Great warships

Chapter 609 The Day of April 7st

June 6, evening.

Both sides of the street were full of people, their eyes were full of expectations, looking towards the direction of the port, they all held red flags in their hands, and there was a voice in their hearts.

After hundreds of years of waiting, this day is finally here!

Time passed little by little, and suddenly, the sound of military music came from the port, and everyone became more excited when they heard the familiar melody.

The light of car lights appeared in the distance, and the rays of light illuminated the dark night sky and illuminated the way home for everyone.

The roar of the engine sounded, and the first Jiefang brand truck appeared in front of everyone. On the back of the truck, there were neat soldiers standing. They were wearing brand-new 97-style military uniforms and holding brand-new 95-style rifles in their hands. Starting today, they will be stationed at the Pearl of the Orient, which also declares that this place has returned to the embrace of the motherland!
The army, navy, and air force, a total of 509 vanguards, riding in 39 vehicles, slowly drove forward. Everyone's eyes were wet, and their mouths were shouting slogans.

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

Hey, no, not only the eyes are wet, but the clothes seem to be wet too?They looked up at the sky, where the drizzle was falling.

The soldiers in the car remained motionless, letting the rain wet their clothes, and just like that, at 25:[-] that night, they entered a certain military camp for the transfer of defense.

Heading south to Hong Kong...

"Where did you discriminate against?"

This day belongs to the Pearl of the Orient, belongs to the East, and belongs to everyone who looks forward to the unity and strength of the motherland!


"Hey, this day has passed like this, I'm really not reconciled." Seeing the formation sailing through the waters of the Pearl of the Orient, and watching the formation continue to sail north, Li Yan couldn't help but speak.

At six o'clock in the morning of the next day, the main force stationed in Pearl of the Orient set off. The army and air force set off together with 21 vehicles, [-] armored vehicles and six helicopters. The navy ships also dispatched at the same time.

This news spread throughout the Pearl of the Orient at noon that day, and countless people became excited.

"Not reconciled? Then what do you want to do? Let's dock at the Pearl of the Orient port and go down for a walk?" Qin Tao said with a smile.

While waiting, countless people held up their cameras and looked at the aircraft carrier in the rain from afar, taking blurry photos with a sense of beauty.

"It's raining outside, it's not good for our show tomorrow." Li Yan was worried about another thing.

"Report, Victoria Harbor sent us an invitation to dock at their port for the citizens of the Pearl of the Orient to visit."

"I just received a report. There is a man named Huang Ming who refuses to shout that sentence. This kind of person is definitely not a good person. He is a bad person hiding among the citizens. If this kind of person boards our aircraft carrier, we don't know What kind of moth is going to happen." Li Yan said: "Boss Qin, your method is very good!"

"Hey, what you said is wrong." A citizen who was waiting to visit immediately spoke up.


"Of course it wasn't intentional. This will only make the whole world see their jokes." On the island of the ship, Qin Tao looked at this picture and was also very emotional: "This person who walked in the wrong footsteps is obviously guilty of guilt and panic. He is representing the country behind him, hum, the sun never sets, it’s long past tense.”

"We put all the carrier-based aircraft into the hangar. The deck is empty. The personnel who step on our aircraft carrier can only visit the deck and cannot go to other cabins. They can only feel the power of this warship, and they cannot do anything. Any damage." Qin Tao's brain was running fast, and various arrangements were also eloquently said: "At the same time, in order to avoid adverse effects on the commercial operation of Victoria Harbor, we do not anchor at their ports. The anchor is anchored near the port. Citizens who want to visit the aircraft carrier have to take our shuttle boat. When boarding the shuttle boat, we will check their documents. Anyone who has just obtained the Pearl of the Orient passport in the past year , especially those obtained in the last one or two months, we use various reasons to refuse them to board the ship."

"That's right, although we are a special zone, we can't be special!" The people behind started to shout.

Invitation to moor?For the public to visit?
Wu Shengli was stunned for a moment, he was still joking just now, when the real time comes, he still has to be cautious!
"The Pearl of the Orient has just returned, let them come up to visit now, what if there are people with ulterior motives?" Li Yan's attitude is firm: "Our most advanced warship in the navy is not for people to visit! "

"Hmph, every time the US aircraft carrier comes, it always docks at the port, and it will be open for us to visit during holidays, but their aircraft carrier is docked in the water, and we have to pay for the boat ticket. This is clearly looking down on us! Yes! An insult to us!" A person in line said: "Everyone, don't go up, after we go back, let's talk about this to the reporter!"

"That's right, that is, our aircraft carrier, just wait as long as you want, we are not afraid of waiting! We have waited for more than 100 years for the strength of the aircraft carrier."

"Hmph, scum!" Looking at the back of Huang Ming leaving, the people waiting in line behind spit, and everyone could see this person's thoughts.

"Yes." Wu Shengli said with emotion: "Only when the motherland is strong can we achieve territorial integrity. Compared with the crying country, we are full of confidence."

"Huang Ming?" The person in charge of the inspection looked at the certificate issued half a month ago, and he understood something in his heart: "You are a typical white horse, not a horse?"

"How is it possible? We are all here to show the strength of the motherland." Qin Tao said with a smile: "Besides, most citizens will still visit on land. Our naval formation, with the No. 666 leading the battle, is also Very cool."

Looking at the man with yellow skin and black eyes in front of him, the person in charge of the inspection was full of disdain.

"If we can drive over and let people visit, it will definitely be able to better demonstrate our national prestige and military might and the strength of our motherland." Qin Tao said: "I think we can go over and show it."

On the aircraft carrier, everyone was watching the live broadcast in the hangar. At this time, they were only [-] nautical miles away from the Pearl of the Orient, almost within easy reach!
"That guy walked the wrong way on purpose, right?" Seeing the uncoordinated movements of the flag bearer, someone immediately complained: "How serious are they on such a serious occasion!"

The Pearl of the Orient is an international metropolis with high income and high consumption.As long as it is charged according to the prices here, it is not a small fee.

The person with ulterior motives handed over his ID: "That's right, I'm from the Pearl of the Orient!"

Behind them, followed by two Type 037II missile boats and two Type 022 missile boats. The formation of five warships attracted a lot of attention during the voyage. Far away, there were yachts from the Pearl of the Orient watching, and the cameras The flashing lights are constantly blooming.

"By the way, before boarding the boat, I have to say something..."

Of course, there are also some people who come with a special purpose.

Wu Shengli shook his head helplessly, did he really let himself decide?

"Okay, please say one more word, and you can board the ship."

"No, no, how could you do this? You are making things difficult on purpose!" The man with ulterior motives shouted: "When you board the ship, you board the ship. Why do you still shout this sentence? This is discrimination and an insult to our personality! "

Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "Dad, since you are on the aircraft carrier, why are you reporting to the capital?"

Of course, this is only in theory. In reality, the aircraft carrier will not berth at an ordinary merchant port, which will seriously affect the normal operation of the port. Moreover, once the aircraft carrier goes to sea, it must not be alone. It must be accompanied by a group of escorts and For the supply formation, if these warships berth together, it will be a huge challenge to the merchant port.

However, since this person is Huang Ming, and he doesn't even dare to shout a slogan, then it is probably close to ten.

In the drizzle, the No. 666 frigate started to move, and everyone on the warship was excited.

Of course, if the US aircraft carrier wants to dock, it needs to be approved. Unless the Americans have gone too far, they are usually allowed to dock.


"Dock the Pearl of the Orient? Can you dock?" Wu Shengli also became interested.

"Why?" Everyone became curious.

"Is the Pearl of the Orient now Chinese?"

"If you don't want to call yourself Chinese, then leave quickly, don't delay our boarding!"

"Of course it's free, how can we charge for it?" Qin Tao said: "However, since they are boarding our tender boat, they always have to burn oil, so they can just pay for the oil, and, In order to avoid leaking secrets, they cannot bring cameras. If you want to leave precious photos on the aircraft carrier, you have to ask our professional photographers to help take pictures, and leave the address, and mail them after they are developed. This photo We will charge you the price of the Pearl of the Orient for the cost and the cost of washing and mailing."

The formation is so beautiful!

This person with ulterior motives did not continue. He used the wrong first sentence just now, which caused these people to look at him in the wrong way.

The drizzle is still falling, and this rain will last for more than 20 days, completely washing away the century-old humiliation!

At 97:7:1 on July 0, 0, the whole world watched this exciting moment!The flag of a certain country fell, and the flag of the motherland slowly rose to the flagpole. Even, because of the guilty conscience of the other party, when the three flag bearers were walking, one of the flag bearers took the wrong step and swung the wrong arm!

Several people were chatting, and the first officer came in with a document.

"Because most of those who obtained passports during this period were not our real compatriots, but people with evil intentions."

"I am Chinese, I love my motherland!"

The commotion on the pier also aroused Qin Tao's interest, and he asked, "What happened over there?"

"We from the Pearl of the Orient are Chinese. Is there anything wrong with that?"

I am Chinese!This sentence touched the opposite scale of the opponent.

They passed through the open sea and were arranged temporarily. Without them, the original army would be the focus.

The rain was still falling, but this did not stop people's enthusiasm, and soon, there was a long queue at the port.

Look for another chance next time!
The long line lasted until after four o'clock in the afternoon, and finally it was the turn of this group of people.

"We have waited too long to step on our aircraft carrier!" The people in line excitedly handed over their documents.

"Now, we need to check everyone's documents and register." The person on the shuttle boat said.

Only one such warship has been built so far, and it is specially prepared for the Pearl of the Orient.

"It started in 1842!" The old people sighed with emotion.

"It's ours, not theirs. The American aircraft carrier was open before, but tickets were required to go up. Our own aircraft carrier only needs a ticket for the barge, and no tickets. Which one is better? say?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Discrimination, aren't you Chinese?"

The aircraft carrier is a big guy with a draft of more than ten meters. If the water depth of the port is not enough and the berths are not enough, it will not be able to dock at all.

"Zhengyang, I'll leave you to do something and send a message to Vitalia."

"If you are from the Pearl of the Orient, then you are Chinese. Why does this sentence insult you? Are you a foreigner?"

No. 001 is coming to the Pearl of the Orient, and it is moored outside Victoria Harbour!
The warship is still open, and citizens can visit it for free!

Outside the room, on the street, the most popular music of the year rang out.

At this time, Qin Tao nodded with a smile when he heard Wu Shengli's question: "Of course it's no problem. The port of the Pearl of the Orient is much larger than that of Ma's port. Before returning to us, it often docked with American aircraft carriers. Either the Kitty Hawk class or the Nimitz class can be docked."

However, in this era, there are a lot of such considerations. After all, the giant merchant ships in the world often weigh [-] tons, or even hundreds of thousands of tons. It is necessary to build berths of more than [-] tons. Taking the country as an example, there are [-] to [-] such commercial ports, which theoretically have the ability to dock aircraft carriers.

Qin Tao doesn't get involved in other things, but such a person with evil intentions cannot be on the aircraft carrier.

For the Pearl of the Orient, the navy specially placed an order to produce several ships, but it looks too old.

"Dear audience, what we are seeing now is the fleet returning after performing missions in the southern waters. Currently, they are passing through the open sea. The entire fleet is magnificent. It is centered on the 001 aircraft carrier in the center, with two 051Cs and four 054s outside. A frigate, an integrated supply ship, and now, on the deck of our aircraft carrier, the soldiers have already posed in human shapes, let's zoom in and take a look."

For some people who have firm evil thoughts in their hearts, such words are very lethal. They have trouble with a certain year, spread a portrait of a certain master on the ground of the station hall and allow people to step on it, and then enter Shouting a slogan every now and then will be able to find out those believers.Those who refuse to step on or shout must be weird.

"I'm from the Pearl of the Orient, I'm from the Pearl of the Orient!" Huang Ming shouted loudly, "You're forcing me to say I'm Chinese, otherwise I won't be able to board the ship. This is discrimination!"

"Okay, okay." The man said excitedly: "I am Chinese, and I love my motherland!"

"Why isn't a white horse a horse? A white horse is the best horse, a noble among horses!" Huang Ming replied.

"If this kind of person is not eliminated, there will be big troubles in the future. Anyway, Vitalia did it, and it has nothing to do with us." Qin Tao said.

The picture shot in the sky is very spectacular. Under the rain, this picture adds a sense of beauty. When it appeared on the TV screen, countless people were moved with emotion.

The people of a certain country brought the characteristics of the shit-stirring sticks to the fullest. When they ended the rule that the sun never sets and left the world, they planted powder kegs for the rest of the world.The constant disputes on the South Asian subcontinent are the root of the disaster left by that year.

Carrier aircraft are neatly arranged on the deck of the aircraft carrier. In the center of the deck, there are a group of soldiers in white military uniforms. They use human bodies to form a digital pattern.

Sure enough, 10 minutes later, the capital called back: Regarding related matters, please ask Leader Wu to decide!


"We want to steal their limelight!" Wu Shengli felt a little funny.

Wu Shengli nodded: "So, are we visiting for free?"

Not only before the reunification, but even after the reunification, these American aircraft carriers often docked. After all, although the Pearl of the Orient has returned, its positioning has not changed. It is still an international free port. Moreover, the US aircraft carrier formation docks , The sailors who have been drifting at sea for several months also have to go ashore for consumption, which can make the Pearl of the Orient gain commercial benefits.

"Then what if something goes wrong?"

"In the rain, we can better show our mighty and majestic division." Qin Tao said: "We took off a helicopter and broadcast the grand occasion of our fleet passing the Pearl of the Orient in the sky above the formation for the whole world to watch. Look at our mighty navy."


At the beginning, after seeing Mingzhou Group's strong shipbuilding capabilities and novel designs, the navy specially asked Mingzhou Group to build a special warship stationed in the Pearl of the East, so Qin Tao moved out the design plan of 056.

The role of the feeder boat has come into play, it directly limits the number of people who can board the aircraft carrier!If it is directly parked at the port, countless people will rush in, and the gate may be directly collapsed. At that time, the entire deck of the aircraft carrier will be densely packed with people!

"Since the citizens of the Pearl of the Orient are so enthusiastic, we can't disappoint their kindness." Wu Shengli said: "We accept the invitation of Victoria Harbor and anchor outside the harbor according to Mr. Qin's plan!"

"I ring the 5000-year-old bell time and time again with love. You use love to wake up a dream that has been sleeping for a hundred years, water the gorgeous redbud flowers with warm currents, and blow away the icy cold wind with warmth..."

Now, the brand-new No. 666 frigate is even more attractive. The displacement of this warship has been expanded to 90 tons, and it looks more beautiful. It adopts the most popular stealth design, and the superstructure is facing inward. Received, it embodies the latest shipbuilding technology in the [-]s. Although there is no helicopter hangar, it still has a helicopter take-off and landing platform at the rear.

After hearing Qin Tao's whisper, Xu Zhengyang was stunned: "Boss Qin, just because he refused to shout a word, you will..."

Wu Shengli nodded: "I can't make the decision, I have to report to the capital."

"Hmph, I won't let this matter go! I want everyone in the Pearl of the Orient to know your ugly face!"

"Yes." Although the answer to this sentence was unwilling, it was the truth.

In the original plan, the Navy planned to send Type 037 II missile boats to the Pearl of the Orient. This missile boat is the base of the torpedo boat. Later, it was modified with missiles. Its full load displacement is 520 tons. It can also be called a missile frigate. Its biggest feature , that is, on both sides of the middle and rear of the hull, a three-piece "Eagle Strike"-8A ship-to-ship missile launcher is arranged on each side of the hull.

In the lens of the TV, there was also a mighty and magnificent picture. Suddenly, the picture turned and switched to the formation sailing in the nearby open sea.

Xu Zhengyang nodded: "Yes."

The day of July 7st was very exciting. Many people were so excited that they couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night. The Pearl of the Orient finally returned to the embrace of the motherland, and the powerful fleet of the motherland was still docked outside the Pearl of the Orient!
And some things that happened in the southern waters were also discovered by the media.The next day, the newspapers were almost full of the same news: the century-old shame is gone, our motherland is strong!
The light rain was still falling, beating on the huge warship.

"Dad, are you suffering from insomnia?" Qin Tao, who was resting in the same cabin as Wu Shengli, couldn't help but speak when he heard Wu Shengli's tossing and turning voice.

"Yeah, I can't sleep. I'm thinking about the future strategy. Will we be regarded as a new enemy by the Americans when we show our swords like this? After the collapse of the Red Empire, they couldn't find an enemy for a long time. There's a source, I think, that we're going to be in trouble."

"Dad, you are worrying for nothing." Qin Tao said generously: "Now, the mainstream of the world is peace and development. Even if we have some small frictions, it is too insignificant. Moreover, the Americans will soon New enemies will be found."

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