Great warships

Chapter 656 Has the technology of the early warning aircraft regressed?

Chapter 656 Has the technology of the early warning aircraft regressed?

The meaning of these numbers, Mr. Lin guessed it all at once, it was to compare the X-32 and X-35, disgusting Americans, but Wu Shengli obviously didn't think so much, he just thought briefly, He nodded: "Then J-32, we have to follow the order."

Therefore, this carrier-based aircraft was officially finalized as the J-32. In the future, it will dominate the world and cause headaches for those with malicious intentions.

The production of the J-32 was formally produced after Qin Tao left. Zhao Dangsheng continued to be in charge here. Plesakov was still in charge of the research and development and continuous improvement and upgrading of several other models. Wu Shengli led Qin Tao , and non-stop to 603 and 172 factories.

Of course, these are all preparations for the next aircraft carrier. Next, the Navy will officially start construction of the second aircraft carrier. All kinds of preparations for the aircraft carrier must be prepared by Mingzhou Group.

As for the bidding of the Bincheng Shipyard, the big guys just need to see through it and not say it. It is clear that Qin Tao is here to accompany him. If there is only one factory of Mingzhou Group to bid, it is unreasonable.

The Bincheng Shipyard used to be the largest warship manufacturing plant in the country. It has produced many warships and also bid for destroyers. Now it continues to bid for aircraft carriers. This can be seen as fair and reasonable. The navy chooses the best.

On the warship, other items are almost the same, and now the early warning aircraft is missing.

The shipborne early warning aircraft project has been arranged for a long time, and the 603 Institute is also working tirelessly, and the progress is very good. This time, Wu Shengli just wants to take Qin Tao to take a look.

Qin Tao has been running around, and has not paid much attention to the early warning aircraft project in the past year.

When a group of people arrived at Office 603, Mr. Chen, who received the news, was already waiting at the door.

"Mr. Chen, you are moving very fast." After seeing Mr. Chen, Qin Tao said with a smile: "I heard that the prototype machine has been built?"

"That's right, the airframe has been built, and the early warning radar equipment is being installed in the workshop." Mr. Chen said, "Now, the research and development team of the early warning aircraft is also there to help. Leader Wu, President Qin, you are here to listen first." Listen to our report, or go directly to the workshop?"

"Of course it's the workshop, what's the use of listening to reports." Qin Tao said immediately.

So, a group of people went to the special early warning aircraft assembly workshop.

Zhao Ling looked out through the window. Since becoming Qin Tao's assistant, her life has been completely different from before. This new life filled her with a sense of freshness, and she also experienced a new kind of happiness.

Brother Tao is really amazing, he can do anything!No matter who it is, they seem to know him very well, and the gazes cast by the other party are all respect and even admiration.

She felt proud and proud of Qin Tao.

In the workshop, a group of people were busy. After Mr. Chen entered, he shouted: "Xiao Duan, Xiao Duan, don't be so busy. Leader Wu and President Qin are here."

Duan Yi climbed down from the scaffolding, walked over quickly, and looked at the people who came.

"Leader Wu, Mr. Qin, hello, our early warning aircraft has a very tight construction schedule, so we didn't go to meet you, don't be surprised, welcome to the site for inspection." Duan Yi stretched out his hand, intending to shake hands with the leader, but , his hands were full of dirt, and he planned to shrink back and wipe it on his clothes.

Wu Shengli has already held his hand: "Mr. Duan, you have worked hard. Our navy's fixed-wing early warning aircraft depends on you!"

Qin Tao has a smile on his face. The person in front of him looks only 40 to [-] years old, and he has already become the chief designer of this early warning aircraft. The research team is gradually getting younger!Only in this way can the development team be full of vigor and vitality.

"President Duan, have you been in charge of this project?" Qin Tao asked.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, at the beginning you gave everything to our 603 Institute. Mr. Chen couldn't get rid of the JH-[-] research, so I volunteered and stumbled to the present. I hope the test flight will go smoothly. Don't let you down expectations."

"Well, tell me about the airframe first." Qin Tao looked at the early warning aircraft in front of him, feeling very satisfied.

If you look at the shape, it is very similar to the E-2. There is nothing to say about it. After all, the Jacques 44 early warning aircraft is called the Hawkeye. based on improvements.

The straight wings, four vertical fins, and a large plate behind them are all similar, but there are also different details.

For example, the propellers are coaxially reversed, and the blades of the propellers look like a big knife, which looks very powerful and domineering.The nose is also slightly shorter.

"Mr. Qin, let me introduce the general parameters of the aircraft. The length of this aircraft is 18 meters and the wingspan is 25 meters. Of course, the wings can be folded to facilitate access to the hangar. After the radar and electronic equipment are installed, You can keep the weight around 25 tons."

The empty weight is equivalent to the total weight of the E-2. There is no way to do this. After all, there is still a gap between our own technology and the United States. However, compared with the weight of the Yak-44, it is much lighter.

"After being filled with fuel and personnel, its total weight can be kept at about [-] tons, which can be regarded as a satisfactory completion of the design index, and there is no overweight phenomenon."

At the time of planning, it was aimed at a total weight of [-] tons, but now it has been successfully completed.

"At the same time, we use the D227 engine you provided for its engine. Under normal circumstances, we only need to use about [-] horsepower. If an engine suddenly shuts down unexpectedly during take-off, then , the other engine will quickly reach the maximum power of [-] horsepower, so that it can continue to take off successfully, and then go around and land."

The power of the engine is a bit too high. This is a disadvantage and an advantage. After all, taking off and landing on an aircraft carrier is very dangerous, and various accidents can happen at any time. The people in the early warning aircraft cannot be ejected like fighter jets.

"Has the mapping and imitation of the engine started?" Qin Tao asked.

At the beginning, he obtained ten units, eight of which were used to equip four early warning aircraft, and the remaining two were intended to be copied by surveying and mapping. If the navy wants to do it, there will still be a lot of needs in the future. In addition to the early warning aircraft, there must be transport aircraft. Anti-submarine aircraft, etc. At the same time, this engine is powerful and can also be used to replace other land-based transport aircraft.

"President Qin, there are currently two voices in China, one is direct surveying and mapping imitation, and the other is self-designed, improved with modern technology, which can be more powerful than this engine." Chen Lao said.

"Direct surveying and mapping imitation is not shameful, and it can be imitated and then improved." Qin Tao said: "We don't have so much time to do self-research and design by ourselves. Can we make it in ten years? At that time, our domestic aircraft carriers will start two or three What should I do if I can’t produce an early warning aircraft without an engine?”

Qin Tao is a staunch imitation school of surveying and mapping, because he knows in his heart how much time will be wasted if he wants to do his own research.

He simply didn't have the time to wait, and neither did the army. Let's do the mapping and imitation first!Improvements are for later.

Just like Turbofan Fifteen, imitate it first, then talk about improvement, first solve the problem of whether it exists, and then talk about improvement!

"Boss Qin is right, let's imitate it first." Wu Shengli also nodded: "We can imitate it before we talk about other things. It's like our turbofan fifteen, which can be used now, and turbofan ten is still available." It's experimenting."

Comparing the two, it is more obvious that Qin Tao was wise at the beginning, and directly bought a full set of turbofan 32 technology, and now it has become the most reliable power for the J-11. Looking at the turbofan [-], this engine is related to the J-[-] The localization of the ten and J-[-] fighters has not been finalized for a long time. Although it has been equipped with the dual-engine J-[-] for test flights, it is said that there are too many problems to count.

Therefore, imitation is necessary.

"Yes, Leader Wu, President Qin, I will pass on your opinions." Duan Yi said: "Now, this plane is being installed, and I can't invite you to take a look inside. Otherwise, I will give it to you here." Continue to introduce?"

"Is the mushroom plate installed?" Qin Tao asked, pointing to the big disc on the top of the early warning aircraft.

"Yes, the mushroom pan was installed three days ago. Now, we are mainly doing the finishing work of the mushroom pan, as well as the internal equipment installation."

At this moment, another person jumped down from inside. He wiped off his sweat, then looked at Qin Tao and the others with a smile.

"Old Wang?" Qin Tao looked at the person who came down in surprise: "Are you here too?"

"I just came here a few days ago. A few days ago, I was also on the early warning aircraft during the test at sea. Your J-31A has a very good performance. Our early warning aircraft..." Wang Lao stopped when he said this. Stopped, looked around, and then said: "Let's talk about our early warning aircraft. Due to the limitations of the airframe, its performance is definitely not as good as our Air Police 2000."

"That's for sure. Our navy doesn't intend to expect its performance to be better than the strategic early warning aircraft." Qin Tao said: "Its main task is to search for low-altitude flying targets and help the navy better deal with sneak attacks."

Mr. Wang nodded: "Yes, so when we designed it, we deliberately strengthened its low-altitude search capability. Of course, because it was assembled later, we used the more advanced Godson-2000. It is taller, with more advanced manufacturing process and lower calorific value, despite the small capacity of its equipment compartment, its processing capacity has already reached half of that of Air Police [-]!"

Over the past few years, Mr. Ni and the others have been working tirelessly. There is still a certain gap between Godson-[-] and the world's advanced level. Number three, it's time to surpass!
At present, Loongson-[-] has not landed on the market in large quantities. However, many scientific research institutions and military products have already begun to use this most advanced processor. Not weak!
"Mr. Duan, there is something wrong with our rotating shaft!" At this moment, a technician above shouted.

Zhao Ling was taken aback by these words: "Isn't the radome of our Air Police 2000 fixed? How come it's about to rotate on our carrier-based aircraft? Isn't this method long behind?"

This sentence was just blurted out, and after she finished speaking, Zhao Ling felt a little embarrassed again: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I just..."

"Our AWACS is going to be on the ship, so it can't be compared with land-based aircraft." Qin Tao explained to Zhao Ling: "Our land-based AWACS doesn't need to consider issues such as weight and power consumption, so it can It doesn’t matter if you spend money on a three-sided phased array. However, if our carrier-based early warning aircraft is also equipped with a three-sided phased array, there will be a lot of things stuffed into the radome, and the weight will increase, and the power consumption will increase. It is even more amazing, we also made the choice after going through trade-offs."

"Mr. Qin, how did you know?" Elder Wang was very curious. He remembered very clearly that after Qin Tao handed over the matter to the relevant person in charge, he acted as a shopkeeper and never looked at it.

"I analyzed it." Qin Tao replied simply.

"Yes." Wang Lao nodded: "Boss Qin's analysis is too correct. The radar used by our carrier-based early warning aircraft is really difficult for us. Originally, we planned to design a three-sided phased array radar, but the calculation After overweight, we gave up. Although the search effect of the three-sided fixed radar is better, and the design of the airframe also provides us with sufficient margin, we are also afraid that if it lands, the landing hook will Did you catch the arresting wire, and the big plate on the top flew out?"

If the large plate is too heavy, such a thing may happen, even if they have calculated it well, if they continue to reinforce it, it will pay more structural weight.

"So you turned the three-sided phased array into one-sided?" Zhao Ling asked.

"Yes, the three-sided phased array used to be three sectors, each responsible for a 120-degree airspace. The current single-sided phased array is in the center, like a pole. In this way, even if the diameter of the radome is smaller , the distance between the two ends of its array is not small, so that the detection distance is far enough." Wang Lao said.

(About the method of this single-sided phased array radar, some say it is on one side of the disk, and some say it is on the diameter of the center of the disk. I personally feel that one side is not possible. It is unbalanced when rotating, or Let’s introduce it according to the diameter in the center. The three sides are too heavy and consume too much electricity, so it is definitely not suitable.)
"Fortunately, our 052B uses the single-sided phased array radar rotation method, so it can be used on many softwares, which greatly improves our development speed." Wang Lao said: "Horizontal mechanical scanning, vertical scanning Electric scanning is also a project plan approved by the Navy. Of course, if necessary, our large plate can also be fixed to conduct comprehensive detection in a certain direction."

The way of rotation slows down the refresh rate of data. If you find a special target in a certain direction and need to strengthen the detection, then stop the big plate, which is similar to a balance beam.

"Compared with the American E-2 early warning aircraft, our early warning aircraft has an overall advantage." Mr. Wang said proudly that this kind of carrier-based early warning aircraft cannot be compared with land-based strategic early warning aircraft. It may be compared with the same carrier-based early warning aircraft. At present, there is only one type used in the world: the American E-2C. This early warning aircraft is not only equipped with the US Navy, but also equipped with other countries and regions. David People are using it, and the French have to use it on the Charles de Gaulle, even on the opposite side.

Therefore, the early warning machine in front of you must be compared with the one on the opposite side.

"First of all, the American early warning aircraft uses purely mechanical scanning, while ours uses horizontal mechanical scanning and vertical electronic scanning. Secondly, the American early warning aircraft uses pulse Doppler processing technology, and we use STAP space-time adaptive processing , The signal processing technology and capability have been greatly improved; In addition, we have replaced all electronic tube devices such as the klystron transmitter on the radar machine with solid-state devices, realizing all-solid-state, all-digital, and reduced power consumption. Improved performance."

When this early warning aircraft enters service, it will become the most advanced carrier-based early warning aircraft in the world!

"Although we are late in research and development, we will definitely surpass our opponents in terms of technology." Qin Tao said: "Just like the Navy's Aegis warship, the active phased array we use is one generation ahead of our opponents. To lead this era."

"That's right, the technology of our radar is very advanced, and we have also added the ability of special key sector extended range search and high maneuvering target tracking." Speaking of the performance of this early warning aircraft, Mr. Wang is very proud.

"Extended-range search is to increase the detection distance and probability of some targets that are far away, have strong stealth performance, and are difficult to be found, that is to say, increase the search beam in this direction. High-mobility target tracking means that once the radar When a suspicious target is found in a certain area during a routine search, this area will be focused on. In the past, the radar made a circle and only scanned this area once in ten seconds. Now it takes two seconds or even one second to scan the area. Scan once, on the console, we call it focus mode, the most important thing is that these are fully automatic, relying on our Godson 2 processor, we can do this.”

Zhao Ling's eyes were completely opened. At the same time, Zhao Ling also understood the significance of Qin Tao's involvement in various industries over the years. If Qin Tao hadn't set foot in the chip industry, then the army would not have such advanced chips to improve electronic warfare. ability!
"Excuse me, will I face electromagnetic interference and other problems with these civilian chips?" Zhao Ling suddenly thought of something and asked.

She is a missile maker. When manufacturing, she paid special attention to the problem of electromagnetic interference. The circuits used are all specially designed. Now, is it okay to directly use civilian chips?Zhao Ling was a little worried.

"Although it is a civilian chip, we use a special shielding box outside. Ordinary electromagnetic interference is ineffective against it. If you encounter an electromagnetic pulse bomb on the battlefield, then any chip will not be able to withstand it, unless it is like an old chip. Maozi uses electron tubes like that." Wang Lao continued to explain.

"The old man has been preparing for a nuclear war. The old man really wants to fight, and the West really doesn't want to fight." Qin Tao said with emotion.

Lao Maozi's military industry has always been preparing for war, even nuclear war, but not in the West. The sophisticated electronic equipment in the West will be easily destroyed in a nuclear war.

Who is right and who is wrong?This has no conclusion at all. In short, our side must develop advanced electronic technology, and it is not enough to rely on electron tubes alone.

Moreover, electromagnetic pulse bombs will not appear on the battlefield under normal circumstances, otherwise, it will open Pandora's box, just like the poison gas warfare of World War I, both the enemy and us will use it, and finally the big guys will be together It's over.

"President Qin, what you said is really incisive. Now, the West is claiming that if someone uses electromagnetic pulse bombs in a war, it is equivalent to using nuclear bombs, and they will use nuclear bombs to launch a counterattack." Wang Lao said.

Just like the way our own side has ballistic missiles to attack aircraft carriers, some people are afraid, so they will claim that using such weapons is equivalent to using nuclear bombs.

Qin Tao smiled and said, "Old Wang, you have won the prize. By the way, I have another idea, which can improve the technology of our early warning aircraft. It's just that it can't be realized now, and we have to wait for the future."

"what idea?"

"The T/R components of our phased array radar are directly attached to the side and front and rear of the fuselage, which will cause the least damage to our aerodynamic layout and greatly improve flight stability."

"President Qin, what you are talking about is a conformal antenna." Mr. Wang immediately concluded: "This technology requires further development of the performance of our processing system. After all, the position of each component is different. To process their signals together, the amount of calculation required will be further increased, estimated to be more than ten times the current one."

Conformal antennas, or smart skin patches, can attach T/R components to the required parts of the aircraft. There are many benefits. However, each position is different, and the time of electromagnetic wave transmission and reception is different. How to deal with it It is very troublesome.

"It still depends on our chip." Qin Tao said, "Don't worry, we have the magic weapon of Moore's Law. Within ten years, or even five years, our chip processing speed should be able to meet this requirement."

"In this way, our early warning aircraft will have the same shape as a transport aircraft, and the concealment will be better." Wu Shengli said.

Speaking of transport planes, Qin Tao also thought of something: "How is our transport [-] doing?"

"Yuntwenty is next door, and a prototype has already been built." Wang Lao said: "Old Tang has been in charge there."

"Prototype? Isn't it a paperless operation? I remember that they have purchased a large number of computers. Do they still need to make wooden prototypes?" Qin Tao was a little surprised.

"It's not a wooden prototype, but a physical prototype. It can also be called an all-metal prototype. After all, this is the first time they have made such a big thing." Wang Lao said.

The 603 Institute was the first unit to use paperless design. This is how the JH-[-]A was created. The assembly and the like were all realized on the computer. However, Yun [-] is a big guy after all. , decided to make a prototype first.

(End of this chapter)

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