Great warships

Chapter 610 The Theory of Unrestricted Warfare

new enemy?Wu Shengli became interested: "After the collapse of the Red Empire, Da Mao's life is getting worse day by day. Now, the Americans can still find a new enemy? Who is this enemy?"

"Dad, your thinking has already begun to fall behind. Will there be an enemy in future wars?" Qin Tao said: "The boundaries of war have long been blurred. In many wars, the enemy is not even visible. But it could pose a huge threat."

"Are you going to rise to the theoretical level with what you said?" Wu Shengli also began to think seriously.

"That's right, it's theoretical. After you go back, you can introduce my theories to others and let them study them. In ancient times, we had Sun Tzu's Art of War. In modern times, we also have modern theories of unrestricted warfare. .”

"Unlimited warfare?"

"That's right, modern wars are not necessarily military. There are also non-military wars that will extend to every corner of society and become the main situation. Let me give you a simple example." Qin Tao said: "Now that we have taken back the Pearl of the Orient, some people will be very unhappy. At this time, they may act as demons. For example, a large amount of capital will pour in and fight an economic war. The Pearl of the Orient's currency system has collapsed, turning the Hong Kong dollar into a piece of waste paper."

"How is this possible?" Wu Shengli said in surprise.

"How is it impossible? I hope the relevant departments are ready. This kind of unrestricted warfare in the financial field is estimated to start soon." Qin Tao continued: "Let me give another example, for example, some small organizations, The United States hates it deeply, but they have no means of retaliation. They can train a group of dead soldiers and train the technology of flying passenger planes. When the time is right, they can board the passenger plane as passengers, and then control the crash of the passenger plane An iconic building in the United States."

"War has nothing to do with civilians!" Wu Shengli was even more stunned.

"Dad, are you still so naive? Once the war starts, there is no boundary between civilians and soldiers. During the Vietnam War, those farmers working in the fields would pull out AK rifles from the rice fields at any time to shoot at the Americans. For another example, during World War II, German soldiers fought on the front lines, and women produced weapons in the rear. Can you say that war is a matter for soldiers and has nothing to do with those women?"

Beyond the limit?

The meeting room is full of people.

Qin Tao's introduction made several people present suddenly realize that there were only vague thoughts in their minds, but now, these thoughts have gradually become clear.

"Taozi, after you go back, you will give this lecture. Then, according to your theory, we will write a book! You are the first author of this book."

If the Mingzhou Group joins in, the situation will be different. After all, the J-31A of the Mingzhou Group is progressing smoothly, and their carrier-based model has begun a large number of intensive test flights. It looks like it will be finalized and put into production in one or two years. If they Come to bid, then their chances of success will be higher. If the J-31A is stretched and enlarged, isn't it the F-22?
Elder Lin also pondered, do you want to join the Mingzhou Group?

Everyone nodded with excitement on their faces.

In addition to the two, there is also a person selected by the Air Force, Wang Xianghui. During his service in the Air Force, he has created many works and has devoted himself to the study of military theory for a long time. He is a professional in this field.

"Boss Qin, it's a pleasure to meet you." Qiao Liang extended his hand enthusiastically, "You specially asked me to come here. Just do whatever task you have, and I will definitely complete it satisfactorily."

"The invisible enemy is the most terrifying, and we just want to...predict these dangers in advance so that everyone is prepared." Qin Tao found a suitable word to describe it.

This project, of course, was proposed by Qin Tao at the beginning. At the first international defense exhibition in China, when Qin Tao discussed with Lao Maozi's technical staff, he proposed to smash the Su-27 into a stealth machine.

This was the last night that Qin Tao and Wu Shengli stayed on the aircraft carrier. The next morning, the two took a helicopter to an aviation base on the shore. In the afternoon, they returned to the capital by special plane.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the book, it has to be blamed on the people who read the book, and the most important thing to blame is a country that is trying to dominate the world and act as the world's policeman.

Qin Tao shook his head: "This is not very good, is it?"

Elder Lin nodded.

The layout of the two engine nacelles is still under the fuselage, and the air intake has also been corrected to become a diamond shape, and the groove between the air intakes has been filled up to become a built-in bomb bay. This design still seems to be moving. Really kung fu.

Qiao Liang was born in a military family in 55. After entering the army, he was mainly engaged in literary creation. He used to be the deputy director of the creative office of the Air Force Ministry of Defense, and a professor of the Strategic Teaching and Research Office of the Air Force Command Academy. Moreover, he is somewhat similar to Zhang Zhong , has also appeared on the screen, hosted 36 programs on CCTV, and can be regarded as a public figure.

"I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the hypothesis you just put forward, kidnapping ordinary passengers on the airliner and going to perish together, this way is too extreme!"

At that time, the mountains and rivers were broken, everyone in the country was in danger, and the theory of subjugation continued to appear. An article on protracted war immediately gave strength and hope to the people in the dark!
"Boss Qin, the idea of ​​the whole book is yours, do you want to sign your name?" Qiao Liang asked.

Qin always wants them to compile books, but instead of using them as guns, he provides them with guidance and does not ask for signatures!

"Seeing that the J-31A project of a private company of yours is progressing smoothly, and the world has also entered the ranks of heavy fighter jets, our air force can't be too hip. We also need to raise funds to build a fourth-generation stealth fighter jet." Elder Lin looked at Qin Tao: "Since you are in the capital, we have called you here."

After arranging this matter, Qin Tao's mission here is considered complete. He returned to the gray building and went to the kindergarten to pick up his son after school. Didn't even recognize it!
Qin Tao felt a little sad, and planned to stay in the capital to accompany his son for a few days, but was called away by Mr. Lin.

"This book can be divided into two volumes. The first volume is about new wars, and the second volume is about new warfare methods. The two need to be different. The former focuses on discussing the trend of the arms revolution and the military revolution; the oil region war can be used for analysis. It is demonstrated that the strong have an innate overwhelming advantage over the weak, and the latter aims to get rid of the fate of being strong and weak, and to carry out a new type of war by overcoming the advantages held by the powerful and great powers in the arms revolution."

"Ten years ago, in this same room, we passed the approval of the No. 4 project. Now, the J-[-] fighter jet has become the trump card, the main force and the backbone of our air force. However, technology is constantly developing, and the world's aviation has developed. When it came to the fourth-generation aircraft, the Americans also proposed the [-]S indicator. If we want to win in the future battlefield, we must carry out the research and development of a new fourth-generation fighter.” Lin Lao began to speak: “Today, let’s take a look at domestic What kind of fighter jets our aviation companies can come up with will open our eyes!"

"Don't value you? Give you the right to vote, but don't value you?"

Wu Shengli smiled: "You are famous enough now, more is not too much, and less is not too much."

How to make an aircraft into a stealth aircraft, and how to design its shape?Find inspiration from J-31A!
help?That's more!For example, engines are the most lacking in domestic research and development of fighter jets. With the help of the J-31A project, the country has introduced a full set of R79 engine technology, and even production technology. Now the country can already produce imitations, and the next step With the improvement of the engine, this engine has become the only choice for the fourth-generation domestic aircraft!

"President Qin, I knew I could see you here. Recently, I heard that you have done another big thing, which greatly boosted our morale and demonstrated our national and military might!" Elder Song greeted Qin Tao with a smile.

"Well, if your understanding is in place, it will be easier to write this book. We want to elevate it to a theoretical level, and make it a classic strategic work like 36 Strategies, and even become a classic textbook for military schools in various countries. .”

Seeing these people gathered here, Qin Tao already guessed something: "Is today's project a bid for the fourth-generation heavy fighter?"

Wu Shengli didn't listen to Qin Tao's words, he was still immersed in the assumption just now, if there is no boundary, it would be too scary!

"Old Song, don't be so close, do you think that President Qin can support your project?" Another voice sounded, it was Mr. Gu from the 601 Institute.

"Since everyone has comprehended it, then, let's start writing this book. The sooner the better, when it's finished, show it to me first, and I may be able to provide some guidance."

The current Qin Tao wants to weaken the influence of all aspects. He doesn't want to be too high-profile and attract many people's attention.

"Well, come on, after writing it, we will mobilize our own strength to publish this book, not only in China, but also in the world. We will translate it into multiple versions, English, French, Russian, Arabic...we want to give strength to those who are at a loss and let them see hope."

However, 601's imitation and 611's originality still make many people dissatisfied. Therefore, they can't wait to win the bidding of the fourth-generation machine, so that they can show their strength.

"What's inappropriate? You sit next to me. The J-31A developed by your company is about to be finalized. You have the most say. If you don't go up, I'll call the telegraph pole tonight and get you completely drunk."

"Okay." Qin Tao nodded.

Also joining a new bidding team?
In the previous era, there was no concept of bidding at all. If the Air Force wanted a fighter jet, it would directly issue a task to a certain research and development unit to see which unit had the energy and ability to undertake the task.

If it was someone else, it would definitely be considered an insult by them to use them as guns, but Mr. Qin is different!Mr. Qin has never been trying to gain fame. Since he wants to publish a book, he must have his purpose. The big guy just needs to follow Mr. Qin's arrangement!

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we will give you a quarter of the manuscript fee."

Qin Tao shook his head: "What did you ask me to do? Is it just to attend the meeting or have the right to vote?"

"Boss Qin, what you said is what we've been thinking about recently, but it's not as quintessential as yours." Qiao Liang became excited.


Things went on like this, the influence of this book is completely unknown to those present at this time, when some people in the cave hold this book, get some kind of inspiration, make some kind of When the decision was made, it was beyond the imagination of those present.

"If you feel embarrassed, I will share a quarter of the manuscript fee." Qin Tao said with a smile.

For a period of time, many people liked to publish books, portraying themselves as a cultural person, whether they were officials or businessmen, they were all good at it, and some books were even compiled into encyclopedias. The connotation will eventually make people laugh out loud.

"Tomorrow we're going to hold a pre-research meeting for a key project, so come join us."

"The transcendence, the limit of the limit, means beyond the limit." Qin Tao said: "This is a modern military theory work, which will lead the strategic theory in the next few decades."

As soon as Qin Tao said this, the faces of Mr. Song and Mr. Gu present changed.

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin, the three of us can write it, and it can be written in three months." Zhang Zhong said.

"I'm going to publish a book."

In fact, this book needs to be popular all over the world quickly. On the one hand, it needs to have good content, and on the other hand, Mingzhou Group needs to pay for its operation. Qin Tao needs a quarter of the manuscript fee, which may not be able to cover the operating expenses. But this can make the few people present feel more comfortable.

"That's right, it's extreme enough, so they will be strangled by the whole world." Qin Tao said.

"No, no, I can't sign it. The three of you co-authored it, so just sign it together. The name of the book is called Unrestricted Warfare."

Qin Tao is not that kind of person, and there is no need for him to pretend to be elegant.

Avionics, etc., can also obtain technology and inspiration from the J-31A, such as the voice password.

"Although a country is big, it will die if it is warlike. Let those powerful countries know that although they are strong, if they blindly bully weak countries, they will also decline to the fate of extinction! We want to carry out a revolution in military thinking! "Wang Xianghui said.

The three of them were looking at Qin Tao expectantly, waiting for Qin Tao's next task.

Qin Tao has a character of doing what he says, and at four o'clock in the afternoon, the two people he was looking for gathered in an ordinary office in Huanglou.

It was not until the development of the third-generation aircraft that the bidding began. As a result, the plan of the 611 Institute was approved and the No. 601 project began. However, the 3 Institute was not reconciled, and applied for a large amount of funds to build a peace model The plan of J-90 was pulled up, as a substitute for the No. 27 project.In the 601s, Su-112 entered the country, and at the same time, the combination of [-] and [-] factories began to imitate this fighter, and the J-[-] plan was abandoned.

"Let's go, come to the rostrum with me." Elder Lin said.

"What?" Zhang Zhong thought he heard it wrong: "Is it the Korean War?"

Seeing the change of everyone's attitude, Qin Tao laughed: "I was joking just now, and it scares you. We are not yet able to participate in this kind of bidding, and our team is also very busy. After the carrier-based type is put into production, We still need to continue to study the vertical take-off and landing type, which is the most difficult to develop, and we don’t have the energy to develop twin-engine heavy fighters.”

"That's right!" Elder Lin's voice sounded behind Qin Tao.

"Really?" Qin Tao glanced at Mr. Lin.

Qin Tao didn't know if the Sukhoi Design Bureau listened to it, but now, the plan proposed by 601 is a flattened Su-27.
The diamond-shaped nose, the waistlines on both sides extend backwards to the part of the side wings, the rear is a butterfly wing, the tail, and the two vertical tails are inclined to the outside. It seems that it has some modern feeling.

Elder Lin sighed: "Just now I was thinking that it would be good if you were allowed to join in. Since you have no energy, forget it."

"Of course it is voting rights. You Mingzhou Group has developed the only stealth machine in the country, and you are the planner of this project. Your opinion is very important." Lin Lao said.

In fact, Qin Tao never thought of letting his team participate in the bidding. After all, his team is company-owned, not state-owned. If his team wins the bid, wouldn't that be a slap in the face?Our own side is taking the road of exporting, but we don't want to have a competitive relationship with these domestic teams, so as not to cause unpleasant troubles.

"Let's start from the 601." Elder Lin began to point.

What now?
Now President Qin actually said that he wants to join in the bidding?

"Boss Qin, we will definitely make this book signed by you a bestseller all over the world." Zhang Zhong replied immediately.

The three of them were very excited. As experts in military research, they all realized how shocking this military work would be if it was published.

Sure enough, this proposal reassured several people present.

Qin Tao shook his head: "You still don't pay attention to me."

"Okay, then let's go first." Gu Lao said: "Everyone knows that we are currently producing the Su-27 series of fighters, so our plan is to make changes on the basis of the Su-27 so that it Be a stealth fighter."

He and Wang Xianghui are good friends. The two often chat together and want to study future strategies. They have noticed that future wars will no longer be restricted by soldiers and civilians. Modern wars will have unprecedented scenes. The method has changed a lot, but the two of them just had a vague idea, but now President Qin clearly put it forward!

This sentence was unclear, and Qin Tao was also a little funny. This is the benefit of acquaintances, and they are so rude!
I am engaged in warships, why do I always accompany your air force to toss?I don't know what project this time is?
On July 7, Qin Tao came to the conference room of the air force compound. When he entered, he saw many familiar faces.

"That's right, the first volume is just a prelude, and the focus is on the second volume. We want to give hope to those weak countries. Even in the face of strong countries, they have a way to win, just like the powder kegs in the oil area. Although they are in a weak position , but they can still fight, and they have created many new types of weapons, such as special rockets that use gas tanks as weapons!" Zhang Zhong also became excited.

In fact, at Gu’s age, he can retire completely. However, he is the oldest designer in Institute 601 after all. The failure of the bid for the J-[-] project more than ten years ago has always made him sad, so this Once, after receiving the task, he came over again, wanting to provoke this leader.

Zhang Zhong didn't need to introduce, he and Qin Tao had known each other for a long time, this time he heard that Qin Tao was looking for him, so he ran over.

Moreover, it is inconvenient to hand over this important national weapon to private companies. Although it has been engaged in a market economy for 20 years, it is still very different from the West.

"If your Air Force values ​​me, then let our team come to bid together. Maybe we can beat two competitors and become the contractor of the Air Force's fourth-generation fighter jets."

Qin Tao quickly shook his head: "No, Dad, don't trick me. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong!"

"Of course not. You are all writers, but I am not. If my name is written on it, I don't know how many people will scold me for fame." Qin Tao said.

"At the same time, we invited Mr. Qin from Mingzhou Group here today. Everyone knows that the J-31A project developed by them has become a global fighter jet and has won orders from many countries, creating a new era of military aircraft research and development. , and even many technologies of our fourth-generation aircraft have received a lot of inspiration and help from their projects."

As soon as these words came out, several people present understood that Qin Tao asked them to come here, so it turned out that they were the gunmen!

"That can't be done." Qin Tao thought for a while: "This kind of thing should be done by people who like to be famous. In our navy, we can push Zhang Zhong out. In the air force, there are also many excellent military theoretical researches. The personnel, for example, Qiao Liang, are very good."

"I'm a shipbuilder, and I'm here to join in the fun. Everyone, just pretend I don't exist." Qin Tao said, "Don't engage in old-fashioned meetings at this meeting. Since it's a bidding, please invite the bidding team to come up and let everyone discuss it." Eye-opener, which project comes first?"

This shape is almost the same as the Su-57, and Qin Tao felt a little regretful. The 601 Institute has also begun to exert its strength, but he still has to stand in line with the 611 Institute.

Gu Lao talked for a whole hour, from the fuselage layout, aerodynamics, to avionics, talking with great interest.

At that time, the J-16 project failed because it was too conservative. This project was completely a replica of the F78, with a medium-sweep-angle cutting-point delta wing, slender and narrow side strips, and high-altitude and high-speed invincibility. It was obtained from abroad after 23 years of use. The imitation of the MiG-29's R-300-[-] turbojet engine is even more swishing when it climbs.Taking into account the domestic technical level, they dare not use too advanced ones. They don't have turbofan engines or advanced fire control radars, and they still follow the path of Li Xiangyang in the air.

Look at the 611 Institute, it is simply the first in the history of aviation, fly-by-wire control, canard layout, large fire control radar on the nose, can these be handled domestically?This is clearly a PPT project!
Generally speaking, if the new technology exceeds 30.00%, the project has the risk of aborting, and the new technology of Project No. 60.00 is as high as [-]%!
Especially the full-motion canards and fly-by-wire controls.

In 86, the French Rafale ACX and the British EAP verification aircraft had just made their first flight, and the full-motion canards were on par with the West at once.The fly-by-wire control is the king of crashes. When the three generations of foreign aircraft were engaged in fly-by-wire control, more than one plane had fallen, and there was even a rumor that all good planes fell out!

However, it turned out that the J-601 won, and now that it has completed the test flight, the [-] Institute was very unwilling. They worked hard, and they must not lose the bidding for the fourth-generation aircraft!

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