Great warships

Chapter 584 Out of 052C1, who will fight

Chapter 584 Once 052C comes out, who will fight
The four-sided phased array radar has been installed on the island of the 001 aircraft carrier. For some reason, after the installation, the island looks even more mighty and spectacular!

"After our rush, the outfitting work is almost over." Makarov stood in front of Qin Tao, looking up at the huge warship, with excitement on his face: "I never dreamed that this warship was really completed." It was built! Only a great nation can build it!"

"That's right, Mr. Makarov, you have made the most sensible choice, and this is just the beginning." Qin Tao said: "After the construction of this aircraft carrier is completed, next, we will start building a larger one." The aircraft carrier is likely to be a super aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than [-] tons equipped with catapults."

"Yes, Mr. Qin, I am very happy to continue to do my favorite career." Makarov said: "The next sea trial may last for a year or two. I hope this ship will end the sea trial. A boat can cut steel plates."

"Well, I think it's similar." The two came to the deck while talking.

Outfitting is also a big project. For an aircraft carrier, since there are no various anti-ship missiles and other weapons, the outfitting is a little simpler. Specifically, it includes cabin outfitting, deck outfitting, ships and naval equipment, and electrical equipment. Outfitting and more.

Now, after intensive construction, these are almost done.

"All kinds of equipment produced by supporting manufacturers are very good." Makarov said: "Especially the four-sided phased array radar, which is much better than our original Sky Sentinel, and the computer calculation speed inside is also very fast. This ship The overall combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier will definitely far exceed that of the Kuznetsov."

"Of course." Qin Tao nodded and said, "In the future, Da Mao's Kuznetsov will be overhauled. Maybe Da Mao wants to buy back our warship."

The two walked onto the island while chatting. The originally empty bridge was already filled with various cabinets, and Babbage was also busy on it.

"Compared with the Varyag, the changes are not very big, but they are very efficient. Take the aviation bridge here as an example. We removed the original octagonal pavilion-style command tower, opened up all the places, and expanded the internal space. Quite a lot. Originally, there were only three vertical long portholes on the front of the aviation bridge. Now there are five widened portholes on the front and two on the side. The view is better, and the entire deck operation area can be seen basically. There are no more blind spots in the viewing zone." Speaking of these, Makarov was still very emotional, why didn't his side think of it at the beginning?Now such a modification, no matter how you look at it, how reasonable it is!
Of course, this also depends on the progress of these electronic devices, and the size has been greatly reduced. In the past, even if you wanted to modify it, there was no way to place these electronic devices.

"Well, the Navy will definitely be satisfied." Qin Tao said: "It will be very comfortable to command operations in such a spacious bridge."

Looking at the deck from here, Qin Tao was also very excited at this time.

The marking lines on the deck are still clear, especially the 16 mark on the bow, which is so attractive.

The era of the Navy's aircraft carrier is finally coming, and this is only the first step in the Long March!

Looking farther away, you can see almost everything in the entire shipyard. On the berth, the brand new 052C destroyer is also under construction. The hull has been welded, and the superstructure is welded directly on the side, and then lifted as a whole. You can see the unique shape, especially the holes reserved in the four directions of the bridge.

Following Qin Tao's gaze, Makarov also saw the warship, and his gaze was full of expectation: "If I guess right, that warship should have the same four-dimensional power as this aircraft carrier. Phased array radar, six vertical launch units in front of the bridge, is it the first Aegis warship in the East?"

"That's right." Qin Tao nodded: "It is our Chinese Aegis, and it will be the guard with swords for the aircraft carrier formation in the future. Looking at the progress of this warship, it is estimated that it will be launched in the middle of this year. After the outfitting is completed, the sea trial is estimated to be completed. End of the year or next year."

Don't be in a hurry, after all, after several delays, the construction of this warship started last year, and you can't make a fat man with one bite, but now the progress is already very good.Moreover, since it is the first Aegis warship, its outfitting must take a long time, and sea trials may also be very long.

"Your progress is really too fast. There are so many warships built in the era of the Red Empire, and there is no professional air defense ship with four-sided phased array radar."

The Type 1144 (Kirov-class) has a hull as large as it is impossible to install a four-sided phased array radar. It is just a tombstone radar. The main radar is still the original and backward giant antenna structure.

When the Red Empire collapses, there will be no such opportunities.

The east is booming, and the construction of the navy is also changing with each passing day, which makes him feel emotional.

"Yeah, because we live in a great country. Come on, let's go down and see."

The outfitting below has also been completed, and there is a smell of paint in the hangar.Qin Tao stood at the front of the hangar, looking at the missile launchers that were still protruding.

"Originally, according to the original plan, this place was used as a supermarket on the aircraft carrier. However, after the experiment of ballistic missiles hitting mobile targets at sea, this place was preserved. When the sea launch matures in the future, it will be equipped with corresponding weapons. "Babbage introduced.

The idea of ​​the supermarket was casually mentioned by Qin Tao, and then it was formally finalized, and it was reserved for the filling of ballistic missiles. At that time, the style of this aircraft carrier will be more similar to Lao Maozi.

"In terms of deterrence, this missile is definitely much more powerful than the previous Granite missile." Makarov said: "This kind of ballistic missile has not matured in our country. Unexpectedly, it has developed in the East."

"What can we do? The Red Empire has collapsed, and those guys have to find new opponents, otherwise why would they need huge military expenditures? They are starting to exaggerate our threat." Qin Tao said: "Then we have to really have something that threatens them."

If the Yankees want to beat up the stupid big wood, they will announce that the stupid big wood has weapons of mass destruction, and they will do it if they want to, without any hesitation.

why?Because people really have them.

This kind of thing that can make the other party terrified must be successfully developed.

"However, the new aircraft carrier we designed does not have these facilities." Babich continued: "For an aircraft carrier, the most deterrent is still the carrier-based aircraft. We strive to make the next aircraft carrier able to carry more than Fifty carrier-based aircraft!"

"That's right, if the stealth function is on board, it will be even more powerful." Makarov said.

"Are you also optimistic about the stealth aircraft coming to the ship?" Qin Tao was a little curious.

At present, the J-20 project has not yet started. If it is a stealth aircraft, it can only be the J-31A project of international cooperation.There are three models of this aircraft, among which the model of carrier-based aircraft is the first to come out.

Now the brand-new aircraft carrier has not yet started production, and it can completely catch up with the carrier-based J-31A.

"Yes, after all, the future era belongs to stealth aircraft." Makarov said: "Although our J-15 is powerful in combat, it does not have stealth capabilities."

"The J-31A is a medium-sized aircraft, and its mounting capabilities are not comparable to that of the J-15," Qin Tao said.

If the stealth aircraft only uses the built-in bomb bay, it can only carry four air-to-air missiles, or two ground attack bombs. This mounting capacity is less than a fraction of that of the J-15.

"Boss Qin, in fact, you can match high and low." Babich introduced from the side: "There are two types of fighter jets on the aircraft carrier. The stealth type is used to knock on the door and kill the enemy's air defense system. Then, the non-stealth fighter can be used. A large number of bombs have come to attack the ground."

Qin Tao's eyes brightened: "Did you get the inspiration from the war in 91? This idea is good, but operating one more carrier-based aircraft is not good for the logistics support of the aircraft carrier."

In the war in 91, although the number of F-117 was small, it assumed the most important mission of ground attack. After this aircraft wiped out all the air defense equipment on the ground, a large number of fighters without stealth capabilities could file in. enter.

If the J-31A is used in this way, it will be very good. The only thing to worry about is to increase the logistics supply of the aircraft carrier.

The 001 aircraft carrier under our feet now only has two types of carrier-based aircraft, the J-15 and the Z-[-]. In this way, we only need to stock up on the spare parts of these two types of aircraft. If one more type is added, it will increase the burden.

There are many types of carrier-based aircraft on American aircraft carriers, but they are also constantly eliminating outdated models and reducing the types of aircraft to reduce operational complexity.

"If it is an [-]-ton aircraft carrier, it is fully capable of operating two types of carrier-based fighter jets at the same time." Babich said: "American aircraft carriers have more types of aircraft."

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, I will report these proposals to my superiors."

After inspecting a circle of aircraft carriers, Qin Tao was still very moved. After several years of hard work, this aircraft carrier is about to officially enter service and become the first aircraft carrier of the Navy!

The escorting warships must also speed up!

With such a mood, Qin Tao came to the berth again to see the 051C destroyer under construction.

"This is the most powerful destroyer I have ever built!" Zhou Yongfei excitedly introduced to Qin Tao: "Four-sided phased array radar, 48 vertical launch systems, currently, it is the second Aegis-like destroyer in the world. battleship!"

Since he came to Mingzhou Shipyard, Zhou Yongfei has been in charge of the construction of warships. He has experienced the development and growth of the motherland's navy, from the 051C that made do at first, and even sacrificed the hangar, to the current 052C. , are like dreaming.

"It is also the most expensive destroyer in the Navy." Qin Tao said: "Our warship will still compete with the 052B destroyer of our brother unit, so we must not make any mistakes."

Zhou Yongfei nodded: "We know, Mr. Qin, don't worry, we have always been the leader in warship manufacturing, and we will never let our brothers surpass us."

While talking, the two had already arrived on the berth. The gantry crane built by Zhenhua Heavy Industry was slowly lowering the hook, and some people were busy on the bridge.

"Are you going to complete the combination today?" Qin Tao said in surprise.

"Yes. We have already welded, and the next step is of course the docking. Please rest assured that the accuracy of the docking is completely within the error."

Qin Tao nodded, watching with great interest.

Driven by the gantry crane, the huge bridge left the ground. After being hoisted up to a height of more than ten meters, it slowly moved towards the hull, and then slowly fell down. After the overall docking was completed, the sparks of the arc bloomed, and the welding continued!

The bridge is perfectly connected to the lower steel plate, and the superstructure of the entire warship is recycled, which looks so modern. The back of the bridge is almost close to the chimney of the gas turbine, which is perfect and coordinated. The left antenna position is very dazzling. Since the bridge is retracted, it can be seen clearly even if you look down.

At this time, a satellite was passing by in space.

A few hours later, a clear photo fell into Swift's hands.

"The progress of the Eastern people is too fast. In recent years, they have continuously launched brand new warships. However, those warships are in a hurry to make temporary modifications. Unlike the current warship, it should look like a relatively perfect warship. It's gone," said assistant Brian.

"Perfect? ​​Where is it perfect?" Swift hadn't reacted at this time, and his eyes were fixed on the positions of the six silos reserved in front of the bridge: "They are continuing to plan to transplant land-based missiles over. ?” The 051C is like this, directly transplanting the land-based S-300 missiles to the warship, and even occupying the helicopter hangar, and now, Swift feels that it is still the case.

"Yes, they should have transplanted the Hongqi-[-] missiles already installed in the Air Force, but, general, look at the bridge here, there are four rectangular holes on the four sides."

Under Brian's introduction, Swift looked at these positions, and then, he thought of something, and his face suddenly changed: "Is it reserved for the phased array radar, or it is installed on that aircraft carrier?" The same radar on the island?"

"Yes, intelligence analysts think so. This warship has a four-sided phased array radar and vertically launched area air defense missiles. Its appearance will allow the East to also obtain the air defense capability of our Aegis warship."

At the beginning, in order to attack the American aircraft carrier formation, the Red Empire proposed the idea of ​​saturation attack. Once the attack was launched, hundreds of anti-ship missiles would fly over at every turn.

In order to combat saturation attacks, the Americans came up with Aegis, which uses a combination of phased array radar and vertical launch missiles to obtain multi-target interception capabilities. After the emergence of this system, it shocked the world. So far, it is also the U.S. Navy. The most important air defense system, even if it is an ally, cannot be obtained easily.

Who would have thought that the Orientals also possessed this kind of equipment!Think about it ten years ago, the Orientals didn't even have a decent anti-aircraft missile. Even if they won the naval battle, they had to retreat quickly!In the past ten years, the progress of the East has been amazing!

"Moreover, their radar is an active phased array radar. From a technical point of view, it is more advanced than our Aegis system." Brian continued.

"Yeah, we are completely behind! Those bureaucrats are still arguing for their own interests!" Swift said: "We can't wait any longer, we must develop our new destroyer immediately, so that Don't fall behind!"

The birth of 052C has brought great shock to the world.

The mouths of Europeans are sour.

"This kind of warship is no big deal. It doesn't use advanced technology, it's just an integration of existing technologies." The French were very relaxed.

"It's Great Britain that leads the development of the entire naval equipment! The gas turbines used by the warships of the Orientals, as well as the phased array radars and anti-aircraft missiles, are just copies of our weapons." The British are very proud.

However, amidst these relaxed tones, the Americans held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"Since World War II, our navy has been the most powerful force in the world, but now, we have seen bad signs. We will be caught up, or even surpassed! In terms of strength, our Burke-class There is no Eastern Luyang class that is more powerful!" Swift looked at the officials and gentlemen present: "If you don't pay attention, then our navy will fall behind and be beaten!"

At present, all the information comes from the photos of the reconnaissance satellites. They do not know that the destroyer on the berth of the Mingzhou Shipyard is 052C. Since it has not been launched, it has no hull number. They named this warship Luyang class. .

It is said that they are all of the 052 class, and should be called the Luhu class. However, this kind of warship is too different from the 112 ship, and they are not the same at all!So of course a new name was needed.

In terms of naming, the Orientals are too reserved.

"Isn't it just a warship? Is there such a fuss?" Jess, a member of the Joint Requirements Review Committee, asked, "And it's only one. We already have dozens of Aegis warships."

"Our Aegis warships use passive phased array radars, while theirs uses active phased arrays. Mr. Jess, do you know the difference? Its air defense capability is many times that of ours! In terms of computer systems, They must have used the self-produced Godson processor, which has a much higher performance than the processor used by our Aegis warships, and has excellent multi-target capabilities! After the emergence of professional air defense ships like them, the Harpoon missiles of our navy It will completely lose its usefulness!" Swift's tone was cold: "You only see money in your eyes, what about our navy? But we need to work hard! We must have the best equipment!"

This reason is very good. The present host Jay Johnson coughed: "At present, we are about to restart the evaluation of the cost and operational effectiveness of DD-21. First of all, please listen to these design proposals."

"We have three designs in total. The first one is the DD-3 and the derived CG-1 anti-aircraft cruiser based on COEA 21B21. The second one is a simplified version of the Burke class, which is based on the Burke class. The original design is slightly simplified to strengthen the ground-to-ground capability. The third is a major modification of the Burke-class ground-to-ground ship, which is to develop a special ground-to-ground ship based on the Burke-class, change the design, cancel the Aegis system, and Carrying more VLS…”

"The latter two can't meet our needs at all. They have neither stealth capability nor can reduce the number of warship personnel. Therefore, there is no need to introduce the latter two. Let's only introduce the first one, so as not to waste our time." Si Swift interrupted roughly.

"Okay, let's introduce the first one." Johnson nodded.

"This warship is brand new from the inside out. The design of the hull, motor power, finger control, network communication, detection and navigation, and weapon systems are all newly developed and top-notch technologies! First of all, let's talk about the hull. We plan to use a dedicated wave-piercing and anti-ship hull…”

A slide was typed on the screen, and when they saw the design drawing on the slide, someone immediately became amazed.

"The appearance is really beautiful!"

"That's right, our technological strength is the strongest!"

"The technology we have looks like alien technology!"

In the midst of these people's emotions, Swift showed a sneer: "It seems that our technicians really don't think about making progress. Don't you feel ashamed to use the design of Mingzhou Group to fool people? ?”

Others don't know, but Swift remembers it clearly. Zhang Zhong said that he must watch every episode of the show. In one episode, the person in charge of Mingzhou Group was invited. At that time, the other party presented the design plan of the future warship. The picture in front of me is a replica of Mingzhou Group's design plan!

There was a commotion from the crowd, what?Mingzhou Group's plan?
"The upper hull is made of composite materials, the integrated electric propulsion system, and the naval gun with a range of more than 100 kilometers. Do you have all of these? Can you make some innovations?" Swift looked at the person introduced, showing disdain .

"What Mingzhou Group's design? We don't know!" The introducer was very innocent: "These designs are completely made by ourselves!"

They have developed years of hard work, and they are said to be plagiarized?
"You still don't admit it? You can go to Dongfang's Zhang Zhongshuo program. They announced it to the public last year, and you just released it now? Did they copy it from you? Is your design leaked?"

Swift was annoyed.

"This reminds me of our joint fighter project." Johnson said: "Lockheed, which bid at the time, was directly rejected because their design was close to the Eastern project, but until now, McDonnell Douglas The project is getting closer and closer to the Eastern project, especially the way of vertical take-off and landing, and they also have plans to use lift fans. It can only be said that different routes lead to the same goal, and the excellent design is the same. If they are the same, let’s give up? If they are on the right path, won’t we take a detour if we avoid it?”

"Okay, but we have to make it before the Orientals!" Swift compromised.

Although it is an oriental design, it looks really beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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