Great warships

Chapter 509 A-50 Body

Chapter 509 A-50 Body

The Davids are smart, and they are the race that is most capable of doing business in the world. Therefore, Qin Tao cannot reach such a cooperation just by relying on aggressive methods. More importantly, the Davids at this time have not yet Consider the impact of the world police.

There have been many cooperations in the past, such as the Snake-3 missile, and the modification of certain electronic systems of the J-2-[-] fighter jet. Since these projects can be carried out, the early warning aircraft project seems to be nothing.

They hope to make a business, each [-] million, three is [-] million, with these funds, they can recover the high research and development costs of Falcon. Looking at the world, it seems that there is no first The two countries have such a big budget.

Moreover, this is just the beginning. The land in the east is vast, and three early warning aircraft are definitely not enough. Now that I am used to Falcon, I will buy more in the future, and the total number may reach more than ten.

Therefore, they took the initiative to propose a compensation clause to reassure the Orientals.

As expected, the Orientals were relieved, Mr. Qin's plot was bankrupt!
During the following talks, Mr. Qin kept a dark face and said nothing. He listened to the conversations of other people present, and listened to Mr. Lin nodding his head in agreement. After the delivery of one early warning aircraft, another 1.5 million U.S. dollars will be paid, and after the last two are delivered together, the final payment will be 1.5 million U.S. dollars.

Katz's face was very excited. The deal was finally negotiated. After the other party returned, they would definitely break up unhappy, right?
However, Katz still miscalculated, this President Qin is really good at making money, and soon found a new business opportunity.

"Mr. Lin, the Air Force now needs three AWACS platforms. I know there is a place with a complete AWACS body. Would you like me to take you there?"

When he heard the news of the monitoring the next day, Boaz felt emotional. This President Qin really knows how to do business. If the whole machine of the early warning aircraft was not sold, but the airframe of the early warning aircraft was sold, they could still make a fortune from it.

On this day, Qin Tao was absent from the meeting, and he was obviously still worried. Boaz came forward in person and first apologized. He had just returned from abroad, then exchanged some details of the agreement, and finally signed the agreement on behalf of both parties. contract.

That night, the other party hosted a banquet for the eastern guests, and Qin Tao attended the banquet.

Many people came to the banquet. For example, Yidan, the person in charge of Daweiguo Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., showed his favor to Qin Tao frequently.

"Mr. Qin, the Mingzhou Group under your leadership has grown rapidly in a few years and has become the most famous shipbuilding company in the world. It is really admirable!"

David State Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. is the largest private shipbuilding and ship repairing enterprise in David State. However, their scale is still very small. The total number of workers and designers is less than 1000, which is simply not comparable to tens of thousands of employees. state group.

As for the type and tonnage of ships built, there is a world of difference.

"We just seized a suitable opportunity." Qin Tao said with a smile: "Actually, your shipbuilding industry is also very good. Do you want to enter the field of liquefied natural gas ships?"

Although the Kingdom of David is a tiny place, it has world-renowned shipping companies, such as the famous Starship Company, which occupies an important position in international shipping.

However, their large cargo ships are all purchased from outside, or even leased, and the field of liquefied natural gas ships is even blank.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Itami shook his head helplessly: "Our shipyard is not capable of building this kind of ship. For us, it is too big."

"Expand if you don't have the ability. You need large berths, docks, and cranes. We can all help with the construction." Qin Tao continued to fool around.

Speaking of going abroad to work, going to the Kingdom of David is still very good. The working conditions are good, food and so on are not a problem. Moreover, as long as you work enough for a few months, you will get a sum of money from the Kingdom of David when you return to China to clear the customs. Extra bonus. (I heard from a book friend who specializes in working abroad.)
Now, the infrastructure team of Mingzhou Group is also constantly growing and growing. Anxi Country, Laoba, and Rainbow Country have all left their shadows. Now, they can also come to David Country to do construction, and the rewards given by the other party Still the highest.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Itami was a little hesitant. It is not a good thing to rashly expand the company's scale. You must go through a rigorous analysis to determine whether you really need it.

"In this way, you can not only build large civilian ships, but also warships. You already have active phased array radar technology, and you can also build warships like the American Aegis system in the future." Qin Tao continued to fool around.

Anyway, idle is idle, when the banquet was over, Qin Tao really fooled the other party, and the other party decided to go back and think about it.

Qin Tao didn't know if it could be done, but he did it anyway.

On the morning of the third day, the technicians who came here still stayed here and began to enter the working state, while Qin Tao, Lin Lao and others embarked on the road to Platinum Kingdom.

"We have been to the Chkalov Aircraft Factory before, and the factory director Mikhail and I have become good friends. However, this guy made a lot of money at the time. I don't know if he has retired and went to the Western world to enjoy himself. "Qin Tao said: "When I went last time, I saw an A-50 airframe being assembled on their production line, but it was still 5.00% behind the process. I don't know what's going on now. If there If we can’t buy it, we can go to Da Mao, they have dozens of A-50s in stock, we can buy a few of them, let them dismantle the parts inside, and sell us the bare machine.”

If you want to build an early warning aircraft, you must first have a platform, and it cannot be produced in China, so you still need to find a way.

"Taozi, it's easy to have you here." Elder Lin said.

Qin Tao smiled: "It's almost the Chinese New Year, and you still order me around, are you embarrassed?"

"After going back, I will sign a five-year flight permit for your air transport company." Boss Lin waved his hand.

"Five years, that is, five years later, you can still continue to manipulate us. It's unfair, it's too unfair. The country should open up the airspace, so as not to let you monopolize it, and give our private enterprises a way to survive!"

Mr. Lin knew that Qin Tao was joking, so he also joked: "Don't dream, the airspace below 500 meters is not open."

The special plane landed directly at the Chkalov Aircraft Factory. When Qin Tao and the others walked down, they were surprised to see some unfamiliar but familiar faces.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Qin, let me introduce you. This is the current chief designer of the Ilyushin Design Bureau, Novozhlov." Sergey introduced to everyone.Sure enough, Mikhail retired, and his deputy Sergey became the leader.

In the era of the Red Empire, each superstar shined. In 1910, the teenage Ilyushin was still a laborer at the racecourse, and in 1931, the 35-year-old Ilyushin became the helm of the Central Design Bureau. In 1933, Ilyushin founded the design bureau named after himself and served as the chief designer himself.

Since then, another aviation master has appeared in the Soviet Union.

During the cruel World War II, the Il-2 attack aircraft became the nightmare of the Germans. After the war, Ilyushin produced many passenger aircraft for the benefit of mankind.

In the 70s, the old Ilyushin finally stepped down and was taken over by his student Novozhlov. From then on, a new era began. The big guy Il-76 was born under Novozhlov of.

Now, Novozhlov is already very old, and Qin Tao is also very moved to see this veteran in the aviation industry in such a place.

"Mr. Novozhlov, at your age, you still travel around in person, which is admirable." Qin Tao said.

Looking at Qin Tao's youthful demeanor, Novozhlov was also very emotional: "Yes, I am already old, and I should retire, but I still remember when I became a full-time employee of the Ilyushin Design Bureau. What my teacher told me."

Novozhlov's eyes were a little blurred, as if he was recalling the past: "Now, you are already formal engineers with a monthly salary of [-] rubles. You have to work hard from morning to night like us."

With the high salary given by the Soviet, you have to pay all of yourself!
The atmosphere of the Ilyushin Design Bureau is very upright. Even if Ilyushin leaves in the end, the style of the design bureau is still the same. Even now that the Red Empire has disappeared, they still have to work hard and fight for the future of Ilyushin. work hard!
"Your Mr. Lin, isn't he still running around at such an age?" Sergey shook hands with Mr. Lin: "You have worked hard."

Elder Lin smiled: "They are all people who can't be idle. For the sake of the motherland, let's contribute a few more years."

Everyone walked to the aircraft factory, and at the same time they continued to chat: "Mr. Novorhlov, why are you free to come to the Chkalov aircraft factory?"

"I can't help it. The production plant of our Ilyushin Design Bureau is in Platinum Country. If we want to continue to develop, we have to establish a good relationship with this place."

In the era of the Red Empire, there was no selfishness, and everything was coordinated according to the overall situation. For convenience, the Crimea Peninsula was directly transferred to Ermao's side for management. As a result, hidden dangers were buried for the future. The design bureau for the development of aero-engines is separated from, or even far from, the manufacturing plant responsible for serial production.

Take the transport aircraft as an example. The Antonov Design Bureau is located in the capital of Ermao, while the Aviation Star Aircraft Manufacturing Factory that produces the An-124 "Ruslan" heavy transport aircraft is far away in Ulyanovsk, 1300 kilometers away.The Ilyushin Design Bureau is located in Moscow, and the Chkalov Aircraft Factory, which is responsible for the production of the Il-76 large transport aircraft, is 2800 kilometers away from the capital of the Platinum Kingdom.

A country with a vast land has the capital to play like this, and this is also the experience gained from the war with Germany that year. Once war breaks out again, it will not be caught in a pot. (It is also said that Da Mao still has selfish intentions, and the various design bureaus are mainly in Da Mao.)
The exclusive aircraft factory of the Ilyushin Design Bureau is located in the capital of the Platinum Kingdom.

It didn't matter in the past, but after the collapse of the Red Empire, troubles came. It is not so easy to continue to work together. All countries have to serve their own interests.

"Continue to develop? Do you already have a new model of aircraft?" Elder Lin also became interested.

"Yes, our design bureau has completed the design of the Il-476 transport aircraft. We are inspecting the Chkalov Aircraft Factory, hoping to produce the latest transport aircraft from here, and then sell it to the world."

Il-476, is a name that was used for a short time, and later changed to the name of Il-76MDP-90, probably because it is still easy to sell under the name of Il-76. Of course, it is also the name of Il-76. It is a modification of the Er-90, which is equipped with a Perm PS-76A76 turbofan engine and an improved "Kupper"-[-]M avionics system.Performance has been greatly improved over the prototype.

However, the problems left over from the Red Empire made this aircraft lose hope.

It is no longer possible for the Chkalov Aircraft Factory to produce advanced transport aircraft in large quantities as in the past. The production capacity here has been lost. Compared with the previous production capacity of dozens of aircraft per year, the annual output is only in single digits. , one, two.

Even, the largest order was signed that year, that is, Dongfang ordered 34 Gail-76s and Il-78s. As a result, the shameless demanded a price increase, and Dongfang immediately changed the contract. Therefore, the Chkalov Aircraft Factory finally moved towards dead end. (It is also said that Da Mao misappropriated the funds.)
For the Ilyushin Design Bureau, the best choice is to annex the supporting aircraft factory of the Antonov Design Bureau that remained in Damao. However, at this time, the Ilyushin Design Bureau has no money.

If the aircraft cannot be sold, where is the money to annex the aircraft factory?

"Compared to the Il-76, its maximum take-off weight has increased to 210 tons, and its flight speed has also increased a lot. The performance has been improved in all aspects. You have purchased a batch of Il-76, but the Air Force and Navy Not many have been assigned, you have a large demand for transport aircraft, do you want to order a brand new transport aircraft from us?"

Old Lin's eyes lit up.

Mr. Lin is really interested. The total number Qin Tao got back last time was only ten. The navy and the air force got one point, and all of them were in single digits. After using them for several years, the planes are really good. This kind of strategic transportation capability It is urgently needed in the country.

"What model do you plan to use for production?" Qin Tao interrupted.

"As the general contractor of the Ilyushin Design Bureau, we will receive orders from you, then produce design drawings, and then transfer them to the Chkalov Aircraft Factory for production," Novozhlov said.

It really is this pit!
Qin Tao felt emotional in his heart.

"How about the price of your plane?" Mr. Lin was really tempted.

"At $3000 million each, it's definitely cheap," Novozhlov said.

"Cough, cough." Qin Tao interrupted Mr. Lin: "Mr. Lin, let's come this time and see what's on the production line first."

Mr. Lin nodded: "That's right, let's go to the production line first."

"On our production line, the last aircraft has been assembled." Sergey said.

In 96, the Chkalov Aircraft Factory completed the assembly of the last aircraft, and after that, it stopped.A large number of engineering and technical personnel have been lost, and the production line is gradually aging. To restart the production line, a large sum of money is required.

Now, although the aircraft has been produced, no one wants it, so it is left alone in the factory building. The factory and even the government are looking forward to selling it for money.

The workshop has all been shut down, and there are not a few people in sight, and it looks a bit empty. When everyone walked in, Qin Tao could only feel his heart beating.

Come here whatever you want, the last plane is actually the body of the A-90.00 that has completed 50% of the five assembly tasks that I saw last time!
"President Qin saw it last time. This plane is the body of an A-50 early warning plane. We used the funds from the last sale of the plane to buy a batch of spare parts and assemble it."

Sergey said.

If they want to sell aircraft, of course they give priority to those with a high level of assembly. This aircraft can be completed with only 5.00% left, so they worked hard to assemble this aircraft.

Qin Tao shook his head helplessly: "You have made a wrong choice. You should assemble more ordinary Il-76s. No one wants this kind of aircraft."

Nobody wants it?We are here to ask for this early warning aircraft platform!The people around him were a little curious, but they would understand later that Qin Tao was a way of doing business.

"You also need early warning aircraft in the East." Sergey was anxious.

After Mikhail left, he became the top leader. However, the factory has begun to go downhill, and these days are becoming more and more difficult. Now, the factory's hopes are pinned on this completed aircraft. Hope to sell it for a good price.

Now, if the Orientals don't want it, who will they sell it to?Originally Ah San was a good match, but after what happened last time, Ah San never came again.

"We need early warning aircraft, and we can purchase them directly from Damao." Qin Tao said: "Da Mao has sealed up dozens of A-50 early warning aircraft, and we can rent a few. Many of the early warning aircraft are [-]% to [-]% new."

Purchase from Da Mao!This sentence made Sergey very sad. Is it true that this plane cannot be sold?

"President Qin, what's the difference between this plane and ordinary planes?" Elder Lin asked curiously.

"This aircraft is the platform of the early warning aircraft. A lot of changes have been made. It is heavier and consumes more fuel. Even if our air force has an idea to purchase it, the operating cost will be very high in the future, which is not worthwhile." Qin Tao said here , thought for a while: "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Sergey was anxious.

"Unless the purchase cost is low enough, so that the life-cycle cost calculation is similar to those of ordinary aircraft, then it is necessary to purchase." Qin Tao said: "This kind of aircraft costs an extra five thousand dollars per flight, and one flight a year One hundred times, it is 50, and in 20 years, it is 1000 million, so if this plane sells for 500 million, it can still be considered.”

Those ordinary models of Il-76 can sell for 500 million dollars. Later, when an accident happened and they were struck by lightning, the price was reduced to 1000 million dollars. Now, this brand new early warning aircraft platform only sells for 500 million dollars?

Sergey was a little hard to accept.

"Well, let's see this plane here, Mr. Novozhlov, how about we talk about the new Il-476 plane?"

Novozhlov was overjoyed.

In the conference room of the aircraft factory, Novozhlov started to explain incessantly.

He was originally the chief designer of the Il-76, and of course he personally presided over this modification. Now, when he met his first big client, he explained it in detail and answered every question seriously.

Although Mr. Lin was a little confused at this time, he didn't need to ask too many questions, as long as he cooperated with Qin Tao.

"If that's the case, then we can purchase a batch domestically. If the air force and navy are put together, the demand is about forty. Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

Elder Lin nodded: "That's right."

Novozhlov was overjoyed, forty!Enough to bring their Ilyushin Design Bureau back to its former glory!

Sergey's eyes are bright too, if there is an order for [-] planes, then their factory will be alive!
"By the way, the Chkalov Aircraft Factory has been shut down. If you want to resume production, I'm afraid you need start-up funds?" Qin Tao said: "We have to make an agreement first. The deposit we paid in advance will not be much. We are worried You can't produce it, and you have to find a way to start the production line."

Sergey's face turned a little ugly, and then he thought of something, with a firm face on his face: "Of course, no problem, as long as there is an order, we will start production, and we will definitely not delay the construction period. As for the start-up funds..."

Sergey gritted his teeth: "For 500 million US dollars, sell you the airframe of the A-50, so that we have start-up funds, and you can rest assured!"

$500 million, A-50 airframe bought home!Elder Lin is extremely satisfied, this time the goal has been achieved!

The meeting was very efficient, and the sale of the A-50 airframe and the subsequent export intention of Il-476 were reached on the spot. Everyone is happy!

The sale of the A-50 airframe is the fastest. After all, it is ready-made. On the second day, a group of flight and maintenance personnel from the Air Force came to check on the spot. On the third day, the airframe was flown back to the east. up.

The itinerary was complete, and Elder Lin and the others returned to the voyage. On the way back, Elder Lin was also feeling emotional: "Taozi, you have saved our air force a lot of money."

"Mr. Lin, don't forget that when the air force's early warning aircraft is developed, the navy will also have to use existing technology, so don't ask the navy to pay for research and development at that time."

"You boy, you are facing the navy like this." Elder Lin was a little dissatisfied.

"It's not for the carrier-based early warning aircraft." Qin Tao said: "An aircraft carrier without an early warning aircraft is not perfect and cannot cope with high-intensity wars. The navy cannot leave regrets."

"But we just got one airframe." Mr. Lin felt a little regretful. He signed a contract for three early warning aircraft. What about the other two airframes?

"This one, let's get it done first." Qin Tao said, "After a few years, the Air Force's procurement budget will be sufficient. Wouldn't it be enough to buy a few more second-hand ones?"

"Second-hand? Taozi, you are not optimistic about purchasing the transport aircraft produced by the Chkalov Aircraft Factory?" Elder Lin asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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