Great warships

Chapter 517 Work hard for the strength of the motherland

Chapter 517 Work hard for the strength of the motherland

On March 3, the mighty aircraft carrier formation returned.

From March 3th to March 11th, the aircraft carrier formation has been operating at sea for 3 days. During this period, various trainings have been carried out, such as air defense, anti-submarine, anti-ship, supply and so on. Fighters frequently fly on the aircraft carrier. Dropping, it shows that this formation is definitely not a show, but can rush to the front with real knives and guns.

The most outstanding among them is of course the aircraft carrier. The 001 aircraft carrier sailing at sea is extremely dazzling. Every time a carrier-based aircraft takes off and lands, it will appear on the TV screen, attracting people's attention.

There are also careful people who observe that the types of carrier-based aircraft dispatched each time are different.

The first day is 1501 and 1502, the second day is 1508 and 1513, the third day is 1505 and 1515... As for only two planes at a time, it is definitely not necessary. Let all the fighters fly out at once. That is definitely a real hands-on.

Just two fighter planes taking off is enough to make some people tremble with fear.

During this period of time, countless people were uplifted and cheered for the strength of the motherland.

Now, the aircraft carrier formation is back!

The mighty aircraft carrier formation embarked on the way back. Just before they reached the port, a helicopter flew over.

The helicopter landed on the wide deck of the aircraft carrier, and a group of officers stood on the deck, lined up neatly, welcoming the people who got off the plane.

The gray-haired Mr. Liu came down. He was in poor health, but he still straightened his back and watched a group of officers salute him. He also raised his right hand and returned a standard military salute to these people.

In the eyes, is full of joy.

"Mr. Liu, it's very windy at sea, why are you here in person?" Wu Shengli walked up and grabbed Mr. Liu's arm.

"Let go, I'm not old enough to need someone to help me. Why, you are only allowed to show off your muscles in an aircraft carrier, and don't let me, an old man, see it? Can it be the same in the port as in the sea?"

"Mr. Liu, let's go to the ship island first." Wu Shengli still held Mr. Liu's arm and suggested to him.

"No, I'll take a look at the carrier aircraft on the deck first."

"The ones on the deck are all models." Wu Shengli said, "The two flying ones took off half an hour ago and flew directly back to the base in Huangdi Village."

This is also a common practice. When the aircraft carrier returns, the carrier-based aircraft will take off in advance and go to the land airport. However, there are usually airports near the naval port, but now, they have to fly thousands of kilometers directly to the wasteland. village base.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

"No, it wasn't on purpose, you didn't say hello in advance, you came just as soon as you said, and caught us off guard."

There are only models left, so there is nothing to see. Mr. Liu can only follow Wu Shengli to the ship island.

"Mr. Liu, here is the elevator. You can take the elevator to the top." Wu Shengli took Mr. Liu directly to the elevator. Thanks to the elevator, he would have to climb the steps step by step.

"No, I'll take a stroll here first, I smell a tinned smell."

Since the bottom is still being remodeled, a certain location on the first floor of the ship island is temporarily used as a restaurant. Everyone eats canned food in it, and the canned food can't be thrown into the sea after eating, so they can only be saved. After a long time, it will naturally have a taste inside.

The inside is very messy, it's not good for Mr. Liu to see it.

However, seeing Mr. Liu's insistence, Wu Shengli knew that dissuading him was meaningless. Mr. Liu had already thrown off his arm and walked in.

"It's dirty and messy, it makes you laugh." Wu Shengli said.

As for Li Yan and the others, they didn't dare to speak anymore. It was too embarrassing for Mr. Liu to see such an unbearable scene.

"During this time, you have come here by eating canned food?"

"Well, the aircraft carrier's kitchen hasn't been remodeled yet, but there are microwave ovens and induction cookers, so we can have hot food." Wu Shengli said.

"You guys have worked hard!" Mr. Liu said with emotion: "In order to support our motherland, you have suffered here. On behalf of..."

"Old Liu, don't say that." Qin Tao finally couldn't stand it anymore: "The Red Army's Long March, climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing grasslands, was it harder than this? The belts were boiled and eaten. Later, in the Far East war, every bite of snow Chow mein, don’t you still protect your home and country? It’s great that we can eat these now, although those times are gone, but the spirit of hardship and simplicity must be passed on from generation to generation.”

Mr. Liu looked at Qin Tao with satisfaction: "Well said, well said, the spirit of hard work and plain living can never be lost! You Mingzhou Group has made great contributions this time, what reward do you want?"

Mr. Liu has spoken!
Mr. Liu will never renege on the reward he promised to Qin Tao. Whether it is the bidding for anti-aircraft destroyers, the construction of nuclear submarines, or even other benefits that Mingzhou Group wants to obtain, you can speak up.

If you want it, you can have it!
What would Qin Tao want?

Everyone is looking at him.

Qin Tao shook his head: "We don't want rewards, we just did what we should do. For our Mingzhou Group, or for all of us, what we want is a strong country. In what we need At any time, our navy can show up at any time, whether it is pirates or a country needs to evacuate its citizens in turmoil, our navy can show up to prevent what happened on the Xingchen from happening again."

Everyone's faces turned serious.

For the motherland to be strong, it needs a strong national defense and a strong navy!Everywhere in the world, the navy can go up whenever it is needed!

Qin Tao didn't ask for any reward, but he made the biggest request!

"For our great motherland and great nation to be rejuvenated and to rise, we need to have a strong national defense force. Our navy can't just hang around in the coastal waters. We must have a strong sea force to safeguard our interests at any time!" Liu The old man said with emotion: "Our people need our powerful navy! However, this responsibility does not only fall on our navy, but also falls on large shipyards such as your Mingzhou Group."

"We are willing to work hard for the strength of our motherland!" Qin Tao said.

"We are willing to work hard for the strength of our motherland!" Others followed suit.

At this moment, everyone's hearts are burning with fire. For the sake of the strength of the motherland, we must continue to struggle. Everything now is just the first step in the long march!
The formation returned to the Mingzhou base in the afternoon. The base was already full of excitement, with drums and gongs, and colorful flags flying.

As for Qin Tao and others, they had already left in Mr. Liu's helicopter ahead of time. It is better for Mingzhou Group not to get involved in this kind of matter.

However, he couldn't avoid it.

After returning to the Mingzhou Group, there were a lot of people who wanted to meet him immediately, and more than half of them were journalists from home and abroad.

This aircraft carrier is too powerful, mighty and majestic!

Where did the aircraft carrier come from?Provided by Mingzhou Group!
Therefore, if you want to interview first-class news, you must go to Mingzhou Group. In this way, countless people came to Mingzhou to obtain first-hand news reports.

There are too many secrets in it. Wasn't the aircraft carrier burned down?How can it be used again now?
Also, what happened to the carrier aircraft?

There are so many stories out there that they all want to dig up the news material.

"No, tell them that I'm not feeling well recently." Qin Tao refused directly: "Also, show me the gate, no one can let in."

"Well, we have also received a request from the football country." Xu Zhengyang continued: "They plan to send a delegation to visit our Mingzhou Group soon."

Soccer country coming to visit?

Qin Tao immediately became interested. The last trip to Latin America did not yield much, and Qin Tao was not discouraged. This kind of international arms cooperation, it was impossible to get the order easily, but this time, with the navy showing off its muscles , The football country is finally interested in the East!
This time it's time for a field trip.

"Okay, let's hold a press conference." Qin Tao said.

"Boss Qin, have you changed your mind?"

"Yes, we have to show the outside world the strength of our Mingzhou Group. By the way, report to the navy in advance, what can be said and what can't be said, and the navy will give you a letter, so that we won't cause trouble when we get it."


At the end of March, Mingzhou Guest House, Banquet Hall.

This banquet hall is very large and can hold fifty tables of banquets at the same time. At this time, all the tables for the banquet were removed and replaced with stools, which were full of people.

Many people occupied the commanding heights in advance, set up their spears and cannons, and aimed at the rostrum.

"Friends from the press, welcome to Mingzhou. Now, let me explain to you the history of our Mingzhou Group." Qin Baoshan, who was blushing, came up first, and began to explain it eloquently.

As the old factory director, he has the qualifications. The reporters below restrained their urgency and waited for Qin Baoshan to speak.

After Qin Baoshan finished speaking, it was replaced by Cong Ju. Cong Ju introduced the development of Mingzhou Group in private ships, especially natural gas ships, etc. After such an explanation, an hour passed.

When the tempers of these reporters were about to wear down, Qin Tao finally came on stage.

"President Qin, what happened to that aircraft carrier?"

"That's right, were you guys deceiving the whole world before?"

Some reporters started to make noise.

Qin Tao looked down: "I only have 15 minutes. If you ask random questions, your time will be wasted in the end. If you keep quiet, I can introduce the situation of this warship."

It was quiet below.

No one can make an appointment with Mr. Qin for an interview. Time is precious now, and they can't waste it.

"Okay, then let me introduce to you first, as you can see, I am holding a special steel sample in my hand, it is called bulb flat steel."

Ball flats?Experts know it, but laymen don't know it.

They looked over and saw the uniquely shaped material. Judging from its cross section, the head is spherical and the abdomen is flat. The unique hole design does not know what it is for.

"Bulb flat steel is a very special material, mainly used for maintenance of supporting parts such as keels." Qin Tao continued to introduce: "In the past, no company in our country could manufacture this kind of material, and all of them had to be imported, but , When the Dongfang Haicheng was burned down by some people with despicable means, we were very angry, and we were also very self-reliant. We smelted this special material and used it for internal maintenance of this warship."

Of course it wasn't a fraud at the time, otherwise, Mingzhou Group's credibility would be lost, and the responsibility must be shifted to the other party.

We are righteous, and every action we take is forced!

"At that time, we held our breath. The more others refused to let us do something, we must do something. We must smash the conspiracy of those with ulterior motives!" Qin Tao said: "It was also because of that incident that the creation The Green Company abandoned the warship, so we were forced to complete the transformation of the ship, so as to minimize the loss."

The reporters below suddenly realized that there was such an inside story!

"Using our previous words, where there is oppression, there is resistance. Of course, if we want to make it an aircraft carrier, there must be many projects to be transformed. Now, we just make it an aircraft carrier platform , Moreover, in the last operation, we showed great power, and we are also confident that we will continue to improve it."

Qin Tao has roughly explained the ins and outs of this warship, and at this time, the reporters on the scene have also reacted.There are still these inside stories. Orientals will never give in. The more they are suppressed, the stronger they will be!

"Excuse me, what's the matter with your carrier-based aircraft?" Finally, a reporter below couldn't help it, broke the request not to ask questions, and started to shout.

This is the case with the aircraft carrier. The Mingzhou Group was quite angry because it was deliberately set on fire, so it remodeled the aircraft carrier by itself, and it was still a real fighting machine.

But what about carrier aircraft?
What is the origin of the aircraft that looks very similar to the Su-33?
"In terms of carrier-based aircraft, our Mingzhou Group supports the J-31A project, and everyone must have understood it, but this aircraft is still under development, so we need an aircraft for emergency for the time being, so we develop An emergency replacement J-601 fighter came out. The related project is the hard work of our domestic 112 and 31 factories. I don’t know much about it. If you want to hear about J-[-]A, I can introduce it to you. .”

This time, it wasn't just the birth of the aircraft carrier that made everyone's jaw drop, there was also the matter of the carrier-based aircraft!

What is the origin of the J-[-] fighter jet?

112 factories.

Yemelyanov's face was extremely ugly. How could he be so stupid to believe Mr. Qin's words!
Qin is always a good friend of Da Mao, and has a close relationship with many people in Da Mao. When we were talking, Yemelyanov's IQ was off the line, and he almost believed President Qin's words completely.

Helped to provide the batch of engines, the result?

The result is that those J-[-] fighters are really going to be used on aircraft carriers!
The Orientals are in the limelight, what about our side?Our side originally planned to export the whole machine directly. Only in this way can we make more money. If we only export a few engines, how much money can we make?

Yemelyanov couldn't bear it any longer, and went directly to Li Ming.

"Li, you guys are going too far, you actually copied our Su-33!"

Li Ming raised his head with doubts on his face: "What? You are still struggling with this matter? Didn't you make it clear last time? Our J-[-] fighter jets have nothing to do with your Sukhoi series fighter jets , is a brand new fighter developed by ourselves. Why don’t you still understand?”

"Brand new? It is exactly the same as our Su-33!"

"You can't say that the same appearance is plagiarism." Li Ming said innocently: "Mr. Yemelyanov, we have a saying in the East, which is called the same goal by different routes! The same appearance, it can only show that the designers are heroes. Same! The F-15 is very similar to the MiG-25. Can you say that the F-15 is a copy of the MiG-25? Your Tu-16 bomber is also very similar to the American F-111 bomber. Did you copy it? What about America?"

"how is this possible!"

"Yes, you can tell it. You can't call it plagiarism based on the same appearance. I can assure you that the J-27 fighter is our newly developed fighter. It is the same as our Su-[-] project, which is the J-[-]. There is no half-money relationship between a fighter plane." Li Ming patted his chest: "Please also keep your senses and don't be confused by appearance. If this reason causes our relationship to be tense, or even the contract is terminated, then It's a pity, after all, we are Sukhoi's largest user, and we plan to assemble [-] fighters."

Yemelyanov was actually speechless at this moment.

Of course he knew that what the other party said had nothing to do with pure nonsense, the appearance of the Su-27 was unique in the world, but the other party's meaning was also very clear.

If nothing happened to you, then we can continue to cooperate. If you keep protesting here, then the cooperation will fail!
Factory 112 is already able to produce the airframe of the Su-27, and now only the engine and avionics need to be imported.

However, after coming to the East, Yemelyanov has already seen the strength of the East. In terms of avionics, the East is far superior to them. The advanced airborne radar of the flat-panel slot radar antenna is only a little bit worse on the engine.

However, after the introduction of R-79, the gap in the engine will also be made up, that is to say, if the two are separated now, Dongfang can completely get rid of them and go it alone!

At that time, they won't even be able to earn money for engines and avionics accessories!

In the field of military industry, there is no such thing as a patent right, and it is a skill to be able to imitate it.

Yemelyanov was disgusted as if he had eaten shit. He wanted to get angry, but he held back.

"We Dongfang maintain close cooperation with you, especially in the field of engines. Many of our domestic fighters are using this engine, so in the future, we will place a new order." Li Ming said : "We will continue to purchase the moisture-proof and salt-proof version of the AL-31F3 engine, and it is estimated that we will need fifty more, or even more. This is a big deal."

Yemelyanov was even more disgusted, the other party actually continued to produce!You are so shameless to order an engine with them, should you agree?
There is no other choice. If they give up, the other party will turn around and use the turbofan fifteen, and they won't even be able to buy the third uncle!
Seeing Yemelyanov leave, Li Ming showed a smile on his face. Mr. Qin taught him this set of rhetoric. The effect is really good. The scalp sticks.


That 1502 has flown back, and the flight test continues!In the future, this carrier-based aircraft will be mass-produced!
Mingzhou, Qin Tao, who finished the press conference, is a little tired. These reporters are all good people. The questions they asked are so tricky and weird. It seems that he is too kind. Next time, let others do the report first, toss After four or five hours, I will play by myself.Um, should I give them something to drink first and let them go to the bathroom?I missed my speech when I came back, so I can't blame myself.

"News came from Office 601 of President Qin, saying that Lao Maozi protested, but he left helplessly in the end." Xu Zhengyang smiled and told Qin Tao about the scene at that time.

Qin Tao nodded: "Old Maozi's heart is very hurt, and he no longer believes that there is true love in the world."

Xu Zhengyang couldn't bear it anymore, and smiled brightly.

"Of course, this matter will also leave a shadow deep in Lao Maozi's heart. When we cooperate with us in the future, he will be more careful."

"We still need to cooperate with Lao Maozi?" Xu Zhengyang asked curiously.

Yes, who made the 601 not powerful? After so many years of doing it, I still can't fully understand it. In the end, the country had to spend huge sums of money to buy a batch of Su-35. However, Qin Tao didn't finish his sentence, but it was in his head Another thought flashed through.

There are 611 schools!

The J-611 of the [-] Institute is still making good progress. After the test flight is completed, it is time to finalize and equip the troops. What next?
Song Lao handed over the task of developing the two-seater J-[-] to his most proud subordinate, and then led the team to start working on the J-[-].

If the J-35 can appear as soon as possible, is the Su-[-] still needed?
You know, although the J-27 belongs to the stealth fourth-generation aircraft, the ex-factory price is cheaper than the ship-borne J-[-]!If the J-[-] is mass-produced and put into service, the orders for the Su-[-] series fighters will definitely shrink significantly.

Forget it, don't worry about it, I'm a shipbuilder, not an airplane builder, so competition can make progress.

"The visitors from the football country will arrive in three days." Xu Zhengyang told Qin Tao the next news: "However, they made a request and want to see the aircraft carrier."

"Yes." Qin Tao actually agreed immediately.

Can?Wouldn't this be a leak?
Xu Zhengyang has a big head, you agreed, how can I communicate with the navy?
"The navy hasn't paid for that aircraft carrier yet. Our group paid for the gas this time. What can the navy say?" Qin Tao said confidently: "Of course, considering the mood of the navy, let the aircraft carrier Stay at the navy's port for a few more days, and when the time comes, take the officers from the football country to the navy's port to see, we only look at the deck and look at other places, the navy can refuse."

 PS: When writing about Latin America earlier, someone raised an opinion: the military expenditure of football countries in the 90s was not low!So the hero of East China checked it. Take 96 as an example, the military expenditure was 140 billion U.S. dollars, a proper local tyrant!However, it is not consistent with the facts: their army uses junk, their air force still uses F-5E, and it has not been upgraded for decades, and the navy also picks up junk. I have never seen the navy spend money What advanced aircraft carrier to buy!They bought second-hand junk all over the world, so they repeatedly searched for information and came to a jaw-dropping conclusion: their military expenditure is mainly used for the retirement of the army, and 80.00% of the military expenditure is used to provide benefits to the army and is used by the army For equipment, no more than 20.00%!
(End of this chapter)

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