Great warships

Chapter 649 The domestic aircraft carrier is about to start preparations

This kind of limit test is still useful. You can see how effective the air defense system is, and whether it can maintain continuous tracking of mid-altitude and high-altitude targets when intercepting ultra-low-altitude targets.

No matter how many targets an air defense system claims to be able to capture at the same time, it is always theoretical, and the specifics still depend on actual testing, so this kind of testing is also necessary.

Wu Shengli looked in the direction of the representative of Bincheng Shipyard, and asked, "Director Sun, what do you think?"

After all, this condition is unfavorable to their 052B. The rotating phased array radar antenna cannot continuously capture the target, which is likely to cause repeated capture, resulting in a surge in the data to be processed by the system, and eventually the system crashes.

"These suggestions are all very good." Sun Xuewen said: "I have a new suggestion, simply combine the two tests just now into one, and let the stealth machine sneak over when a large number of targets are approaching, so that it will be better. Now that we have fully tested the actual combat effect, we shipbuilders still have to consider the future actual combat, since we want to test, we have to get close to actual combat.”

Everyone immediately became emotional, this Director Sun is indeed powerful enough.

Anyway, in these tests, 052B is not as good as 052C, so, simply make 052C more difficult.

What's more, they are confident. On the real battlefield, when a large number of targets come to attack, the stealth machine is mixed in and sends out the most severe blow, which is the best tactic to use.

The radar of the air defense system has to stare at so many targets, and the computer has to process so much data. When the stealth aircraft arrives, will it still have the ability to detect it?

Now it was Ben's turn to speak: "Director Sun, you are not embarrassing Mingzhou Group, you are embarrassing us 14."

Mingzhou Group only builds ships, and the air defense system radar on it is provided by 14, which is equivalent to making their radar more difficult.

Sun Xuewen smiled: "Old Ben, do you lack confidence?"

"That's not true. We are confident. Let alone a hundred targets, we are not afraid of two hundred targets, as long as it is not in one direction."

After the phased array radar finds the target, it will mobilize some T/R components to track it. The target that the radar can track at the same time depends on the number of T/R components. For example, if the calculation is based on [-] components, if If fifty components are aimed at one target, it can only monitor a hundred targets at most, but if it wants to retain a certain search capability, the number of monitored targets must be reduced.

It is precisely because of this that the domestic Aegis battleship did not choose the front, back, left, and right arrangement of the Aegis, but turned it 45 degrees. On the battlefield, the direction of the enemy's attack is most likely to be the sides of the warship. The projection area is the largest, and there are very few attacks from the front or rear.

The layout of 052C can reflect its advantages: when the target comes from the left, the radar on the left front and the radar on the left rear can be used. Even when it reaches the limit, only a few T/R components are left for scanning. , mobilize most of the components to scan on both sides!

Therefore, in later generations, when all countries are developing warships with four-sided phased array radar, there are very few layouts that are front, rear, left, and right, and they are all turned 45 degrees, even Aegis is no exception.

"Okay, then this test plan is finalized!" Wu Shengli made a decision: "If you have any suggestions from Mingzhou Group, you can continue to mention them."

The meeting lasted for a whole morning, and we went to the cafeteria for lunch. The big guys sat down and exchanged pleasantries.

"President Qin, I beg you to be merciful. If you put forward a few more suggestions, our 052B will no longer have to compete, just surrender." Sun Xuewen said.

"Okay, then you can go after eating."

"That can't be done. After going back, you have to be scolded to death. Mr. Qin, won't you say a few words of comfort?"

"Okay, failure is the mother of success. Even if you fail this time, don't be discouraged. There will be another chance next time."

"Next time? What chance is there next time? The navy has almost assembled its fleet of ships. The only thing the navy lacks at the moment is to build its own aircraft carrier." Sun Xuewen shook his head.

in the afternoon.

Continue to discuss various test details. After all the discussions are over, it is already more than four o'clock in the afternoon. Wu Shengli said with a smile: "Okay, this test is over, let's talk about something else. At noon, Sun Factory The director has predicted that we will build an aircraft carrier, so, in the next incident, everyone should speak freely and talk about their views on the aircraft carrier. If any relevant units have ideas, they can start preparing for the design."

Talk about your views on the aircraft carrier and start preparing for the design?
Everyone immediately became excited.

The idea revealed by Leader Wu is already obvious: the navy is planning to build an aircraft carrier!
The construction period of the aircraft carrier is long, often more than five years. If the construction is started now, after five years, it is estimated that a large area of ​​052C will have been launched, so now is the time to think about it.

However, let everyone start preparing for the design and bid?

The big guy has no confidence.

To build a destroyer, bidding is okay, but to build an aircraft carrier?
Only the Mingzhou Group has experience in the whole country.

An aircraft carrier with a displacement of [-] tons was built for Siam, and the Varyag was refitted for the navy. At present, the Mingzhou Group's slipway is already manufacturing the [-]-ton aircraft carrier for the country of football.

Mingzhou Group is full of talents, including Babich who designs aircraft carriers, who supervises aircraft carriers, Makarov who manufactures aircraft carriers, and a large number of old-fashioned workers, not to mention the Mingzhou Group that has grown up over the years. workers, who else can compete with Mingzhou Group?What a loser!

Qin Tao also became excited. In order to avoid suspicion, he hadn't contacted the old man during this period of time. Unexpectedly, the superior finally made up his mind!
Now it seems that the conditions in all aspects have been met. The steel, boilers, and especially the electromagnetic catapults of the aircraft carrier are progressing smoothly. The only difference is money!

The country's economy has developed rapidly in the past few years, and the prospects are very bright. Therefore, the country also has enough financial allocations to support the development of the navy. What happened in 96 cannot be repeated.

"Why, what are you guys doing in a daze? Let's talk freely, Director Sun, let's start with you first."

"Well, then I'm not going to be polite." Sun Xuewen said: "For a long time, the Americans have been advocating the uselessness of aircraft carriers, advocating that small and medium-sized aircraft carriers are enough, but, as I see, their The aircraft carrier is getting bigger and bigger. The latest USS Truman has a displacement of nearly [-] tons. Carry eighty carrier-based aircraft!"

Qin Tao thought that the big guy would be more conservative, but he didn't expect that he was bragging now, he was even better than himself, and it was [-] tons!

"As for the power system, we also need to use nuclear power." Sun Xuewen said: "Compared with conventional power, nuclear power does not need to store fuel, and the aircraft carrier only needs to store fuel and fresh water for carrier-based aircraft, etc. , Fresh water can also be prepared from desalinated sea water, which can greatly enhance the continuous combat capability of the aircraft carrier! President Qin, what do you think?"

Qin Tao showed a helpless smile: "Director Sun, your proposal is good, but we don't have nuclear reactor technology reserves for aircraft carriers in our country."

"Why not? Haven't we already started working on the next generation of nuclear submarines? Is it enough for us to get the reactor on the nuclear submarine? That's 150 megawatts!"

Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course not enough. The A4W nuclear reactor used by the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier has a thermal power of 550 megawatts. Our 150 megawatt nuclear reactor is less than one-third of the power of others. They use two nuclear reactors. We have to Put six."

If the number is too large, the power system will be complicated, and there will be various reliability problems. That is a nuclear reactor. Once a reliability problem occurs, it will be a big trouble.

If the number is reduced, then the output power of the nuclear reactor is not enough, then the speed of the aircraft carrier will drop, and it will become as weak as the Charles de Gaulle. You must know that when the aircraft carrier is flying and recovering the carrier-based aircraft, it must sail at full speed.

"Currently, our most mature boiler is the boiler. Now the 001 aircraft carrier uses eight boilers, and the stability has always been good. If we build the aircraft carrier ourselves, we still need to focus on the boiler. The improved boiler should be able to drive eight boilers. An aircraft carrier with a displacement of [-] tons, so I think it is more appropriate to set the displacement at [-] tons for the next aircraft carrier." Qin Tao began to introduce.

"According to this displacement, our aircraft carrier is about 320 meters in length and 75 meters in width. This deck area is larger than the current 001. We arrange two catapults at the bow and one on the angled deck, so that There are three positions for catapult take-off, and two lifts are set on the starboard side, and the width of the lift can satisfy two J-15s to use at the same time..."

Qin Tao can determine the specific data without discussing these with Babbage and the others, because he originally built an aircraft carrier before crossing here.

There is no need to engage in the same aircraft carrier as Varyag, just go directly to the electromagnetic ejection aircraft carrier in one step!

"Boss Qin said it very well. It is obvious that we have prepared it long ago. We don't need to get involved. The construction of the aircraft carrier can be handed over to Mingzhou Group." Sun Xuewen said.

"That can't be done. Our navy requires bidding. This tradition cannot be lost, and everyone should not be discouraged. Try to come up with a better plan to defeat the Mingzhou Group." Wu Shengli said.

No one answered, this is simply impossible, everyone knows the strength of Mingzhou Group, bidding is useless, it will definitely be eliminated.

Qin Tao looked at everyone's expressions and began to ponder.Is it secretly funding a shipyard and bidding for itself?If only the Mingzhou Group bids, this does not meet the standards of competition. Moreover, this method of competition is also proposed by myself.

"You said, can gas turbines be used to power the aircraft carrier?" At this moment, someone asked.

It was Wen Xueyou from Institute 703 who was speaking. As the provider of destroyer gas turbines, they would also participate in this meeting. At this time, when everyone talked about the aircraft carrier project, he couldn't help being tempted.

"Of course it can. The British Invincible class uses gas turbines. The aircraft carrier that Ah San is going to start building also plans to use LM2500 gas turbines. However, they are either small aircraft carriers, or they don't plan to let the aircraft carrier achieve the speed target of 30 knots." Qin Tao said: "If our [-]-ton aircraft carrier uses gas turbines, the power of a single gas turbine must exceed [-] megawatts, so that it will be meaningful."

Wen Xue nodded: "Yes, we know that at present, we have mastered the design of advanced gas turbines through the development of marine gas turbines, and we found that many customers have needs for heavy-duty gas turbines, so we want to develop a Gas turbines of the [-]-megawatt level can be used for power generation on land as well as on warships.”

"Are you going to build a gas turbine of this level?" Qin Tao's eyes lit up.

In later generations, there are gas turbines of this level in China. AGT-110 is the first 110-megawatt heavy-duty gas turbine in China. When it came out, many people expected this gas turbine to become the power of aircraft carriers.

In fact, this kind of gas turbine is not designed according to the marine gas turbine. It can only work on land and be used as a power engine for power generation equipment. To board a ship, not only must it have sufficient power output, but it must also be resistant to salt at sea Erosion and humidity environment, also need anti-vibration, etc., without special design, it is impossible to adapt to this environment.

However, since 703 has this plan, it can be supported. After all, even if the aircraft carrier is not used, the amphibious assault ship can also be used!
An amphibious assault ship does not need a high speed, and a [-]-megabyte gas turbine is enough, so the design of the power cabin is also simple.

"Yes, we have this plan, but we lack funds." Wen Xueyou said.

Gas turbines cost money. The UGT-15000 they developed has only delivered four units so far. For them, this sales volume is not enough to maintain their normal development. They have always been living on naval appropriations.

However, the navy's funds are also limited, and it is impossible to support them to engage in such heavy-duty gas turbines.

"Lack of funds, our Mingzhou Group can provide it, but we have to take a certain share in the development of this gas turbine. Of course, our Mingzhou Group will also help sell it. Many countries in the Middle East have interest in this gas turbine. need."

Domestic power generation mainly relies on coal, but the power generation in the Middle East mainly uses oil and natural gas. Therefore, their power plants use gas turbines, and there is still a market for such heavy-duty gas turbines.

Originally, I came to bid, but I also reached a cooperation intention!
After Qin Tao finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Ling beside him.

Zhao Ling nodded: "I will be in charge of this project in the future."

Xu Zhengyang, who was sitting on the other side, became a little bored. He was going to be a bodyguard and a secretary. He was always busy. Now, he was finally going to relax!
The meeting is over, and it's dinner time again.

The topic of discussion of the big guys has shifted from the destroyer bidding to the aircraft carrier. At the dinner table, everyone also frequently discussed with Qin Tao.

"Mr. Qin, the second design office of Mingzhou Group probably has a mature plan, right?"

"Yeah, when you sell it to the outside world, you have a complete set of designs, and the self-developed aircraft carrier project has probably been prepared a long time ago, and I don't know how many times it has been optimized."

"After a few months, when the aircraft carrier bids, we will have an eye-opener."

Qin Tao shook his head: "We don't do special things, such as double-ship islands, nuclear power, our design is very conventional, similar to the Kitty Hawk class, so don't expect any new designs. We The group is well prepared, and the only thing lacking now is the aircraft carrier's early warning aircraft and anti-submarine aircraft, of course, this is beyond our control."

As for the supporting projects, that is, the aircraft carrier's fixed-wing early warning aircraft and the anti-submarine aircraft modified using this platform, but these are not something Qin Tao can solve. Of course, he has also promoted several.

"The airframe of the early warning aircraft has been developed, and we are waiting for the phased array radar of the 14th Institute. After the air force's early warning aircraft completes the test flight, it will transplant related technologies to our navy. Now we still need to wait, but wait until our domestic aircraft carrier is built. By then, the carrier-based fixed-wing early warning aircraft should be ready for service," Wu Shengli said.

"Really? That's great!" Qin Tao was very excited.

"Of course it's true. After this test is over, you can go and see it if you want."

Qin Tao nodded, and really had to go and see. After the carrier-mounted fixed-wing early warning aircraft made up for its shortcomings, the aircraft carrier would be able to have a truly powerful combat capability.

At that time, the navy of the motherland will enter the second echelon, so let those Europeans be envious!
The sea area where the test is scheduled is the Bohai Sea, which is close to the capital, so it is convenient for the leaders to observe, and it is also convenient for various exercises.

The two warships for the test are already on their way, and the preparations for the test will take two days. Qin Tao, Zhao Ling and others stayed in the capital, taking Qin Haiyang for a stroll, leisurely.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, the sound of crackling firecrackers was still ringing all around. Qin Tao watched Zhao Ling pack her luggage and felt very satisfied. The days when she and her wife were together every day seemed like a normal couple.

However, the child had to be separated from him for the time being. Next, he was going to go to the sea for a test, so Qin Haiyang could only continue to be accompanied by his grandma.

"Boss Qin, there is a small matter, I don't know if I should report it to you." Xu Zhengyang walked over and said to Qin Tao.

"Since when did you become a mother-in-law? Since you came to see me, I should know about this. Let's talk." Qin Tao said.

"Look here." Xu Zhengyang opened the notebook, and a web page had already been opened in advance.

Qin Tao looked in and saw that this was a simple chat room. In this day and age, the Internet is still using 56K cats, which can only transmit text, and photos are all slow, so chat rooms are the most popular.

However, after just one glance, Qin Tao frowned.

The homepage of the chat room is a series of topic posts, and the content of these posts is almost the same.

It is a conspiracy to create redress for the island country!
Island products are the best in the world, and now they have been splashed with dirty water!
I love three zeros!

In particular, one of the posts was followed by a sun flag.

Everything is a conspiracy of the Mingzhou Group!

The Mingzhou Group is too powerful, and it is in collusion with the navy!

When Qin Tao saw this post, he clicked in.

Screen name: No. [-] island product.

Content: The strength of the Mingzhou Group is a huge threat to China and the world!The strength of the Mingzhou Group does not depend on its own ability, but on nepotism. They are a private enterprise, but they have received many orders for warships. There must be something inside...

Xu Zhengyang looked at Qin Tao worriedly from the side, wondering if Qin Tao would get angry, but Qin Tao browsed through the whole post calmly, without appearing too excited.

This is being splashed with dirty water on the Internet. Xu Zhengyang was a little angry when he saw it, but he didn't expect that President Qin would not be angry?

Qin Tao was not angry at all, because in later generations, such things are too common.

Some people with ulterior motives first started to spread rumors, and some people who didn't know why and were dissatisfied with reality were encouraged. Anyway, they don't have to worry about being beaten when they speak on the Internet.

However, it is okay to bully others, if you want to spread rumors about Mingzhou Group, hehehe.

Qin Tao looked at Xu Zhengyang: "The black hand behind it should be the islanders headed by [-], right? They have already used this method proficiently."

I didn't find this kind of situation before, at least I didn't slander the Mingzhou Group, otherwise Xu Zhengyang would have reported it to Qin Tao. Now, Qin Tao has seen through the whole thing from the surface to the core.

Xu Zhengyang nodded: "That's right, we have investigated it, and this chat room has a strong background from an island country. However, the people talking are all Chinese, this island product... stupid, and is currently a college student at a university in our capital. "

"College student? All right, let's use him." Qin Tao said.

Xu Zhengyang became serious: "Boss Qin, what are you going to do?"

Xu Zhengyang followed Qin Tao and did a lot of things that can only be done in the dark, but those were dealing with outsiders. Now, do you use that method to deal with people from your own country?However, this guy is a traitor, even if Boss Qin asked someone to beat him into a cripple, Xu Zhengyang thought it was worth it.

"Collect evidence and go to court to file a lawsuit. His remarks have seriously damaged the reputation of our Mingzhou Group, and the claim is 100 million." Qin Tao said: "We have to let them know that the Internet is not a place outside the law. Get into a lawsuit!"

Xu Zhengyang nodded.

"Also, launch a counterattack on the Internet. These people want to smear us, so we will beat them to pieces! Find out those backbones, huh, it's dark outside, anything is possible of."

These jumping clowns actually dare to come here to pour dirty water on the Mingzhou Group. They don't know what kind of role Mr. Qin of the Mingzhou Group is!

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