Great warships

Chapter 580 Ah 3 Comes to Claim

Chapter 580 Ah San Lai Claims

What is carelessness?This was clearly planned by Qin Tao!Xu Zhengyang knew all the inside stories, but he also knew that in this situation, he must not speak casually.

We are not that kind of people, Ah San's aircraft carrier, what's going on with us?

"Haste makes waste!" A leader sighed: "Ah San wants to compare with us everywhere, seeing that we have a ski-jump aircraft carrier, he can't wait to get the same type of aircraft carrier. It is a pity to announce the possession of such a powerful aircraft carrier because the first aircraft carrier has not yet been completed, and I can't wait to launch a sea trial without installing various equipment."

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, that's it. Our Zhang Zhong said that we have to make a special episode of this program. To build an aircraft carrier, you must not be eager for quick success and quick benefits. You must take one step at a time. However, the aircraft carrier like Ah San will be launched before it is completed. The situation is not uncommon, Ah San has this characteristic, this is not the first time, nor will it be the last time."

"Tell me, what will Ah San do next? The Yuefei deck was welded by Lao Maozi. They shouldn't seek compensation from Lao Maozi, right?"

"That's right, we will definitely ask for compensation, but how can the old man give it?" Qin Tao said with a smile: "Big fellow, don't forget that when Ah San was towing the aircraft carrier back, it ran aground in a storm , the old man will definitely blame the aircraft carrier. The problem with the aircraft carrier was caused by the grounding. Ah San has to admit it. Next, if Ah San wants to repair the aircraft carrier, he has to purchase deck steel. I have to be slaughtered by Lao Maozi again!"

Originally, Qin Tao was only tampering with the material. According to his assumption, it might take hundreds of sorties to take off before there would be any problems. Now, the first sea test was smashed, which means that it is not his own fault, but Da Mao's. My soldering skills are terrible!

After getting the detailed information, Qin Tao was more sure of this point: the cracks started from the side and continued to the top, indicating that there was a problem with the welding technology used by Da Mao, and the additional deck steel and the original deck steel were not firmly welded together. together!

It is estimated that the welding rod is not suitable for it!In this way, one's own side has no responsibility.

This is really happy news.

While celebrating in the East, Sunil's subordinate, Kumar, came to the Far East Red Star Shipyard in a hurry.

Factory director Kvyat received the guest in his busy schedule, and in the factory director's office, Kumar said with a serious face: "Director Kvyat, you probably should know that our Chaori During the maiden voyage of the Wang aircraft carrier, there was a serious fracture and collapse on the leaping deck, right?"

"Really?" Kvyat looked surprised: "I don't know that! How could there be such a serious accident?"

After saying this, Kvyat continued to express emotion: "You should have kept the aircraft carrier at the beginning and completed all the construction work in our Red Star Shipyard, especially the final sea trial. You have never built an aircraft carrier at all. I don’t know the risks involved at all. Now, are you planning to drive the aircraft carrier over? I heard that you have installed a power system for the aircraft carrier, so it should be easier to drive over?”

Kumar was a little speechless, I came here to claim compensation, not to send business to your shipyard!

"No, the Yuefei deck was welded by you, so now that there is a serious accident, you should compensate us." Kumar quickly explained his intention.

"Compensation? Is it in the terms of the contract?" Kvyat's face turned cold, and he looked at Kumar unkindly: "We pay attention to international reputation, and we must act according to the contract."


Formal international shipbuilding contracts are as thick as a book, but the arms sales contract signed by Da Mao and Ah San are just a few pieces of paper, and there is absolutely no such clause as compensation on it. of.

For a while, Kumar was at a loss for words, he coughed a few times, and then said: "Mr. Factory Manager, but the jumping deck was modified by you, and now there is a problem, you have to be responsible. If it gets out, who will be responsible?" Will place an order with you?"

"Yes." Kvyat nodded: "If we continue to build here, we will of course be responsible for such problems during sea trials, but now, you are the ones who are remodeling, how do we know that we are remodeling?" During the process, did you damage the internal structure? Moreover, when you towed the warship back, it encountered a severe sea storm and ran aground! It is also possible that the hull was damaged during the grounding. These and What is our relationship with the Red Star Shipyard?"

Kumar opened his eyes wide, you guys are too good at making excuses, right?
Our side has never touched the front of the warship. After dragging it back, our side is just installing the engine!As for the grounding, it is impossible to damage the Yuefei deck!

"Mr. Kumar, if you are here just for this matter, then please, I still have a lot of work." Kvyat said.

"Of course it's more than that." Kumar said anxiously: "We still have to talk about the next maintenance."

repair?Kvyat's eyes lit up: "Okay, how do you plan to repair it? Will you bring the aircraft carrier over?"

"No, no, if we want to repair the aircraft carrier, we need to remove the original jump deck and weld a new jump deck. Therefore, we need to purchase some aircraft carrier deck steel from you."

deck steel?
Kvyat nodded: "Of course there is no problem. We can help you contact the export business of deck steel. How much do you want? Two thousand tons first? We will definitely provide you with the cheapest price, [-] US dollars per ton How? This is a low price that is hard to find in the world.”

Fifty thousand dollars per ton!Is this really gold?Two thousand tons is worth [-] million US dollars!

Hearing Kvyat's words, Kumar couldn't bear it any longer: "Mr. Factory Manager, the quality problem of our aircraft carrier is completely caused by your unqualified welding. We can put the claim for later. But for the price of the aircraft carrier steel, please show your sincerity!"

"Kvyat, you probably don't know? There are many types of steel. If it is ordinary steel, you can sell it to you for one thousand or two thousand tons. However, deck steel is the best steel, and the world can provide this kind of steel. There are no more than five countries for steel products! US$[-] per ton is definitely the best price, this is our friendly price, if you go directly to the steel factory to purchase, the price you want may be higher, believe it or not ?”

"I don't believe it!" Kumar left angrily.

Damao has a vast territory and rich resources. If it is about steel, the Ural region is the first to be recommended.

As early as October 1701, 10, the first blast furnace in the Ural region appeared in the village of Kamensk, producing the first batch of pig iron.

By 1909, the Prokudin-Gorsky Iron Foundry in Kamensk was officially established, which is considered to be the beginning of the modern mining and metallurgical industry in the Urals. The desolate Urals region became the industrial center of Da Mao, especially in 1917 After the October Revolution, Da Mao even began to consider large-scale development of iron ore resources in the Urals.The first five-year plan decided to build the largest steel industry complex in the world at that time in the Urals.

The Red Empire has gone away. In 92, the iron and steel enterprises here had been privatized and became the Masteel Group. Although the national power of Damao was extremely weak, the Masteel Group was still growing.


Now Maanshan Iron and Steel is already a well-known steel company in the world, with an annual output of more than 1000 million tons of crude steel, of which 70.00% of the steel is exported, and of course the aircraft carrier deck steel must be purchased from here.

(I really haven't found out where Da Mao's deck steel is produced. Let's assume it is in the Urals. After all, this is the most famous place.)
Travel-ridden Kumar came to Maanshan Iron and Steel Group and found Orlov, the head of the sales department.

"Mr. Orlov, on behalf of the Asan Navy, I want to order a batch of aircraft carrier deck steel from you. The yield of the steel needs to reach more than [-] MPa..." Kumar introduced his own indicators.

"Of course, our steelmaking plant is the best in Damao. We have also produced deck steel for aircraft carriers. If you order now, we can arrange production for you in a month."

Kumar overjoyed: "Yes, we need to order ASAP. Price wise..."

"The price must satisfy you. If you are only repairing the Chaoriwang, [-] tons of deck steel is enough. However, if you want to start building the aircraft carrier yourself, the demand for deck steel must be at least If you order more than [-] tons together, we can make it cheaper."

Kumar nodded excitedly: "As long as the price is right, we will order together!"

"We don't want $[-] a ton, how about $[-] a ton?"


Kumar stood up suddenly: "Why is it so expensive?"

"Expensive? There is no cheaper product than ours in the world." Orlov said: "This is deck steel, don't confuse it with those ordinary steel! If you are not sincere, then we will not We need to talk further!"

Coming out of the factory, Kumar spat hard, knowing that Ah San can't produce, so these big hairy people are asking for prices!
where to go next

"Come on, let's go to Moscow and find the Mikoyan Design Bureau, there is something wrong with their fighter!"

Not only the problem of the aircraft carrier, but also the problem of the carrier-based aircraft. They lost a MiG-29K. I hope Da Mao can bear this loss!
After the collapse of the Red Empire, the once glorious Mikoyan Design Bureau was in trouble. The third-generation fighter MiG-29 they developed was a front-line fighter. In Lao Maozi’s combat plan, it took off from the front-line airport. , so there is no need for a large range at all, and this reason has completely led them to a dead end: In the world arms market, fighters with a long range are the most popular.

Coupled with the poor performance of the MiG-91 in the war in 29, this aircraft could not be sold at all, and the Mikoyan Design Bureau suffered from it for a long time. Fortunately, Ah San's order made the Mikoyan Design Bureau It was a breath of relief.

The Chaoriwang aircraft carrier can carry up to 26 MiG-29K carrier-based aircraft. However, because Ah San also launched a plan to develop a self-developed aircraft carrier, the number of MiG-29K carrier-based aircraft they ordered is a full 45 With so many planes, relying on orders for these planes, the Mikoyan Design Bureau will be able to get into the new millennium!
Belyakov had a long-lost smile on his face, and he was very happy when he looked at the three boys who came to Moscow: "Everyone, please rest assured that our factory is in full production, and at least we can give you more money this year." Fang delivered ten carrier-based aircraft!"

Kumar was organizing words in his mind. In fact, the damaged MiG-29K had nothing to do with the Mikoyan Design Bureau, but he must not lose his momentum. Anyway, it was all provided by the old man, so the account must be paid. One piece counts!

However, before he could say anything, Belyakov said: "Everyone came at the right time. Our MiG 1.44 project is progressing smoothly. I will take you to see it. This aircraft will be launched soon. Flying, it will become the world's second heavy-duty four-generation aircraft!"

MiG 1.44?First flight?Kumar was shocked by the news, he nodded: "Okay, then I will go with you!"

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Mikoyan Design Bureau is not as comfortable as Sukhoi now, as long as they complete the research and development of the fourth-generation aircraft, they can still become the No. 29 aircraft design bureau in Da Mao!Moreover, the problem of short legs of the MiG 1.44 will be perfectly resolved on the MiG [-], after all, the latter is a heavy air fighter!

In the third-generation aircraft project, the Mikoyan Design Bureau developed the medium-sized MiG-29, which was completely caused by different combat missions.For a long time, the aircraft of the Sukhoi Design Bureau has been used by the Homeland Defense Air Force. The Su-27 is also equipped with the Homeland Defense Air Force to meet the needs of long-term cruising flights on vast land. The Mikoyan Design Bureau designed Aircraft are mainly used by the Air Force for air combat and do not need such a large range.

However, after the research and development was completed, the Mikoyan Design Bureau also realized the shortcomings of its fighters. As the most proud design bureau, how could it produce an aircraft with worse performance than the Sukhoi Design Bureau?Fortunately, on the project of the fourth-generation aircraft, the Mikoyan Design Bureau finally pulled back a round.

This project can be traced back to 83, when the Mikoyan Design Bureau submitted the design plan of the MFI multi-role fighter to the superior, and the design code was 1.42.According to the previous rules, they followed the advice of the Central Institute of Fluid and Aerodynamics and applied the full-motion canard layout to the new generation of combat aircraft, so as to relax the static stability, improve the structural strength and improve the lift coefficient.

In 88, the design bureau received the task of producing the first MFI prototype. In 89, the Mikoyan Design Bureau completed the design of the full set of MFI drawings and started the production of the first MFI.Unfortunately, that era has become chaotic. After the collapse of the Red Empire, the entire project can no longer receive funding from the superiors, and it has completely become a self-developed project of the Mikoyan Design Bureau.

The Mikoyan Design Bureau can't get enough food, so where is the money to develop this fourth-generation machine?Therefore, the project entered the fast lane after Ah San ordered the MiG-29K!

Now, the aircraft has been manufactured and shipped to Zhukovsky, where various experiments are carried out.

In the era of the Red Empire, the research and development of this aircraft was extremely confidential, and it was impossible for the outside world to get in touch with it. However, the Red Empire has long since disappeared. The current MiG 1.44 project is independently invested and researched by the Mikoyan Design Bureau. Moreover, After the research and development, Da Mao's air force probably has no funds to purchase, they have to target the outside market, if there is an order from Ah San, then they will be able to make this project a complete success!
Even heavy-duty Su-27 fighter jets can be sold, and the models for export are more advanced than those for self-use. Of course, there are no export restrictions on the MiG 1.44. If the country stops it, it will allocate funds for this project!

With this idea in mind, Belyakov kindly invited Ah San to appreciate the world's second heavy-duty fourth-generation aircraft. Kumar was also very excited to learn that he could see the top secret of Damao's aviation industry.

After the fighter plane is developed, it needs to carry out a lot of test flight missions. Here in Damao, it is carried out by the professional Zhukovsky Test Flight Academy. Over the past few decades, I don’t know how many fighter planes have been flown here.

Since it was just on the outskirts of Moscow, a group of people came here very quickly. When Kumar came to the end of the runway and saw a fighter plane preparing for flight, he immediately became excited.

"Is this a duck-style fighter?"

"That's right, each generation of fighters will have a different aerodynamic layout. We believe that the most suitable for the fourth-generation fighters is the canard layout." Belyakov said.

"It still has two vertical tails!"

"That's right. Of course, heavy fighter jets all have a double vertical tail structure. Compared with the previous double vertical tails, the distance between the two vertical tails of this brand new aircraft is large, and they are inclined outwards, which is not only conducive to stealth, but also It is good for avoiding the vortex caused by the canards and side strips." Speaking of this aircraft, Belyakov was very excited, what is the Su-27?When the research and development of this aircraft is completed, it can completely suppress the brilliance of the Su-27 and become a leader in the arms export market!
While speaking, a group of people had already come to the plane. At this time, many people were busy around the plane, obviously preparing for the test. Kumar circled the plane and came to the plane. of the tail.

"The diameter of this engine looks a bit large."

"Yes, what we plugged in is the AL-41F engine of the Lyurika Design Bureau, with a maximum thrust of 117 kN and an afterburner thrust of 175 kN. With it, our aircraft can perform supersonic cruise, thus Get to the battlefield quickly."

Supersonic cruise is a must for the fourth-generation heavy-duty aircraft!Although Dongfang is developing some kind of J-31A fighter, but that aircraft has no supersonic cruise capability at all!
The technology of the Orientals is still outdated, and they can only use the R-79 engine to play the leading role. This engine is much weaker than the fourth uncle!

Hearing this, Kumar's eyes brightened, and he felt that it was really worthwhile to come to Mikoyan Design Bureau this time!

"Report, our flight test preparations have been completed, and the high-speed ground roll test can be carried out next!"

"Then let's begin!" said Belyakov.

Test pilot Romanov-Taskayev walked towards this advanced technology demonstrator with a flying helmet in his hands. Since the first low-speed taxiing experiment on the ground, he has been the test pilot of this aircraft and has always been While testing this aircraft, I also have a deep understanding of this aircraft.

As long as the test flight can be completed, this aircraft will definitely become Da Mao's most advanced fighter!

Tuskayev stepped into the cockpit, and the gold-plated cockpit looked a little yellow in the sun. The three display screens in the cockpit represented Da Mao's most advanced cockpit avionics system. airplane!
The rivets on the outside of the plane are still exposed, with the rough characteristics of an old man.

Kumar stood under the plane and looked at it. His eyes were full of envy when he looked at the plane.

The roar sounded, and the two engines started up one after the other, which made the hearts of the audience on the side tremble. Kumar felt his blood surging.

The brakes are released.

The fighter jet slid on the runway, and its speed was getting faster and faster. Kumar said in surprise: "It's speeding up very fast!"

"Yes, this is only using the maximum military thrust, if the afterburner is turned on, then it will accelerate even faster!"

Only one-fifth of the runway has been used, and the front landing gear of the fighter plane has been raised. If it is the first flight, continue to increase the thrust, and the rear landing gear will leave the runway, and the plane will fly. Now, the plane is only using This posture of raising the head continued to slide forward for tens of meters, and then the landing gear landed again, and a high-speed taxiing test was considered complete.

"The nose-up moment is no problem at all. This canard layout can easily pull the nose up!" said the engineer of the test flight academy on the side.

This is the first time that Da Mao's fighter plane uses the canard layout. The agility of this layout is unmatched by other layouts. This will definitely become an aircraft with excellent maneuverability!

"That's right, its maneuverability will definitely surprise everyone when it's tested." After saying this, Belyakov looked at Kumar again: "Mr. Kumar, you three Do you want this advanced fourth-generation machine?"

What?Can you still sell it?

Kumar never dreamed that Da Mao would consider the export of this advanced fourth-generation aircraft, and his heart was full of excitement: "Mr. Chief Designer, I can't make any promises, but I can go back immediately. Report to your superiors!"

"Okay, then you can take one of our brochures back." Belyakov said: "We look forward to your answer."

When he got on the plane, Belyakov suddenly came to his senses: he came to Mikoyan Design Bureau to discuss the compensation of MiG-29K, but he didn't mention a word!This time I came to Damao, I didn't complete a single task!

I can only praise the MiG 1.44 when I go back, I hope it can make a contribution.

(End of this chapter)

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