Great warships

Chapter 582 Mingzhou Group's Ambition

Chapter 582 Mingzhou Group's Ambition

"Of course there is. In view of your attitude, I would prefer to set up the production plant in a third party." After thinking for a while, Qin Tao continued: "For example, set up in 011 base, or set up in 320 factory."

When it comes to the R&D and production of domestic military aircraft, the original boss was a combination of 601 and 112 factories, and later it will become a combination of 611 and 132 factories. Under the combination of Shen Huoyi and Cheng Luoma, other Aircraft factories and research and development institutes are eclipsed, so much so that people forget the existence of these factories.

Qin Tao of the 320 factory has been in contact with Qin Tao several times. This factory has independently developed and produced Jiaoba, which is good for export and self-use. , looking forward to soaring into the sky in the future.

As for the 011 base, it is more difficult. This base is a third-tier factory. It was built in the mountains during that special period. In peacetime, all of them are at a disadvantage. To produce the same aircraft, the transportation cost is much higher than others. cut.

However, this factory also has the energy to work hard. It has repeatedly approached the superiors and asked for the JJQI project. Afterwards, it has been relying on JJQI to develop. In the end, it has become a coach with two ribs. , and were even selected by the Navy as carrier-based trainers.

Of course, no matter how much it is modified, it is the foundation of the J-132, and it will always be eliminated. When this project gradually declined, they took over the production task of the J-011: if the [-] factory wants to fully produce the J-[-], it will The production of the J-[-] has been transferred to the [-] base as a whole!
At this time, upon hearing Qin Tao's words, Mr. Lin smiled and shook his head: "Not suitable, not suitable. Factory 320 is for trainer aircraft and lacks production equipment for fighter jets. Base 011 is for JJ-132. This is different from that of 132 The factory is a bit like, what can be produced by the [-] factory, it is said that they can also produce, but their base is in the mountainous area, the production cost is too high, you will definitely not choose it.”

Mr. Lin acted as if he was convinced of Qin Tao.

"Nothing is impossible." Qin Tao said: "The production plant of the 011 base can be relocated as a whole. Our Mingzhou Group has plenty of money. As long as the relevant departments agree, we can purchase the 011 base and then move the factory. Come outside and specialize in the production of our J-31A in the future, and we can even build a production plant from scratch. This will save the 132 factory from being busy in the future and not being able to produce fighters for us in time."

When it came to this, Qin Tao was really tempted.

That's right, they need a fighter jet production plant!

The production tasks of Chengfei in the future will be very tense. There are J-31, Xiaolong, and J-[-]. These production tasks are already backlogged up. The production of J-[-]A must be at the end. In case of delay What about the construction period?
However, if you want to build an aircraft factory from scratch, it is still very difficult. There is a shortage of space, production equipment, and workers. Do you want to continue to kidnap workers on the production line from the old man?
It would be a good idea to directly acquire the 011 base, but the key is whether the superior will let it go?

"Your Mingzhou Group's ambitions are really too great." Elder Lin continued to tease: "Not only have you set foot in ships and aerospace, but now you want to set foot in aviation. Let me tell you, this is not easy. If you are the son-in-law of our Air Force, it will be easy. gone."

A plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes was placed heavily on the table. Several people looked up in surprise and saw Zhao Xiu'e's ugly face.

"Hmph, after drinking a few cups of cat urine, I started talking nonsense."

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm wrong, can I admit my mistake? Lao Wu, you are too powerful, you are often bullied at home, right?" Mr. Lin is as good as others.

This role can only be played by Zhao Xiu'e. Even if she complains a few times, Elder Lin can't get angry, and has to apologize.

Wu Shengli smiled: "Old Lin, you have deviated from the topic."

"Mr. Lin, what's the use of just admitting your mistakes? If you want to come here to eat and drink in the future, you have to express it." Qin Tao said to Mr. Lin, and continued to pour wine.

"Well, there are two main aircraft factories at the 011 base, namely Shuangyang Aircraft Manufacturing Factory and Yunma Aircraft Manufacturing Factory. The previous code names were Factory 162 and Factory 130." Mr. Lin introduced: "Among them, Yunma Aircraft Factory The factory is manufacturing JJ[-], and life is better. Shuangyang Aircraft Manufacturing Factory has no production tasks at present. The situation of the factory is very difficult. It depends on some civilian products to maintain it. If you Mingzhou Group can bring this factory to life, The leadership of the aviation system should also be happy."

(I know 112, 132, 172, but I don't know 162, so I know it now.)
Hearing what Mr. Lin said, Qin Tao opened his eyes wide: "Really?"

"Can there be fakes?" Elder Lin said, "You still don't believe what I say?"

"Mr. Lin, if you always have this attitude, it would be great. You are welcome to come here to eat and drink, and you don't need to bring wine. I will prepare Moutai for you." Qin Tao said with a smile.

The J-31A is still in the research and development stage, so Qin Tao is not worried about production. However, after a few years, once the flight test is completed, the next step will be busy. It will be much easier to prepare for the production workshop now. up.

"Okay." Elder Lin said, "I will come here often. By the way, how do you plan to buy?"

"The best wholly-owned acquisition is to buy the entire factory directly. Of course, we don't care about some idle personnel who eat and drink. The proportion of front-line production personnel must reach at least 90.00%. After that, we will invest a lot of money, Move the factory out."

"It's difficult. After all, this factory is a state-owned asset. The proportion of shares held by you may not be allowed to exceed 50.00%."

"Then we would rather not." Qin Tao said: "Even if we build a brand new factory next to Factory 132 and build it from scratch, we will definitely not want an uncontrolled factory. How many vampires?"

Qin Tao is sober. He doesn't want the Mingzhou Group's continuous injection of capital to flow into the pockets of some people. He is not right to be taken advantage of.

"Okay, you guys write a formal report, and I'll submit it for you." Elder Lin said, "It's up to the superiors to approve it or not. But, you kid, don't play tricks, such as encouraging those who haven't done it in half a year. Salaried workers rioting or something."

"Mr. Lin, you have to punish yourself three cups!" Qin Tao was very dissatisfied: "I, Qin Tao, am that kind of person? No matter what method I use, I use it on foreigners. So foolish?"

Mr. Lin smiled, and then changed the subject: "Taozi, the name of your J-31A fighter is not very good, do you want to change it?"

Qin Tao was a little curious: "How to change it?"

The name is indeed somewhat nondescript.

The J-31 is actually an improved second-hand Yak-38. It was only used to solve the problem of availability. After that, the brand-new vertical take-off and landing fighter developed by itself was called the J-31A. The problem is that this fighter project is divided into three types. Different styles, if they continue to be marked with suffixes, they should be the J-31A vertical take-off and landing model, the J-31A ship-based model and the J-31A land-based model.

If it is represented by letters, it is J-31AA, J-31AB and J-31AC.

No matter how you look at it, how awkward!
"Of course the number has been changed." Elder Lin said: "You have been promoting it for a long time now. For the sake of inheritance, the vertical take-off and landing model can still be called J-31A, and the other two models are separate models."

"Of course it would be better." Qin Tao said, "If you can ask for more models, they can be called J-32 and J-35 respectively."

"Compared to X-32 and X-35, disgusting Americans?" Elder Lin asked with a smile.

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right!"

"I don't know which of these two models will win the bidding." Elder Lin said with emotion.

"I guess the possibility of the flying toad is less." Qin Tao said: "After all, it's too ugly. The old Dassault said that a good plane must be a beautiful plane."

"That is to say, McDonnell Douglas will win in the end?" Elder Lin asked.

The Flying Toad X-32 belongs to Boeing, and its competitor is the McDonnell Douglas X-35. Since the Flying Toad will fail, then the X-35 should succeed.

"That's not necessarily the case."


"Maybe McDonnell Douglas collapsed and the whole project fell into Boeing's hands again?"

"Haha, Taozi, you really know how to joke. McDonnell Douglas is one of the largest companies in the world, how could it go bankrupt?" Elder Lin said with a smile.

"We are at the wine table, why can't we blow the cowhide? You need to be more courageous." Qin Tao raised his glass indifferently: "Come, drink!"

While Qin Tao and the others were happily drinking and chatting, bragging and playing circles, a meeting was being held in the headquarters of McDonnell Douglas on the other side of the ocean.

"Our company's cash flow is running out, and the only way now is to divert funds from the X-35 project to maintain our company's operations." The person in charge of the financial department said calmly.

"Damn it, it's impossible!" Hearing that, Schneider, the engineer of the X-35 project, immediately slapped the table: "Your cash flow is running out, so you can find a way to sell the airliner, or Borrowing from the bank, why are we diverting our research and development funds? If the navy finds out, you hands-on guys will go to jail!"

"We have already thought about these methods. We launched the brand-new MD-11 airliner with mediocre response. Many customers have doubts about our aircraft. Our MD-80 is also called Mad Dog-80. All these are It is the negligence of your designers, and now the aircraft cannot be sold. What can we do? As for the banks, they have already borrowed if they can, and they will not lend us money until the original debt is repaid. "

"Then we can't divert our research and development funds!" Schneider said: "Now, all the company's hopes are pinned on the X-35 project. This project is worked out, so that even if all the airliner projects are gone, our company can still develop, if this project fails, our company will be completely ruined, you guys who are engaged in administration, do you understand it?"

"Of course we know, but the person in charge of your technology is too slow." The person in charge of the financial department continued: "We have been insisting on it for a few months, and we are waiting for you to quickly build the prototype, so that we can cooperate with you." More funds are needed above, but what about you? Not only is the project delayed, but now it is said that a large-scale revision of the design is required. In this way, our first flight time will have to be delayed, and the company may not be able to survive until then. bankrupted!"

"Oriental J-31A has already conducted flight demonstrations, especially their vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, which have also demonstrated vertical take-off and landing. After careful comparison, we believe that Eastern's plan is the most suitable, so we have to revise the design." Schneider said.

The last time I visited the airshow, I was deeply impressed by Schneider. After returning, he continued to promote this change, and finally won the approval of everyone. He also became the main research and development engineer of this project.

They originally planned to adopt the lift engine solution, which would cause the problem of ablating the deck to be difficult to solve, and the hot exhaust gas would be sucked into the air intake of the engine, causing the main engine to operate abnormally.

These problems are very difficult. Now, it is better to overthrow and start again. The solution of the Orientals is the most suitable!

"The company may completely lose its funds until you complete the revision." The person in charge of the financial department continued.

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with us!"

"Okay, stop arguing." The president of the company, Stonecipher, finally couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted the quarrel of these people.

"Schnoeder, if we follow our original plan, when will we be able to build a prototype?" Stonecipher asked Schnoeder.

"It will probably take a few months."

"Then within half a year, the prototype will be produced first, so that we can continue to receive funding." Stonecipher said: "This will also allocate part of the funds to keep the factory running normally."

"However, our original plan was immature. After building a prototype like this, we will have to make major changes in the future!" Schnoeder was anxious.

"It doesn't matter, our competitors also need to make major changes." Stonecipher said: "The codename they first tested was 370. During the test flight, they found that the lift provided by the large-area delta wing was seriously insufficient, especially not meeting the requirements of the ship. The take-off and landing requirements of the carrier aircraft, so they plan to carry out a large-scale modification. The wing will become a normal structure with a conventional tail. At the same time, their nose landing gear also needs to be redesigned, and the position of the air intake is moved forward. The forward-swept intakes were replaced by rear-swept intakes. This modified configuration was known as the Type 373. It took a long time because the changes were too large."

Everyone was extremely surprised, how could the president be so clear about the progress of Boeing's project?Could it be that a commercial espionage was placed?

Thinking of this, they all became excited.

If what the president said is true, then they can face it more easily.

"Compared to them, our changes are much smaller. Our external structure remains unchanged, only the lift engine is replaced with a lift fan, and there is an extra drive shaft in the middle. Therefore, we will definitely come from behind. Now, our most important The most important thing is to build a prototype so that we can get a second round of funding!"

Schnoeder couldn't stop him anymore, but he was also very cautious: "In short, I will not sign the document on embezzlement of funds. If something happens in the future, it has nothing to do with me."

"Okay, then it's settled." Stonecipher said: "Next, all departments need to work together to let us overcome this difficulty. Our McDonnell Douglas is still a giant in the industry!"

At this time, Stonecipher will never know how terrible the situation McDonnell Douglas will face next.Today's decision, instead of getting their company out of the predicament, became a trigger for their company's eventual bankruptcy and merger.

The next day, which was the first day of the new year, was a New Year's greeting as usual. With the QQ video, Qin Tao was able to bring Qin Haiyang and his parents in Mingzhou to pay New Year's greetings via video.

"Come on, Haiyang, New Year's greetings to grandparents." Qin Tao said with a smile.

Qin Haiyang looked at the people on the screen and asked with some embarrassment: "Who are they? I don't know them."

Qin Tao can't wait to slap his son's ass, little bastard, he only knows grandpa and grandma, but grandparents don't know each other?

However, with Zhao Ling by his side, he didn't dare.

"It doesn't matter, the ocean is still small." Qin Baoshan on the opposite side said with a smile on his face: "I will remember it later..."

While speaking, the phone rang, and Qin Baoshan put it directly next to his ear: "Hello, who is it? What?"

Qin Tao was also surprised by this. Could something have happened?

"Is there a European customer who wants to order our aircraft carrier deck steel? No, this kind of steel is related to our secrets. You can sell it without paying. Let me ask Taozi."

Putting down his phone, Qin Baoshan looked at Qin Tao in the video: "Taozi, our steel factory called and said that a buyer came and wanted to purchase the aircraft carrier deck steel we produced."

"Well, I see, don't worry, just ask your superiors for instructions, and I'll talk about it when I go back after the third year of junior high school."

It is convenient to have video chat, which is much cheaper than long-distance calls.

After the video chat was over, Zhao Ling said from the side: "Brother Tao, if it's urgent, then go back, anyway, we spend Chinese New Year's Eve here."

"Don't worry." Qin Tao said: "Leave the client alone for a few days, let them worry, then it will be convenient for us to negotiate."

"I don't know where the customer came from." Zhao Ling said: "If we can open up a bigger market, why not do it?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the boss behind the client is Ah San." Qin Tao said.


Zhao Ling nodded. She has also listened to a lot of conversations in the past few days, and she has some understanding of these things. Whether it is repairing the Chaoriwang or building a new aircraft carrier, deck steel is inseparable. There were not many deck steel producers, so Ah San went around and felt that Lao Maozi's price was too expensive, so he went to Mingzhou Group to buy it.

With Ah San's character, she must be embarrassed to buy directly, so she simply found a middleman.

Originally, Qin Tao thought that Da Mao would be a middleman, and it would be good for his good friends to make a fortune, but now, let a middleman who has nothing to do with him make money?
Ha ha ha.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Qin Tao returned to Mingzhou with his wife and children. When Qin Haiyang saw Qin Baoshan, he had already recognized his birth. However, within half a day, he was yelling and playing around with his grandpa.

The gate of Mingzhou Group Iron and Steel Plant.

"Mr. Qin, you can be regarded as coming back. That foreign customer comes to remind me every day." Zhang Jinxi, the factory manager, looked at Qin Tao who got off the car and said, "It's really annoying."

"Well, the Chinese New Year is still annoying. Doesn't he know that these days are holidays?"

"That's right, it's a statutory holiday, but our factory is busy. Even on the eve of Chinese New Year's Eve, we didn't stop working, and the production line was always running." Zhang Jinxi said.

Qin Tao nodded: "Is the new iron ore easy to use?"

After entering the gate, there is a mountain of iron ore in front of you. The color of these iron ores is slightly different from the previous ones.

"Well, yes, it is similar to the iron ore imported from Australia. Our iron ore purchase channels are diversified and cannot be hung on a tree. We have stopped purchasing domestic iron ore. After all, we don't need foreign iron ore. Finish."

The iron ore imported from abroad is rich in iron ore, which is easy to smelt and the quality of the steel produced is good, so there is no need to purchase domestic iron ore.

Qin Tao continued to nod, and then looked at Zhou Jie on the other side: "Professor Zhou, can we use iron ore from football countries to ensure the same level as Australian iron ore?"

"That's not true, there are still some subtle differences, but after our fine-tuning, it's almost the same." Zhou Jie said.

Since he came to Mingzhou Iron and Steel Company, Zhou Jie has become a technical consultant. Up to now, he has been working conscientiously. Moreover, seeing the continuous development and growth of the iron and steel plant here, he has even become a company not inferior to Huating Iron and Steel Plant. Huge enterprise, he also felt very proud in his heart.

"So, if we want to produce a batch of special deck steel, the yield and other technical properties are no problem, but it will rust from the inside in advance, can we make it?"

If the steel is rusted from the outside, it can be solved by painting anti-rust paint or other means, but if the steel is rusted from the inside, there is no way at all!

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Zhang Jinxi frowned immediately: "President Qin, won't this damage our brand name? Those customers only bought it after seeing the quality of our steel production is reliable!"

Qin Tao smiled: "The customer will definitely not say that the purpose of purchasing steel is to build an aircraft carrier for Ah San?"

"Build an aircraft carrier for Ah San? Then we can't sell it." Zhang Jinxi said: "We'd rather not make this money!"

"If we don't make money, someone else will make money. Wouldn't it be better if we both make money and make the other party's aircraft carrier scrap iron?"

Zhang Jinxi carefully thought about the meaning of Qin Tao's words, while Zhou Jie nodded: "Mr. Qin, if you want the steel to rust from the inside, you only need to add some furnace ash during the production process. Well, it can also ensure that other indicators remain unchanged for the time being.”

"Okay, let's do this." Qin Tao said: "As for the reputation or something, don't worry, call the foreign client, and I will talk to him in person."

 PS: In the past, it was just a heart discomfort. Well, it changed to a heartache yesterday. I took two Suxiao Jiuxin Pills and went to the hospital, which was full of people. . .Some inspection items require an appointment.There were no test results, and the doctor did not prescribe any medicine.When I came back, I continued to endure the discomfort and coded a chapter. Recently, I can only guarantee to keep updating as much as possible.Feel sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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