Great warships

Chapter 639 Submerged nuclear power plant?

Chapter 639 Submerged nuclear power plant?
Germany and France are two extremes. In France, most of the electricity is provided by nuclear energy. Germany, which also lacks energy, is very opposed to nuclear energy. Environmentalists often block the construction of nuclear power plants.

As a result, Germany began to rely on natural gas. The problem is that Germany does not produce natural gas itself. This dependence has brought about a huge crisis in later generations.In the end, the EU compromised and recognized that nuclear power and natural gas are both clean energy, which is also the result of negotiations between France and Germany.The Germans continue to dismantle nuclear power and buy natural gas at high prices, while France continues to use nuclear power happily.

Now, it's okay to transplant nuclear power to the sea without polluting their land environment, right?

Of course, Qin Tao didn't know whether it would work or not, but he just said this. Now that the project has started, it might as well make it bigger.

Of course, Qin Tao did not come alone. The team he brought boarded the nuclear submarine and began to check the internal situation to see if it could be converted into a floating nuclear power plant. Another base on the La Peninsula, where a large number of surface ships are parked.

At its peak, the tonnage of Da Mao's water fleet reached more than half that of the United States. After the collapse of the Red Empire, the strength of the navy rapidly weakened, and a large number of warships had to be retired. Dirty, rusty scrap iron.

Looking at the forest of warship masts in the port, Qin Tao's heart was filled with emotion again. When his eyes fixed on one of the warships, he couldn't help asking: "Is that the Kirov?"

The first ship of the most powerful nuclear-powered cruiser in the history of Da Mao, the Kirov is quietly parked among a pile of warships, looking so lonely.

"Yes, it is the Kirov, but it is now called Admiral Ushakov. There was an accident in 90, and it went into the dock for repairs twice but it was not repaired. There is no hope for repairs anymore. In 92, the nuclear reactor shut down and was dragged here," Uskimenko said.

The Kirov, which has been in service for 80 years, used to be the pride of the old man, but who would have thought that it had frequent breakdowns. During an accelerated voyage under non-combat conditions, the main reduction gear box on the ship was damaged!
This can make the Northern Fleet aggrieved. Generally, this thing will not break. Even if the warship is scrapped, the gear box is still good.If this huge ship is directly scrapped because of this, it would be too wasteful, so it still needs to be repaired.

Originally, the relevant departments proposed to cut off all the decks above the gear box and lift the gear box out, but the Navy disagreed and proposed to cut a section of the bottom structure at the bottom of the ship and take out the gear box from below.

A warship cannot just be scrapped, it has to be repaired, cut down, and put into a dock.

So, after spending a huge price and occupying the precious dock for a long time, it was finally repaired and the sea experiment was carried out. As a result, the gearbox was recovered, and the primary circuit of the steam generating device on the port side leaked again!

This is called misfortunes never come singly, house leaks happen to rain all night.Fortunately, the big guy has experience, so he cut it from the bottom, took it out and sent it back for repair.

After two major surgeries and a huge expense, the Kirov was finally repaired. The old ship looked radiant and planned to go to the Mediterranean Sea to perform combat duties.As a result, before completing one-third of the voyage, the primary circuit of the steam generating device on the starboard side leaked again!
Now, I can't fix it!

Who can bear such a blow?The Northern Fleet was also disgusted. After that, this warship has been waiting for its final fate. In 92, the nuclear reactor shut down and could not move at all. However, dismantling will take a long time, and the old man did not Just leave the money like this.

"Qin, are you interested in this warship?" Nicholas asked Qin Tao.

Qin Tao shook his head again and again: "No, no, if I take it back, I will definitely be scolded by the navy!"

There are frequent problems with the Kirov. On the one hand, it is due to the brutal operation of the old sailors. On the other hand, it is also a design problem. There must be design flaws. Qin Tao does not want to drag it back. What if the bad luck is brought over? ?

Even if it is replaced by a boiler, the nuclear reactor has to be cut off when going back, and the scrapped nuclear reactor will be disposed of for Lao Maozi. Qin Tao doesn't want to make trouble, and there is no need for follow-up treatment to modify those floating nuclear power plants at sea.

"If it's Type 1164, it's almost the same. I guess you don't want it." Qin Tao said.

Type 1164 is the Glory class, and there is already one in the country. If we get another one and refit it according to the same plan, then our own two Glory class ships and four Modern class ships will make the opponent pee their pants.

However, there are only three Glorious Class ships!
"Of course not. The Type 1164 cruiser is the only large battleship we have left. Let's take a look at the Type 956." Uskimenko said, "There are a few here, you can choose."

"This is the first ship, Hyundai, which stopped maintenance after 89 and has been waiting in the port."

"This is the second ship of Despair. It was removed from the ship this year, but as the second ship of the Type 956 destroyer, its condition is not very good."

"The semi-finished product there is the Impeccable. It was originally overhauled in 93, but then there was no repair cost, so it has been placed there."

"The Encouragement was also deregistered this year. The condition of this ship is not bad for the time being."

There are only a dozen modern-class destroyers in total. Now, most of the modern-class destroyers in the Northern Fleet are waiting for an unknown fate!
"Just the Encouragement ship." Qin Tao said: "The Modern Class is too old, the name of the Desperation is not good, and the Impeccable is a semi-finished product, only the Encouragement. If it is inconvenient to drag it back for maintenance, we will directly disassemble it and sell it for scrap." Tie, in short, I will modify the other two offshore floating power stations for you, even if it is at a loss, we will do it, so we are good friends."

Nicholas nodded: "Qin, I just took office, and you took over this kind of mission. You support our navy, and I am very grateful."

"Everything should be done." Qin Tao said, "Is that the Gorshkov over there?"

In 94, the Gorshkov aircraft carrier that blew up the boiler was still docked there quietly, extremely lonely. Since Ah San’s Chaoriwang had already landed in the Far East, the Gorshkov No one wants it anymore.

"Yes, we will start repairing it when we have sufficient funds in the future," Uskimenko said.

In addition to the Kuznetsov, there is the Gorshkov in front of me. This warship is the fourth ship of the Kiev-class aircraft carrier. It was originally in the best condition. Who would have thought that it would also blow up the boiler!
Once the boiler explodes, the lower deck has to be cut. This is definitely a big project. In the current situation of Lao Maozi, it is impossible to repair it. Even if funds are raised to repair it, Lao Maozi does not have a suitable boiler. , The manufacturer of the aircraft carrier boiler has closed down!When the later Kuznetsov was overhauled, it was a real ordeal.

Qin Tao felt emotional in his heart.However, he can't say anything else at this time. After all, it may be difficult to fool Da Mao into selling this aircraft-carrying cruiser now. It seems that there is no one in the world who has taken advantage of him like Ah San. two.

"When you are doing maintenance, if you need help, just say so, and our Mingzhou Group will do our best to help."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Nicholas nodded: "Yes, if this kind of ship only needs to be repaired, our strength is not enough, and we need your support!"

In the future, these things should be a headache for Nicholas. For the development of the navy, they can certainly sell some of the navy's belongings, but the things that support the facade must remain.

"The maintenance of this kind of ship requires a floating dock. When you plan to repair this ship, you can order a floating dock from us." Qin Tao said: "With the floating dock, you can better repair the aircraft carrier. Let’s eliminate the floating dock.”

In order to repair an aircraft carrier, specially order a floating dock?

Everyone present was a little embarrassed. Mr. Qin had a very good relationship with their leader, Nicholas, and they all knew it. However, they still couldn't agree to such a foolish request!

"Okay, everything is over, next, let's go have a drink." Qin Tao said.

Putting aside these heavy topics, Qin Tao finally looked at these warships with a heavy sense of history. Qin Tao knew in his heart that the glory that belonged to Da Mao has passed, and the glory that belongs to the motherland is slowly coming!
Huating, the third design office of Mingzhou Group.

"Everyone, let's see what you're doing next!" Krasnopolsky said to the people in front of him: "We just received the design task of a floating offshore nuclear power plant, and the design cost is 100 million. Are you interested?"

100!Immediately, Pozharsky and the others had bright eyes, but hesitated a little later: "We have never designed a floating nuclear power plant at sea!"

They want to make money, but they have to see if they have the ability!They are engaged in nuclear submarines, not offshore floating nuclear power plants. Besides, this kind of thing has only appeared in theory, but in reality, it has not yet been built.

"But you are familiar with the Type 949 nuclear submarine. You probably don't know it yet. Our group has negotiated with Moscow and will convert the section of the salvaged Type 949 nuclear submarine into a floating nuclear power plant at sea."

"What?" Pozharsky was stunned, but after a while, he became excited again: "If this is the case, we can still accept this task. We need to refit the entire nuclear power cabin and install power generation in the back." It’s just a machine! It’s a great idea, who came up with it?”

"Of course it's Mr. Qin. Now that you understand it, let's start working! By the way, we have specially applied for several Loongson computers for your project, and you can use those computers for design."

"Okay, we promise to complete the task!"

"By the way, are you familiar with the Type 941 nuclear submarine?"

"Type 941 is also a product of our Ruby Design Bureau. We have come into contact with it before. How?"

"It's good to have been in contact with it. Wait until the Model 949 is modified, and then modify the Model 941."

"How is that possible? That is an advanced ballistic missile nuclear submarine! If it is converted into a floating power station, will it be a waste?"

"It's a waste not to change it." Krasnopolsky said: "Those nuclear submarines that were decommissioned early, and those with nuclear reactors that still have a service life, should be changed to make better use of the waste heat. We will change it in the future. There are too many nuclear submarines, maybe a special design department will be set up, so you can work hard! By the way, you can find Golden Sun Electric Company to provide support for the generator."

In this way, several people started their new jobs and made great achievements in the field of offshore floating nuclear power plants.

Da Mao decided to cut off the second half of the nuclear submarine in stock to use as a floating nuclear power plant at sea. After the news spread, it also caused an uproar in the world.

What is Da Mao going to do?Can their decommissioned nuclear submarines be used as floating nuclear power plants at sea?Will this cause a new ecological disaster?Some environmental protection organizations have begun to raise the banner of opposition. At the same time, some countries with energy shortages have begun to consider the feasibility of this project.

If the nuclear power plant is built on the sea, many problems can be avoided. There is no need to start construction on land, and there will be no locals driving tractors to block the way and oppose the project. If an accident occurs, they can be towed away directly. There are no inhabited seas, and, most importantly, just use seawater to cool down directly, and it will not cause a tragedy like Chernobyl. This is simply their best energy substitute!

On this day, Moscow ushered in a special group of people. Nicholas, who had just assumed office, received them cordially.

"Mr. Nicholas, we heard that you are developing an offshore floating nuclear power plant. Do you have any intention of exporting this kind of nuclear power plant?"

Looking at the Hans in front of him, Nicholas was extremely excited. Qin was right, some countries with energy shortages are still very interested in this kind of nuclear power plant!Before Qin left, he had already analyzed the potential buyers, and also shared some of his thoughts. Now these predictions have come true.

"Of course." Nicholas nodded: "Currently, we are planning to build a nuclear power plant with a thermal power of 38 kilowatts. Since it is rebuilt from a second-hand nuclear submarine reactor, the price of this nuclear power plant is cheap, and it only needs [-] million U.S. dollars. OK."

If a nuclear power plant is built on land, it will cost tens of billions of dollars at least. A nuclear power plant floating on the sea does not need to consider the cost of land, relocation costs, appeasement costs for nearby residents, etc. The cost is very cheap. In addition, the price is very cheap if it is rebuilt with a second-hand nuclear submarine.

For the Hans, the price of [-] million US dollars is definitely the price of cabbage!
"The cost of [-] million US dollars is indeed not high, but we want to know, how long will this floating nuclear power plant last?"

"There is at least ten years of service life. After ten years, if you still plan to use it, you can tow this kind of nuclear power plant back and replace the fuel." Nikolai said: "If you want to order , then please as soon as possible. After all, there are not many nuclear power plants of this level, and the products launched later should be 19-kilowatt products. You should also know that the Type 941 we retired, which is the Typhoon-class nuclear submarine in your mouth, is not not much."

"Is this kind of floating nuclear power plant transformed from decommissioned nuclear submarines safe?" The other party was very concerned about this issue.

"Safety is relative. Any energy source is dangerous. Don't we use it because of the danger? Of course, we will try our best to ensure safety. For example, the nuclear power plant we provide will be as far away from land as possible, tens of kilometers or even Hundreds of kilometers of cables have long been a mature technology, if you think there will be trouble, we have another plan."

"What plan?"

"Because it was transformed from a nuclear submarine, this kind of nuclear power plant also has the function of diving. If you want to be more concealed, we can also turn this floating nuclear power plant into a submarine nuclear power plant and dive to tens of meters deep. down, and then transmit the energy to the land through submarine cables, so that those damn environmentalists don't know anything at all!"

This is also the ultimate solution Qin Tao provided to Nikola.

Why do customers give up using nuclear power plants?Of course, because of the obstruction of those environmentalists, especially the Hans.

The same is Europe, or a neighboring country. 70.00% of France's domestic electricity comes from nuclear power, and the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by each kilowatt-hour of electricity produced in France is far lower than the European average.

However, the Hans were extremely opposed. They seemed to have forgotten that the world's first nuclear reactor was born on their land.

In 68, they began to boycott the Wilgarsen nuclear power plant that had just been built, and the final result was that the reactor stopped operating.

The environmentalists were excited and found a new goal. In 75, when the Vail nuclear power plant was under construction, they created another milestone event.Tens of thousands of people gathered, and the world's first anti-nuclear camp was established on the construction site.A month later, construction was halted by a court order.After two years, the project was finally abandoned.

The environmentalists were extremely happy and beat gongs and drums to celebrate this victory. Decades later, when they had to hide in a cold room shivering because they couldn't afford the high gas bills, and had to use cold water to make noodles, no Know what they will think.

When the energy crisis occurs, only France is not afraid, because people use nuclear power.

Now, Qin Tao proposes an ultimate solution to Nikola: In order to avoid the entanglement of those environmentalists, directly sink the nuclear power plant into the water and become a submersible nuclear power plant. Anyway, the predecessor was a nuclear submarine, and it only sank within tens of meters. Underwater, there is no major problem at all.

In this way, no one will know where the power coming from the submarine cable comes from!

At this moment, hearing Nicholas talking about this plan, the Hans on the opposite side's eyes lit up: "Really? It can also be made into a submarine nuclear power plant? If it can be operated like this, that would be great!"

Nicholas knew that the people of Hans were really tempted by this plan, so they could increase the budget!

"It's just that if it is made into a submarine nuclear power plant, the price will increase to one billion. You should also know that underwater will be more complicated and require more support facilities."

"One billion is also worth it, we can order one first! If it works normally in the future, we will order more underwater nuclear power plants!"

After sending off the Hans, Nicholas happily called Qin Tao over.

"Qin, your idea is really good. We already have our first customer! They are willing to spend one billion to purchase one of our underwater nuclear power plants!"

"Really? Then congratulations." Qin Tao said.

"Qin, revise the plan now, and change the second half of the two Type 941 nuclear submarines that are planned to be cut into a submersible nuclear power plant!" Nicholas said.

"That's fine, but..."

"Don't worry, Qin, I won't treat my old friend badly. How about giving you an extra [-] million for the refit besides the Encouragement?"

Qin Tao smiled: "Then follow the previous rules?"

Needless to say a lot, in the [-] million modification fee, a large amount of money will flow into Nikola's account.

"Qin, how did you come up with the idea of ​​converting it into a submersible nuclear power plant? This is an idea that no one has ever thought of!"

"Well, of course it was inspired by submarines." Qin Tao said with a smile.

In fact, Qin Tao's idea of ​​floating nuclear power plants was of course inspired by another world.

In that world, floating nuclear power plants began to become a trend, which also caught the eyes of the French nuclear submarine manufacturer, which is the French state-owned shipbuilding company: floating nuclear power plants are too simple, as long as the weapons on the nuclear submarine are removed. !
Therefore, they proposed a "Flexblue" floating nuclear power plant design concept, and jointly developed it with Areva, EDF and other major French nuclear power companies.

When the French designed it, they also made a show operation, which can not only float, but also dive!
Why do you want to dive?You know, after diving, personnel rotation is too complicated!It is impossible for a nuclear power plant to be unattended, there must be several people who take care of it!

Someone soon speculated that this French design was of course tailor-made for the neighbors!

They even sketched out a scenario: In the future, the Hans announced that they would completely abandon nuclear power, but a large number of floating nuclear power plants were lurking on the seabed along their coast, quietly providing electricity to their country.

Now, Qin Tao is also inspired by this, and it is also modified from a nuclear submarine anyway, so it can be easily made into a submersible type. Moreover, in this way, it is necessary to ask for the design drawings of the second half of the typhoon class. !
With Nikolai as the backer, all these are easy to achieve. The order of one billion US dollars is also the first achievement of Nikolai since he took office. Who dare not be convinced?

"Qin, you are really amazing!"

"Nicholas, my friend, stop praising me. Are you off work? Shall we go for a drink?"

Nicholas smiled wryly: "No, I have to report this project to my superiors."

In Moscow, it's not as easy as in the Far East!Nicholas is new here, so everything has to be a little more careful.

"Boss Qin, I just received news that a liquefied natural gas ship we just delivered had an accident!" Just as the two of them finished talking, Xu Zhengyang came up and whispered in Qin Tao's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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