Great warships

Chapter 572 The roof of the factory building collapsed

Chapter 572 The roof of the factory building collapsed
Just like Ah San's purchase of an aircraft carrier, the customer must be wronged by then!

Ah San's aircraft carrier has been constantly overrun in refitting, and each time the excess cost is accepted by Ah San, otherwise the refit will not go on. How can a half-baked aircraft carrier be used?
As long as you pay the deposit, you will be led by the nose from now on.

It's the same now, once you pay the deposit for the transport plane, then there will be an accident in the next production process, the Chkalov Aircraft Factory will definitely not repay the money, if the East doesn't add money, it will look like a ruin, anyway They didn't lose money, and the transport plane that was crushed inside should continue to be crushed.

This Sergey is really stupid. When something like this happened, he even ran to Qin Tao. He should have solved it by himself, and he had to cover it up!
Of course, Sergey couldn't help it.

The factory building collapsed, how to produce?If it can't be produced, Dongfang will definitely not place an order!Especially in the previous few cooperations, Sergey was very moved by Mr. Qin's considerate and good friend's approach. Everyone who has worked with Qin Tao will give a thumbs up Let's praise Qin Tao.

Now, facing this kind of problem, Sergey decided to come to Qin Tao to discuss the solution. After all, only Qin Tao can solve this problem.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we are also sweating. Fortunately, the factory building is now empty and the products are not crushed. Otherwise, the loss will be too great." Sergey is also afraid.

Even if we can continue to ask Dongfang for money, it will be an additional loss. It is best to avoid it. Now it is only the factory building that collapsed, and the plane has not been crushed. This is luck.

"President Qin, you have to find a way for us to solve this problem." Sergey continued: "We want to repair the factory building, and we need a lot of money. For you, if the factory building cannot be repaired, your Fang can't get a transport plane either."

When he heard this, Tang Changhong seemed to gradually understand something, this President Qin is really too powerful, this trick is played so well that it doesn't show itself!

Sergey came to Qin Tao with confidence. After all, Qin Tao said categorically yesterday that he would purchase [-] transport planes. If the factory building is not repaired well, the transport planes will not be able to be produced, which will delay the early warning aircraft of the East. Career.

Unfortunately, if Sergey knew that the purpose of the Oriental visitor was not to order a transport plane at all, then he would never report such an idea.

"Director Sergey, please come in and say."

The next thing to talk about must be secret. Tang Changhong couldn't hear it, but he was extremely excited. He had already guessed what would happen next: if the Chkalov Aircraft Factory wanted to repair the factory building, it needed Money, where does the money come from?Of course, it is to sell the materials of the Il-76 that are no longer used to make money!

Anyway, they have already mastered a full set of production technology, and they can produce without looking at the design drawings. Besides, they will produce the latest Il-476 transport aircraft of the Ilyushin Design Bureau, and all the information of this transport aircraft will definitely be packaged and delivered of.

The old Il-76 data is useless in the warehouse, it is better to exchange it for money!
In the room, Qin Tao frowned: "Yeah, this is really troublesome. If you don't repair the factory, then our order cannot be produced. If our order is not produced, you will have no money to repair the factory. This is simply a dead end." Loop!"

"President Qin, please place a deposit first, as long as you place a deposit, we can repair the factory building!" Sergey said, this is the real purpose of his coming, give the money quickly!Let's repair the factory building. If the factory building is not repaired, then the transport plane you want cannot be produced.

Qin Tao shook his head helplessly: "Brother, I really want to hurry up the production, but the deposit cannot be embezzled. If the Air Force finds out about this, they will arrest me and go to jail!"

The deposit is for the production of the aircraft, not for the maintenance of the plant. We are customers, so there is no need to repair the plant for you!
Sergey was also taken aback: "Then what should I do?"

After discovering that the factory was crushed by the snow, Sergey immediately thought of looking for Qin Tao. After all, only the Orientals can pay for the repair of the factory. Now, Qin Tao expressed his refusal, and said that if so Misappropriation of funds may also go in and squat.

Of course, Sergey couldn't persist anymore. Even if Qin Tao was their good friend, there was no need to do this to this extent!
"Do you have any valuable things here that you can't use? Sell these things to us, and we can provide a sum of money, so that we will be in a logical place." Qin Tao said: "We Mingzhou Group You have money, but you can't spend it indiscriminately, there must be a reason!"

Valuable things to sell?
What else is there in their factory?Over the past few years, they have assembled all the aircraft that can be assembled by patchwork. Now the factory is empty, only the production equipment is left.

Those production equipment cannot be sold!If it is sold, how will it be produced next?

What else is in the factory?
Sergey couldn't figure it out.

Therefore, Qin Tao could only be persuasive: "Director Sergey, think about it carefully, what else is useless in the warehouse, if the snow crushes the warehouse, those things will probably be completely damaged right?"

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Sergey suddenly thought of something: "Yes, Mr. Qin, we still have the design drawings of the aircraft in our warehouse! Those things are useless, but those things belong to Ilyushin's design Bureau..."

"When we separated, those things were left in your factory, so they belonged to you. What does it have to do with the Ilyushin Design Bureau?" Qin Tao said, "Besides, those things are already outdated. Ilyushin Design Bureau The Il-476 transport aircraft is the most advanced at present. Your factory has to switch to this advanced aircraft. The outdated design drawings of the Il-76 have long been useless. You also have to free up the warehouse and wait for the dress The design drawings of the brand new Il-476."

Sergey nodded: "That's true, but how much can those waste paper be sold for? We need at least 100 million to repair the factory!"

"Yeah, waste paper is indeed worthless. How about this? Since we are good friends, of course we have to help you. As long as those blueprints are complete, then Mingzhou Group is willing to pay 100 million US dollars to buy those blueprints, and then you We will have the money to repair the factory building, and after repairing the factory building, we can quickly produce the Il-476 transport aircraft."

Seeing Sergey's continued hesitation, Qin Tao had no choice but to use the big weapon: "If the factory here can't be repaired well, we can only say sorry. I heard that Da Mao is trying to coordinate the use of aviation. Star factory to produce the Il-76 transport aircraft, we can only go there to place an order."

In the era of the Red Empire, various factories were distributed according to various needs. The design of Il-76 was in Damao, but the production was in Tashkent. The Antonov Design Bureau was in Ermao, but the production was not in Ermao. In addition, it is also produced at the "Aviation Star-SP" plant in Ulyanovsk, which once produced the An-124 "Ruslan" heavy transport aircraft.

The An-125 is a transport aircraft with a take-off weight of 76 tons. One is worth two Il-[-]s. However, it is precisely because this aircraft is too large that the production is slow. There are only a few dozen aircraft in total, and the price is expensive. , after the collapse of the Red Empire, almost never reproduced.

The Aviation Star factory has no production tasks now. No matter from any point of view, it is more convenient for Damao to produce Il-76 in China than to cooperate with Chkalov Aircraft Factory.

This sentence was the last straw that broke the camel's back. What choice did Sergey have?He nodded immediately: "Yes, just follow what you said, Mr. Qin, our time is precious."

When Tang Changhong was called out of the room, he devoted himself to work with excitement, and his heart was full of admiration.

Mr. Qin is too powerful.

The main purpose is not disclosed at all, and it is not obvious. Sergey has been kept in the dark until now, and he is still dreaming of continuing to produce [-] transport aircraft. In fact, this is the last time for our side to come to Cheka Love Aircraft Works!

After getting these materials back, input them into the computer, and then make various improvements, so that your own large transport aircraft can be designed faster!

It is definitely worth buying these materials back for only 100 million US dollars!

However, this matter is too strange, how could the other party's warehouse collapse?There might be someone involved in this, but this idea only appeared in Tang Changhong's mind for a moment, and he dispelled the idea, and stopped thinking about what he shouldn't think about, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

After entering the warehouse, Tang Changhong looked at the mountainous design drawings and plunged in.There are not only Il-76, but also Il-78, and even the improved A-50 information!
That night, the An-225 transport plane landed on the runway of the Chkalov Aircraft Factory, and all kinds of materials were moved up. Thanks to this level of transport aircraft, all the materials can be removed in one sortie up.

"President Qin, shall we go to the Ilyushin Design Bureau tomorrow?" Sergey asked Qin Tao as he watched the plane take off.

"Of course not, we have to wait for your factory to be repaired." Qin Tao said, "So, you must work hard. After the factory is repaired, we will see you at the Ilyushin Design Bureau!"

There is no other way, Sergey can only nod: "Okay, we will repair the factory building as soon as possible. Mr. Qin, where are you going next?"

Qin Tao is definitely not going back to China, and he can just take this An-225 directly when he returns to China.

"Since I have come to Central Asia, I will go to other countries. I will go to the Baikonur Space Center." Qin Tao said: "As you know, our Mingzhou Group has established a starship company , involved in aerospace engineering."

As for the space center, this is something that Lao Maozi can't do anything about.

For space launch, the lower the latitude, the better the use of the linear velocity of the earth's rotation. The best launch site is at the equator, where the linear velocity is the largest.

However, Lao Maozi's land does not allow them to do this. After all, most of them are in high-latitude areas. Compared with the United States, each launch consumes more fuel.

Lao Maozi’s space launch base is of course more than this one. The original Kapuskin Yar shooting range was established. Its main task is missile testing. It was built at the end of 1946 and began to launch satellites in 1962. The other is the Plesetsk base, which was originally an intercontinental missile base. It was used as a new spacecraft launch site in the mid-60s. This base is mainly used to launch military satellites from the Red Empire era.

As for Baikonur, its importance cannot be replaced. For example, it is an important manned space launch site, and all manned spacecraft are launched here. Therefore, if the old man wants to send the other two If the launch site is expanded into a manned spaceflight base, the funds that need to be paid are quite huge.In 94, Lao Maozi decided to re-lease the space base here as their most important manned space base.

It is more convenient to rent, and the rent is also easy to default.

Although Qin Tao passed by here many times, he never stopped his hasty pace. Before coming here, he mentioned the space shuttle Blizzard during a meeting with the aerospace department, so Qin Tao wanted to go there for a walk. Look.

After all, this kind of space shuttle can be regarded as the swan song of Lao Maozi's manned spaceflight. If it didn't collapse suddenly, then Lao Maozi would definitely have this more advanced aerospace tool.

Now, if the price is right, Qin Tao can still buy the Blizzard back.

However, this time the trip was delayed again. After learning that the matter here had been completed, Mr. Lin sent out a request, hoping that Mr. Qin could go to the Kingdom of David and negotiate with the Davids with the team sent by the Air Force.

This time, the Davids tore up the contract, so they must be made to act according to the contract!Compensate as much as you should!
Therefore, Qin Tao could only lament his hard work, and then went to the Kingdom of David.

Compared with the icy and snowy north, the Kingdom of David is a scene of warm spring and flowers blooming. Even in the coldest January, the temperature here is around ten to twenty degrees. As long as you wear ordinary shirts and suits, you can It's perfectly fine, you don't need to be shivering while wrapped in a military overcoat.

In the conference room of David Nation Aircraft Company, the atmosphere was rather cold.

"I'm very sorry, we have been unable to complete the modification of the three early warning aircraft." Boaz, the head of the David State Aircraft Company, said with embarrassment on his face: "As for the reasons, we don't need to talk about it anymore. We are talking about follow-up processing. Do you still want the body of this plane? If you don’t want it, we can help you sell it at a high price. This will also make up for your loss.”

If it hadn't been for this kind of accident, then Wang Lao and others could complete the negotiation, but now, there are many more things, so Qin Tao can only be invited to come forward. Anyway, when the contract was first negotiated, Qin Tao Follow along to participate.

At that time, Qin Tao played a dishonorable role, so Boaz was very worried that Qin would not be ridiculed now.

"Of course we want the airframe." Qin Tao said: "You should also know that we lack a large aircraft platform and cannot use passenger planes to modify it. For us, the airframe of a transport aircraft such as the Il-76 is With one and one less, how could we possibly sell it."

"If you still want the airframe, we can only regretfully inform you that we need to remove all the equipment on the airframe being refitted and restore it to its original state." Boaz continued.

(There are many theories about this period of history. For example, the Kingdom of David seized our plane for no reason and then sold it to Asan. The hero of East China felt unreliable. After all, the airframe belonged to us, and our Il- The number of 76 is not much! And later our Air Police-2000 was also modified from the original airframe, how could it be sold to Ah San?)

The radar engineer on the side, Omri Afek, had an unnatural expression.

Qin Tao was keenly aware of this guy's attitude, and then thought of something.

"If you insist on dismantling, we have no choice but to return the plane shell to us, plus our deposit of 1.5 million US dollars, and compensation of [-] million US dollars." Qin Tao said: "Because your Repeatedly, it also delayed the progress of our early warning aircraft, and we will not forget about the time loss, after all, you have nothing to do, just like the Lion fighter jets."

When Qin Tao said these words, the faces of the people present were bursting with anger. For them, this matter was indeed the most difficult for them to let go.

In the past few years, the Air Force of the Kingdom of David mainly relied on legal fighter jets, but after the "Six-Day War", France refused to deliver to Israel the 50 "Phantom" series fighter jets that had been paid for. If you produce your own weapons, you will definitely be controlled by others.

The first project that the Davids worked on was the Cub fighter jet, but this aircraft is just a modification of the Mirage aircraft, especially the big nose, with a special sense of joy.

After that, the Davids made persistent efforts and decided to develop a brand new fighter, which is the Lion.

In 79, this project was officially established. Of course, considering its low technical foundation, many subsystems of the aircraft were provided by the United States.

For example, the engine is Pratt & Whitney's PW1120 engine, but in the future mass production, the David people will complete the supply of the PW1120 engine through cooperative production. A large number of composite materials are used in the aircraft, which are directly supplied by Grumman. produced.

In the 80s, the Lion fighter jet was assembled and then began to fly. However, just before the first flight, the Americans stopped doing it. The export of many equipment was prohibited, and the most critical engine transfer contract was also invalidated.

Therefore, the Lion fighter failed under the interference of the United States. The Davids built three prototypes, which became the last exhibits of this project. They stood silently on the airport, showing the efforts made by the Davids to develop fighter jets effort.

Of course, there are some other problems. For example, during the test flight, the Davids discovered that the aircraft has major defects in the aerodynamic performance. After all, the Davids’ research and development time is very short, and they have not blown enough wind tunnel experiments. Moreover, the Americans have no experience in the canard layout, and as a result, the resulting aircraft has serious technical problems.However, technical problems can be solved slowly, and the cutoff of supply from the Americans is the most important thing.

Although the two sides are the closest partners, the Americans were afraid that the plan of the Davids to develop fighters would affect the export of their own fighters, so they killed the idea of ​​the Davids to make fighters in the bud. The eternal pain in the heart of David Aircraft Company.

There are many interesting sayings about this aircraft. The belly air intake and the duck-style layout have caused many people to talk about it. Although the Lion fighter was forced to terminate under the pressure of the United States, it is in the East. Got a new life!Our J-[-] fighter was developed on the technology of this aircraft!
In fact, this is completely layman's rumors.

Although they are all duck layouts, the Lion fighter is close-range coupling, and our J-611 fighter is mid-range coupling. This alone can explain the difference between the two. Although our J-[-] fighter was finalized and entered service late, the developed The time is not too late. It can be traced back to the aborted J-[-] project. The best layout plan was determined after decades of wind tunnel blowing in the [-] Institute.

Of course, the former J-[-] R&D team must have been in contact with the Lion fighter, but it is impossible to buy back the technology of this fighter. The aerodynamic layout of the Lion fighter is flawed, which is different from our J-[-]. The mission is different, and we didn't have that much money back then.

Now, Qin Tao speaks out this matter to stimulate the Davids.

"Yeah, for this matter, we can only say sorry." Boaz said.

I can only be sorry, there is nothing to say, and their hearts are full of anger. The project has been going on for so long, and they have made a lot of efforts. Who would have thought that this would end!

Like the Lion Fighter, it was forced to terminate under the intervention of the United States!

Who cares about the time, energy, and money they put in?Mr. Qin really came to criticize!

"However, there is an old saying in the East, that is, business is not based on human feelings. We are still good friends. If you have needs, we are willing to help." Qin Tao continued: "This is a silent response to external pressure. Resist."

"President Qin, if you are willing, we hope to keep the radar dome on it!" Afik couldn't bear it any longer, and said to Qin Tao.

After the contract was signed, they started tireless research and development. I have to say that the proposal proposed by the East is still good, much better than the big nose and big cheeks of their previous Falcon early warning aircraft!

Therefore, the next development of the early warning aircraft project can also use this method, but they are weak in many places, such as this radome!

When Dongfang proposed this project, they were worried about how to manufacture and process the radome, so they dumped the blame on Dongfang and asked Dongfang to solve the problem of the radome.

In the end, Dongfang got it done!
Now, if they want to sell this mushroom plate early warning aircraft, they will definitely need Dongfang to provide the radome.

"Of course it's no problem. For an extra $1000 million, the radome will also be left for you. Anyway, you have already installed all the internal T/R components, so that you don't need to open and dismantle it. You hang the whole big plate directly."

 PS: Thank you for the rewards from friends such as Zhizhan, book friend 20181028124729361, Dream One Piece, etc. Thank you for your subscription and voting!Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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