Great warships

Chapter 587 Report No. 117, telex failure!

Chapter 587 Report No. 117, telex failure!

Four pilots approached the bomber.

The Tu-22M is very large, so it requires four people to work together to drive it well. These four people are the pilot, co-pilot, navigator, and weapon system officer. They all sit in the front cockpit. Ejected directly, in terms of life-saving ability, it is much better than the domestic H-[-].

The huge engine roared. The engine at the tail of this bomber is very large. The afterburner thrust of a single unit has a thrust close to 250 kN, which is double the thrust of the third uncle.

Fiery flames emerged from the tails of the two engines, pushing the huge bomber to taxi on the runway, and then take off. If it was filled with fuel and ammunition, its take-off weight would be as high as hundreds of tons!

Countless eyes looked at the huge fighter plane with envy in their eyes. This kind of bomber plane was once their nightmare!

That's right, for a long time, the main threat to the motherland has come from the north. Once a conflict occurs, this terrible bomber will drive straight in!The main mission of the J-2 fighter jet back then was to intercept this kind of bomber!
For the foreign instructors on the scene, this kind of bomber is also their nightmare, and the main threat to their naval aircraft carrier formation is also this kind of bomber!

"This bomber is really great, Qin, how did you get this bomber?" Delano, who was organizing training on the roaring runway, shouted to Qin Tao.

Although he got a lot of money, he could go to the West to live a good life, but Delano did not leave. Apart from money, he still has ideals. As a pilot nicknamed Wild Dog, his favorite thing is to fly heavy A fighter jet, flying freely and freely in the blue sky, if he leaves the East, his ideal will never be realized again.

The pilots of the first batch of training have been able to perfectly master daytime flying techniques, so the training for the next period of time will turn to nighttime.

Flying a carrier-based aircraft is like dancing on the tip of a knife of death, and the most difficult thing is flying at night.

For the U.S. Navy, taking off at night is not difficult. Anyway, there are catapults, and they go out in a blink of an eye, but landing at night is very complicated. Even when they are most trained, only 60.00% of pilots are capable of night landing. Ability.

Therefore, the US aircraft carrier formations usually launch attacks in the middle of the night, take off in the dark, and after the mission is completed, it is already dawn, so there is no need to worry about not being able to land.

However, the pilots in the East are all elite pilots, so the requirement for this group of pilots is to be [-]% capable of taking off and landing at night.

As their instructor, Delano is very attentive, but sometimes he is distracted. For example, when Qin Tao and the others come over now, Delano is very happy.

"Of course I bought it, but it's still a secret. I hope everyone can keep it a secret." Qin Tao said.

The personnel composition of this base is very complicated, and there are a large number of former US Navy soldiers. However, Qin Tao is not worried about them leaking secrets. Anyone who comes here must keep his mouth shut, otherwise they will cause big trouble.

At this time, upon hearing Qin Tao's instructions, Delano nodded: "Of course, we have already memorized the confidentiality regulations by heart."

"By the way, you haven't forgotten the operation of ejection and take-off, have you?" Qin Tao quickly changed the subject.

"Of course, we..." When he said this, Delano suddenly thought of something: "Qin, are you developing a catapult?"

Before coming here, Delano had almost no training for ski jumps, but now he is used to it, and he has never experienced the feeling of ecstasy when he ejected and took off.

It would be wrong if you forget the operation of catapult take-off in this way, these are all engraved in the muscles, and conditioned reflexes have been formed long ago, and there are also special catapult commanders among the personnel who came.

Speaking of this, Draenor looked not far away. On a blank field, a long strip of tents had already been set up there, with a length of hundreds of meters. Could it be that the construction of the catapult was going to be carried out there?
"Now, the construction of the catapult has started, and when it is completed, the ejection experiment will be carried out. Of course, in order to avoid accidents, we started from the ejection of small objects at the very beginning." Qin Tao said, with With several others, they walked towards the tent together.

"Then start with the catapult boots," Delano said.

Wu Shengli was a little dumb: "Boots?"

"This is the tradition of their US Navy." Qin Tao explained with a smile: "When they celebrate, they just like to eject the stinky shoes."

This taste is strong enough, but it has been a tradition for many years. The life of the precious steam catapult has been played like this. Even the commander of the US Navy can't help it. After all, he also catapulted his own boots when he was young.

Several people chatted and walked into the tent. This was the first time Delano walked in. When he saw the scene inside, he was stunned: "A catapult is installed here? Something is wrong!"

Draenor has never seen such a catapult!
The steam catapults in the United States are tubes one by one with a circular cross section. What about now?Now the groove reserved here is trapezoidal, like a water channel. Could this be a catapult?

"What's wrong?" Qin Tao asked with a smile.

"The catapult here should be circular. Moreover, special pipes must be arranged, and there must be a steam tank next to it, but nothing is right here!"

"Because we use electromagnetic catapults." Qin Tao explained: "Steam catapults should have been phased out a long time ago. We didn't plan to develop steam catapult technology. We started with electromagnetic catapults."

Electromagnetic ejection?

Delano's eyes widened: "How is this possible, you guys actually have this kind of technology? Not even the United States!"

"Yes, in the previous era, we were backward, but we have to catch up and surpass, we can't be forever behind."

While speaking, Ma Ming had already walked over from the busy crowd, and excitedly shouted to Qin Tao: "Boss Qin! Why are you here? Leader Wu, welcome to inspect the work!"

"It's late at night, are you still working?" Qin Tao asked.

"What's the big night, it's not even six o'clock. At that time, the cafeteria will come to deliver food to us. After we have eaten, we will go back after ten o'clock. Now it is mainly about the installation of modules, and the precision The requirements are very high, and we have to work slowly and meticulously, so we can only rely on time to grind."

After the verification of the scale model, the overall structure and detailed parameters of the catapult have been determined.The production of related modules has also been completed, but it is still necessary to be very careful when installing, the higher the accuracy, the better.

Draenor looked at the modules installed inside and the thick cables above in shock: "Is this really an electromagnetic ejection?"

"Can this be false? Of course it is true." Qin Tao said: "Draenor, after coming to the East, isn't there a surprise everywhere?"

"That's right, I was really surprised. I would never have thought that you would have this kind of technology." Delano said, "It looks much better than our steam catapult!"

"Of course, this is the difference between modern high-speed maglev trains and steam engine trains." Qin Tao said: "Our technological development is very fast."

"I just don't know what happened to the relevant carrier-based aircraft." Delano said: "The J-[-] we are using now only has the ability to land as a carrier-based aircraft, but does not have the ability to eject and take off. Its front landing gear is still Not strengthened."

"If the J-[-] cannot complete the research and development in time, then we will replace it with other aircraft, such as our trainer aircraft. It is no problem to conduct training first."

The trainer aircraft refitted from Jiaoba is modified according to the American T-45 trainer aircraft. It has the ability to take off by ejection and intercept landing, so there is no problem in this aspect.

Moreover, the weight of the trainer aircraft is low. According to the principle of light weight first, it is not too late to eject the trainer aircraft first, accumulate experience slowly, and then eject the fighter jet.

Delano nodded.

The installation is still going on, and seeing another module being installed accurately, Delano suddenly thought of something: "This kind of device poses a big challenge to the power supply of the aircraft carrier? If you don't develop nuclear-powered aircraft carriers , are there so many power supplies?"

Delano was only analyzing the problem from a technical point of view. Hearing his words at this time, Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, no problem. We have an advanced comprehensive power system for warships. When the time comes, the power of the entire warship will be distributed uniformly."

Every word that came out of Qin Tao's mouth sounded so lofty, and Delano's eyes were full of shock. This evening, the shock he received was incomparable.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the cafeteria pushed the dining car outside, and then two installation workers pushed the dining car in, and everyone came to eat after finishing their work.

The weather outside was still very cold, even though there was hot water under the dining car to keep it warm, the food was already half cold, and by the time everyone got it, it was almost completely cold.

Ma Gong held the lunch box in his right hand to put vegetables in, and his left hand held two steamed buns, and ate very quickly.

"Leader Wu, President Qin, I made you laugh. We have to race against time for the installation, and the time for eating has to be shortened. The installation will be completed as soon as possible, and the experiment will be started as soon as possible. We must not disappoint the expectations of the superiors." Ma Ming eats while eating. Explain to both of them.

At the meeting, Qin Tao fully supported the electromagnetic catapult, so that the steam catapult developed by the 703 Institute for several years was temporarily put on hold. This made Ma Ming full of gratitude and a sense of urgency.

What else to say, hurry up and do it!
"In the past few years, our military technology has widened a big gap with foreign countries. Now, we have to rely on the hard work of technicians if we want to overtake on curves!" Wu Shengli said with emotion: "When this project has achieved Success, the Navy will hold a grand celebration banquet for you!"

"Leader Wu, we don't care about these things. As long as we can provide the navy with the best equipment and catch up with and surpass the world's advanced level, we will be satisfied." Ma Ming said: "When we start building our own aircraft carrier, we will build a carrier similar to the Kitty Hawk. That kind of strengthening our national prestige and military prestige is what we are most looking forward to seeing."

The navy's first aircraft carrier has not yet completed outfitting, and the self-developed aircraft carrier has not yet completed the design drawings. They are in a hurry!Make the catapult before the drawings freeze, so that the first purely domestic aircraft carrier can have the most powerful combat effectiveness.

After finishing speaking, Ma Ming had devoured the two steamed buns, and drank the last vegetable soup in the lunch box: "Okay, I'm going to get busy."

Looking at these busy figures, Qin Tao felt a little wet in his eyes. These unknown military workers are also the cutest people in our time!
"I'm going to get busy too." Delano said, "The flight training is still going on."

"Come on, let's go and have a look together." Wu Shengli said.

There is no need for the Navy to worry about it anymore. With these technicians who are dedicated to their work, they will definitely be able to complete the installation and debugging of the electromagnetic catapult. In the end, the experiment is mature. Wu Shengli took a last look at the busy scene, turned his head and left.

The building on the island imitating an aircraft carrier was busy.

In front of the porthole is Wang Wei, who is standing upright and wearing a flight suit. He is still holding a microphone in his hand, directing something non-stop.

Li Yan was standing next to the table, on which was a large-scale model of the aircraft carrier deck, and the models on it were constantly being moved. Beside him, Stroll was talking to him.

"Leader Wu..." Seeing Wu Shengli approaching, Li Yan wanted to say something.

"Hey, I'm very busy, you are busy with your work, don't delay the normal flight training." Wu Shengli came in with a smile and greeted everyone.

Delano walked to Wang Wei's side and followed the flight training with him.

"Is Wang Wei the captain of the carrier air wing?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

Among all the carrier-based aircraft pilots, Wang Wei is the most prominent one. During the last mission, Wang Wei also went with him. Now, seeing Wang Wei commanding here, Qin Tao couldn't help guessing Wang Wei's identity.

"It doesn't count now." Li Yan introduced: "Now we only have the size of a carrier-based aircraft brigade, so Wang Wei's current status is still the captain of the carrier-based aircraft brigade."

Training carrier-based pilots is difficult.Over the past few years, the navy has only trained more than 30 carrier-based aircraft pilots, so it has temporarily been organized into a brigade.

This is of course a domestic organization. Internationally, the American aircraft carrier formation does not have this kind of organization. An aircraft carrier is a carrier-based aircraft wing, and various flying squadrons are set up under the wing. Now the country has just started, so the organization is also It's not so particular, after all, apart from J-[-], there are only helicopters.

"The first batch of pilots are seed instructors." Qin Tao said as he walked towards the porthole, from which he could clearly see the operation of the simulated deck.

At this time, a beautiful three-plane fighter plane was flying from a distance, ready to land, and the navigation lights on the main landing gear and wings were so dazzling.

"The posture is good, and night training puts high demands on the psychological endurance of the pilots." Delano said: "This group of pilots can fully adapt to night flying, which is really amazing!"

When he came to the east to be an instructor, Delano was also full of emotions. The quality of these one-in-a-million pilots is very good!
Even if it is not next to the Fresnel landing aid mirror, just looking from the tower side, you can see how perfect the attitude of the aircraft is.

"Good alignment."

"Hold your posture." The voice of the landing commander came from the radio.

A special camera also captured footage of the aircraft, transmitted the image back to the control tower, and recorded it simultaneously.In the dark, the aircraft indicator light illuminates the outline of the entire aircraft, just like a knight in the dark.

Every flight requires analysis, and this video is the most direct evidence.

Qin Tao also looked at the screen on the monitor.

The altitude is getting lower and lower, the outline of the plane is getting bigger and bigger, the landing gear and the landing hook are getting clearer and clearer, and the plane is about to land.

Suddenly, Qin Tao frowned.

He saw that the nose of the plane seemed to be rising slightly!
How could this be?
Then, a nervous voice came from the radio: "117 report, telex failure!"

"117, skydive, skydive immediately!" At this moment, Qin Tao immediately jumped over the others, snatched the communicator from Wang Wei's hand, and shouted loudly.

Wang Wei also reacted: "117, skydive immediately!"

The nose of the No. 117 fighter continued to tilt upwards, and soon, the nose was already pointing directly at the blue sky!It's completely different from the state just landed!

Why don't pilots parachute?In this situation, do you still want to protect the aircraft?Qin Tao was very anxious, wishing he could rush into the cockpit now and help the pilot pull the ejection tab.

"Skydive, skydive!" Wang Wei was also hoarse.

The nose continued to rise, and the elevation angle exceeded [-] degrees, which became a classic air cobra action, with the nose behind and the tail in front!

At this moment, flames rose up in the cockpit of the fighter plane, attracting everyone's attention.

Since it was night, the entire ejection process, such as the throwing of the cockpit cover, etc., could not be seen. Everyone's eyes could only see the hot flame rising up and extending to the rear and lower part of the fighter plane.

That's right, it's the bottom rear!
If the fighter plane is in a normal posture, the ejection seat will lift the pilot upwards. Even if the fighter plane is vertical, the pilot can go out horizontally. But now, the fighter plane has begun to lean back. When the pilot goes out, it is oblique down!

Qin Tao's heart was seized immediately.

This is the worst aviation accident ever!

In the past, the ejection seats of fighter jets could not achieve zero-zero ejection, that is, zero altitude and zero speed. At this time, if they were in danger, they could only find a way to make an emergency landing. However, the designers of the ejection seats wanted to save the lives of pilots. , with continuous efforts, and later, the zero zero ejection seat became the standard configuration.

However, in such a state, the ejection seat may not be able to save the pilot's life!
Unless it is the famous K-36D ejection seat.

At the same time that he was worried, he saw the burning flame in the darkness turning around, drawing a graceful arc in the sky, and then leaping into the sky!

After being ejected, the attitude of the ejection seat changes!

At this moment, Qin Tao became excited again: "Great, this is Lao Maozi's ejection mode!"

After the collapse of the Red Empire, Lao Maozi became a frequent visitor at various air shows in order to sell his fighter jets. He often walked by the river without getting his shoes wet, and their planes occasionally had flight accidents, no matter what the flight attitude was. As long as it doesn't hit the ground as soon as it goes out, the K-36D ejection seat can take the pilot out of the sky. I don't know if the plane is famous, but after a few times, Lao Maozi's ejection seat is completely famous.

At this moment, Qin Tao didn't have time to think about it. After seeing the seat turned to the sky, Qin Tao immediately ran outside.

Everyone also reacted and ran outside together.

An ambulance was parked under the tower, and it had already started. When Qin Tao ran up quickly, the wheels were already turning, the siren sounded, and he was heading towards the direction where the pilot crashed.

At this time, the out-of-control J-[-] had landed, and the flames rose up, illuminating the entire base and the busy figures.

Qin Tao is not in charge of other follow-up processing, he just wants to check on the pilot's condition.

The dark night sky was illuminated, and the opened parachute was slowly descending. When he saw the parachute, Qin Tao felt a little more relaxed.

As long as the parachute can be opened, the pilot's life is saved.

By the time the pilot landed, the ambulance had already roared and stopped beside him, and the white coats on the car came out one after another, rushing towards the pilot.

At this moment, the pilot was fascinated by the burning flames of the pile of fighter planes, and then he was held back by several people and was about to be carried onto a stretcher.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" the pilot said loudly, "There's no need for an inspection."

"Comrade pilot, this is a routine inspection. Please cooperate with us."

"Oh, what a wonderful fighter plane!" The pilot said with emotion: "I, Zhang Ye, managed to fly J-[-], but I fell down."

"Zhang Ye, you are not a qualified pilot!" Hearing the pilot say this, Qin Tao was a little annoyed: "Under the training of American instructors, why do you still train according to the previous thinking? Once you encounter danger, don't always think about it. Protect the plane! Your life is more important than the plane!"

When the skydive was called just now, the elevation angle of the plane was less than [-] degrees. If the pilot jumped out immediately, there would be no danger, but he jumped out before the plane turned upside down. The timing was too bad!

If it weren't for good luck, I'm afraid I would become a martyr!

Seeing that the pilot was fine, Qin Tao was a little angry.

For many years, the domestic education has been to protect the aircraft, protect the people on the ground, etc., and there are often tragedies of delaying the timing of skydiving and finally crashing the plane. Other Qin Tao doesn't care, but each of these fighter pilots is very Precious, must not be sacrificed to protect the aircraft!
"At that time, I didn't think much about it..." Zhang Ye wanted to explain a few words.

"What are you thinking, aren't you a soldier? Obey the order and listen to the command. The tower called for a parachute, and you were delayed for a few seconds. If it weren't for the power of the ejection seat... your life is worth more than the plane! You have to protect yours Safe, don't you want to actually land on a carrier later?"

(End of this chapter)

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