Great warships

Chapter 581 Talking at the dinner table

Chapter 581 The Conversation at the Dinner Table

On New Year's Eve, in the small courtyard of Huilou, on the table of the New Year's Eve dinner.

"I heard that Ah San's people went to Da Mao's place, and nothing was done. Compensation is impossible. It is a high priority to purchase aircraft carrier deck steel. As for the Mikoyan Design Bureau, it is even more straightforward. They took Ah San to Zhukovsky. I went around and watched the MiG 1.44's sliding test, and then I fooled people away."

Wu Shengli was talking to Qin Tao while eating.

"MiG 1.44, it must not be produced." Qin Tao was a little worried.

Ah San has purchased a large number of MiG-29K carrier-based aircraft, and the Mikoyan Design Bureau has already recovered. If they invest a large amount of money to complete the test flight of MiG 1.44, maybe they can really be brought back to life!

A dead Da Mao is a good Da Mao, and a dead Mikoyan Design Bureau is a good design bureau!

If the Mikoyan Design Bureau is brought back to life through this project, it will continue to shine in the development of military aircraft in the future!Compared with the Sukhoi Design Bureau, which flattened the Su-27 and regarded it as a new generation fighter, it is obvious that the potential of the Mikoyan Design Bureau is even greater!

After the collapse of the Red Empire, the Sukhoi Design Bureau has been eating its laurels, while the Mikoyan Design Bureau may continue to forge ahead.

Therefore, we must not make any mistakes and give Mikoyan Design Bureau a chance to breathe!

"Of course we don't want to continue to have strong air power in the north." Wu Shengli said to Qin Tao: "If you have any clever tricks, just tell Lao Lin, Lao Lin will definitely appreciate you, and things will be better last time let go."

"Of course there are coups, and there are more than one." Qin Tao said: "However, Dad, according to what you just said, I don't think it will take long for Da Mao to find me."

Da Mao looking for you?Wu Shengli suddenly realized: "Aircraft carrier deck steel?"

When Kumar went to Hongxing Shipyard, it cost [-] US dollars per ton. When he went to Maanshan Iron and Steel, the price doubled. .

Therefore, it is better to continue to order from Mingzhou Group!
"Even if you sell 6000 tons of deck steel for 5000 U.S. dollars a ton, that's [-] million U.S. dollars. You can earn at least [-] million U.S. dollars from this business." Wu Shengli said to Qin Tao with a smile: "It seems You're going to make another fortune."

Qin Tao shook his head: "For us, this small amount of money is still not worth it. However, there are still many places where the group is short of money. If the other party wants to order, then we really have to export it. Unfortunately, we can't do it this time. It's so obvious."

Last time, I directly used low-grade civil steel to pretend to be deck steel. Next, if Ah San continues to order, I can’t do this. The other party is not stupid. The purchased steel must be inspected. That would be trouble.

"Even if we don't export, Ah San has to purchase deck steel from Maanshan Iron and Steel, so we can't stop Ah San's plan to build an aircraft carrier. The construction of the aircraft carrier project has seriously delayed the time." Qin Tao said.

Wu Shengli nodded: "That's it. You are in business, and we can't interfere too much. You have made great contributions to making Ah San's Chaoriwang aircraft carrier so delayed that it cannot operate normally."

"Old Wu, is Lao Wu at home?" Just then, a voice came from outside.

"Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here. This New Year's Eve, he didn't eat at his own house, but ran to my place." Wu Shengli smiled and got up to greet him, and Elder Lin opened the door and walked in.

"Hey, Taozi is here too, didn't you go to Mingzhou for the New Year?" Seeing Qin Tao here, Elder Lin said with a smile.

"We've all discussed it, one year as a family." Qin Tao said: "Old Lin, you came here on the eve of Chinese New Year's Eve, maybe you didn't come to eat and drink?"

"Why not? I also brought a bottle of Moutai over here, fill it up!"

Qin Tao quickly opened the lid of the Moutai brought by Mr. Lin and poured the wine. Mr. Lin looked at Qin Tao with a smile: "Taozi, you know about Ah San going to Lao Maozi's side, right?"

"Well, I just heard about it." Qin Tao secretly laughed in his heart. Mr. Lin came here, obviously for this matter, and he was too embarrassed to say so just now!
"If Ah San purchases a fighter like the MiG 1.44, we will be in big trouble in the future!" Elder Lin said, "How can they have a fourth-generation fighter?"

"Old Lin, someone is more worried than us."

Mr. Lin's eyes suddenly lit up: "Sukhoi Design Bureau?"

"That's right, Ah San's funds are limited after all. If they put funds on the MiG 1.44, it will probably interfere with the progress of the Su-30MKI project, and even cause the project to be terminated."

Before the collapse of the Red Empire, the Homeland Defense Air Force had been equipped with hundreds of Su-27s, as well as a certain two-seat Su-27UB. This aircraft was originally used to train pilots, but in actual operation , but a strange phenomenon happened: pilots prefer to use this aircraft to perform patrol missions!
The two-seater aircraft will reduce the fuel load and the range. This defect does not matter to the Su-27 fighter, which is originally a long-range fighter. On the contrary, the two-seater has two pilots, and it is more convenient to perform tasks. Whether it is cruising or flying in a formation of four aircraft, it will be easier to have a commander sitting behind the two-seater aircraft.

Therefore, the Sukhoi Design Bureau also made a decision. Since the troops like it so much, they simply changed the two-seater trainer plane into a fighter-bomber!

However, when it was just about to start, the Red Empire was gone!At that time, the Sukhoi Design Bureau did not sell the Su-27 all over the world, and there was no extra money to improve it. Therefore, when the East began to purchase the Su-27Sk, Lao Maozi sent an invitation to jointly develop the Su-30 !

However, Dongfang had no money, and the technical risk was too great, so it gave up.

After a few years, Lao Maozi finally got rich, and the two-seater model was improved, and Dongfang in history placed an order.

But Ah San was tempted. Seeing that Dongfang had the long-range Su-27 series, they couldn't wait to have this kind of more advanced fighter, and it had to be even more advanced than Dongfang's!

The reason why it is so slow, of course, is because Ah San has high requirements. This Su-30MKI is not a simple two-seater modification of the Su-27UB. It uses a lot of new technologies, such as canards and vector nozzles. It was transplanted from the Su-711 numbered 37.

At the same time, Ah San is not worried about Da Mao's avionics, so the avionics system of this fighter needs to use products from France and Israel. Such a Su-30MKI has become an international cooperation project.

Of course, this kind of project will be very slow, and the project has only been in progress for a few months now. Due to the Chaoriwang incident, Ah San is very cautious in investment, and currently only allocates tens of millions of initial research and development funds.

Although the MiG 1.44 is an air superiority fighter, and its combat mission is different from that of a fighter-bomber like the Su-30, Ah San does not think so much about it. , Abandoned the Su-1.44MKI project?
Therefore, the Sukhoi Design Bureau must be very anxious!

"Now, this aircraft is being tested in Zhukovsky, and the S-37 Golden Eagle, the forward-swept wing demonstrator of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, is also being tested in the flight test institute. Therefore, they still have a way. You can burn that MiG 1.44 even if you do something with the fuel." Qin Tao said with a smile: "With the current strength of the Mikoyan Design Bureau, as long as the prototype is gone, they don't want to build another one. "

This prototype was built in the era of the Red Empire. If you want to rebuild it now, many supporting parts cannot be produced, such as the two abnormal AL-41F engines.

The fourth uncle is much more powerful than the third uncle. This engine has a thrust-to-weight ratio of 11 and a maximum afterburner thrust of 175 N. It is said that such an advanced engine should continue to be used, but it disappeared in the end.

The S-37 Golden Eagle currently being tested uses two D-30 engines, but the thrust is large enough, and the thrust-to-weight ratio is pitifully low.

Even in later generations, Lao Maozi's new generation of Su-57 fighter jets also use AL-41F1-117S jet engines, which are also four uncles, but the thrust of a single engine is only 15 tons, compared to the four uncles on MiG 1.44 It's far from it, because it's actually just a modification of the third uncle.

The fourth uncle used on the MiG 1.44 is already the last swan song of the Red Empire. I don’t know if it’s the immature design or the technical problems of the workers. In short, it never appeared again.

(There is also a saying that there is no need for such a large thrust. The hero of East China is skeptical about this statement. Is there any aircraft designer who dislikes the high thrust of his own engine? The maximum take-off weight of the Su-57 is 35 tons. If you use this old In the case of the fourth uncle of the model, the thrust-to-weight ratio of the whole machine just reaches 1! It is much better than what is used now.)
Several people chatted and laughed happily, but the content of the conversation was not suitable for children. Although they didn't kill anyone, just setting fire to it was despicable enough.

Old Lin nodded: "That's right, your plan is very good, but how should we inform Lao Maozi of this method?"

"This is your business, don't bother me." Qin Tao said, "Okay, let's move on to the next topic."

"Zhang Zhong said that the program can be dedicated to a MiG 1.44 program. Anyway, that plane will be displayed publicly for the audience. We don't count it as a leak. In this program, we can belittle it. The plane said nothing."

Using the means of the media is already a common practice of Qin Tao, and Zhang Zhong has done a lot of things for Qin Tao, so he can criticize whoever he wants.

"Why is it useless? That is the swan song of the Red Empire." Elder Lin was a little curious.

"That's right, it's the product of the old Maozi's fight against the F-22, but, look at its appearance, does it have the slightest shadow of a stealth machine?" Qin Tao turned on the mocking mode: "It doesn't do any aerodynamic appearance at all. The stealth correction completely entrusts the task of stealth to the so-called plasma generator. However, I guess this project must be obsolete. A fighter without stealth capability dares to call itself the second heavy-duty fourth-generation fighter in the world? "

"It is the first of the Lao Maozi fighters to adopt the abdominal air inlet, which greatly improves the performance at high elevation angles, but at the same time, the air inlet is not blocked, and the radar reflection of the engine fan blades is also very strong. The radar of this aircraft There won't be any difference between the Echo and the third-generation machine, so if the old man really wants to call it a fourth-generation machine, go back and re-skin it."

"Also, its belly bomb bay can only hold four missiles, not even a side bomb bay. In a fierce air battle, what are four missiles enough for?"

Hearing the previous content, Elder Lin nodded frequently, but when he heard the last words, Elder Lin became curious: "How do you know that its belly bomb bay can only hold four missiles?"

Others can be understood, but the last one has not been announced to the public at all.

Of course it is the knowledge of future generations!But Qin Tao was not nervous: "Listen to Mao Duanzhang and the others."

Although Mao Duanzhang belonged to the Yakovlev Design Bureau, they must have participated in the bidding for this fighter. They have some understanding of the performance of this fighter, and it is clear how many missiles can be mounted in the built-in bomb bay.

Therefore, Qin Tao's explanation did not arouse any doubts.

"Yes, this aircraft has many technical defects, and it is not a complete fourth-generation aircraft at all." Elder Lin said: "We can make a fuss about this aspect."

It doesn't matter if you pour dirty water on the Mikoyan Design Bureau. Anyway, there is no intersection between China and the Mikoyan Design Bureau, and what you say is fair and reasonable, and there is no private goods involved.

"Speaking of which, this MiG 1.44 is somewhat similar to our J-[-] double-release version." Elder Lin suddenly said with emotion.

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "Mr. Lin, the J-611 will be finalized for service soon. After the research and development of this fighter is completed, the [-] Institute should issue a large version of the J-[-] as our first It is a stealth fourth-generation heavy fighter."

The sky of the future belongs to stealth aircraft, and there must be J-20 in China!

Now that this matter was mentioned, Qin Tao mentioned a few words in passing.

"Well, we think so too, but, Taozi, this doesn't suit your style, why don't you fool us into making a double-issue version on the basis of J-31A, as our fourth-generation heavy-duty machine? This is just right Corresponding to the F-22."

"Because our engine is not powerful." Qin Tao said with emotion: "Even if our turbofan-15 has been able to produce stably, there is still a big gap from the engine of the fourth-generation aircraft. If the power is insufficient, it can only be aerodynamic. That’s all, the duck layout is the best choice for us.”

The Americans have been playing with the conventional layout because their engines are so powerful that bricks can fly into the sky. Their own side has always been limited by the defects of the engines, and they can only make a fuss about aerodynamics.

"You mean, you can rely on 611?" Elder Lin asked Qin Tao.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, if you want to say that the model of domestic independent research and development of military aircraft is the 611! The Air Force doesn't count on the 611, who else can it count on? The 601?"

"Actually, the two design institutes have already reported relevant research and development plans." Mr. Lin said: "The plan designed by 611 is a double-engine heavy air superiority fighter with a canard layout, while the design plan of 601 is Flattened Su-27."

Last time at the air show, Qin Tao suggested this. It seems that the 601 Institute was in a hurry and came up with this plan!
"Both fighters have chosen our WS-15 as the engine. Even if they don't have the capability of supersonic cruise, at least the maneuverability is guaranteed. We are currently in a bit of a dilemma and don't know which one is more suitable."

Hearing what Mr. Lin said, Qin Tao smiled: "Mr. Lin, one is a veteran of the J-27 fighter jet for decades, and the other is a new star who has developed the third-generation fighter jet. How do you choose? Do you need to talk about it? Why are you hesitating? Can’t you see who is stronger? It has been six or seven years since the Su-27 was equipped. You can ask, have the relevant units fully understood the design of the Su-27? You can use our domestic aviation Have you replaced the Su-[-] with electricity, and at the same time made targeted repairs to the weak parts of the airframe?"

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Mr. Lin sighed: "Yes, this is really a problem. The current opinion they give is that we hope that our air force can purchase a batch of Su-30, or even a more advanced Su-35. Come and master the upgrade technology of Su-27 series fighters."

Relying on the funds for the export of Su-27, the Sukhoi Design Bureau is also perfecting the Su-30. The lifespan of the airframe has increased from 27 hours of the Su-[-] to [-] hours, and the previous rickets have disappeared. Is the advancement of the Sukhoi fighter.

However, it is still very difficult for the country to master it. The best way is to purchase a batch, so that you can directly compare and see the difference between the two fighters.

"Let's talk about the Su-27 flattening plan. This plan was fooled by me. This design simply cannot achieve the best stealth capability."

Elder Lin was taken aback: "What's going on?"

"Of course it is due to the limitations of the innate structure. The Su-27 series fighters adopt a short engine compartment plan, with air intake from the belly, and the overall shape is relatively smooth. However, this shape will bring huge benefits in the era of stealth aircraft. The problem is, if major changes are not made, the fan blades of the engine can be seen directly from the air intake, and this strong electromagnetic reflection source cannot be blocked at all.”

Mr. Lin thought about it seriously, and then said: "Your flattering suggestion was originally intended to fool others?"

Qin Tao nodded with a smile.

"I understand. At present, 601 is still trying its best to understand the design of the Su-27. It is more appropriate to develop our fighter-bomber on this basis. The project of developing the fourth-generation aircraft should be handed over to 611."

"Mr. Lin, this is the decision of your air force, and it has nothing to do with me." Qin Tao continued, he is a shipbuilder, and he doesn't want to get involved too much in this field.

"Well, I got it." Elder Lin nodded, "We would also like to thank you for your precious suggestion. It really is the authorities who are confused by the bystanders."

"By the way, Mr. Lin, now that I've mentioned it, I still have some ideas."


"In order to better revitalize our aviation industry, I think it is imperative to merge the 611 and 132 factories." Qin Tao said: "This kind of development into a large aviation group is very important for the development of our aviation industry." There are also great benefits.”

The name Chengfei began to be called in the 80s. However, it was just an aircraft company at that time. With the opening of the country, 132 Factory wanted to sell the J-132 fighter jets, but if it was called [-] Factory directly, it would not sound good, so the superiors quickly After the decision was made, the company was named after the place name, and the name of Chengdu Aircraft Company was given, and the factory director became the manager, so that it was in line with international standards and it was convenient to go out and negotiate contracts.

In this era, Factory 132 and Institute 611 are independent. All research and development funds of Institute 611 are allocated by the superior. If there is no project, it will be miserable. Rumors spread that Mr. Song sold noodles.And the 132 factory in this era, relying on the export of J-[-] fighters, is making a lot of money.

However, even if the 132 factory is a technical giant, its technical strength cannot be compared with that of the 611. Therefore, for a long time, the 132 factory has been in operation and wants to merge the 611 into its own Come to the factory design office.

The 611 Institute was not discouraged either. They practiced their internal skills hard. After developing the J-[-] fighter jet, they finally soared into the sky and became the most famous aircraft design institute in China. But what about the next production?
According to the previous system, it would be fine to hand over the designed aircraft to Factory 132 for production. If that were the case, the 611 Institute would have to rely on northwest wind again.Moreover, it is already a market economy, and the J-611 fighter is a patent of the 132 Institute. If it is directly handed over to the 611 factory for production, will it be necessary to give a certain subsidy to the [-] Institute for every one produced?

This is too complicated to operate, why not just merge the two together and make Factory 132 a subordinate production factory of Institute 611!
Only by combining with factories and institutes can we form an aircraft group to develop better.

"For example, the Super Seven project that Factory 132 has been working on can completely be designed by the 611 Institute." Qin Tao explained the benefits of doing so: "It saves the old man from running around, and the 611 Institute only needs to make the tenth of the project. It is enough to transplant some design schemes on the fighter plane, and the first flight will be possible in a year or two."

"So, what about the production of the J-31A fighter?" Elder Lin asked.

Qin Tao was a little dumbfounded, but he forgot that there is also an independent J-31A project department!The research and development of this fighter is a small building independent of the 611. According to the original plan, the production should also be in the 132 factory. Now, Qin Tao proposes to merge the two units. What about the J-31A project department?
Is it better to simply merge the past together?

Seeing Qin Tao's hesitant attitude, Mr. Lin said, "Should we merge together? This will also facilitate production."

"Of course not." Qin Tao immediately denied it: "This project is completely independent, and it is also an international cooperation, Mr. Lin, your food has become more and more ugly recently."

Mr. Lin smiled, and was not angry at Qin Tao's words: "Really? Why didn't I feel it? I think such a plan is very good! If you don't do this, do you have any suitable suggestions?"

 PS: Seeing that everyone is urging updates, Huadong Zhixiong is very sorry.Recently, my body has not recovered, and I started coughing again the day before yesterday, and I was dizzy all day yesterday.Only one update can be maintained for the time being.The hero of East China is also very anxious to resume the two updates, but his energy is limited, readers please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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