Great warships

Chapter 516 We Have an Aircraft Carrier!

Chapter 516 We Have an Aircraft Carrier! (five more)

This is a special armband, a special souvenir that a carrier-based pilot should get when he lands for the first time.

Moreover, it can be seen at a glance, because one side of this armband is a Fresnel landing aid light box, and the other side is a pattern of J-[-] carrier-based aircraft.

Wu Shengli was very emotional: "Calligraphy, painting, your skills have become stronger and stronger recently. Taozi, why do you feel like you are going to retire now?"

In the recent period, everyone has been very busy. Wu Shengli often works all night, and he feels that his body is a bit overwhelmed.

What about Qin Tao?It's embarrassing that Qin Tao still has time to play with things that only retired old people can play.

"Combine work with rest. The more nervous you are, the more you need to relax. Dad, you should also study. By the way, if the navy is satisfied with my armband, I can ask someone to make a batch. The quality must be good. This is permanent. It would be better if the armband were bordered with gold thread."

Only when there are few people, Qin Tao will call him Dad, otherwise he will be honestly called Leader Wu.At this moment, upon hearing Qin Tao's words, Wu Shengli nodded: "That's right, your plan is completely feasible, and I approved it on behalf of the Navy."

It's not a big deal, and it's very creative, and of course there's nothing to say.

At this time, cheers have already sounded from below.

By the time Wang Wei got off the plane, many people had already rushed over. Anyway, with these two real carrier-based aircraft that can take off and land, there is no need to worry that the ship area will be blocked and cannot be used. At this time, everyone is celebrating.

It's not fair, it's not fair. The first one to come down is Draenor, who should be welcomed more. But at this time, Draenor stood outside with a smile, watching Wang Wei surrounded by various vests. Knowing who went up first, Wang Wei was lifted up, and then everyone threw Wang Wei into the sky together.

After the celebration, Wang Wei returned to the ground. He pushed aside the crowd, walked towards Delano, and saluted Delano: "Instructor, thank you for your training. I became the No. 1 trainee who landed on the aircraft carrier. It's all thanks to you."

Delano nodded with a smile: "My lord, these are all the results of your hard work. There is a saying in the east that you can land so smoothly as long as you work hard and grind an iron rod into a needle. It is different from the previous hard work. are inseparable."

Whether it's the simulator or the trainer, Wang Wei's sweat has been left behind. Although this is only the first real landing, he has practiced thousands of times before, and the actual landing in Huangdi Village has also been carried out hundreds of times. .

Now is the time to test the results, and Wang Wei handed in a satisfactory answer.

"You are all heroes. On behalf of the Navy, I salute you!" Another voice sounded.

Leader Wu has come down!

Leader Wu is surrounded by Li Yan and other leaders. At this moment, their faces are very serious.


Everyone raised their right hands and saluted Delano and Wang Wei. The two were excited and hurriedly returned the salute.

The first time, the absolute first time!

At this moment, the waves beat against the side of the ship, as if celebrating.

In space, the reconnaissance satellite passed by and photographed the whole process.

This mighty and magnificent sea formation, this large aircraft carrier, and this perfect landing are absolutely unbelievable.

The Eastern Navy changed from a near-water navy to a blue-water navy that can enter the ocean overnight!
Everyone is surprised.

TV set.

There are steelyards in the sky, and the weights are ordinary people. You are the star who decides the order.

Almost everyone has heard this song, and can hum a few words along with it. In 96, this TV became popular all over the country, and people talked about it with great interest.

Prime Minister Liu Luoguo has started again!

At this moment, snowflakes appeared on the TV, and then replaced by the host's smiling face.

"Hello, everyone, our radio program is now undergoing an emergency adjustment, and we are now broadcasting a piece of news."

"Just this morning, at nine o'clock, our Type 001 aircraft carrier led five destroyers including No. 138, No. 136, No. 137, No. 115, and No. 116, as well as three frigates and a comprehensive supply ship. Formation, conducted a sea voyage, and carried out the first take-off and landing operation of a carrier-based aircraft during the voyage."

Everyone was shocked when they saw the news.

What, we have an aircraft carrier?

How can it be?

Everyone can't believe it. I've never heard of it before. Suddenly, I have an aircraft carrier on my side?

After a moment of hesitation, they were excited again when they saw the image on the camera.

Great, my country!
This is not a dream, we also have an aircraft carrier!
The Navy put a satellite of David!

Many people were in tears.

However, when the outside world saw the news, their mood was different.

Diquena, who has been working hard to sell the poisonous aircraft carrier, is still working hard in South America, hoping to impress customers. When he saw the huge aircraft carrier formation appearing on the TV, he fell silent.

Varyag, this is the Varyag!Di Keina can recognize it at a glance, the despicable and cunning Mingzhou Group has been a scam from the beginning!

Because of the scandal caused by refusing the Varyag to pass through the strait, Mirzaoglu, who lost his job in the end, was so angry that he smashed his wine glass on the spot: "Damn, it was too much, too much! I did nothing at the time. That's right!"

Ah San called an emergency meeting on the spot.

"Dongfang already has an aircraft carrier. We must not be worse than Dongfang. Damn it, isn't Da Mao's modified Chaoriwang aircraft carrier still complete?"

Chetri, who was in charge of this project, lowered his head and dared not speak. The project was delayed and the funds soared, so he no longer had any right to speak here.

"Hmph, the aircraft carrier project should never have existed from the beginning to the end. We should have asked for a stoppage the first time the old man wanted to raise the price." Sunil is the most staunch opponent of this project.

"Stop work? So what if we stop work? Wasn't it also unsuccessful to buy the Varyag?" Chetri immediately began to mock: "At least we have prepared an aircraft carrier for the Navy, although its price exceeds Our imagination. Your Excellency Sunil, besides Chaoriwang, what other ideas do you have? Do you want to buy the Gorshkov and refit it?"

Sunil shook his head: "Of course not, we have already been fooled once, we can't be fooled a second time, we can build it ourselves! We must immediately start the domestic aircraft carrier plan!"

After researching, the group of Asan came to a conclusion almost at the end of the meeting: build it yourself, and the project will start immediately!

They don't consider that they don't have the ability to design, even the frigates are designed by Da Mao; they don't have the ability to build, and they lack the gantry cranes needed to build aircraft carriers;

Put forward this plan first!

The most shocking, of course, is the navy of a certain country.

"Damn it, didn't the aircraft carrier burn down because of a fire?"

No one answered the question, of course they would know they were burned, the carrier was not burned at all, it was fine!

They stumbled again, what next?What should they do?
They must have countermeasures!

Maple Leaf Country.

A yellow-skinned oriental man walked into the studio. At this moment, he was very excited. He had a premonition that he would become a hit.

"Hello, everyone in front of the TV. Today, we have invited Mr. Andrei Pinkov, a famous international military commentator, and asked him to analyze the aircraft carrier that suddenly appeared in the east." The anchor said: " Tell us about your own name first, you are from the East, why did you choose a Russian name?"

"A few years ago, when I was studying in an island country, I was still very poor. At that time, I read the biography of Zhukov and was deeply inspired. Therefore, I want to become a great person like Zhukov. Therefore, I named Ping Kefu, I just want to be on par with him." Pinkov said: "Of course, although I look oriental, but now, I have joined the Maple Leaf Nationality, and I am a native of the country."

"Okay, welcome."

"Although I didn't become a soldier and made contributions like Zhukov, I was still very interested in the military. Before I knew it, I became an international military critic. I am personally very satisfied with this title. For example, in three A month ago, I published an article pointing out that the Varyag was likely to be used for military purposes."

Hanhe Defense has not yet been established, and now Pingkov just created a Han information center, concocted a few articles, trying to become popular, anyway, he married a rich island country wife, and he can rely on his wife's support to achieve his goal. ideal of life.

A few months ago, when the aircraft carrier was on fire, in order to attract people's attention, he loudly appealed to keep his eyes open. This is a golden cicada escaping its shell. He asked everyone to be vigilant, and he said with certainty that this warship will definitely be remodeled Become an aircraft carrier.

At that time, he was just spraying indiscriminately, just like some people on the developed Internet in later generations would create all kinds of rumors in order to become popular. You can run around naked or for love, as long as you put your face down, you can do anything.

Unexpectedly, it actually came true!
Pinkov transformed himself into a famous prophet and a famous military commentator. At this time, he was ready to become a hit through this TV interview, and then create his own media!

"We noticed that an aircraft carrier formation suddenly appeared in the east. What do you think of this issue?"

"As early as a few months ago, I issued an appeal." Pingkov said: "Mingzhou Group is a special company in the skin of a private enterprise, and it is serving the Eastern Navy! The entire Varyag The procurement process is a well-organized scam. Dongfang obtained an aircraft carrier in this despicable way! This is our failure!"

Pinkov had to exaggerate the threat, so as to show his foresight, what he did in the first place.

"Ah Choo!" Qin Tao sneezed.

Wu Shengli looked over with concern: "Taozi, what's wrong with you? Have you caught a cold?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "It is estimated that someone is speaking ill of me."

In this era, there is no mobile satellite TV, and the capacity of the data link equipment on the aircraft carrier is limited. It is impossible to provide Qin Tao with some news programs to watch. He does not know that at this time, a guy named Pingkov is trying to slander himself. reputation.

When he went back, Qin Tao only had a wry smile on his face when he heard about it, and then went to find Zhang Zhong.

Being smeared by public opinion, of course you have to get it back through public opinion!

What's more, every word is heartbreaking, such as Cinderella can enter the palace and become a princess when she meets a prince, a poor girl can fly on a branch and become a phoenix, and a poor boy can go to heaven after marrying a rich woman. What is the difference between being a duck and being a duck? Isn't it embarrassing for a woman's soft rice?You have forgotten your ancestors, betrayed your own motherland, you are so outstanding, do your parents know?do not know?Okay, let's go and interview your parents, interview your villagers, and tell you all about the things that you intentionally frightened your female classmates when you were young.

Now, Qin Tao just smiled.

The people on the deck are still busy.

There are only two carrier-based aircraft that can be used. At critical times, they must be able to provide power. This means that the aircraft must be well maintained, especially the missiles mounted under the wings must be in a usable state. .

After all, the successful landing just now is just the beginning. Next, they will continue to sail east, then south, until they reach the sea area where the target ship is located.

Since you want to show off your muscles, of course you have to show off enough.

In the sky, a Yun-2 J was flying according to the original route, accompanied by two J-[-] fighter jets.

To say that the most modernized one is definitely not the warships on the sea, but this plane.

At this time, the personnel on the plane are also in the process of highly intense work, especially those newly installed equipment, which continuously obtain a large amount of data, and obtain the data by simply receiving it.

"There are two targets flying at ultra-low altitude, [-] kilometers away from our formation." Suddenly, an operator shouted loudly.

"Quick, notify 001 immediately!"

The news was passed quickly, and the 001 aircraft carrier immediately became tense.

"Turn against the wind and sail at full speed!"

The boiler is working at full power, the four steam turbines are outputting power crazily, and the propellers are stirring the sea water rapidly.

The entire formation was sprinting, from 15 knots during the cruise just now, to 20 knots, 25 knots, the two 054s were defeated, and the other destroyers continued to sprint up to [-] knots.

At proximate points No. 1 and No. 2, two fighter planes were ready to take off.

The landing just now can only be said to be a show, but the take-off now is the real thing!

Wang Wei's heart was full of excitement. As a naval aviation soldier, he was looking forward to this day all the time. He is a soldier, he is a pilot, even if it is a collision, he must knock him down!
A familiar voice came from the headset: "1501, take off immediately, 1502, get ready!"

The two minions on the deck made familiar movements. Delano on takeoff point 1 excitedly turned on the afterburner, fully pushed the accelerator, and then released the brakes.

Take off, take off!
The yellow-skinned J-[-] fighter flew out and rushed to the jumping deck. The next moment, the J-[-] fighter with two flames trailing at its tail flew up from the jumping deck with ease.

This is also a moment of commemorative significance, but at this time people can no longer take care of so much.

Their hearts are all tense.

Then it was Wang Wei's turn. Taking off was much easier than landing, and it was no different from training on the ground. However, due to the speed of the aircraft carrier itself, taking off was easier.

Facing the strong deck wind, 1502 also successfully flew up, just like a soaring eagle.

"1501, 1502, attention, climb to an altitude of 8000 meters, direction 0-3-0."


There are two ways to attack. If you want to take the initiative to attack others, you must fly at an ultra-low altitude, which can be carried out secretly. If you want to actively intercept the enemy, you must fly at high altitude, which is more like showing off to the other party. muscle.

The two planes climbed rapidly and rushed towards the target at the same time.

The weakness of the Navy's lack of a command system was once again revealed. The Y-[-]J patrolling in the air could not directly communicate with the two J-[-]s, and could only communicate with the two J-[-]s. If there are more aircraft carriers, the aircraft carrier can be directly commanded by radio. If there are more numbers, it will be impossible to command.

Of course, this is also because the aircraft carrier has only just begun to be remodeled, and many electronic equipment have not been added. According to the expected plan, it will take a year or two to outfit it before it can truly be ready for service. Now it can only be commanded in this way.

"The distance is two hundred kilometers."

"One hundred kilometers away, turn on the radar and search for the target!"

Delano was not used to it. In his previous service career, there were very few commanders from the rear aircraft carrier, and their pilots could better use their abilities. Now, almost everything must be listened to from the rear.

This made him feel a little helpless.

However, he also knew the importance of executing orders, so he turned on the radar according to the guidance from the rear, and when the radar entered the working state, he looked at the snowflakes on his screen with a wry smile on his face.

"Report 1501, the radar is interfered." Delano issued a report. In the past, they were the only ones who interfered with others. Unexpectedly, they were actually interfered by the other party's radio. Feng Shui took turns.

He was a little helpless, it seemed that he could only find the target by sight.

There was a noisy sound from the earphone, apparently the radio was also interfered, and amidst the clattering sound, he heard the voice of the wingman.

"1502 has found the target, request to lock it!"

What?He is locked?
Delano was a little surprised.

How is this going?

Although the two planes are both named J-[-], they carry different equipment.

T-10K-7 is already quite close to the Su-33 that has been finalized for service. The radar equipment it uses is not much different from the Su-27. The model N011M pulse Dopkin radar (it seems that the Su-30 is also this radar.) On the basis of the original N001 radar, the ability to attack the sea has been increased.

Since the common inverted antennas are used, the performance is backward and it is easy to be interfered.

However, the 1502 is different.

Although this aircraft is an imitation, it does not have radar equipment. It is directly applied to the Su-27. It does not have the ability to attack the sea and needs to be improved. The old man will not give the radar for export to the Su-33. Therefore, when assembling At that time, I directly used the principle of bringing it over, and moved the JL-10A "Condor" pulse Doppler radar that was being used on the Flying Leopard fighter-bomber to make do with it.

Even the problem of counterweight has not been solved. Although this radar is relatively light, it adds an additional cement counterweight to the nose.

The research and development of J-[-] still has a long way to go.

However, even if this is the case, this radar also shows a huge advantage: it uses a flat-panel slot radar antenna with more advanced technology, so even though there is interference on the opposite side, it can still filter the interference calmly and locate the target. come out.

Now, Wang Wei has found the target, but then encountered difficulties: he could not receive orders from the rear.

"1502 call, request to lock!"

He called three times in a row, and there was nothing but noise in his ears.

"1502, I order you to lock on the other party immediately!" At this moment, Draenor's voice sounded.

Since the two planes formed a formation and the distance is very close, Delano can still communicate with Wang Wei by radio. Wang Wei gestured with his hand to give the order.

Wang Wei hesitated for a moment.

This kind of order should be issued from the rear, but now, the news from the aircraft carrier cannot be received, what should he do?
It is meaningless to continue to call, but will you be punished for acting without authorization?
No matter, anyway, Delano is the lead plane. At this time, of course we have to listen to the lead plane.

Wang Wei's finger presses the button to the radar, and it turns into a lock!

At this time, the distance between the two sides has reached more than [-] kilometers, and the target can already be found visually!
The two yellow-skinned fighter planes were very obvious in the sky, and the two planes flying at high speed over the sea could be easily seen. However, the pilot flinched when he heard the sound of the radar warning receiver.

Their task is to test, and now they have tested it, the opponent's aircraft carrier is not an empty shell, it can really take off fighter planes!
The plane with the big plate in the distance is always under surveillance, and can see every move on the opposite aircraft carrier.

The other party is not putting on airs!
From taking off, to climbing, and now being locked, the Eastern Navy has grown stronger.

Both planes turned around and flew away.

On the ship island, everyone was waiting for the news, the radio was interfered, and they could only grasp the traces of the two planes by transporting eight J.

Fortunately, the news that made them happy finally came!
The opponent flew away!
It is absolutely unimaginable if it is a sea formation in the past. Even now, if there is no aircraft carrier, one's own side can deal with aircraft within [-] kilometers at most, and cannot expel the opponent from [-] kilometers away.

The emergence of carrier-based aircraft has greatly improved the defense circle of the formation!
The waist of the navy has stood up since then!
Before there were ballistic missiles attacking the moving targets at sea, and then there were aircraft carrier formations attacking. Under this joint action, some people were finally deterred and did not dare to continue coming. They retreated several hundred nautical miles in desperation. Clusters of missile boats circled certain seas.

The navy is mighty and domineering!

 PS: Five changes are over, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, all kinds of requests!In the future, we will continue to update [-] every day!

(End of this chapter)

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