Great warships

Chapter 522 The Aegis Destroyer's Bidding

Chapter 522 The Aegis Destroyer's Bidding

L misses the group headquarters.

Liu Zhonglie's face was livid: "What's going on?"

"In this floppy disk, there is a special test program that performs a division test on our Pentium processor. Through the test, it is found that there is a one in 90 billion chance that an operation error will occur." Yang Qingfeng's expression was also extremely ugly.

"How is it possible, how could there be an error in Intel's processor?" Liu Zhonglie almost shouted: "There must be a problem with this program, it must be like this!"

"Yes, at first we also thought that there was a problem with this program, so our technicians designed the same program for testing." Yang Qingfeng said the test result reluctantly: "Using our program, there is also a problem. A similar problem occurred, which shows that Intel's processor does have this problem. Its FPU unit design is faulty."

"The technology in the United States is the most advanced, how could they make such a mistake? Damn it!" Liu Zhonglie's face was extremely ugly, and he could already predict the result.

If it is an ordinary user, it doesn't matter if it makes a mistake once, but for many government agencies, a processor error will cause very dire consequences!In this way, the computers used in these state agencies will give up using Intel processors!
He walked back and forth, thinking of countermeasures.

"How about AMD's products, do they have this defect?" Liu Zhonglie asked.

"In the current inspection, no such problem has been found in AMD's products."

In the decades of processor history, Intel has been exposed a lot of black material, and a hardware defect will pop up every few years. However, AMD has been stable and has not had any major problems.

"Okay, if the government agencies want to replace these computers, then we can provide two solutions." Liu Zhonglie said: "On the one hand, we need to contact Intel urgently and tell them about this defect, hoping that they can provide The remedy, on the other hand, is that we can sell AMD computers to the government, and through that sale, we can sell more computers! Get it working now!"

It’s easy to change, anyway, the government spends all the money of the country to change computers. If the existing computers are eliminated and a batch of new ones are replaced, then they think that the company, the largest computer supplier in the country, can get more money. profit!
It's a blessing in disguise.

Hearing his words, Yang Qingfeng nodded, and hurried to prepare. That's right, this is still a new opportunity for them!
As for the Godson, they still haven't paid attention to it for the time being. A brand new computer has not passed the test of the market. How could users like it?Over the years, Intel has defeated many opponents with absolute advantages and has become a strong player in this field!
Yellow House.

"Leaders, this is our first Godson computer in China." Elder Ni's face was full of excitement, his eyes were bloodshot, but he was in a good state of mind.

Since the first Loongson chip was taped out, all kinds of good news kept coming. The supplier VIA followed suit and produced a batch of north-south bridge chips specially used by Loongson, and also made the main board by the way.VIA has been supplying Intel for these years, and has formed a perfect process in making motherboards, so it is quite fast.

As for the system problem, just input the code into the compiler of the Godson instruction set and recompile it.

So, Mr. Ni has already brought the computer over.

From the outside, it looked like any other computer of this era, a vertical case, but the inside of it had been completely changed.

Relying on the good relationship with the navy, they can of course come to the navy to sell directly. The various units of the navy must also have the need for computers.

"The performance of this computer is no worse than that of Intel's." Mr. Ni continued to sell melons to Wang Po.

Even Qin Tao felt a little embarrassed when he heard this.

The highest frequency of the Godson we manufacture is only 486 MHz, just like the 2. Intel’s is already a Pentium Pro, and the frequency can easily reach 233 MHz. We still have a long way to go in this regard. Let's go, when the Pentium 450 is launched next year, the frequency will start from [-] and reach a maximum of [-], and our Loongson-[-] will not come out until a few years later.

"How did you do it?" asked a Navy leader.

"The frequency is not enough to make up the quantity." Ni Lao said: "Our main frequency is definitely not as high as Intel's processor frequency, but our processor is cheap. For the same price, Intel's processor can only buy one , we can buy three to five yuan, and their main frequency is two hundred, so we only need to use two one hundred, and we can catch up."

Multiprocessor!This is the method Ni Lao came up with, and it is also a common method in this era.

A personal computer only needs one processor, but for servers and the like, one is not enough, so multiple processors need to work together!
"Moreover, in terms of multitasking, we use two processors, which is much better than one processor, so the overall performance is no worse than theirs." Ni Lao continued.

Qin Tao's eyes widened, indeed!
There is only one processor, and it can only process one task at a time, but for a computer, there are many tasks that need to be processed. In this way, a large number of tasks will be divided into processors, and one second of processing time will be cut out and distributed to Each task is like a computer capable of multitasking.

In this era, it is not very good for computers to handle it like this. Take the most important anti-virus software as an example. As long as the anti-virus software is turned on, the running speed of the computer will instantly slow down.

What if there are two processors?One processor runs the antivirus software and the other runs other software so the computer doesn't slow down.

"Old Ni, your method is good." Qin Tao said: "In the future, when our chips are more integrated, we can integrate multiple cores in one processor."

Multi-core processors are very popular in later generations. This is also the inevitable development of processors. At the beginning, processors were competing for the peak frequency. Later, Pentium 4 has been able to reach frequencies above 3G.

What next?People find that there is no point in continuing to increase the frequency.The performance of the computer will not be improved due to high frequency, on the contrary, it will bring a series of problems such as heat generation, so it starts to engage in multi-core.

On a processor, several cores are integrated to realize the function of multitasking.

Dual-core, quad-core, eight-core, and even four-core and four-small processors will gradually become popular, and as they continue to develop, Moore's Law will gradually fail, and processor performance will gradually become redundant.

Now, Qin Tao made this proposal, which is definitely an innovation. Mr. Ni opened his eyes wide and carefully understood Qin Tao's words, feeling that there are rich philosophies in them.

Perhaps, this is really a way for future processor development?
"We found a loophole in the Intel processor, which is an important development opportunity for us, but is there any design flaw in our own processor?" Wu Shengli asked Mr. Ni what he thought of.

The expression on Ni's face was very serious: "No one knows about this defect, and it needs to be tested continuously. Therefore, the prototype we provided to the troops is to let the troops feel the performance of our Loongson computer. On the other hand, it is also for you to test in your own way to see if there is a problem with this computer."

For a R&D team, a large number of tests are required to complete the R&D project before it can be put on the market. The test also needs to spend more money. Under the current situation, the best way for the Godson team is to use these tests The computer was sent out to many agencies and units for them to use and test during use.

Wu Shengli smiled: "Okay, we will give you free labor once."

"What is this called free labor? Didn't you get benefits? You can use our computers for free. Even if this kind of computer is cheaper than Intel's, it will cost seven or eight thousand!"

Qin Tao complained dissatisfied.

Wu Shengli smiled and did not speak, but Mr. Ni continued: "When the next batch of tapes comes out, we plan to make it into a blade server. In a cabinet, there can be more than 20 yuan of Godson processors. One cabinet should be able to meet the needs of the 14th Institute."

This Loongson processor is not only for civilian use, but also for military use!
The project prepared for 14 is of course used on the Aegis battleship. This Godson core server will undertake the massive computing tasks of the Aegis battleship!

"How is the anti-electromagnetic interference capability of this processor?" Wu Shengli asked.

"The problem of electromagnetic interference is not difficult." Qin Tao answered directly: "We only need to manufacture special shielding devices on the circuit board and the outer main casing."

Speaking of electromagnetic interference, it seems to be very powerful. In fact, a simple shielding device can solve this problem. Under the protection of the Faraday cage, the internal devices will not be disturbed.

"What we have to guard against is electromagnetic pulses. However, apart from electronic tubes, there seems to be nothing that can prevent them." Qin Tao continued: "However, except for nuclear bombs, there is no device that can produce a large number of electromagnetic pulses. If that time really comes , it is no longer a conventional war. If a nuclear war really breaks out, then only one of our anti-ship ballistic missiles can destroy the enemy's entire fleet. At the end of the war, all kinds of high-tech weapons will Being destroyed, it finally becomes a contest between people, and if we fight people, we have an absolute advantage."

Many people are laughing at Lao Maozi's strategy. In fact, there is nothing wrong with Lao Maozi's strategy. People have always aimed at nuclear wars, large-scale wars, but this kind of war has never been fought, so Lao Maozi's strategy Technical equipment began to be criticized.

Nuclear weapons are so powerful that they can destroy the entire world. Therefore, under the shadow of nuclear weapons, World War III did not start.

Now, Qin Tao's theory can be recognized by the people present.

"Our navy is looking forward to your Godson server." Wu Shengli said: "In this way, our warship can truly have our own heart, so as to avoid various loopholes."

The matter was finalized in this way. Mr. Ni took other prototypes and went to sell them to other departments. Qin Tao continued to stay in the capital. He didn't need to worry about this kind of thing, but another thing was already in front of him.

Bidding for the new Aegis destroyer!
Everything was in place, and the bidding finally kicked off in early May.

Yellow House.

When Sun Xuewen, the director of Bincheng Shipyard, walked into the venue, his eyes wandered around, and soon fell on a young man, and then walked over quickly.

"President Qin!"

"Mr. Sun, hello." Qin Tao stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Mr. Qin, you Mingzhou Group has been preparing for several years, and you are also a major domestic warship contractor. We are accompanying you in this bidding, and you are the main force." Sun Xuewen said with a smile.

The two are in a competitive relationship at this time, but Sun Xuewen and Qin Tao are communicating like good friends at this time.

Of course Qin Tao knew what was going on.

Seeing that Huating Shipyard started building natural gas ships to make a lot of money, other shipyards couldn't sit still. Bincheng Shipyard also sent a large number of craftsmen to Mingzhou Group to learn. Now, they are also starting to build natural gas the boat.

This kind of ship is the most profitable, so even if the share of the warships is given to Mingzhou, Bincheng Shipyard is just not good-looking, but the benefits are not small. Relying on the big tree of Mingzhou Group, the domestic All shipbuilding companies will take advantage of the cool.

However, the Bincheng Shipyard is an old shipyard after all, and has built many warships, so it has to come to bid this time.

"This is not necessarily the case. Many people are not optimistic about our Mingzhou Group, saying that we are the only one, which is not good for the development of the domestic shipbuilding industry." Qin Tao said: "You must also work hard, so as not to make people think that the navy is in the dark. operation."

Sun Xuewen smiled: "Mr. Qin, you have made great contributions to the navy. Even if you don't bid and give you the order directly, others can't say anything. Those people have pink eyes. They don't have the ability, so they will compare blindly."

The two exchanged pleasantries, and then separated after the people on the rostrum were seated.

The leader began to speak.

"In recent years, our navy has ushered in a period of rapid development. We have No. 138 with a displacement of 136 tons, and No. 137 and No. 051 with a displacement of [-] tons. However, these warships are all outsourced. There are only two [-]C destroyers produced by ourselves, and these two are of an emergency nature, meeting the air defense needs of our navy, and they are not perfect, so now, we need to bid for the next generation of destroyers, and we need to have perfect air defense capabilities.”

"The core of this destroyer system is our Hongqi-[-] air defense missile system and the supporting active phased array radar. Therefore, before bidding for warships, let us listen to the technological progress in these fields." The leader continued. : "Old Wu, let's talk about it first."

Wu Lao, the person in charge of the research and development of the Hongqi-[-] missile, walked up to the rostrum and picked up the microphone.

"Everyone should know that our Hongqi-300 missile has been tested and finalized two years ago. At present, it has provided equipment for four battalions of air defense missiles to the Air Force. It has performed well in the use of the Air Force." Wu The old introduction is very simple: "At present, our Hongqi-300 missile has matured as a whole. There are many rumors in the outside world that our missile is an imitation of the S-[-] missile. These are nonsense. We and Many parameters of the S-[-] missile are similar, but there are also some parameters that are very different, for example, the terminal guidance of the missile, we already have a mature TVM mechanism, and we are transitioning to the way of actively guiding the radar."

In fact, the technicians present here already have some understanding of the performance of this missile, and Mr. Wu's introduction is mainly for the leaders in the seat.

The TVM mechanism is a technology developed in the early years when computer technology was not advanced enough and many devices had not been miniaturized to improve multi-target engagement capabilities and ensure electronic countermeasures.With the rapid development of electronic technology in recent years, the Hongqi-[-] missile has begun to adopt the most advanced active radar seeker.

Of course, due to the limitation of the working distance of the active radar seeker, it is impossible for the missile to use its on-board radar to lock the target from the beginning. At this time, the C-band antenna behind it is also needed for guidance.

"At present, we are continuing to develop the technology of the Hongqi-300 missile, which is similar to Lao Maozi's S-[-] missile. The focus of our development is the range. At present, the maximum range is only about [-] kilometers, which cannot meet future challenges. We need Increase its range to two hundred, or even four hundred in the future, so that it can not only intercept aircraft and anti-ship missiles, but also intercept ballistic missiles."

In the war in 91, the battle between the Scuds and the Patriots touched everyone's heart, and it also represented the advent of a new era: intercepting ballistic missiles!
Although the Scud is only a ballistic missile with a range of [-] kilometers, this is the beginning after all. In the future, with the continuous development of technology, the technology for intercepting ballistic missiles will become more and more advanced, including medium-range, long-range, and even intercontinental ballistic missiles. , there will be the possibility of being intercepted.

This requires the continuous development of air defense systems.

Mr. Wu explained the development of the Hongqi-14 missile, and then went down, replaced by technicians from the [-]th institute.

However, Mr. Ben did not come up. He sat down and listened. The person responsible for the introduction was Xing Wenge, the engineer of the 346 radar.

"Leaders, guests, and friends." It should be the first time Xing Wenge came here to attend a meeting, and he was a little excited at this time, trembling with the manuscript in his hand.

"I'm very happy to be able to report to you here. The 14 radar developed by our 346th Institute has passed the sea test and is fully ready for shipment." Xing Wenge took a deep breath: "The largest radar encountered at that time The problem is the clutter interference on the sea surface, every wave will become a false target, we spent six months doing experiments to restore, and finally solved this problem.”

"As for the radar heat dissipation problem we are most concerned about, it has been effectively solved. We use the most common air-cooled heat dissipation method, and the antenna array works very stably. Under the condition of maximum power, it can still meet the heat dissipation requirements..."

Since the 14th Institute's plan was confirmed at the Navy's meeting, the 14th Institute has been working hard to develop this radar, which is an essential part of overtaking on curves.

It was originally planned to build the Aegis warship last year, but it has been delayed again and again, and the test has only started now. Therefore, the 346 radar has undergone a lot of tests and almost solved all kinds of problems.

What I am reporting now is to tell about the hardships of development, and everyone is deeply touched when they hear it. This is a zero breakthrough, and it is not easy.

However, some people became a little impatient.

"Master Xing, can you tell us about the cost of this radar?"

Qin Tao frowned and glanced at Sun Xuewen.

Before the rise of the Mingzhou Group, the Bincheng Shipyard was the major producer of warships. Over the past few decades, of course, they have also had a lot of contact with the army. Is this kind of questioning unconscious or intentional?

This is the only shortcoming of the four-sided phased array radar antenna!

"After our repeated improvements, the production cost of the T/R module required by phased array radar has been greatly reduced." Xing Wenge said: "According to the latest technology, the price of our entire system can be controlled at Five hundred million."

Five hundred million!

Many people gasped.

What is the concept of this price?It doesn't take so much money to build a 054 now!
This still greatly reduces the production cost, how about before?Just this 346 radar system costs one billion, or even two billion?
Isn't this burning money?

Many people at the scene frowned.

The navy is poor, how much would it cost to build such a warship?

The bidding for warships has not yet officially started, and the unit responsible for the bidding has not yet begun to introduce, a shadow has already shrouded it.

Qin Tao looked around for a week, and then smiled again on his face.

I just try my best to help the development of the navy, but I have no control over what choice the navy makes in the end. If the navy feels pain and purchases the project of the Bincheng Shipyard, then I can accept it. After all That's the reality.

If you want performance, you also have to look at how much money you have in your pocket.

Xing Wenge had already noticed the silence around him, and he was a little at a loss. For a straight-line technician, it was the first time for him to make this kind of report.

This is also a training for Mr. Ben to Xing Wenge, now it seems that Xing Wenge has a little stage fright, so he can only cough: "Xiao Xing, don't be dazed, hurry up and introduce to the leaders. "

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the people on the rostrum again: "Leaders, don't interrupt our introduction. I will answer what you want to ask later."

The leader above smiled: "Master Xing, you can continue to introduce."

Therefore, Xing Wenge took a deep breath again, and then introduced: "At present, we are cooperating with David people on the early warning aircraft project, and we have also learned some manufacturing techniques of T/R components from them. Therefore, in the next few years, the cost of our products may be reduced step by step."

(End of this chapter)

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