Great warships

Chapter 588 Accident Handling

Chapter 588 Accident Handling
"Who are you?" After being scolded all over the face, Zhang Ye was a little confused and couldn't help asking.

"He is the founder of our naval aircraft carrier formation." A voice came: "Although he is not a soldier, he is really qualified to criticize you."

Zhang Ye followed the voice and saw a familiar figure: Li Yan, the captain of the 001 aircraft carrier!
"It is entirely thanks to Mr. Qin that our navy now has carrier-based fixed-wing aviation." Another voice said, it was Wang Wei who was closely following Li Yan.

Hearing what the two said, Zhang Ye opened his eyes wide: "Are you President Qin of Mingzhou Group?"

"Well." Qin Tao nodded: "However, don't take their exaggerated introductions to heart. The ability of our navy to have carrier-based aviation is the result of the efforts of countless people. I just promoted it a little bit, relying on me alone. But we can’t afford to build such a big ostentation.”

After all, Wu Shengli was old and walked slowly, so he fell behind. At this time, Wu Shengli was very satisfied when he heard Qin Tao's words. As his son-in-law, he would never take credit for himself. it is good.

"Mr. Qin, don't be too angry. The pilot's feelings for the plane are beyond the understanding of ordinary people. The pilot is flying a warhawk, and the two are like brothers. When encountering such a failure, the pilot's first reaction must be to save the plane." Airplanes, to save national property. This is a pilot's instinct." Later, Wang Wei spoke again.

"Damn it, I heard the order to skydive, why didn't you skydive?" As soon as Wang Wei's words fell, Delano came up angrily. Because of his anger, his raised right hand was shaking, and his words became more and more strange.

After staying here for a long time, many Americans have learned to speak Chinese, but the tone is always a little different, and now because of anger, it is even more weird.

"The pilot is the most precious thing, what is the plane! Once in danger, don't hesitate, choose to parachute immediately! Especially our carrier aircraft pilots are dancers on the tip of the knife. A little carelessness may destroy the plane If the plane is destroyed, it can be rebuilt, and if the people are gone, then everything is gone!"

Different countries have very different ideas, and cultural differences between the East and the West have always existed.

However, in the training of carrier-based aircraft pilots, there are no two standards!
As their instructor, Delano cursed at this time: "You are such an idiot, a hopeless idiot, if it weren't for the advanced technology of the ejection seat of the old man, you would have become a meat loaf and left on the ground It's disgusting us every day!"

Even American carrier-based aircraft catapults don't have this kind of performance!If it was at sea, it would be ejected with the posture just now, and it could still land on the water, waiting for the helicopter to salvage it, but now it is on land, and it was ejected with that posture, and it hit the ground directly!

At that time, Delano was also in a cold sweat. Seeing that the ejection seat led the pilot to draw an arc, he realized that it was Lao Maozi's famous K-36 ejection seat.

In the whole world, only this kind of ejection seat can save the life of the pilot!
"Yes. Thanks to this kind of ejection seat." Wu Shengli finally said: "At the beginning, when we were going to build carrier-based aircraft, Mr. Qin repeatedly suggested that we must not install our own ejection seats, but the old ones. Shit, so, our navy gritted our teeth and equipped these aircraft with K-36 ejection seats. After all, the pilots we spent a lot of money to train are more valuable than the aircraft. Now, seeing that our pilots are safe and sound , It shows that our choice at that time was not wrong!"

This is also thanks to myself?
Qin Tao was also emotional, no matter what, even though the plane crashed this time, the pilot was still alive, what a blessing among misfortunes!

"The domestic ejection seat research and development institutions should also work harder. Not only must the K-36D ejection seat be imitated, but it must also be improved. Combining the advantages of the East and the West, the advanced ejection seat will be developed. come out."

So far, the domestically produced ejection seats are still relatively backward. The HTY-5 ejection seat developed for the J-0.6 is already the latest model, but it is not bad for the J-1.2, and it is used on the two-seater Flying Leopard fighter-bomber , It is often unfriendly to the pilot in the front seat. After all, its reaction time is 36 seconds, and it takes 0.4 seconds for a two-seater to eject back and forth, while the ejection time of the K-[-]D ejection seat is only [-] seconds.

The most important ejection seat in the West is the product of Martin-Baker, and its life-saving rate is not as good as that of Lao Maozi's product. Of course, both of them have their own advantages. Martin-Baker's product is light in weight and has advanced sensors. The disadvantage of Maozi's ejection seat is that it is heavy and the sensor is behind.

Therefore, it is not only necessary to imitate, but also to use advanced technology to improve. After all, after the collapse of the Red Empire, the old man will start to eat his laurels, and there will not be much improvement.

The K-36 ejection seat has been designed since 61, and in 2020, its modified version is still used.

"Yeah, we can't always use imported goods, it's too expensive. In the negotiations on the introduction of the Su-27, the old man didn't give us the technology to eject the seat. We have no other choice but to use the old method. Imitation, and then improve."

After saying this, Wu Shengli frowned again, looking at the fighter plane that had been put out in flames: "However, this plane crashed. This serious second-class accident must be carefully investigated."

"Of course we have to investigate." Qin Tao said: "This time it's a telex failure, and the technicians from Institute 601 must come over to clarify the reason. Air accident."

In the past, aircraft were hydraulically operated, just like the brakes of a car. If you step on the brake pump, even if there is no power assist, you can still step on it.

The current aircraft is operated by fly-by-wire. The joystick directly converts the pilot's operation into an electronic signal. After being interpreted by the computer, it is transmitted to each rudder surface and engine. This is like the brake of an electric car. An electronic signal will not directly act on the wheels. Whether to execute this action depends on the analysis and judgment of the computer.

The current telex failure occurred in the middle of the analysis and judgment, and found that the plane was pitching up, and Zhang Ye was pushing the joystick forward vigorously, but the rudder surface of the plane did not execute this action, and continued to pitch up!
The computer has malfunctioned, or the computer has seized the control of the pilot. This is very dangerous, and this failure must be resolved!

The experts from Institute 601 arrived before dawn. When they saw the wreckage of the crashed fighter plane, their expressions were solemn.

Sun Cong and Luo Yang looked at each other, and then said: "We need to carefully understand the pilot's operation at that time."

"Of course there is no problem. In order to study whether the landing actions of carrier-based aircraft pilots are qualified and what needs to be improved, we specially installed a video device in the cockpit." Wang Wei introduced: "You can watch the video at that time."

Any aircraft has a black box, but the black box is only for recording data, at most plus the sound of radio calls at that time, there will be no video, and ordinary fighter cockpits will not video, except for the training of their navy's carrier-based aircraft pilots!
With the video, everything is clear, so that after investigating the black box, the technicians get a conclusion that the pilot pulled the joystick backwards and caused the plane to pitch up: You see, the data here shows that the pilot was backwards at that time. Pull the lever!

If there is no video recording, whether the brakes are stepped on or not, it is the electronic signal that has the final say.

"Don't move the wreckage of the plane for the time being. You can cover it with a camouflage net. We need to study it carefully. Now, let's go to the video and the black box first." Sun Cong said.

It is best if this kind of accident is not known to the outside world. Anyway, the accident happened last night. As long as a camouflage net is covered before dawn, no one will know about it.

"Okay." Li Yan nodded: "We will ground all J-[-]s until we find out the real cause of the malfunction and improve it."

When Sun Cong heard this, he frowned immediately: "Why?"

"Since there are signs of failure, of course all flights must be grounded for inspection." Li Yan said: "This is a common practice. It is not easy to train our carrier-based aircraft pilots, and similar situations cannot happen again."

"What if it's an operational error?"

"That will have to wait until after a full appraisal." A stern voice sounded.

Yesterday it lasted until midnight, so Wu Shengli got up late this morning. When he heard that the experts from the 601 Institute had arrived, Wu Shengli rushed over, just in time to hear Sun Cong's words, and immediately became annoyed.

What operational error?In order to protect the aircraft, our pilots have missed the precious time of skydiving!You still want to shirk responsibility?
"Not only your technicians from Institute 601, but also some experts from our air force's equipment department to form a joint investigation team to investigate the cause of the accident." Wu Shengli said, just based on what he said just now, he was not at ease. Yes, there must be an extra layer of insurance.

"Leader Wu, please rest assured, we will investigate as soon as possible." Luo Yang said: "The fighters we produce must ensure the absolute safety of the pilots, and similar accidents must never happen."

Luo Yang is the person in charge of the J-[-] project. At this time, he is under a lot of pressure, but he knows that this kind of thing cannot be rushed and must be cautious.

When the eastern sky began to brighten, a video was played in the office of the base.

The position of the video recorder is on the dashboard, so you can clearly see every move of the pilot, and you can also see part of the scene outside through the cockpit cover.

The fighter plane was landing skillfully, and the pilot operated the plane calmly. Although he was flying at a low altitude, the pilot was still wearing an oxygen mask and was meticulous. Through the helmet and mask, he could see his pair of resolute eyes.

Falling, continuing to fall, suddenly, the nose of the plane starts to pitch up, the pilot quickly presses down the control lever, but the nose is still pitching up, and the pitching motion of the plane can be easily seen through the rotation of the sky on both sides !

"Report 117, telex failure!" The pilot called, while continuing to press the control lever, pushing the control lever forward with all his strength, but it didn't make any sense!
"117, skydive, skydive immediately!"

The sound from the radio was also recorded, but the pilot was still saving the plane as if he hadn't heard it.

What a lovely pilot this is!When he saw the footage on the video, Qin Tao was moved again. Last night, he seriously criticized the pilot's behavior, but he was just anxious, but now, he is moved.

The field of vision outside the cockpit is still changing, and the lights on the land can already be seen, which means that the pitch angle of the plane has exceeded [-] degrees!
Skydive, skydive!The sound was still ringing, the pilot finally stopped hesitating and pulled the ejection tab, and then, the field of vision was red.

"Now, can you still say it was a pilot error?" Wang Wei's tone was cold.

"There is no problem with the pilot's operation." Luo Yang said: "It seems that the fault did occur in our fly-by-wire control, which is different from the analog fly-by-wire control of J-[-]. We use digital controls on J-[-]. Telex, it is likely that there is a bug in the code."

"Luo Gong! Don't draw any conclusions!" Sun Cong frowned.

"Yeah, there is no conclusion yet. Next, we should check all the data and conduct a system analysis. Why did the telex system perform wrong operations in the first place?"

"What if it's accidental?" A fellow technician asked.

There was an accident, and all flights were grounded!For them, this is a major blow, and what is even more irritating, what if it is an accidental failure and the cause cannot be found?

This is the same as a computer. If it runs for a long time, it may crash. This thing is unpredictable at all. After investigation, I can't find any reason. After restarting, the fault disappears.

If they had to find a reason to go around, how could they never find it?
"Accidental failures are not acceptable, we must find out the cause, and we must be responsible to the end!" Luo Yang's attitude was firm.

Qin Tao is very satisfied with Luo Yang's attitude, this is the attitude that a technical person should have!

Qin Tao is a shipbuilder, so he doesn't know what's wrong with the plane. He has a specialty in technology, and this is what he wants.

The following analysis is destined to be boring. It is difficult to find what happened at that time among the massive codes and data. Everyone looked at it for a while, wasting their time, and then left.

When the navy personnel left, the voice of discussion inside sounded again.

"The research and development of the J-31A carrier-based aircraft is progressing smoothly."

"Yeah, after all, this is under the banner of the fourth-generation stealth aircraft. Did the Navy take a fancy to this aircraft, and then want to find a reason to get rid of our aircraft?"

Luo Yang frowned, and looked at the technician who made the remarks: "What's going on in your minds?"

It was originally just a technical issue, but now it has transitioned to conspiracy theory!

"The prototype of the J-[-] fighter we are producing now was bought by Mr. Qin. If it weren't for those prototypes, we would never have been able to develop the J-[-] fighter so quickly. How do we even fold the wings? I don't even know!" Luo Yang's tone became serious: "Boss Qin won't be as unbearable as you think, in Boss Qin's heart, he pretends to be the navy, the national defense cause, and the country!"

The technicians bowed their heads, they had never seen Luo Gong get angry like this!
"If one day, President Qin suggested replacing our J-31 with J-[-]A, it would not be for profit, but for the development of the navy. After all, our aircraft is not a stealth aircraft. Do you know how many of their aircraft have been exported? The order can be queued for ten years! Can you still see the market for these dozens of Navy? However, although that kind of aircraft is good, it is a medium-sized aircraft after all, and our J-[-] is currently the most suitable for the Navy.” Luo Yang looked at his subordinates sternly: "Don't think about these things now, and take care of your own affairs."

Ah... Qin Tao sneezed.He touched his nose, did someone praise me, or did someone scold me?

"Taozi, are you catching a cold?" Wu Shengli asked.

"It's fine." Qin Tao said, "I'm still young and in good health."

"I don't know how long it will take to find the cause of the failure." Wu Shengli said: "If it is then, I can catch up with your J-31A finalization..."

Hearing this, Qin Tao quickly shook his head: "Dad, our navy's carrier-based aircraft is not suitable for refitting at present. The navy needs a double-engine heavy fighter that can take off with a large amount of ammunition. The J-31A is only a medium-sized aircraft. The internal bomb bay can’t even fit a large anti-ship missile, so it’s destined not to be the main force of the navy.”

Qin Tao still has self-knowledge.

In the case of a limited number of aircraft carriers, the cost-effectiveness ratio of heavy-duty fighters is higher than that of high-end fighters, with strong combat capabilities, long blanking time, and a large amount of ammunition. The J-31A is not suitable for the time being.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but I don't know how long their accident investigation will take, and whether it will delay the development of catapult fighters. Our electromagnetic catapult is still waiting."

"Well, if the catapult J-31 can't be in place in time, we can replace it with our J-[-]A, and make these people anxious." Qin Tao said.

He is not afraid of being infamous, as long as he can solve the current problem as soon as possible, even being a villain is worth it.

"Okay, let's do it like this. By the way, speaking of J-31A, the relevant departments really intend to let you take over Factory 162. The procedures should be in the process, and it will take some time."

Hearing what Wu Shengli said, Qin Tao became interested: "That's really good news. There's nothing going on here now. I'll go to Factory 162 to have a look."

Qin Tao couldn't wait.

"Aren't you going to listen to what your superiors want?" Wu Shengli looked at the eager Qin Tao.

"What else can we ask for, the big deal is just asking for more money." Qin Tao said: "We Mingzhou Group is not short of money, and we can agree to whatever we want, but if we are not allowed to buy it wholly, even the shares will not exceed 50.00% If we don’t, we will not agree, and I made it clear last time that we would rather build an aviation factory from scratch than accept other people’s shareholding.”

Wu Shengli nodded: "Fully-owned procurement is not acceptable. According to the plan currently being negotiated by the superiors, your group will invest 50.00 million yuan to occupy 162% of the shares, and the 40.00 factory will use all the production equipment as the remaining [-]% of the shares. In your hands."

The price of [-] million is indeed not expensive, that is, the price of those production equipment. However, if it can be packaged as a whole and directly produced fighter jets, it will be much easier than starting from scratch.

"We require production workers to account for more than 90.00% of the total. Five, the idlers should be transferred away, and they should be laid off." Qin Tao said: "What we want is a brand new factory, and we can't bring the old style. I don't want to deal with the farce of forming gangs."

"This point must be discussed. They should agree to your request, as long as you agree to their request."

"any request?"

"Within five years, the output value of the aircraft factory controlled by your Mingzhou Group will account for half of the province's output value, and it will drive the economic development of the entire province." Wu Shengli said: "Your Mingzhou Group will definitely take over. It needs to be moved out of the valley, but it has to be moved to Guizhou, and the entire aircraft factory can’t be moved to Huating or Mingzhou.”

Your province is poor, there are ravines everywhere, and development is difficult. If it weren't for the third-line construction, your province would never have had any chance to develop industries.

After the opening of the country, the 011 base located in Shangougou was suddenly in a tragic situation where the father did not love the mother or the mother. They can still make some money.

However, after entering the 90s, it was difficult to develop further.

"This condition is very reasonable and we can agree to it. However, the leaders of your province have to coordinate with us and let us move to the provincial capital." Qin Tao said.

Although it is a mountainous area, the development prospect of the provincial capital is still good. If they want to relocate, the provincial capital is of course the first choice.

"Taozi, if you go to investigate, the local government will definitely welcome you, and then you can negotiate terms with them." Wu Shengli said, "I won't go."

This matter has nothing to do with the Navy. Wu Shengli is also very busy. There are a lot of things to deal with in the recent flight accident.

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, then let's go there."

011 Base!It's really an emotional place.

What was the slogan back then?
Prepare for war and prepare for famine for the people, good people and good people are on the third front!
Inspired by that slogan and inspired by the times, a large number of outstanding aviation talents, 10 workers, cadres, intellectuals, and officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army, with the belief of "serving the country by aviation", walked from the northeast, east, and north of the motherland to the remote In the wild mountains of Guizhou, a 011 base has been established.

In addition to the 011 base, there are also the 061 base and the 083 base. The three bases form a triangle and become the country's last reliance.

Those who start with 0 have the highest level. If you want people to give people, you want money to give money. If the original money was used to develop the economy...

Forget it, I haven't experienced that era, so my emotions are meaningless.

(End of this chapter)

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