Great warships

Chapter 613 The technology has surpassed Lao Maozi

Chapter 613 The technology has surpassed Lao Maozi

"If it is a joint research and development of fighter jets, of course they can use our shape design, but now, instead of joint research and development, without our authorization, they use our two-seat trainer to convert it into a fighter-bomber. It is not allowed!"

Forget about the J-[-] incident last time, and now they are playing the same trick again. Do you really think that our Sukhoi Design Bureau will tolerate this kind of behavior?If you can produce everything, then our Komsomolsk Aircraft Factory must not go bankrupt?

Yemelyanov must stick to the principles, even if Qin Tao is here to fight with him, it is impossible for him to say a few words here, and his side will give up intellectual property rights!
Be tough this time.

"So, what are you going to do? Complaints?" Qin Tao patted Yemelyanov on the shoulder: "It doesn't make any sense to be so stiff. If you believe me, I can help you out of it." Coordinate."

"Coordination? How can you coordinate?" Yemelyanov looked at Qin Tao.

"Well, let's talk while walking, how about it? Don't delay their work, this plane can't run anyway."

Yemelyanov looked at the plane, then at Qin Tao, and finally chose to listen to Qin Tao.

After all, Qin Tao and them are good friends. They have worked together on many things before, but this time they encountered something that made them angry, maybe Qin Tao can help solve it.


The old industrial base in Northeast China is almost the largest industrial center after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the aviation industry also started here.There are 601 factories that research and develop aircraft, 112 factories that produce fighter jets, 606 factories that research and develop engines, and 410 Liming factories that produce engines.

"Our turbofan ten engine uses three stages of fan, nine stages of rectification, one stage of high pressure, one stage of low pressure, a total of twelve stages, and a single stage of high efficiency, high power, high and low pressure turbine. It is a high thrust, high thrust-to-weight ratio and low bypass ratio. advanced engine."

In the 50s, with the introduction of MiG-17 in China, the supporting VK-1F engine was also introduced simultaneously. Mr. Wu was the designer of the engine at that time. Some people think that imitation or introduction is enough, but Wu Daguan, who was the director of the second production department at that time, thought that China can only truly achieve a qualitative leap if it independently develops engines.

Fortunately, the plane did not fly away directly. Two or 10 minutes later, the plane landed on the runway again.

If there is a special case, it is the Tomcat fighter jet, which is originally a two-seater, and there is no way to open up a third seat for the instructor. Therefore, the method adopted by the Americans is to let the instructor sit behind the radar officer. It is a miracle that there are no accidents in this way to teach the pilots in the front cabin flying skills and instructing them on flying skills.

Listening to these data, Yemelyanov's face became more and more ugly, and he had already heard the meaning of these words.

The characteristic of Lao Maozi is that its lifespan is short. Anyway, on the battlefield, it will be destroyed after flying for less than a hundred hours, but in peacetime, its short lifespan becomes a burden.

The thrust loss of this turbofan ten at high altitude is significantly smaller than that of the third uncle, and the high-speed thrust recovery characteristics are much stronger than that of the third uncle. , it can produce more than 20KN more thrust than the third uncle at most.

The horizontal axis is M, and the vertical axis is KN. Each line is a thrust envelope at a certain height. When Yemelyanov saw this picture, his eyes widened.

"Okay, okay!" Yemelyanov was overjoyed.

After going through many twists and turns of models, Mr. Wu went to 430 factory to help imitate Spey, and never came back.However, he is still concerned about the 606 Institute, the turbofan ten project, which was promoted by Mr. Wu.

Rurika - Saturn?What does it have to do with them?Yemelyanov was puzzled.

Yemelyanov nodded, but when he looked at the plane again, he thought of something and continued: "If you don't purchase the Su-35, then we will still pursue the patent of that plane. infringement."

The first flight ceremony was over, and after lunch, all the people went to the 606 institute.

Of course he knows that Mr. Lin is a big boss in the air force, with a high position and authority. He was the one who facilitated the purchase of Su-27 fighter jets by the Orientals. The importance of a fighter plane.

"Last time, during the telex troubleshooting of J-35, you proposed to sell a Su-[-]. What kind of aircraft is this?"

"Can I go up and have a look?" Yemelyanov couldn't help looking at the green thing in front of the cockpit.

On the one hand, if you don't pursue it, we will give you benefits, and everything is negotiable. On the other hand, if it really gets stuck, we are not afraid of anything.

Mr. Wu and Mr. Xu jointly submitted the report, suggesting to take the road of self-designed and manufactured engines, and to establish aerodynamic research and aero-engine research institutions at the same time!
After the approval of his superiors, Mr. Wu first set up the first jet engine design room in China in the 410 factory, and served as the director of the design room.In the absence of various conditions, the design of my country's first jet trainer power engine began.

If this engine is successfully developed, then there is no need for their third uncle to sell it to the East. The East can have a better and more advanced engine!
If you want to sell, you can only sell more advanced engines!

The more monitors there are, the worse the integration performance of the system is. If the other party brags about four monitors, it is a big mistake. Just look at later generations and you will know that the most advanced fighter jets only have one overall monitor. The content is much more.

Although the engine is from the Rurika-Saturn complex, the Sukhoi Design Bureau is the general contractor, and they can still make money from it, and now that the Easterners have advanced engines, it is impossible to purchase the third uncle in large quantities Yes, the Sukhoi Design Bureau needs to save a lot of expenses.

Yemelyanov was stunned again.

The roar of the engine came, and the J-[-] started the engine. In the eyes of everyone, the plane taxied from the runway and took off. The whole movement was extremely smooth. The upper body can also be seen very clearly.

Uncle San’s lifespan for the first overhaul is [-] hours. After two or three overhauls, it will be scrapped. The entire lifespan is about [-] hours. The advanced engine in front of me has three times the lifespan of theirs!
This means that the cost of using the engine will be greatly reduced!
Yemelyanov's heart was in a mess, and a thought appeared in his mind: How is it possible, the engine is the crown of the aviation industry, do Easterners have this ability?Can you develop an engine whose performance far exceeds your own?

"Yes, in the 80s, our relationship with the West was still very good. It was normal for us to obtain advanced engines from the West and then carry out surveying and imitation. Up to now, the West has not accused us of copying their engines, Ye Mei Mr. Liyanov, if you insist on pursuing the infringement, it is really not worth the loss. In the field of military industry, there is no infringement or non-infringement, only whether it can be produced."

The high-altitude test run is already the last step before the engine is installed on the plane, which shows that the development of this engine is very smooth!
With complicated emotions, Yemelyanov looked at the engine running at high speed on the test bench, and when he heard the roar of the engine, his expression became even uglier.

The maximum thrust of a certain engine is actually limited. Most turbofan engines have to lose thrust at high altitude and high speed. However, the engine in front of me has very little thrust. It is simply a turbojet in a turbofan!
The high-altitude and high-speed downthrust drops very little, which means that this kind of engine has excellent high-altitude and high-speed performance, which is very important for fighter jets to perform emergency missions. Even if it cannot cruise at supersonic speed, it can at least fly at high altitude with the fastest speed.

This core engine is very similar to the American engine. This time, the Orientals did not copy Da Mao, but copied the Western ones!For some reason, a sense of loss suddenly surged in his heart.

Hearing Qin Tao's question, Yemelyanov immediately became interested: "Mr. Qin, this is the latest modern fighter jet developed by our Sukhoi! The Su-37 that often appears at air shows, It is based on the Su-35 that the model of the vector nozzle is replaced, if you can purchase a batch of Su-35, we will no longer pursue your imitation of the Su-30."

Yemelyanov was about to nod just now, but he thought of what happened to the Su-30, and immediately shook his head: "No, no, we can't fly the most advanced fighter jets here, you can organize a research team to go to our Su-[-] Hoy to see the wonderful display of this fighter!"

"Mr. Lin, today we also arranged to inspect the 606 Institute. Do you want to take our good friend Da Mao with you?"

"Everyone, we can go to the high-altitude test stand now. Our engine is currently undergoing a high-altitude test run." After the introduction, Mr. Zhang led everyone to the test stand.

J-[-] had been preparing on the tarmac for more than two hours, and there were more and more people watching around.

"I came here to observe the flight of this aircraft. After the inspection, they invited me to the 606 Design Institute."

Qin Tao took advantage of this opportunity and hit Yemelyanov again, so that this guy would not always feel that he was still standing on the commanding heights.

"Copy the American engine?"

"Okay, then please contact the Sukhoi Design Bureau as soon as possible and arrange an air show for us so that we can watch this most advanced fighter jet up close. If it can meet our needs, we will purchase [-] in the first batch." shelf!"

Laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. Yemelyanov just glanced at the structure of the engine and knew that it was different from the third uncle. In jargon, the structure of the turbofan ten is 3+9+1+1, while The third uncle is 4+9+1+1, without a first-level fan, it is a different type.

"Qin, I still want to go and see. As a Sukhoi expert, I want to know whether that kind of engine can be used on the Su-27."

"The successful development of this aircraft represents a new step in our self-developed fighter capabilities." Mr. Lin said: "We have already developed the J-[-], and now we have the J-[-]. In the future, we will There will be more, more advanced fighter jets."

Speaking of engine research and development, we have to mention the father of domestic aero-engines, Mr. Wu.

"Mr. Yemelyanov, how about our J-[-] fighter?" Elder Lin asked Yemelyanov excitedly.

The J-[-] has been finalized, and the third uncle is used. The people in the Sukhoi Design Bureau know that now, Qin Tao has given them a sense of crisis, and told them that these are all forced by you, otherwise we will still be good friends ah.

Qin Tao made it clear.

At this time, Mr. Zhang continued to explain, and when he saw the picture of the internal core machine, he seemed to understand.

In the past, the target of plagiarism by the Orientals must be Lao Maozi, but now?Easterners actually look down on it!
In the following time, Yemelyanov was in a state of confusion, and he heard many things scatteredly, such as the front temperature of the turbine at [-] Kelvin, and some special alloy materials. In short, this engine sounds It looks very tall!
However, such an advanced thing, is it true?Will these people deliberately use a PPT to deceive themselves?Yemelyanov sought comfort for himself, and finally found such a reason.

"Okay, then let's split up and I'll help convince the leadership of the Air Force that you contact the Sukhoi Design Bureau to investigate the Su-35."

Yemelyanov's heart suddenly became excited. Qin is indeed a good friend of his side. At this time, he can mediate for his side and find the best solution!Just like the design of the fourth-generation aircraft, it was Qin who promoted it. The Sukhoi Design Bureau also gained a lot of benefits from this design. Now, Qin is helping to solve the problem again!
Under his expectant gaze, Elder Lin came over.

"My old friend, many things have to be considered from a different angle, and it will suddenly become clear." Qin Tao and Yemelyanov walked on the runway and began to give him advice: "For example, now here The research and development of the two-seat fighter-bomber has been completed, even if you protest, even if it makes a fuss internationally, it will be meaningless."

606 Design Institute?Hearing Qin Tao's words, Yemelyanov pondered for a few seconds before reacting: "The engine you developed yourself succeeded?"

What self-research, you are clearly copying our fighters!Yemelyanov was extremely upset, but he couldn't say anything, he could only force a smile.

Everyone came to the meeting room first, and the introduction of Turbofan Ten was displayed on the screen of the projector.

"Welcome, you can go up and have a look. It's completely different from your Da Mao watch shop." Qin Tao said, and then thought of something: "Is the cockpit of your Su-35 still a watch shop?"

"Well, I can help you to coordinate. I wonder if you can send a Su-35 over to give us a live demonstration? In this way, the leaders of our Air Force have seen the advanced performance of this fighter, and maybe We can make a final purchase."

"There is no operating lever in the back seat, so this is a fighter-bomber." After stepping on the gangway and seeing the layout of the cockpit, Yemelyanov couldn't help muttering. When he saw the plane just now, the technicians Also trying to fool him as a trainer!
The layout of the front and rear cockpits of the trainer is the same, and the position of the instructor in the rear seat must also have a joystick, so that it is convenient for the instructor to take over the operation of the aircraft at critical times.

For the J-[-] and J-[-] on the production line, there are not many materials imported from Damao, including engines and ejection seats, etc., all need to be imported, and many other parts can already be produced here.

"If we continue to build a good relationship, I can still convince the superiors that even if the self-developed ones are mature, they can continue to purchase your engines. If there is a real breakdown, it will be you who will suffer."

"Okay, let's go together." Elder Lin nodded.

"At that time, the turbofan 13 we developed was abandoned halfway, but we believe that the current turbofan 14 will be successfully developed. Its initial thrust can reach [-] tons, and when it is improved later, it can easily reach [-] tons."

The performance of this engine is even better than Uncle San!
So, will the Orientals buy the third uncle in large quantities again?
Yemelyanov was in a bad mood when he came out of Office 606. When he went to the bathroom, he happened to see Qin Tao again, and immediately asked for help: "Qin, your side is completely out of control. We need the rhythm of our engines."

"Okay, let me apply for you. We are very polite to our friends. You should be qualified for this inspection." Qin Tao said: "However, that kind of engine is not used on the Su-27. The original plan Here, it is used on the J-[-]."

But soon, his idea was proved to be untenable.

The only thing they can get stuck on is the engine. Now, is there a breakthrough in this area?
Although Dongfang has an imitation version of the R-79 engine, after all, this engine is too heavy and has excess thrust, so it is not the best choice for the J-[-], but if a similar engine is successfully developed, then the export of the engine will also increase. Reduced to zero!
Yemelyanov's face had changed.

"Welcome, everyone is welcome to come to our 606 office for inspection." Mr. Zhang warmly greeted everyone, and when he saw Yemelyanov, he was very enthusiastic: "Mr. Yemelyanov? You are a Sukhoi designer." The consultants sent by the Bureau will definitely be able to give us better advice on the engine. Please come in, please come in quickly!"

Now, what should he do?
Go up and denounce the shamelessness of the Orientals, copying their fighters?Or ask for more orders from the Orientals?
Just when he was hesitating, he saw Qin Tao walking up and whispering something in Elder Lin's ear, and then Elder Lin looked towards him.

Yemelyanov immediately became nervous when he saw Elder Lin.

"Through the test on the high-altitude test bench, we have obtained the complete thrust envelope of the turbofan [-]. What excites us most is its high-altitude and high-speed performance." Mr. Zhang continued to introduce to everyone: "Look, everyone, here is a blackboard , the above is the envelope of the high-altitude and high-speed performance we tested."

"Another angle? How?" Yemelyanov asked.

"Well, I'm not too sure about this, but if you think this engine is imitated by the third uncle, then you are very wrong." Qin Tao knew what the other party was thinking: "This third-generation big-budget project It was in the 80s, much earlier than the introduction of the Su-27, and if you have to say imitation, it is also an imitation of the American F110 engine, definitely not your third uncle."

Now, the chief designer of Turbofan [-] is Mr. Zhang. For the person in charge of this project, he feels a great responsibility and a lot of pressure. Looking at his white hair, Qin Tao is also very emotional. It is because of unknown scientific researchers like Mr. Zhang, who work day after day, that the military industry of the motherland has finally developed to the world's top level!
The initial Turbofan [-] was also extremely immature, so that many people shouted that it was too good to be good. However, after that, Turbofan [-] finally matured, and even forced Turbofan [-] to return to the furnace to improve performance.

"My friend, you should save yourself." Qin Tao patted Yemelyanov on the shoulder again: "Don't harm the Lyurika-Saturn complex."

"As for the service life that the Air Force is most concerned about, the first overhaul service life of our engine can reach [-] hours, and the full service life can reach [-] hours."

What else?Yemelyanov slandered in his heart, but he could only say: "Mr. Lin, this plane is very good."

Hearing this question, Yemelyanov nodded quickly: "Yes, our fighter is the most advanced heavy-duty air superiority fighter in the world! It is also your best choice!"

"Of course not. Over the years, our avionics system has also been developing. The latest avionics system is also the layout of the monitors. Moreover, there are four monitors in our cockpit."

Mr. Wu lived in the war years. He once went to the United States to study, and after returning, he joined the aviation industry.

In 61, Mr. Wu and the leaders of the Air Force at that time established the 606th Research Institute. Mr. Wu served as the deputy director and an expert on aero-engines, and jointly provoked the leader of China's first aero-engine research institute.

"Mr. Yemelyanov, do you have an air superiority fighter that is more advanced than the Su-27?"

"Can I go and see it together?" Yemelyanov asked.

"How is it possible." Qin Tao smiled: "If it is the third uncle, maybe we will reduce the purchase quantity in the future, but you still have an engine that is more advanced than the third uncle!"

An engine more advanced than the third uncle?Yemelyanov was stunned for a moment: "Could it be that Mr. Qin is talking about the fourth uncle?"

According to Lao Maozi's model development law, the third uncle will be the fourth uncle, that is, the AL-41F engine. As the engine of the next generation fighter, its research and development is even earlier than the MiG 1.44 project.

"You should have this kind of engine, right? I remember that the Mikoyan Design Bureau used this kind of engine for Project 1.42."

(End of this chapter)

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