Great warships

Chapter 514: A Fierce Strike

Chapter 514

The fleet is ready to go to sea.

In the engine room of the aircraft carrier, the chief engineer is fully armed. He wears a full set of protective clothing and holds an iron rod in his hand. The top of the iron rod is a burning fire.

Next to him, the assistant is also fully armed, holding a high-pressure water gun in his hand.

The ignition of the boiler is very complicated and very dangerous. No one knows whether the atomized fuel sprayed out of it will suddenly spray out and ignite the engine room.

There was a rumbling sound, and the fuel pressure had reached the normal value. The chief engineer gave the order to open the valve, and at the same time stuffed the tinder at the end of the iron rod.

A small flame burst out of it, but it was just a small flame, and then, it burned inside.

The firing port was closed and the chief engineer breathed a sigh of relief before going to light the second boiler.

All eight pressurized boilers were ignited, billowing black smoke kept coming out of the chimney, and it took more than ten minutes for the smoke to fade.

As long as it is a boiler, it will definitely emit black smoke, even when the American Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier is accelerating, it must emit black smoke.

"Eight boilers have been ignited." On the island, the first officer said to Captain Li Yan.

"Contact the tugboat and get ready to go to sea!"

Neither Wu Shengli nor Qin Tao interfered with the captain's command. At such a time, they just had to watch from the sidelines without any interference.

"Leader Wu, after this operation is over, the navy should pay for the purchase of this ship. What hull number do you plan to give it?" Qin Tao asked.

"Well, internally, we plan to call it Type 001 aircraft carrier." Wu Shengli said, "However, the specific number has not been considered yet."

Warships have ship types, such as 051, 052, and aircraft carriers, which have never existed in China. They are pioneers, so they are called 001 types. However, the specific number has not yet been given.

After finishing speaking, Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao: "Taozi, what do you think is an appropriate name?"

"In Lao Maozi's place, this warship is called Order 106. Now, in our hands, the aircraft carrier should be numbered according to two digits. I think it is good to call it 16."


According to the domestic tradition, any number will not start from zero, so that the enemy will not know how many troops they have.

For a two-digit number, remove the zero in the middle.

Wu Shengli was noncommittal about this proposal, but at this time, Qin Tao's next words made him nod immediately: "Our Mr. Liu was born in 1916, so our hull number is also to commemorate Mr. Liu. He devoted his whole life to our aircraft carrier career."

Mr. Liu's birthday!

Wu Shengli nodded immediately: "That's right, we will seriously consider your proposal. This time, this warship will be code-named 001. When it officially joins the navy, it will be named No. 16!"

"The boiler pressure has reached the predetermined value!"

"Attention, start the steam turbine!"

Fresh water was poured on the steam generator, countless high-temperature and high-pressure steam was formed instantly, and then flowed to the steam turbine through the pipeline, and the propeller at the rear was driven through the transmission shaft, and the four propellers worked together to stir up water splashes.

The huge body began to accelerate!

Woo, woo!
The siren sounded and spread far away in the darkness, as if announcing to the whole world that the Varyag finally came alive!It used to go through vicissitudes with the end of that empire and became an empty shell, but now, it has regained its vitality because it has come to a stronger and thriving country!
The navigation lights are lit on the mast, and from a distance, it looks like a lighthouse, very high.

At the other end of the pier, number 138 was also activated.

The state of No. 138 is even better. The recent sea trials are going well. This warship is almost ready for combat at this time. It starts two cruising gas turbines, drives out of the port, and keeps up with the aircraft carrier.

The formation formed by the two ships seemed to be very powerful. When they got out of the river and entered the sea, the naval fleet stationed in Mingzhou, which had been waiting for a long time, followed up. They had two modern-class destroyers as the core, With high spirits and high spirits, the size of the formation expanded like a snowball.

In the next voyage, more warships will join them, and finally gather into a large sea formation. After dawn the next day, when the satellites passing overhead find that all these warships have left the port, they will definitely Very surprised.

Where did these warships go?What are you going to do?
Of course, those are funerals. Now, what the satellites overhead are most concerned about is where the missile troops have gone.

According to the original plan, an experiment of ballistic missile hitting an aircraft carrier will be carried out on the morning of the 9th. The impact point has been announced, and the target is the ghost ship.

So, where will the missile be launched from?
What is the trajectory of the missile?Will it fly over somewhere?

No one knows that the missile force has been hidden in the road network.

By the time it was daylight, the missile force had already arrived at the scheduled launch position.

This place is just an empty threshing ground, even the ground has not been hardened, and the ground still has the fragrance of soil.

"Attention, receive target data and prepare for launch!"

Receive target data!Where does the data come from?Of course it's a ghost ship!

The GPS receiver installed on the ghost ship sent the precise coordinates through the data link, and then passed it to the missile force.

That's right, this exercise is just a cheating, even if it's cheating, it's not easy to hit the target ship!

As time passed, the fiery red sun rose from the sky, and more pairs of eyes appeared around the target ship.

On the ship in charge of towing, broadcast to the surroundings through radio and direct horn: "Attention all ships, please leave the exercise area immediately to avoid accidental injury!"

As a result, the surrounding ships had to leave. Although they wanted to witness this scene with their own eyes, it was too dangerous after all. What if the falling missile did not aim at the target ship, but hit their ship instead?

However, there are still some courageous ones. Two helicopters are hovering nearby, both of which are civilian helicopters. The people on board should be publicly identified as reporters.

In the distance, a plane with a large plate was flying in the sky, and strong electromagnetic waves radiated to the surroundings, waiting for full tracking.

Everything is already on the line.

On the ballistic missile position, the launch vehicle has been deployed, and the huge boiler has been erected.

"Attention, prepare in 3 minutes!" The commander of the missile force looked at his watch: there are still 3 minutes before eight o'clock.

At this moment, their excitement calmed down, just like during the usual training, just do what they should do meticulously.

They carefully checked the instruments in front of them, and the watches were ticking.

"Attention, prepare in 1 minute!"

"Countdown begins!"

"Ten,, light the fire!"

A white smoke appeared, enveloping the launch tube in an instant. The red bullet came out first, followed by the milky white bullet.

It was just started, and the speed was not fast. You could clearly see the huge missile slowly getting out of the launch tube, and a hot flame was dragged out from behind.

The missile began to climb, the speed was getting faster and faster, the smoke column pulled out was getting higher and higher, and the smoke column below was spreading bigger and bigger. The whole milky white smoke column went straight into the sky, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

One pillar supports the sky, the family and the country are important, and the enemy is terrified by dancing solo!

At the same time, the tail flame of the missile's ignition was also quickly discovered by the reconnaissance satellite in space, and then the data was quickly transmitted, and soon, the trajectory of the missile was analyzed.

"Damn it, they actually want to fly that orbit, this is definitely a demonstration!" Someone immediately cursed.

I don't know how many people will feel uncomfortable, that trajectory will fly over their heads!
At this point, no matter how much they cursed, it didn't make any sense, the missile continued to fly, it flew over the highest point, and then fell, its trajectory was captured by more ground radars and large plate aircraft.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and everyone was holding their breath, waiting for the result.

Can that missile hit the target?

Although Lao Maozi has long started the plan to hit the aircraft carrier with ballistic missiles, after all, the accuracy is limited, and the nuclear warheads are still used. Now, Dongfang's missiles are using the direct impact method. There is a clear difference between the two!
"It's slowing down!" A radar officer in the big plate plane shouted loudly.

The target is a medium-range ballistic missile. As it falls from the highest point, the speed will increase, and the landing speed of the missile will reach Mach 15 or more, so that the attacked target cannot make any effective response.

But now, the missile has fallen from a high altitude, and instead of increasing, its speed is still decreasing. What's going on?

"In order to attack the target accurately, they deliberately slowed down!" Someone responded.

The faster the speed, the stronger the penetration ability, but it also means that it will be more difficult to adjust, which requires faster reaction time and more accurate predictions.

Therefore, in order to conduct precise strikes directly, the missile needs to slow down when it falls!There are many ways to do this. Returnable satellites and spaceships have to slow down when they land.

At this time, everyone already had an ominous premonition in their hearts, and I am afraid that this will really succeed.

If this is successful, there will be big troubles in the future. There is no way to prevent this thing!

This is definitely the first in the world!
"Its orbit has been fine-tuned!"

Someone exclaimed again.

If you want to accurately strike a moving target at sea, you must have the ability to adjust the orbit, otherwise you can only attack fixed targets on the ground. Now, that thing has begun to adjust its orbit!

On the island of the 001 aircraft carrier, many people are also paying attention to this project.

There is no video and no audio, just the target's data, displayed on one screen.

"Taozi, will there be any errors in what you said?" Wu Shengli was a little worried.

"How do I know." Qin Tao is very irresponsible: "I didn't make this, but this project has been going on for several years, and it is a cheating method. If it is not successful, then I can only hehehe gone."

"Enter the stratosphere!" someone yelled.

This means that the missile entered a denser atmosphere!
At this time, the antenna at the front end of the warhead starts to work, it is aimed at the target area below, and then accurately receives the coordinate information of the target's location.

On the ghost ship, in the huge sphere, the antenna is also aimed at the missiles flying down from the sky. At this time, it is almost a point-to-point communication.

The missile is constantly adjusting according to the information of the target. At this time, the missile is like the famous Jedam bomb. It relies on the position coordinates to work. The accuracy of the GPS navigation system is on the order of ten meters. Meet the guidance needs of missiles.

The only thing to worry about is the speed. Although the missile is slowing down, it is still much faster than the bombs dropped by ordinary planes!It will eventually stabilize at a speed of Mach seven, which means that the reaction time of the warhead is seven times faster than those of subsonic missiles!
This is also impossible.

After all, in this era, the navy's equipment is still very backward. There are not a large number of ocean surveillance satellites, and there is no advanced target locking system. It is absolutely idiotic to want missiles to hit objects floating on the sea.

Although it is cheating, this missile test is still of positive significance. It has verified that the missile's control system, attitude adjustment, etc. A real killer.

Of course, even though he was cheating, he would never be discovered.

The sea area of ​​the exercise has been cleared, and the observing ships are far away. There are only two civilian planes left. It is impossible to find the abnormality here.

Even if it's the big plate plane in the distance, they won't find any clues, didn't they find the radar signal?
The current radar is not in the search mode, but in the lock mode. The radar beam forms a thin beam and directly covers the ghost ship. Only when standing within the range of the ghost ship can the electromagnetic signal be received.

The bullets continued to fall.

Suddenly, a shining meteor appeared in the sky!
The people on the helicopter were quickly capturing this scene, taking photos, and the cameras in their hands were ringing almost non-stop.

A high-speed camera is also aimed at the ghost ship, waiting for the most exciting scene.

"The speed is Mach [-], and the orbital accuracy is very high. It may directly collide!" At this time, the people in the big plate plane made this prediction in advance.

The precision is high and there is a chance of a direct collision!

He had just finished shouting, and he could already see it visually.

The warhead squeezed the air in front of it, forming a high-pressure area that spread to the surroundings. The seagulls were flying away quickly, and the sea fish were also panicking. Even the personnel on the two helicopters felt this strong impact.

A warhead has roared from space!Its surface was black, which was the result of friction with the atmosphere. Its posture was adjusted for the last time, and then it slammed into the ghost ship hard.

This sound stimulated the eardrums of some people. Before hearing the sound, a magnificent scene had already formed.

Directly by impact, no explosives are needed, just the energy of the impact has caused hot flames to emerge from the target ship, just like smashing a red-hot iron ingot with a hammer, sparks fly, but the sparks are too More, a dense flame formed, splashed outward, and the surrounding sea water instantly began to boil.

In the mist, you can see that the target ship is rapidly breaking into two pieces from the middle, and the two ends are also downward, but the downward speed in the middle is faster, and it is completely broken in a moment!

The target ship is still going down, entering the sea water, forming a huge vortex. If viewed from underwater, the entire sea water is stirred up to form a water column, which is the warhead that smashed through the target ship and continues to float in the sea water. Zhongjin stayed behind.

On the surface of the sea, circles of waves were churning outward, and the turbulent waves were two or three meters high.

The hot flame seems to be still burning, the central flame and the surrounding white smoke form a magnificent scene.

It worked!
The East's experiment of using ballistic missiles to attack moving targets on the sea was a complete success!

A new era has begun!
One trick, eat all over the world, the biggest advantage of this weapon is that it cannot be intercepted, that is to say, as long as an attack is launched, the target can only wait passively, and can also learn to avoid torpedoes. When coming over, use a full rudder operation. If you are lucky, you may miss this kind of missile.

If you are unlucky, the entire warship, even an aircraft carrier, will be sunk in an instant, or sunk!

Even if it only hits the deck of the aircraft carrier at a speed of Mach [-], it will have a terrible effect of destruction!

The video of the attack was recorded and spread quickly. At this moment, I don't know how many people felt chills deep in their hearts.

How can there be such a terrible weapon?

When Dongfang announced it, they still thought it was a joke. Even the program hosted by Zhang Zhong did not dispel their doubts. At this moment, all they could think of was: another Pandora's box has been opened , Since then, the huge aircraft carrier formation at sea has really become a live target!

The existing air defense mode is ineffective against ballistic missiles.

Not to mention long-range Tomcat fighter jets carrying Phoenix missiles, medium-range standard missiles, and short-range Phalanx, all of which are used to intercept sea-skimming anti-ship missiles. They are all cruise missiles. For ballistic missiles , there is no suitable interception method yet.

The Patriot is also powerless, it can only intercept a Scud at most, this kind of medium-range missile with a range of thousands of kilometers has long exceeded its ability to intercept, especially, people can change their orbits!
Countless people were surprised and scared, but on the 001 aircraft carrier, everyone finally smiled.

"Successful, well done!" Wu Shengli said: "When this exercise is over, our navy wants to express our gratitude to them!"

"After all, it is not easy to cross military branches." Qin Tao said: "Leader Wu, in the future, our navy itself will need to have this ability!"

Ballistic missiles belong to the Second Artillery. If the Navy wants it, it has to contact the Second Artillery to engage in joint operations.Now, hearing what Qin Tao said, what did Wu Shengli think of: "You mean our nuclear submarine?"

The anti-ship ballistic missile just launched was originally an improvement of the Navy's submarine-launched Julang-1 missile. The Navy's nuclear submarines can also be equipped with this missile. Therefore, Wu Shengli immediately thought of nuclear submarines.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course not. Nuclear submarines are strategic weapons. They aim at the enemy's capital. It is not cost-effective to deal with the enemy's aircraft carrier. We need to add various data link equipment and so on. I mean our surface ships."

"Surface ships?" Wu Shengli frowned: "I'm afraid our surface ships are inconvenient. Do we need to poke the missiles on the helicopter take-off and landing platform?"

Only Ah San would do that!Qin Tao was a little helpless: "Of course not, we don't need the range and power of the current missiles, we can build a small one, and put it directly into the vertical launch unit of our navy in the future. The range of a thousand kilometers is enough In this way, others will not know what is stuffed in our vertical launch unit."

Wu Shengli nodded: "You are right!"

To attack the enemy's aircraft carrier formation, the range does not need to be too far, as long as it is outside the enemy's attack radius, the navy's surface ships have the advantage of maneuverability, and they run back and forth with this kind of missiles to see if those guys dare to build Second-rate.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Well, this is a good idea."

"Of course, the next step is to develop real technology. We must have maritime surveillance capabilities and an advanced guidance system. In the end, this missile will become a real killer."

Although I cheated this time, next time, it will definitely be the real pointing and hitting!In the future, there will be special Qian Xuesen ballistics for floating and gliding, making it impossible for the enemy to guard against.

Wu Shengli nodded, the navy has opened up a new world, and is flexing its muscles in this world!

Wu Shengli looked at the deck again. At this time, the deck was still busy, and then he looked nearby, one after another warships braved the wind and waves, overcoming thorns and thorns. This scene made him feel a sense of pride in his chest.

The navy has never been so powerful. With this fleet, the navy has the confidence to intercept any incoming enemy!

The formation is also very powerful if seen from the air.

At the front is No. 138. This [-]-ton destroyer has become the vanguard of the entire formation. It is sailing mightily and domineeringly, the roof radar is rotating, and the covers of several missile silos are even open, ready to conduct operations at any time. Air defense operations.

Behind No. 128, the left and right sides are No. 136 and No. 137 respectively. These two warships and No. 138 form a triangle shape, and they charge forward together, passing the left front and left rear of the escorting aircraft carrier.

On both sides of the aircraft carrier, slightly behind, are two 054 frigates. These two brand-new warships have a special shape, and their stealth design is amazing.

Compared with other warships around, it is definitely a new generation product.

At the rear of the fleet are two 051C ships. Since the phased array radars of these two warships are arranged at the rear, they can also play their role in this way. The threats that may appear in the front and on the sides are not taken care of by them. , they just need to take care of the safety of the tail.

The entire formation looks majestic and magnificent. Behind the formation, there is an integrated supply ship and a frigate.

(End of this chapter)

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