Great warships

Chapter 515 Landing on one's own aircraft carrier for the first time

Chapter 515 Landing on one's own aircraft carrier for the first time
Such a lot of tossing suddenly gave the navy confidence.

Over the past few years, the strength of the navy has expanded a lot!

The surrounding battleships are almost all brand new, and compared to the previous Type 051 destroyers, their performance has been greatly improved. It can be said that the guns have been replaced!

Of course, all of this is inseparable from a person around you.

Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao.

Almost every warship here was obtained with the help of Qin Tao. Qin Tao has made great contributions to the navy!
Therefore, even if some people questioned that Mingzhou Group is a private enterprise, but has received a large number of defense orders, the Navy has never wavered. Mingzhou Group is the strongest backing of the Navy.

At this time, Qin Tao didn't feel the special meaning in Wu Shengli's eyes at all. He was still thinking about some things, and then he spoke.

"Leader Wu, the biggest problem with our formation at present is that we don't have a unified command system." Qin Tao said, "This command system is very important for formation operations in the future."

In the past, the navy didn't have this capability, and usually there were only one or two warships out, and they could complete relevant tasks as long as they contacted by radio.

It's different now.

There are ten surface ships, nuclear submarines underwater, and then there will be aircraft in the air. With so much equipment, how should we command it?How to coordinate scheduling without confusion?

These all require a strong chain of command.

"Now, when the world mentions the most powerful command system, it has to be the American Blue Ridge-class command ship." Qin Tao continued to analyze.

The Americans are rich and powerful, and specially transformed an amphibious assault ship as the command center. This is a huge command platform, including the flagship command center, combat intelligence center, integrated communication center, sea combat command center, landing force fire control center, Several major cabin modules such as the anti-submarine warfare center also include the naval tactical data system, the amphibious command intelligence system and the naval intelligence processing system.

The Blue Ridge-class warship is equipped with more than 70 transmitters and more than 100 receivers, and there are 3 sets of satellite communication devices connected. Simply put, it is a large-scale maritime integrated communication and information processing command center.

As for its importance, you only need to see that during the 91 War, so many aircraft and warships of the multinational forces were commanded by the Blue Ridge, and you can know.

"Our navy is not so extravagant. We use a warship as a professional command ship, but we must also have our own modern command and combat system." Qin Tao continued: "This aircraft carrier will be transformed in the next step. In China, it is necessary to obtain this capability and make it the command core of a fleet."

Is the captain the biggest officer on an aircraft carrier?Most of the time, no, the leader of the fleet will come to the aircraft carrier and act as the commander of the entire fleet.Therefore, an aircraft carrier is not only an aircraft take-off and landing platform, but also the brain of the entire fleet.

Wu Shengli nodded, but before he continued to say anything, a message came from the radio.

"No. 114 reported 001, a fleet of aircraft appeared behind the fleet. The identification of friend and foe as friendly forces."

"Received by No. 001." At this moment, the ship island became tense.

"The carrier-based aircraft command system, use frequency band No. [-] to get in touch with the fighter plane." Li Yan shouted: "Start calling immediately."

"No. 001 calls the carrier-based aircraft, and No. 001 calls the carrier-based aircraft." After a while, the radio operator in charge began to call.

"Wild dog... 1501 received." The tone was indescribably weird.

"1502 received."

There was an echo on the radio.

"Report 1502, two hundred kilometers away from the formation!"

"Received, 1501, 1502 attention, continue to fly on the current heading."

At this moment, the deck became busy.

The models of the J-[-] fighter jets have been neatly placed on the parking stand, the landing area has been cleared, and the vests of all colors are earnestly making various preparations according to the original training.

Qin Tao and Wu Shengli looked at the deck below and at the brand-new marking line that was sprayed on yesterday. At this moment, both of them felt a little heavy in their hearts.

"We are still taking some risks." Wu Shengli said with emotion.

For a project starting from scratch, care must be taken every step of the way.In the era when Qin Tao traveled, in order to master the perfect route, the pilots of the carrier aircraft flew more than 2000 times.Every landing is almost dancing on the tip of the god of death.

What now?
Even though training has been conducted at the Huangdi Village base, the ground there is flat after all, and the wind and waves at sea cannot be simulated. Moreover, even if the carrier-based aircraft misses, it can still stabilize on the long runway. landing.

It's different now.

Now it is a real aircraft carrier, real takeoff and landing, danger is everywhere.

But what is the solution?They are showing off their muscles at this time, even if they don't have muscles, they only have water-filled flesh, they have to show off.

Therefore, it is necessary to show it to the outside and tell them that the Eastern Navy is already strong and has enough combat power to deal with any crisis.

At this time, maybe the reconnaissance satellite above the head has already taken pictures of this formation of our own?
"I'm still confident. Although it's our first time, we have an excellent carrier-based pilot like Dingo! I heard that this guy has already done a Cobra maneuver, and he praises the Su-27's maneuver every day. Sex is way more than tomcats."

The Tomcat fighter uses a variable-sweep wing, which belongs to the foundation of the second-generation fighter. The Su-27 fighter uses a series of third-generation aircraft designs such as wing-body fusion, relaxation, static stability, etc., plus a high-thrust engine. Let this aircraft do a lot of maneuvers that the Tomcat can't do.

For an excellent pilot like Draenor, the realm of man-machine integration will soon be achieved.

"Yeah, I'm not worried about wild dogs, but I'm worried about Wang Wei."

If only one plane took off and landed, it would not be realistic enough. After the prototype of the J-112 was assembled in the [-] factory, this prototype was called in urgently.

Originally, excellent test pilots had no experience in operating carrier-based aircraft, so this aircraft fell to the best naval pilots in the wasteland village base.

Among the crowd, Wang Wei's skills are the most superb, so he deserves to be the pilot of this plane.

Although in the wasteland village, this serious J-[-] has made several intercepted landings and ski-jump takeoffs, but now it is going to be used on an aircraft carrier, and it is still a bit uncertain.

"What are you worried about? The plane has enough fuel, so I'm not afraid to fly a few more laps. When the wild dog comes down, it will be the ship's guidance officer. With his command, there will be no problems."

Wu Shengli nodded.

The distant roar has already sounded.

Two yellow fighter planes appeared in the distant sky. The fighter planes were beautiful in appearance, and the layout of the three wings was full of praise.

"1501 requests landing." Draenor's voice came.

"You can land on the ship. Please pay attention to ensure the safety of the flight. If you are not sure at one time, you can do it several times."

"1501 received."

Delano was not used to it.

When flying in the past, the nickname of wild dog was also directly called in the radio call, but this time the operation is likely to be monitored, so he must keep it secret and follow the rules of the East.

Dongfang didn't have the habit of calling by nicknames in flight. He always called the aircraft by its code name. Now he can only refer to himself as 1501.
The one he was driving was the first J-10 that had been used at the Huangdi Village base for several months, that is, the T-7K-[-]. After many flights, Delano was able to fly it skillfully. up.

This plane is great, better than the Tomcat!

What was not sure?As the best carrier-based aircraft pilot, of course he has to land on the aircraft carrier at one time, so as to show his proficient skills.

Looking at the huge formation on the sea in the distance, Delano felt that he had made the right choice. The angled deck of the aircraft carrier was not much smaller than that of the Kitty Hawk, so there would be no problem for him to land.

He started to press the slope.

On the aircraft carrier, the light of the Fresnel landing assist mirror appeared in his field of vision.

As an old pilot, Delano easily adjusted the attitude of the carrier-based aircraft, and the light box in his field of vision had already appeared a sign of a correct landing: he saw that the orange light ball was in the center of the green reference light, which indicated that his Altitude and glide angle are correct.

This kind of light box is very simple and efficient. If you see a yellow light ball and it is above the green reference light, you must lower the height; if you see a red light ball and it is under the green reference light, you must immediately raise it, otherwise It will hit the end face of the tail column of the aircraft carrier or fall into the sea behind the tail.

If you are a novice, you may make repeated adjustments due to improper operation, and eventually you will not be able to land accurately, and you will have to pull up and go around, and there will be psychological pressure. At this time, in his eyes, the aircraft carrier on the sea is similar to a shoe. size, the pilot may have fear.

At this moment, Draenor only had excitement in his heart, no fear.

The last experience of landing an aircraft carrier was on the aircraft carrier in the football country, but because the blocking cable was broken, he did not stop, so he could only continue to go around and go around. This time, he will actually land on the aircraft carrier , will not break the blocking cable!
Dongfang's technology is really advanced. This kind of arresting cable that can stop [-] to [-] tons of heavy fighter jets can be made!At the wasteland village base, they followed the same standard as the United States, and they would only replace the arresting cables after one hundred landings. In fact, the replaced arresting cables still looked good, and it was estimated that they could continue to be used.

There is no problem with the arresting cables on the land base and the aircraft carrier.

Delano's mood was stable.

Everyone on the ship island became tense, sweating as they watched the approaching plane.

Can you, can you land accurately?

Will something go wrong?

Only Qin Tao had a cold expression there.

"Is the camera ready? This is a memorable moment, and it must be recorded accurately."

"I'm ready, I've been tracking and filming." Li Yan replied.

For the Eastern Navy, this is indeed a memorable moment. When the carrier-based aircraft landed smoothly, it marked the first time that the Eastern Navy had the actual combat capability of fixed-wing carrier-based aviation!

"Actually, the Fresnel light box has gradually become obsolete." Only Qin Tao was not nervous there: "In bad weather such as rain, snow, fog, etc., the pilot of the carrier-based aircraft cannot see the light."

"Yeah, if you encounter that kind of weather, how should the pilot land?"

Wu Shengli also became curious.

"In the past, we could only rely on the pilot's experience, especially the experience command of the landing director. But now, advanced technology can be used to make up for it."

"What technology?"

"All-weather automatic landing system." Qin Tao began to introduce, talking about the difficulty of landing a carrier-based aircraft. Only the best pilots can perform this kind of landing. In fact, modern technology is developing very fast. It can be completely compensated by advanced technology, allowing the pilot to land completely automatically without any operation.

Especially in the era of drones in the future, different types of drones will be operated on aircraft carriers, and the landing of these drones must of course be automatic.

"Using this system, the pilot can do nothing and wait for the autopilot of the aircraft. The whole process is like this. First, it is guided by the Tacom air tactical navigator, and then it is precisely tracked by the shipboard blind landing radar. The observed flight data of the carrier-based aircraft calculates the route, compares it with the specified route, obtains the corrected data, and then sends a signal to the landing carrier-based aircraft, and operates the aircraft to change its attitude through the fly-by-wire flight control operation computer. The whole process It is fully automatic and does not require any personnel to operate."

"Is that okay?" Wu Shengli was a little surprised.

"I remembered that when the French were selling Mirage 2000 to us, their Mirage 2000 had this function. At that time, Mirage 2000 used its own radar to assist the landing, and the pilot did not need to operate the whole process. "Someone on the island said.

Advanced technology can greatly reduce the operation difficulty of personnel!
"Then our navy can easily acquire a large number of carrier-based pilots?" Wu Shengli asked with a smile.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course not. This system is only an aid. Our pilots must also master the ability to land. If we rely entirely on this system, what if it breaks? What if it is disturbed?"

Just like the docking of spacecraft, there are already various advanced electronic technologies to ensure the success of automatic docking, but the astronauts in the sky still have to have the ability to manually dock.In case of an accident with the automatic, switch to manual.

While speaking, the huge fighter plane appeared at the end of the aircraft carrier. Its nose was raised, revealing the landing gear on the belly and the landing hook at the tail. Its shape is so beautiful, and its landing is so beautiful. beautiful.

Without any sloppiness, this is a successful landing!

Qin Tao also stopped talking and looked at the fighter plane that was about to land.

Like the posture of an eagle catching a chick, this fighter plane landed at an elevation angle, except that the two sharp eagle claws did not grab something on the ground, but directly contacted the ground: the landing gear hit the ground hard. On the deck, this impact was recorded by a high-speed camera on the side. This is the beginning of a great era: the era of aircraft carriers belonging to the eastern powers is here!
The wheels continued to slide forward, and the rear landing hook slid forward on the deck, and then hooked the second arresting wire accurately. This was a perfect landing!

The fighter plane continued to slide forward, the arresting cable at the back was stretched longer and longer, and the speed of the fighter plane also dropped rapidly. The three tires of the fighter plane rubbed against the deck, and three black marks appeared, which left a scar on the aircraft carrier. The first brand, this is the brand of the times!
The fighter plane finally came to a steady stop. At this moment, everyone on the deck and on the ship island cheered.

It worked, it worked!
In such a hasty situation, the first time the ship landed successfully!

This is the beginning of a great era!
The roar of the fighter planes was still echoing, and Delano's voice came from the radio: "No. 1501 requests to continue taxiing to the take-off area."

"Got it, you can taxi." Li Yan replied.

Of course, this is not for continuing to take off with a taxi, but to clear the landing area, because there is no deck car, so if you want to make room for landing as soon as possible, it is most appropriate for the plane to taxi over by itself.

The yellow vest on the deck was commanding, the huge triplane slid forward slowly, and finally stopped firmly at take-off area 1, turned off the engine, and Delano opened the cockpit cover, beckoning the green vest to take the ladder, As soon as the ladder was put on, he quickly climbed down and ran back.

In the sky above, Wang Wei was flying the No. 1502 fighter plane and was circling and waiting.

Delano is the only one who really has experience in landing on an aircraft carrier, and he is still experienced, so he can't be in a hurry.

Although it was the same experienced Strow who had just assumed the landing command of Draenor, Strow had given up flying after all. Wait for Draenor to command.

Delano didn't wear a white vest, but the yellow vest he just got off the plane. This is also a life-saving vest commonly used by naval pilots. At this time, after he ran over, he picked up the pager in Stroll's hand and called loudly. Shouted: "1502, 1502 attention, at a distance of 1000 meters behind the aircraft carrier, enter the landing route, the same as when we usually train!"

"1502 received." At this time, 1502 was flying in the same direction as the aircraft carrier, Wang Wei operated the aircraft to circle around, and then aimed at the deck at the tail of the aircraft carrier.

From his point of view, the aircraft carrier is too narrow in the blue sea, and it is very difficult to land on it. It is completely different from training on land. Moreover, more importantly, the current aircraft carrier is in motion and shaking. It is very different from the way of being fixed during land training.

Any novice will have fear deep in his heart, and what he has to do now is to overcome this fear.

What are you afraid of, even if you fall on the deck, you have to land!

The big deal is death. When you choose to fly, you also choose to be with death.

"The slope is maintained very well, continue to lower!" Delano's voice continued.

The plane began to approach slowly, and then approached again. Wang Wei stared sharply at the Fresnel light box. As for the aircraft carrier?The aircraft carrier has been ignored by him, no matter how big the aircraft carrier is, it has nothing to do with him, he only needs to look at the light box, and then listen to the call in the headset is enough!

At this moment, his world began to become pure.

"Very good, good, keep it steady."

Delano was delighted.

Wang Wei is his most proud apprentice, he learns the fastest and operates the most properly. Now, when he lands the ship for the first time, he doesn't panic at all, it's just the same as during the usual training!
On the ship island, no one spoke, everyone was holding their breath and staring at the plane.

Even Qin Tao is not as relaxed as before.

Qin Tao trusts Delano, after all, he is a veteran carrier-based aircraft pilot, but this is the first time for Wang Wei, can he do it?

If you go through another year or two of training, there will definitely be no problem, but now, Wang Wei's training time is not enough. The risk of landing on an aircraft carrier without squatting thousands of times on land is indeed very high. .

However, they have no other way. If the weak army wants to become stronger as soon as possible, they must risk their lives!
The roar of the plane was getting closer and closer.

Everyone's heart became more and more tense, more and more tense, even Qin Tao felt a little anxious, the next moment, he would have a heart attack, so he left the porthole, walked to the table beside him, Spread out the pen and paper, and quickly started drawing.

Over there, other people are still watching, especially Li Yan, he knows how dangerous landing is, but this is what all carrier-based aircraft pilots must face!

Suddenly, J-[-] shook.

The wings turned left and right, and someone already screamed: "Steady!"

This was just Wang Wei's last adjustment before landing. He was very confident, but because of his adjustment, the sweat on the backs of many people suddenly burst out.

The landing gear hit the deck firmly. At this moment, looking at the straight white dotted line in the center of the inclined deck in front of him, Wang Wei knew that he had fallen. However, he still did not relax his vigilance. Woolen cloth?
This is a matter of luck. No matter how good an ace pilot is, there will always be a situation where he can't hook the arresting wire. At that time, he has to go around.

The speed of the plane became slower and slower, and finally, everything on the deck stopped.

It worked, it worked!
Wang Wei was only excited at this moment. Just now, his heartbeat had been kept at a normal [-] or so. At this moment, his heartbeat started to speed up.

It worked, it worked!
On the ship island, there was a sound of cheers, and many people began to walk down the gangway to meet the first Chinese naval pilot who landed. Wu Shengli was also a little excited, and planned to go down to join in the fun. When he walked past Qin Tao, But he was attracted by the things Qin Tao drew.

"Taozi, what are you painting?"

"The time is too tight and we lack preparations. In order to celebrate the new pilots landing on the aircraft carrier for the first time, they should be given a special armband. I designed the armband." Qin Tao said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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