Great warships

Chapter 583

Chapter 583

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Qin, we are Ossenhauber, and our company's main business is gas tanks." Soon, Rem Koolhaas, a European who came to buy deck steel, came to Mingming After seeing Qin Tao at the office of Zhouzhou Iron and Steel Company, he immediately revealed his identity.

"I'm curious, do you need deck steel to produce gas tanks?" Qin Tao looked at each other with a smile. These people don't know how to hide it too much, right?With such a lame reason?

"Mr. Qin, we not only produce gas tanks for household use, we also produce gas tanks for larger gas filling stations and gas transfer vehicles." Koolhaas said: "You also know that in Europe, the voice of environmental protection Higher and higher, traditional fuels are beginning to be resisted, and the demand for gaseous fuels is getting higher and higher. However, the sites of our gas filling stations are fixed. In order to accommodate more gas, they need to have Gas tanks for storage with greater pressure resistance, so we hope to have high-strength steel, the higher the strength, the better. We look at the world, and only the deck steel you produce can meet our needs."

This reason is reasonable, Qin Tao nodded.

Many people talk about the fact that Europeans like to drive hatchbacks, saying that Europeans understand cars, and Europeans buy hatchbacks, regardless of the differences in national conditions. Europe does not engage in infrastructure construction, and many houses have a history of hundreds of years. Yes, many streets are also narrow sections suitable for horse-drawn carriages. Europeans buy hatchbacks. On the one hand, everyone has a car, and the back row is almost useless. On the other hand, the streets are narrow, and hatchbacks are easy to walk.

There are many requirements for special gas filling stations. They should not be too close to residential areas, and there should be no flammable factories nearby, so there are few conditions that can meet these conditions. It is impossible to expand the scale of existing gas filling stations. Could be the road to increased stress.

However, this is only a superficial reason, and Qin Tao will certainly not be fooled by these arguments.

"When a customer comes to ask for a purchase, of course we have to meet the customer's demand. The customer is God." Qin Tao said.

Koolhas was suddenly excited. After coming for a few days, everyone here was making excuses. The leader was gone, so he had to report to Mr. Qin, but he refused to give him a definite answer. Now, finally, there is affirmation He was very happy with the answer.

But then, he looked at Qin Tao with some concern: "Mr. Qin, what is the price of this steel? We are for civilian use. If the price is too high, we may not be able to afford it!"

"The deck steel used by this kind of aircraft carrier is very difficult to manufacture, and the price is not cheap. However, if you need it, we can't ask for it." Qin Tao thought for a while, and then said: "Forty-four thousand four hundred and forty-four dollars a piece Ton, how?"

Red Star Shipyard wanted US$[-] per ton, and Maanshan Iron and Steel in the Urals asked for a higher price. Now, Qin Tao's offer is the lowest, but this offer confused Koolhaas: "Why? Is it such a number?"

"Mr. Koolhaas, do you understand music?" Qin Tao asked the other party.

Koolhaas nodded.

"So, what does this number read in the sheet music?"


"That's right, in our Chinese language, it means making a fortune. When we export this kind of steel plate, we just want to make a fortune. We make a fortune, and you also make a fortune. How about we make a fortune together?"

Xu Zhengyang, who was by Qin Tao's side, held back his laughter. He was just teasing the people in front of him. If this kind of steel was resold by them, it would be a dead end to Ah San. what!
This time it will be worse than last time.

"Oh, so that's the case, Mr. Qin, we ordered [-] tons for the first batch. I hope you can export this special welding technology for steel plates and related welding rods to us." Rem Koolhaas continued.

"Of course this is no problem. If you pay an extra ton, I will pack enough welding rods for you."

"Thank you Mr. Qin." Koolhaas was very happy.

"Mr. Koolhaas, I hope you can understand that although we have the production technology of deck steel, this kind of steel belongs to the strategic level. According to the rules, we can only use it for ourselves and cannot export it at all." Qin Tao began to vaccinate Li said: "Now, we only decided to export this steel to you for the sake of your civilian use. Therefore, we need to sign relevant clauses in our contract. This batch of exported steel is only allowed to make gas tanks." , it is not allowed to be used for other purposes, nor is it allowed to be transferred to a third party, otherwise, we will hold you accountable and demand five times the compensation."

Koolhaas was taken aback.

"Our ultra-high-strength steel, in addition to being used to make aircraft carrier deck steel, can also be used to make submarine shells. It can dive to a depth of at least 500 meters. If it is used for military purposes, it is easy to cause damage. The power in a certain area is out of balance." Qin Tao said: "You should be able to understand these principles, right?"

"Yes." Koolhaas nodded: "Mr. Qin, I have one more request. After this deal is concluded, if our business is good, then we will order more steel in the future. I hope you can use the same Export it to us at the price!"

"Of course there is no problem." Qin Tao nodded: "The price will not increase within five years."

"it is good!"

The export agreement was reached in this way, and the specific terms of the contract were handled by the relevant personnel, so Qin Tao did not need to intervene. When Rem Koolhaas left, Zhang Jinxi frowned and said: "Europe has now gradually turned to natural gas, and Gas tanks are different, you have to use stainless steel double tanks.”

Although they are commonly called coal gas, they are actually different. The initial gas refers to the combustible gas produced in the coking process, and then it is the petroleum gas from the petroleum fractionation tower, which becomes liquefied petroleum gas after liquefaction. What is mainly used now is natural gas that can be directly mined from the ground.

These gases are different and have different properties, and the gas tanks used are also different.

Qin Tao smiled: "Of course, using our deck steel as a gas tank will definitely lose money, but how come you are so familiar with these?"

At this time, Qin Tao was a little curious. Although Zhang Jinxi was also an experienced technician, his skills were in steelmaking, not in finished steel products.

"Mr. Qin, our steel company has established a special gas tank company." Zhang Jinxi said: "Using our own steel plates to make gas tanks can increase the profit of the steel plates."

Qin Tao looked at Zhang Jinxi approvingly: "The scale of our steel company is so large, you still don't give up any point of profit growth!"

"Of course, Mr. Qin, we use the model of setting up branches under the head office." Zhang Jinxi said: "Last year, several workers in our steel plant wanted to change their gas tanks at home, but they were reluctant to buy them, so they made them themselves. They bought a few, but they were seen by outsiders and wanted to buy them, saying that they were of better quality than those gas tanks sold in the market. Once these workers put together a new request to the company, they wanted to set up a A special gas tank factory, after a simple market analysis, we agreed to this plan, allocated an open space to them, built a special gas tank factory, and let them fiddle with it."

It's rare for Mr. Qin to come here once, so Zhang Jinxi certainly needs to introduce more.

"The cost is calculated independently. They take the steel plates from the factory at the market price. However, their benefits are very good. At the end of the year, the accounts will be settled. Their newly established gas tank factory has created 500 million yuan for us. The profit, those workers who set up the gas tank factory, will also share a profit of 100 million at the end of this year." Zhang Jinxi is also very proud of this.

As long as the workers in the factory have the courage and vision, they can set up another company!In this way, more money can be made, and the company can share more profits.

"Why so many?" Even Qin Tao was surprised.

There is indeed a market for gas tanks. Qin Tao knows this. After all, the domestic economy is constantly developing and new houses are being built in cities, but natural gas pipelines have not yet been laid on a large scale. Therefore, it is inconvenient for residents living in buildings in the city. Burning coal and using gas tanks for cooking is a huge market, and even the first rich people in rural areas use gas tanks for cooking at home.

There is a huge demand for gas tanks, but it is unbelievable that a gas tank factory that has just been established for less than a year can earn so much money!
"Yeah, we can't believe it. The sales of gas tanks of our Mingzhou Group are so good. It is said that recently a foreign customer approached us to purchase our gas tanks."

foreign customer?

Qin Tao was also very interested: "Really? Then let's go and have a look."

This gas tank factory is located in a corner of the steel company. There is a wall separating it from the steel company. It is considered an independent operation, and there is also a door that opens directly to the outside. However, the back door of the gas tank factory is still open, which is also convenient for the steel plates in the factory to be transported. .

After Qin Tao and others came in through the back door, they saw a large production workshop, with various machinery and equipment ringing, and the sparks of the arc flying, forming a lively production scene.

"Director Zhang, Zhang Ming, come here, come and meet Mr. Qin!" Zhang Jinxi shouted loudly.

A man wearing a welding mask who was welding seriously stood up, took off the mask, and when he saw Qin Tao's figure clearly, he immediately dropped the welding torch and ran over quickly.

"Really, President Qin is here, why don't you call in advance and let us get ready." Zhang Ming complained a few words, and when he ran over, he said to Qin Tao in embarrassment: "President Qin, I'm in a bit of a mess here. .”

"It doesn't matter, I also made it on the spur of the moment." Qin Tao said: "This is the first time I have seen the production of gas tanks."

"Mr. Qin, it's actually very simple. I'll introduce it to you." Zhang Ming said happily: "From here, we ship the 2.5 cm thick steel plate from the steel factory, first cut it into a circle, Then after preheating to remove the stress, press it on the punching machine, it will become half of the steel cylinder body, and then weld it up, add parts such as the bottle mouth and base, stamp it, and it will be considered complete. Our foreign trade order this time There are a lot, so we work overtime to produce, according to what you said, it’s nothing for us to sell our products domestically, and it’s our ability to sell them abroad to make money from foreigners!”

Speaking of these words, Zhang Ming was very proud, but Qin Tao frowned.

"What's the matter, Mr. Qin?" Zhang Jinxi saw Qin Tao's displeasure, and asked quickly.

"Did the customer only purchase gas tanks?"

"No, I also purchased a batch of steel pipes from our steel factory, and I happened to make up a shipment to send them over."

And steel pipes?

"Are there two types? One of them is thicker, which can be used to stuff a gas tank into it?"

"President Qin, you are amazing, do you know that?"

"Then I guess, the delivery location of this shipment is in the Middle East."

"Yes, Mr. Qin, you are really amazing, you guessed it right!"

This is almost certain!

Qin Tao's frown deepened: "Do you know that gas tanks and steel pipes can be combined into other things?"

Everyone shook their heads, how could the gas tank and the steel pipe be combined together?
"Today is also idle and boring. I will design a new product for you." Qin Tao said, and began to command: "Now, cut a few right-angled triangles from the scrap steel plate. The thin steel pipe is one meter long, and the thick The steel pipe is three meters long."

Everyone was a little curious and didn't know what Qin Tao was going to do, but it still sounded very interesting.

After cutting the material, Qin Tao continued to direct: "Weld the thin steel pipe to the bottom of the gas tank, and weld the right triangles on the other end!"

The sparks from electric welding flew, and Zhang Ming welded it himself. After the welding was completed, he frowned: "Boss Qin, this looks like a weapon!"

"Now, tilt the thick steel pipe up and put the gas tank in!"


"No, it should be more like a rocket!" Zhang Jinxi said: "The gas tank is used as the warhead, and the iron pipe behind it is used to propelle the powder, pushing the whole device to fly. This thick pipe is used as a directional guide!"

No matter what it is, in short, it is a weapon!
If you buy one alone, it is not very obvious. Now, when you put these together, you can clearly find out what it can do: the local method mounts a horse to make a weapon!
All gas tanks used by residents have to be inspected every few years, because they are afraid of leaking and then exploding, which will cause extremely vicious accidents. Now, if they are used exclusively as warheads, the power will be great !Once fried, it is definitely a big piece!
Thinking of this, everyone shuddered in their hearts.

"Boss Qin, it seems that we have to cancel this transaction. The client didn't plan to use these things as civilian facilities, but to make this kind of weapon. We can't ruin our reputation."

At this time, everyone already understood Qin Tao's worry.

If these products exported by Mingzhou Group are misappropriated as weapons, they will definitely be condemned. It’s fine if they make a lot of money. The problem is that they only earn hard money, so there is no need to bear this kind of infamy!

"Sell, why not sell? We open the door to do business, of course we have to sell, the deck steel of the aircraft carrier can be sold, what can't we sell such gas tanks and civil pipelines?" Qin Tao's words became relaxed again.

can sell?

The big guy was a little surprised: "But, this will cause trouble for our group!"

"Then let's change the name." Qin Tao said: "Don't put our stamp on the gas tank, and spray it all in the color of the gas tank in blue. As for the steel pipe, at most, it should be sprayed with the code of GB/T 3091-93."

This number is a code in the building material standard, and its corresponding product type is "galvanized welded steel pipe for low-pressure fluid transmission", which is just a water pipe.Therefore, even if it is discovered, it is only thought to be an ordinary water pipe, and the exported building materials are used as weapons, so it is not the responsibility of the exporter.

"President Qin, according to the basic export rules, our export products need to be painted with the manufacturer's name." Zhang Jinxi continued: "If we don't spray the name, will it be a bit irregular?"

"Well, if you want to spray the manufacturer's name, then spray a few irrelevant characters, anyway, foreigners don't know our square characters, for example, spray Laiyang steel pipe or something like that."

Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory was only established in July this year, and the factory has not yet been seen. If Qin Tao wants to spray such handwriting, of course no one will come to protest, and they can even register a trademark of Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory , When the time comes to export these things to the outside world, they will all use the name of Laiyang Steel Pipe.

If you are rich, you will be Rheinmetall, if you are poor, you will be Laiyang Steel!
"Well, if we spray a sign that has nothing to do with us, then even if something happens in the future, we won't be blamed." Zhang Jinxi is finally satisfied now: "Wait until we find someone who has nothing to do with us, Specially go to register a Laiyang steel pipe factory, and we will spray such a logo on all the three products that are exported as a set in the future, so that we can be sure that nothing will go wrong."

"Yeah, thanks to Mr. Qin's coming, otherwise we might discredit Mingzhou Group." Zhang Ming also had lingering fears.

"It's okay, these are trivial matters, even if I didn't take them into consideration, it doesn't matter." Qin Tao said and yawned: "Okay, let's stop here today, I'm going back."

After finishing speaking, Qin Tao glanced at the welded device again: "When the customer comes to pick up the goods again, you can put this thing outside and let the customer see it. If they want to ask, then don't answer anything. , quickly move this device away."

"Yes." Zhang Ming knew, Mr. Qin made it clear, we all know what you bearded people want to do, don't think we are easy to deceive!

On the returning car, Xu Zhengyang glanced at Qin Tao while driving.

"Ask any questions." Qin Tao said with a smile.

"Mr. Qin, our Mingzhou Group is not short of this little money, why take the risk to sell these things?"

"Don't forget, we are still arms dealers."

(End of this chapter)

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