Great warships

Chapter 585 The stimulated navies of various countries reacted strongly

Chapter 585 The stimulated navies of various countries reacted strongly

Europe, London, UK.

"Everyone, our CNGF plan can't be delayed any longer!" Jack, the Englishman who presided over the meeting, said, "Even Dongfang has begun to build professional air defense ships with four-sided phased array radar, and the performance indicators of our Horizon-class frigates are still the same. Without a coordinated plan, if we continue to delay like this, we will be compared by the East!"

"Yes, we must reach a consensus today, and there can be no further delay!" The Frenchman Rey also said: "We must unite and show the sincerity of our European cooperation. Missile and empar radar plans, so that construction can start immediately!"

The research and development of weapons and equipment requires high investment, which cannot be afforded by a single European country. Therefore, they all tend to cooperate. The model of this is the Tornado fighter-bomber, which was developed through multinational cooperation.

However, after that, they still faced many problems in terms of joint research and development, which led to delays and wrangling in their cooperation.

Take warships as an example. The British Navy, which has experienced the Falklands War, has realized that the Type 42 destroyer cannot meet the air defense needs of the future. Therefore, they urgently need a brand new regional air defense ship to meet the air defense needs of the entire fleet. .Other countries have needs. Therefore, in 87, seven or eight countries started a new generation of NATO general-purpose medium-sized air defense ship cooperative development plan, which is the NATO frigate replacement plan in the 90s, code-named NFR-90, with a total demand of 50 ships. .

However, with the participation of so many countries, the needs and concepts of each country are different, which makes the whole plan unable to move forward at all, and is full of quarrels all day long.The British couldn't wait and decided to withdraw from the plan and do it themselves.

However, after all, it was too expensive, so the British felt pain, so they joined France and jointly launched the future frigate plan, code-named AAAF. Italy joined in 92, and the plan became the next generation of joint frigates, code-named CNGF, the name is Horizon.

The three monks have no water to drink. Even if there are only three countries, there are still many conflicts.In terms of missiles, the UK has already recognized the Aster air defense missile, but in terms of radar, they absolutely cannot agree with the Empar radar developed by Italy.

"No, the performance of the Empar radar is too poor, we must use our Sampson radar!" Jack said: "Now even the Easterners have begun to use active phased array radar, should we continue to use the old Passive phased array radar? This simply cannot meet our needs!"

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. The British are still relatively good at radar research and development. Their Sampson is the most advanced active phased array radar. It is just because the cost is too expensive to use four sides, so they plan The method of double-sided rotation is the same as the roof radar currently used by Dongfang.

The Emparida provided by Italy is only one-sided, and it is still a passive phased array. It should have been thrown into the garbage dump long ago!
This dispute started a long time ago, and it is still going on now. Hearing his words, Rey shook his head: "No, no, what we want is maturity and reliability. Your radar has not yet completed research and development. I don't know how long it will be delayed. And the price is too expensive!"

Back to the topic of debate!

"Okay, then let's talk about the power system first. In order to be able to outperform the warships in the East, we must use an integrated electric propulsion system. This is also inevitable for the development of future warships. We, the old countries with a long history, absolutely cannot We are behind on the technical route!"

Hearing Jack's words, Rey continued to shake his head: "Of course not. This technical route is too advanced. We still need to be more reliable. I think using the current Chai Ran power is enough!"

"Everyone, if we want to reach an agreement, we need to compromise. If we continue to persist, then this project cannot be continued at all!" Jack was anxious and raised his voice.

"That's right, so I hope you can compromise and use our existing mature plan, so we can sign the document today," Rey said.

"Why?" Jack was anxious: "We can compromise on the power system, but in terms of radar, we must follow our plan."

"No, we don't want the expensive Sampson radar," said the Italian this time.

"Okay, then we decided to withdraw from this project and develop it independently!" Jack said: "It doesn't make any sense to continue like this!"

The British like to play out of the group if they have nothing to do. They first withdrew from the NFR-90 plan, and now they have withdrawn from the Horizon-class frigate plan!

Needless to say, the small warship project, even the large group of the European Union, people will retreat as soon as they want, and the old empire is so unscrupulous.

Boom!Jack slammed the door, leaving the French and Italians behind: "It's better for the British to quit, so we can start this project."

"Yes, let's go to Paris and talk about it," said the Italian.

The appearance of the 052C destroyer has stimulated many people. Whether it is the United States or Europe, they have begun to promote their own warship plans. These news have also continuously spread to the East.

Mingzhou is still a little cold. Wu Shengli, who passed by here, visited the first 052C ship on the berth. At this time, the power system is being installed. After the installation is completed, it is almost time to launch the outfitting.

"Your actions are fast." Wu Shengli sighed.

"Of course." Qin Tao said, "This is our Mingzhou speed."

"I heard that the discovery of this warship on the satellite caused a lot of quarrels. The British have withdrawn from the development plan of the Horizon-class frigate and decided to develop their own Type 45 destroyer." Wu Shengli said.

Qin Tao smiled: "This has nothing to do with us. Their needs are fundamentally different, and they each have their own agendas. The twisted melon is not sweet. Sooner or later, they will part ways."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Wu Shengli became curious: "You know that well? Then give me an analysis?"

"During the Falklands sea battle, the British had discovered that their cheap Type 42 destroyers were simply not capable of performing fleet air defense missions. Therefore, what they needed were regional air defense ships to replace the old Type 42 destroyers." Qin Tao analyzed : "France, in order to replace the Suffren class, to escort the Charles de Gaulle, Italy needs to replace the Valiant class, as long as it sails in the Mediterranean Sea, and neither of them has an urgent need for area air defense, they are more concerned with intercepting low-flying slippages fish."

One is a large guided missile destroyer for regional air defense, and the other is a cheap escort cannon fodder frigate. The needs of the two are fundamentally different!To hell with coordinating!
Wu Shengli nodded: "Your analysis is very reasonable. The focus of their dispute is the radar and power, or is it because their needs are different."

In terms of missiles, they all use the same Aster missile. Although this thing is made by the French, it belongs to their Europeans after all. They will never purchase the American Standard-2 missiles. China's military R&D capabilities have declined.

However, on the radar that guided the missile, there was a big disagreement.

"Actually, the performance of the Sampson radar is still good, but it was wasted in the hands of the British." Qin Tao continued to point out Jiangshan.

The Sampson radar is the pride of the British. The research and development of this radar was much earlier than the Type 45 destroyer. In 82, the Ministry of Defense, Rock Manor Research and Plessy Company began to work on it. By 95, the At that time, MESAR-1 was manufactured, and in Europe, it was absolutely revolutionary, it was the first radar with combined T/R module and anti-jamming digital adaptive beamforming technology.

However, this is still a test radar. The British made persistent efforts and began to work on MESAR-2, which adopted a new antenna design, a new T/R module, and a microwave solid-state power amplifier.

These are prototypes and will not be mass-produced, but these technologies form the basis of the Sampson radar.

In terms of performance, the performance of this radar is similar to that of our own 346 radar.

"Wasted?" Wu Shengli was a little curious: "Why was it wasted?"

"Their cost is too high, so this radar of the British is expensive, and it is only used on several Type 45 destroyers. It is impossible to reduce the cost through a large amount of equipment, and it does not make much sense to put a ball on the head."

If you look at the Type 45 destroyer, the biggest feature is the ball on the head!
The Type 45 destroyer has a mast more than 40 meters high, and the Sampson radar installed on this mast is twice as high as the Aegis radar!
The British did this because they wanted to improve their low-altitude defense capabilities. They were terrified of being hit by Exocet missiles in the Falklands Battle. big ball.

"Our advantage is low cost." Qin Tao said: "I heard that the 14th Institute has used a new technology, and the manufacturing cost has been reduced by half. This is just the beginning, and it will be lower in the future. For us, this kind of The cost of radar will continue to decrease, and eventually become the price of cabbage."

Cabbage price?Wu Shengli is used to the fresh idioms that often come out of Qin Tao's mouth: "By the way, they also plan to adopt an integrated electric propulsion system. This is the same as the American project. What do you think?"

The British are very ambitious and require high-end equipment. After all, they are proud. They want to lead the technological revolution of warships. In the past, they were the first to realize the gas turbine power of warships. Now they have integrated power solutions. They also want to lead the world. front row.

"I think it's good."

"very good?"

"That's right, after they are created, they will often drop the switch because of their immaturity, so how interesting it will be!" Qin Tao said: "Our Zhang Zhong said that the show will have more highlights, we can analyze more The decline of the empire."

Wu Shengli smiled. It turned out that this is very good. It is indeed very good to see other people's warships lying on their nests.

The Type 45 destroyer is tall and tall, with the highest head of the warship in the world. It is domineering and mighty when it is driven out. However, its power design has serious flaws.

This is actually not the pot of the integrated power system, but the WR-21 gas turbine produced by their Rolls-Royce company. This gas turbine uses an intercooler design with higher thermal efficiency. It is fine in the North Atlantic, but in the tropics, this device will Will go on strike over climate change, resulting in a loss of momentum.

Back then, the Diamond wanted to come to the East to find trouble, but before it reached the Suez Canal, it lay down in the Mediterranean Sea, which made the British lose face.

Now, Qin Tao doesn't have to do all kinds of things, just wait for them to make a fool of themselves.

"Attention, No. [-] gas turbine is hoisting!" At this moment, a shout came from the berth, so the two ended their analysis of warships from all over the world and began to look at their own warships.

Domestic weapons and equipment have always faced the problem of heart disease. With the promotion of Qin Tao, the heart of warships has finally been solved. This is also the premise for a large number of destroyers to make dumplings.

The GT-15000 gas turbine has been unpacked to reveal its sturdy appearance, and the experts from Institute 703 are also busy.

"Old Wen, are you here in person?" Qin Tao greeted Wen Xueyou immediately when he saw him.

"Yes, this is the first time that our own gas turbines are installed on a ship. How can we not come?" Wen Xueyou said, "Leader Wu, don't worry, we have confidence in our own gas turbines, and we will never ship them at sea." Anything goes wrong!"

Although it has been imitated a long time ago, it has been tested all the time. After a long test, Wen Xueyou is already very confident in this gas turbine.

"Well, we also believe in the strength of domestic gas turbines. However, this gas turbine is only a temporary solution. We are looking forward to the more advanced GT-25000."

The current 052C only has a displacement of more than 6000 tons, which is limited to the power of the gas turbine. When the power is increased, the displacement can be enlarged to seven or eight thousand tons.

"Yes, we are currently doing our best to develop more powerful gas turbines to ensure that the Navy's large-scale warship plan will not be delayed. However, the gas turbines we are installing now have already been matched with diesel. In the future, the Navy will at least be able to unify the fuel."

Qin Tao has mentioned this matter before. The navy’s frigates use diesel engines, and destroyers also use diesel engines at low speeds, so it’s better to use diesel for all of them. Even the gas turbines also burn diesel, which is the most convenient for replenishment.

This change is not complicated, so the relevant units have completed it. At this time, Wu Shengli nodded with satisfaction after hearing the change: "That's right, you put your heart into it."

At this time, the gas turbine was hoisted in through the helicopter take-off and landing deck. This deck was not welded originally and was reserved for the power cabin.

The second gas turbine also started to lift, and the 052C destroyer also has an advanced power system!
"As long as we can reach a speed of 30 knots in sea trials, we will be satisfied," Wu Shengli said.

The main battleships of the navy generally have a maximum speed of 30 knots, and some exceed it. For example, the two 052 destroyers have a displacement of only more than 4000 tons and use two LM2500 gas turbines, so the speed can reach more than 33 knots, but it is so high The speed of the ship is no longer necessary. After all, under normal circumstances, gas turbines are not used extravagantly, and diesel engines are the main ones.

"Of course there is no problem. Of course, our main warship must have a speed of 30 knots." Qin Tao nodded: "Our warship does not have an integrated power system now. When this system is installed in the future, the power system will be perfect."

Wu Shengli nodded. With Qin Tao's continuous recommendations, and with Britain and the United States also beginning to use the integrated power system as the power system of the next generation of warships, he is already full of expectations for this system.

In the manufacture of warships, China has finally reached the same starting line as foreign countries!The catch-up has been completed, and the next step is to surpass.

At this moment, a strange ship appeared on the sea in the distance. It has graceful lines and simple style, and there are more than one sail standing on it, which looks refreshing.

That is the first sailboat manufactured by Mingzhou Group, and it is also the first sailboat in China!
"Last year, the navy urged us to hurry up and build this sail training ship, but now we are not in a hurry. Thanks to our Mingzhou Group's technical foundation, otherwise we would not be urged to death by the navy."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Wu Shengli smiled and didn't say anything.

The international situation is unpredictable. I was very anxious at the time, but now it has suddenly eased up. However, with this thing, it will be very convenient in the future.

"However, the name Breaking Waves is not bad." After complaining, Qin Tao continued: "Riding the eight winds and breaking through ten thousand waves, we want to cultivate the sailing spirit of the students to go forward."

"I chose this name." Wu Shengli was very pleased with his son-in-law's flattery. He looked at the sea in the distance, and the ship was getting closer and closer. The hull number 86 on the bow, It is also very clear.

"It's New Year's Eve, and the Naval Naval Academy doesn't rest, and organizes long-distance sailing training for the students. It seems that the Navy puts a lot of pressure on them." Qin Tao continued.

This ship has been delivered, and now it is back, and it has already driven a large circle along the coastline.

"This is the first time that this kind of ship is equipped in our navy. In order to better complete the mission in the future, they must complete the operation training as soon as possible and compensate a large number of qualified personnel. However, this is also thanks to the support of your shipyard. The engineer will guide the ship."

What Wu Shengli said is correct, the navy has no experience in sailing, and there is no one in the whole country. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and it will be different if there are professionals.

Ma Wenming is a professional.

Although Ma Wenming is also operating a sailboat for the first time, he has long been familiar with the various operations of the sailboat, but he lacks the connection between theory and practice. He has been following since the breaking wave began its trial voyage. To send him.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Ma Wenming looked at the Mingzhou Shipyard that was gradually approaching, feeling overwhelmed.

He was even more pleasantly surprised when the sailboat docked firmly on the vacant space of the outfitting dock.

"Boss Qin, did you come here specially to welcome me?"

"Magong, you've done a good job." Qin Tao said, "The navy leader next to me is always asking if you want to join the army. As long as you nod, you can be directly granted a school-level military rank."

For many low-level military officers, it is impossible to pass the school-level hurdle in a lifetime, but now, as long as Ma Wenming nods, he can become a major directly, which is definitely a good thing.

However, Ma Wenming shook his head.

"No, Mr. Qin, I was born as a member of the Mingzhou Group, and died as a ghost of the Mingzhou Group. I am a shipbuilder, not a soldier." Ma Wenming said: "I will not leave when I come back this time. Next, We still have to continue to study the plan of adding sails to tankers, and during this time, I have accumulated a lot of experience, which is of great benefit to the procedures for designing sails on tankers."

Qin Tao looked at the father-in-law with a smile: "Dad, it's not that easy for you to fool my subordinates away."

Leader Wu also smiled wryly: "Well, we won't force you if you don't want to, but when our Naval Academy offers sailing training in the future, he will have to be our lecturer."

"Of course it's okay." Qin Tao nodded.

"Report, our Naval Academy is conducting long-distance sailing training, please give instructions!" At this time, Zhao Dahai, the captain of the Polang, was already standing in front of Leader Wu, and shouted loudly.

"Comrades have worked hard." Wu Shengli said, looking at the exhausted crew members.

"Serve the people!"

"Very good, not bad, the momentum is still very good, next, let's rest in Mingzhou for a few days."


"Dad, this sail training ship can only train dozens of people, and it can't meet the needs of the navy at all." Qin Tao said to Wu Shengli.

If you look at the training alone, even if this kind of ship does not burn oil, the cost-effectiveness is not high, after all, it can accommodate too few people!However, its other uses have to be considered, for example, it can represent the navy for a visit, for example, its special ram can perform certain special tasks, but when it comes to training, only such a ship is far from enough.

"Yes, our navy will develop on a large scale in the future, and there will be more and more warships. The eliminated warships are less than the newly commissioned warships. Therefore, our navy also needs more sailors, and the training task is getting more and more busy. Ah." Wu Shengli sighed, and of course he was also very concerned about the question Qin Tao raised.

"Other sailors can train on other warships, but we only have one aircraft carrier." Qin Tao thought of something: "We need at least one training ship accompanying the aircraft carrier, which can accommodate a complete set of aircraft carrier personnel. One group trains on the aircraft carrier, and the other group stays with them, and they can switch at any time. We can use this ship No. 001 to train two sets of personnel, and when the new aircraft carrier is completed, we can expand a set of aircraft carrier personnel at any time."

Wu Shengli's eyes brightened: "You have a lot of ideas, kid! This is a good idea, we can consider it, but the navy doesn't have that much money for the time being, since it's just arranging a team, maybe it can be done by buying a second-hand cruise ship." Let's solve it."

Qin Tao was a little helpless: "Dad, it takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. Education is very important. The Navy can't hold back on this aspect! Our Mingzhou Group has formulated a training ship plan for sister ships. Do you want to listen?"

(End of this chapter)

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