Great warships

Chapter 611 The development of the 4th generation machine is based on data

Everyone nodded their heads.

There is no self-developed heavy fighter in China, and the only successful one in China is the medium fighter J-[-]. The performance of this fighter is very impressive, and the third-generation fighter should be like this.

The heavy fighter J-27 currently being produced in China is the authorized production model of Lao Maozi's Su-[-]. It is also a relatively safe way to make changes on the basis of this fighter.

However, this also means that the 601 Institute has once again chosen mediocrity. They dare not build brand new aircraft, they can only tinker with existing aircraft.

"Okay, let's ask Mr. Gu to introduce the plan of the 611 Institute."

Gu Lao stepped onto the stage, looked at the crowd below, and opened the PPT.

What is strange is that the homepage of his PPT does not have a picture of a fighter plane, but some text.

"Everyone, let's first study what the fourth-generation aircraft needs." Gu Lao began his speech: "The Americans put forward 4S theories, and these theories guide our fighter development. Let's introduce them separately. One is the stealth ability. On the battlefield, the American F-117 fighter jet has successfully demonstrated the power of the stealth plane. It only accounts for 40.00% of the sorties, but it destroys [-]% of the targets. Moreover, They are all high-risk targets. The fighter jet has stealth performance, which can make it a silent killer in the air. Especially when attacking the enemy's early warning aircraft and other high-value targets, it is the special skill of the stealth aircraft. Therefore, we must first From the appearance, it makes the fighter plane stealthy."

In the bidding meeting more than ten years ago, Institute 611 only made a short report between the reports of Institute 601, but this time it was different, they had a lot of time.

"Currently, several mature stealth aircraft in the world use the same nose layout, with rhombus nose and parallelogram air intake, and the air intake is just on the two sides below the rhombus, achieving aerodynamic and stealth features. Perfect integration, so we don't have any innovations, we still use this layout, but, in order to improve the combat performance of fighter jets, we use a duck-style layout, a V-shaped outwardly inclined double vertical tail layout."

"Has the Turbofan [-] completed the ground test?" Qin Tao is also very curious: "Your research and development progress is fast enough."

Of course, this will not be decided at one meeting. This meeting is just the beginning. At this time, hearing Qin Tao's words, Mr. Lin continued: "Then what should we do?"

"Mr. Lin, don't worry too much about this. The aerodynamic shape of the aircraft is just similar. As long as the next development is our own, it's like the Su-27 fighter jet. In our hands, it's not so bad that the old man can't change it. Can’t you recognize it? We installed avionics, and we even have a qualified engine in the future. It’s just similar to the Su-27 in appearance, but the combat power has been completely changed.” Qin Tao said: “I believe, As the leader of our military aircraft research and development, 601 Institute still has this ability, and I also look forward to all the wonderful performances of 601."

However, the service life of this vector nozzle is very low, only tens of hours, which cannot meet the high-intensity use.

"What?" Hearing Gu Lao's words, the other people sitting at a table were suddenly surprised.

At this point, everyone already understood that, just like the one more than ten years ago, Mr. Song gradually came to a conclusion based on the needs of future air combat: what kind of advanced fighter jets should we need!
"Finally, let's talk about the advanced avionics system. As a fourth-generation aircraft, it must use active phased array radar. According to Mr. Qin's introduction, this radar is already an integrated radio frequency system, which can not only search for targets , but also for communications and electronic warfare..."

Now, turbofan ten becomes embarrassing, should we continue to develop it?
Mr. Lin always has a long-term vision. After all, the third uncle is from abroad, and there will be a risk of cutting off the confession at any time, so he still has to rely on himself!Therefore, turbofan ten still has to be done!When it comes out in the future, it can not only equip the J-[-], but also equip our J-[-]!
The embarrassing situation of the R&D team of Turbofan [-] was over, but not long after, Turbofan [-] came again!

The fourth-generation heavy-duty stealth aircraft is the most important project of the Air Force. Such an important project was not developed by itself, but in cooperation with Sukhoi?Isn't the secret of our plane exposed to outsiders?
"Old Gu, why didn't you say it at the meeting just now?" Elder Lin's face became serious.

After finishing speaking, Mr. Lin glanced at Qin Tao: "Taozi, what's the matter with your expression? Do you have any ideas about this engine?"

"For a fourth-generation aircraft, the most important thing is the stealth performance, so, can we ask the two design institutes to manufacture a quarter-scale model each, and determine their stealth performance in the electromagnetic laboratory? .By the way, during the test, the scaled model of the engine should also be installed, and everything should imitate the real situation. Measure the average and maximum value of the RCS within the range of 30 degrees forward and 30 degrees sideways of the aircraft."

Under Qin Tao's suggestion, Mr. Song made up his mind and chose the third uncle as the engine of the J-[-], and finally let the J-[-] fly into the sky.

Although Lao Maozi has advanced aviation technology, after all, Lao Maozi has no experience in developing stealth aircraft. They are engaged in plasma stealth, and they have never touched shape stealth. Therefore, Lao Maozi also started from scratch.

Everyone was silent.

"Similarly, due to the backwardness of the engine, it is impossible for us to have supersonic cruise capability for the time being. For us, long range is more important than supersonic maneuvering. After the later modification of WS-15 is mature, we will replace it with It will be able to achieve supersonic cruise."

A major feature of the fourth-generation aircraft is stealth!Therefore, this performance must be determined, and everything depends on the data.

The turbofan 15 is still being improved, and subsequent models will reduce the weight, increase the thrust, and further increase the thrust-to-weight ratio. However, that is all in the future. In this regard, we cannot expect how fast the progress will be.

Generally speaking, this kind of meeting takes a whole day, but this time it was over in half a day, and Qin Tao played the main role. He proposed the way of speaking with various data, which was fair and just, and solved the problem of the Air Force at once. a big trouble.

Qin Tao frowned.

Elder Lin nodded: "That's right, let's dispatch a J-[-] to go there. Anyway, they are all in the same city, so it is convenient to transfer."

The next road needs to be taken by themselves. So far, the 601 Institute has not had any products that can be sold. The so-called J-23 fighter is just a double-issued version of the J-23. They didn’t dare to directly operate the air intake on both sides. They didn’t dare to graft it until they got the MiG-[-] and surveyed and mapped the nose of the MiG-[-]. Now, let them do this kind of project, will it be possible? Something too complicated?
There is no way to be complicated, they have to fight!
The J-3 has already succeeded, and there is no market for their J-[-]. Now, they must develop advanced fighter jets, otherwise, their big brother can only become an aircraft assembly factory!
After talking about this matter, Mr. Gu thought of something, and continued: "Old Lin, our 606 Institute has completed the ground test of turbofan [-]. Next, we need to apply for a fighter jet, install this engine, and conduct an air test. "

Now the bidding is for the main engine factory, which is responsible for the overall design. The engine and avionics are all determined by the supporting manufacturers, and they must develop the most perfect airframe!
"That's right, in this bidding, we have heard about the research and development plans of the two most advanced fighter jets. The next step is to compare the data. We need to study various data settings and formulate the most complete comparison plan." Mr. Lin made a final decision. : "Boss Qin, is there anything else to say?"

"Okay, the two fighters have been introduced. Next, we should talk about suggestions. Mr. Qin, what do you think?" Elder Lin began to summarize.

There is no domestic reserve for the two technologies, so it will take a long time to study them. The best way at present is to temporarily use a conventional engine, and wait until the technology meets the standards in the future before replacing it. In this way, the duck layout must be used to improve mobility. up.

Elder Lin nodded: "That's right, based on the data, no one needs to find a relationship. Our Air Force needs the best performance."

"Both the plans of the two design institutes are eye-catching." Qin Tao said, "However, it would be too hasty to make a decision based on these plans alone."

An advanced fighter took shape slowly in Song Lao's introduction.

"In the era of stealth aircraft, if you can destroy the enemy from a long distance, do you still need powerful combat performance?" A senior Air Force leader present spoke.

Da Mao is using the method of rotating the nozzle. The nozzle can rotate up and down more than ten degrees as a whole. After the improvement, it can even rotate left and right, which greatly improves the maneuverability of the aircraft after a stall. The number 711 that is frequently in the limelight at the European Air Show China's Su-37, relying on this technology to become famous.

"But the engine technology in the United States is advanced. If we also have a high-thrust engine with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 10, then we may also be able to use a conventional aerodynamic layout. Everyone, the shortcomings of the engine cannot be made up in a short time."

Mobility is not only a matter of high-thrust engines, but also thrust vectoring technology, which can allow aircraft to make more maneuvers, but this thrust vectoring technology is also very difficult.

"I'm just talking casually." Qin Tao smiled: "The Air Force has to come up with an outline for the specific project indicators, including the maximum lift-to-drag ratio, the maximum lift coefficient for low-speed takeoff and landing, and the overload coefficient for high angles of attack. "

Those RCS values ​​​​determine the stealth of the aircraft, and the latter two zero-lift drag coefficients also have a great effect on the performance of the aircraft. The value of Mach 0.8 determines the subsonic cruise combat radius of fighter jets, and the value of Mach 1.5 is for the future. To lay the foundation, when the engine is powerful in the future, it will be able to perform supersonic cruise at Mach 1.5 without afterburner, so now we must ensure that this value is excellent.

The thrust-to-weight ratio of the third uncle is also based on the calculation of dry weight, which is barely close to 8, and the thrust is insufficient, so it cannot be used as the power of the fourth-generation aircraft.

"Yes, I can see that your 601 Institute has a heavy task. You need to modify the J-601 model and design a new fighter. The design of this fighter has indeed gone a step further, reflecting your Level." When he said this, Qin Tao glanced at Gu Lao: "I just don't know, was the shape of this plane made by your [-] Institute independently, or in cooperation with Lao Maozi?"

"If you are facing a non-stealth fighter, you really don't need to get close, but what if the opponent is a stealth fighter? If you can't accurately detect and lock the opponent, you will still enter the line of sight. Since it is a heavy fighter, the combat performance It must also be its strong point, in order to align the nose with the target faster and get the opportunity to launch missiles, we continue to use the canard layout."

Project No. 40 has been completed. The total budget at the beginning was only [-] billion yuan, and the scientific researchers were saving money, but they didn't spend enough money in the end.

"In the case of insufficient power, we can only make up through the aerodynamic layout. We use the canard layout to improve the fighting performance of our aircraft under the condition of limited power." Song Lao continued: "We We believe that this solution is the most suitable at present, and it is our best choice until the thrust vectoring technology matures."

"That's right, there must be a plan for research and development funding and cost, and our air force can't be taken advantage of." Elder Lin expressed his opinion.

When Qin Tao said this, one of the air force bosses present said: "At the meeting just now, Mr. Qin said that he is a shipbuilder, and he is a layman when it comes to building aircraft. Now it seems that what is a layman? , Qin is always an absolute expert!"

The F-22 uses the simplest way to rotate the baffle, but when it rotates, it will lose the thrust of the engine. The American engine has a lot of thrust, and it doesn’t matter if it loses some, but for its own side, the thrust loss is unbearable. .

"The American F-22 has a conventional aerodynamic layout. Is it less maneuverable?"

Gu Lao sat beside Qin Tao, looking a little preoccupied.

"It wasn't developed by us, it was developed by the 606 Institute." Mr. Gu explained to Qin Tao: "Since the introduction of the R-79, our comrades in the 606 Institute have felt a lot of pressure. We must develop the engine as soon as possible as a gift to the motherland. Finally Fortunately, in 99, I was able to participate in the military parade in the capital."

At this time, not only is the reliability high and the life span is long, but even the thrust is first-class!The maximum thrust is similar to that of R-79, but it has a light weight and a high thrust-to-weight ratio!
"President Qin, do you have any opinion on Turbofan Ten? Do you think it is inferior to Turbofan Fifteen?" Mr. Gu also became nervous. Although President Qin is a shipbuilder, he also has great influence on the Air Force Ah, if he says he doesn't like it, the Air Force may give up.

"There is also the blowing tunnel, to determine the respective zero-lift drag coefficients of Mach 0.8 and Mach 1.5." Qin Tao continued to introduce.

Turbofan [-] was developed with his support, and he even recruited a lot of old-fashioned experts, and Turbofan [-] was developed by himself. These two projects seem to be high-thrust engine projects , are they competing with each other?

It was said at the meeting, is there any next chance?It will definitely be directly denied by you!

Its size is a circle larger than that of the F-22. This is a choice made for more fuel capacity, a larger bomb bay, etc. Its maximum take-off weight is also limited to about 35 tons.

The turbofan [-] was originally designed to support the J-[-], which is completely inconsistent with the development rules of the engine. After all, the development cycle of the engine is much higher than that of the aircraft. With the aircraft project, there is an engine project. , the engine will definitely not catch up!

Qin Tao shook his head.

"There is one more thing that should be added." Qin Tao looked at the people below, his eyes sparkling: "There are also research and development funds and costs. The bidding parties should come up with a reasonable plan. During the specific development process, it may You will overspend, but if you overspend too much, you will be held accountable."

"Mr. Qin, you should have noticed that our plan for this fourth-generation stealth machine was proposed by you at the beginning." Gu Lao said to Qin Tao.

Of course, Qin Tao has ideas. There are so many problems with the early turbofan ten!
There are too many problems such as low-altitude high-speed surge, four-stage compressor blade breakage, mid-air parking, etc. If you think that the test run on the bench is completed and it is installed on the plane, it is a big mistake.

However, Qin Tao also knows that the road of engine research and development is so uneven, especially when developing from scratch, there are many problems. When encountering problems, solve them, solve them continuously, optimize them continuously, and finally mature.

The lunch for the meeting had already been prepared, but it was originally scheduled to start at twelve o'clock, but now it was two o'clock, and everyone was hungry. After arriving at the cafeteria, they immediately started eating.

This made Turbofan [-]'s research and development team feel pressured, and with pressure comes motivation. Now, they have completed the test run on the ground bench and are planning to install it!
"If you want to test it in the air, it is not suitable to use our J-[-]. Our aircraft is single-engine, and once it fails, it will easily cause the plane to crash." Song Lao said for the first time: "It is still most suitable to use J-[-] , install the turbofan [-] and the third uncle at the same time, so that if the turbofan [-] fails, the flight capability can still be guaranteed.”

From Turbofan [-] to Turbofan [-]A, they were all problematic models. When it was Turbofan [-]B, the performance finally stabilized, and it began to be installed for J-[-]. When it came to Turbofan [-]C, it could still give The J-[-] is assembled, and there is even news that it has the capability of supersonic cruise.

Seeing the new project on 611, the 601 Institute was unwilling to lag behind, and proposed a major modification plan for the J-14 II, replacing it with a turbojet 10 engine, adopting a series of new technologies such as new pulse Doppler radar and fly-by-wire control, and developing a series of new technologies. A fighter jet of the same level as the J-7 was expected to spend [-] million yuan on development at that time, but later...

Elder Song on a table kept silent. He still clearly remembered Qin Tao’s analysis: the short engine compartment layout of the Su-27 series aircraft would inevitably lead to the air intake directly facing the engine. This design cannot have excellent performance. Radar reflection area, so it will definitely be eliminated!
Qin Tao also supports his fourth-generation aircraft in duck-style layout, and, more importantly, the J-31A was originally developed in 611. Although the development department is separated from their research institute by a wall, the big guy We usually meet each other, so they are more familiar with how to develop a stealth machine.

At present, the turbofan-15 with the largest thrust in China is an imitation of the R-79 engine. The afterburning thrust has reached 152 kN, but its dead weight is also as high as 2.5 tons, resulting in a thrust-to-weight ratio of only about 6.

The size of the turbofan 152 is slightly larger than that of the turbofan [-], but at the same time, the thrust is also large. The initial afterburning thrust can reach [-] kN, far exceeding the thrust of the turbofan [-]. In the later negotiations with Lao Maozi , and even intends to replace the third uncle.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Gu Lao blushed slightly, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Qin, you can't hide anything from your eyes. The aerodynamic shape of this aircraft is created by us and Sukhoi Design Bureau. developed together."

Among other things, just making a model and testing the real stealth area, he is confident that it is better than 601, so their 611 will win this time!
At this time, upon hearing Qin Tao's words, Gu Lao nodded: "Yes, Lao Maozi participated in the appearance of this project, but the road ahead must be left to us. Maozi is on the same starting line."

The meeting didn't last too long, from eight o'clock in the morning to two o'clock, even if it was over, Qin Tao held his growling stomach: "It seems that I have to stay for dinner."

If you want to develop a brand new fighter, you have to spend money, but this thing is a bottomless pit, and you must have budget control.

"The Turbofan [-] project is of great significance." Qin Tao began to explain: "Our J-[-], J-[-], and even the J-[-] and J-[-] in the future must be powered by it. The current aircraft have a long lifespan. For the life of the engine, wait until these three uncles have reached the end of their life, and then change the engine, and then we can change our turbofan ten."

"Our turbofan 152 is prepared for the fourth-generation aircraft. Its initial thrust has reached 181 kN, and in future modifications, the thrust can reach 200 kN, or even more than [-] kN. With it, the fourth-generation aircraft can finally achieve the target of supersonic cruise." Qin Tao continued: "The installation targets of these two engines are different, and they are not in competition."

Gu Lao breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Qin Tao's expression just now, he thought he was very dissatisfied with the turbofan.

"I just thought of the tortuous experience that the Americans went through when they developed the third-generation fighter jet engine. Therefore, we had better be mentally prepared. After the turbofan ten is installed, it may take five years or even ten years to complete the process. Perfect." Qin Tao looked at everyone seriously: "We don't have to be late for a good meal, we have to have enough time to prepare."

Mr. Lin nodded: "That's right, Turbofan [-] is made by ourselves, and we will inevitably face various problems. However, no matter what problems arise, we hope that our technicians can use their ingenuity to find out the problem correctly. Don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged, our Air Force fully supports Turbofan Ten."

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