Great warships

Chapter 575 The Air Police 2000 belongs to the Air Force, so why is the Navy paying for R&D?

Chapter 575 The Air Police 2000 belongs to the Air Force, so why is the Navy paying for R&D?
Boaz nodded: "Yes, we do need missile interception capabilities, so we have been developing anti-missile systems since the 80s, and we tested them last year."

He was very curious why Mr. Qin suddenly mentioned this project.

Their Arrow-type anti-missile system has been announced to the public a long time ago. It is said that it is not a secret at all. Could it be that President Qin in front of him is not clear about these?

Qin Tao smiled: "Mr. Boaz, your threat in the future is not a surface-to-surface missile like the Scud, but an iron pipe with a gas tank welded in the front and propellant stuffed in the back. The four wings are all made of iron."

Boas was taken aback for a moment: "What kind of weapon is that?"

"A large earth-made killer." Qin Tao said: "You need to have the ability to intercept this weapon. I suggest that you transplant the Barak-1 missile on the ship to land and establish a complete interception defense system , to avoid being hit by such weapons."

Boaz frowned.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about something else."

Qin Tao just reminded him a little bit, which would make the Davids appreciate him even more. After arriving, the Davids should know that what Qin Tao said was correct.

Gas tanks are used as bombs, and gunpowder is stuffed into steel pipes as propellant. These indigenous weapons will become a nightmare for the Davidians. The silent war here will never stop.

This time the trip was successfully concluded. After negotiating the terms and taking a few hard drives, the group returned to the East.

After returning to the capital, Qin Tao didn't want to do anything anymore, he just wanted to spend the new year in peace.

"Taozi, no matter what, as long as you do it, you can do it." After returning, Wu Shengli said to Qin Tao with emotion.

Qin Tao hugged Haiyang, the brat finally became obedient, and he couldn't pinch Qin Tao's face anymore. While teasing the kid, he said to the father-in-law, "Dad, don't praise me, you can do this!" Praise, I feel that nothing is good."

"How can it be a bad thing?" Wu Shengli said, "This is a great thing. Now, we have everything ready, so the Air Force's self-developed early warning aircraft project will be officially launched, and our navy's early warning aircraft project will also be launched. So we have decided to hold a joint meeting, do you want to attend?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "If you don't participate, these have nothing to do with me."

"Well, it's fine if you don't want to go." Wu Shengli said: "We originally planned to build two sets of catapults at the aircraft carrier training base for land comparison, and you don't plan to participate?"

"What?" Qin Tao opened his eyes wide: "Our catapult project is progressing so fast?"

"Why, do you want to participate?"

Qin Tao looked at the calendar: "Tomorrow is the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Dad, do you really plan to have a holiday until the New Year's Eve?"

Wu Shengli smiled: "Taozi, this is much better than before. I used to have to keep fighting on New Year's Eve."

Qin Tao is also helpless: "Okay, I will participate."

"Come on, it's time to eat!" Zhao Ling came out from the kitchen with a plate of braised pork in her hand.

"Okay, Haiyang, let's go eat!" Qin Tao came to the front of the dining table with his well-behaved son in his arms.

"Come on, you just came back, let's welcome you, let's drink Moutai." Wu Shengli opened a bottle of wine and poured it for Qin Tao.

Qin Tao dipped the tip of the chopsticks into the wine glass, and then put it in front of his son's mouth: "Come on, son, have a taste."

Qin Haiyang opened his mouth, scratched the tip of his chopsticks, then grinned, and cried.

"Brother Tao, what are you doing?" Zhao Ling, who came out with the second plate of super big tomatoes, became anxious on the spot when she saw this scene, and put the plate on the table with a bang, and there was a large piece of egg inside. After spilling it out, he didn't care about it, so he stretched out his hand to hug Qin Haiyang.

Qin Tao made a fuss: "When I was young, my dad also fed me with chopsticks like this. If I hadn't been nurtured since I was a child, how could I have a good drink with the old man!"

"You are you, and your son is your son. Don't bring that old routine back." Zhao Ling said, "He is so young, what if alcohol hurts his nerves and brain?"

Qin Tao shut up, his wife is right, absolutely must not talk back, what should I do if I talk back and refuse to touch at night?
Qin Tao doesn't want to lose the big because of small things.

"Dad, has the Yak-44 early warning plane been delivered?"

"Well, I sent it over. The 603 Institute has officially started surveying and mapping." Wu Shengli said, "The development of our navy is thanks to you!"

"In this way, the first aircraft carrier built by our navy will be a catapult launch plan?" Qin Tao asked Wu Shengli.

The research and development of the early warning aircraft has begun, and the catapult will also be tested. These all show that it is time for the Navy to board the aircraft carrier with the catapult!

In fact, it would be a bit wasteful to build a ski-jump aircraft carrier. After all, with such a large tonnage, the space on the bow deck is wasted because of the ski-jump take-off. Otherwise, the number of carrier-based aircraft will be at least How many can be ten!
"This is still a matter for the future. The navy has no funds to build a brand new aircraft carrier. At present, it can only be used as a technical reserve." Wu Shengli said: "However, everyone has indeed begun to discuss the structure of the aircraft carrier."

"Oh? Is there any result from the discussion?" Qin Tao asked.

"Well, at present, everyone is unanimously inclined to Lao Maozi's plan for the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The bow of the ship jumps over the deck, and the catapult is placed on the inclined deck." Wu Shengli said.

"What?" Qin Tao opened his eyes wide: "Dad, is this the result of your discussion? The most tasteless plan?"

In the development of the aircraft carrier, Lao Maozi has been taking detours all the time!
The Ulyanovsk aircraft carrier is the pinnacle of Lao Maozi's third-generation aircraft carrier, but this aircraft carrier still follows Lao Maozi's wonderful route. Even though Lao Maozi already has a steam catapult, he still retains the slide Way to leap.

Why do you do this?
Some people say that the place where Lao Maozi lives is very cold. Using steam catapults in winter will easily cause the deck to freeze, and using ski jumps to take off is safe. However, this solution is useless here!
Our side does not have such a high latitude, and our side also has electromagnetic catapults, so there will be no steam permeating the deck at all!
"Bad? Why is it bad? Isn't it safer?" Apparently, even Wu Shengli didn't notice it.

"If the bow deck is made flat, with the same displacement, at least ten more carrier-based aircraft can be carried! For an aircraft carrier, the carrier-based aircraft is the most powerful weapon! American aircraft carrier Can carry more than 80 aircraft, what about us? Our current 001 aircraft carrier can only carry more than 20 aircraft! If we reproduce a brand new aircraft carrier, then even if our number of carrier-based aircraft does not reach [-], it must be About [-]? If you can only carry [-] or [-], it will be no different from a medium-sized aircraft carrier with [-] to [-] tons!"

"We are only discussing the structure of the aircraft carrier. The specific number of fighters to be carried has not yet been determined." Wu Shengli said: "Besides, isn't this your business? You have a special aircraft carrier design bureau, and you can find a way when the time comes."

"We can't think of a way." Qin Tao said: "Oh, this is really a tragedy for laymen leading experts!"

Snapped!Wu Shengli also put down his chopsticks: "What are you talking about? Why do you call it a layman leading an expert? Aren't we professional?"

"Yes, you are very unprofessional." Qin Tao is not afraid of the father-in-law blowing his beard and staring at him, and he cannot compromise at this time.

"Then tell me, what if something goes wrong with the catapult?"

"Then try to improve the reliability of the catapults. Moreover, there are three or four catapults on an aircraft carrier. If you are unlucky, it is impossible for all of them to break down?" Qin Tao said: "If you really want to be safe, Then stock up on booster rockets, which are better than ski jumps."

At that time, in order to allow the aircraft to take off in short distances, aircraft designers thought of many ways, including special booster rockets. After pushing the rocket, it flew up on a runway of tens of meters.

Of course, the price paid was too high, and the gain outweighed the loss, and this method was gradually eliminated. Now, if the navy wants to be more secure, Qin Tao proposed this plan.

Wu Shengli thought about it, and after a few minutes, he finally said, "You insist on flattening the deck?"

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "The Americans have been following the route for decades, and they will never go wrong. Let's just follow. Why do you want to follow the path of the old man? The old man didn't walk out by himself."

"Moreover, I not only insist on using the US aircraft carrier plan, but also insist on using electromagnetic catapults." Qin Tao continued: "We no longer need to take a backward technological route, and now is the time for us to develop beyond. "

When he said this, Qin Tao looked at Wu Shengli curiously: "Dad, I'm curious now, which department in China is still developing steam catapults?"

Qin Tao is already an authoritative figure in the domestic shipbuilding industry. He has no mistakes in any projects he has set his sights on, so he is already a mythical figure.

Unexpectedly, in the catapult project, there are still people who object to the technical route he has identified. Moreover, there are related units that have produced the steam catapult?

"The 704 Institute of China Shipbuilding Corporation, they started researching steam catapults during the 8*91 project. Later, when the Varyag came back, they restarted the project, and the progress was good." Wu Shengli said: "Tao My son, I know you support electromagnetic ejection, but the aircraft carrier is our century-old project, and there must be no accidents."

Qin Tao nodded, he was clear that the big leaders above must have concerns, even if he proposed to make a scale model before, it has been verified that the electromagnetic catapult has more advantages than the steam catapult.It is necessary to conduct actual tests, and after how many ejection verifications, you can make up your mind to use electric bombs.

If so, let's do it!
The next day, the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, Huanglou.

"President Qin, let's meet again." Elder Lin said with a smile: "This time our air force's early warning aircraft project is thanks to your help."

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, I have made great efforts, what benefits will our air force give me?"

"Of course, the air transportation company under the Mingzhou Group has approved the flight application." Elder Lin said: "Just tell us what route you want to open, and we will go through all the procedures for you on the same day."

Qin Tao is really speechless, the other party has been using this to manipulate him, and he has not given any real benefits, so he has to be grateful to them.

"President Qin, we are sorting out those blueprints, and they will be of great help to us." Mr. Chen also came over to greet Qin Tao: "We are confident that we will be able to fly our large plane within five years."

After purchasing the production drawings of Il-76, Qin Tao separated from the people in Institute 603, and only now reunited. Mr. Chen is also very grateful to Qin Tao, those drawings are simply a timely gift.

"Yes, you can also combine your previous Yunjiu plans to improve the design." Elder Lin said.

Lucky Nine?

Qin Tao was a little confused when he heard the number.

Of course, Qin Tao knew about Yun-76, which is a major modification of Yun-[-] in the later world, and it has nothing to do with transport aircraft of the Il-[-] level!
"Yes, it is indeed possible to integrate the previous Yunjiu plan, but at that time we were only in preliminary research and did not form any specific design plan, so there was not much we could learn from." Chen Lao said.

"Have you ever developed a transport aircraft of this level before?" Qin Tao's eyes widened.

"Yeah, that was 6*9 years ago."

Mr. Chen briefly introduced the past events of the year.


Listening to the same design specifications as the Yun-20, Qin Tao felt emotional. How bold people were and how productive the land was back then. At that time, it was really a satellite to be able to produce this kind of transport aircraft.

"What kind of engine does this transport plane use?" Qin Tao asked.

"According to the plan at the time, use four 910A." After Chen finished speaking, seeing that Qin Tao didn't quite understand, he continued: "That is, the turbofan six, remove the afterburner, increase the bypass ratio, and it becomes The relevant department has produced three engines for a large transport aircraft for trial run, but unfortunately, this project has not come to an end.”

Turbofan VI was an extremely important engine back then, with a maximum thrust of 70.6 kN, an afterburner thrust of 121.5 kN, and a thrust-to-weight ratio of 6. Except for a lower thrust-to-weight ratio, other indicators must catch up with the third-generation engines !It was originally scheduled to be the driving force for J-[-] and Qiang-[-].

After the turbofan-[-] project was discontinued, the turbofan-[-] project followed closely and continued to be developed by the original team.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's have a meeting." Wu Shengli said on the rostrum: "First of all, Comrade Wang **, the chief designer of the early warning aircraft project, will give you a report!"

Elder Wang walked up with excitement.

"First of all, I will report the basic parameters to everyone." Mr. Wang introduced: "Our early warning aircraft has five crew members, plus twelve radar operators. In case of special circumstances, we can also carry three more commanders. Officer. It uses our uniquely developed three-sided electronic scanning active phased array radar, which realizes the ability to conduct 360-degree search without dead angle without rotating the antenna."

"We use a special L-band, which is the first time that this band has been used on an early warning aircraft. It can not only see farther, but also better detect stealth aircraft." Wang Lao continued: "The search distance for bombers More than [-] kilometers, the search distance for fighter jet targets is [-] kilometers, and the search for stealth aircraft targets will also exceed [-] kilometers. Due to the use of active phased array radar technology, it can also concentrate the beam to scan key areas.”

(There are many different theories, some say it is S-band, and some say it is C-band, but seeing that the statement of L-band is convincing, I chose this band.)
"At the same time, the most important thing is that we have absorbed many development concepts of Falcon's early warning aircraft, such as networking. Our early warning aircraft is a network node. Through various advanced data transmission equipment, the detected intelligence can be sent out. , For example, sent to the radar screen of the fighter, or transmitted to the battlefield command center."

Following Elder Wang's introduction, the big guy's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Mr. Wang said it well!
After Mr. Wang finished his introduction, someone finally spoke.

"When was this early warning opportunity successfully developed?"

"Now, we want money, technology and technology. All the preparations have been made. We plan to assemble the early warning aircraft within one year and start test flights next year. If everything goes well, we will fly in the new millennium At that time, we will be able to deliver the AWACS to the troops.”

If you want money, there is liquidated damages from the Davids, and you need technology, whether it is T/R components or computer systems for signal processing. Therefore, everything will come naturally, even the source code of the software. With everything, the progress is of course not a problem!

Can the new millennium deliver?Qin Tao was also excited: "It seems that our early warning aircraft can be called Air Police-2000!"

Qin Tao's proposal immediately won everyone's approval: "That's right, that's the name! Our self-developed early warning aircraft project is called Air Police-2000!"

Air Police-2000!This advanced early warning aircraft is about to become a multiplier for the Air Force's air combat power!

"This is the Tianzi No. [-] project of our air force. When this early warning aircraft is developed, it can also provide technology to the navy. So, will the navy give us a sum of money?"

When Mr. Lin made this request, the scene immediately fell silent.

In fact, this meeting can be separated completely, but the navy and the air force are held together, and even the people from the air force even took the initiative to come to the office of the navy. Such a virtuous corporal must have a plan.

This plot is funding!
"Old Lin, aren't you too dark?" In front of so many people, Wu Shengli started to rant: "You obviously have so much compensation, but it's not enough for you to develop early warning aircraft? Are you still looking for our navy? "

Mr. Lin was not angry: "Yes, we originally had enough, but our air force also has a lot of money to spend! The production of these early warning aircraft also costs a lot of money. It's not that your navy doesn't know that your four-sided phased array radar , it will cost hundreds of millions, and our early warning aircraft will cost even more. If we put the three-sided phased array radar on it, it will be an aegis in the air! Besides, don’t hold back your navy, wait until this air police 2000 is developed Once it’s done, your navy will be able to use related technologies directly, so what’s wrong with asking you to pay for research and development?”

The bosses negotiated, but it was not the younger brothers' turn to speak.Everyone was watching the gods fighting, but Qin Tao rolled his eyes and thought of something.

"Mr. Lin, I have a few words, I don't know if I should say it or not."


"Our country has a vast territory. The Air Police 2000, a large early warning aircraft, is of course good in performance. However, if we don't have ten or twenty aircraft, we will not be able to achieve complete air early warning coverage. However, I guess our air force has no money. So much equipment."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Elder Lin nodded: "That's right, you're right, our current funds are enough to equip three or five planes, why, do you have any suggestions?"

"Although we have already begun to develop advanced transport aircraft, this research and development also takes time. After production, various tasks such as transportation and aerial refueling have to be taken into account. Therefore, the needs of air early warning aircraft cannot be taken into account for the time being. The Air Force is the best The best way is to develop a medium-sized early warning aircraft on the basis of our existing transport aircraft after the successful development of Air Police-2000."

"You mean Yunba?" Elder Lin asked.

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, it is Yunba. This aircraft can also be used as a platform for early warning aircraft. Although due to the limitation of the airframe, it will not have the early warning capability of KJ-2000, but it can still make up for the shortage of our early warning aircraft. One A strategic early warning aircraft, a tactical early warning aircraft, the former is used to play the leading role, and the latter is used as the backbone, isn’t it better?”

Mr. Lin nodded: "Yes, it would be the best if you can use Yunba's platform, but are you sure that Yunba can be changed into an early warning aircraft?"

"You have to ask Mr. Wang about this."

At this time, Mr. Wang was still speaking. Hearing Qin Tao's question, he thought for a while and said, "It should be no problem, but the distance of the early warning and the number of targets are not as good as the Air Police-2000. But the mastery of a certain part The air situation on the battlefield should be fine."

Old Lin nodded: "Okay, then after the development of Air Police-2000 is completed, use Yun-200 as a platform to develop a tactical transport aircraft, which can be called Air Police 500 or Air Police [-]!"

After Mr. Lin finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something: "Boss Qin, you are too cunning, aren't you?"

Everyone is confused, but Qin Tao smiled and explained to everyone: "Anyway, even if the navy doesn't want it, the air force will have to invest in the development of a medium-sized early warning platform. Therefore, the research and development funds for Air Police-2000 are up to you. The Air Force pays, and the navy pays for the research and development of the navy's early warning aircraft, and the navy gets the credit of the air force, and when the navy's early warning aircraft is developed, the air force can also get the credit of the navy!"

"That's right, that's it!" Wu Shengli was overjoyed. At the critical moment, he had to look at his son-in-law, leaving the air force with nothing to say!
(End of this chapter)

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