Great warships

Chapter 521 A Toddler Challenges a Giant

Chapter 521 A Toddler Challenges a Giant
Huating Hotel is very lively.

"My friends from the press, I kept you waiting for a long time." A person appeared on the rostrum, and soon someone recognized him. This person is Xu Zhengyang, the most trusted subordinate of President Qin. When he appeared, President Qin would also like to coming!

"Now, please be quiet, everyone."

No one spoke, the camera flickered for a while, and the camera started working.

"Now, I would like to invite Mr. Qin of our Mingzhou Group to speak to everyone!"

The applause sounded, Qin Tao walked onto the stage with a smile on his face, facing the reporters below, he raised his right hand.

For a moment, all the cameras were focused on Qin Tao's right hand, where a small glass ball was held. Inside the glass ball was a chip!
"What you see now is the first processor developed by Loongson Corporation, a subsidiary of our Mingzhou Group. A general-purpose processor! Its appearance has ended the history that we cannot develop processors by ourselves. In the future, we no longer need to spend precious foreign exchange to import CPu from abroad, and we Chinese can use Chinese chips!"

There was applause from below.

Countless cameras were shining, and their hearts were full of excitement. This is the beginning of a new era, and the motherland is gradually becoming stronger!

"What architecture and instruction set does this processor use?" someone asked below.

Qin Tao pointed to the slogan behind him: "Sir, you should be able to understand these words, right? Dragon Architecture, Dragon Instruction Set, we are the descendants of Dragon, of course we have to use Dragon to name this new set of processor indicators .”

"Can you tell us more about it?"

"Well, there are too many. Next, we welcome a large number of downstream companies to cooperate with our Godson Group. We will provide more detailed technical information. Here, it is not convenient to disclose it for the time being."

"Then what system are you going to use? Is this instruction set compatible with X86?"

Compatibility is a very polite term, in fact, you are asking, are you changing the shell on the basis of X86?

Qin Tao shook his head: "It is not compatible. At present, our relevant technical personnel are sinicizing Linux. It will become our first domestic operating system. We have cooperated with relevant domestic enterprises and named it Hongqi Linux. Relevant domestic software companies can also provide us with office suites, so that we have a stable domestic platform, and our domestic lack of core and soul will be completely changed now.”

All use open source or domestic!

Linux is a model of international open source cooperation. The source code of the entire operating system is open to the public, which also facilitates compilation on different devices. In 94, this system was finally perfected and became the famous version 1.0.Godson Computer will rely on this system to create an original ecological system!

"So, that is, it has absolutely nothing to do with Microsoft?"

"Yes, our system is to break the wintel alliance." Qin Tao said very simply: "In the world, there should be no monopoly. Absolute monopoly will bring absolute huge profits. Just use the current processor Say, an ordinary processor costs 2000 yuan, a high-end one costs 5000 yuan, and a branded machine costs 999 to [-] yuan. Let more people afford computers. Here, we announce that the price of this Loongson-[-] is [-] yuan!"

If the price is set high, no one wants it, and if the price is set low, they will lose money. Therefore, Qin Tao also played a trick and set a suitable price.

The price is definitely not expensive.

Its performance parameters are equivalent to 486, and when 486 was launched, the price was 950 US dollars. Now, the price has dropped to about 2000 US dollars, which is more than [-] yuan when converted into domestic currency.

For the same price, you can buy two pieces of Loongson One to form a dual-CPu computer, and its performance is better than Pentium Pro no matter what!
999 yuan!
Everyone was shocked.

"If it can only be used for office work, then the market prospect of this computer is still not optimistic. How does Mr. Qin think about this problem?"

Sure enough, there are experts present, all systems and office software have been solved, and the price is also cheap, but if you want to occupy the market, you still have to look at the needs of users.

"Well, we also invited the person in charge of the goose factory today, and asked him to say a few words to everyone."

Goose factory!

The current Goose Factory is already a world-renowned Internet company. It has been listed in the United States, and its stock price has soared.
"Our ICQ software will launch a new version to meet the needs of Loongson computers. Moreover, we will also launch the voice function first on the version used by Loongson computers."

The current ICQ can only use text to chat. Although a video version was developed at the request of Qin Tao, it requires a high network bandwidth, which can only be satisfied by a dedicated network. Qin Tao’s family has this condition. Not necessarily others.

So, a simplified version of the video, the audio version, was created.

If only voice is transmitted, the required network bandwidth is still not much. Those Internet cafes that have pulled optical fiber can be satisfied first. If it is in a local area network, it will be no problem.

Voice version?
Everyone was shocked.

This is definitely a breakthrough!

In this day and age, not every household has a telephone, and it is still not easy to make long-distance calls. If you can make voice calls on the Internet, it can replace long-distance calls!
"Can this function only be used on Loongson computers?" A reporter asked, obviously they noticed this key point, if it is only used on Loongson computers, it means that Goose Factory is supporting this computer in disguise.

"Of course not. We will fully launch the voice call function, but since the instruction set used by the Godson processor contains a large number of multimedia instruction sets, it will run faster." Zhang Dong continued: "Of course our company will Taking care of global users, we will not do anything special for Godson, by the way, our company is about to launch a brand new game, here, we will introduce it first.”

After Qin Tao left the game, he handed over the dominance to Zhang Dong, and it was regarded as the release ceremony of the violent motorcycle. Sure enough, when they heard about this interesting game, everyone was shocked.

Can you still play like this?
This game is sure to be a blast!
"Because the game requires networking, it puts forward very high requirements on the performance of the computer. Only the Pentium pro processor can be used. The release price of the game is 199 yuan, but all friends who are present today can get it when they leave. A set of games, I hope you can enjoy it."

If a game wants to become popular, it has to advertise, and advertising requires money. Now, these reporters are free publicity objects, and providing them with some game backups is also a common method. Journalists still have many advantages.

North, L thinks about the company.

"They are really unique. They have developed their own set of everything, a brand-new architecture, instruction set, system, and supporting software. Do they think they can open up the market by doing this? It's ridiculous. What do you want to say to Wintel? The alliance launched a challenge, and the gnats shake the big tree, it's ridiculous!" Liu Zhonglie said to the people around him while drinking water from an exquisite teacup.

Since Loongson Company was going to develop a press conference, they didn't get off work too early today. However, standing in front of the French windows of the tall office building and looking at the brightly lit city below still gave them a sense of accomplishment. They are the leaders of this era. winner.

"Yes, what they are doing now is meaningless at all. Even if it is reduced to 999, no one will use a brand new system." Yang Qingfeng said.

Even if they know that Godson is far-sighted and down-to-earth, they still won't worry. After all, what Godson is doing now is like a toddler trying to challenge an adult, no, it should be a giant.

There is no such possibility at all!

"That President Qin, what's he doing recently?" Liu Zhonglie continued to ask.

"I heard that they are going to the capital to have an exchange with the army's electronic warfare unit."

Everyone didn't care, and didn't know what this meant.

"It seems that he has returned to his old job in the army, and he probably wants to sell something to the army." Liu Zhonglie made a judgment.

the next day.

"Taozi, you are here. Recently, we are summarizing the last exercise. We have just finished the commendation meeting. At the meeting, everyone is praising the contribution of your Mingzhou Group. If you are here, you can hear more Lots of compliments." After Wu Shengli saw Qin Tao, he couldn't help but tease him.

Qin Tao smiled: "I don't dare to come. If I really come, I will be roasted by you on the fire. We are a private enterprise and cannot bear so many compliments."

"I heard that Godson has come out, and we are all very happy. After all, this is our own thing. Please rest assured that we can purchase it when you mass-produce it." Wu Shengli said.

With the processor, memory sticks can also be produced, but there are still some things that need to be assembled into a computer, the most important of which is the north and south bridge chips that match the processor.

Since Loongson has been working on processors and has no time to develop more chips, the north-south bridge chips that go with it have been handed over to VIA, which is also engaged in computer accessories. When Intel and AMD are paired together, the performance is excellent, even better than the original version of Intel.

The real Loongson computer will not come out until VIA builds the north and south bridge chips.

Wu Shengli has already stated his position, the navy supports the Mingzhou Group, that is no different.

Isn't it just some computers?The army also has a lot of needs, and the army needs digital office.

"Dad, it's not enough to only have the support of your army. We also need the support of the government. The quantity you purchase is too small." Qin Tao said: "We need the government to strongly support our domestic computers."

Wu Shengli's face became serious: "This is very difficult. You know that the army and the local government are two departments. We can't communicate too closely, and we can't ask them to support any projects."

Government procurement is of course the big one. The government has so many departments, and each department needs to be modernized, which requires a lot of computers. If I remember correctly, what is the main target of government procurement? How could these companies with computer institutes and university backgrounds come to find their little-known Godson?
That's right, Godson is famous. A large number of newspapers and TVs are reporting and praising the breakthrough in chips, but what's the use of that?Every enterprise has its own network of relationships for purchasing!

Qin Tao's eyes sparkled: "Dad, I didn't let you come to be a salesman, what are you afraid of?"

Wu Shengli smiled awkwardly, what is this called?He is soft-spoken and soft-handed. During this exercise, the Mingzhou Group has put in a lot of effort. He has to agree to some outrageous requests.

Fortunately, Qin Tao did not make excessive demands.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Aren't we going to have a demonstration of electronic warfare? Can you invite those leaders to watch?"

Observe the exercise?

Wu Shengli was a little surprised: "They are not soldiers, what are they watching?"

"At the beginning, in the 91 war, the modern homeland air defense system established by that mighty fourth military power in the world didn't work. Wasn't it because the printers of their office systems were implanted with viruses in advance?" Rumors that have been spread in vain cannot be actually confirmed, but Qin Tao has to bring it up to speak out.

Wu Shengli nodded.

"Although the risk of face-to-face wars will become smaller and smaller, invisible wars are ubiquitous. The office systems of our government agencies all use foreign-made equipment. Is there a big difference among them? Danger?"

Wu Shengli came to his senses: "You want to let those people know that foreign products are unreliable, and domestic products are the best choice?"

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, if there is any reliable stuff for gringos, it will be slandered casually, the account information of the household registration department will be stolen, and the information of those with illegal households will be forged, and the state will distribute it. The financial appropriations will be revised, the tax evasion targets under the supervision of the tax department will get the news in advance, and the banking system..."

When talking about the banking system, Qin Tao stopped. This dirty water can't be splashed. The banking system doesn't use Windows.

Needless to say, in this era, even in 2020, if you go to the bank counter and poke your head around, you can see that the interface operated by bank employees is a black screen, just like in the DOS era. They don’t need fancy functions. What is needed is security, so the bank has always used the Unix system.

However, the previous ones are enough.

Wu Shengli frowned: "It's so dangerous? Okay, I'll call everyone from the relevant system. Where are you going to demonstrate?"

"It's best to be in a certain unit, and our electronic warfare personnel will attack from the outside, so that they can feel the vulnerability of their own systems. In order to avoid losses, they need to back up data in advance."

Wu Shengli nodded.

The electronic warfare demonstration was proposed by Qin Tao. After the press conference, Qin Tao had already thought of how to create momentum.

Of course, it is necessary to publicize the insecurity of the current system, and start attacking the lairs of those who do not want to make progress!Let's start with government procurement!
"For you, these should be trivial matters." Wu Shengli thought of something, and continued: "After the national defense lottery project starts, the army will be able to obtain a large amount of funds for construction, and our navy will also have more funds. The bidding for the Aegis battleship should start soon, you should be ready, right?"

Although the last aircraft carrier formation looked majestic, it was actually rushed to the shelves, and the escorting warships were all assembled.

Therefore, in the future, the Navy must continue to develop aircraft carrier formations, especially the escort warships, which must be Aegis warships. This project has been discussed for many years. If it was not because of the 138 incident last year, it should officially start up.

It's finally here this year.

Bidding will begin soon!
"It has been prepared a long time ago." Qin Tao said: "Our plan is the most complete, and we will definitely give the Navy a satisfactory answer. However, what we are doing now is not a trivial matter. Warships need a powerful computer system, so it came out, we don’t need to buy computers, and use our own directly, which is more secure.”

The research and development of Loongson relies on the civilian market to make money. After all, the civilian market is the largest. However, military use is also an important aspect. In the future, no matter it is a fighter plane or a warship, Loongson will be installed in it!
The current Loongson only has a main frequency of 100 MHz, which sounds rare. However, the main frequency is not the main consideration for military equipment, and other aspects must be integrated. If there are domestic chips, of course they must use domestic chips. Yes, it's safer that way.

Wu Shengli nodded.

It was not easy to gather the bosses from various departments. Qin Tao waited for two days, and finally got the opportunity in the afternoon of the third day.

"Our tax department replaced thousands of computers produced by L last year. The performance of these computers is very good, which greatly improves our work efficiency." In an office of the tax department, the person in charge said with a smile: " I heard that the system we are using now is not safe, but we want to see where it is not safe."

"The North American air defense command system has been drilled into by hackers, and our current system is full of loopholes." Qin Tao is very confident: "Now, you are willing to use this computer as our electronic warfare unit. We are honored to be on stage to show our strength. So, where do we start now?"


Qin Tao picked up his mobile phone and dialed a phone number: "Start now, show off your abilities!"

"Although we use the Internet, we still attach great importance to the construction of network security. We have gateways and firewalls to the systems connected to the outside world. Even each of our computers has installed KV300 software, which is quite safe." Department Said the person in charge of the computer network.

After a few minutes.That's right, just a few minutes later, there was an additional icon on the desktop. It was a bright red flag, which looked very eye-catching.

Then, the icon started to be copied and pasted crazily, and the mouse also danced wildly on the desktop. Soon, the entire desktop was filled with icons.The red flags all over the screen are dazzling.

"How could this be?" The person in charge was completely dumbfounded, as were the other department leaders who were watching.

It's not too easy, he was laid down in a few minutes?This is just to copy some icons, what if the computer files are deleted?What if it is a direct operation to format the hard disk?
"Because this latest win95 system has a loophole, our electronic warfare troops can easily use the network to log in to this computer after finding the loophole," Qin Tao said.


Everyone stared wide-eyed, and the person in charge of network security just now was also stunned: "What's going on?"

"Actually, it's not a loophole. The analysis of our electronic warfare troops is the test back door of Microsoft. After a system is built, it needs to carry out various tests, and it needs to leave various back doors. After the system is officially released, some backdoors will be blocked, and some backdoors will be left behind, I don’t know if the test engineers forgot, or for other reasons.”

The system has a back door, and people can log in remotely at will!This is too scary!

Everyone's face is black, have you forgotten?It must be on purpose!Microsoft releases this system, which means that they can remotely log in to the computer at any time and get what they want.

Especially the leaders of those key departments, the sweat dripped down their backs.

"How many people know about this back door?"

"Currently only our electronic warfare troops, of course, Microsoft engineers may also know." Qin Tao said: "We are not sure. No one knows how many problems there are in this kind of non-open source system. If you want to be safe , it can only be an open source system, and all the source codes are in hand, so we can know clearly.”

"That's right, we can't use this problematic system!"

"We have to re-tender!"

Qin Tao secretly laughed in his heart, splashing dirty water has been successful, of course, this is not a dirty water, this vulnerability is Microsoft's ashes-level vulnerability, it exists in Windows Print Spooler, from win95 to win10, all It has not been modified, because no one knows, so I am too lazy to change it.

This loophole was discovered by Zhang Dong and Wang Hua, and they are behind the so-called electronic warfare troops.

"In addition to the system, there is also a problem with the central processing unit." Qin Tao said: "This is because the FPU unit of the CPU is defective and affects the FDIV (floating-point division operation) instruction, but the probability of the problem is very small. Only one error may occur in the division operation, so Intel has not modified it. We have a special program here that can catch this bug. If you are interested, we can demonstrate it.”

Whether it is software or hardware, there are problems!This is also ancestral, Intel's CPU is defective!
But, no one knows, 90 billion times, or a division operation, who cares?

However, it is not enough for government agencies. Counting the population data of the whole country requires a lot of calculations, and one of them is wrong?How can this work?
The tax authorities verified the taxation of the whole country, and it turned out that one set of data did not match?

"How could this be? We need to verify it!" The face of the leader turned darker.

If there is a problem with the system, they can just replace the system and replace it with a Linux system, but what if there is a problem with the hardware?Then there will be big troubles!

Qin Tao took out a stack of floppy disks: "Each one is a complete program. You can go back and verify it to see if the computer in your unit has such a defect."

Anyway, it is very easy to control the computer to perform 90 billion division operations, and then find a problematic error.

Of course you can verify on the spot, but if you let them go back and find that their computers have calculation errors, hehehe, isn't it appropriate to invite bids again?
(End of this chapter)

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