Great warships

Chapter 612 J-6 Turned Out

"Hey, I'm on a pirate ship again." Sitting on the plane heading north, Qin Tao felt a little emotional.

"Since you support our aviation industry so much, it's normal to go and see it together. Don't you want to see the two-seater J-[-]?" Elder Lin said with a smile.

After the meeting, Mr. Gu invited all the bigwigs from the Air Force to Institute 601. Everyone could see that this was to create momentum for their bidding!
The outsiders didn't know the inside story of the bidding, but they only knew that after the bidding was over, everyone from the Air Force went to Shenfei, and the result was self-evident.

Moreover, Boss Qin also went with him!
In fact, Qin Tao came with him because he was pulled over by Mr. Lin. At this moment, when he heard Mr. Lin say this, he had a wry smile on his face: "I'm a shipbuilder, not an airplane builder."

"You Mingzhou Group can even make rockets, let alone airplanes. Besides, the J-31A is also owned by your group. You still say that you don't make airplanes?" Elder Lin said with a smile.

"President Qin, this J-[-] fighter is not only a two-seat fighter-bomber built for the air force, but also built for the navy, so you should go over and have a look at it this time, and check it out for the navy." Elder Gu said from the side .

"Now, the Air Force has officially assigned the number to J-[-]? Isn't there still J-[-] useless?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

"Hmph, the navy directly assigned the number J-[-] to the carrier-based aircraft, skipped J-[-], and wanted to use it for our Air Force?" Elder Lin said dissatisfiedly: "They despise this number, why do we want to use it?" Use? We are next to their J-[-], shouldn't we start J-[-]?"

Qin Tao shook his head, the navy numbered it like this to conform to the convention, and your air force is a little superstitious.

However, he still didn't have the nerve to say it.

Anyway, this is a special plane, and the people on the plane are all bigwigs of the Air Force, so there is no need to hide anything.

"This fighter can be produced in such a short period of time, I still have to thank Mr. Qin. At the beginning, we used some methods to get a Su-30 of Lao Maozi. We carried out perfect surveying and mapping, and then we have our own The J-[-]." Gu Lao continued.

"The Air Force can apply for a fund to purchase a batch of Su-35 fighter jets, and then give some sweets to Lao Maozi. In this way, Lao Maozi should be able to sit back and watch the birth of our J-[-]."

The nose of that plane is drooping, and the canopy is very long. It can be seen at a glance that it is a two-seater trainer plane.Yemelyanov was taken aback for a moment.

"Of course."

"Are we just surveying and mapping?" Qin Tao asked.

Except for the original Su-27SK that was produced in Komsomolsk, the rest of the aircraft were produced in Factory 112. The Komsomolsk Aircraft Factory only provided some aircraft parts. There are fewer and fewer parts, such as bulkheads and girders, and the 112 factory is gradually able to produce them by itself.

"No, no, this is not a two-seater trainer, this is a fighter, a two-seater fighter-bomber!" Yemelyanov looked at the HUD in the cockpit with complicated eyes. No, the Orientals actually developed this advanced cockpit display device!
However, that thing also betrayed the Orientals. Only a fighter-bomber can be equipped with such a high-end cockpit HUD!

The improvement of the J-[-] fighter is incomplete. Although domestic weapons are used to support it, but because the technology is not fully understood, even if the weight of the radar is reduced, a counterweight must be added in the front, otherwise the center of gravity of the aircraft will change.

Day three.

"This plane will be assembled soon, and we will drag it out for a test flight, and the old man will definitely see it." Sun hurriedly said, "Boss Qin, what excuse should we use? "

Hearing his words, one person turned his head. When he saw him, his face immediately changed, and he said quickly, "This plane is a modified version of our two-seater trainer plane. We plan to test it."

Yemelyanov ran for a few minutes and gradually moved his body. At this moment, the roar of an engine came from a distance.

"This time we built a J-30 fighter similar to the Su-[-]. After seeing it, Lao Maozi will definitely be unhappy." Qin Tao said: "If Lao Maozi is offended by this, then we still want to cooperate in the future, so we won't be happy." Easy."

"So, if we want to purchase, we have to show sincerity and purchase at least forty. In this way, even if the old man watches us develop the J-[-], he will not say anything. With this order, it is enough The Komsomolsk Aircraft Factory has been in production for five or six years."

Although there are flying leopards in China, the flying leopards are no match for the J-[-]. Only the H[-]K can give them a sense of urgency.

"Our relevant units developed this advanced diffraction head-up display two years ago, but the technology was not yet mature at the beginning. Now, we are also using this kind of head-up display on a fighter for the first time. After all, as For a fighter-bomber, its head-up display should not only display characters, but also display images when needed."

Fresh air, warm sunrise, this is the most comfortable season of the year!

Because the diffraction effect of the green light source is better, and the display glass of the diffraction head-up display adopts multi-layer coating technology, this advanced diffraction head-up display looks green.

Although the Sukhoi Design Bureau is still selling aircraft, those are all produced by the Irkutsk Aircraft Factory, and have nothing to do with the Komsomolsk Aircraft Factory. Now, if you can purchase a batch, Da Mao will definitely be happy Damn, I don't care about imitating the Su-30.

"You all know about our Boom [-]K project, so you speed up the progress?" At this moment, Qin Tao suddenly realized.

The position of the center of gravity of the aircraft is very important. If the center of gravity coincides with the center of lift, it is statically stable. Conversely, it is statically unstable. After the aircraft is designed, the center of lift remains unchanged, but the center of gravity needs to be changed. Fill each fuel tank with fuel The amount of ammunition and the amount of ammunition mounted on the weapon rack will cause the center of gravity to change.Depending on the mount and fuel, the pilot's operation is also different. If the mount is not suitable, it may even cause danger in flight.

It was not until the 80s that China began to enter the era of head-up display. The first model was the J-132 fighter manufactured by the [-] factory, which used the products of Marconi. After that, the head-up display began to take root in China and was used on most of the subsequent fighters. .

"In terms of radar, we use the same 1493 radar as J-150. It has the ability to detect targets with a radar reflection area of ​​12 square meters at a distance of [-] kilometers. At the same time, the processing system behind this radar has been upgraded. , it can carry more kinds of weapons and ammunition, especially the various precision-guided munitions under development. After all, this aircraft is positioned as a fighter-bomber, and it must have precision attack capabilities. The fighter-bombers used by the navy can also Mount the YJ-[-] series of anti-ship missiles."

Although the H[-]K project is only a bomber project, due to its advanced performance, it will definitely enter the service of the navy and air force in large quantities, which objectively squeezes the fighter-bomber market.

This thing needs advanced processing methods. After the collapse of the Red Empire, the old man has been eating his laurels. When improving the Su-30 fighter, he was equipped with a diffraction head-up display. However, these diffraction head-up displays were purchased from the French company Thales. After 2014, France cut off the supply, and Da Mao replaced the Su-30 with a refracting HUD.It was not until the Su-57 that the diffraction head-up display produced by itself was used.

"One or two fights? If you really mention one or two fights with Lao Maozi, what do you think they will think?" Qin Tao said with a smile: "The old Maozi is not stupid, and he will immediately know that we are imitating. If Maozi doesn't want to be with us, we'll be damned!"

However, this early head-up display is a refraction type. There are two layers of glass on the display, which uses the refraction and reflection of light to project the display information emitted by the cathode camera tube onto the imaging glass at the front of the pilot.Although it can display characters, it is not clear and the field of view is small.

"Actually, if it is for imitation, we only need to buy one or two." Sun Cong said.

"I don't think it's important. This is a matter between your air force and navy. I'm just responsible for solving the matter of getting the old man to approve the J-[-]." Qin Tao said.

"Yes, in some respects, we have already surpassed Lao Maozi. As long as we wait for time, we will eventually completely surpass Lao Maozi." Qin Tao is also emotional.

Another big problem of the Su-27 is rickets, which are all caused by the heavy nose radar.

Qin Tao smiled: "At the old Maozi's place, I heard what their people said."

It can be said that the time has come for the Komsomolsk Aircraft Factory to fail.

"How can you do this?" Yemelyanov was angry: "We once brought the most advanced Su-30 here to show you, but it fell into the water and we lost a lot! You should buy our Su-30." -[-] is right, but now, you actually modified this fighter-bomber directly, this is an insult to us!"

"In the 80s, when we experienced the Phantom 2000, the French aircraft realized the adjustment of the flight control." Lin Lao talked about what happened more than ten years ago, and he still vividly recalled: "Their aircraft mounted weapons Afterwards, the flight control system can automatically adjust according to the weapon loading situation, which greatly liberates the pilot's operation. Now, we have also realized this capability."

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, our comrades in Institute 601 and Factory 112 are doing a great job!"

This is also a function of the diffraction head-up display: displaying images!

Qin Tao's eyes brightened: "In this way, it's really worth seeing."

He remembered very clearly that recently, all the single-seat fighter jets were produced in the factory, and no two-seat trainer planes were produced!Why did this plane suddenly appear?Also, why is the head-up display in front of the cockpit so green?

"Why not? Your copycat behavior is too much. We tolerated it last time, but it doesn't mean we can tolerate it again!"

The last time the J-33 was able to tolerate it, there are many reasons. Da Mao has closed the Su-[-] production line, and this aircraft has never flown to the East. The Orientals have produced carrier-based aircraft, which is indeed their own ability. However, the two-seater fighter-bomber in front of me is different. This aircraft was intended to be sold to the East by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. Now that the East has made it themselves, how can they make money?

Elder Lin frowned: "What did you say? The J-[-] telex malfunctioned?"

This diffractive head-up display uses a holographic display made of curved glass with small etched lines on one side, and the light diffracts into the pilot's eyes.It has a brighter image, higher exterior perspective and character reflectivity, and a larger field of view for easier viewing and aiming.

"Then if we want to purchase the Su-35, it's not our Air Force's business. The Air Force and the Navy have to share the cost together!" Mr. Lin said: "Anyway, the Navy needs a large number of J-[-]s. Mr. Qin, what do you think? ?”

"At present, we have already understood the design of the Su-27 and are able to produce it ourselves. However, we still need to rely on Lao Maozi. In many cases, we cannot tear ourselves apart with Lao Maozi."

"No, when we surveyed and mapped the Su-30, we found that its airframe is still different from the Su-27KUB. Its airframe has been strengthened and can carry more plug-ins." Gu Lao introduced: "Also, there are It can have maneuverability similar to that of the Su-27."

"I'm a shipbuilder, so I'm not familiar with aviation." Qin Tao quickly changed the subject: "What about the cockpit? Has it been changed to a one-level three-down layout?"

"What about the airframe?" Qin Tao continued to ask: "Is the airframe still perforated like the Su-27?"

This sentence is sincere. After all, the technical difficulty of these aircraft is still very high. It will take a long time for a factory that originally produced the second-generation aircraft to master the production technology of the third-generation aircraft. On the eleventh, the J-601 was also produced, and the J-112 is being assembled. These all represent the fighting spirit of a large group of people in the [-] and [-] factories.

"I know, just tell me directly." Elder Lin said, "What solution do you have?"

When Yemelyanov ran over, the plane had already been dragged to the tarmac. It seemed that the plane was going to take off after completing various tests!

The workers are still in the process of assembling, so it is not very suitable to jump directly into the cockpit, but you can stand on the platform at the side, condescendingly look down, and you can see the scene in the cockpit, especially the green HUD. When he got to that thing, Qin Tao was also very surprised: "Diffraction HUD?"

"That's right, Boss Qin's method is feasible. The last time our J-35 telex failed, the old man forced us to buy the Su-35 before sending technicians to solve the problem." Sun hurriedly said: "This time we As long as we buy a batch of Su-35, the old man will be able to swallow this breath, and we can also understand the technology of Su-[-] to better improve our J-[-]!"

"Then Qin always supports us?" Sun Zhuo asked excitedly.

If after taking off, he flew directly to the army or the flight test academy, then he would not be able to find the plane at all. At this time, Yemelyanov had already guessed something in his heart, and his face was even more ugly. He stepped forward and ran past.

"It's not what you think, Mr. Yemelyanov."

"Of course it's not entirely about surveying and mapping." Gu Lao said: "The last time the J-[-] telex control failure, we spent a lot of effort to solve it, and at the same time, we have learned more about this aircraft. Sixteenth, we also carried out the same work, thoroughly understood the aerodynamic layout parameters of the aircraft, directly uploaded the digital telex, and also solved the problem of counterweight.”

"Mr. Qin, you also said that you are a shipbuilder and don't know much about aviation. You are very familiar with this latest technology!"


How to share the funds between the air force and the navy is not up to Qin Tao, and he can't control that much.

Fifteen telex failures almost caused a first-class flight accident. This taught the 601 Institute a vivid lesson. At the same time, they also thoroughly understood the technology in the process of solving the problem.

Yemelyanov has gotten used to life in the East, and the food and lodging are much more comfortable than in Damao's home country. Moreover, the habits he has developed over the years have not changed. Early in the morning, he wears sportswear and walks along the Running along the grass on the edge of the runway of the 112 factory.

How to raise funds is Mr. Lin's business. Qin Tao only thinks about how to persuade Lao Maozi.

"Old Lin, since you brought me here, I don't know if I should say something or not." Qin Tao said.

The head-up display is a great improvement in the cockpit display system of fighter jets. The first aircraft used a direct aiming ring, and later there were gyro-stabilized sights. In the 70s and [-]s, the head-up display in the cockpit finally appeared.

"Yes, the modern one-level and three-down layout has reached the world's advanced level in terms of avionics." Sun Cong said, "Now you can step on the platform and go up to have a look."

Now the most advanced digital telex has finally solved this problem, and it can be adjusted automatically in the flight control!In this way, the reduction of the weight of the machine head has also been perfectly solved.

"Taozi, it looks like you are familiar with these planes." Wu Shengli asked.

He looked up, and an aircraft tractor was towing an aircraft.

The only problem is that if you purchase [-], it will be a huge expense!

Whether it is the image of the radar synthetic aperture function or the image scanned by the red device, it can be displayed on it!
Looking at the Diffraction HUD, which was twice as large as before, Mr. Lin was filled with emotion: "I never thought that our technology would develop so fast! No one even has this thing!"

Elder Lin nodded: "That's true."

"Hey, what is your plane?" Yemelyanov shouted to the people present after running over.

"President Qin, even if there is no H[-]K, we still have a lofty sense of mission and responsibility." Sun Cong said from the side: "We are not just an assembly plant, we also need to have our own technology. J-[-], J-[-] is a manifestation of our scientific research capabilities."

Compared with single-seat fighter jets, its back bulge is higher, which is to better arrange the second cockpit, but this layout also makes its nose look more drooping. At this time, the nose has not yet After the installation was completed, the radome was not installed. You can see the huge flat-panel slot radar antenna standing there, and there are still a lot of lines behind it.

The development of ordinary displays has entered the era of diffraction HUD.

In the process of self-made J-[-], Lao Maozi gave the green light. At that time, his own side also went all out. If Lao Maozi wanted to get stuck, he would completely use Lao Maozi's accessories, so that Lao Maozi could not make any money.

Now that the avionics system has been updated, the equipment in the cockpit must also be replaced.

The plane landed directly on the runway of Factory 112. After getting off the plane, everyone was very excited and went to watch the J-[-] that was about to be assembled in the final assembly workshop.

This workshop also produces J-[-] fighter jets at the same time, which is separate from the J-[-] factory building. No matter what is going on here, the old Maozi's technical consultants don't know. Only when the plane goes out and gets on the runway, the old Maozi will understand. : Another plane was faked.

"Okay, tell me." Elder Lin nodded.

What now?
Now that our own side has produced an aircraft similar to the Su-30, why should the old man become angry from embarrassment?They also tried to export their own Su-30 to make money, but they got it done by themselves!
From a theoretical point of view, it is a bit unreasonable for our side to do this. After all, this plane was designed by an old man, and our side is imitating it. This kind of thing is not pleasant to say.

It is at the same level as the pilot's line of sight, that is, a small transparent glass behind the windshield of the cockpit. It will not block the pilot's line of sight, and it can pass some information such as flight parameters, weapons and ammunition, and radar aiming. After computer processing, it is projected through optical components in the form of images and characters.In this way, important flight parameters can be displayed without blocking the pilot's line of sight. During air combat, the pilot can concentrate on tracking the target without looking down at the flight instruments.

Domestic related technologies have already surpassed Lao Maozi, such as airborne radar, such as avionics equipment, such as this diffraction head-up display!

Reminiscent of the Su-30 that fell into the sea when they came to show the results in the past, they are even more aggrieved. They have lost so much and there is no profit. How can they not worry about it?

In the midst of the quarrel, another person came over: "What's going on? What are you arguing about?"

Is this voice familiar?
Yemelyanov turned his head and saw Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin? You came at the right time, and you can judge us! They shamelessly imitated our Su-30. This is a serious infringement. We want to Go to the international court to sue!"

"Emelyanov, my good friend, there must be a misunderstanding about this matter." Qin Tao said: "I just learned that in the research and development of a new generation of fighters, you and 601 have cooperated closely. How can you imitate it now?" Your fighter? Don't get excited, let's talk slowly."

This sentence made Yemelyanov calm down. Yes, in the research and development of the fourth-generation aircraft, the 601 Institute cooperated with them to design the shape of the fighter jet. The cooperation is still close. Now, is this matter true? Is there a misunderstanding?
However, seeing the green HUD, he became firm again. This is definitely not a misunderstanding, this plane is definitely a proper fighter-bomber!This time, the Orientals don't want to fish in troubled waters, just fool around!
Violating Sukhoi's bottom line again and again, this time I must give an explanation!

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