Great warships

Chapter 589 Trip to 011 Base

Chapter 589 Trip to 011 Base
The south can't see the ice and snow and white scene in the north. If you look around, there is a green color in the mountains.

The cold wind is also blowing, far from the icy cold wind in the north, but the air is a bit humid, this wet and cold weather is much more uncomfortable than the dry and cold in the north.

Qin Tao thought it was a little funny, he was obviously from Mingzhou, how could he look at the weather here from the perspective of a northerner?Did I stay in the capital for too long?

"President Qin, welcome to visit our province in Guizhou." Just after getting off the plane, before Qin Tao finished feeling the weather here, a large group of people had already greeted him, all of them excited.

The leader was already grey-haired, and he said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself, I am Han Zhongyi who was sent by the province to take charge of this project. AVIC also entrusted me with full responsibility."

"Hello, Leader Han." Qin Tao quickly held the other party's hand: "Our Mingzhou Group is looking forward to this project, but we still need the strong support of the province!"

"As long as the principle is not violated, the province will strongly support it." Leader Han immediately made a promise: "The province regards this project as very important. Whether our province's economy can take off in the next ten years depends on this project."

J-31A is an important international cooperation project. There are already hundreds of orders. If we can undertake the production task of this aircraft, we can imagine how many people will be employed and how much economy will be brought. benefit.

The whole province is looking forward to this project.

"President Qin, welcome to Yunma Factory." Another middle-aged man came up and said, "I am Zhang Wanhe, the director of Yunma Factory. Would you like to visit our Yunma Factory first? In case you like it They bought our Yunma factory and bought us directly."

There are two aircraft assembly factories in the 011 base. The Yunma factory is code-named 130. It is the largest fighter assembly factory here, with a construction area of ​​more than 43 square meters. At peak times, there are more than 2 employees and their families.

After the transition from the military to the civilian population, Yunma Factory once entered into civilian products and made a lot of money. However, it was unable to compete with the rising private enterprises after that, so it returned to military production. Their specialty project is JJQI.

Although the technology of this fighter has long been outdated, after all, it is cheap to manufacture and low in operating costs. As a supersonic trainer, it is still very marketable.

However, it is precisely because of this that it is much more difficult for Mingzhou Group to acquire Yunma Factory. After all, this factory is making money!

Qin Tao came by plane and landed directly on the runway of Yunma Factory. He did not choose Shuangyang Factory, of course, because the conditions there were too poor for his special plane to land.

"Of course, since we're here, let's take a tour of your Yunma factory first. However, let's forget about the acquisition. The price of your factory is definitely not cheap, and we can't afford it."

This sentence was in a joking tone, and Zhao Shunli, the director of Shuangyang Factory, was relieved.

"Mr. Qin, I'm Zhao Shunli, the director of Shuangyang Factory." Zhao Shunli stretched out his hand, "The whole factory is looking forward to your arrival."

Qin Tao nodded: "I am also looking forward to this trip."

After finishing speaking, Qin Tao looked around: "These factories built in the mountains must have spent a lot of effort back then."

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we spent a lot of effort to build an aircraft factory in the valley. Looking back now, we did a hammer!" Zhao Shunli said: "This kind of operation is completely It runs counter to aircraft production."

What are the requirements for aircraft production?Of course, all the assembly plants are gathered together, so that the installation is convenient. What about the 011 base?But asked to disperse!Scatter, scatter, scatter!Dozens of factory areas are spinning around in this ravine!

"The most terrible thing is the final assembly of the aircraft." Zhang Wanhe pointed nearby: "There is the 180 factory building, which is the largest factory building in our Yunma factory. Let the enemy's planes blow it up? No, move them all to the caves! You see, the caves in the back were excavated by us with great effort, but after they were dug out, they were abandoned because there was no way to get inside Assembly! We still use this 180 workshop."

Zhang Wanhe has worked here for half his life. He came here when it was first built, and he knows the situation here clearly, especially this 180 factory building.

At the beginning, the factory was built at the foot of the mountain for concealment, but the leader thought it was too big, so he asked to dismantle it and drill into the cave. As a result, the cave was dug out, and after entering it, it was found that it could not work at all, and had to be in the factory outside work here.

Fortunately, the 180 factory building has been saved. Now, the final assembly of the aircraft is carried out in this factory building. It is absolutely unimaginable to really go into the cave!
"Come on, let's go and have a look." Qin Tao said.

Although he is a shipbuilder, Qin Tao has also seen many factories. He has seen the J-112 assembled by Factory 132, the J-[-] and J-[-] prototypes assembled by Factory [-]. However, the aircraft factory in this valley is really amazing. See you for the first time.

The workshop is still busy, and several JJ[-]s are still being assembled.The sound of the rivet gun kept ringing, and ugly rivets landed on the fluorescent plane one by one.

Looking at the air intake shape of the nose, Qin Tao frowned: "This trainer is already out of date! Haven't you thought about improving it?"

"Yes, it is indeed outdated." Zhang Wanhe said: "After all, this is only a 60s aircraft, but we don't have any technical strength to improve it!"

They are just an aircraft factory here, and there is no aircraft design office at all!

The 112 factory is next to the 601 factory, and the 132 factory and the 611 factory are also in the same city. However, the third-tier bases in your province are all manufacturing factories!

"If you don't have technical strength, then find a way!" Qin Tao said: "You guys, this is J-132, which is similar to J-[-]'s foundation. Factory [-] is carrying out a super-[-] project on the basis of J-[-]. You guys If you have an idea, you can find them!"

Looking for 132 factory?
A moment of hesitation flashed in Zhang Wanhe's eyes, and then he became firm: "That's right, our Jianjiaoqi was a project that we asked our grandpa to tell our grandma to come to, but now, for the development of the factory, we will go all out. , one more time!"

The J-132 project is not difficult at all. The 011 factory is manufacturing J-[-] in large quantities, and it is completely possible to manufacture the J-[-]. The country also arranged this way back then. However, the [-] base that has been producing J-[-], but no longer I can't sit still anymore, if they can't have new projects, the whole base will be yellow.

Therefore, they ran a lot of relationships, especially the 132 factory, but they did not miss it. The 132 factory still talks about brotherhood. After all, the J-011 was originally planned to be produced at the 132 base. If that is the case, [-] will not be closed. What happened to the factory.

Later, the superiors made a decision that the sixth master was enough to conquer the world, and the 011 base still produced J-132!As a result, the production of J-[-] fell to Factory [-].

(There are many theories, some say that Factory 112 handed over the production task, and some say that the 011 base handed over the production task. The hero of East China is also confused, so I just wrote it.)
"It doesn't have to be a concession, it can also be a joint cooperation. Your factory is still in operation and still profitable." Qin Tao said: "So, you can send technical personnel to do research with them and share some research and development tasks. , isn't that more justified?"

"That's right, Mr. Qin is right!" Han Zhongyi said with a smile: "Mr. Qin is in our system, but he is a wise man. Mr. Qin can give us valuable advice with just a few words!"

"Leader Han, don't praise me. I'm doing this for the development of our country's industry." Qin Tao said, "In the future, our Shuangyang factory will start manufacturing J-31A, and Yunma factory can also undertake the production tasks of some parts. .”

"Thank you Mr. Qin!" Zhang Wanhe was very excited and moved.

"Don't thank you too early. We are going to build a fourth-generation machine. The production process is much higher than that of the MiG-21. If the parts you produce are not up to standard, we will not accept them."

"Yes, Mr. Qin, don't worry, we can process what others can process!"

"However, JJ-320 is the foundation of a second-generation aircraft after all, and no matter how you change it, it will be outdated." Zhang Wanhe is still thinking about this matter: "Mr. Qin, you went to [-] Factory before and contacted them about the high-education aircraft project. ,us…"

This incident once caused the 011 base to worry about it, and President Qin really did! The 320 factory has developed so well, the teaching eight is equipped with a large amount of air force, and even exported. Our JJ[-] is gradually declining. It would be great if the high education aircraft project fell into our hands!

Of course, they just complained in their hearts, and they didn't dare to speak out at all.Now, Zhang Wanhe only spoke tentatively.

"That's right, I contacted the Jacques Design Bureau for the project, so that the higher education machine can be completed faster." Qin Tao said: "In the market for the higher education machine, you two have to compete. How? , are you afraid of competition?"

"Of course I'm not afraid!" Zhang Wanhe puffed up his chest: "I've heard that their higher education machine requires a lot of advanced technology and two engines, so the cost is very high. Our JJ[-] It’s much cheaper, so we still have a market.”

"That's right, in the last ten years, or even 20 years, there is still a market for your trainer aircraft, but it needs major changes, such as changing to double delta wings to improve low-altitude performance, such as changing the air intake of the nose to improve the air intake on both sides. The cockpit can be laid out low at the front and high at the rear, and a large number of internal instruments have been replaced, which is more suitable for future pilot training." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he changed the subject: "However, if you want to continue to develop, you can There have to be new projects.”

"Yeah, we need to have a new project, and JJQI can't last forever." Zhang Wanhe said: "However, our technical strength is poor..."

"Director Zhang, do you have any research on drones?"

Drones?Zhang Wanhe pondered for a while: "Does Qin always refer to model airplanes?"

Sure enough, the domestic technology is backward, and the vision is also backward, especially the third-line bases, who don't know the difference between drones and model airplanes!

"Of course not." Qin Tao shook his head: "The size of the drone is even bigger. If you are confident, you can build a drone bigger than it!"

Seeing Qin Tao pointing at the JJ[-] fighter plane, everyone's hearts trembled. A drone bigger than JJ[-]?Probably not in the whole world, right?
"Why, don't dare to think?"

Zhang Wanhe swallowed and said, "Boss Qin, since it's your proposal, it's no problem, we can give it a try!"

Qin Tao nodded: "The body design of drones is completely different from that of manned aircraft. You need a blower hole to decide. In short, several prerequisites are fixed. For example, the wings should be straight and the wingspan should be large. In this way It is convenient to fly at high altitude for a long time. It is similar to U-2. Its engine should be placed on the upper part of the tail, just like a three-engine airliner. This can minimize radar reflection echoes. If the entire aircraft is designed to have a certain degree of stealth Ability is better."

What Qin Tao was talking about was of course the design of the Global Hawk, but this UAV will not be ready for service until 98, and it is difficult for the outside world to obtain its information, but some related systems can already be developed.

The future era not only belongs to stealth aircraft, but also to drones. Whether it is an aircraft carrier or an amphibious assault ship, a large number of drones are needed as support. Qin Tao firmly supports electromagnetic catapults. Operate drones more conveniently.

The strength of the steam catapult is inconvenient to adjust. Heavy fighter jets are fine, but light drones have to bounce up and fall apart.

"Its electronic system is the most important. For example, its flight control is not only to allow it to take off and land safely, but also to be able to fly autonomously without external command. When the fuel reaches the limit, it can still fly." Return autonomously." Qin Tao continued to introduce: "Its first function is to detect, so it must be equipped with advanced detection camera devices and data link systems, which can transmit the detected data back in time."

Everyone frowned.

The takeoff and landing of manned fighter jets is very complicated and cumbersome, and there will be risks if you are not careful. It is not easy for their drones to take off and land autonomously!
In particular, you must be able to fly autonomously and make independent judgments. If you run out of fuel, you still know how to fly back!

How is this possible?This kind of drone is almost like having intelligence.

"In the later stage, with the development of our technology, the mission of drones can be expanded. For example, it can carry anti-tank missiles and other ground attack weapons, and can launch an attack immediately after finding the target."

"President Qin, the technical difficulty of what you said is too great. It is estimated that such a weapon cannot be found in the whole world?" Zhang Wanhe finally spoke.

"I can't find it yet, but it is estimated that there will be one soon. Even if it is not available abroad, can't we have it?" Qin Tao said: "If your Yunma Factory can manufacture this kind of drone, then You will become a nationwide and world-renowned drone giant. This industry has not yet been involved in other departments, and it belongs to a virgin land that has not been cultivated. For your Yunma Factory, this is a brand new opportunity!"

JJ[-] will eventually become obsolete, what is the future of Yunma Factory?Qin Tao pointed out a way for them: UAV!

"Yes, if we want to get involved in this industry, we will definitely become a leader in this industry." Han Zhongyi said: "Boss Qin, the plan you proposed is very good, and the province will study it carefully. Now, this project requires a lot of computer and electronics professionals, right?"

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, the key to this project is software, software for automatic flight, software for detection and even attack systems, etc. The development of these software is even more important than hardware."

"In this way, some computer talents can be transferred from the computer majors of universities in our province. Last year, junior colleges and technical secondary schools did not provide assignments, which has caused many problems. Next, universities will not provide assignments. We can provide Some employment opportunities are also good!"

Hearing what Han Zhongyi said, Qin Tao understood his true thoughts, and couldn't help shaking his head: "Leader Han, our country has been engaged in a market economy for 20 years, and your thinking has not completely changed. This is a competition. In this era, college students have to compete. The previous system was originally backward.”

Countless people miss the era of package distribution, why?As long as you go to college, you will have an iron job!Therefore, some people still study hard after they go to university, while some people start to do poorly. No matter what, they will have jobs.

In 96, the state didn't care about the jobs of college students, and in 98, college students didn't care about it.
Those college students who study hard in college, receive scholarships every year, and have knowledge in their stomachs will naturally become the most popular talents in society.As for those who dawdle and don't know whether they went to college or were admitted by college, it is naturally difficult to find a job.

(The hero of East China admits that he didn’t study well in college, so when he graduated to find a job, he saw those students who were looking for jobs with various certificates, and he was very envious. First-rate talents went to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, while second-rate talents stayed in the provincial capital. The hero of East China is a third-rate, and he just went to a county-level city. Therefore, if there are book friends who are studying in college, they must study hard!)

"By the way, Mr. Qin, doesn't Mingzhou Group have a software company?" Zhao Shunli said, "Can you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhang Wanhe: "Of course not. For us, the flight control system, the detection system, etc. are the core. We must not delegate the core tasks to others. We must Cultivate your own team and talents!"

Qin Tao nodded in satisfaction. Zhang Wanhe's statement is very correct. If such core secrets are handed over to others, what else can they have in Yunma Factory?Even if the drone is developed and expanded, it will be taken over by others at any time in the future.

Mr. Qin has provided guidance to many units, and it has been proved to be the most correct path in the end. Therefore, Zhang Wanhe has just made up his mind. Since Mr. Qin said that this path is OK, he must firmly go on!

Improved JJ[-], self-developed UAV!The future of Yunma Factory is bright!
At noon, after eating in the Yunma Factory, the group set foot on the road to Shuangyang Factory.

After all, the Yunma factory is only incidental, and the Shuangyang factory is the main one.

When leaving the factory, I saw more scenes along the way. This place is more like a small town, with factories, residential areas, vegetable farms, schools, and a cultural palace. Although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.This is a memory of that era!The entire ravine prospered due to industrialization, but was abandoned due to marketization.It is impossible for the Yunma factory to be in the ravine all the time, and it will definitely be relocated in the future. The ravine here will eventually become a scene of depression and dilapidation.

Compared with the Yunma factory, the location of the Shuangyang factory is more remote, the mountain roads are winding, and the off-road vehicles are full of thrills.More than two hours later, the group arrived at Shuangyang Factory.

The buildings are scattered among the mountains, and the cyan vines grow wantonly. The natural environment here is very good, but if it is engaged in industrial production, it will be inconvenient.

"Our factory used to produce J-[-] fighter jets. After the J-[-] stopped production, we started to produce other products. We also produced Skylark mini-cars, but now, this project is struggling."

Ordinarily, it should be easy to build airplanes and cars. The 011 base is in the transition from military to civilian, and making cars is their biggest project.

At the end of the 80s, they introduced the "Subaru-Lex" series mini-car technology from the island country Fuji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. After nearly three years of digestion and absorption, they improved the Skylark brand mini-car for the domestic market.

In 92, this project was officially approved by the state and included in the national "Eighth Five-Year Plan" car development "three big three small two micro" projects.

However, the name Skylark cannot be heard in later generations because it has long been eliminated!
This is a mini car smaller than the Chery QQ. It still uses a two-cylinder engine. It is almost at the level of the scooter of later generations. It might be sold in the early 90s, but it is completely outdated now.

"This car is already outdated. If we want to continue to develop, we have to invest a lot of money in remodeling. The superiors have lost confidence in our project. Instead of investing a lot of money in remodeling, it is better to sell us directly to Ming. State Group." Speaking of these, Zhao Shunli felt a little sad.

It is not easy to convert the military to civilians. After all, their companies are bloated, and they will be subject to various constraints if they want to do big things. They are completely different from private companies!
Qin Tao nodded: "You guys haven't lost your craft of making airplanes, have you?"

"Of course not, the big guy is gearing up, hoping to make an advanced fourth-generation machine by himself." Zhao Shunli said.

"Leader Han, let's put this Skylark car project on hold for now, but since it is a project of Shuangyang Factory, let's put it in the annex to the contract."

Han Zhongyi nodded. The Skylark car had already failed, and the superiors had already lost heart. It is not a big problem to give it to Mingzhou Group.

Qin Tao was overjoyed. He was still thinking about the electric car project. It is not easy to start a car project in China. The problem of the birth certificate cannot be solved. If he has the brand of Skylark, he will have a birth certificate. .

If you want to do it in the future, you can do it anytime.

(End of this chapter)

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