Great warships

Chapter 640

Chapter 640
On the blue sea, the blue waves are rippling.

A large natural gas ship sailing on the sea looks very small. Compared with the sea water, its huge hull is almost insignificant.

Its hull is wide, and there are not huge hemispheres on the upper deck, but a retractable superstructure. This is currently the most advanced membrane type natural gas ship in the world. Its liquid cargo fencing system is closely connected with the ship. Fitted hull and greatly reduced structural weight for optimum operational efficiency.

However, compared with other liquefied gas ships, it has a special place: two large sails are installed on its bow!The two sails are in the shape of vertical bars, so that the middle area is vacated, so that the crew can see clearly what is on the route ahead. At the same time, in order to better observe the front, there is a special closed-circuit television system on the mast of the sail , can transmit the front image to the rear cockpit.

For this type of ship, the bridge is located at the end of the entire hull. At this time, the tall captain is standing on the bridge. Years of life at sea have made his skin a bit dark, and his blue eyes are still bright. .

"Captain Lima, today's weather is really good!" the first mate Ales said to him.

"Yeah, it's a good weather for sailing. It reminds me of the process of towing the Varyag. I also took this route at that time, but the weather conditions are much worse than this." Iris Lima said .

That's right, he is the former Greek crew member who helped tow the sailor Iris Lima of the Varyag together!After several years of living at sea, he is also growing continuously. Now, after the natural gas ship Hades is built, he has become the captain of the natural gas ship!
He is full of longing for the East, so the task of picking up the ship at the Chongming Island Shipyard fell on him. After receiving the ship, they went all the way to the Middle East, loaded a ship of liquefied natural gas, and then shipped it to Europe go.

Ales has a smile on his face. Ever since he got on the ship, he has been listening to the captain nagging about the past. Almost every day, he will mention how I was towing the Varyag!
After a long time, I will get tired of listening to it, but who dares to offend the captain?You have to pretend to be listening to it for the first time.

"Really? Captain, you actually participated in towing the Varyag? That is a legendary warship!"

Hearing this sentence, Iris was very excited: "Yes, I recall it now, full of legendary colors! At that time..."

Lima spit and splashed stars, and told the past of the year, and the talk lasted for half an hour.

After finishing speaking, Ales nodded: "Captain, you are amazing!"

"Of course, that is the most unforgettable memory in my life! We will enter the Red Sea ahead, and after crossing the Red Sea is the Suez Canal. At the beginning, we also spent a lot of effort to pass through the Suez Canal!"

Seeing that Lima was about to speak again, Ales couldn't bear it anymore: "Captain, I need to go down and check the situation."

"Okay, you go." Lima said, looking at the blue sea outside, and muttered again: "President Qin was so amazing back then!"

Ales walked out of the cabin, facing some cold air flow, which made him wrap up his down jacket tightly.

The liquefied gas ship is a special type of ship. It does not carry refrigeration equipment, but the things it transports are more than minus 160 degrees. Although there are various insulation measures, some liquefied natural gas will still be vaporized. The natural gas must be released, otherwise it will burst the liquid cargo fence system.

Mingzhou Group's design is more advanced, the gasified natural gas will be collected, and then sent to the marine engine to work.

This greatly improves the operating efficiency of the liquefied gas ship, and with sails, it hardly burns much oil back and forth, which is why all liquefied gas ship owners around the world like to order in Mingzhou.

During the gasification process, heat will be absorbed, so the interior of the LNG ship is very cold, and a thick layer of frost can even be seen on the outside near the device that specially collects the leaked liquefied gas.

Ales continued to walk towards the collection device, and then, putting on thick cotton gloves, he began to turn the red valve, which was clearly marked with the words "dangerous".

Creak, creak... Ales continued to twist the valve, his hand was trembling, but he couldn't stop.

"Hey, what are you doing?" At this moment, a voice came from behind: "The valve cannot be turned, otherwise it will be dangerous! It is used to empty the ship when it is loaded!"

The crewman Hawary happened to pass by here, and when he saw Ales' movements, he immediately shouted.

Ales was startled, and turned the valve faster, clattering!The valve was unscrewed a large part.

At this moment, suddenly, a white smoke enveloped him, and before Ales could speak out, the cold of minus 100 degrees instantly completely froze him!

"Damn it!" Hawary ran back quickly, came to the maintenance workshop next to him, closed the door, and then picked up the phone: "Hey, Captain, there is a leak on the No. [-] emergency valve of the No. [-] liquid cargo fence collection system, please immediately Activate emergency plan!"

After he made the phone call, he saw the door he had just closed, and a white layer of ice began to appear!
The temperature in the maintenance cabin was getting lower and lower, Hawary felt his body was getting colder and colder, his eyebrows and beard began to be covered with frost, just like an Eskimo.

Boom, boom, boom!Crash, clatter!
Are you going to die here?
Doors are pounding on the outside!The ice cubes are being smashed!

"Here I am, save me, save me!" Khawari yelled.

With the last sound, the door was opened, and Havari looked excitedly at the captain Lima who appeared in front of him, tears were about to flow out.

"It's okay, child, you are saved, but unfortunately, Ales cannot be saved."

When the valve was opened, Ales was the first to suffer, and was directly frozen into a popsicle. In a few decades, there might be a way to save him, but right now, there is no possibility.

"Captain, this accident was caused by Ales, he is the chief culprit!"

What?What did Alex do?
"Why did he do this?" Lima looked at the frozen popsicle, a little unbelievable. This person is his loyal listener. He listened to himself telling the past over and over again, and never showed any impatience. How can a person be a bad person?
"do not know."

"If someone vandalized, should we call the police?"

"Call the police? What's the use of calling the police? Report to the police of which country?" Lima glanced at everyone: "Now, contact the Mingzhou Group immediately!"

"Shouldn't we report to the shipowner first?"

"The shipowner? Ales was sent by the shipowner. Do you think the shipowner believes us or him?" Lima was a little annoyed.

The natural gas ship continued to sail. After entering the Red Sea, a helicopter flew in and landed on the helicopter landing platform in front of the bridge.

"Boss Qin, are you here?" Lima became excited when he saw the people coming down from above.

"Lima, are you the captain?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

"Boss Qin, do you still remember me?"

"Of course, Iris Lima, you helped us a lot when our Varyag returned home, and we will never forget you."

Lima's heart bursts with gratitude, not only that he often puts the Varyag on his lips, but President Qin has never forgotten what happened!

"Zhengyang, go and check the scene." Qin Tao said to Xu Zhengyang.

Xu Zhengyang nodded.

When it comes to investigating cases, Qin Tao is not professional, but Xu Zhengyang has much more experience. Soon, Xu Zhengyang will come back.

"President Qin, the cause of the accident was that someone deliberately opened the valve, causing a natural gas leak. Fortunately, it was closed in time. If it takes a long time, the leaked natural gas will freeze the hull, and cracks will appear on the hull and the liquid cargo fencing system..."

Everyone understands very well that at that time, even if the mouth is all over the body, they can't speak clearly!
"Why did Ales do this?" Lima still couldn't believe it.

"He didn't want to harm you, but he wanted to damage the reputation of our Mingzhou Group." Qin Tao said: "Our group has undertaken a large number of LNG ship construction contracts, and even the financial crisis in Southeast Asia has not affected us. Some people are scared and deliberately sabotage us!"

Lima nodded, now, this is the situation that can be guessed, what is this?The gods fight the little ghosts and suffer?

"But what shall we do next?"

"The next step is to find out the culprits and discredit them!" When Qin Tao said this, his face was flat, but in Xu Zhengyang's eyes, President Qin was already angry, and the consequences would be serious!

"Boss Qin, please give me the task, I will listen to you."

Qin Tao nodded: "Next..."

On the coast of the Red Sea, on an inconspicuous shore rock, a telescope was set up, and a pair of cold eyes looked at the liquefied gas ship slowly approaching, and then, an excited tone came: "I see, look We are here! White smoke is rising from that ship! Sure enough, it has leaked, and it is still in the Red Sea, the most important international shipping route. This will definitely cause sensational news. Hurry up, notify the relevant departments immediately and report the news! "

They have been preparing all the time, and after tossing and tossing for so long, they finally paid off. This is the most severe blow to the Mingzhou Group!
Moreover, they have made arrangements long ago, and they will never reveal that they are behind the scenes. The first to expose the leak of the Mingzhou Group's natural gas ship is the European reporter!
There are a large group of people in Europe who love the environment, let them see how much modern industrial development will affect the environment, and see how a gas ship turns into a bomb!

"Transportation of LNG is dangerous!"

"Mingzhou Group's natural gas ship has leaked, and it will become an atomic bomb that surpasses Hiroshima!"

"It's terrible. Now the Red Sea route has been blocked, which will seriously affect our ocean transportation! Oil prices are expected to rise in the near future!"

All kinds of news are overwhelming, and various reports emerge in endlessly.The transportation safety of natural gas has once again attracted public attention.

Various experts have also begun to analyze how dangerous liquefied natural gas is, it is simply like a bomb whose fuze has failed!
remote island nation.

"Successful, we finally succeeded!" Yamamoto Inutaro said: "Now, Europe has begun to report this gas ship leak!"

As Inutaro Yamamoto said, he put down the stack of newspapers in his hand.

"This is the Guardian, the newspaper published by the most famous environmental protection organization in Europe. If it is on the blacklist of this newspaper, it will be completely difficult to get rid of the notoriety of polluting the environment in the future!"

"This is the Commercial Daily. The owner of this newspaper also builds natural gas ships. They are very dissatisfied with the expansion of Mingzhou Group. Now, they will hold on to this matter!"

After talking a few words, Inutaro Yamamoto suddenly found out that Masuyama Yumon seemed to be in a bad mood!
"Your Excellency Masuyama, do you have any concerns?" Yamamoto Inutaro asked.

"Yamamoto-kun, do you know who first reported this news?" Masuyama Yumon asked.

"The first to report? Wasn't it arranged by us?" Now it was Inutaro Yamamoto's turn to be surprised.

"Yes, it's not our people, the first one to report is ORB!"

"ORB? What is this?"

"Brandenburg Radio (German: Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg) TV station, this TV station released this news yesterday, and many reporters from these other newspapers reprinted the news from Brandenburg Radio TV station!"

"How is this possible?" Inutaro Yamamoto was very surprised: "We did not disclose information to this media, and this media does not have any influence!"

"Yes, it didn't have much influence at first, but now, relying on this news, their TV station's ratings have reached the highest in the world!" said Zengshan Xiongshou.

This TV station can be traced back to the merger of Germany and Germany, and the TV station was also merged. Many things happened in the middle. Finally, in Brandenburg, East Germany Brandenburg Radio was established. However, they did not get along very well. It will soon fade into obscurity.

As a result, they became the most famous TV station again because of this report.

"How did they know?" Inutaro Yamamoto asked.

"I don't know, I always feel that there is something wrong with this matter." Zengshan Xiongshou said: "Keep an eye on this TV station."


Just as Inutaro Yamamoto was about to leave, someone walked in and reported to him: "We just got the news that the Mingzhou Group invited the media who paid attention to this leak, as well as the police in Xiguo and the personnel from the Canal Management Office. Step aboard the Hades together."

"Step on? It's a leaking gas ship, who dares to step on it? Shouldn't they retreat now?"

"The leak has been fixed."

"How is it possible? Once the outer steel plate is frozen by the severe cold of minus 160 degrees, hydrogen embrittlement will occur and it will be impossible to repair!" Yamamoto Inutaro said in surprise: "Unless the natural gas ship has no leaks."

It was reported in advance, and the leak was fixed. All of this seems to indicate that there is a conspiracy behind it!
"Be sure to let our people board that ship and see what tricks they are going to play!"

The sea surface of the Red Sea is still wide enough to accommodate many ships advancing side by side. Its narrowest part is the part of the Suez Canal, and now, the Hades is more than 50 nautical miles away from the canal.

The ships here have begun to become dense, and they need to cross the river one by one according to the regulations of the Canal Management Office. Now, when they saw the leaking natural gas ship appear, the captains of the various cargo ships were a little frightened.

"Damn it, get out of the way immediately, stay away from that ship!"

They were a little frightened, what if the natural gas ship leaked again and then exploded?They don't want to be implicated themselves!
This is an international waterway, and they have no right to stop the ship from advancing. At most, they can only protest the irresponsibility of the natural gas ship, and then quickly avoid it.

"Captain, I heard that they invited a large number of people to go up, so there will be no problems, right?"

"Why not? Who knows? God, please keep them safe."

"Hey, a helicopter flew towards them!"

The roar flew over their heads, and a helicopter landed on the natural gas ship Hades under their watchful eyes.

Brandenburg Radio reporter Tony got off the helicopter and looked at the people below, feeling a little excited. As long as the show is over, he will receive a large sum of money and live the life he wants up!
Hollebas, the representative of the Greek police, and Jim, the head of the canal management office, got off the plane together and looked at the people who came to greet them.

"Everyone, welcome to board the Hades. I am Qin Tao from Mingzhou Group. The reason why I invite you to come here is to prove that the quality of our Mingzhou Group's construction is not a problem. On the other hand, I want to ask everyone to uphold justice for us, those who secretly want to discredit our Mingzhou Group will not end well."


Hollebas said in a deep voice: "Mr. Qin, you have been involved in the construction of natural gas ships for more than five years. Now, more than 50 natural gas ships built by Mingzhou Group are sailing safely on the seas of the world. Now, this natural gas ship Hades has just been built, and it encountered an accident on its first voyage. Let the murderer go free!"

The reporter Olympus who came down at the end murmured in his heart. He thought of his mission and felt a little strange. Could it be that this incident has something to do with the employer behind him?
If that's the case...

"Everyone, please take a look at the scene of the accident first." Qin Tao said, "Let me introduce to you what happened at that time."

Everyone followed Qin Tao, walked down the cabin together, and stood at the bottom. The space here is not very big. After everyone got down, it was crowded immediately.

"Here is our Mingzhou Group's original device for collecting evaporated liquefied natural gas. During operation, part of the natural gas will evaporate, then enter here, and be transported to the rear engine through pipelines, thus achieving the purpose of waste utilization , greatly reducing operating costs.”

"Yes, we know about this design. The fact that Mingzhou Group's natural gas ships are popular all over the world has a lot to do with your low operating costs." Jim said, "However, what does this have to do with leakage?"

"Because the leak was caused by someone deliberately opening the valve here!" Qin Tao said: "Someone wanted to cause a crisis of trust in our Mingzhou Group, so they intentionally created a man-made leak here!"

"Man-made? Do you have any evidence?"

"Let's ask witnesses first." Qin Tao said, "Where's Hawari? As someone who witnessed this incident with your own eyes, please tell everyone what happened at that time."

Hawary squeezed in from behind the crowd: "Everyone, I was walking by here at the time, and then I heard a creaking sound, and then I walked in to see what happened. As a result, I saw it with my own eyes. Arles, the sailor on board, is opening the valve!"

"Why did Ales do this? Where is he now? Did you kill him?" Tony asked.

"I don't know what Ales did. I just saw that when Ales turned the valve, a lot of white gas suddenly came out, and then Ales turned into a popsicle."

"You're lying! You're standing right behind Ales, why didn't you turn into a popsicle?"

"Because I ran to the maintenance cabin at the back ahead of time. You can see that the door of the maintenance cabin has been broken. It was split open by the captain and others who arrived later with a fire axe in order to save me."

"No, this is not right! You are all lying! You killed Ales, and then deliberately framed him?" Tony shouted.

"We can swear to God that everything we say is true!" said Captain Iris.

"Now, there are witnesses, but there is still a lack of physical evidence. Moreover, since there has been leakage and freezing here, why didn't the accident expand? Who will explain these?" Hollebas said.

"Because our ship has a safety device developed by our Mingzhou Group. When the person who maliciously framed us opened the valve, the safety device immediately detected the leakage, and then immediately activated the emergency plan. Cut off, now, this ship can no longer use the evaporated natural gas ship to start, and can only use diesel engines." Qin Tao said: "As for the physical evidence, I don't know if the pictures taken by the camera can be used as physical evidence?"

The footage captured by the camera?

The reporters who followed were excited: "Do you still have cameras?"

"Did you do it on purpose? Why did you deliberately install the camera here? It's as if you arranged it in advance?"

"We are here to better monitor the operation of the ship, and if there is an accident, it is also convenient to find the cause of the failure." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he glanced at Tony: "Mr. reporter, your performance today is too special, I would like to I would like to ask you, you have been doubting us all the time, why? You don't have ulterior motives, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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