Great warships

Chapter 655 Trip to Yunma Factory and Shuangyang Factory

Chapter 655 Trip to Yunma Factory and Shuangyang Factory

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and a group of people came to Yunma Factory.

After hard work, Yunma Factory has also completed the task of relocating the third-line factory. It is next to Shuangyang Factory and is located in the outskirts of the provincial capital. For them, it is already good. For Guizhou Province, if you want to develop, Then we have to vigorously support these military factories.

Zhang Wanhe stood at the gate of the factory, welcoming the group of people with a smile.

"Welcome, everyone is welcome to visit our Yunma Factory." Zhang Wanhe was so happy that his face was wrinkled. The senior leaders of the navy came to inspect, are they planning to order their trainer planes?
"Director Zhang, have you already established a group?" Qin Tao asked.

"Yes, our former 011 base has now become Guihang, and we also want to operate as a group. However, we are used to calling it Yunma Factory, and we can't change it." Zhang Wanhe said: "At present, The main product of our group is the JJ-[-]. Currently, we are planning to make major changes to this trainer aircraft, striving to make it better adapt to future needs."

"Improve?" Qin Tao remembered the shape of the mountain eagle: "Have you started with the aerodynamic layout?"

"That's right, the third-generation domestically produced aircraft has long since ceased to have air intake through the nose. Our trainer aircraft still have air intake through the nose, which is not convenient for the training of the troops. Therefore, we decided to modify the front fuselage of JJ-132. , due to our weak technology, we also asked the [-] factory for advice many times, and finally got the super seven nose model that they blown through the wind tunnel. Since the nose does not need to install radar, we can also lower the front seat of the pilot height, so that a two-seat layout with a high and low configuration can be formed."

This is a real mountain eagle!

Qin Tao became curious: "So, how far has the project progressed? Can you take us to see it?"

"Well, there is already a wooden prototype, everyone, please follow me."

The factory area is newly built, and it looks full of vigor and vitality. After this overall relocation, Guihang Group has also ushered in a new development opportunity.

When they came to the research and development workshop, everyone saw this beautiful fighter model and immediately became excited.

"This is what a trainer looks like."

"Yeah, it's almost impossible to see the shadow of the past!"

The biggest change is the front fuselage. The air intake of the nose has been changed to two ribs, so that the nose becomes pointed. The front is low and the rear is high with two pilot seats. It finally looks like a modern trainer plane. , the instructors at the back no longer need to use the periscope to observe the front view.

The rear wing uses the double delta wing that the 132 factory is good at, so that the combat performance at low and medium altitudes will be further improved, and there will be more flight training subjects.

"At present, the country is beginning to equip a large number of third-generation aircraft, but there is no suitable high-education aircraft." Zhang Wanhe said: "Pilots directly board the two-seater aircraft after flying the Chinese education aircraft, which greatly wastes the time spent on the two-seater aircraft." In terms of flight life, after the troops use our aircraft, they can liberate the two-seater aircraft. Our cockpit layout is the same as that of the third-generation aircraft, and we plan to use one plane and three planes."

Old aircraft are all watch shops, and advanced aircraft already have glass cockpits. At present, the domestic J-[-] and the improved J-[-] all have glass cockpits. The old instrument cabin of J-[-] cannot be trained Pilots, so they simply changed to a modern cockpit.

This is their trump card.

"Okay, yes, after the test flight is completed, our navy will also have to equip a batch." Wu Shengli said.

The navy already has carrier-based trainer aircraft, but the navy still has a large number of land-based fixed-wing fighters, especially the two-seat J-[-], which will be equipped with a large number of naval forces. What to use for training is really a troublesome thing. Now there are This modified version of the Jjiao Seven would be much better.

The ground staff will maintain it, and there are even a large number of spare parts for the J-[-] in stock at each base, which should be available.

"Have you put all your thoughts on this plane?" Qin Tao asked.

He brought the leaders of the navy here to see the drones here. As a result, the focus here was on the modification of the JJ[-], so he came in vain?

"Of course not, Mr. Qin, we know that no matter how we change the JJ[-], it is still old. Therefore, if we want to continue to grow and develop, we have to study the drone you mentioned, and we are also studying it. The related technology, by the way, the wooden model has also been made, it’s over there.”

Zhang Wanhe continued to walk forward with the crowd, and then a model of a large drone appeared in front of everyone.

"The wings are not swept?" Immediately someone raised the question. In the era when swept wings were popular, it still used straight wings.

"Yes, we don't pursue supersonic capability, but long-term flight, especially high-altitude flight. Therefore, the straight wing method is more suitable for us."

"The back is interesting, the outward slope is a bit big!" Another person noticed the tail. There are only two V-shaped tail fins. Is it the horizontal tail that split the legs, or the vertical tail that went out of orbit?

"Yes, this is taking into account the need for stealth. It can act as a composite of horizontal tail and vertical tail under fly-by-wire control. Anyway, this kind of aircraft does not need to pursue high maneuverability." Zhang Wanhe said: " When we were designing, we largely referred to the design concept of the American Global Hawk."

Now, the Global Hawk is not in service yet, but the Americans can’t wait too long. The unexpected incidents in their country have made them set their sights on the imperial cemetery. Although the war has not yet started, the drones have already Sent to investigate.

This Global Hawk has already appeared in the eyes of international military experts, so Yunma Factory also noticed it and built it according to this shape.

"It's just that, because we don't have a suitable turbofan engine yet, we now plan to use the method of placing a piston engine at the rear to meet the needs of the test flight first, and then improve it to a turbofan engine later."

This is Rainbow-4!Qin Tao nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, the most important thing about this aircraft is the flight control. For you, it is not easy, right?"

"Yes, so we cooperated with Goose Factory and asked them to help. They are said to be researching some kind of automatic driving technology. Although it is on a car, it is not difficult to transplant it to an airplane."

Goose factory?Own affiliated enterprises?I don't know yet?Qin Tao looked suspiciously at the people around him.

"The specific cooperation was in September last year. You were very busy at that time, so you haven't read this document." Zhao Ling said, she has become the most capable female secretary around Qin Tao, and she has also collected many past documents. Look, you can say it directly!

Xu Zhengyang relaxed.

Qin Tao nodded. Originally, Goose Factory was founded with the intention of earning a wave of quick money to subsidize chip research and development tasks. However, Goose Factory was obviously unwilling to disappear in the subsequent Internet bubble. It continued to grow and grow, involving to various industries.

Automatic control is one of them. Whether it is a car or an airplane, this kind of system is needed. If they develop this kind of system, they will be able to grasp the future development trend. Moreover, they can also join forces and let them do the programming. , Godson will do the hardware, and SMIC will do the production. In this way, we have a complete industrial chain.

If the industry of the motherland wants to be strong, it cannot do without the chip industry.

"Isn't this a model airplane? Does it need an autopilot flight controller?" asked an officer watching.

Hearing this, Qin Tao smiled: "This thing is much more difficult than the technical difficulty of model airplanes. The whole process of model airplanes has to be controlled by radio, so once it leaves the range of the control system, it cannot be used. Our long-term A drone with a battery life can fly hundreds or even thousands of kilometers, do you think the aircraft model can be the same as it?"

These people still don't understand the role of drones in future wars. Although they have seen drones before, they are all pediatrics. Now, Qin Tao has to educate them.

"UAVs like ours can prefabricate the flight program, and the UAV will fly according to the predetermined route. Of course, this is not a simple flight program, it is very complicated. For example, give it a target range , it can fly autonomously and choose a suitable route by itself. For example, once the fuel consumption is almost exhausted, it can return home by itself. For another example, it can mount anti-tank missiles under its wings. When you want to attack the target, you can also take the initiative to attack."

Everyone's eyes widened.

Everything in the model airplane is controlled by remote control. If it leaves the range of remote control, it will be a fly without a head. But what about this kind of drone?Has it become intelligent?
"It can still attack?" Wu Shengli asked curiously.

"Of course, with such a large size, it is no problem to hang two anti-tank missiles under the wings. As long as the complicated program is compiled, it will not be a problem to realize the attack. Of course, in the future, the carrier-borne unmanned attack aircraft on the aircraft carrier It still needs to be specially developed, it has to be stealthy, just like the shape of the B-2 bomber, in the future era, without stealth, there is no way to come out and mix."

"Yeah, it's the era of stealth machines in the future, Mr. Qin, shouldn't we go and see the production line of stealth machines?"

Qin Tao brought everyone here, not just to see Guihang, which was changed from 011 base, nor just to see the drone in front of him. His most important purpose was to bring everyone to see the production line of Shuangyang Factory. !

He is a shipbuilder, and now he is starting to build airplanes. Mingzhou Group bought the Shuangyang Factory a long time ago, and then invested a large amount of money to complete the relocation of the Shuangyang Factory. The factory area is next to the Yunma Factory, but they belong to different companies. group.

The treatment, of course, is different.

The Yunma factory still has to develop its own research and development, and work hard to open up the market. Once the Shuangyang factory comes up, it will be able to produce the most advanced stealth machine!
The original factory director, Zhao Shunli, is still the factory director now, but there is another person on his head, Zhao Dangsheng, the person in charge sent by Mingzhou Group.

Zhao Dangsheng is an all-rounder. Compared with Prishakov, who only knows about technology, Zhao Dangsheng not only engages in military aircraft research and development, but also conducts publicity and sales. Now, he is also responsible for production.

As the top management of Shuangyang Factory, the two of them greeted Qin Tao and others together with several middle-level leaders.

"Old Zhao, how is the downsizing work in our factory going?" After coming up, Qin Tao asked.

Although both of them have the surname Zhao, they are of different ages. Speaking of Old Zhao, it must be Zhao Shunli.

"Mr. Qin, under the supervision of Comrade Zhao Dangsheng, our factory diverted 30.00% of the staff, and the remaining people are all elites. Please rest assured that our Shuangyang factory has gone through this slimming process and has gotten rid of it." What was bloated in the past has become full of vigor and vitality." Zhao Shunli said.

He still remembered that the last time Qin Tao came to check the situation on the production line on the spot, he found that the people from the logistics department could not operate the machine tools. That incident made him very embarrassed. Even if they were scolded, those idlers had to be shunted away.

After such a diversion, the Shuangyang factory is also full of vigor and vitality, and the bloatedness of the past has disappeared.

"Well, it's about the same." Qin Tao said: "The production task will come down soon, are our workers ready?"

"Yes, we are ready. After Comrade Zhao Dangsheng came, he has brought us a new standard. We are already practicing according to this standard. For example, the skin of the aircraft is now used They are all countersunk head rivets. Our technicians use the discarded aircraft skins, study hard and practice hard, and are now very proficient. There is also the processing of aluminum alloy structural parts, which requires higher precision, and we have also met the requirements. Now, the most important thing is the DSI inlet, we also introduced a special CNC machine tool, and our old master who operates the machine tool was specially sent to train for a period of time, Lao Wang is one of them."

Zhao Shunli is very clear about the changes in the factory, and he is more confident in his heart. Even if there is no production task for the J-31A, it is no problem for them to go to the international contract to receive passenger aircraft.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, you did a good job. The leaders of the Navy are very interested. Take our leaders to have a look."

"Mr. Qin, our factory is a [-]-square-meter constant-temperature factory. After the completion of this factory, it will immediately become the largest fighter jet production factory in the country." Speaking of these, Zhao Shunli was very emotional. It is good to enjoy the shade with the back of a big tree. !With the backing of Mingzhou Group, the relocation of their factory has become the envy of the entire industry.

A factory building of [-] square meters, who has seen it before!

After entering, the factory building could not be seen at a glance, and there were too many workstations. Wu Shengli and others were even more surprised to see that there was a computer next to each workstation!
Even if the Mingzhou Group has money, it can't be wasted like this. Who has seen so many computers on an aircraft production line?
"What are these computers used for?" Wu Shengli asked.

"Record, the number of the part, the number of the worker, the time of installation, etc., so that if there is an assembly problem, the specific responsible person can be traced immediately. This is how we improve the assembly quality of the aircraft. "

Get it on someone!

Needless to say, airplanes, in this era, even the installation and production lines of automobiles cannot be assigned to people. Therefore, in some factories that treat workers harshly, workers may deliberately not tighten the screws in order to vent their anger. Bad reputation, no one knows who did it anyway.

Now, Shuangyang Factory has realized this kind of ability, which is really unbelievable.

"There is a special computer room in the factory, and a special database is stored. Every part, from production or purchase to installation, will be recorded, and there are also various amounts of money in circulation." Zhao Shunli continued: "In this way, if If there is a problem in the procurement process, we will also hold the person accountable.”

For a large factory, procurement is also a very important link. It is well known that the purchasers are very rich.

However, here at Mingzhou Group, everything is eliminated. The procurement is through public bidding, and the parts with the lowest quotation are used. The legal department of the group will make this person spit out everything he ate, and spend his next life in prison.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. However, Mingzhou Group can only use perfect rules and regulations to reduce the probability of these bad things happening.

"Our other military enterprises also have to learn from the management experience of your Mingzhou Group." Wu Shengli said with emotion: "Many of our enterprises are bloated, and it is very difficult to transform. They have been losing money year after year, so they should Like you, drastic reforms will do."

"That's right, if there is no reform, there is only a dead end. However, many companies are hard to get back, and the resistance to reform is too great. It is better to go bankrupt."

"Hey, why are there still tracks here?" At this time, someone saw the tracks laid on the ground and asked curiously.

"That's right, our production line has preset tracks in advance, so that the aircraft can move. We call it a pulsating production line."

Get active?

For those present, this was something new.

At present, domestic aircraft production lines are all traditional. Once a station is determined, it will not move. It is the same as building a house. Workers come to cast the foundation, lay bricks, build the roof, and interior decoration. During the whole process, the outside It doesn't move, only the inside moves.

The same is true for the production of aircraft. You can see from the photos of those aircraft factories that some iron frames are erected next to each aircraft. Workers stand on the iron frames and assemble a part of the aircraft until the whole aircraft is finished. All assembled.

This model has been fixed since aircraft manufacturing. It is very traditional, but the speed is very slow.

At that time, cars were also produced in this way. Later, Ford first invented the assembly line, which greatly improved the speed of car assembly, making Ford a global factory.

The current aircraft production line should also be changed similarly to the assembly line!
Of course, there are still some differences between it and the automobile assembly line. Its flow speed will not be very fast. It may take several hours to install at one station before it flows to the next station.

"In traditional aircraft production, the installation progress of each station is different, and different installation workers have to flow among these stations, those who install the engine, those who install the avionics, and those who drive rivets, run back and forth. If the coordination is not appropriate, some workers will have nothing to do and have to wait. Now, we use this kind of assembly line, and each worker works in his own fixed position, which can greatly improve work efficiency."

After thinking for a while, Qin Tao gave a simple example: "If it used to take a month to produce a fighter, now it only takes half a month."

"That is to say, as long as one production line is running at full power, 24 aircraft can be produced a year?" A naval officer sighed.

"Yes. The initial run-in may be slower. When the run-in is over, we can achieve such a production efficiency. Moreover, our factory has only installed one production line now, but in the future, we can expand to three."

Even though the Mingzhou Group is strong, it has only installed one line now. After all, the investment in this thing is too large, but as long as it is produced in one year, the profits obtained can build a second production line, and then a third line.

If the three start working together, they will be able to produce 72 aircraft a year.

This is already a staggering number.

During World War II, the output of a fighter plane was tens of thousands. That was because the fighter planes of that era were very simple, and the production hours were similar to those of tanks. Now, the gap is much larger. Now the domestically produced J-[-] is only one or two a year. There were only ten planes. In the later period, the production line was added, and the annual output was expanded to forty planes.

That is still a third-generation aircraft, and the J-31A is a fourth-generation aircraft, so production is even slower.

It was precisely because they couldn't bear the slow production speed of the fourth-generation aircraft that the Americans introduced the pulsating production line for the first time in the world when they were working on the F-35. But now, Mingzhou Group has already launched this innovation.

Everyone's eyes brightened.

"Our navy has a high demand for this aircraft. After the production line is put into production, can we produce it for our navy first?" Wu Shengli asked.

In this sea test, the J-31A showed its power. As long as the opponent does not have a meter wave radar, its existence will not be discovered until it reaches the top of the head and opens the bomb bay.

Of course the navy wants such a good thing.

"Of course. For the first batch of this year's production, we plan to give a few prototypes to a few important customers. The Navy can also get a few. Let's try it out first. Our aircraft is jointly developed after all. The Navy can't jump in too much." Ugly."

"Yeah." Wu Shengli nodded. In fact, if you accept too much at once, the Navy doesn't have that much money.

"By the way, since it is officially equipped for our army, should this number be changed?"

No matter it is J-31 or J-31A, they are numbers given by Mingzhou Group themselves happily. Now that they are going to enter the navy sequence, of course they have to give a new number.

Qin Tao had talked to Mr. Lin about this matter before, but there was no further information after that. Now, seeing that the carrier-based model is about to enter service officially, of course it must have a serial number.

"Well, there should be a number, Taozi, what do you think is the most suitable number?"

"J-32 or J-35, which one does the Navy like?"

(End of this chapter)

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