise, the maneuverability will be seriously reduced, and even the safety of the aircraft itself will be threatened!

Their IAI company does not have that ability.

"In my opinion, the relevant work is left to the Orientals, and we are only responsible for installing the equipment!" Finally, Boaz, the person in charge of the David Kingdom Aircraft Company, spoke.

"Eastern, can they solve it?"

Afek was a little worried: "What if they can't solve it and stop cooperating with us? This is a contract worth hundreds of millions!"

"They have no choice but to cooperate with us. After all, they do not have the ability to develop early warning aircraft, and looking at the world, only we can provide them with qualified early warning aircraft radar equipment." Boaz said.

This is really true. In this world, there are not many countries that can independently develop early warning aircraft. Even the United Kingdom has given up its own research and directly purchased E-3 early warning aircraft from the United States.

Orientals have no other choice!

"If the radar antenna is put into a large plate, then we need to modify the software, but this technical difficulty is not very difficult." Afik said: "We are sure to complete it within three years."

"It's still four years, we have to set aside enough time to avoid breach of contract." Boaz said.

The crowd nodded.

In this world, the most savvy businessman is of course David. They will never make any mistakes in business, and this business is the same.

"That Mr. Qin is very powerful and always likes to fool others. We must be more careful in our negotiations with them." Boaz continued.

"Ah Choo!" Qin Tao sneezed.

"This season is really not suitable for going to the beach."

This is Qin Tao's first visit to the country of David, and the air force provided the travel expenses, so he is not polite. Of course, he has to walk around, especially the beach.

The seaside here is also a very famous tourist attraction, and there will be many boldly dressed women to feast their eyes on. Who would have thought that this season is not right.

Although it is said that the climate here is Mediterranean, it is still winter after all, and the outside temperature is only a dozen degrees, so no one comes here to show off their bikinis. The beach is deserted, except for a few soldiers with live ammunition. can not see.

The setting sun shines on the beach, and the scenery is very good.

"Yes, President Qin, let's go back." Xu Zhengyang said to Qin Tao: "This place is not suitable for you."

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, don't cause trouble for the security personnel, and Mossad is really, it's boring not to send an agent to approach me."

Xu Zhengyang was speechless for a while. Everyone was worried about your safety. Unexpectedly, you actually wanted to use yourself as a bait to catch a Mossad agent?Are you looking for trouble?
"However, they will definitely install bugging devices in our residence, so that's good, let's just lay the groundwork first."

the next day.

"After careful research, we believe that the early warning aircraft plan proposed by you will greatly increase our development time. In order to ensure our research and development progress, we suggest that you should carry out the modification of the airframe, and you will be responsible for it. Install the radome and backup generator, cooling system, etc., and we will install the radar equipment."

It was still Katz who spoke, and he was the main representative in charge of the negotiations.

"If this is the case, then I hope you can lower the price." Elder Lin said, "According to the previous modification plan, you offered a price of 5000 million U.S. dollars. Now that we are responsible for the modification of the airframe, Can the modification cost be reduced to [-] million?"

The Falcon we inspected before had a big nose and big cheeks, and the Dawei Aircraft Company can directly modify it. Now that it is required to become a big plate, the modification unit has also changed, and of course the price has to change accordingly.

"We can drop $100 million, and those modifications don't cost much at all. We mainly sell the most advanced active phased array radar system in the world, and these are the most critical." Katz said.

"It doesn't cost much to modify? Then we don't bother, just fly the Il-76 over, and you can modify it." Qin Tao said: "We don't need to do our own research to save this 100 million US dollars."

"But this will extend our construction period."

"How much can it be extended? Can half a year be enough? A simple radome, half a year is enough?" Qin Tao said: "We can afford to wait."

The other side stopped talking.

Katz's mind was thinking rapidly, did the other party want to use this argument to bargain, or did they have other ideas?
At this moment, a staff member hurried in and whispered a few words in Katz's ear.

Katz's face changed suddenly. He looked at the person opposite and squeezed out a smile: "Everyone, let's put aside the matter of price for a while and talk about it later. Now, please ask our radar expert, Mr. Afik, Let me introduce to you the revised radar layout and the layout of the internal electronic equipment. I have a little business, so I will leave for a while."

"Mr. Katz, please." Elder Lin said with a smile.

Next, it was Afek who introduced the radar and equipment. He introduced it in detail, and the people present listened carefully.For Mr. Wang and the others, it was the first time to develop a modern early warning aircraft. Now through this project, it is very important to contact experts who have already developed a mature early warning aircraft.

In another room, Katz meets Boaz.

"Now, the other party insists on changing the design and asks us to lower the price." Katz said, "Mr. Boaz, is there any inside story about this matter?"

As the person in charge of the Kingdom of David Aircraft Company, Boaz did not plan to show up at the beginning. He used the excuse of going abroad and did not meet with the Orientals. He waited until the talks were almost over before coming out. In this way, if the talks fell apart, there was still room for change. .

But now, the subordinate was urgently called over during the negotiation, obviously there were other important matters.

Boaz nodded: "The Mossad just gave me a recording, so come and listen to it."


Katz nodded with a serious face. As a receptionist, he can understand Oriental dialect without translation.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Wang, their early warning aircraft sound very powerful, but in fact, they have not been tested in war, so they are not reliable at all."

"In this world, if you want to say that the technology of early warning aircraft is the most advanced, the first is the United States, and the second is Da Mao. Da Mao now has dozens of A-50 early warning aircraft on hand. We should purchase them from Da Mao!"

When he heard this, Katz immediately understood: "This President Qin has the best relationship with Lao Maozi! He came here to disturb our business!"

Qin Tao is also well-known. He has done a lot of important things. Of course, the people of the David State Aircraft Company also know about Qin Tao. Last night, Katz studied Qin Tao's information in detail.

It is easy to get the information: Qin Tao has a very good relationship with Lao Maozi, from the chief officer of the Pacific Fleet in the Far East, to the boss in Moscow, to the design bureaus in St. Petersburg, the Northern Fleet, etc., they all have an inseparable relationship with Qin Tao .

Therefore, if there is one label for Qin Tao, it would be Lao Maozi's spokesperson.

Dongfang purchased a lot of weapons and equipment from Lao Maozi. In terms of navy, from the modern class to the Kilo class, and then to the later glorious class, Qin Tao was active in it.

Therefore, if there is an arms business, Qin Tao definitely wants to get Lao Maozi over there, so that he can also make a fortune. The development of Mingzhou Group cannot do without Qin Tao as an arms dealer.

This time, the Eastern Air Force is going to the Kingdom of David to purchase the Falcon early warning aircraft. After Qin Tao learned about it, he wanted to mess up the deal, and then purchased it with Lao Maozi. In this way, Qin Tao can continue to make money from it. up.

Too much, too much!
It not only interferes with the navy's projects, but even the air force's projects are not spared.

Since yesterday, I started to mention the radar layout of the disk, and I am laying the groundwork!
"We have investigated Lao Maozi's early warning aircraft, but the technology is backward, and it is incomparable with David's Falcon." The voice belonged to Mr. Wang, and this old expert has always been the technical leader.

"The technology is backward, that's because Lao Maozi's electronic level is too poor." Qin Tao's voice continued: "They have also realized the backwardness of the electronic system, so they plan to upgrade, this is a good opportunity, we can order Their upgraded version can also be upgraded with Lao Maozi's experts, so that they can also learn experience."

"Upgrade? Are they going to upgrade the early warning aircraft?" Old Lin's voice was full of excitement.

"Yes, they plan to upgrade the A-50 to A-50U, and the radar has also been improved to the Bumblebee-M. Its performance is very powerful. The detection range of high-altitude bombers and transport aircraft is as high as 650 kilometers, and the detection distance of high-altitude and low-altitude fighters is respectively It is 300 kilometers and 230 kilometers, and can detect cruise missiles with a radar cross-sectional area of ​​215 square meter at a distance of 1 kilometers. In the past, it could only track 140 targets at the same time, but now, after improvement, it can track [-] targets at the same time. After we install our own data link system, we can guide dozens of fighter jets to fight at the same time without any problem."

"This is clearly bragging!" Katz said angrily.

Originally thought that Qin Tao came here to fool their Davids, but unexpectedly, Qin Tao was fooling their own people!
"Moreover, the most important thing is that the price is cheap." Qin Tao's voice continued: "Da Mao's A-50U is only [-] million U.S. dollars for a complete set. What about David's? It's just radar equipment, and we need two points [-] million! The money our Air Force has dug out from between our teeth cannot be made by these businessmen!"

Katz gritted his teeth with hatred, and really wanted to ask Mossad to get rid of Qin Tao.

"Yeah, it's a bit expensive." Mr. Lin said: "Tomorrow, we will bargain with the Davids. If it can be reduced to [-] million US dollars, we can still think about it. If it exceeds [-] million US dollars, we will go Take a look at Da Mao. Even if we improve and upgrade, it will be cheaper than buying from the Davids."

[-] million, the other party's psychological price is [-] million!
"If the other party is willing to reduce it to [-] million, we can purchase three sets." Wang Lao said.

Although the price was low, the other party wanted a lot, three sets, not a lot. At this time, Katz already had a comparison in his mind.

At this time, the sneer continued.

"Everyone, you have to think about it. Doing business with the Davids is dangerous. If their father speaks out, they won't sell it to us, and they won't be able to fight?"

Dad spoke?

This sentence is too ugly!Katz clenched his fists: "Damn it, he actually slandered us so much in order to help Da Mao sell the plane!"

"Kaz, don't get excited." Boaz said, "Now is not the time to complain. If we want to do this business, we must think of a solution to reassure the Easterners."

Kaz nodded.

After half an hour.

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, I'm back." Katz had a smile on his face, looking at Qin Tao with sharp eyes.

Qin Tao had a smile on his face: "Mr. Katz, we came all the way here, and your boss didn't come to greet you, and you also left during the negotiation. This really doesn't take us seriously, Mr. Lin, Wang Old man, I think, let's stop talking and let's go!"

"No, no, no." Katz shook his head: "Our boss is abroad and can't come back for the time being. I actually went to apply with the boss just now. Everyone, our boss has already agreed and is willing to follow the [-] million US dollars you said Of course, the premise is that the radome and the airframe are all resolved by you, and we are only responsible for the installation of the internal equipment."

Elder Lin's face showed joy: "If it's [-] million US dollars, we can buy three..."

"Mr. Lin, why are you in such a hurry? This kind of contract has to be considered carefully. The purchase of arms is not just about spending money, there are also many political factors in it." Qin Tao continued to add fuel.

"Everyone, in order to reassure you, we are willing to add clauses in the contract. If we cannot complete the transformation of the early warning aircraft on schedule, or even fail to deliver due to accidents, we are willing to compensate you for the loss."

Katz said while looking at Qin Tao.

"Huh, what's the use of compensating for losses? Compensating millions or tens of millions? Our air force can't afford to wait, Mr. Lin! We must choose reliable suppliers for our military purchases, and we will not be subject to any Make things difficult."

If someone else dared to say this here, he would probably have been kicked out by now. Even if Qin Tao had a status, he would still make everyone present feel dissatisfied by saying this.

"We have decided to compensate you for the loss according to the contract amount." Katz said: "If you buy three planes, the contract amount is [-] million. If there is an accident, then we are willing to return the advance payment and compensate you for [-] million Dollar!"

Compensation at the same price!
This is confidence, this is reassurance!

This was a joint decision made by Katz and Boaz after discussing, using high compensation to prove their sincerity and tie the hearts of the Easterners.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, Qin Tao's face turned pale when he saw the opposite.

"Boss Qin, are we sincere enough?" Katz said with a bit of complacency.

(End of this chapter)

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