Great warships

Chapter 654 Binhai Shipyard Continues to Accompany

Chapter 654 Binhai Shipyard Continues to Accompany

The capital, Yellow Tower.

"This time the navy spent a lot of money to conduct a comparative test of two destroyers. Now, I believe that everyone has their own opinions on the test results. Now, everyone can talk about it." On the rostrum, Wu Shengli Open your mouth.

"For our aircraft carrier formation, the 052C destroyer is the best choice." Li Yan, the captain of the aircraft carrier, spoke first, and his words almost represented the views of the navy's first-line troops.

"Yes, the biggest advantage of this kind of destroyer is that in addition to the four-sided phased array radar, it is also equipped with a special meter-wave radar for detection. In our formation, the meter-wave radar can increase the accuracy by networking. , our aircraft carrier formation must have at least four destroyers of this type, and we can build an indestructible air defense firepower network." Zhang Zhen took over the conversation and said: "On the whole, the combat effectiveness of the 052C is no better than our 138-ton class The No. [-] is weak."

The navy has always been interested in the 052C, but this kind of destroyer is too expensive, so it didn't insist. Now, the price has come down, and the performance has an overall advantage. Therefore, the navy has no reason to choose the weak chicken 052B.

For this one-sided situation, Sun Xuewen has long been psychologically prepared. Their idea of ​​bidding at the beginning was to focus on the price advantage. Now there is no particularly big gap in price. The main reason is that the navy has already gained confidence. Therefore, their 052B Losing the election is also normal.

The lack of meter wave radar is the main reason for their defeat.

"Since everyone agrees, then our navy will first place an order for four destroyers." Wu Shengli said: "Among them, two will be equipped with the southern fleet and two will be equipped with the northern fleet."

The current No. 167 and No. 168 are properly prepared for the southern fleet. With the addition of two new 052Cs, the size of the southern fleet has rapidly expanded, saving the past from always complaining about the lack of large warships.

The northern fleet is responsible for protecting the capital. In particular, the aircraft carrier is currently equipped in the northern fleet, so it is normal to equip two of them. When it is necessary to perform combat missions, the southern two can be mobilized. past.

Now, it was the turn of the eastern fleet to be dissatisfied.

"Leader, they are all assigned Aegis battleships, what about us? Have we always used the old-fashioned modern class? We are responsible for important people, and we don't even have a professional anti-aircraft destroyer!"

The fleet in the east has always been dominated by Russian equipment, first the Hyundai class, then the Glory class, and now there are two other Hyundai-class ships. With five Russian-style warships as the main force, that means a displacement of [-] tons. Not too small.

However, how can Russian equipment compare with domestic equipment?The four modern-class ships can only launch Shijili and Hongqi-16 missiles, and the glorious-class ship can only launch S-300 missiles. Since there is no four-sided phased array radar, the glorious-class ship cannot have omnidirectional missiles at all. China's regional air defense capabilities, in this regard, are very lacking.

Now, the leader is too eccentric, right?
"Although you don't have the strongest air defense capabilities, you have the strongest anti-ship capabilities." Qin Tao said: "Now, our pony bombs are mature, so next, your warships will conduct a With a change of equipment, the No. 138 ship can destroy a fleet, let alone add four modern-class ships."

Since the pony bullets have shown Hu Lai's powerful combat performance in the test, of course they must be equipped. After all, this thing is urgently needed in the country. No. 138 has been carrying the missile launch tube to scare people. Now it can finally be equipped with real good things. .

"Air defense is air defense, and anti-ship is anti-ship. We need the strongest air defense capability."

"Your fleet has always been under the protection of naval aviation, and the need for air defense is not so urgent." Qin Tao said: "What your fleet needs most is a strong offensive capability. After placing the order for the two aircraft carriers, the amphibious assault ship plan I proposed to the Navy should be on the right track. This kind of warship must be equipped with your fleet to the east."

Amphibious assault ship?
The eyes of the leader of the Eastern Fleet shone brightly: "President Qin, are you saying that we can have a large warship with direct access to the deck?"

The navy currently has amphibious landing ships, the main force is 072 and 073, and the displacement is only a few thousand tons. The displacement has been expanded to 071 tons, and eight ships have been built in one go. Since the first ship entered service in 07, construction has not stopped, which has greatly improved the navy's amphibious combat capability.Once there is a situation, it is no problem to send troops directly to a division.

Of course, the most dazzling is the 075, a large amphibious assault ship with a displacement of [-] tons and a direct access to the deck, which made the Eastern Navy jump up and possess the second largest amphibious assault force in the world.

And this kind of power is what the navy is currently in urgent need of.

"Well, it depends on how the senior leaders of the navy think about it. Our Mingzhou Group will give two design plans, one with a displacement of [-] tons and a large helicopter deck at the stern, and the other with a displacement of [-] tons. The island is directly connected to the deck layout. The latter can not only take off and land helicopters, but also take off and land vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. Even if it only carries ten vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, the combat capability of this kind of amphibious assault ship will have a leap forward, and Small aircraft carriers are about the same."

The eyes of all the people present were brightened.

Qin Tao had proposed the idea of ​​an amphibious assault ship before, but at that time, the navy had no money and could not afford to build an aircraft carrier, so where could we build a nondescript amphibious assault ship?
But now, the modified 001 has braved the wind and waves and started sailing. The construction of a domestic aircraft carrier has also been put on the agenda. When the domestic aircraft carrier is completed, it will be an amphibious assault ship.

"The 31-ton amphibious assault ship also needs to be equipped with the vertical take-off and landing version of the J-[-]A, which is the best!" Immediately, the leaders of the Eastern Fleet no longer worry about whether they have an air defense destroyer. It's like having an aircraft carrier.

Now, 001 has been given to the northern fleet. If 002 is built again, it is estimated that it will be given to the southern fleet. The combat range of their eastern fleet is within the land-based aviation, unless they can get the support of two brother fleets during a war. Under normal circumstances, they would definitely not be able to assign an aircraft carrier.

With this kind of amphibious assault ship, they can also operate carrier-based fixed-wing fighters. Of course, they can't wait.

"Hey, you have changed the topic of the meeting. Our meeting is discussing the project of four 052C ships." Wu Shengli spoke on it.

"Leader Wu, the Mingzhou Group may not be able to start construction of these four destroyers quickly. Therefore, after we receive the shipbuilding task, we will subcontract two orders to the Bincheng Shipyard. I hope the Navy can approve it."

The navy has begun to place orders continuously and purchase 054. This kind of frigate Mingzhou Group can't build it, so it subcontracted several ships to Huating Shipyard. Now, if the navy wants to place an order for four 052C at the same time, Mingzhou Group has to Follow this pattern.

Although Mingzhou Group has to take a commission, the shipyard is still profitable, and it can continue to build warships, which is also a spur and encouragement for the shipyard.

At this time, after hearing Qin Tao's words, Sun Xuewen's heart was full of gratitude. Mr. Qin will never forget his brother unit!Make money together!

"Director Sun, do you have any questions?" Wu Shengli turned to Sun Xuewen.

Sun Xuewen shook his head: "We have no problem. We will definitely build the ship seriously under the guidance of the representatives sent by Mingzhou Group, and we must complete the construction task with high standards."

Although the bidding failed, they still won the task of building two warships, which is of course everyone's satisfaction.

After discussing some details, the morning meeting was finally successfully completed. At noon, everyone had dinner in the cafeteria of the Yellow Building.

"We can't drink at noon, Mr. Qin, I'll offer you a cup of tea instead of water." Sun Xuewen sat beside Qin Tao, picked up the tea, and said to Qin Tao.

"Director Sun, is this how you express your heart? I'm afraid it's not enough." Qin Tao said.

Sun Xuewen was taken aback: "Boss Qin, what else do you want?"

Others at the dinner table also noticed this scene, the situation is not right, why did Mr. Qin start to embarrass the old grandson today?
"I have a request, but I don't know if you can comply."

"President Qin, as long as you make a request, we will definitely do it!"

"Okay. Put your ears closer."

Other people at the dinner table watched this scene curiously, watching Qin Tao muttering next to Sun Xuewen's ear, and seeing the expression on Sun Xuewen's face become very strange.

"What are you two talking about?" Wu Shengli asked.

"Talk about the development of our navy." Qin Tao echoed casually.

Wu Shengli smiled and ignored him.

In the afternoon, the meeting continued.

"This afternoon, the topic of our meeting was the development of the Navy. After the trial of the first aircraft carrier, the Navy finally made up its mind to continue building the second aircraft carrier. plan."

Sun Xuewen's eyes lit up, and he immediately raised his hand: "Leader Wu, our Bincheng Shipyard is willing to participate in this bidding. Although we failed in the bidding for the destroyer, we still will not give up. We want to build an aircraft carrier." !"

Everyone looked at Sun Xuewen in surprise. Maybe their Bincheng Shipyard could still work hard to produce a product similar to that of Mingzhou Group for the bidding for the destroyer. Which shipyard would dare to compete with Mingzhou Group for this aircraft carrier across the country?

Needless to say, the whole country, even in the whole world, Mingzhou Group is one of the few companies with the ability to build aircraft carriers. They built a 3-ton aircraft carrier for Siam, rebuilt the aircraft carrier for the navy, and built an aircraft carrier for the football country. An aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than [-] tons, they have the most experience, so no matter who comes to participate in the bidding, they must be accompanying them.

Wait, what did Boss Qin say in Sun Xuewen's ear at noon?

Could it be that they wanted Bincheng Shipyard to join in, so that they could justifiably bid?
It's as if a school wants to elect a representative, the principal signs up, and a logistics officer also signs up, and then the whole school is asked to vote, what is the result?
Wu Shengli nodded: "Then tell us about your plan. After obtaining the approval of our navy, you will come up with a formal design plan in three months."

Sun Xuewen was clearly prepared. He glanced at Qin Tao's direction, and then said: "Everyone, considering the existing conditions, we decided to use the same power as the 001 aircraft carrier. After improvement, this power can Drive an aircraft carrier with a full load displacement of [-] tons, so we set the displacement of the aircraft carrier at about [-] tons."

Everyone nodded, the enlargement of the aircraft carrier is inevitable, and the small aircraft carriers are all fools.Look at Ah San's aircraft carrier, because the deck area is small, the take-off area and landing area overlap, how much trouble has it brought to their deck scheduling?
"At the same time, considering the progress we have made in the field of catapults, we decided to arrange two electromagnetic catapults on the angled deck, and the bow deck still adopts the method of jumping the deck."

The combination of flying deck and oblique ejection, isn't this Ulyanovsk?
Everyone became curious.

Although the Mingzhou Group has not spoken yet, everyone knows that what the Mingzhou Group is going to do is a straight deck layout, and two electromagnetic catapults are to be arranged at the bow of the ship. There is a real chance of winning the bid.

Did Boss Qin give them this idea?

"This design is for double insurance. In case our electromagnetic catapult fails, then we can still rely on the bow of the ship to jump over the deck and dispatch our carrier-based aircraft. We have done statistics. American aircraft carrier steam catapult The failure rate of the catapult is 20.00%. That is to say, for every 25 ejections, there will be [-] failures. They use four catapults to achieve high enough reliability. We use a brand new electromagnetic catapult, The ground test went well, but at sea, we don’t know what will happen, we can’t take risks, we must take a step-by-step path.”

After these words, some of the naval leaders nodded.

"Compared to the existing 001 aircraft carrier, we will greatly reduce the size of the ship island, which can expand the parking area on the deck. At the same time, we will open up the front of the hangar. Anyway, we don't need to deploy any long-range missiles. With a sufficiently large hangar area, the number of fighter planes carried by this warship can be increased to more than sixty."

These are all theoretical, just like the introduction of a military magazine, the specific detailed design can be discussed later.

After Sun Xuewen finished speaking, there was a round of applause at the scene.

"The proposal of the Ben Thanh Shipyard makes us very interested. Now, which shipyard is speaking?"

Everyone looked at Qin Tao.

Qin Tao had a smile on his face: "We are going to compete in the aircraft carrier project again. This time, the aircraft carrier project proposed by our Mingzhou Group is similar to that of their Bincheng Shipyard, except that we adopt the aircraft carrier project. For the straight deck, two electromagnetic catapults are arranged, and the plan for the inclined deck to arrange one electromagnetic catapult. We have confidence in the domestic electromagnetic catapult. We don't think there will be problems. Even if there is a problem, three electromagnetic catapults, It is also enough to back up each other. In terms of dispatch efficiency, the Soviet-style aircraft carrier and the American-style aircraft carrier are incomparable, so we have to follow the path of the American-style aircraft carrier."

It's not the first time that Mingzhou Group's plan has been mentioned. This time, it's just nagging again. The details will have to wait until the actual bidding. Now it's just a casual talk.

"However, in terms of elevators, we still maintain the two elevators on the right, but we will expand the area of ​​the elevators so that each elevator can transport two fighter jets at the same time."

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier has four elevators, three on the starboard side and two on the port side. When it comes to the Ford class, it is replaced by two on the right and one on the left, and one elevator is missing. The domestically produced 003 aircraft carrier only has two elevators on the right. Not on the left, is this appropriate?

There are many voices of opposition, who believe that this will lead to a serious drop in transportation capacity, and even cause the fighter planes placed on the port side to be dragged, which will affect the operations on the deck, etc. However, the reduction in the number of elevators is a trend.

The lift needs to have openings on the hull, the fewer the openings, the higher the strength of the hull.At the same time, the elevator will also occupy the deck area, and the fighter plane must not be parked there, at most it can only be placed there temporarily.

Although the scale of two lifts is still maintained, one can transport two lifts at a time, so the efficiency is already good.

"Will this affect the efficiency of our fighter jets?" Someone began to ask.

"Of course not. If we need to carry out the attack mission of a large fleet, we can fill the rear of the deck with planes. If it is not enough, the take-off area on the inclined deck can also be filled with planes. We will first use the two bow catapults. Then use the catapult on the inclined deck after freeing up the inclined deck. The efficiency will be very high if the three are released together, and the whole deck can be completely taken off. Regarding the scheduling of this deck, we have already made an animation model. When it comes time to bid, it will be brought out."

Animated models that demonstrate deck scheduling!

Why do we need so many elevators? Four fighter jets can be parked on the port side!
"Okay, then we'll wait."

"Our ship island will also be greatly reduced. Pilots and middle-level officers can all sleep below, without taking up precious deck area. However, there must be some, four-sided phased array radar, etc. is required…"

Qin Tao's introduction was very simple, and it took more than ten minutes to finish it.

"Of course, an aircraft carrier is a huge system project. It depends not only on our warships, but also on carrier-based aircraft. In addition to fighter jets, there are also helicopters, early warning aircraft and anti-submarine aircraft."

"In terms of carrier-based aircraft, I think the Navy needs some stealth aircraft." Li Yan said again: "This exercise has shown the powerful advantages of stealth aircraft. Although our J-[-] has a large bomb load, It has a long range, but this kind of aircraft has no stealth capability, so it will not be suitable for certain missions.”

As the captain of an aircraft carrier, Li Yan has been studying the attack tactics of aircraft carriers. Now, he is more and more aware of the important role of stealth aircraft in missions. This is simply a revolution. If the Navy has stealth aircraft, many missions will be easier.

"For example, if you want to launch an attack on the enemy, the stealth aircraft can pass by as the first wave to destroy the enemy's radar, anti-aircraft missile positions, etc., so that the non-stealth aircraft in the rear can continue to launch safely. attack, and for example, to perform reconnaissance missions, stealth aircraft are more suitable."

"That's right, I think that on the next aircraft carrier, stealth aircraft and non-stealth aircraft should be carried in a one-to-one ratio, for example, 24 J-24s and 31 J-[-]As." Zhang Zhen followed up with his speech.

"Captain Zhang, why don't you be bolder, 32 J-32s and 31 J-[-]As?" Qin Tao said with a smile.

It is normal for an aircraft carrier with a displacement of [-] tons to carry [-] aircraft and about [-] combat aircraft.

"Well, that's right!" Zhang Zhen nodded: "I'm too conservative."

"Will the mixing and matching of the two types of aircraft cause problems for the maintenance of the aircraft? Now, even the Americans are reducing the types of carrier-based aircraft and plan to completely replace the F-18 with the F-14." A leader Said.

"If we want to reduce the number of models, we would rather use all J-31A instead of J-[-]!"

So the leaders above stopped talking.

"Everyone, we can provide a variety of solutions for this kind of fighter jet, but in addition to these aircraft, we also need an aircraft."

"What plane?"


What are the advantages of electromagnetic ejection?That is, its ejection energy is infinitely adjustable, not only can eject more than 30 tons of fighter jets, but also eject several tons or more than ten tons of drones!In future wars, drones will also play an increasingly important role!
"President Qin, do you mean that we can use drones to avoid danger during investigation?" Li Yan said.

"Looking at it now, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft must be the first to have practical value. We want to develop a large unmanned aerial vehicle with a long range. Attack aircraft, carry bombs to attack the most dangerous targets, if successful, fly back, if not successful, then we just lost the drone.”

In later generations, drones are often used to attack, especially those cheap drones, which can be used directly for suicide attacks.

"UAVs can still attack in the future? It's unbelievable." Someone expressed emotion.

"In this way, won't our pilots lose their jobs?"

"How can you be unemployed? Pilots can be operators on warships." Qin Tao said: "No matter what time it is, people are the most important factor in determining the outcome of a war."

"We lack relevant technical reserves in our country." Wu Shengli said with emotion.

"Leaders, if you are interested, we can go to Yunma Factory to see how the development of drones is going."

(End of this chapter)

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