Great warships

Chapter 650

Wasteland village base.

"Hey, what's going on today? The J-31A is back again? Besides, it's still black?" Pilot Zhang Yongchao looked at the plane that appeared in the parking area and asked very curiously.

The pilots of the first batch of carrier-based aircraft have graduated, and they all boarded the 001 aircraft carrier. Zhang Yongchao belongs to the second batch of pilots. Like the first batch, they are also studying hard and training hard, striving to get on the warship as soon as possible and become qualified carrier-based aircraft pilots. .

Their usual training is either a trainer plane or a single-seat J-31. Although the J-[-]A was stationed here some time ago, after this aircraft completed the take-off and landing of the aircraft carrier, it left the wasteland village base. There is no need to stay any longer.

Now, I didn't expect to see another J-31A, and it has been painted with stealth coating. What does this plane suddenly appear, what does it mean?
Some ground crews were busy nearby, Zhang Yongchao approached curiously, and asked one of them: "Hey, brother, what are you doing here?"

"Maintain the plane."

"What about after maintenance?"

"Let go."

"What about after the release?"

"Go ahead and take care of it."

Zhang Yongchao shook his head helplessly. This is a chicken-and-egg answer, an endless loop.

"Forget it, we have secrecy rules, don't inquire about what you shouldn't inquire about, hey, it seems that a Yunba is flying over?"

Yunba landed on the runway, the rear cabin door opened, and then, large boxes were unloaded inside, with a row of large characters sprayed on the outside: Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

"What is this? A drone developed by a university in the capital?"

"That's right, it's a drone. This is our latest seagull drone." A person who got off the plane said, and began to direct everyone to unpack the box. After unpacking, Zhang Yongchao opened his eyes wide and looked at The drone inside: "Is this a coaxial inversion structure?"

The navy has imported Lao Maozi's ship-borne helicopter, which has a coaxial reverse structure, is short and tall, and forms a sharp contrast with other helicopters.

The same is true for the plane in front of me. It is unmanned, so it does not have a cockpit. The whole body is like a short and thick airship. It has two rotors on its top and only two rudder surfaces at the tail. Tail rotor, this method makes the rear mechanical structure simple, and at the same time, the aerodynamic force is symmetrical, and the controllability is good, which is very suitable for unmanned driving.

This is the drone that Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics flew for the first time in 95. It has been improved and upgraded in the following years. Now, it has finally been used, and it has brought ten more!The R&D team is very excited.

"This is too strange, is this going to be a big move?" Zhang Yongchao said curiously.

"Test the air defense system of our new warship. Our seagulls can fly low against the sea surface to see if the air defense system of the new warship can detect us." The visitor said.

New warships, air defense systems?Zhang Yongchao immediately realized: "Our 052C is about to be tested!"

"Report, the base leader ordered that all the pilots go to the conference room for a meeting!" At this moment, an orderly ran over and shouted to Zhang Yongchao.

"Got it, I'll go there right away!"

The conference room at the base was full of excitement.When Zhang Yongchao went in, he heard them all talking in low voices about the 346 radar, hundreds of targets, etc., which kept passing into Zhang Yongchao's ears.

"Okay, stop talking, let's have a meeting now!" The base leader walked in and looked at the lively pilots below: "We have just received a mission. In order to test the air defense system of our 052B and 052C destroyers, we need to dispatch ten aircraft As a high-altitude target approaching the warship, we plan to dispatch five J-5000 and five trainer planes to fly at altitudes of [-] meters and [-] meters respectively."

"Report, is that J-31A also mixed in our formation?" Zhang Yongchao raised his hand.

"It's not your turn to speak yet!" The leader gave Zhang Chao a dissatisfied look. No matter which batch, there will be skilled pilots, not only with superb flying skills, but also with a bad temper, just like this Zhang Chao, who doesn't follow the discipline, actually interrupts when the leader is speaking!

"The J-31A will fly at an altitude of 8000 meters and will be mixed between our two formations. This arrangement is to better confuse the opponent. At the same time, each of our five fighters carries two Eagle 81 anti-aircraft ship missile target."

Now the pilots couldn't help cheering.

Missiles are very expensive, so they have no chance to shoot missiles at all. Occasionally, they hang rocket launchers under the wings to practice shooting ground targets for fun. This thing is dangerous and has no sense of accomplishment.

Now, they finally have a chance to hit missiles!

Missiles are big guys!Moreover, it is an anti-ship missile!
"Report, I have a problem!" Zhang Yongchao raised his hand again.

"what is the problem?"

"In my opinion, the range of the YJ-81 missile is too short. We need to fly [-] kilometers away from the target to launch, and our route is limited to high altitude. This is very inappropriate. I suggest that we fly into the , Only in this way can we better simulate actual combat!"

"Ultra-low altitude? According to the exercise arrangement, ultra-low altitude, targets within [-] kilometers belong to the shooting zone, and the target warship can launch missile attacks without hesitation! Zhang Yongchao, do you dare to fly over? You are not afraid of being shot down by Red Flag Nine ?”

"Report, I'm not afraid, everything should be close to actual combat!"

"You are not afraid of death, I am afraid of the loss of the plane you have." The base leader glanced at him: "Fly according to the original plan, at an altitude of [-] meters, when the target is [-] kilometers away, launch the anti-ship missile target missile, and return!"

The YJ-81 is an anti-ship missile with a solid engine, and its maximum range is only [-] kilometers. The range of an air-launched anti-ship missile is related to the launch height and speed. The higher the altitude, the greater the speed, and the farther the range. When launched at an altitude of [-] meters with high-pressure sound speed, the range will be increased to more than [-] kilometers.

However, now it is required to launch at a distance of [-] kilometers. What does this mean?
This is obviously because they are afraid of hurting the warship. In fact, it is just a target bomb, and there is no warhead at all, so it is also afraid of danger.

Zhang Yongchao stopped talking, he could not take his own life, but he had to care about his own plane, for every pilot, he needs to love the plane like his own life, even if he doesn't love his own life, he must Love the plane.

"Now, let's discuss specific tactics." The leader continued to issue orders.

On the magnificent sea, warships are breaking through the waves and overcoming obstacles.

The shapes of the two warships are full of modern feeling. Compared with the messy superstructure of the past, they appear very simple.

From the bow of the ship to the rear, there is a broken line, and the buildings above the broken line start to shrink back. This simple method can play a very good role in stealth.

However, the shape of the superstructure extending past is somewhat different. The 052B with four small shields looks taller, and the 052C with four large shields looks thicker.

The two warships sailed in formation as if they were brothers.

"These two warships look good." Standing on the bridge of 052C, Wu Shengli said with emotion as he looked at the sister ships.

"Yes, in the past ten years, our domestic shipbuilding technology has developed by leaps and bounds. Our two destroyers are enough to make Europeans envious."

Europe has long wanted to build anti-aircraft ships, but after so many years of doing it, it has not been done. Different countries have different needs, and the coordination of weapon systems is not easy. Later, they were developed separately, and progress was still slow.

20 years ago, the East had just opened its doors, and the Western weapons it saw were all advanced. At that time, it even considered introducing Sea Javelin missiles from the United Kingdom, equipped on the 051 destroyer, and even gave it a 051S number.

Due to various reasons, the 051S project was stillborn in the end. For a long time, Dongfang's fleet has been running naked.The navy used to envy the West very much, now it is the West's turn to envy itself!
"Dad, when the warship is commissioned in the future, we can go out more and show our advanced technology from the East to the Westerners, so that the West will not continue to discredit us." Qin Tao said.

Many Western media have always reported the situation in the East with colored glasses. According to them, the East is backward, and the East can't even afford electricity and still uses kerosene lamps. The reports are all one-sided.

Warships are not only weapons, but also a window to show their strength to the outside world. Move the warships out to the ports of other countries, let the citizens come up to visit, and let them see that the warships built by the East are better than their own. Strong, so that the outside world can better understand Dongfang.

At this moment, upon hearing Qin Tao's words, Wu Shengli smiled: "Taozi, do you think of the recent smearing rumors on the Internet?"

Of course, Wu Shengli also knew about this matter. Those rumors made Wu Shengli the big backer of the Mingzhou Group, saying that he was protecting his son-in-law and undertaking various naval projects.

He is not afraid of investigations, and his body is not afraid of being crooked. Over the years, the navy has grown stronger by relying on the Mingzhou Group. The contribution of the Mingzhou Group to the navy is clear to the old leaders.This is not because the Mingzhou Group is taking advantage of the Navy, but because the Navy is taking advantage of the Mingzhou Group!
However, if these rumors spread, it will still have a bad influence on Mingzhou Group and him.

"No, it's just a trivial matter. Since there are ignorant ants blocking the way, just trample it to death." Qin Tao said, "Dad, you should know that I say this so that Mingzhou Group can sell it." More foreign trade warships are going."

Launch this kind of four-sided shield warship and let the world see this second Aegis system in the world. It will definitely be promoted to Mingzhou Group, and Mingzhou Group will be able to gain higher prestige, and the sales of warships will also increase. Can go to the next level.

"However, our navy will not allow this kind of warship to be sold."

"This is just a means of publicity. Even if 052C is not sold, 054 can always be sold." Qin Tao said: "What we want to show to the outside world is the confidence of a strong motherland!"

Some people are working hard for the strength of the motherland, and some are sparing no effort to slander the motherland. No matter when, there is no shortage of traitors.

In the capital, in an Internet cafe near a certain university.

Wisps of green smoke were emitting from the cigarette butt, which had already burned a lot, and then fell to the bottom during the movement of the mouth.

The monkey-cheeked Pan Han didn't care to take the cigarette butt out of his mouth, even though the smoke had already made his eyes start to water, he was still typing on the keyboard with both hands.

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly felt that his side seemed to be quiet, and when he looked up, he found that a person was carrying a camera, pointing at his screen, and shooting himself frantically.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Pan Han turned around in surprise.

"Are you Pan Han? Long live the online name Dao Guoguo." Next to the camera, another man in a suit and leather shoes said.

"That's right, it's me. What's the matter, does it have anything to do with you?" Pan Han spoke indistinctly with a cigarette butt in his mouth.

"I am a lawyer from the legal department of Mingzhou Group. You have made a lot of inappropriate remarks on the Internet and seriously damaged the reputation of our Mingzhou Group. Therefore, on behalf of Mingzhou Group, I solemnly tell you that we have submitted to the court Submitted a complaint. You need to apologize to us for these inappropriate remarks, and then compensate us for 100 million reputation damages. It is estimated that the court summons will be sent to you soon, of course, it may be sent to you first College."

Pan Han was shocked by these words. He didn't expect that the Mingzhou Group would come to his door, asking for 100 million?

Pan Han suddenly exclaimed, without the cigarette butt in his mouth, he burrowed directly into his stomach along his neckline, grinning his teeth from the burn of the cigarette butt, and quickly reached out to take it out.

The visitors had already turned around and left. Looking at their leaving backs, Pan Han's heart was beating violently.

Pan Han was born in a special family when he was a child. His uncle ran to the other side after the civil war. He visited relatives and went home a few years ago, but he was envious. After that, he began to yearn for foreign countries even more. After being admitted to the university, he even tried to get close to the foreign students in the university. Under their influence, he was full of yearning for the western world. He was already a banana man with a yellow skin and a white heart.

Pan Han felt his legs tremble a little, 100 million is a huge sum of money for anyone!What if the money is not paid?Do you want to spend your life in prison?
There is no Lao Lai in this era. If you don’t pay back the money you owe, you go in and squat down. He took a few deep breaths, then opened ICQ, and began to ask for help in a special group inside.

Help, Mingzhou Group wants to sue me and ask me to pay 100 million in compensation!

What are they afraid of, they sue, and they may not win!
That's right, this time it's time to leave the Internet and show the dominance of the Mingzhou Group in the real media!

Don't worry, long live the island country products, we all support you behind the scenes!
Even if you lose the lawsuit in the end, we will find a way for you to raise the money!Besides, this lawsuit can't be lost!

The support in the chat group finally restored Pan Han's calm. He picked up half a cigarette, continued to light it, and started smoking.

At sea, Qin Tao didn't take this little ant seriously at all. The strength of the navy was his most important thing.

"Attention, the test sea area is about to arrive, the sea area has been cleared, and the air police 2000 is responsible for the judgment four hundred kilometers away."

So far, the navy has no early warning aircraft. The major test project this time can only be the Air Police 2000 leased from the Air Force. This early warning aircraft rarely has the opportunity to monitor so many targets. It can just test the performance of the Air Police 2000. .

"052C has activated the search radar!"

"052B has activated the search radar!"

"Turn on the data link and transmit it to the rear in real time!"

The judgment not only depends on the Air Police 2000, but the Navy also has its own method, that is, its own data link, which sends all the air defense data back through the data link, and then makes a synchronous judgment at the rear.

The antenna of the Type 517 meter wave radar turned up.

This kind of antenna is quite special. It has a horizontal bar, and the horizontal bar is equipped with four [-]-degree vertical horizontal poles. This layout gives it the nickname of a clothes rack. However, there is a A small horizontal bar looks like a fish bone, so it has won the title of a fish skeleton.

From the outside, this kind of radar seems to be very old, but only its antenna and its internal circuit have been greatly changed.

Specifically, the Type 517 was developed on the basis of the Jing-17H radar. It began in 1976 and was finalized in 1986. After the finalization, the performance has fallen behind. Therefore, the domestic technicians have been working non-stop, and they have produced the 517A radar. As for the 052C destroyer, it is a further improved 517B radar. As for The direction of its improvement, of course, is the ability to fight against stealth aircraft.

However, until boarding the ship, there was no confrontation with the J-31A coated with stealth coating. Therefore, the ability to detect stealth aircraft is still unknown for the time being.

Now, is a test of this radar.

The atmosphere on the bridge became tense, and Wu Shengli asked curiously, "Aren't you going to turn on the phased array radar?"

"We are now simulating a patrol situation. We first use the meter wave radar to detect, and the phased array radar will not turn on until the target is detected." Qin Tao introduced: "This also saves some money."

What to save?The first one is power saving. This four-sided phased array radar consumes a lot of power. Even if the warship has been matched to increase the power generation, it can save as much as possible. Otherwise, the warship will keep driving it during the voyage. , Don’t run thousands of nautical miles.

The second is to save life. The four-sided phased array radar antenna must also have a lifespan. It is best to save it and not need to replace the T/R components when the warship is decommissioned.

"Found the target, the distance is [-] kilometers!" The radar soldier shouted.

This is the advantage of meter wave radar!In addition to the benefits of power consumption and lifespan, it also has a huge benefit, that is, the detection distance is long!

The longer the wavelength, the farther the detection distance at the same power. This is the iron law of radar, just like in the previous phased array radar technology competition, 14 chose the S-band, and the competitors chose the C-band. As a result, the Navy used The plan of the 14th Institute is because the detection distance of the S-band is longer.The Navy has to have a detection capability far enough away.

Now, the clothes hanger of the meter wave radar, the search distance is even further!High-altitude targets can be found 450 kilometers away, and even in the future, after the meter wave radar also uses the phased array system, it even found F-22 at a distance of [-] kilometers! (Some magazines said, I don't know if it is true or not.)
"The main phased array radar is turned on!"

As the order was issued, Qin Tao seemed to hear the humming sound of the rear generator. He knew that this was his own illusion. However, with the activation of the four-sided phased array radar, a large amount of electromagnetic radiation was radiating to the surrounding area at this time. Scanning, if you stand in front of the radar antenna at this time, it is estimated that the whole body will have static electricity.

Nearby, on the 052B destroyer, the captain asked anxiously: "What's going on? Has our radar not found the target yet?"

"Report, not yet. The farthest detection distance of our rotating phased array radar antenna is [-] kilometers."

Just started the test, it was already at a disadvantage, just because they didn't use the ancient meter wave antenna!

Sun Xuewen, who accompanied the ship, had a calm face. He had already guessed this result. After all, they want to win, relying on cost performance. The performance is not the most advanced, but the cost is low. It is absolutely impossible for them to compare with 052C. performance.

Four hundred is four hundred kilometers. Anyway, such a long distance, just to see, and can't do anything else.

"450 kilometers!"

"420 kilometers!"

When the 052C observed the target at 420 kilometers, the rotating phased array radar on the 052B finally had a harvest!
"Target found! Wait for the next refresh to measure various data and pass it to the air defense missile system!"

Their antennas are rotating, not fixed!Therefore, even if they found the target, it was impossible to obtain all kinds of information immediately. They had to wait until the next time the antenna turned over, and then they could determine the target's speed and other information based on the comparison of the two data before and after.

Here, the 052C's phased array radar has captured the target, and the data processing system moves quickly to classify the T/R components and aim at a certain target, and the data appears on the screen in an instant.

"The first batch of ten targets arrived, at altitudes of 5000 meters and [-] meters respectively. The targets are very clear and should be fighter planes."

Different targets have different radar echoes, and the detection distance is different. If you want to find better, you have to mobilize more T/R components. Now, only a small number of T/R components are used, and it has been completed. The measurement of the target shows that it is a large target, and the radar reflection is very strong.

"The meter wave radar report found that there is a vague outline between the two batches of targets, which is not very clear. It may be a stealth aircraft!"

The 052C warship has discovered a stealth target!
The 052B destroyer here is in a hurry.

"What's the matter? Haven't we found that invisible target yet? If we can't find it in time when it comes to war, we will be beaten!"

"Report, temporarily unable to find it!"

"Damn it, stop the radar and aim all the radar waves in that direction, I don't believe I can't find it!" The captain was anxious.

"No, if we do this, we will lose our search for other airspaces. In this test, there will be a large number of targets flying from different directions!" Sun Xuewen immediately expressed his rejection on behalf of the warship's developer.

"We still have four small shields, which can detect the target at a distance of [-] kilometers. Anyway, the interception target can only be fired within [-] kilometers. A detection distance of [-] kilometers is enough!" The captain couldn't hold back his breath. .

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