Great warships

Chapter 571 It’s time to start the Navy’s early warning aircraft project

Chapter 571 It’s time to start the Navy’s early warning aircraft project
"Everyone, I'm here this time, and there's one more important thing." Now that the AWACS is mentioned, Qin Tao of course wants to bring up related projects.

Everyone looked at Qin Tao.

"About the platform of the Navy's carrier-based early warning aircraft." Qin Tao said: "At present, we have obtained the prototype of Lao Maozi's Yak-44 early warning aircraft. If we have all ideas in 603, the Navy can provide you with the prototype of this early warning aircraft. , I hope you can imitate a similar airframe platform.”

The Fairkamp incident is just an introduction. Stimulated by this incident, domestic scientific researchers will put all their efforts into flying domestically-made early warning aircraft into the sky within a few years.

At present, various domestic preparations have been prepared. The relevant T/R components have been produced normally in the 14th Institute. The computer system is in charge of Godson. Experience, coupled with the experience accumulated on the Navy's Aegis battleship, it can be said that there will be no major changes in the development of this early warning aircraft.

(Someone complained before, saying that we are not a warship of a big country? Why do we write everything? The hero of East China is still restrained, and it is not a hodgepodge. That is also for the early warning aircraft of our navy! Even if it is engaged in aerospace, it is also for our global positioning system, detection system, etc., and ultimately it is for the navy. I wrote it, let’s not touch the entertainment industry, because the heroes of East China don’t understand it.)
"President Qin, we have also done some preparations for the Navy's carrier-based early warning aircraft." Hearing Qin Tao talk about this, Mr. Chen also became interested: "In the 80s, we once demonstrated the 4-ton medium-sized The JZY-01 carrier-based early warning aircraft has already been demonstrated when it was an aircraft carrier. According to our original plan, it was to transform the early warning aircraft verification aircraft on the basis of the Yun-7 platform. However, since the 4-ton aircraft carrier has not been finalized, this The early warning aircraft verification aircraft ended without a problem.”

With the domestic research and development level, it is very difficult to develop a new early warning aircraft. Therefore, the country can only use the existing platform to modify it. After looking around, the Yunqi platform is the most suitable.

This is a model copied from Lao Maozi's An-24 transport plane. However, due to the chaos of the year, although the first one was assembled in 70, it was not until 82 that this transport plane was finally finalized. , has become an important transport aircraft in China, and it has been in production all the time, and even in later generations, it is still continuing its long vitality with the model of Xinzhou 600.

The size of this aircraft is about the same as the E-2, so it is logical to transform the verification aircraft of the early warning aircraft on the basis of this aircraft.

Hearing Chen Lao's words, Qin Tao's eyes lit up immediately: "Okay, since we have technical reserves, it should be easier!"

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Mr. Chen had a difficult expression on his face again: "Boss Qin, it's not very easy. We can modify our Yunqi according to the shape of the Yak-44, but if it is a machine The way of carrying a large plate on the back means that the air resistance is greatly increased! At present, we lack corresponding engines in China.”

This is the most critical question.

The aviation industry has always been plagued by engines. Although it has been working hard, it has made slow progress.

At the beginning, the surveying and mapping imitated the An-24, and the engine AI-20M above was also surveyed and mapped. It was formally finalized in 77 and was called the turboprop 6. Seven or four-engine Yun-eight, as long as it is a propeller aircraft, almost all of them use this kind of engine.

When it was first introduced, the power of this engine was only 3124 kilowatts. After improvement, it was increased to about 3340 kilowatts. It was only when the turboprop-21C in the 6st century was raised to about [-] kilowatts.

Is this high power?Of course not!


Our existing engines are not powerful at all!If there is no advanced engine, the aircraft cannot guarantee stable flight at all, and even if it has a catapult, it cannot successfully take off on the aircraft carrier, then this kind of aircraft is tasteless.

Qin Tao nodded: "The engine is indeed a big problem, but last time I got ten D227 engines from Lao Maozi, which should be enough for us to assemble four early-warning aircraft. Let's make do with this engine first. Later, our With the development of technology, we can have better engines to match. Of course, we can’t just copy the Yak-44, our current aircraft has already started to use composite materials to reduce weight, and these can be used in our aircraft.”

(I always feel that the 227-horsepower D-44 is a waste to use on the Yak-44. It is twice as powerful as the Hawkeye. It is said that the body is about the same size. Is it for skiing? It is also said that the Yak-5145 -27E is equipped with a D-227 engine with a single engine power of up to [-]kW, not a D-[-].)

As for self-developed more advanced engines, Qin Tao also has a theoretical basis. When developing the new MA 700 airliner, he chose the PW150C turboprop engine produced by Pratt & Whitney Canada.This was the third-generation turboprop with the best sales at that time, and its performance was fully satisfactory; and sharing the cake with foreign manufacturers could open up the European and American markets and facilitate obtaining airworthiness certificates.

However, this plan was miscalculated in the end. For various reasons, Pratt & Whitney Canada tore up the contract, but the country was also prepared to develop the AEP500 with the world's advanced level. This engine is more fuel-efficient than foreign imports, and the power has reached five More than a thousand kilowatts.

Therefore, although there is a lack of engines now, I will definitely not worry about this in the future.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Mr. Chen's eyes lit up: "If we have a qualified engine, then it is not difficult to develop a carrier-based early warning aircraft for the navy, as long as the navy provides us with sufficient funds!"

It is too common for them to use the stock engine. The current Flying Leopard fighter-bomber uses the stock Spey engine!There is a batch of engines, let's talk about it first.

Qin Tao nodded: "At present, for you, it is pre-research. You can drag the Yak-44 over and make a comprehensive survey and map. After the Air Force's early warning aircraft is successfully developed, the Navy's early warning aircraft project will be launched."

The early warning aircraft project mainly includes two aspects: airframe and radar. In terms of airframe, the air force uses Il-76, and the navy needs self-development. After all, the navy has to go on board!In terms of radar, after the air force's early warning aircraft is successfully developed, reduce the size, reduce the T/R unit, and make a small mushroom plate, which is the navy's early warning aircraft.

In this way, the Navy can greatly save research and development funds.Now, the navy's early warning aircraft body can be started, so that after the air force's research and development is successful, it will be able to catch up with the navy's No. [-] ship. If Magong's side goes well, the No. [-] ship may be able to eject. This requires a dedicated carrier-based fixed-wing early warning aircraft.

"President Qin, don't worry, as soon as that Yak-44 comes over, we will immediately deploy manpower to survey and map imitation. However, if we only produce carrier-based early warning aircraft, the quantity is too small, and the cost must not be low."

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, if there is only an early warning aircraft, it must be too wasteful. However, the navy still needs other aircraft, such as ship-based anti-submarine aircraft, ship-based transport aircraft, etc. Let's develop the early warning aircraft first. There will be many more opportunities.”

Helicopter anti-submarine is always inferior to fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft. Yankee's aircraft carrier has a special S-3 anti-submarine aircraft. At the same time, the E-2 body platform also has a modification of the C-2 transport aircraft, letters from aircraft carrier crews, etc. , were all transported by this type of aircraft.

Our side does not have the luxury to develop another one, but it is logical to use the existing one to modify it.

Everyone nodded. Compared with land-based aircraft, carrier-based aircraft need to undergo various changes, such as strengthening the landing gear, strengthening the airframe, etc. Therefore, it is also very appropriate to refit it into other carrier-based aircraft. In this way, the value of the platform will also increase. can maximize the benefits.

"Of course, I have to make a request. The weight of this carrier-based early warning aircraft should not be too large. Even if it cannot control the 2 tons of the E-26, it will be 28 tons at most, and it must not exceed 30 tons."

The maximum take-off weight of the Yak-44 is 40 tons, which has brought a lot of adverse effects on its use prospects. After all, it is difficult enough to take off whether it is ejection or ski jump. will fail.

However, the old man's problem is mainly due to the lack of power of the electronic equipment, which should be easier on his side.

Old Chen nodded: "That's for sure, we have the ability."

The time has finally entered 97. On New Year's Day of this year, Qin Tao and his party took a business jet specially purchased by Mingzhou Group and landed on the runway of Chkalov Aircraft Factory.

Here is also covered with snow, a scene of auspicious snow heralding a good year, with large flakes of snowflakes flying in the air.

After getting off the plane, Qin Tao saw a familiar figure, and immediately smiled: "Mr. Sergey, we meet again."

The former old man Mikhail has left, but Sergey is still the director of the factory. It is much better to see old acquaintances than new faces.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we met again. Our factory is ready to reopen. Are you here to order forty Il-476 transport aircraft?" After the meeting, Sergey I asked excitedly.

Both of them exhaled white mist from their mouths, it was a cold winter.

Qin Tao's mind was agitated, how could he forget this?
The last time he came here to fool around, Qin Tao promised to buy forty Il-476 transport planes. It was under this promise that the other party sold the A-50 airframe to Dongfang for 500 million US dollars, and then Use this money to prepare for re-production.

As a result, there is no more text.

Qin Tao has never planned to continue purchasing transport planes from here, so he has long forgotten about this matter. Now, the other party suddenly mentioned this matter, and Qin Tao was caught off guard.

But he immediately reacted, nodded and said: "Yes, we are here to investigate and see if you have the ability to resume production. If so, we will place an order for [-] passenger planes."

"Of course." Sergey said, "As long as you place an order, we can produce it at any time. Should we notify the Ilyushin Design Bureau?"

They are only responsible for the production of this aircraft, and the design work is done by the Ilyushin Design Bureau. Dongfang wants to order the latest Il-476, so they have to use Ilyushin as the general contractor, and they are only the final assembly plant , There are still a large number of parts that need to be coordinated, which determines that they cannot directly negotiate a contract with Dongfang, but need to follow the path of Ilyushin.

"Don't worry about this, let's inspect the factory first."

Sergey nodded: "Boss Qin, please follow me."

Tang Changhong followed Qin Tao, the first time he came to the most important transport aircraft production plant in the era of the Red Empire, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

The annual output of transport aircraft here is dozens of sets, which is much higher than that of Factory 172. How is the production coordinated here?He is very excited.

After entering, the first thing I saw was a huge and wide factory building with a row of six yellow-skinned passenger planes.

"These are Il-114 airliners. We are currently assembling this world-advanced airliner and using it to replace the outdated An-24 aircraft."

Qin Tao nodded: "This kind of plane is not bad. If the price is cheap, our Mingzhou Group is willing to buy one."

After the military Il-76 transport aircraft was forced to stop production, they are still barely maintaining the production of passenger aircraft. This Il-114 passenger aircraft is their last hope, but this aircraft has not changed their fate. .

After all, in the field of passenger aircraft, Lao Maozi's technology is backward, and it cannot be compared with Western passenger aircraft. Only a dozen of this type of passenger aircraft have been produced before they are completely discontinued.

At this time, Sergey was extremely excited when he heard Qin Tao say this: "Okay, we welcome you very much, the price must be the cheapest in the world!"

"It seems that you didn't see the workers?" Qin Tao asked.

In fact, if you look closely, you can find that the dust on the body of these passenger planes shows signs of being wiped, and some rust has been exposed in some places, indicating that the assembly work of these passenger planes has stopped long ago.

Il-114 was developed by the Ilyushin Design Bureau in 82. On August 92, 8, the first production aircraft flew for the first time. It is said that as long as the price is cheap, there is still a market, but on July 7, 93 The second prototype crashed in an accident on the 7st, bringing the entire project to a standstill.

If Qin Tao's guess is correct, the airframes of this batch of facades were also produced at that time, and then fell into dust, and now they have been refurbished.

At this time, hearing Qin Tao's question, Sergey said with a smile: "It's the New Year's Day holiday, and the workers are not at work yet."

It was a coincidence that Qin Tao and the others came at the time of the holiday. This kind of New Year's Day holiday is global in nature, and all countries have holidays.

"Oh." Qin Tao nodded: "Today is the [-]rd. If tomorrow, the workers should go to work, right?"

Hearing his question, Sergey's eyes flashed with panic, and then he tried to calm himself down: "Yes, Mr. Qin, you are right, if you come here tomorrow, there will be workers here. However, according to our plan, we will fly to the Ilyushin Design Bureau tomorrow."

"Well, yes, after today's visit, we will go to the Ilyushin Design Bureau to discuss specific matters tomorrow." Qin Tao nodded and continued to walk forward, looking at the empty final assembly plant in front of him.

With an average annual output of 76 Il-[-]s and a peak of [-] a year, this factory is of course very huge.

After the collapse of the Red Empire, production continued here for a period of time, but in 95, after the last transport plane was pieced together, it could no longer support production.

Now, most of the space is empty, save for a few planes that have been dismantled after donated organs.

"As long as you place an order, we can continue construction here immediately. We can assemble [-] transport planes at the same time. After the assembly is completed, these planes can be delivered at one time." Sergey continued to draw big cakes.

"Well, not bad." Qin Tao nodded: "We are very satisfied with the situation here. Tomorrow, we will go to the Ilyushin Design Bureau to negotiate."

Sergey was overjoyed.

"President Qin, we will hold a banquet tonight to entertain all the guests!"

Tang Changhong was very curious.

We are here to buy the technical data of Il-76!But so far, President Qin hasn't mentioned this matter at all.

Outside, the heavy snow is still falling.

The cafeteria was bustling with people holding wine glasses and toasting to each other.

"President Qin, why did you suddenly make up your mind to purchase our brand new transport aircraft?" Sergey asked.

"Well, you must have heard about what happened recently." Qin Tao looked helpless: "The early warning aircraft research and development contract we signed with the David Kingdom has been forced to terminate."

This matter cannot be hidden. Although it has not been made public in the society, many people in the circle already know about it.

For the Chkalov Aircraft Factory, it is even more clear. After all, they have known about this deal for a long time. It was when the deal was concluded that Dongfang purchased an A-50 airframe from them. Moreover, this project It is to transform three early warning aircraft, so they are still looking forward with joy, and they can sell two more special A-50 airframes to Dongfang.

Who would have thought that this deal would fall through the cracks!

"Yeah, we heard about it." Sergey nodded.

"This incident has greatly stimulated us. Even without the Davids, we will independently complete the research and development of this early warning aircraft. Therefore, we need more airframes. This time, we will purchase forty Il-476s. Transport aircraft, two of them, we will use as a platform for early warning aircraft."

"President Qin, with all due respect, there is still a big difference between the early warning aircraft platform and the transport aircraft platform." Sergey said: "For example, the early warning aircraft consumes a lot of power, so a special generator must be installed. There are a lot of electronic equipment, and heat dissipation is a big problem, so special cooling vents are required, and professional air-conditioning equipment is required. There is also a special pressurized cockpit to meet the needs of personnel. Instead of modifying it yourself, it is better to put it in Here, as long as you add money, we are willing to convert two of them into a dedicated early warning aircraft platform."

Their factory has not opened for a long time, and they are counting on orders from Dongfang to make money. At this time, Qin Tao was unambiguous when he heard Sergey's words, and immediately nodded: "You are right, we can't modify it ourselves. As long as your price is right, we can directly modify it here!"

Sergey was overjoyed, he raised his glass: "Come on, let's drink!"

"We'll go to the Ilyushin Design Bureau tomorrow and place an order after learning about the design plan in detail," Qin Tao said.

Tang Changhong was puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, wondering what kind of medicine Mr. Qin was selling in this gourd.

After finishing drinking and returning to the guest house, Tang Changhong couldn't help but asked, "Mr. Qin, we're not here to buy a transport plane this time!"

Qin Tao smiled, and pointed to the snowflakes above his head: "Mr. Tang, the snow is so heavy tonight!"

"Well, there is a lot of snow here, and the weather is also very cold, but..."

"But what? Don't worry, Mr. Tang, let's go to sleep and wake up the next day. Maybe there will be some surprises."

Woke up with a surprise the next day?

Tang Changhong was very curious. That night, he lay on the bed in the guest house and couldn't fall asleep. The jet lag was not too big, but the key was that he had something on his mind!
The heavy snow outside was still falling on the ground. In the middle of the night, there was a sudden noise outside, which made Tang Changhong unable to sleep even more. He opened the curtains and found many people under the dim street lights. Hastily rushed to the assembly workshop.

What are these people doing?
Tang Changhong was even more curious.

The next day, early in the morning, there was a knock on the door next door.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Who is it?" Qin Tao's voice sounded. He was obviously not awake, and he was still muttering: "Is the plane to the Ilyushin Design Bureau ahead of schedule?"


When the door was opened, Sergey's urgent voice came: "Boss Qin, something went wrong, we need your help!"

Tang Changhong was very curious. The movement in the middle of the night yesterday showed that something had happened, but what happened?
"What's the matter?" Qin Tao also muttered curiously.

"Last night's heavy snow was so heavy that it collapsed the factory building of our assembly workshop!"

Snow collapsed the factory building?
This thing is too ridiculous, right?Tang Changhong couldn't believe his ears.

Over there, Qin Tao was also surprised: "What? The factory building collapsed? What a blessing! If we place an order and produce transport planes in your factory, those transport planes will be crushed? Who will count then?"

(End of this chapter)

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